Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 01, 1899, Image 1

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Till-? Ni:U. KHtiiMHhrd Nov. S. Im'.u i,.
TIIK II KUA Mi, A,rll Id, Jsr.l. f ' """""'liH.-d Inn. I, h'i',.
VOL. VIII. N(.7.r.
11 v , I - .
J -Jr.
Son francisco Pays Trlbut to the
Brave Boys of the Fighting
First NebrasKa.
Greeted Witt) Deafening Cheers
and a Bedlam of Other Derrj-V
Sa., r'UAseiMd, Cal., .1 uly :t t . Tho
ii;iir;tfl;a regiment took up tlio march
from tho Hancock to tho camp ft t. tho
I'ro.sidioat exactly .::;( tti is morning.
Tho o", nt wan greeted with mi)i mi
outp. wring of people and with such n
collodion d noises us wore never be
foro produced in the city. All along
the lino of march from tho tdiip to tho
camp pciiplo jammed tho street anil
veiled t hi'iusd ves liimrhu. Kvory
whistle iii tho city whs turned loose,
li real ins wi'iv ii isrhargi-d, ami hard
ware stoics were ian.saelod for imiso
inaUiii;' i ii -1 r ij inon t.-. iSiisini-ss was
suspended ami clerks and factory
hand- v. i ro turned loose to -we ll tho
iioi-y an. I i n lh usi isli e throng. The
parade as headed hy tho chief of po
lice ami ;i detail, the' chief w har li n gor
and oiler oHiiiahs. Following Came
the tv, o i Me n t al olli'-ers of the First
N'i'hranka, inmmteil. They wero ac
companied I y Coventor I'oynter and
(ioneral il.atrv, tho latter in full retri-
lllf Idill.s.
-tale colors wwi' car
ried l a loiMiirw soldier from the l're-.-.idio,
who rode in the roar of tho col
onel, l-'o! lowing came 'ho hand,
1 .i-oudly playing lively airs to which
I he "s i I ra-ka soldiers kept step.
M. trili With Kirin St-i.
It wie no st rtg.' led hody of diseased
and men, tiut clwnvuJ up com
pany aflo;- company of the splendid
specimens of manhood froiu tho
prairie state, walking with firm and
ela-tic ,-lcp through tho city that was
doirio- them so much honor, and with
apparent pride of tho country for
which they had so lately liocn olTeiiny
f i eel y their life's hlood.
lichiiol the. marching companies
came tho six regular army am bu hincos
conveying all the soldiers who hail
I.-!' themselves unable- to take up tho
four-iniie march on tho hard pavement:-,
lo tho camp. About forty of
tho men availed themselves of the
privilege to rido.
Next lo the ambulance corps came
the bind and l:ah battery, a detail of
regular cavalry mid a battery of ar
tillery, the rear being brought up by
a detail of policemen ami a detail of
lire m it with apparatus. Tho noise of
the reception along tho march was
such as to a 1 most deafen the Nebraska
visitors, and it was alwaj'S the loudest
vvhoi the tattered battlellags of the
Nel ra-Ua regiment appeared in sight.
Tho lolnrnino regiment got a tasto of
a royal western welcome anil a sample
of the reception that is to meet them
at". I'.nlhusiasm reigns not oe.'iy
in camp. Iiii', all over the ei.t.y 'today.
Ttie N'e)r.iskans are well rested this
evening after their march to the new
e unpandthe -ubsi ciliont work of un
packing the boxes. The eamp is nicely
loeiited litrt't adjoining tho I 'resido
park and 1 oulevard. Along the lat
ter a cable car line also runs.
( oni fori Hlle Ti-iitn.
Theeniisied men are furrii-h.;d lif-toi-n-foot
round Sibley tents, with
about ei-.; ht nvn to each. There is a
stove in each tent ar.d all have solid
board ll'joi f. i'uiit several inches above
Co ground ievel. Tho oHieers have
"sx'ri Mii n'i' wail tents, al.-o with board
The m-'ss hou-es an; the features of
the eunp Kaeh coinpany has a sub
stantia'! frame building, iiOxf.O feet in
si.e, with enuanetit tables and scats
built in. The kitchen is divided otT
from the dining room. l-lach is fur
nished vsith t six-holo range, boilers
and kettle, of all kiuds. EverythintJ
is brand new.
The men sa tho camp is the best
they have ever had, and that the ra
tior.s here are very fine. For dinner
touav the N'.'bi-'isjuns were the quests
of the (:-eno!i rooi meat, each eom
,,ny bouiij O in. d tv t he corrosporid
lii tr letter ;'onipan. of tho )reoi ians.
Thi- friei diy act was highly appre
ci ite.i aft--i the lonjr march. Iurino
the dinner hour tht; women of San
I-'rie'..-co pinned a haudsomo bouquet
to i ,n h Nebraska tent.
Toiiioht the men of the regiment
,vi fr.-e invitation to attc :id one of
the local theater r-, and leave of ab-Mne-
vas granted to the brave met!
from e. eoir.p.vy .' this purpo.-o.
Tile returned warriors divided with
the bow liie attt!:nor. of tho aud
ience .
The -r-ick men o! the regiment are all
sent t- the .. rul hospital which is
nearby, and no retruneiital hospital
will be established.
Sirk AM Iloiiis Wt-M.
The sick- mm 11 i 1 doinr well,
whib tho wounded men who remain
with their companies mostly look
stronger than the men who escaped
without wounds. The Thurston Rifles
look especially fine. They have three
sick men, F. A. Ilecd and II. A. Ben
nett on the hospital ship Ilolief and A.
W. Whittakor, who is in tho hospital
here. Nono aro serious. None of tho
wounded of this company will bs per
manently crippled tnd the same may
be said of nearly every man now with
the regiment who w& toughed by a
Filipino bullet. Captain Ilerpol
eheimer of Company D, who was re
covering from a wound and si.'kness,
came over in the Indiana ten days ao,
but reported for duty today.
The men have signed the pay roll
and expect to jet the two months' pay
due torao'Mow. This will come handy,
as most of them are out i f money.
Si ni'o tho last pay 'lay they have
drawn about 8 each as their share of
tho profits from the i-anteer;. This
was their spending money rdnce h-av-in
The people of tho city are showing
tho hoj s every attention today. A
threat number (A baskets of food, fruit
and ottior delieacioH were brought out
by the thoughtful people.
I !x iilnri-rs lliliii ill l II. n- I'lttslitit In
the ScHrili Ki r Kulilii-r Iiocmik
Kansas City, Mo., .July :;1.--A
party of explorers, headeal byt.vo Kan
sas City men, Weidon K. Will in i.a-or.
and Mareij-, (J. Kirk, arid al.-o by
Alfred 4 ireeiiliidd d MnplcLim, Kan.,
which left this city in March, I Vis,
and have no' been heard from .-inc.-June,
1S!IS, is now belieod to ii'lVi
been oxter initialed by a ho.- tile tribe
of Indians in the wo-p i :i part of, whither it went in search of
e;reat rubber forests in the int- ro.-t of
Kansas C.'i ty capital.
Secretary Ilajof the Slatj d'part
mont has notified the l.'nlted States
con.-uls i ii !b.j' nos Ayres, l':o .lanetro
and otheu- South American capitals to
make an imuualiat-) and t !i oi nu' h .n
vostifration and report all facts at
once. T. 1. I'riee of this city, who
furni.-hed tie- tinanci il I'a'.-Kin;.' for the
expedition, has sent Frank C rci; I'eld,
brother of one of the lo-t men, lo
iikiku search
While Mr. I'riee is not yet williny
to beliovo thiit the inembern have
peri.-hed, he is vry anxious abou'
Ihein .
A lelti-r riieiviil hire today f : eiu
Mrs. FJwin K Ovonii.iii of Sali-bury,
iN . C , a sister of M.- Williamson,
o-ive.s iior tielief that the men have
beiui kilieii. Mrs. Williamson, who
went to ib a.d a jear a-o to hu:;t for
her husband, ha.s returned to this
country and now believes him dead,
as does Mrs. Kirk, who is now in Chi
cago with her parents.
Itiil Not -Atl.-ixl I hiiri li t-Kl crd.iy, Itut
J'iKik il Walk .
IIoi'Kb CllAMl'LAlN, Clinton County,
N. Y., July 30. President McKinley
did not attend church today, as ho had
intended to do, but instead remained
at the hotel with Mrs. McKiiuey.
This morninrjf he went for a le-nr walk
with his old friend, Commander J5uek
iriham of the navy, svn'd after lunch
eon he went out f or a short walk wit!.
Dr. Hixey. Mrs. McKinley continue
to improve steadily.
- Tonight the weather has turned
cold, the steam has been turned o;: in
every room in tho h-dol and overcoits
and wraps are in demand If the sky
clears there will probably bo a lihi
frost. The presidi nt is much inter
ested in the proirros of alVairs in the
republic of Siuito lomir.o;o and ho
rends the newspapers with e at rness.
The New York and Washington
morning papers do ntt reach l.ero
until 7:30 p. in., so that the evciinjr i
al ways spent by the president iu read
ing them. Tho students at. the Cath
olic Summer School of America are
very nnx'ous to Imv the president
vi.-it the rrrmuiih, whieh are only
about a mile from the hotel, an 1 the
president has promi-cd to do t-o as
soon as Mrs. McKin'oyV iiealth will
Work Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little
t'tiino- that ever was made is Ir.
Kinp'p New lafe Pills. Kvery pill is a
suar-coated globule if iiealth, that
changes weakness into strength, 'ist-les.-ness
into energy, h-aia-fa into
mental power. Tbcy're wieadi ;-f;.:l in
buiidir:jj up the health. t)n:y " cents
per box. Soli hy F. G. Frieke L'o
A S.-iiisrtijt" KtT-t.
"They say that President MeK:r.h:-;-"s
trousers are creased only from the
knei down." "That must trivc "cm a
sausage effect." "Sausage v fleet?"
"Yes below-Kut-e. Cleveland Plaia
V1iif the Minister Snil.
Jingso "What did the minister say
whtn the plate came up?" Ilinso
"He said he wouldn' mind so much if
the buttons were all alike." Syracuse
Ivodol !y-peps:a C-.ire horo'je hly
di jests food without aid from the
stomach, and at li.e s-nu . V.nyi healr
and restores th: di? -a-eJ elgestivo
organs. It is the or. ly remedy that
does both of thes.- thing; and can be
relied upon to permanently cure dys
pepsia. F. C Frieke & Co.
Essentially a Modern Question.
The old man shaded his
looked after the fleeing bicyclist dis
appearing up the rook. "I wordr," he
ruminated, "whether that's my boy or
my girl." Tit-Bits.
Merely Temporary.
"How sad the Widow Wilkins looks."
"Yes; but it Is a kind of brisk sadness,
don't yoti think?" Detroit Free Press.
Eeforo buying binding twine seo
Ebinger Hardware Co.
Early Arrival of the Transport
Prevents Royal Reception
fill But Fourteen of tfye F'9nting
First Regiment Line Up
por Inspection.
San Fi:a n is( a r, J uly :0. The, un
timely arrival of the United States
transport Hancock, having on board
the Fit st Net-rasKa regiment arid two
batteries of the Utah artillery, com
pletely destroyed all the arrangements
which hi d been made for a royal re
ception and an nthusinstie welcome
to the tiehtinu' volunteers ret urn in r
er'ovr.eil with th -ir laurels.
The Hancock rlroppej anchor- i ri the
stream shortly h. fere mid ni'ul la.-t
r-i'ht 'I he oi. mi t tee.- herefrom No-hra-'l
a and Utah had iri vi n upallidia
of ttiO ves-ei's li.'i ivinir earlier than
tiii- uiornini:' aed had prepared to l.'c
up;it dawn today to ercet the e.
pected ship. '.i r' ar;u launches had
been ehartercl and (l.ivi'Ciici' Poynter
of N bras:: had pi uim d with all care
and detail to I.e. the. !irst man aboard
the Hancock and welcome the heroes
from hi- state bafd: to American soil.
I bit. there wero no reception com
mittees alloat at midniuht. ami only
one deb Ration of Nebraska people,
headed by .Jud'o Hubert Myan of
eol i,, and C. . Wiicdon of tho Mini"
I'iiy, acctmpariied the customs house
oil'cials ;ind the correspondents on the
race down the bay.
' larantiiiC and cu.-toms regulations
prevented even this little band from
oi.-ltino; ii care, i the deck of the hil
than the approacii to tho rjranjr plank.
The returnitijr toldiers have no criti
cism to oiler fc r th. ir silent reception.
Thcv cheered theres;:lves 'hearse at
siehlof the little 11 -et of launches and
from the di cks of the transport shouted
eetiiijrs a ra! n:essaees to the people
on tho d-incin'1' craft below.
Colonel il. H. Mulford of the N
bra: kan-, a iic is in coaim " i d,sooti ap
piared at the rail i n f'. I!v his sifJe
stood William (Ira ui of Company I),
the sentiel of the Nebraska regiment,
who tired ihe first shot in answer to
shot.- from the Fi li pi rios, which started
the war with the insurgents. He
killed the first Filipino who died by
an American bullet and it was this
shot wl ieh was the signal for the ad
vance of the entire American line, ar.d
the jjreat rout of the rebel .army on
bo nijjrht of the 4th of February.
"I don't think you will see any of us
returning to Manila very soon," said
Colonel Mulfold, in response to a
'.! list ore man in the entire regi
ment re-enli.-tcd. Only twenty-five re
mained in the Philippines to enape.
in business.
"The First. Nebraska had as much
tonjrh work in this W:ir," continued
C-donol Mulfoid. '-as any regiment,
voiuntrer or regular. Our death roll
in the Philippines? from gunshot
wounds, ac-idents and disease, is
sixty-two. Including tho sick :n't
wounded who are recovering, all to-d,
L104 men.
'"On t'u II aneock are mere than 100
wounded soldiers. The. entire refri
meni is glad to know that it is to be
mustered cut in San Francisco.
'Wo have had a pleasant trip,"' con
cluded C-donel Mulford, "and it has
improved the men wondci fully. Q jito
a number of them will have to co to
tli'Mr h'-mes, nut I am assured that
every one will soon be all right."'
The first man to grasp the hand rf
a returning Nebraska volunteer was
0. O. Wliedon, whose son, Hurt W.he
do'i, is Urst lieutenant and adjutant of
the regiment. Th? younir ot'iicer was
lowered on the grm jiiark arid father
and son soon greeted each other with
some difli'ulty. The quarrenUne efli
cer dues not board the in corn i ag ships
between sunset and sunrise .a nd three
was nothinir to do I ul wait for the
mot li it: is with what e;;t e:ee possible.
I it-- m.-.n on the Ha ! cock cumbered
1 b'.i an 1 l:a in lo i!.,. two Utah light
biiio: -- ami six di-eharg d mo.a front
th. TiVv. nt v -se aeid reniiiiont. U. S A
C lenel Muiforil, v. 'no is it. command
cf the Ne'u aska regiment, suce cie. d
tiie latt: Ce'eio i .iu.tsentierg, kille-1 in
I.'t. utena nt Colon. 1 Cd
Nv-br i ka r giment re m"t
n of th"
d at Ma
in hank-
wher e Hi: Wl
i ng.
Only or e man ii.'d on the Hancock
after it left Mimi t. II - was Private
Klcba'd Ralph of Matt, ry A, Utah
nrtiiiery, and ho died rf typhoid fever
at N'ga-aki. Among the oflicers of
the Nebraska regiment who were
severely wounded are: Captain llol-lir.-g-worth
and Li. utenant Wnth
worth, '.-.h i en two difieront occasions
w-ts shot in the legs.
I Kan IS il I uf Health
E trly today the quarantine officer of
the port boarded the Hancock and
after a careful inspection gave the ves
sel a clean bill of health. Soon after
ward the sick and wounded were taken
in ambulances to the hospital at the
It had been arranged that those of
the men able to march should bo
landed at noon and march to tho Pre
sidio by way of the principal streets.
As an attendant guard of honor, six
!coa panics of the Second Oregon, with
! the regimental band, wpr dettiiied at
i the dock. It wa found, however, that
J the men could not conveniently bo
landed earlier than 3 o'clock and that,
even then ,tsorro of their paraphernalia
and trophies of war which they de
sired to use in their triumphal march
were down in the hold arid would not
be available.
I Covernor Poynter of Nebrn-ka made
these representations to Major d -neral
Shafter ami at the urgent request of
the governor Cenoral Shaker ordered
that the landing of the Hancock's pas
sengers bo delayed until Mo.iday at '.) o'clock. Ignorant of the
ameiidi.d :,rranoemcnt, thousands if
Sin Franciscans, in holiday attire,
lined boih.-ihs of Market st re t and
'anr.e,-s and waited for hours to shout
a we'.e. !: to the, returning sohih-rs.
Il was not untii the On goncoo'.i niir
who harl been ui si one, I a- an evert
rnar )e d back alone tl.-.l'h' wait i: y
(owd under toud thai th-'V tav. ' but
tle uu tin ir ei.thu -i:v :u for treaty
in u; r - 1 ' -r .
e. i i : i o n s G i v n ," w y .
It is eertaiulv grat
lie to know of one concern in t
who a'-o u ot a fraid to ;
f tol
us lo
the needy and s u iT'.-vi n is. The pr pri
etors of Dr. King's New Di.-- oei ",' for
Ciin.-u m pti'U! , cou'hsand cools, have
giveti away over ten million trial
liettb-s Cf this groat medicine- :,n:i i l-.e sati-faction f knowing it has
ab oluiely cured thao-ru.-d- of hopeless
caaes. A .-tli m a, br,n,chit!sho--i s ie.-.s
ard all d i .-cast. - of the throat, eiie-1
and lungs '.ro ely cured b. it. C-dl
on F. ( I. F.deke j(.'.o. vlrugists. and
g-.-t a free trial bottle U -irular si:e
obc. and 81. livery botUe guaran teed,
or price refunded.
Xmif of Hii llj.sini'ss.
A f?tory illustrating the rcth-ea.a of
the Scotch regarding th?ir piivat t af
fairs was told hy Tan MaoLaia a v. lo a
in Boston. A train was at a n;;b - il
station, when a porter put hi-- li . 1
into v. car aid ci.lh I out: " i,y oae
in th's car for Donn? Chn:!re in e
Douf, '.' Any oi.e for noun?" No one
moved, and in a few minutes the wain
".as s-pefding alonj". not to stop arain
far r.early an hour. Tien an ot.J
-.cotcli woman turned to a lady near
her and said: "I'm for hum, hut I'd
t'.o tell that man so."
StrtPdns - I'" rani:.
'Vh.'t kind of a pen 1? that you r.r:
writtn with, papa ?" aslied Bnh. ''It's
,a uuill. If is made from ihe f.-a-'iar
of a .eon-.c,' said jiajia. The ooy
Miouuht a mitMUe, and then he paid:
"Say. papa, buy me a goose, and I'll
start a pen farm."
"DoWitt's Little. F-irly Iliser.-s did
mo more good than all blood medicines
and other j.iils," writes Goo. II.
Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt,
pleasant. never' cripo, they cure con
stipation, arouse the torpid liv; r to ac
tion and frive you clean blood, stoauy
rn. rves, a clear biain and a healthy ap
petite. F. (J. Fricke fc Co.
Tin-: Ni:v,-s prints the news.
Jlor r.aOilni; Suit.
"This is my new balhir.K s'lit, jiapa."
said tire fair maid; "how do you
I'll look in it?" We!!, jnddia by tho
dimensions," responded her pa;:a, "L
tliink you'll look more out of ir. than
in it."
Sure of One t'olinntr.
"Io you mean to say tliat you will
recognize Aguinahlo as a dictator?"
asked the rebellious Filipino, ' l can't
help myself," was the sorrowing .ply.
"I'm the otHcial stenographer."
"Our baby was. sick for a month wt!i
s.jvcn; couh ;uid catarrhal fever. A 1
thotii'h '.''! tried ni-.ny i emedies she
kept c ttin-r worse until we u-ed One.
Minute Ceun Cure. it reli ,-v; d at
onee and cured her in a few days "
H. L. ;Tanco,Prin. High .chool, niutT-da'.e,T.-xas.
F. G Frieke & C.
Taki Nolle.
W . ). Jeiior hut. so. l a h.-ilf iio.-ta -t
in his livery barn to A. Mi'invn and
witit.- all of his o'.d i:ou:.l Mjt'.'e.l at
Di. eo. " tie ta-w tir.n i-t w e i ! !l:.. tl to do
a ovmtrai '-! ' ''''V b-isi -,,.r--. T'eoy '.W
p. iv e.-pe:ia. at ten '. io.i ; oa-n.o :. ,
tii's. wtdo ir, '-, f u:e t 1 , to . as tie y
t.ave th ? iin"it turnout- iti the city.
Jack orders promptly atti n Jvd, u Ry
or i.rirbt. 3 ooei ;1 care taea of board
ing hrr- e--. Plat I mou h to' j h, 7:i
Cliilil'H l'rnj er Amwfri'd.
The three months' voting contest for
the most popular little girl In W-bster
City, Iowa.hns closed as fo'lows; riehel
Howell, 9,4."3; Helen Pumoat. tt.031;
Irene Merrill', 5,000. Ethe! HT.veIl'9
rar?nts are poor, while those the
other two g-irls are rich. Wher. t1 e
contr-st was announced in the pr, -rs
Ethel's mother read it to her. and the
child at once began praying that she
would receive the prize. Every niht
for the three months of the conte-.i. she
repeated her prayer. Three years ao
when Ethel was C years old she was
playing around the stove; her apron
cauat fire and her face was sadly
burned. Last year her schoolmates
made a collection that paid her way to
Chicago for treatment, but nothing
could be done to take away the scars.
When 3-ou want to smoke a 10-cent
cigar try Otto WurlVSilver Wreath"
union made you c.nn find no belti-r
cn the market.
Ice cream packed for picnic parties
at Ilollowav's.
ecial Summer .
Shirt Waists
Mr iil ry
Our entire stock of White I ii j it" rim 1 Duck Skirts at less than cost at prices ranp;-in-rim'
as follows: UK 5'K 75c, 7')c S)c, SI. 2') and S1.')S.
We have on sale 25 ilo.eii Stuntner Corsets, the regular 5)c lor 3')c. All
IaOFSllS styles in Cae Down Corsets, aUo the Chicago Corset Waist, a SI. 00.
r - ? r r All our l"i:ie f in ported ( )i;anlies o .it 15c and T'c. (iootl Lawns
tifCsSi liOOQS 5c yard. IVrcales S'.c. and 10c. Cood Prints J'.c. liest Scotch
(iiii:;!;ain-, 15c per yard.
Doz. Parasols,
Z?lf All Colored Shoes -. at COST. A -'..o. lf
v. jn. e ry
,mtlkJ at DOC
idow Shades
I I--, B J .
Carpets at W cents and Si. 25.
y" i fTl? SUMMICR VICSTS 5c.
Most Iiz.10iK fijy in tho U iirM.
The whitest city in the world
Cadiz. There cannot, possibly he- a
whiicr, unless; it he built of snow. Tho
best way to approach the port is to
take a strip o.A one of the small steamer.-
which ply between the ports oi
Ideroi-vo and Spain. As you near tho
roast you see in front of you a white
mass whieh appears to be floating upon
the water, just as you are. The first
j thought of a foreigner Is that he Is In
sight of an iceberg. The white mass,
glittering in the sun and rendered mora
danzling by the ie sea and sky, looks
exactly like a monster Ice mountain
i partly melt-eel, so that outlines of cas
tles and hills appear upon It; but only
for a second does the illusion last, foi
you know there arc no Icebergs in that
part, and you are quickly informed
that you are looking at Cadiz. No
other town In the "world presents such
t ma. arte appearance.
IKIOII Knvard KflOO.
The r.-a'iers of this paper will be pleased to
',.-r.-. a thiit tla-re is nt least one dreaded disease
that scanci. has been able to cure in all its
stHircs, nr.d that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is t t.e citiy positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beinir a constitutional dis
ease, recpiires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cine is taken internally, acting directly
lipon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys-t.a:-,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
iisease. and civintr the patient strength by build
ini up ihe constitution and assisting nature in
ion? us w.irk. The proprietors have so much
faah in its curative powers that they offer One
Hundred lloilnrs for any case that it fails to cure.
Sut.d r'.-i list of testimonials.
Address. F.J, HkNKY &Co., Toledo. O.
S.ld liv I)ru;re;sts 75c
Hall's I'nniilv fills are the best
Tin- Shstli F'iiri Salmon.
Tho shah of Persia has a supersti
tious dread of lobster and salmon, lie
will never permit them to be placed
upon his table, being firmly convinced
that misfortune woudd follow their ap
pearauce. Ami tho .tloon Wlit Come Kick.
Prof. Darwin of Cambridge prophe- j
pies that the moon will ultimately re
turn to th.p earth, whence it was east !
off in th remote past.
Oti.-'t'ii of Italy I.. mis Fashion.
Tie- queen of Paly, although very
charitable and exc".1 Lr.-ly poHcitous
for the w elfare of he r people, is the
most extra vac-ant woman in th" )'.;:
dom in the matter of dress. TV. V. a
thinks she is1 petting a bad ixumple,
but she says that her doings have no
influcriCP, r. the Italian ladfes are nat
urally fend of display, and she is but
krrpir.g up her position as the head of
the nation.
A ii 1 0111a t ic Revolver Loader.
An "automatic loader" for revolvers
hrrs beon d- sirr"-!. Tt i.-r a lenr
having longitudinal chamljfrs to cor
respond with the chambers of ti-.n re
volver. The tube is filled with car
tridges, which are forced Into the re
volver cylinder by springs, filling tho
six chambers simultaneously.
Table Salt a Luxury.
The greatest of luxuries in Central
Afriea is salt. The long-continued use
of vegetable food in that country cre
ates so painful 1 longing for 6alt that
natives de ived cf it for a long period
often -how symptoms of Insanity.
. K
Hamilton Clark, of CbauDcey, Ga.,
tay? ho suffered with itehing- piles
twenty j-ears before trying- DoWitt's
With Hazel Salve, two boxes of which
completely cured him. Cewaro of
worthless and dangerous counterfeits.
F. G. Fricke &. Co.
. , . Clearance Sale
choice oi our stock will he sohl
Resular Price SI. 25, Sale Price 99c.
The lest Window Shades in town lor .5c.
We h.ixe at-oiher lot of Rtij-S made from our remnants of
19c to Close.
1 1 OS I Sc.
v' v. V- vv v s i,v w w
vX yu w x in iu m v; ; m
v (d2
vv vy vy v v' w v
Jvl Iii J-'rZ f ri Ari I
1 . Sr 'r V " - i ''i.
l vatt' V f ? 'ijK - sSiSt
.1 , .
Pa in ts -
is specially suited to some home use either outside or inside. - -
It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it oa the tfgfit
place that make painting a success. Tell ua what you want to paint,
and we'll tell you the riiiht kind to use.
For -ale in I'. att -mouth by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
T Ml
s 'News -
Prints More County News
Than any Other Cass
county Paper.
. .
;it ISc ami 75c.
nl -. us Oxlords in small
sr vj; yr f s yr yy w v?" Vr vr r
fi-. kwwwwwwS S3 i'A
and Vanilla
Beat the World
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m m n a a
And for everj-thing under the sun.
Every home has need of paint.
Each kind of