Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 01, 1899, Image 4

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ii I
: I
f i
Mark While and Wife Wet urn From
a Trip to the Hold Fields.
Mr. Whll i ilva An Ad iiiint Of TlK lr
Trwycl In TIiim ICt'K'"'" NnyM x
'I'hrt-t VrntrK IC hII lit In 'I ) Coun
try Im More Thttn Any ( itn Kn-
Murk White ihhI vi fo arri v I limne
oMrlj 1 1 1 i h mornine- fresh from the
Klondike. They are looKine; some
what lighter in weight, hut. not in
color, having a lioiilthy berry color in
tlioir f;ieen. 'I In; homer v. u.-t Inisily
imfii.j' t-luiU ine- luimls vilh frier lis
about I ho 'ily ami Mi. White im
mediately wciil, in the 1 1 1 i 1 1 of her
parents, Kieil St :u! I ;ii .1 ii a ainl Wife,
where she. Ii.ih been eiii-nea (I in relat
ing lior ex orien:os ami yisitinj' her
father anil mother, who worn over
joyed at tho return of their son-in-law
mid (l;iii Ii Lit. Mnrk ucai rt the Htuno.
olil sinilo ;unl is tlio name Jovial Mark
that lio was ln-foro tilin; h is (it j i.irt
uro for the eailil I i 1 1 1 s of Alaska, not
withstanding tlio fact that h is ox per
ieneo Iiiih boon a ronli one as is
noroKsary for (myotic who e;oes to liiat
In con vorsation with a 'KWS re
porter Mr. Whito tolil an i n lei esli n r
wtory of the irri at. Klondike.
"In tho first place," said tho man
with a bijr tfohl nuL'i.t danjlin;; froni
liia watch charm, "I was just about
two years la'.e in ;roUiiM,r into tho tTld
rojion. live r t li i n g tint w as of any
roal VilhiO was staked out and the fol
lows who went in when I did had a
hard time to litid anything that would
pay. It is a hard country to live in,
and while it. did net ii jno my health,
boine; stout and hearty, the scui-yy or
80inu of those ccinimn ilisoa.-os will
get tho becit of any man who will stay
thoro two or three year-. Ouu reason
why I jfot i-lonr better many men
was because I v.. is always on the jjo.
I went into that country wiih tho firm
determination of a stake, if
such a tli i ii tT wap possible, but I didn't,
and now 1 am pretty well satisfied that
the state of Nebraska will hold mo
for a while nt least. Some men who
had built their hopes on e;etiin;yr rich
pot down-hearted when their claims
did not pay and would go to their
eamps and stay, finally dyiutr with
"I have a contested claim on what
is Known as Gold Kun, but I do not
know who will tret it. That is tho
only thin; that would ever take mo
back to that country, and I am not
sure I would iso if I should tret tho
Mr. White says that a man would
not have ono chance in a thousand in
securing a paying- claim new, and as
there are about twenty men to every
job it is a poor show. He did pretty
well with his dog team in hauling
freight, and as a result came out a
great deal better than the average.
Men are leaving tho country as fast as
they possibly can get awav.
Fred Stadelmatm, Mrs. White's
brother, who went with Mark, did not
como back with them. At Capo Moan,
soveral miles north of the mouth of
tho Yukon river, there have recently
been discoveries made, and ho went
up to look over that country, but will
probably come out soon.
Mr. and Mrs. White brought omo
nice spocimens with theni. Some of
tho gold they had made into rings,
pins, etc. Ono of the most beautiful
things was a pin Mr. White had made
for his mother. It represented a set
of miner's tools a pick and shovel and
a gold pan, with a small piece of gold
in its natural state in the pan and a
nugget on tho point of the pick, lie
also brought ono of the dogs which he
used for freighting, which he prizes
very highly.
About 2 o'clock Mr. White departed
for the homo of his parent, I v. Whito
and wife, eouth of town, saying: "I
am now going home and tell my good
old father I have come home to die!
Oh, no! not to die to eat."' And away
ho went.
Trios to Kml llT Life.
Mrs. John tJeiser, who resides with
her husband in tho north part of the
city, has been a sutTcrcr from tumor
for a long time, and becoming despon
dent a few days ago she secured a
razor and attempted to end her suffer
ings by cutting her throat. She made
a bad wound in the throat, but did not
cut deep enough to havo tho desired
effect. A doctor wa called and the
incision was sewed up, but it is not
thought she can livo long, as the
tumor is very bad. The family have
tho sympathy of tho community in
their sad afiliction.
An Kiij y,lile AtT.itr.
A number of Piattsmouth people
went down to Mr. Todd's grove, on
tho Platte. last Sunday. They took
with them some well-lilled baskets,
and with the splendid ice cream and
the cool drive homo, all felt they had
spont one of tho most enjoyable days
of their lives. Among those present-
were Mr. and Mrs. J. XV. Seiver and
family, Mrs. George May and family,
of Lincoln: Mr. and Mrs. S. Osborn
and family, Mr. and Mrs.. I. L. Thomp
son and son, and Ollie Osborn
A Ootid Kecortl.
The July mortgage record makes a
splendid showing for a dull month, both
in farm and city properly. Horo are
tho figures:
Farm Mortgages:
Filed f--5-
Keleascd "-l
City Property:
Released '"
For Sale.
A eteam threshing outfit, complete
and in good order. At a bareain with
in next 30 days. Inquire at Itichoy'
lumber yard.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Drink soda next Thursday.
Shinn's cafe and fruit stand, l'orkius
houho block.
Ice oroam freezers of the best makes.
Kbingcr Hardware company.
Mound City paint. All 'oim-n. Ient
on earth. A. W. Atwood, tho drug
gist sells it.
Next Thursday the ,. 'A. society
will havo charge of all the soda foun
tains in tho city.
Attend tho revival meetings at the
Methodist church. Interesting speak
ing and good tnu-ie.
The NKWS of!C' ih the best cijui ppod
job office in county. First elites
work done on short noiieo.
Order your bread, ealie and ice
cream ef llolloway Teh-phones, Ni
bra.ka S!l; I Matt-mouth, '7li.
A. XV. Atwooii, the, UruL'gist, has
just what you want in wall paper.
I 'lat tsmoiith Teh pi one 'St.
Preserve y. i;r trees and shrubbery
by purchasing e of those spaycrs of
tho Kbingor Ha d'.varo company.
Full line ef !) Meal gasoline arid
J 1 1 no Flame ui sieves at Hriingcr
I lard'vare Co., at reaoria' ie pi ices.
)r X. C, I) ::m', dentist., Ih!), 110,
MeCague building, northwist comer
of Fifteenth and 1'odge sire. t.Om .ha.
Drink soda watrr next Thur.-day.
Tho pretty members of th" J. X. so
ciety will havo chart; e of all tho foun
tains. The Ebinger Hardware company is
agent for the Monmouth filter and
water cooler. The lines thing out.
See them.
For S lie A Itemingtoii typewriter,
No. 2. Is in good repair and has been
used but little. Inqui.e at the o'Keo
of C. S. Polk.
Telfer e Shopp ed will mow your
lawn better than you can do it your
belf. "Won't est much. Nebraska
telephone No. 7'.)
James L. Walk, r, a conservatory
graduate, instructor on piano and or
gan, also in voice culture. Kooms in
ihe I lock wood block.
The "Gut lleil" 6-cent cigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union made. For eale by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
Found A ladies' satchel containing
ladies and child's garments. Owner
can have same by proving property
and paying for this o'h.-o.
Try the SUsr lu-ami . -i king pints.
IJetter wear, beia. i h . m re comfort,
more value; cst -. m r. ii. ui irifoiiur
goods S." cent-. F. '! . 1 vi Co.
Quickly euro c "i si i p it m, and re
build and invigorate he miiv sy-tein
never grri" : : '. use .u- -- I h -Witt's
Little E irly Hlf rs F i l F. -ickc Co
liev. Cli tries S i vid .1 Omaha will
preach at the Methodist viuirch to
night. Tho interest at the revival
meetings is inci ea -i ir: . Everybody is
invited to attend.
There will bo a iawn social at the
homo of Thomas Wi'.es mi Tuesday
evening, August lo, for the benefit of
the Mission band. Ice cream will be
served from 4 to 10 o'clock. Every
body invited.
II. C. MoMaken received a letter
from Georgo Fairtleld last evening
stating that his wife was dangerously
ill. Sho has been ill for a long time
and owing to hor extreme old age it
is feared she will not recover.
Thomas, the colored fellow who as
sisted in robbing the car at South
Bond, was arranged before Judge Ram
sey this afternoon and entered a plea
of guilty to the charge of daylight bur
glary, lie will bo sentenced tomor
row. Sheriff Wheeler received notice
from tho authorities at Sioux City last
evening, stating that a negro had
been arrested at that place who an
swered the description of I!url Handy,
the fellow wanted here for breaking
into a car at South Head. A picture
will bo taken of him and sent here to
determine whether or not it is tho
right man.
At the demo-pop central committee
meeting held at Weeping Water Sat
urday the dates of the conventions
wore fixed p.s follows: The conven
tions for the purpose of electing dele
gates to tho state and judicial conven
tions will be held August 17 at Green
wood and Elmwood, and the conven
tion to in nomination a county
ticket will be held in Piattsmouth on
September '27.
W. C. Willetts informs us that he
will soon tender his resignation as
manager of Hon Bridg fo'-d's drug
store. Tho school facilities at Sar
geet are not such that he can bring
Via family here, and as he hasadaugh
tcr who will this year go into tho
Freshman class, ho does not feel that
it would be just to tike her out of a
good city school. Mr. Willetts has
made many friends during his stay at
Sargent, and it is with regret that we
note his intended departure. Sargent
Towns Amonir Crmts.
London Mail: Not far from Ning-pang-po,
a town in Northern China,
there is a large village composed ex
clusively of graves. The pku-e is. as
a matter of fact, a deserted burial
ground, and has been taken possession
of by a numerous colony of beggars,
thieves and outcasts of all descrip
tions, who eat, sleep, and make merry,
In spite of their eerie environment,
which such Is the influence of famil
iarity never seems to enter their
otherwise superstitious minds. There
are several of these "towns among the
tombs" in various parts of the Celes
tial empire.
The Ebinger Hardwaro company
ha3 tho largest line of lawn-mowers
ever brought to the city.
'til.ln of "Win Mh- hlri-4-l, 1 omierly of
I'la 1 1 miiiiiii l Ii.
The following account of the mar
riage of Mi.-N Mai- Street, at Durango,
Colo, on July 'jr., is tali on from the
Herald of that city anil will bo read
with inteiest by Piattsmouth people:
'"Ono of tho prettiest weddings that
was over solemnized in Durango oc
curred at the home of the bride, on
the boulevard, last e ve n i ng, where Mr.
Schuyler C. Morgan and Mis Mao
Street were, united in marriage by
l!ov. C. II. Miller.
'Tho liinino was beautifully deco
rated in white ami pink, iweet peas
being u-otl in profusion. Preceding
the ceremony the sifter of the bride.
Miss Clara Street, sang in her own
exquisite m inner, "( 'aim as the Night
and May Morning." Sho was accom
panied on the piano by Prof. York.
As tile words of the song died
away the soft notes of Lohengrin
peaied forth and tho bridal party en
tered and took their places in the
south parlor, whore the llowers and
vines were in tho greatest profusion.
Here they were m t by their pastor,
llev. C. II Miller.
"The bride was beautifully attired
ir: the daintiest white organdy, with
ribbon garniture her daik hair was
worn high She carried an immense
bouquet of white sweet peas, tied with
a whito sitin ribbon, with long ends
and loops. She was preceded by her
sister, Mis Clara Street, her maid of
honor. Sho wore a gown of transpar
ent organdy, and carried a bouquet of
pink sweet peas tied with pink satin
'"The groom wore the conventional
black-, lie was at tended by his brother,
Judge Chancellor T. Mogun, best
man. Kev. Miller in an impressive
manner performed the ceremony
using the boautful ring ritual.
"The bride's former home was
Piattsmouth, Nebraska, where she
will be sadiy missed by her parents
and friends. Sho is claimed by Dur
ango as one of her fairest and most
favored daughters. She has taught
with success in our public !-ehools; has
been prominent in social and musical
circles and in the work of her church.
She is a tfl'iontod singer and her lovely
voice has boon generously lent in
Durango on many occasions. The
groom is a prominent young lawyer of
fine presence and marked literary
ability. He was one ef the first to en
list in the. war with Spain and be
longed to the famous company of
1 loos-volt's Uough Itidurs.
"Mrs. W. L Street, mother of the
brine, lets h-. on visiting her daugters
and wa piCsori' at the wedding. She
was hand-oinely gowned in black and
whit-.; si', k.''
I. Teiinant of Louisville was
ictiug business at the Court house
t rans
Sammy 11 !T:n tii departed last even
ing for Load, S. D , where he will work
on the Caii, Archie Potter's paper.
Mrs. Phi! Harrison returned today
from a pic i-aai visit wth her parents,
H. H. lloilister and .vifo, at Lincoln.
Mrs..!. W. J'hn-on has returned
from hor visit to Couroil Bluffs. Mrs.
Giles ii !tni'-ii ivitb her for a few
days' visit.
O P. S'"w;irt. of M unlock, a mem
ber of t h'- army of republican candi
dates for county superintendent, was
in the city today looking after his in
Ed MoMaken and lamiiv will arriv
in the ei t v I h is e on mg r,,r a visit at
th(! MeMai.-n h-unest' .ad Ed has
been a sulT' rer Irom hay fever fo
sometime and will recuperate in this
healthful climate for a few vv. i ks.
Mrs Fiod Krnehler and son, Wil
liam, and Mrs. G. in go K roehler drove
to Weeping Water Sunday morning
for a vi.-it with Herman Kleitsch and
fami'y, returning last evening. Col
onel Fred, who went down Saturday
with tli'1! demo-pop medicine-mixer-,
returned with them.
The Favorite IToort fur l-'asliimmlilo nrirt
Artistic Fiirnituro.
More and more beautiful are the
articles of furniture made in Flemish
oak the wood that now seems the
greatest favorite for fashionable ami
artistic furniture, says the New York
Post. For the dining-room and library
its richness and elegsuce of eti'ect can
hardly he surpassed. If some house
keepers still frown upon the dust-harboring
quality of Its elaborate oarvinirs
the argument is met by art lovers with
the word that the mo;t beautifnl things
need care and that carved Flemish oak
richly repays the effort needed to keep
it clean. Massive sideboards are
shown in the long, colonial design,
whose single shelf Is supported by
-.wonderfully carved little men, four
teen and eighteen imaVs high, with
pointed hoards. The massive dining
room table which accompanies the
sideboard has still more and larger
specimens of these same droll-looking
little fellows. The beautiful Flemish
oak chairs for dining-room and library
have sides and backs in stamped
leather of rich and subdued colors. In
some of them a coat of arms is dis
played anyliody's presumably and it
was the admission of the salesman
when the question was asked that this
sort sold better In democratic America
than any other. The library tables are
as often covered with the same
stamped leather and lft with their
heautiful stretch of dark, highly pol
ished surface.
The Vienna ISakery.
We will deliver to our customers
fresh bread, pies and cakes from this
date. Watch for our wagon if you want
nice, fresh bread.
William Moijkow, Proprietor.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
t s said that tho railroads aro
storing vast quantities of coal for tho
winter use, and this fact is taken to
indicate that there will be no troublo
experienced by coal doalors in getting
orders filled this fall and winter. It
is not believed that soft coal will bo
higher this winter than last.
TUB editor of the Post has been ad
vertising tho fact that ho would soon
publish hot polit ieal letters from every
precinct in the county, but a corres
pondent of Till-: Ni:Vs has given away
the secret of how the letters wore to
be prepared. The editor of the Post
prepared such a letter as he wanted
written and sent it out for the corres
pondent to copy and return as his own
views over his own name, but tho
gentleman rcfusad to havo his polit
ical views dictated to him, so declined
to sign tin; article, but has touched up
tho situation in another column ofTllK
NkW's;. Potter revise your list, as
politics have changed some, in Cass
county in the last four years.
Marriage in Spain takes place by
day or at nighl,aeco.-ding to tho for
tune of the young people or their sta
tion in life, if well to do the ceremony
comes off in the early part of tho
CltiMi of i ntern tJjins 1 iin nM-n h l-Vw
Political Opinion-,.
WahasM, Neb., July .'!!. Editor
Wkhklv News IIkuai.ii Dear Sii
An article appeared in the Saunders
County Journal, Juiv 27, signe,d"Tax
payer, Wabash Net)." In his artiel
he says tho taxpayers of this county
ought to know that there have bee
several jobs perpetrated with judicial
sanctum. In his article he mention
ono case, the 11. M. against Cas
county, and says our present distric
judge is owned by the H. .v M. II
also says this same judge seeks
renomination at the nanus oi tne pop
ulists and democrats, seeks an endorse
meat of tho reform forces of this count
and districted what, he judicial
robbery. The parly who wrote tho ar
tiele referrtd to did not have the man
hood to sign his own name but signed
it "Taxpayer" and claims to be-long to
the reform forces. If ho will write hi
honest convictions or the conviction
of the pirties in Piattsmouth ho wrote
the article, for, lie will say his reason
for condi mning our district juogo ai
because ho or the ones be wrote it for
could not use the judge of the ilist.-i.j
court, loo people out here are awan
who wrote the article foe the la wye
in Piattsmeuth. A leading poputis
and a number of Itcding democrats in
form me that it will do the lawyi' r.
good as the present judge will b re
nominated .
Politics Out here are commencing to
waimup We are told you fellow
down there want the earth on conven
tion day, sluiitl, county treasurer
eierk of the court and county judge
As to sheriff" ve umler-tand Fran I-
Johnson is be ing pushed ;out here the
are all friendly to the bo from Manil;
providing he is not being pu-hed by
the old politicians who have been
laid to rest. As to county treasurer
history repeats itself Plattsmoutl
wiil have the treasurer. If a republi
can received tne nomination in west
em Cass, the democrats would nomi
nate a man from Piattsmouth and tin
republicans down in that neck of the
woods would vote for irm and repeat
the same old story, pal the bovs on
tho back, vote her straight 'ha
is, the boys out .bore should vote lie-
straight, when election comes arid on
county tieasurer tho republicans
eastern I .ass out not see tne treasurer
on the republican lieket. Hut 1 thir.k
you follows will
ie bi tter this time
Mikk Cavkv.
She Scttlert Jt Stair
Short (Inlcr.
Mary Anderson Navarro had prob
ably a more persistent fight against
the wealthy, stage nfasher th.iri nny
woman in the profession who confined
herself to the "strictly legitimate,'1
says the Cincinnati Enquirer. Early
in her career she was playing in Hart
ford and was entertained hy a num
ber of the literary people there, head
cd by Charle3 Dudley Warner, all of
whom had the greatest admiration for
her eenius. At one of these "after
noons" she met a howling swell of the
city and behaved graciously to him.
On the strength of this the young fal
low ordered a big supper at a leading
restaurant and a-ked a nur.iber of his
friends to meet Miss Anderson, whom
she certainly would not have met un
der any other circumstances. Then,
during the last act of the performance,
a messenger was sent to bid the fair
actress V the feast. To the mortifi
cation of her host and amusement of
his guet's the messenger came back
with on-iy a verbal message that "Miss
Anderson was not on a foraging ex
pedition." New Cities In tlio WilI of A Trim.
A party has left Bulawayo for Lake
Tanganyika on behalf of the Tangan
yika Concession company and will lay
out a town at the south end of th
lake. This company has been granted
2,000 square miles of land, with min
eral and other concessions. The na
tives are not consulted, as they are
not supposed to have any rights.
Dinmondn In Pretorin.
The area of the Pretoria diamond
fields continues to be increasing by dis
coveries in almost every direction, and
the j'ield from the extensive wash is
reported as highly encouraging, the
yield from some of the mines for the
flyst three months of the year ranging
as high as 6,000 carats.
The best of till Pills are Beecham'sP
Ico cream flavored with extracts, 25
ccnta per quart at Holloway'd.
Notl-f lit lull (, tl
Mrs. Thomas Kompstor, correspond
ing secretary, and Mis. J ones Untold,
troasurer,of the Piattsmouth Woman's
club, win bo at llcrold's slur- n
Wednesday aft., moon, Auce-t J, from
U until o o'clock, to receive member
ship fees (!) from el ii ) members who
contemplate going on with tho work
next year. Membership o;,rds are
ready for ail who. will at that duo
hand their fees to the tteasure-. The
ladies are earnestly n quested to y el
and nttend to this if pos-ible, that
their name may bo ready for the year
Fl'NIfK S. Fkij.ows,
Pi si Ion t.
Tru-li liiimin Kilitmlr.
The mo.-t serious epidemic of trich
inosis nr. reeord happened In lSii.'i. In
ljie Iitsfo town of I ledcr.-Irbi n, in Sax
ony, a hutc'ii-r killed three ho:; and
made theni into sausages. They were
tati-n by a lare number of the inhab
itants of the little town. Several hun
dred pt rsoes fell desperately ill and
ov-r 1 m ; died. j
Champion Shot ot the World. !
Mis Annie Oakley writes: "Myself I
and many of the IhilTalo P.ill Wild
Wesl (Jo havo gi yen Allen's Foot-K sot
the powder to shako into the shoes, a
most thorough trial, and it does all if i
not more than you claim '" It instantly
takes tho sting out of corns arid bun
ions. Allen's Foot-F,ae is a certain
cure for swollen, hot, aching, nervous
or sweating foot. Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores, i!.-je. Sample sont free.
Address Allen S Olmsted, Li Roy, N Y.
Another Kxrorstoii to the lil;i- Hill,
Date, Tuesday. August S
Kite, ono faro for the round trip.
Limit, thirty days from date .f -ale.
The summer resorts of the. i'.iaek
II ills are tilled as never before. Hot
Springs aad Sylvan Lake, ai o crowded
with pleasure see Ue.--. Tim hotels and
sanitariums are
go - t
re i 1
business in their hi-tor, hut tl
still room fo- ni ire.
Thai Hot Springs thermal water;
have lost none; of
tu-i r old linn
cacy is proven hy the fact thai more
people have boon cured or benefitted
this year than at any time in i ii ,- past.
Uememhe.r the date of th i- io v rate
excursion Tuesday, August S. 1b--momheiV
too, that the Hur'.ingLon
route runs a through sleeping "' r '
Nut Springs (lot aboard it at Lin
coln or anywhere north of there and
go through without chango or delay
of any kit.d. J. Fkancis,
(1 P. A., Omaha, Nob.
Ki-al Warm VVialli.r Krsl hikI Co hi fort.
There is a powde: to be shaken into
the siio .s ealbd Allen's Foo"-K i-e. in
vented by Allen S Oi tn -ted, Le Woy,
N. Y., which druggists .and shoe deal
ers say is i be best thing- they have
ever sold to cure swollen, burning,
sore and tender or aching feet.. Some
dealers claim that it makes tight or
new siioos feel easy. It certainly will
cure corns and bunions and relieve in
stantly sweating, hot or smarting
feet. Allen's Foot-Ease costs only a
quarter, and the inventor will send a
sample free to any address.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep
sia because its ingredients aro such
that it can't help doing so. ''The pub
lic can rtdy upon it as a master remedy
for all di-ord -rs arising from impoi
fect digestion." James M. Thomas,
M. I)., in American Journal of Health,
NT. Y. F. G. Frieke tV Co.
Probate .Vol ice.
In tho County t'ourt, Cass county
In tho nintn-r ol tlio ci-tat-; of Isali
, Nebraska.
.-1!.: Kau-iv.
AM persons interested in s;,W matter ;to in-re-by
imtiiied lliat on the l.'yt!i d'ty nt hi'. I via.
Henry J. Streis-d't Hied a petition in snul on. it,
prayiny; that hi- imai adai ini--t: alum :u ,-miiil-.
he settled and allowed; that he he ii .-.I ao;. d
and re!ieed fr'ini builicr dun a administrator
'I S'lid e-tate, and that nn- n a imal heat :mr T- M.
i loian, Majr'e Kern and Ivieu J-.. I. into may
adjudged tin- heirs at ;a-. :,t said deceased an-!
entah-.i to lahiM it to. des. eat the i.j-d.bie of ..-,
property atler the iudebtednc paid, and that
it vim fail to appear heloie -aid omit on ti e I. a
day o! September, l-'.-'.i. at '.i o'ctork a. in., and
i:.nt;t sni 1 petition, the .- ourt may (.-rant the
praer ol said petition rind make siith oiln.-i rai-i
furtiier orders, allowances and dectrr- a to the
court m.av seem proper, to the end that ail mat
ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set
tled and determined.
Witness my hand and the sea! of --aid county
court at t'lattsmouili, .Neni a-k a. t h is 1-t day oi
Aiarust. ls-.m.
(K(JKot. M. Sj-1-ri.iii-k,
(Seal) ("otiuty fi..'a,;.
l'.y L. K. Hassh, l':erl County Court.
& tr !
Great Reduction
In price, of ! fatll'-iiticks. W
h: ve t i v hauii!., .i;ks on
hand, owi'nr to n :"- a -on a !! :
wotitiier, so horn t.h,.y Lr():
i') ) II AM MOCKS, s.'i on
4 id "
u oO
X Ml
U 00
A tul so on ilnv
Commission Brokers
Wear Com. Co., Correspondents.
Direct Private Wire to Chicago
Over Atwood's Drug- Store
All Orders Promptly Executed
I'lattsniotith Tel. 27r.
Dr. W. C. Dean.
40. 410 Ml-Cntni' 1 C n i I 1 i n cr .
Northwest cor. l"th and Dodfie sts
All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa
ticnts will receive especial consideration.
us i
From the disorder of the past
three weeks. Wo will soon be
aHe to show you the finest
store in the city. Meanwhile,
and to help us clean up the
stock, wc will close out...
All Summer Goods
There is
ior vou
v- i ; i
ford to
r- t
? f.r-r Js
tV .!i
r t r
i I L i I
ren Beds
-v! ? n v'
-TjL'.-.i'.rr-ii.V -C-ji
Beautiful Lin
,1 U- reel 1 '
tirjtie. . k
This is a r
.a ii
Those Oak Rocr
A e 1
:a i:ca i :;s -.
) A Few More
O ft
i i it
1 0 5
.- r ti
The Furniture Man and Undertaker
? 5 i i t E t hi
zxr z:--.-r.:
of metis4 r
'.V. ,n ;;t )t i ;
k!-,tv;i T'
hy :!--
G 6 r i r
7Xi rr.i
Ii '
:. i 1 tj
va n. r,i p opp! r
I A t N-' 111 I . I L I ' V . ' ". .. t k S .J g - J.J
HY u't;i i 1 ," ; . ' " . '' : I .1 ! ir:;i n i-s-, who take it
- ou'. of lie- -t.;!.-. w in;, ;. ( . : ' : ' r . ; '.e-- '-'.-I fri"ii , .e,ra-ka
Ci;ri!.i::v. Only t:-ic lit-' C:..s- t,; i;i:sii'iss ts ci iiHcllino Hoiisi,
X i PrcPt-rty Accepted
hilHi-r-M: Hit- '."o. : I-:;!-'-!.-. 1 '. .-- ;.! e ; ! ,. ,, (;. ).)VVi Vie,.
Sr tm'- cl.-r.t- .:.?' . : -. ' -' v : i-.-ati; .! '--roiii. Tr. a-'i : i- ; ( -.
" e-cett. V,". .1. W'.ite. In ..- ' .y -r. (ieo A . ITav, H. li (ierinir
,, I (I
- --" f. j yi . , f - i- y, 'j- ' f ' i-'; ' - r. ir. a y
1 r r-Jri!- 117: - .I - ! X -. ' t O f I
1 i v Vvt-f i t - , - v ')'tUi hi fx
d C i if4'-; k i i k i 2 2 H -i V, J J f t
U v.;!..'"ok- ; I. :: vM i , t, - v-...-i: ;t, rn:w ones, !
. ...
9 'i-e-i .-''i:'-v t'--! -n ' -'-'vCt '; :-lOv. Ilar.ivvnre,
Tinw.'ire ai;-. ;ir.v;'r vf u--:.-.i ,:. ,1 f.r--t -ci.'t.-,-.
-! liar lv. , iv k: '..r..-.
J urr ar.'l c;t!i. -- I hav. -.,,:v thrit will
4 'tiu-r'-Nl vcu. i8
? Rockwood Blocks 5LA VT:i ri;L "7 '.; It
1 f,
. .
( V V JL JL V JL j v-v Pi- U Etfi a m " W a t
;()maha TcToy
3 35 i
advantap" in this
vou cvii i not af
. ' i H :i s
i n .
rr-i '--si ir : - I -
of Those
Willi Mattress
and Springs
Com plete
i'- ' 'em .... A ii elegant A li
! tl,.- ie 1, t hirty day-.
(.' " -liifi ii-ateii anyw here.
. i
$1 .7o.,
L : I.
d of
fin i o
K h. r i
They overeoi'ie Weak-
lie.---:, irreirii la ri t y niel
"He ''iJis, ilierctsli vi"-
. ltct f,r a,,,j i,ish " paii ts
r:v- lAi r SAVCilS" to o-irjs ut
- ..j. merit of ore-ins ami Ixxly. No
"-' ' ,;s th'-m. C.-ir.rot. -lo harai lifo
uox i;y ?.iaii. sui
i i i .-". Cfl h-IICAh CO., Cl.-v.-laml. Ohio.
L s 4 -a- L V t.l . E' Uf ! l!,
B 1
'J n