Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 15, 1899, Image 4

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Suffers a Stroke of Apoplexy
Shortly Hcfore Noon.
Ilul Kulcrrcl thtt 1'littrunu to I)llver An
Allr-HR nt th Mrnlrrn Witoilmra !'!
11 lo at Itrownville Wli-n Nlrlrkrn III
Cane rroiiounri il S-Mou Hy tun Phy
Slolim. BkoW-NVILLK, Neb., Aug. 15. (Spe
cial to This News.) Senator M. L.
llayward was overcome by a stroke of
apoplexy in thid city (shortly before 12
o'clock today. Tho senator had been
ongajjod to make an ;tddrenrf at the
Modern Woodmen picnic and just as
ho etepp d upon tho platform ho fell
back unconnciouH. IIo was c-irriod
from tho grounds and at 1 o'clock was
still unconscious. Tho doctors vho
wero summoned to tho assistance of
tho btricken man have yravo doubts
about his recovery. Mrs. llayward
wa immediately notified ami, with her
Bon and daughter, left Nebraska City
on a spocial train for Ilrownvillo. The
senator's nllliction has cast a gloom
over tho town and the festivities at
tho picnic have ceased.
(iunil yrn.ii'(-t of Mint 4 In W hl ti I'htttn
moutli l''(l Art I ii I ercs nl.
It will bo remembered that when
Dr. Strntton was in tho city luot win
tor he was interested in some gold
minos in Oregon and sold about 10,
000 shares to I'lat'.-m'uth people.
The following from tho 15aker City
(Ore.) Kepubliean in regard to these
mines will be of interest lo those
holding shares:
"Auburn was once a town of 10,000
busy miners. Its yield of placer gold
was phenomenal. The source of this
gold has long been a question among
mining men, and much prospecting
has been doue to determine its point
Last fall Portland's noted educator.
Dr. Stratton, took hold of a group of
prospects situated at the head of Blue
cannon nud California gulch. Cabins
were built and development prosecuted
with vigor. As a result two veins of
gold bearing ore have been opened
up which show ore bodies eight and
ten feet wide, enclosed in well defined
walls of porphyry. Dr. Stra'ton be
lieves the veins to bo the source .of the
placer gold which made Auburn
famous, lie is now engage running a
hundred-foot tunnel on one claim and
is sinking a hundred-foot shaft on tho
other, and expects to show up a 'world'
beater.' Should the assay tests from
a largo batch of, samples now being
made in the laboratory of Wallace &
Hart of this city prove satisfactory,
plans for the erection of a mill will be
drawn. Mr. Wallace, who returned
from an examination of. the. property
last evening, when interviewed by a
Republican man, expressed much sur
prise that bodies of ore such as these,
lying almost at tnadoorstopsof Baker
City residences, 6houIil so long have
remained undisturbed.- 'Truly the
half has not been told of the wonder
ful mineral wealth of Eastern Oregon.
Gradually, but surely, our people are
waking up to the fact that the yellow
metal surrounds us on every side and
needs only the will, the muscle and
the energy to bring it to light." '
Following is tho range of prices on
the Chicago board of trade today, as
furnished by M. S. Briggs, commis
sion merchant:
r n
- ( O "
3 5 . .
ept 7i V4 71 U 70! s 70'4A.
Dec 73-; 7:r-3 th 2H
May 7tfs3 TrH., 7o,Ji
Sept 'i :mi :Wi 30j.
Dec L'.t -IS'a
May afc -'H's 3iB
Sept 19' 19 S 19-i 19' i
Dec 19'i l'.ss Hi 19',
May 'X'i Jl! JlJ-i
Sept 8.25 H.27 :s.22
Dec s . :ir s.;s7 " 27 Is. 30
Lard I
Sept T.20 5.20 5.15 5 15
Oct 5.27 15.27 15.20 5.20
Short Ribs
Sept 5.00 5.02 4.97 U 97
Oct 5.Q7 5.irj 5(r2
Pleasantly Surprised.
A pleasant surpriso party was given
last evening in honor of Jesse' Ferry
at his homo. The evening was spent
in games and social conversation until
a late hour, after which bounteous re
freshments were served.
Those present were:" "Messrs. and
Mesdames R. M. Dutigan, Charlie
Hiatt, Eddie Todd. John Burley;
Misses Anna Critchfield, Dora
Worden, Lizzie Stultz, Mertie
Shaw, Daisy Perry, Jessie Shaw, Myr
tlo Worden, Susie Krohler, Lizzie
Krohler, Perraelia Newland, Edna
Warren, Margaret Warren; Messrs
Oliver Hudson, Ira Gorham, Bluebell.
Lon Stultz, Herbert Sherwood, Tim
Todd and Joe Perry. ' '
Card of Thauka.
We desire to return our heartfelt
thanks to the many friends and to the
members of the Woodmen of the
World, the members of the Turn
verein and to the gentlemen who
took such good care of our beloved
husband, father and brother. Their
acts of kindness will never be for
gotten. Mrs. O. Gctiimann-,
' F. II. Gi'thmajjx,
Mits. J. V. Weckbacii,
Mrs. B. IIemple,
Mhs. P. Kauest.
" for Sale.
Five-room house, six lots, two num
ber one well9. .Fruit and shade. $G50.
Reasonable terms." Soe Frank Davis.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Cigar clippings, 30 cent per pound
at II. Spiou.
Shlnn'a cafe and fruit stand, Perkins
houbo block.
Ico cream flavored with extracts, Ho
cento per quart at Holloway's.
A new thing an extension step
ladder at Ehinfer Hardware Com
pany. Mound Citv Diiint. All colors. Best
on earth. A. W. Atwood, the drug
gibt sells it.
The Ebingor Hardware Company
carry a full lino of tho celebrated
Lauden hay tools.
John Skoumal is building a largo
addition to his residence nt tho rorner
of Locust street and Maiden- Lane.
Full lino of Quick Meal gasoline and
Blue Flamo oil stoves at Ebinger
Hardware Co., at reasonable prices.
Dr W. C Dean, dentist, 400, 410,
MeCugue building, northwest corner
of Fifteenth nml Dodge ttro.. t,Ouifc.ha.
Ivan (i. tt ynolds ard Mi?s Ella
Hie, both a-ed tw-n'y-five, of Ne
hawka, won: g ;.!ited a liceie to wed
F. J. Cttttoys-n, tho tdiocmaker on
South Fourth sticet, does first-class
workr (live him a trial and bo con
vinced. Tho Ebinger Hardware company is
agent lor tho Monmouth filter and
water cooler. Tho finest, thing out.
See them.
For S tlo A llemington typewriter,
No. 2. Is in good repair and has been
used but little. Inquire at tho olice
of C. S.' Polk.
When you want to -mui a 10-eent
cigar try Otto WurlV's. i vcr Wrotith"
union-made you inn fimi n 1er
on the market.
A platform dauce will be given at
Cedar Creek S turday evening by W.
II. Hicks and Philip Keil and a fine
-I time is anticipated.
James L. Walker, a conservatory
graduate, instructor on piano and or
gan, also in voice culture. Booms in
the Kockwood block.
The "Gut HeLl" 5-cent cigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union made. For sale by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
Ballard's Snow Liniment gives in
stant relief in cases of bleeding,burns,
bruises,6Calds.,out-,ele. Pi ico 125 and
oOc. F. G. Fricke &. Co
Try tho 'Stag be-....' - king puits.
Better wear, b-'u : li . it. re comfort,
more value; crt to rr ihan inferior
goods 85 cent,.-. F. . !)' ! Co.
Anton Uudei)k h id opened a tailor
shoD over Morgan's eothing rtore.
All work guara.iU d t- lisffctoi y.
Speciil attention t repa.riug.
The Q Z soi:"ey s:eld h business
and social meeting the home of
Mrs. WM Slrciirht .asv evening. Nice
refreshments w-. re -e vd and the
evening was pleasutUiy frpt-nt.
There will bo a lawn social at the
home of Thomas Wiles on Tuesday
evening, August 15, for the benefit of
the Mission band. Ice cream will bo
served from 4 to 10 o'clock. Every
body invited.
Plattsmouth is known as the best
cigar town in the state of Nebraska
There are a number of brands made in
the town, one of the best of which is
the Exquisite, manufactured by. II
Spies, S04 Main stieet.
The nronertv on Vine street which
A. E. Gass recently purchased of C. F.
Stoutenborough is being remodeled
and will soon present the appearance
of an entirely new building. It is be
ing converted into a square cottage.
John P. Sattler came down town
this morning wearing a broad smile.
and when questioned about it he gave
out the information that he was now
the father of eight children, his wife
having presented him with agirl baby
last night.
Where the digestion is good, and
tne general powers of tno system m a
healthy state, worms can find no habi
tation in the human body. White's
Cream Vermifuge not only destroys
every worm, but corrects all derange
ments of the digestive organs. Price
25c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Word has been received from J. M
Patterson, who was called to the bed
side of a sister in Pennsylvania, to
the effect that the latter is much im
proved in hetlth. Mr. Patterson and
daughter, Miss Edith, will accompany
the invalid to the seashore for a short
stay before they return home.
The eighteen-montbs-old child of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ballance of Lincoln
died at 0 o'clock last night after an
illness of two weeks and will be
brought to this city fer burial at 10:30
tomorrow. Services will be held at
the Episcopal church immediately af
ter tho arrival of the train and enter
ment will be made in Oak Hill ceme
tery Charles T. Dbb is home from his
trip down the Missouri river, having
left here in company with Fred Black
about three months ago in a house
boat. They have been taking their
time to it, stopping at St. Joe, Atchi
son and .eaven worth. -At the latter
place Charles got sick from being on
the river so much and was obliged to
come home, leaving Fred in charge of
the craft.
Peter N igel, at one time a resident
of this city, but now of Lincoln, was
visiting friends in the city yesterd;t3'.
This being his first visit in Platts
mouth for fourteen years he could, see
many changes. Mr. Nagel and his
brother conduct a German paper in
Lincoln, the Freie Presse, which is
one of the leading German papers in
the United States, having a circula
tion of 80,000.
The I kuiiI Amount of ICoutlue ICaxliifixi
In llKponril Of.
The city council held the first moot
ing in August at toe council chamber
labt night with all members present
and Mnyor Itichey in the chair.
It will b3 remembered that at a
previous meeting tho clerk read a
communication from tho Woonsockot
Savings institution, in which they set
up the claim that this city was in
debted to them some $300 in interest
on some bonds. The clerk was or
dered to communicate with Kuntze
Bros., the city's financial agents in
New York, and has since received an
answer from them. Kunlze Bros,
acknowledge receiving tho money
with which to pay tho interest from
II. RGering, then citv treasurer, but
do not explain why it was not puid.
Further coinmuncation will bo neces
sary to straighten tho matter up.
Superintendent J. G. Mcllugh and
members of the school board wero in
at tendance at tho meeting and brought
up tho matter of extending tho water
mains to tho Columbian school house
in order that the building might have
protection from fire. It was referred
to tho firo and wator committee for in
vestigation. Sutler suggested that it would be a
good plan lo reserve six lots in West
Oik Hill cemetery for a square. The
plan was adopted.
Lutz of the fire and water committee
said that ho had heard much com
plaint abnut the condition of the city
water. Hi h id looked into the cause
and could find nothing wrong except
that the water in the settling barins
was covered with a scum.
Nothing was done in regard to the
removal of the bell tower and hoso
house. The lowest bid yet received
was $:U0.
The residence preperty near the gas
house was reported to bo in bad con
dition, and the matter of making re-oeas-iry
repairs was referred to the
gas and light ommittee with pjwor
to act.
An extra arc light hits b-en ordered
for each ward and tho location desig
nated as follows: Firnt ward, Sixth
and Dey streets; Second ward. Ninth
street and W.- shington avenue; Third
wvrd, near Columbian echco1; Kifth
ward, top of hill on Dyke street. The
Fourth ward light has not been lo
cated. Tho finance committee returned a
batch of claims against the city which
wero read by the clerk, and SattL-r
made a motion that they be allowed.
Hinshaw amended the motion to ex
cept the claim of It. O. Fellows for
$40.90, additional pay for printing
election noti :e. Tho amendment was
lost by the following vote:
Ays Fitzgerald, Messerpmith, Lutz
(Fifth), II11 shaw 4.
Nays Buttc rv, IleroId.Lutz (Third),
Beal, Sattier, Whalen 6.
Tho following claiius were allowed
J McMaken. street work $ 13 50
L Kildow, same
Jesse Scott, same
William Taylor, same
F G Kritke 8c Co, merchandise
W A Boyer. July services
Pete Liudsey, street work
B & M railway, freight
John Gingery, street work
Lehnhoff Bros, labor
24 65
2 70
21 65
60 00
1 G3
16 Si
3 40
Plattsmouth Water Co, water to power
house 2:
Andy Smith, drayage
I Emerson, service at power house 50 00
Weckbach & Co, coal 115 51
flans Rathmann, street work 2 2
P J Hansen, salary
Claus Boetel, street work
Public library, expense
Charles Piper, street work
William Gingery, same
Al O'Neill, same
T Patridge, same
W Anthony, hauling dead animal
J J Swoboda, street work
John Waterman, lumber
J H Moore, labor
F M Rirhey, lumber
William Hassler, blacksmithing ,
40 00
19 20
30 50
4 50
9 00
IS )
1 0:
40 l;s
76 54
17 40
M Sheldon, street work 20 70
R O Fellows, advertising 40 90
M Archer, uncollected fees..."". 20 25
J Fitzpatrick, salary 40 00
Nebraska Telephone Co, toll tarifl 2 70
W W Slater, salary SO 00
T T Fry. salary 40 00
A large amount of street work was
Uerold thought the council ousht to
have a copy o' the compiled statutes
He had understood it could bo secured
free and the clerk was instructed to
get a copy on thoue terms, if possiole.
The city clerk was ordered to adver
tise for bids for printing.
A resolution was aaoptea giving
merchants the right to extend their
show-windows out over the sidewalk
eighteen inches.
There being no further business
council adjourned.
Kfll From a. lSitrn.
Johnnie, the ten-year-old son of Mat
Willken, while assisting his father in
tearing the roof from a barn yesterday
afternoon, fell to the ground and
broke his wrist. Dr. Rob Livingston
was called and set the broken member
and the lad is now getting along ail
right. This family is very unfortu
nate about getting their arms broken,
the father and each one of the children
having met with a similar mi-fortune.
Kepublicitn Committee Meet In sr.
There will be a meeting of the re
publican county central committee at
Weeping Water on August 10, al I p.
m. All members are nereny notified
to be present. M. M. Butli.r,
The Turner Picnic.
On account of the heavy rain the
picnic to have been given by tne
Turners last Sunday at Nick Halmes'
grove was postponed to next Sunday,
August 20. Everybody is invited to
attend and spend a pleasant afternoon.
The members of the Plattsmouth
Turnverein are requested to meet at
their hall Wednesday evening kat 8
The News prints the news.
J. M. Johns spent tha day in Omaha.
T. F. Wiles made a trip lo Omaha
this morning.
Captain O. II. Allen of Wabash is a
viitor in the city today.
Miss Kuth Philippi of Omaha is tho
guest of Miss Louiso Whito.
Charles itichey and wife have re
turned from a trip to Denver.
H. M . Soennichson went to Omaha
to buy some goods this morning.
Mrs. Fred Lyon of Glen wood, la., is
tho guest of Mrs. C. W. Sherman.
Captain George Sheldon was meet
ing Plattsmouth friends last evening.
Mayor F. M. Itichey and Sam Shu
maker were b isincss visitors iu Omaha
Misses Eva and lluth Sayles of ltes, has a reputation for excellent but
Cedar Creek wero Plattsmouth visit- ! ter, says Tit-Bits, and the dueal brand
ors t -j day.
Henry Heroid will go to St. Louis
Saturday to lay in his fall and winter
stock of goods.
I'M Frey, who conducts a cigar fac
tory in lied Oak, la., was visiting
Plattsmouth friends today.
I. J. Holmes, tho Nehawka livery
man iiceompanied by George and Dick
Itt-y 1, olds, was attending to business in
town today.
John Tighe, ex-deputy sheriff of
C;iss county, and who is now in the
grain business in Manley, was greeting
old fi lends in tho city today.
Misn Geno McLennan of Lincoln re
turned to her tiome today after a
pleasant visit of several d:ys with
Mis-) Minta Mauzy and other fiiends.
II. F. Taylor, one of the prominent
and substantial farmers from near
Union, was iu the city on busines to
day and favored TiiK News office with
a call.
Mrs. II. 11. Lyon of Glenwood, la,
passed through the city today enroute
to Ashland to visit her daughter, Mrs.
J. 15. LaChapelle. She made a short
stop iu this city.
Ti;i.i:c.K Ai'inc busk s.
Contributions to the Djwey home
now amount to 1S,oo0.
Earthquake shocks, with torrential
rains, have been reported from Portu
(?! The cig.irm:tkers' lockout at Tampa,
Fl :., ha been declared off and all fac
tories are at work.
The ten regiments for tho Philip
pines !iow completely eimstta wun
the exception of eighty men.
Natural g;is in great quantities his
been s'ruck near Murcanline, la. Tho
vein is 170 feel below the surf.iC-'.
Tho torpedo boat Fox,buiit by Wolff
& Zjwicker, on the Pacific coast, has
been accepted by the government.
Harper Rrothers announce that the
price of H irper's Magazine will here
after be 2-5 cents inslnad of 3 cenis, as
P. J. MeCormick, a wealthy mining
m-5n, has put up $1,000 to gunrauteo a
side bet up to $5,000 to back Gus
liuhlin against the winner of the Jef
fries-Sharkey fight.
Walter Holmes had his right hand
badly crushed while at work this
week. The back cf tho band was
burstwd open. The 'nana had gotten
under a heavy piece of iron. Have
leek Times.
The Burlington railroad will make
a rate of 75 cents for the round trip 10
Omaha Saturday on account of the
Jf.cksonian picnic. W. J. Bryan will
bo in attendance and a number of the
faithful from here will attend.
I li-Ht-t'lBss Tuiloriiiff.
If you wttrit to have a suit of clothes
or a pair trousers made by a reliable
tailor, c;a!1 on J. C. Ptak iu tho Leon
ard block, second floor. You should
see his iiue assortment of fall and win
ter woolens. All work dor.e by him is
guaranteed in every respect. No work
goes out of his shop unles- it is satis
factory and it won't cost much more
to have your work done by him than
it would bv cas:ern so called custom
made ('n swea' '-lionj. ) C:oaning and
repairing given p-ompt attention.
Special K.x t muiat ion.
A so c:al exrm. nation for teachers'
certificate:- will b held at Elm wood
Tuesday ana Wednesday, August 29
and 30.
Pupils wishing to t -ke th? examina
tion for s'udents" certificates for free
attend! noo at public hijib school may
present themselves at this time.
George Lt-Farley,
County Superintendent.
Hammocks this year are both varied
and numerous in design, and also,
which is pleasant news, very reason
able in price. Those of colored twins
are perhaps more pleasant and com
fortable for lying in than tho rougher
hemp, and just as strong. They are
wider, less given to tipping and depos
iting their burden on the grass or ver
anda floor, and better balanced than
As there is nothing so conducive to
perfect comfort on a hot summer's
day than a pleasantly hung hammock,
no one should go to the country with
out one. In the shops they are show
ing tiny ones for babies, and many
doctors advocate letting the little ones
sleep in a properly hung hammock
during the warm nights, on the theory
that they are more healthful than over
heated cribs, with hair mattress and
feather pillows.
Tents are displayed of all kinds and
descriptions. To those in possession of
a large lawn or golf link3 tents placed
here and there are oases in a sun
baked stretch. Many swinging chairs
are fashioned somewhat like tents.and
are considered quite a boon for grand
father or grandmother.
Wo are agents frr DildulT's
confectionery. There is
nothing finer male If you
want eoaielhirg re:il fin",
call on us.
The duke of Northumberland, the
heir of all the Percys, with a direct de-
1 scent from one of William I's favor-
is in great demand within a radius of
many miles from Lyon House, Brent
ford. The most uoble the marquis of Rl
pon hus an ideul dairy at his seat,
Studley Royal; and Its products, yH
Iow butter and delicious cream, are
sold in two dairy shops, one In Leeds
and the other at RIpon.
Another marquis still better known
in the world of trade is Lord London
derry, whose coal is as unimpeachable
as his family escutcheon. Time was
when the earl of Hardwieke, as Vis
count Royston, was a cigar merchant.
He has now transferred his energies
to Capel Court and is half stock broker
and half newspaper owner,
The earl of Harrington supplements
his income from 13,000 acres by the
profits of a green grocery shop at Char
ing Cross, to which the fruits and
vegetables grown at his Derby seat, Kl
vaston Castle, find their way.
The earl of Ranfurly has for many
years been an active and successful
fruit grower at Moldura, Victoria. His
farm there is the envy and pride of the
fruit colony, and its condition is due
very largely to the earl's own personal
work on it.
The seventeenth earl of Caithness
has been literally nursed as a farmer,
and is prouder of his American ranch,
covering over twenty square miles, the
fruit of his years of hard work, than
of his earl's coronet.
The last earl of Seafield was a bailiff
and small farmer in New Zeal and, and
his successor, the young earl of today,
is also engaged in industrial pursuits
at Oamaru.
The late Viscountess Hanipd n, when
he was released from the exacting post
of speaker of the house of commons,
turned his attention to milk anil but
ter, ''and his Glynue dairy was noted
for its excellence.
Lord Rayleigh, the great scientist
and brother-in-law to Mr. A. J. Bal
four, takes as much interest in milk as
in argon and the doing3 of the Royal
II rbinc is well ad .pted to the cure
of fever of all kinds, bec iur-c it thor
oughly cleanses the stom ih and bow
els of all bilious humors, and expel
all imoure secretions of the oJy.
Price 50c. F G. Fricke & Co.
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Martin Mahoney,
Jno. Mahoney, Maggie M 'han, las. Mahonty,
Thos. Mahoney, Julia Elder, Anna Meckel,
Mack Mahoney, Neliie Mahoney, Nina Mahoney
and Cornelius, Julia, Mary, Grace and .Arthur
Mahonev. minors, and all other persons inter
ested in said matter are hereby notified that on
the 14th day ot August, !W, George .Meeker,
administrator of said estate, hied in -aid court
his petition asking tor an order of said court au
thorizing him to accept from Aaion C. I.nder, as
former guardian ol Ann and Martin Mahoney.
incompetent, in full settlement ot all claims and
demands ot the estates ol tne said Ann Manoney
and Martin Mahoney, against the guardian
Aaron O. Loder, the sum of l, h; OU and a con
vevance of the E '4 of the N W 11 of section 0
township it. range 10, east, in Cass county, Ne
braska, lhat by the order ol said court duly en
tered on the 14th day of August. A. I), lhy.i. :
hearing on said petition will be had theOthdav
of September, A. D. 199. at 11 o'clock a. m., of
which vou and each of vou will take due notice
and that if you fail to appear before said court
on the rith dav of September. 1H94. at 11 o'clock
a. m. and coutest said petition, the court may
grant the prayer ot said petition, and make such
other and further orders in tne premises as may
be hist and eauitable.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at rlattsmoutn, Nebraska, this l;th. day ot Aug
(feal) County Judge.
Bv L. K. Hasse, Clerk of County Court.
Byron Clark & C. A. Kawls and C S. Polk, At
torneys tor petitioner.
First publication August 15, 1S09.
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter ot the estate of Anna Mahoney
John Mahoney, Maggie Mohan. Tames Ma
honey, Thomas Mahoney. Julia Elder, Anna
Meeker. Mack Mahonev. iNe.he Mahonev. TMna
Mahonev and Cornelius. Fulia. Mary. Grace and
Arthur Mahoney, minors, and all other persona.
interested iu said matter are hereby notnied tint
on the 14th day of August. lHiiy, George W .
Meeker, administrator ol said estate. nled in s;ud
court his petition asking for an order of said
court authorizing him to accept from Aaron C.
L.oder. as former guardian ot Ann and Martin
Mahonev. incompetent, in full settlement of all
claims and demands of the estates of the said
Anna Mahonev and Martin Mahoney, against the
guardian, Aaron C. Ioder. the sum ot $1,7,YUJ
and a conveyance of the E4 of the NWfj, of sec
tion 6, township 11. range 10. east, in Cass county.
Nebraska- That by the order of said court, duly
entered on the 14th day of August, A. D. 1'.'!'. a
heariner on said petition will be had on the rith
day of September, A. D. 1SU9. at 10 o'clock a. m.
of which you and each of you will take due
notice, and that if you fail to appear before said
court on the said tith day of Se. tember, I !-i0. at
10 o clock a. m.. and contest said petition, the
court may grant the prayer of said petition, and
make such other and lurther orders in tne prem
ises as may be just and equitable
Witness mv hand and the seal of said county
court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this l-"th day uf
August, A. D. lny9.
(Seal) County Judge.
By L. K. H?sse. Clerk of County Court.
Byron Clark & C. A. kawls and C. S. Polk,
attorneys tor petitioner.
First publication August 15, l?99.
iiiuuiiuunuiii mumuii UiiiUliiiiiiiiau
Beauty Pins
Are ail the rasr now.
We are selling fjc d
ones three for 5c, but
others gel 3c pi'C- for
the sme thinp. Call
John T. Coleman,
Second door South ol Poetofflee
E ,
The New
We have just received an
other consignment of these
new lies that excel anything
sv own in the city. The rapid
sale of the first shipment is
sufficient reason why you
should come early, before the
assortment is broken.
4 V
4 V
. E. WeSGOU &
Few More of Thpse
Iron Beds
Beautiful Line of Bookcases..
Just reeeivod C( w i i rd price 'cm. ...Am eletr-int An
tique Oik Sid"bo:ird for - for Slr for the nxt thirty day-.
This is a rare bargain -" d e;i'inot !e duplicated any hvo.
Those Oak Rockers at $1.75...
Are BARGAINS which ev i von ti kes hold of who R'-cs
them .
The Furniture Man and Undertaker
or ana banish "pains
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVEItS" to g-irls at
womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure. $1.M JPEIt JJOX HY MAIL,. Sold
by druggists. DliMOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
Gering & Co., Druggists.
Having returned to Plattsmouth, I will be lad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and an3'thin- usually carried in a first-class
hardware store.
Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will
interest jou.
Rockwood Block,
fVV'OR.Nl S ! I yWrIfSgeI
? J JTost in Onaplitj. IV-itln' Jity. (
For 20 Years Has Lsd nil Worm Remedies. WSSf iSSfl
preparedbr JAkS F. PALLARD. St. Louls.
t j r ... 'j
i The Platte Mutual Insurance (.,
1 1 f$ 150,000 I lis i! ranee n Force.
I'home office at plattsmouth, n b
l ' II Y will you pav your m-.uiy t"f- re:gr . ln-ur uiCi- c m. i ie t jt- i
out of th- Pta-e. wh-n yu -ai grl In ur ncf for le-- to i fr Wb
Com nan v. Only the Best Class of Business and Dwrllnji oust
Property Accepted
Ollieetband Director otn. E. I'urimuc, IJi esjden t; Gen. E. L.vo, V.ce
president; T. Frank Wiles, Secretary; Frank J. Morgan, Treasurer: C. E
Wescou, W. J. v niie, tienry lioecK, u.
We Are on the Corner. IP
With Mattress
and Springs
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vi-
uwyer, ueo. A. Uay, IJ. K. Gerinp
1 ' J
- I
.1 .
1 J