Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 11, 1899, Image 1

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    sexy New
Tills NKWH, Kstalilniird Nov. ft, Mtu i
Till': II KUA I.I. l:tiilillnlm(l April 10, isi;i. j--'rirtolllau(l
Jan. I. 1N!.
VOL. VIII. NO. 78.
CommaQder Otis Confirms the Re
port of a Severe Battle at
San Fernando.
Tru-. Participate In tbe Sbarpest
Engagements of the De
cisive Struggle.
AlANir.A, An.', 5. 7:10 p. m. Do
Ui.lf iA General MacArthur's advance
beyond San Fernando showod that tho
Americana covered fivo miles at the
first live hours and at 2 o'clock had ad
vanced Mix ruiloH ulong tho railway,
stretching on each sido of it for two
miles and resting at night throe miles
from Angeles, which will be made tho
northern base of operations Instead of
San Fernando, whom a garrison of (00
men haa beon left. The Filipinos'wero
surprised, expecting tho Araorican
forces to movo against Tico. They
followed their usual tactics of holding
their trenches until they became too
warm and then retreating in disorder.
They arc now falling back westward
toward I'orie.
Tho Twelfth and Seventeenth regi
ment had tho sharpest engagements.
The country our troops passed over
if. covered with rico holds and bamboo
thicket, tho hardest possible ground
for marching. Tho mud in places was
k nee deep.
He ports from rebel sourcos say 150
Filipinos wero killod in Gonoral Hall's
engagement at Calamba and in the
subsequent skirmishes.
The American loss in the fighting
about San Fernando at 3 o'clock was
known to be eight mon killod and
twenty six wounded. . Tho loss may
possibly i-xeood theso figures, as tho
line, is live miles long and it is impos
sible at this hour to hear from every
WhIIIiik I or thai Artillery.
Our troops are now about Angeles,
waitintr for tho artillery, which has
tho greatest ailliculty in moving owing
to the wet ground .
Tho attack was opened at 5 o'clock
in the morriintr, h battery of tho First
artillery shelling Itacoloron tho loft.
Simultaneously Hell's Thirty-sixth in
fantry struck Hacolor from the rear
and drove the rebels out. Armored
cars, each with a six-pounder and two
(S.itling revolving cannon on board,
were mounted on the ra'lroad track in
tho center of our linos. Soon after
ward these juns did sharp execution.
Battery M of the Third artillery
and 10i m n of tho Iowa regiment
made a feint toward Mexico, while tho
main body of troops, consisting of tho
Iowa region nt, tho Seventeenth regi
ment and a battalion of tho Twenty
second under General Wheaton, on
the right, and tho Ninth regiment,
Twelfth regiment and Bell's regi
ment, under General Liscum, on tho
left, advanced steadily, pouring their
fire into the rebels and receiving a
heavy fire in return.
The rebels wero well protected by
trenches and seemed not to lack am
munition. But they were unable to
withstand for any length of timo the
hail of shot our artillery and infantry
poured in on them and retreated, leav
ing tlend and wounded on the field. A
dtzen prisoners wero captured by our
Tho reports indicate that the Ninth
infantry suffered the most, though the
casualties of all tho regiments aro not
yet reported.
Tho weather was extremely hotand
our troops suffered greatly. But there
was no faltering.
A company of the Sixteenth regi
ment went to the relief of Boll's regi
ment this afternoon.
The firing, except at isolated points,
had censed by 10 o'clock.
Oat After Angeles.
Angeles is one of the richest towns
north of Manila and is considered to
be a better baso of operations than
San Fernando. The forces at San
Fernando consisted of the Iowa regi
ment, the Seventeenth regiment, the
Ninth regiment, the Twelfth regi
mont. Bell's new Thirty-sixth regi-
battalion of the Sixteenth I
regiment. Troop E of tbe Fourth cav
alry and fifteen guns.
The movement had been planned for
some time, but was delayed by rains.
Pi...ilv t.wn davs " of sunshine dried
Otla Cod fir ma Keport.
Washington, Aug. 9. General
Otis confirms the report of a battle at
San Fernando In the following cable
gram: Manila, Aug. 8. Adjutant General,
Washington: Mac-Arthur with 4,000
men attacked insurgent army 6,000
strong concentrated around fan Fer
nando at 5:15 this morning. At 10
o'clock a. m. had driven it five miles
in tha direction of Angeles. Casual
ties few. Attack ordered for 7th in
stant, rain did not permit movement.
Hallway from Angeles north badly
washed by unprecedented floods of
Instfdx wooks, boyond ability.of in
surgents to repair. Otis.
Northern Minnesota and
Dakota Are Stridden
Rain and Mail.
Two hundred and Fifty Thousand
Acres Reported to KJave
Been Swept.
St. I'AVL, Aug. 10. A Fargo, N.
I)., special to tho Pioneer Press says:
Two million bushels of wheat are esti
mated to have been lost In today's
Glorious News. .
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Electric Bitters baa cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her ctre is com
plete and her health is excellent."
This shows what thousands have
proved, that Electric Bitters is the
best blood purifier known. It's the
supremo remedy for eczema, tettor,
salt rheum, ulcers, boils, and running
sores. It stimulatos liver, kidneys and
bowels, expels poisons, holps digestion
builds up tho strength. Only 50 cents.
gmmmmmmmmmmm mm w m m mmmm mmmmgs
I B. G. D0VEY & SON. I
hailstorm, which partially destroyed Sold by p Q Fricko & Co. druggists.
... j cruaranteea.
land in tho state. Farmers who wero
busily engaged this morning in taking
in wheat wero driven to their barns
for shelter and afterward found it un
necessary to take tho binders back to
Prnmlnout Cotton Merchant Mneta Death
In Kucounter With Walters.
Colorado SriUNGs, Colo., Aug. 10
Gus McKomie, a prominent cotton
merchant and a member of the school tne fields, as tho grain had been har
board of Gainsvillo, Tex., was killed vesUd by hail in a few brief moments
In a row with hotel waiters at the Bar- Just before 11 o'clock tho storm struck
ker hotel at Manitou this noon, tho northern part of Cass and southern
Georjrfi OrovHK. the head waiter, had part of Traill counties. In addition
remonstrated with Mrs. Mek'omie for to a big area over which hail fell
insisting on entering the dining room
before it was ready for the guests,
Ho was later insulting to Mrs. Mc-
Kemie and an apology was demanded.
When Groves said he did not consider
any apology duo Mr. McKemie struck
at him with a cane. Groves grappled
thickly heavy wind and rainstorms
completed tbe destruction of thous
ands of acres of grain on either side
of tho center of the path of the hail
storm. Covering an area fifteen miles
north and south between Argusvillo
' and Gardner, in Cass, to Kelso, in
with McKemie and a great throng of Traill, and on oast and west territory
waiters and guests gathered, Mr. Mc- ranging from fivo miles wide on tho
Koraio being wounded in tho melee south to fifteen or twenty miles on tho
on the left side of the head, which north tho country is practically do-
Questlon of Conductor and Pennies to
the Fore Ac I ti
lt was in a suburban trolley last
Sunday that the question of the con
ductor'a reluctance to receive pennies
In change came up again, says the New
York Herald. This penny question Is
like Banquo's ghost and will not down.
A woman passenger had given the con
ductor a nickel and five pennies for
two fares. "I would rather change 5
for you, madam, than take those pen
nies," the conductor said, in a
grumbling yet perfectly respectful tone.
"Why?" asked the woman. "Because
the company will not take them from
us. That is the only objection I have
to railroading. We must turn in nick
els or silver when our work is done."
"But why do you not sometimes give
those pennies to men? You always
palm them off on women." "Well, the
proved fatal In about forty-five vafted. Losses aro estimated all tho women always seem to keep them
A number of people saw Goorge Mc-
Cormick, one of tho waiters, with a
decanter in his hand and he was put
under arrest, charged with the mur
der. He was brought to this city im
mediately after being placed under
way from SO o 100 per cent of the
I.ohh of Probably Fifty Per Cent.
Tho acreage in Cass and Traill
counties is placod at from 100,000 to
200,000 acres. Many conservative es
timators say that 50 per cent of the ,
arrest, because the fooling of t he crop of lis 5, 000 acres is not too large a
thousands of southern people in Mani- figuro for tho destruction in Cass and
tou wiw running high and a lynching Traill. In tho northern part of tho
was foarod. Ex-Governor Hogg was county tho storm seems to have begun
present at tho inquest, which is being as far west as Erio and Galesburg and
hold at tho Barkor hotel and as ho gone directly east on the county lino
gavo tho coroner to understand that botweon Cat-s and Traill to Bed river
it would not be safe to allow the pris- and then over into Minnesota. The
oner to bo brought to Manitou tonight, hail was apparently heaviest along
tho eontinuanco of tho inquest win or- I this line and crops on big farms like
dered until tomorrow morning, i'ho the Grandtns and Stanford3, near
body of McKemie was taken hack to Kelso, were completely wiped out.
The destruction is so complete in
m my parts of tho devastated terri-
Texas tonight.
specially for us. Now, if the public
could only know what a trial they are
to us sometimes they might understand
our reluctance to take them. For In
stance, one of the extras, a man who
had been out of work for a long time,
after making the number of trips re
quired of him, found he had fifteen
pennies among his change. He did not
have a cent belonging to himself, and
there was no money at home, and the
pay that was coming to him at the of
fice for his week's work was needed by
his wife and children for bread. They
would not take the pennies at the of
fice, and he could not draw his pay un
til his fares weie accounted for. When,
after considerable trouble, he got three
nickels for fifteen pennies and returned
to the company's office it was closed,
and he had to go home without his
SALE, ! i
note: -
Our Original Prices
on these
Kf turned Pnrty of tloll Seekern Kelute
Harrowing Stories.
Wranel, Alaska, Aug. (. (Via
Seattle, Wash.) Tho Stickeen rivor
steamer Strathcona arrived hero to
day with thirty survivors of tho Ed
monton trail.
Tho unfortunates toll heartrending
stories of hardships endured, com
rades lost and abandoned and strongly
denounce tho trading and transport
companies, as well as tho Canadian
officials and newspapers that so pro
fusely advertised this route as a feas
ible one to the Klondike gold fields.
To outward appearancos tho men cer
tainly give evidence of the awful suf
fering undergone since leaving Ed
monton, eighteen months ago. Most
of them aro sickly looking, with un
kempt beards and greasy clothes
pictures of physical and finacial wreck.
Several are gray and bear the marks
of scurvy.
A few have just enough inoney to
reach Seattle or Victoria, but the ma
jority are without funds, lhe citi
zens of Wrangle have applied to the
United States government at Wash-
ington, but up to this date no aid has
beon received. There are about
twenty-five destitute miners here.
Many had narrow escapes from starva
tion along the trail from Fort Simp
son to Mud river and Fort Laird. A.
H. Tiger and party lived on squirrels
and bacon for nearly two weeks.
Aid to Forest Preservation A
Woman's Efforts.
Mrs. W. S. De Camp owned a tract
of land on Moose river in the Adiron
dack region through which the lum
bermen wished to noat logs from the
forests nhnvp sava tho TTMe.i Dhssrvpr
To make the stream capable of floating farmers is light
logs it was dammed below and the
backing of the water was of great dam
age and annoyance to Mrs. De Camp.
It killed the, timber on her land and
destroyed the natural stream. She
went to the courts and after indefinite
litigation secured an injunction that
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers did
lory that no effort will bo made to me more good than all blood medicines
harvcbt wbnt is loft. As an mdiea-1 an,i other pills," writes Geo. II
tion of the loss. U. 11. Knight tele- .laeohs. of Thomnson. Conn. Proinnt.
phoned in from his farm at Grandin ploaaant.novor gripo, they cure con
stating that he had cut 200 acres be- nt.inat.ion. nronse the tornid li ver to ae
foce tno storm and tomorrow would tlon and give you clean blood, steady
start his plows to summor fallow tho nervbs, a clear brain and a healthy an
other 1,000 acres of his farm. A 50 Detito. F. G. Fricko & Co.
per cent los from hail almost equals a
total loss, as what is left rarely pays
for the harvesting and threshing.
The storm swept east from North Da
kota into Minnesota and telegrams
from Halstead and Ilendrum report
terrible destruction. Tho lowest esti
mate of the loss in that vicinity has
been placed at 50,000 adres. In all the
stormstriken section insurance men
nssert that less than 5 per cont of tho
acreage was covered by hail insur
ance. Tho large 6trips of country on
either side of the hailstorm suffered
just as severel', as the wind and hail
flattened the grain and beat it into the
ground so badly that it cannot
straighten up on account of its ripened
condition. Another storm is reported
at New Rockford in Eddy county.
where it is asserted from 25 to 100 per
cent of the crop of 40,000 acres of
wheat was laid waste The total loss
will bo over over $1,000,000.
Keports From Other Points.
Minneapolis, Aug. 10. A special
from Halstead, Minn., says: Hail to
tally destroyed crops in this section
today. Many windows were knocked
in and several inches of hail were
piled in the street. The storm started
near Kelso, N. D., and cleaned a strip
fifteen miles wide in a southeasterly
direction, passiDg through Halstead,
Perlev, Highwind, Nielsville and
Shelly on the north and Georgetown
on the south. The crops on the Stan
ford D.ilrymple farms are totally de
stroyed. The insurance among small
Sealed PropoMKl.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of tho county clerk until 12
o'clock (noon) of September 5, 1S99,
for hard and soft coal to be delivered
at court house, jail, poor house and
paupers for the ensuing year. The
board reserves tho right to reject any
or "all bids. James Robertson,
County Clerk.
Caravan Parties.
Caravan holidays are In England re
placing the houseboat fad. A caravan,
he it understood. Is a gypsy cart, got
up In the Btyle of comfort one can
afford, and driven fr-om place to place
with it., occupamts and accessories. All
that you want Is a nice roomy cara
van, with good, strong horses and a
dining tent, carried on the roof, to put
up when a halt is made. Two vans
are needed one for the kitchen and
servants and the other for the rest of
the party. Bedroom space Is, of course,
limited, and, therefore, the number of
guests must be small. But If there Is
an inn In the near neighborhood, your
surplus friends can sleep there and
spend the rest of the day with the
caravan. This kind of gypsy life In a
pretty part of the country presents
endless opportunities for amusement.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly
digests food without aid from the
stomach, and at the same time heals
and restores the diseased digestive
organs. It is the only remedy that
does both of these things and can be
relied upon to permanently cure dys
pepsia. F. G. Fricke & Co.
H SI.OO, $1.25, S1.40, S1.70.
uamummmmmmui Hi Hi MM WWWWWWWWJJJiS:
Hard Times in Europe.
These old European dynasties that
have been oppressing the people so
long are getting to be much concerned
lest the people rise up and overthrow
the weakling princes and potentates
and take the power in their own hand3.
A monarch nowadays is willing to
make almost any concession to save his
crown and salary. Washington Times.
The Funny Man.
"It is an awful funny thing to be
married to a funny man," said she,
She had told him to get her some
kid curlers while he was down town,
and he had sent her home a peck of
6our apples. Indianapolis Journal.
SlOO Keward S10O.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ingup the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F.J, hbney &Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Currency Shortage.
Chicago Tribune: Chicago banks
are suffering from the annual shortage
of small hills. While none of them :a
crippled in its business transactions
thus far, there Is a probability of a
shortage in the near future which will
necessitate some measure to -replenish
the stock. The cause of the shortage
is the direction of the current money
toward the country districts. The
farmers and the manufacturers In the
country towns are employing large
numbers of men, and require small
bills for their pay rolls.
tho attempt.
Tho Americans' position had long
boon unploa-ant. The rebels almost
tiurrounded tho town and fired nearly
niehtly into it, the Americans not re
plying except on extreme provocation.
It w;is necessary to keep 500 or 000
men on outpost tluty constancy.
Captain Dooms, with a provost
guard, la.-t night captured a noted
Filipino fakir with several aliases,
who by! means of ventriloquism had
persuaded tho natives that he has
supernatural powers. He raised much
money, ostensibly for the insurrection,
which ho kept for himself. Our sol
diers surrounded his house and cor
rallel thirty Filipinos. Many others
escaped. Tbe troops also captured
Immanuel, as the fakir is generally
Known, has been predicting the fall of
Manila. His "prophecies" have
created excitement among the natives
who believed him.
A terrible storm passed over Ada,
Minn., and vicinity shortly before
noon today. A large acreage of crops
was destroyed by hail. Hail fell north j
and south of Ada.
Jamestown, N. D., reports the most
destructive hailstorm of the year last
night The storm began at New Rock-
ford and swept" through Eddy, Foster,
Griggs and Barnes counties to Rogers
in the latter county. It is estimated
that 40,000 acres of wheat were de-
Fact Against Fancy.
There Is nothing In the theory that
horse Bhoes bring good luck. What
animal works harder than the horse,
or is treated worse in its old age? Yet,
it wears four of them. Atchison Globe.
,k fi.hl sufficiently to permit of prohibited driving logs through her
property. Tnen tne lumbermen went
to the legislature and secured an act
designating Moose river as a highway
for the purpose of floating logs. The
constitutionality of this law was
promptly attacked by Mrs. De Camp stroyed. The losses are over 25 per
and the Court of Appeals has sus
tained her contention. The decision grain destroyed was insured.
halts lumbermen In their campaign of
destruction against the Adirondack I win wed None Hut Funston's Men
forests. The decision declares uncon-1 Wichita, Kan., Aug. 10. The
Tne Inference.
The Beau "Lean on me through
life, dearest." The Befte "Wouldn't it
be rather awkward living in ham
mocks?" Kansas City Independent.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of
order. All such should know that Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the wonderful
stom ch and liver remedy, gives a
stltutional every law making Adiron- I success of the girls' bachelor club of splendid appetite, sound digestion and
Toledo fruit cans, guaranteed not to
leak, at the Ebinger Hardware Com
pany. Champion Shot of the World,
Miss Annie Oakley writes: "Myself
and many of the liutTalo Bill Wild
West Co have given Allen's Foot-Euse,
the powder to shake into the sheer-, n
most thorough trial, and it dos til if
not more than youolaim." It instantly
takes tho stiner mtt of corns and bun
ions. Ailon's Foot-Ease is a certain
cure for swollen, hot, aching, nervous
or sweating feet. Sold by all druceis's
and shoe stores, 25c. Sample sent free.
Address Allen S.Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
How Chickens Vary In Size.
All chickens do not grow equally
well. A hatch from an Incubator.
If all of the same breed and strain,
usually do not grow equally. This can
not be explained precisely.
lee' Cream
Soda water
Chocolate and Vanilla
Beat the World
Goring Co.,
dack streams public highways for the
floating of logs. It protects the forests
by prohibiting the lumbermen from
trampling all rights under foot In the
pursuit of the logging business. It
saves the streams for the fishermen
and puts an end to the destruction of
forests caused by damming streams. It
Is the most Important aid to forest
preservation that has been received
for years.
Winfield Is assured. The rules of the a reeruinr bodily habit that insures
club are that every member must wed perfect health and great energy.
a-Twentieth Kansas hero or remain Only 25c, at F. G.Friike& Co's drug
single. May Williams, the president store. 4
of the club, was the first to find a sol- f News office is the best equipped
dier husband, having just become the job office in Cass county. First class
When you want to smoke a 10-cent ri&cre followed
cigar try Otto WurlV'Silver Wreath" "
union made you can find n
on the market
wife of Private Davison, of Funston's
famous regiment. Tbe two had
quarreled belore tho war, but when
Davison returned wounded their dif
ferences were patched up and the mar-
work done on short notice.
ter I See the elegant piano on display at
Sherwood's. J. O. Weborg, agent.
Hamilton C'ark, of Chauncey, Ga.,
Bays he suffered with itching piles
twenty years before trying DeWitt's
With Hazel Salve, two boxes of which
completely cured him. Beware of
worthless and dangerous counterfeits.
P. G. Fricke & Co.
Tbe Ej of Genlna.
All men of genius are said to have
eyes clear, slow moving and bright.
This is the 97 4 which indicates mental
ability of some kind, it dosn't matter
And for everything under tlie sun.
Every home has need of paint.
Each kind of
- $herwin-wluams)
. Paints
Is specially suited to some horn use either outside or ictlde - -
It's knowing the right kiad of paint, and putting it oa the right
place that makes painting a success. Tell us what you wast to paint,
and we'll tell you the right kind to use. " '
For eale in Plattsmouth by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
,r -
Raialnjc R.T.n. in France.
The French government is attempt
ing to rals revenue by letting out
the backs of matoh boxes, whleh are a
.state monoply, to outside advertisers.
The Ebinger Hardware conjpany is
agent for the Monmouth filter and
water cooler. The finest thing out.
See them.
The News-Herald
Prints More County News
Than any Other Cass
county Paper.
" '-'"- ----- "T.;;"'""' - i .in. i " " - : " r - ' " ' "' ' "1""" IT1""""" ""' & Vmm - " ' " ' ' v"-. . . . -. ".' m". "' T "
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