Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 15, 1899, Image 3

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Obsequies of Oswald Guthmann
Arc Very Largely Attended.
Mny f rlriKlHHiul Jt-lut I v-n From Abroad
Allen. - Uouilincn of thi World
Wrll ICrprrarntot Irittli of T. .1. ll.jr
10I1U itt Nt-hwwkw K. A. Oliver mid
Wife Muum I he I.ona of Child.
1'roin Saturday's Iaily.
Tho funeral nervlccs over tho re
mains .f Oswald Guthruunn wuru held
hi tli. (Jaiholiu church t 11 o'clock
this morning, Ki:v. Father Carny
oMlciaUnt'. Tho liohemian band
hend.;d tho procenrtion to tho Catholic
cemetery, followed ly tho Woodmen
of the World lodge, which order had
charge of tho funeral. J. L.. Root and
Father Carney conducted tno norvicos
At tho cemetery.
Tho pall-bearers wero William Haas
li. f If CJ I ...... ...... CJ 1 If. .11 ..
(Jus Lnu, Williatu Weber and Fred
Kroehler. Tho funeral procession
was a lar'o ono, being- over throo
blocKH lonjj.
Quito a number of relatives and
frien in of tho deceased from out ol the
city wero in attendance, among them
being Mrx. J. V. Weckb;ich, Mrs.
Frank Iiooth, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs.
William Wec.Kb ich,Mrs. Frauk Hum
bi.rt jind daughter, Cuta, Omaha;
Mrs.Cus Weckbach, Crete; Mr. and
Mih. II. K. Noitzol, Murdock; Mr. and
Mrs. J. 1. Keil, Cedar Creok; Mr. 1
Kelley, South Omaha; and Mibsea
Clara and Helen Guthmann, Soward.
An Old (Jitlzeu Death.
Deputy SherilT McIJride received a
telephone moasago from Nehawka this
afternoon stating that T. J. Reynolds,
an old resident of that town, died at 11
o'clock today. lie was a carpenter,
and while working at his trade last
Monday ho was overcome by heat,
which resulted In his death, llo was
f even ty-fuur yearn of age and had
boon a residont of Nehawka ever bince
it was a town. Besides a wife ha
leaves live children. The funeral will
be held Monday at 10 o'clock.
Dt'Hth of nn Infant.
Orva, tho thirteen-months old son
of-Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Oliver, died at
7 o'clock last ovening after a week's
illness with dysentery. The funeral
will bo held from tho residonce in the
Second ward at 2 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon, conducted by Rev. JI. 11.
Durgess of the Episcopal church. The
family have tho sympathy of the en
tire community in their sad affliction.
How Mirny?
Hush Fellows was up at tho Platte
slough fishing laot Sunday and upon
his return his friends listened with
great gobs of wonder and astonish
ment to a fish story he related. He
told of a party of Omtha men who
wero fishing there taking him into
their quarters and treating him to
4 'refreshments," and afterwards bring
ing out a black bass which one of the
party had just caught. I was weighed
in his presence and tipped the s-cales
at jut six pounds, and was twenty
three inches long so he related. A
few d:ys later a man from La Platte
was in tho city and told how the fish
Oiimo to be so heavy. The Omaha men
gathered up a number of railroad nuts
and opening tho mouth of the fish
they filled it up with iron. And, in
stead of being twenty-three inches
long, 't was about ten, and upon being
landed weighed four pounds. What
tho boys want to know now is what
was that brand of refreshments Hush
took and "how many."
John (ionnales lnjnred.
Wednesday John Gonztlos started
to town with a load of oats. While off
the wagon opening the gate for the
team to pss through, the team be
came frightened and started to run
away. John tried to stop them and
was thrown, or else fell beneath the
hordes' feet, one of the horses striking
or kicking him in the b .ck of the
heal and neck. The wagon also
passed over his b dy.
A physician was immediately sum
moned, and after m iking an examina
tion, pronounced that no bones were
broken, but that he was terribly
bruised and perhaps injured inter
nally. The bruise on the back of bis
head is considered the worst. Elm
wood Leader-Echo.
No Itight to Indian Funds.
Washington, Auell. The auditor
of the treasury for the interior depart
ment has raised a question as to a ne
gro's rights to Indian funds by disal
lowing expanses for the board and
medical treatmedt of John Woodruff,
a negro from the Pine Ridge agency,
now at the government insane hospital
here. The additor says these expenses
cannot be allowed as a charge acainst
the appropriation for the support and
subsistence 01 me aioux unni iub uiau
establishes a status as a Sioux Indian.
The interior department expresses the
opinion that neither the Sioux nation
nor any tribe or branch tribe has aty
voice in determining what disposition
should be made by the government of
the fund question, so long as its obli
gations to the Indians are fulfilled.
No Camp Foynter Exists.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 1U A mes-
-3ace was received tonight from Bert
hedon. adjutant of the First Ne
braska, denying the report sent out
from San Francisco to the effect that
the camp of the Nebraska soldierB had
been named after Governor Poynter.
It has been claimed that this Dame
was the choice of the regiment. The
dispatch was in reply to a message of
inquiry directed to Colonel Mulford
today, and stated that the camp was
known by no other name than that of
To trade An upright piano for work
horses. Inquire at NEWS office for
" ?xticular3.
Havana Authorities Ntart a Crusade
Work for All Who Want It.
Havana, Aug. 11. The effort of
thofo who have boon trying to make
an example of bomo ono for cruelty to
animals havo at .last been uuccesuful.
Polico Lleutonant Metcalf yesterday
gave orders to arrest two men. ono
for holding a mule and the other for
beating the animal with a club. They
wero fined $10 each.
Sonor Lazurna.a secretary of justice,
ban presented a project to extend the
vacation of the pupiU and teachers in
tho public ana municipal schools from
August 25 to September 15, in order to
open tho bchools after tho proposed
reforms in the board of public instruc
tion are approved.
An order has been issued to the po
lice to take notice of all portions unem
ployed, In order to furnish them with
work immediately. A month later a
rigorous law against vagrants will be
enacted, directing the detention of
idlers, who will then be sent to the
General Hrooko has ordered Senor
Yanez, secretary of tho departmentof
public works, to order the civil gover
nor of the provinces to report on tho
condition of the principal roads in
their respective provinces, with the
view of undertaking Immediate re
Mtiltre I. short Is Fired Upon from Am
bush and ltullet Kilters Ills Hark.
Rknnks, Aug. 14. Two men am
bushed Maitre Labori, counsel for
Dreyfus, and ono 6hot was fired, hit
ting Labori in the back. M. Labori
fell in the roadway. He is still alive.
Maitre Labori left his house alone
for the court at about 6 o'clock this
morning. His residence is situated in
the suburbs of the town, about a quar
ter of an hour's walk from the Lycee,
the route being along a solitary road
boside the river Valaino.
no had reached a point half way on
his journey when two men who had
evidently been lying in wait for him
rushed out of a narrow lane and one
of them fired a single shot from a re
vo ver. The murderers were only a
couple of yards behind the victim and
th bullet struck Maitre Labori in the
back. The wounded man uttered an
agoniZ'.-d cry and fell flat on his face.
Tho murderers immediately fled
through the lane from where they
had emerged and both escaped.
7:30 p. m. It was announced that
the bullet had entered the stomach.
There was no outward bleeding and
the physicians believe that M. Labori
will die from the wound.
A later 9tory has it that M. Labori
was shot in the temple by a man who
fired a revolver at him outside the
court, and that the miscreant was ar
No Photographs Go with This Story of
1 a Tidal Wvt'.
The crew of the British bark Banda
neira while on the shore of Chili, pass
ed through a frightful experience with
a tidal wave, and which, had it not
been for the most remarkable interven
tion on the part of nature, would havo
left the bark high and dry a mile from
The Bandaneira sailed from Iquique,
March 15. She had loaded there a car
go of nitrate for the Dupont Powder
company of this city. This town is
practically the center of constant
earthquakes. An observation station is
maintained there from which warnings
are sent to masters of vessels before
they leave port. The barometer had
been low from March 10, but Capt.
Fant struck boldly out for the Horn.
During the next two days the barome
ter dropped still lower and it was ev
ident that a fear-ful hurricane was
brewing. The crew besought the cap
tain to return to Iquique, but he re
fused. "We are already three days on our
way," he said, "and we are all right
yet. In all probability the worst is
over now."
His assumption was wrong, however,
for at noon the following day an im
mense wall of water apparently nine
miles to the westward rolled down
Blowly upon the bark. As slowly she
commenced to drift toward the coast,
seven miles to the eastward.
Capt. Fant's vessel is at Wilming
ton now. She came up the river yester
day, and his story is a thrilling one.
Apparently the tidal wave was about
100 feet in height and had an area of
twenty miles in almost a complete cir
cle. It advanced rabidly, but the bark,
keeping ahead, reached the shore line
first. The coast at this point was fiat
for nearly two miles inland, terminat
ing abruptly at the base of almost per
pendicular mountains. Capt. Fant is
sure that the Bandaneira approached to
within 100 yards of the rocky walls.
The pursuing volume of water was
then apparently only two miles behind.
Just at the moment when hope was
gone the bark suddenly changed her
direction and receded from her appar
ently Inevitable fa.
An immense waterspout suddenly de
veloped many miles away, and its in
flutnee changed the direction of the on
rushing sea. The Bandaneira was
thrown on her beam ends and drawn
almost directly Into the vortex of wa
ters. Two hours later the sea had re
sumed its wonted aspect, leaving the
bark uninjured.
Capt. Fant is positive that great
damage must have been done the ves
sels which wer directly in the track
of the great tlaal wave. The matter
has been reported to the Hydrographlc
Office and further reports are being
The Turner Picnic.
On account of the heavy rain the
picnic to have been given by the
Turners last Sunday at Nick Halmes'
grove was postponed to next Sunday,
August 20. Everybody is invited to
attend and spend a pleasant afternoon.
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Wages, 3 per ' week.
Enquire at News office.
The Neyts prints the news.
Santo Rico and Angeles Are Cap
tured By Macflrthur's Men
Without Resistance.
Effort of Insurgents to Draw the
(Americans Into an flmbusfj
palls Miserably.
MANILA, A 'g. 12. 10:45 a. m -Ad-v
icon from Calulet, under date of
August 11, report th-it General Mac
Arthur took the Ninth regiment, a
battalion of tho Twenty second and a
detachment of the First artillery from
Calulet to Santo Rico, near liocalor,
Friday morning. Tho entrance of tho
troops into tho town was not opposed,
the Insurgents fleeing as tho Ameri
cans approached.
The troops had a hard march of ten
miles, in some place being obliged to
wade waist deep'i n water. Many were
exhausted. Trio troops will Hpond the
night at Snnt Kit and proceed Sat
urday. Lieutenant Hazard of General
Wheaton's staff, with five f-couts from
the Iowa regiment, marched up tho
railroad into Angt-les. A small force
of rebels attacked the ecoutp ottdd3
the town and Lieutenant Hazard sent
for reinforcements. General Whea
ton's orders, howevor, wero that tho
Americans should notoccupy Anereloe,
and a force of COO or 700 rebels appear
ing. Lieutenant Hazard retired.
MANILA, Aug. 11. General Mac
Arthur's troops remained last night at
Calulet. The rebels had evidently
fled far beyond riflo range, for the
American outposts wero notdisturbed,
and not a shot was fired during the
night. At daybreak this morning a
reconnoitering party, consisting of a
battalion of the Seventeenth infantry,
with one field piece, started up the
railroad track toward Angeles, four
miles north. Tho party approached
within 1,200 yards of the town and
opened fire with tho field gun. The
Americans wore received with a badly
directed rifle fire, which tho battalion
of the Sdventeenth returned with a few
The strength of tho insurgents at
Angeles not being known, tho situa
tion was reported to General MacAr
thur, who did not desire to send rein
forcements, and directed the recon
noitering party to return unless the
rebels abandoned the town. Soon after
the receipt of these orders it became
evident that the rebels had set fire to
tho town and fled, leaving the place to
be occupied by the Americans.
A battalion of the Twelfth infantry
was also sent on a reconnoitering ex
pedition toward the west, but up to
noon no firing had been heard in that
direction and no word bad been re
ceived frcm it at General MacArtbur's
headquarters, and it is believed that
the troops encountered nothing".
Everything indicates that all the
rebels have scattered for miles in
every direction around Calulet. The
insurgents lost heavily in the fighting
around Calulet. It is believed that
100 were killed and 300 or 400 wounded.
The Iowa regiment killed thirty in
ono place, and one company of the
Seventeenth suddenly encountered a
party of rebels in a trench and killed
The American loss was five killed
and thirty-one wounded, including
three officers.
Surprise the Filipinos.
Tho attack was a complete surprise
to the insurgents, who had no idea
that a movement was intended until
the armored car opened a deadly fire
with two Gatlings.a revolving cannon
and a six-pounder. The heavy artil
lery openec on both flanks a moment
later. A majority of the Filipinos
were asleep when the attacK was made.
Men with large bells were heard run
ning among the shacks, arousing tho
The Americans maintained almost a
perfect line four miles lonp, through
canebrakes. where they could see
nothing ahead. The mud in places
was knee deep in the rice fields and
jungles and through the ditches flowed
small rivers several feet deep.
The Filipinos tried to ambush the
Americans several times, the country
in the neighborhood being well
adapted to these tactics; but the troops
stopped for nothing, forcing their way
through or over obstacles and firing
whenever they could locate the fleeing
The officers highly commend the re
cruits of the various regiments.
There is reason to believe the re
ports recently received that the insur
gents are short of ammunition, as well
informed people at Calulet say the in
surgents had only forty rounds of am
munition each and that five rounds
extra were issued just before the fight.
Since the American occupation of
San Fernando the rebels have torn up
three miles of railroad between there
and Calulet, and it is impossible to get
the armored car more than two miles
beyond San Fernando.
"Our baby was sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al
though we tried many remedies she
kept getting worse until we used One
Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at
once and cured her in a few days."
B. L. Nance,Prin. High school, Bluff
dale,Texas. F. G. Fricke & Co.
To the Public.
Notice is hereby given that my wife
Elise Eisenhut has voluntarily left my
bed and board and that I will not be
responsible for'debts contracted by her.
Carl Eisenhut, Murdock, Neb,
For Sale.
A steam threshing outfit, complete
and in good order. At a bargain with
in next 30 days. Inquire at Richey's
lumber yard.
Frank Klchard-ton and wifo were
visitors in Omaha this afternoon.
Will Clements and wife havo gone
to Louisville to upend Sunday with
A ton-pound boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs JaKO Densou y ester nay afternoon.
Mother and child doing7 well.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green' little
daughter is better today, but Mrs.
Green is quite ill, the worry and eare
of tho child having been too great for
her to ondure.
Dr. II. Paul of North Platte was in
the city today visiting old friends.
ITo is a son-Jn-luw of Thomas Smith
of Hock Bluffs and himself and wife
had como to Omaha to attend the ex
position. Miss Myi ta Porter has just received
news of her election to the principcal-
ship of the high schools at Monta-
vibta, Colo. Her many friends will be
pleased at her merited promotion.
The position pays $80 per month.
Leo Allison is again laid up for re
pairs, lie had just recovered from a
badly sprained ankle, resulting from
being thrown from a buggy, and last
evening he was thrown from a frac
tious horse, injuring his shoulder and
arm quite badly.
Dr. L F. Eritt was in the city today
in the interest of the Protestant Be
nevolent association, of which he isH
state agent. This is a fraternity of
Methodists, men and women, and Mr.
Britt states that he is meeting with
considerable euacets.
Tho Plattsmosth papers state that
the floater found at Union was not the
man who was shot there a few days
ago. Well, no. The wounded man
was on one of the boats when they
passed here, while the floater had
been in the water for many days. Ne
braska City News.
M. N. Anthony of the Cass County
Marble Works had the misfortune to
mash tho first finger of his right hand
so badly yesterday that the nail came
off. He was assisting in loadirg a
large stone, when it turned in such a
manner as to catch his finger. It was
a very painful injury.
Farmers from down in the countj' re
port that considerable damage to the
corn was done by Thursday night's
wiad storm. Quantities of the stalks
were broken off below the ear by the
severity of the wind, and much was
blown down. Still it is thought that
enough was left standing to keep far
mers from want.
The revival meetings at the Meth
odist church closed with last evening's
services and the Beck family of col
ored evangelists have gone to Rising
City to conduct revival meetings.
Taking iuto consideration the extreme
hot weather, tho attendance has been
good and the result of the meetings
entirely satisfactory.
Robert Propst had a little misfor
tune with his new steam threshing
engine last evening in taking it to his
farm. While crossing the bridge over
the little stream east of Andy Taylor's
place, a portion of the bridge gave
w;:y and went down under the weight
of tho engine. At last reports tho
engine was still down in the hole, the
bridge was obstructed and farmers
were compelled to take another road
to and from town.
F. E. Green and B. L. Kirkham of
the Journal departed this evening for
Kansas City to spend Sunday. These
noted knights of the quill have been
planning this trip ever since last Feb
ruary and as a result it is thought it
will be made without a hitch. Having
studied the maps during all these
months they are quite familiar with
the route. Mr. Green says that if the
excitement incident to making the
long journey is not too much for him
he will step at a town called Nebraska
City in one of the southern states.
They took provisions enough with
them to last them until they get
W. A. Cleghorn of Louisville was in
the city today.
E. F. Warren of Nebraska City was
in town today.
Miss Nellie Agnew visited in Omaha
this afternoon.
The board of county commissioners
was out viewing some roads today.
Charles Kerr departed yesterday af
ternoon for Illinois to visit relatives.
Colonel Jenkins, the Murray mer-
chat, was a Plattsmouth visitor today.
A. L. Munger went to Eagle this af
ternoon in the interest of his lumber
Mrs. McElwain arrived home this
morning from a visit of several days in
Mrs. John M. Jackmao of Louisville
is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Robertson.
Louis Reinhackle has been engaged
by Andy Broback as bartender in the
Hotel Riley annex.
Earl Clark Is going to Alliance to
morrow to visit a few days with the
family of Ws. II. Wright.
Mrs. D. A. Young and sister, Mrs.
James Ellington, went to Onawa, la.,
this morning to visit their parents.
Drayman Frank Kauble had the
misfortuoe to drop a heavy slab of
iron on his foot Saturday, mashing his
toe quite badly.
. J. D. McBride and family went to
Nehawka today to attend the funeral
of T. J. Reynolds, whose death oc
curred Saturday.
A marriage license was issued today
to William M. Bobbitt, son of ex-Sen-tor
Bobbitt of Eagle, and Miss Henri
etta Burns of WeepiDg Water.
John Sherman, who is employed
with tho Nebraska Tolephono com
pany, came home la-tt woek to visit bin
parents, and was takon sick. Ho In
better today, but not ablo to do any
thing. B. L. Kirkham, F. E. Green, K. O.
Fellows and Charles Sullivan spent
Sunday in Kansus City, returning this
morning on the early Missouri Pacific
train. They report a lovely trip.
C. M. McElroy of Fairfield, la., was
In the city today, having como after
his little son and daughter, who haVo
been visiting for the past month with
their grandparents, Thomas Pollock
and wife.
The Christian Endeavor County con
vention will be held at Avoca tomor
row and those who will attend from
here are: Wallace Carter, George M.
Farley, Misses Louise Smith and
Edith Buzzoll.
A considerable amount of damage to
the corn is reported from Siturday
night's storm. In some fields a great
many stalks were broken olT,but in the
most of them it was blown down and
the damage will not be so great.
Court Reporter Harry Northcutt
came up from Nebraska City yester
day and will return this evening.
Court will not be in session until Sep
tember 1, but it is presumed Harry
wanted to see if any new cases had
been filed.
A. C. McMaken of Atchison, Kan.,
is in the city visiting with the family
of his brother, Henry. Mr. McMaken
is employed in the postoflice in Atchi
son and has been in the mail service
ever since the Burlington was built
into this city.
Frank Johnson Saturday Eold his
residence property on South Seventh
street to L. V. Copenhaver, the con
sideration being $450 Mr. Copenhaver
believes in getting the cage before the
bird, but if all reports are true he will
60on have both.
Mrs. S. P. Holloway departed yes
terday afternoon for Denver to visit
a neice and from there will ero on out
in Colorado to visit a brother. Mrs.
Holloway has been ailing this summer
and she hopes to regain her health by
making this trip.
Dan McMillan, who resides near
Chicago, is in the city, the guest of
the family of George Dodge. Mr. Mc
Millan was a member t f Company I,
Third regiment, and after a visit here
will go to Chicago and join tho hos
pital corps and go to the Philippines.
Sheriff Wheeler brought William
Barr in from Eagle Saturday and the
time of his heariu0' was set for August
20. Barr was arrested on a peace war
rant sworn out by John Frohlic,whom
Barr had threatened to exterminate
by the use of a revolver. He was
given his liberty on his own recog
nizance. Charles L. Graves, of the Union
Ledger and business manager of the
old settlers' reunion, was in the city
today in the interest of the annual
picnic which is to be given August 18
and 19. He left an order with The
News for some large posters. Charles
is a hustler and will make a success of
the reunion.
Yellowstone Rational Park.
The park season is nearly over only
another month remains. Those who
figure on visiting it this year must de
cide at once. The Burlington's Yel
lowstone Park Book 32 pages, 23 il
lustrations contains just the informa
tion the tourist needs. It tells how to
reach the Park what the trip costs
how long it takes what there is to
see and how to see it. Sent free on
The tour of Yellowstone Park is the
finest outing trip in all the world. A
week among its geysers, lakes, canons
and boiling springs is an experience
that cannot be duplicated anywhere
else on the globe.
J. FRANCIS, General Pass. Ag't.
Omaha, Neb.
For Sale.
A good 160-acre farm two miles e;ist
of Murray. House and barn; about 100
acres under cultivation. For particu
lars inquire of J. H. Thrasher.
Around the World In a Mouth.
"vVTien the trans-Siberian railroad is
finished we shall be able to make the
"tour du monde" In thirty-three days.
According to the Russian minister of
roads and communications the itine
rary will be: Bremen to St. Petersburg
by rail, one and one-half days; St.
Petersburg to Vladivostock, by rail, ten
days; "thence to San Francisco by
steamer, ten days; thence to New York,
by rail, four and a half days, and back
to Bremen, by sea, seven days. Per
haps some "Phineas Togg" will do it
in a month. At present the shortest
route from Southampton, by Paris,
Brindisl, Yokohama, San Francisco and
New York is slxty-slx days.
Republican Committee Meeting.
There wi.l be a meeting of the re
publican county central committee at
Weeping Water on August 19, at 1 p.
m. All members are hereby notified
to be present. M. M. Butlek,
For Rent Furnished room?. In
quire at Eighth and Eim streets.
Probate Notice.
In the County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Isabelle Emery,
All persons Interested in said matter are here
by notified that on the 2th day of July, 1?S9,
Henry J. Streight hied a petition in said court,
praying that his final administration accounts
be settled and allowed; that he be discharged
and relieTed from further duty as administrator
of said estate, and that upon a final hearing T- M.
Dolan, Maggie K.ern and Ellen E. Little may be
adjudged the heirs at law of said deceased and
entitled to inherit by descent the residue of her
oroperty after the indebtedness is paid, and that
if you fail to appear before said court on the 1st
day of September, 19, at 9 o'clock a. ni.. and
contest said petition, the court may grant the
prayer of said petition and make such other and
further orders, allowances and decrees as to the
court may seem proper, to the end that all mat
ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set
tled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 1st day of
August. 18W.
George M. Spurlock.
(Seal) County Judge.
By L. K. Hasse, Clerk County Caurt,
Hare for many yeara ba th
the JBag-ltah laagnace
In cnrlne Indigestion, Sick Raadacn. Constipation, a ad all Bllloaa
and If rvon.a Dlaoraera.
tO oonta ami SB flanft. At all fo sMmic.
2 tn-a;5 c? -V
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 60 Cents.
JAMES F. CALLAHD, Sola Proprietor, - - 310 Kortb Ua!. Street, ST. LOUIS, Ml
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Plattsmoiithy Areb., August 7, iSqq.
I beg to inform my friends and the public
generally that I have engaged in the Wholesale
Liquor Trade and am now able to supply patrons
in any quantity from one pint to twenty-live
Have just imported some fine old French
Cognac Brandy. Also the genuine Rhine Wine
for strictly medicinal purposes.
As I handle nothing but first-class goods and
sell at lowest prices,, it will pay you to buy your
Whisky, Brandy, Wine, etc., from me.
Do not forget that this is the time to order
your case Beer and that this is the only place in
the county where vou can get the genuine ANHEUSER-BUSCH
BEER. Give me a call
and be convinced.
Agent for Yellowstone (Kentucky) distillery and
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn, St. Louis.
The Platte Mutual Insurance GL,
$150,000 Insurance in Force.
lyHY will you pay your money to foreign Insurance companies, who t::l:o it
' out of the state, when you can get Insurance forleaa cost from , N i
Company. Only tHe Best Class of Business ad Dwelling i-omsu
Property Accepted.
O.'licc" rj and Directors Tom. J-'. I'armele, President; Geo. E. I)i . . . V
presHer.t: T. Frank VViica, n-.txry; Frank J. Morgan, Treau - : '. i ..
Wercott, V. J. White, Henry lWck, 1. O. Dwyer, Geo. A. Hay, IJ. U c;ri.i,r
All Kinds of Repairs..
The Best Binding Twine
..Best Machine Oil
Egenberger & Troop
Lower Main St.
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense-stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets,
Subscribe for
N :
cellar family tn4lcln wfcarever
la ayakaa, 4 tfcay now
7 Jor viiz certain vure 01 jin i ruciNAL. ana
Wholesale and Retail
Dealor In
lis i LiDuors
Bet. 3rd ottd 4th St.
Plattsmouth. Neb
"The fas "
a week 40c a month