BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Maruhall, Dentist. leo cronm froiv.orn of tho lcnt inaken. Khiner Hardware compjiny. Ico cronm llavomd with ox tracts, i--r coats per quart at llolloway'H. Mound City nnint. All oolorn. Boat on (Mirth. A. W. Atwood, tho drutf- lrit Hulld it. Order your broad, cake and ice cronm of Ilollowiiy. Telephones, No brafikn 80; IMnttsujouth, 270. A. W. Atwood, tho druirtrinl, haw juhI what you want in wall paper. I'lattnrnouth Teh-phono -7. I'renervo yourlrooH and bhruhhory by purchasi ri,r ono of thone np:iyors of tho I'.binor Hard ware company. Dr. V. C. Dean, il.nti.-t, Kiit, J10, Mc('a"C building, nnrthweht corner of hifleonlh ami limine htro-t,( )in:.lia. Tho Khiu?or Hardware company in Ke.nt f(r tho Monmouth filter and water cooler. Tho finest tiling ut. Soo them. l-'or S ilo A Kemiiitou tyiowritor, No. U. Ih in food reoair :ind has been ' uned hut little. IiKiuiie at tho o' of (J. S. I '..Ik. Telfer t Shcppard will mow your lawn belter than you can do it your self. Won't cont mueli. Nebraska telephone No. .James ,. Walker, a conservatory jjraduato, instructor on piano and or- can. also in voice culture. Uooms in iho lloeiiwood block. I'irst Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold service at 11 o'clock Sunday in l-'it.y-erahl block. Subject, '.Spirit. All cordially invited. Kev. Smith, of the II. 1 1. church south of town, ir! tho happy father of a ten-pound boy, which arr i ved at h is homo Wednesday oveninir. Iost A P.. v M. milentre bo k and a trip pass to O.-eeola, la., in the name of II. (J. Shedd. Finder will please leavo at Till'. Nkw s ollice. Found A pair of mi -ctacles. Owner can have same by culling- at Charles Martin's barber shop, proving l'i'Op- rrty and paying for this notice. (Juickly euro constipation and ro build and invigorate tho entire system never gripe or nauseate DeWitt's Little F.arly liisers. F. (J. Fricko v Co. The ice cream social at Morrow's bakery last evening, given by tho "lv W." society of the Christian church, waa another successful affair. The young ladies realized a neat sum from their etlorts. vonos at Lincoln next ednesday, will undoubtedly be one of the largest J gatherings of that society for many years. Quite a number of l'lattsmouth people expect to attend Philip Seidenstriker, an old gentle man wno has boon living with hia faniilj in the Secoud ward, and who i i : . . i : i r r. . . . . . I uas uucu an n.vaiiu 10. sumo,, died about 4 o clock this afternoon He was over sixty years of age, and had been a sufferer from dropsy. Lee Allison, who lives down south of town, reported the disappearance of one of his fine hoives to Sheriff Wheeler yesterday. Ho did not know whother tho animal had been stolen or had only wandered away, but it was decided to take no chances, and a do Hcription of the horse has been sent to the authorities of surrounding towns. Messrs. Deeson, Atwood, Wiles aud Guy Johnson, all of l'lattsmouth, were doing this parti of the county on an overland trip hist week, and put up over night at the Cibbon. Tho boys paid their respects to the Republican office, and said they were just out for a time and to look at the country. Thoy were a jolly lot and no doubt they enjoyed their outing in good shape. Weeping Water Republican. Charles Craves of the Union Ledger was in town today distributing circu lars for the Old Soldiers' reunion which is to bo held down there on August IS and 1!. Mr. (i raves has been corresponding with a number of t-peakors for the occasion, among whom are Attorneys M. A. Hartigan of Hastings and Oeorge A. Maguey of Om:iha, both old time Cass county citizens. These gentlemen would bo a great attraction, in view of the fact that they aro well known throughout the couuty. Georgo Poisall, Frank Benfer, Tom Henderson and a number of other local sports wore out hunting in the timber up north of town last night. They took a couple of hounds with them, and while the animals were fol lowing a traii they were compelled to jump over a fence, and in so doing they landed in an old well, about thirty feet deep. The hoys worked hard to get them out, but they were not successful until about noon today. The animals would undoubtedly have been killed had there boon water in the well. An Kiijoyn, hlo Time. A large numbor of l'lattsmouth peo ple went down to Mynard Wednesday to attend a party which was given at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Swearingen the ladies going down in tho afternoon and the gentlemen in the evening. All report a most enjoy able social time. Following were among those in attendance: Messrs. and Mesdaraes Donnally, F. J. Morgan, D. Morgan, Charles Eads, T. M. Pattorson, O. A. Brown, Nelson Murray, Mrs. Wellington and Misses Ada Murray, Fern Grecnslato and Clairo Coleman. Steuhon Fell, an American citizen. Is fcaid to have been a siavo for twelve years in a tribe on tho Upper Amazon, from which he finally escaped by kill ing his gaards. He was originally accompanied by two other Americans, one of whom died of fever and tho ther of a enako bite. I'KICNONAI, MKNTIMN. Ilolen I'ollock it reported on the aick list today. I'M war j Kruger wan in town yester day from Murray. C. S I'olk made a hu-inei-H trip to Omaha this morning. Andy Kern was a visitor in town to day from near College Hill. John Bauer and wife were in town today from near Cedar Creek. Charles 1'a.imelti made a business trip this afternoon to Ashland. Minn Maud llucklo went over lo t'Jlonwood thii morning for a few ilay' vUit. Constable J. 1 1 1 artshorn of l.ouis- villo was transacting iu-ine-,-1 in town today. Mayor F. M. Itichry returnod this morning from a busi ness tr i p to A r:i pa- hoe, Neb. J. C. Nida, a prominent farmer from near Union, was a caller at the court house today. Mrs. 1'. I,. Ki'l liam ami little son worn amoiie ll Omaha passengers thia afternoon Mrs. CJ. W. (iiblie.rsiui of Woe pi ii tr Water i- in the c.ily vi-.itinir with tho fatnilv of S. A. l ivis. Mrs. V.. W. Cook and little daugh ter went up to tho metropolis thi- af- ternoon on .t ho 1. Mrs. Doll l' t ry and little niece. Iettie K i f k h.i in, of Denver are in the city fur a fchort visit with relatives. Mrs. J. W. Johnson departed this morning' for Council ISiulT-, where sue willisit with Mrs. C ites until Sun day. Miss Addio Smith departed this afternoon for Lincoln, w her.- she will j attend the Epworth A m u. My, which convenos next week. Mrs. IMulip II rrison .leprtrted this morninfr for i , who; e she will bor parents. Mr and Mis. IIol- lister, for a few u.ivs Mi-pes lUancho ind I rtha Kennedy wcnt dow n to Nera-ka Cilv yester day to attend the Old Settlor--.' reunion, Thc-v will return this evening. J). II. Wheeler, the Omaha capital- ist, returnod home this afternoon. Tie had been in the city looking after some of his business interests. Andrew Leak, a former I'latt-.-mouth citizen but who now lives over near (;ienwood, was doing some trading w-th the local merchants today, ms Nt;Uio Morr . rt.p ,rU.(1 on . .. . . ..... , ... IslCKiir-tnnii.y. i -i vui: h '. i" porarilv taken ne. p ..- at the Ne- ura..Ua Telephone conn a' ollice. S , , ; . , ,,. Innirn Kiiris rrt nvrin : t i'V( 1 1." from Hay Springs imil Chndron. He reports his sisier's d iughler ;.s some what improved, though her condition is yet uncc tain. Mrs. J.W. Shank f Omaha came dowu last evening fo- a with Mr. fl Mpfl y A l) .VI.!lt,., family Mrs. Shank is the wn'e of the editor of the Omaha Christi n Adv-nate. She re turned home this afieroou. George Houseworth and wife and a part jT of friends went up to La Platte this morning to spend the day fishing. This Is Mr. Houseworth's birthday an niversary, and ho is probably celebrat ing the event catching trout or sun- fish. Ed Frcy of llod Oak, la , came to tho city last evening to accompany his daughter home. She has been visiting at the home of Benton Kinkead for several days. Mr. Frey is running a cigar factory in lied Oak and is doing well. WILL PATRONIZE UNION LABOR Agreeintiit lt-tw-n Local Merchants and Ci i?ir maker-C Union No. '.?(. l-'LATTSMorTii, Neb., July 1.1,1SW. - Whereas, it is a matter of fact, that a great number of cigars tire sold in this city, made in the east by girl, child and even convict labor, and it is evi dent that doalors, by handling such goods and sending their money away, do not help the prosperity of this com munity. Therefore, we, the under signed dealers, pledco ourselves not to handle Any cigars only such as bear "The Blue Label of the International Union," and where possible only the product of this city: Lehnhoff Bros Geri ng iV Co F G Fricke & Co W K Fox J Schiappacisse Wurl & Coffey F (i Fgenberger L B Fgenberger A ( Itroback Ed Ponat C L Hollo way John Mumm Phil Thierolf Frank Baird E II Heitzhausen A Nitka Zuckweiler & Lutz F T Davis Co 1) V Shinn A II Weckbach August Bach A Ciark Louis Olson J J Swoboua Jonathan Hatt A Vonii'M Kirxt Hilly Ih at Home "A woman who is not strong, and yet has to perform the multifarious duties of house-mother and home maker, must learn to recognize her limitations or she cannot get through her task with satisfaction to herself or her family," writes Elisabeth llob inson Scovil in the August Ladies' Home Journal. "She must learn to economize her strength and not fritter it away in deing unnecessary things, which some one else can do as well, that she may havo onough left for the important demands that no one else can satisfy. Sho must balance tho claims of charity, society and her own household, and resolutely refuse to be pushed beyond her powers of endur ance. It is hard to shut one's oars to what seems a call of duty, but to tho wife and mother home is the first duty, the special field given her to cultivate, and her part may bo only to train and support the workers whoso business and duty lie outside in tho world." Ice croam packed for picnic parties at llolloway's. MJ'IU-M KIVAI.. (Ape. logics Sliakrsliccl'.J l.iKt.tiy tiling t tie ynuiit tuan's fancy Al llic time of nuntlt; -)rUi: J'.. Ill , 1..V.; 1-tt N.-ni. y Am! les heart C'.o ) ia; a l 1 11 N- nt tia-i v-uni .ail yutniuer'.- r.niiur Watn r'ltiiKii1 'I'iwii his -i in;, l.oc (! N an', v hi the uiiuu. V'HMij-, n an's Ian, y -jiit )! Love not iu it very queer Njw Lis Idyl t soTiettiing -wet, Love supplanted by Hhiti Kenr, Spring time fancy oft, you bet Peck'i Sun, Nl tlwaukee. ItAILnOAD NOTES AND PERSONALS John Corey, who is employed at the 15. iSi M. r-tori; lioii-K', is taking a few days' lay-olT on accuiiiil of a painful boil whi' li has made its appearance on one of his ai m-pits, anil which has been eau.-ing him no end of trouble. Daily bulletins are received at the Union I'aoilic passenger department in Omaha from tho Wyoming scienti lie expedition. Tiio most important dis covery thus far reported isconlirmi d by recent advices received from tho party of scientists headed by repre sentatives of the. Carnegie Museum, I'ittsburg, who state that there is no doubting the identity of the skeleton remains of two giant brontosaurus. The parly is still eugatred in taking the bones out of Hie rocks and consider the find a moat important one. Ah an indieat ion of tho tremendous sl.o of these extinct animals it is stated that the femur or thitrh bone in one meas ures f-even feet long and thi- other Fix feet in lengtb. Tho Siinta Fo tried an oil sprinkler on its sandy roadbed from Los Angeles to Kdondo l'eaeh, Cal., seventeen miles, anu lounu mat. it woi-kou very satisfactory. Hefore the c.(ist of keep ing up the good work could be deter mined, however, the Dustless Koad bed compar-y, which owns tho patent on an old sprinkler, served notice on the road that the machine was an infringe ment, and the Santn Fo .-topped work. Track laying on tho I'.ui lington'o extension from Arcadia to Sargent be gan yesterday. The extension will be twenty mile.! in length. Several years ago this road was g-tided from Arcndia to Hrcwsli r, and it would not be surprising should the rails bo laid on to B-ewstcr within the next year. Fd U.irwick of the Burlington store house was a bu-incsr- visitor ia Omaha today. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of jo j'. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever soros, ulcers, hoi is, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. liet Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and acnes. Only 2- cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold bv F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. THE CURZON'S INDIAN HOME. Servant) So Numerous Oue Can Hardly Count Ttiem. The massive carved railings at the -ides are all but hid beneath densely growing vines that have been trained to form two slanting walls of foliage there, says Harper's Weekly. Two towering ralms, one on either side of tho grand staircase, hold up their round cloudlike tops of feathery fronds as if the- were a pair of huge brushes thj symbols of power among most caaiem peoples. A breadth of carpet, royal purple in hue, has been flung down the middle of the stairway, and n the top landing, before the splendid cciamiii which support the Grecian front of the palace, sttiud men of the viceroy's brilliant red bodyguard, tur haned and carrying lances, each with i tiny ilar- at toy. bodrguard is composed of 120 men. picked for their size and bearing. They wear long red oats, which reach to their boot-tops .'ibove their knees. Their variegated nirbans. mainly red, are of great size. Their many minor trappings aid in lendering them a notable feature of any scene in which they are placed. Except upon occasions of state, the carriage entrance to the palace is un der the grand staircase and on the ground floor. As you step from your carriage you see other gorgeous men of the bodyguard and knots of serv ants of the household lounging in the enormous hall. I wish I had inquired the number of servants in the vice roy's employ, because thoy nr; so nu merous that when one dines at the palace they seem to move in clouds around the table. I vidt-fl a native prince one day in the temporary quar ters where he was halting, and he had sixty-five men to look after his com forts. Of the viceroy's staff I can only say that when you visit him you do not need to take your valet with you to wait on you at table, as is the gen eral rule in India. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and tho success thoy bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 2-"c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. I.urlliii;t on Konte Half Kales to Lincoln August 2 and f, on account of Ne braska Epworth assembly. Tho assembly management has ar ranged a program of remarkable in terest a program extending over a period of nine days ana comprising much that is amusing and more that is instructive and edifying. Many of the best known lecturers, philoso phers, teachers, divines, and temper ance workers in the country will take part. Tho asserablj will be held at Lincoln park, which is wonderfully well adapted for such a purpose Music by the famous Hag-enow Mili tary band and the Kentucky Colonel's quartet. INKIUM A1KIN AM) OI ISION. The pen-don committee of the G. A. R., which has been investigat ing the record of Cominis-ioner Lvans hti.--. completed its work. It is said no charge, will be made against Mr. F vims, but that I'lmui'M in the law will be roi.a.iniiienileil . It ban been estimated that ".,000,000 sheep have died in New South Wales because of the drouth this year. The number of t-hvop in that colony is 12,- 0(i(),(l(KI Iohs than ten years ago. Other j Australian colonies have had almost 1 eiju illy d i sa.i-1 rous expei ienccs. The (irtrt p-n-i n ever granted a Chinaman was ir-sued to Ah Yu, of Shanghai, China. Ah Yu, accord ing to the records, has been n faithful servant of Uncle Sam since July 2H, Issl, having served as landsman, mess assi:-tan t and cabin stoward. His la.-1 service was in 1 S'. 17, when attached to Admiral Dewey's llrg-hip, tho Olympia, On September ; of that year he was sent to the hospili.l at Yokohama suffering from a disease f the luri!.-.. Since that t:mo he has been operated on several times, but becoming no better was discharged from the service. Messrs. Shing Wo and Wong Soong Dong, of Shanghai, certify to the identity of Ah Yu, and the examining surgeon -ays, "'He is totally disabled from the performance of any labor and the prognosis is favorable to early death. Ah Yu served on the Monocacy. Charleston, ( bnaha, 1 i los, I ia 1 ti more and )ly m pia. Hi- pension granted tod-y calls for $'M a month, with a back' pen-ion aggre gating ")1U. x Mrs. Helen M. Peytu;;, a restaurant keeper at Denver, Colo., has entered uit for ")'tl,ii(M il.iwoi- from the es tate of fsai.c iS. Peyton, late president oi the National i-.xcnange naiiK el Spokane, Wash., alleging that lie ob tained a divorce from her by fraud. According to a letter received by Chief of i'oiice ISishcp, of Springfield, Mo . Robert M. 11. Cooper, a penniless editor, is heir to !?"-;), bid in Cripple CreeK mining property and Texas t eal ostate left by t apt. C ego, a Iron tiers- man who died i eceiitly in Cripple Creek . General A. J. Warner, president of t he Bimetallic. L-ngiie, believe- that Bryan will le the next democratic presidential nominee, and that the chief is ne will h. the Philippine war- REGULAR EXODUS. Of Mo!i;im;-.iei!uis lias :-ei In from the I-.Ili.lkl of l'i-eto. A regular exoaus of from Crete has set in, and, as there seems to be no way of stopping it, it is believed ihat the Porte will soon make a virtue of necessity and pass the word for all true Mussulmans to quit the island. Although large sums of money have been distributed at Can dia among those willing to stay, be sides free gifts of timber for the re construction of their houses, boats con tinue to leave crowded with emigrants. The news of Prince George's viiit to Candla only gave fresh stimulus to the exodus, and, at latest accounts, the prospect was that the whole Mussul man population would soon be gone. The Turks are much distressed at this state of affairs, and accuse England of being principally to blame, since she, of the four powers, has nearly always been foremost in assuring Turkey that her rights would be safeguarded. It is not denied that England hr.s endeav ored, in a certain measure, to fulfill her promises, but, as the Christian Cre tans seem to have deliberately adopted the policy of making the island unin habitable for Moslems, it is practical ly impossible for any outside influence to induce them to remain. It is gen erally adn.itted that each family is worth a considerable sum per annum to the island In taxes and Industry, but the Christians, having obtained the upper hand, are resolved to pursue their advantage to the uttermost, and to drive all Moslems out of the coun try, so far as it lies within their power to do so. This is, at al? events, an ef fective way of putting an end to relig ious differences. Tho Bnll anrl the Keel AVaeon. A writer in Forest and Stream tells how two friends of his set out to find a certain trout stream in a wild region twenty miles from San Francisco: Riddle had imported from Boston a light express, with the gear painted a bright red. A part of the route led them across a pasturage for wild cat tle, aud their first JntiiX.?tIon of mis chief was the bearing down upon them of the whole herd, headed by a bull, pawing the ground and bellowin. 'Ward." said Riddle, "that fellow means mischief. We must run for it." The men whipped up the horse and tried to escape, but it was use less; down came the drove. The bull charged the wagon, capsized it, and threw tho men and their belonging to the ground. Then for protection, they crawled under the vehicle, and the bull battered away at the wheels. It happened that Riddle's gun had land ed within reach. Ke crawled from un der the wagon, slipped in two car tridges, and the his nxt charge, was amazed at receiving a couple of charges of shot In the face. The drove stampeded at the report, and the bull followed, shaking his head, evidently in great surprise at. the tendency of-red wagons to go off in that disagreeable manner. The two fishermen returned to town, one with his arm in a sling, and the other very much battered about the face. The wagon was im mediately painted a sober green. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep sia because its ingredients aro such that it can't help doing so. "The pub lic can rely upon it as a master remed3' for all disorders arising from impor fect digestion." James M. Thomas, M. D.,in American Journal of Health, N. Y. F. G. Fricke & Co. uuuuuiiiAiiiiuiiiiuuiiiiumiuuuiiuur -3 -3 -a liintains Aid TIiosi Bead chains. Fo nier price .')c, now HUo; all ailc. chain go t Jrc, and 1 ones at ode. Belt buck b-ri and Net hcr.-o!e bracelets at the same reduction. John T. Coleman, ..JKWELKIL. Second door South ot Postollice TTTYTTYTTTYTYTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTlYTTTYTYTYTTTTTTTTTTf REPORT OF CHICAGO A1ARKETS Following is tho range of prices on tho Chicago boa rd of trade today, as furnished by M. S. Briggs, commis sion merchant: options i z i p- ' 2 -.: C 'f' X -TI 1 IJ U lieal "' """ ""' ""j " ulV ;i'.'.i' i 71 n'-'.i'i .u ; si'it ' 7 1 1 ' . i ; i 1 ; a ; ; i . !.. p'."., 7- ;7:i May i7- 7-i ' i ;." lii'.'. (.'mil j lolv pi :d ', :n :n S'-I't '',i' S::p, iiii ', I .: .".'; j;ji !:!' , May i.:t ai :u 1 , Oals- I July p;- '-j:!, ."-.:pt 1 !'.' , 111 - i 111' .-; i 111' . I i-C i I'.C , 111 ' , lie., 1 11 May : -ji , I'Ji' . i-.!o- I'.uk- i " i 1 1! ! V - s si' H It:, S SI I s '.!.". e-l.l I'.'" I I aviu m it i:ms. Win. Dunn of Weeping Water was a visitor in town Saturday. Emil Stmub and wife brivo returned from a trip to Yellowstone park. Craham A: Wilkinson have put a gasoline engine in t hoi r elevator. Elder E. J. Emmons of Elm wood with. I. Il.Conmd last Satur day. There will be preaching at the Con greeational church the coming Sun day. B. C. Mai'ouardt and wife w-nt to Scrihnor Monday to spend a fe.v days' vacation . liev. (J. J. Sage has received a call from the Congregational i-hip-ch at Have una. Professor Mcllugh arrived ia-t w ok and expects to stay bore until t he schools open. Mrs. J. M. Teegarden of Vco ingf Water has been visiting at this for the p-isl few d-iys. Ote Maylield, lato of the Aura Ad vocate, was here Sunday. He has sold his paper at Eagle. Mrs. Noon-m and Mrs Johnson were received into the Christian chip eh last Sjnday, being baptized in Henry Willi's pond. lilies fur (Greater America Kx posit ion, B.'ducd rates to Omaha will apply from points on tho Burlington route within 2',0 miles of that city during the entire period of tho Greater Amer ica exposition, which open July 1 and closes October 31. There will he three different kinds of tickets: Ten-day tickets, which will be sold at SO per cent of double the one-way rate. Seven-day tickets, the rate for which will be ono fare for the round trip, plus 5 per cent on sale Tuesdays. "Week-end" tickets, which will be on sale Saturdays and for Sunday trains due in Omaha before 1 p. m. one fare for the round trip. J. Fkaxcis, C. P. A.. Omaha, Neb. Insure in tho German American. Fred Ebillgor. Agent. Nice Clean le?. F. S. White is now ready to deliver ice to his customers in any quanti ties desired. The ice is the finest ever harvested. Telephones I "lattsmou t h U(t), Nebraska 71. The Ebinger Hardware company has tho largest line of lawn-mowers ever brought to the city. Great Reduction I In price of Hammocks. Wo havo too many hammocks on hand, owing to unseasonable weather, so here they go: " 00 HAMMOCKS, :$ .V) 4 oo " :; oo ; r,o " 2 Ho oo " i .. 2 "n " " oo 2 on " i :.-) And soon down the list. LEHNHOFFS. GRAIN Commission Brokers Wear Com. Co.. Correspondents- Direct Private Wire to Chicaq:o. OFFICE Over Atwood's Drur Store. PLATTS MOUTH, NEB. All Orders Promptly Executed. I'lattsuiouth Tel. 27r-. Dr. W. C. Dean... ..DENTIST. 40, 4IO McCaeur ltniniiii-; Northwest cur. IMIi and I)ik-- sts Omaha PRICES REASONABLE. J All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa tients will receive especial consideration. m fno. m r v rt Slmk Emerging From tho disorder of the past thrco wfMikn. We will soon be a le to show you tho finest store in the city. Meanwhile, and to he!) us clean up the stock, we will close out... All Summer Goods At Cost. m iTJS it- m 2 There is an advantage in this for y oi. which you cannot af ford to miss. L wesoou & Son G m m SMrtircii;':- A Few Mo; iron Deo Beautiful Lin of Bookcases.. .1 u-1 r. ' i o ' C'.tii" ii-l : ; i in. . ..An elegant An lion (.) .! .--id bo.-.--! -. fo:- f r- lie- n"xt thirty day-. 'j ii- !.- a r ai. 'a: gab. and ea '.'.te 1 - ' ' iesi t ed any (; h re . Those Oak Rocker-: ; i $1.75... A"" HAKCA I N'S ho th. ai. . . . -v Ma Kw&i The Furniture Man and Undertaker S Lm i nil i of men-iri.':.-;,.'; 'J ! M hzai.w&j wfiri ia o ' i' " !, ai'liie- ! t Kl"' 1 e-.-a j i '' &f$! beeo-o.-fi a ,.i.-r.'.tir'-. ''iSJS&L& 2V ''-;- - Coring os Co., Druggists. -f i -'J- ri x & w .v 4 huw nm mail y Shm o II;ivi::',r r tiini. 'i 1.1 I to welcome all in v M .ii and r-h';v th'T.! ,a .-e'-C, Tinware and a villi 1 1'.; hard ware sti " e. -t'-i 4? Be sure :m- i. ali. as I inlere-.! vnn 5-j 1 u n v Rock wood Block, 4? w& -.? '-- ? '? V' v t5 v v I ne riatte mim insurance HOME OFFICE AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEB UMIY ..-i!: v;". -.-.y ' in- r.'-y t- f ,Ut of t! .-ta'". w !,.:. .. a ea". 2T t Comra- y. Only the ikst Class of -.15 t -.-. h ttd Uwc-iliti i.oiiHC Property Acc--'r?0- Ol!i.v-:s '.nd l.r-ut; r. --.-tn. l. p,- :.!'.-. -it; ' K. I ) .v.-v, Vie.-pre-ident; T. Fink VVil---. S e- v; i'i-.::k J. ri'-i t-.r., Tn-a-u .- : ('. I) We-cott. W. .1. White. He rv H-'Ck. i). O Iv.yer. (Je.o A. Hay, IJ. 1 1 ( WOR For 20 Years ifes Led all !PrIarel F. G. FRICKE &, CO. It i ! nd Main. of Those s i.esi.. With Mattress and Springs Complete for t 1. 1 - ! i i i ! of ho ri -i- 2 fc 1 I j oy overeome V-ak- hL s ILLu o.,l5s. lrreffii larit.y and ions, iiu-reasi; vijr- 1 (r and lianisU "pains Lin; savi;us" to rhis ut - y r. r- " LI FIJ SA - vi - l ijiin.-i-t ot orrf; .f.'ms arid Ixxly. JVr i' 1 1 ' j i hi i i i hiii. ilfl-l'-l, IHI iiartu 11144 t'i.iU) I'i'Al ItOX IIV JIAIIj. Sold " 'i T'.SCilKMK'AI, CO.. Clev. IsnnI, Oliiii, annot lo harm hfo rr 4 m A ft A A A A T.t I B t lift Y I ? 'M.'tU .-.month, I will le Jfl.t'l - A'nicrs, as v:ll a- new ones, !ir" of Stf)-cs, Hardware, J n-u:.llv carried in a first-class IV b l i ih ih ih ih i liv 'nave some tiriees that will ZD f fs v f , O J PLATTSMOUTH th ih a m v v ip s - sr v s v v;; ;'- I n-nr . . ., ,r, -. hn take it ! 11 i: r 1 for le-- t-f-t fro-.i a 'f !:-:: si WHITE'S CREAM 3IFUGE! t. l!--tin' .lity. hm Ri OISTS. BALLARD, St. Louis.