Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 28, 1899, Image 3

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    J L
Precautions Are Necessary
Ward Off Pneumonia.
TniiHMrt IIiiim-im-U la-liiyul li iMy ir
Twn On Anouiil of m In the
Il u-hi cry- 1C. Klnii'iil Not, l.ikt-ly to
IC.-nrli .Nrbrsik itefor the Kir.t of
S iii nibcr,
LlNC'oi.k', July L'.ri Th.i militnry
uu hnritin of tho taitn urn in receipt
of Mivorikl loli(;riiM in comiiiunica
timis from Atljut.-mt (o iicnil Hurry,
who now in S:m I'Viincincu with Col.
Sltu U , ii w.i i ti t h.; ret urn of th.-. Fit hJ,
roini.nt. 1'Votn infoi tn;it ion rccni vi-ii
at S.-in l'V;iiii-it'o it in loiiri.oi thiit
thorn ii homo liUolihood of ;u ipi-
lomio of j ti i-1) in . t.t i on hoard tho
Hani'ocU' and fcH'p.n fmvo hcou taUon
hy Adjutjint (Jeiii-ml Berry toward
Mipplyiuy tho roturnin' siddiorr with
pi-opor jind r-uicihlo clothing whin
tlmy artivo. To this ond ho Ii:m r
t uot.'d friends arid relatives of tin
soldior.s to serol i-in-i protectors and
other :irt ielos of cloth i nj-; to ho de
li vorod w lien tho troojm an i i , 'a h ieh,
it is now exp.-ctod, will not ho before;
the lirrt of i.ext month. Tho follo.v
inj ilihp.'tlch was rceei veil this after
noon tiy Chief Oi k Ayers of the ad
jutant nonei-al's olTlee:
".SAN Fi; A N 'IM ' , Cal.,.luly -!.
.1. Aver.-., Adjiifint (iot.eial's OH'ice,
I i 1 1 1 . 1 ii, Xi'l'.: I recommend and
ur'i' as n precaution atr'iinst 1 neu-moni.-L
that friends ami relative. of
nacli Holdior of tho Fir.-t regiment Ne--hrasUa
vol unicorn sof.d at once hy iu;;il
ex tra, th iclc chest jirotcciors, cut for
front and b.ick. S o physicians for
details' in;iUiiio them. Tho trovorn
inetit tloos not furnish these I Ii-gt med-i-;il
autlioril ios niitl'irsc thoin. Ke-Uo.-d
I ho ine.--.-i to fiivo puhlicity in
heat position in mid to
eill attention to the fact that town
people should notify thoso in tho coun
try. Kunh forward extract 'f orders
roltiti no- t4 promotions in the I'irst
"1 II. 15 AliKV, Adjutant Ccner.-il."
Tho transport IlancocU has horn de
layed ii day or I wo on account of a
hreaU in the ni:wh i no r y, which,
t houeh not serious, iif-rvKsi ir led a
slop for repairs. It is estimated hero
that the rocimont will not ri turn to
Nehraslca until the latter part of Aug
ust or the frst pari, of September. The
worn of mustering" out the troops will
require about three weeks time or
possibly more.
Chief Clerk Ayers this afternoon
mldrossed letters to the post masters of
each town represented in the regi
ment recj uesti ny them to secure tho
publication of tho dispatch received
from Adjutant (lonoral Harry The
iKttersent out by Mr. Ayers closed
the following:
'Too much cannot be done for the
car.? and comfort of the hoy who have
fouirht so gallantly and bravely and
who have not only won for themselves
the d ist inci ioii of being- heroes, but
have bestowed honor upon tin; jrrent
tato of Nebraska and this republic,
atnl found a warm place in tho heart
of every law-nbidin g and 1 iherty-lov-ili!r
The paron's of young- Morrisscy,who
was captured with the Gil more expo-'
dition at Haler, 1. I., have been un
able to get a reply' to the numerous
telegraohic inquiries regarding their
Mm, :miu today the following dispatch
was sent to the War department:
"Lincoln, July lio. George I).
Meiklejohn, Assistant Sec ret -try of
War, Washingten, I). C : Has the
war department any information of
Morrissey, reported missing with tho
Giimorn expedition? His mother is
deeply d isti acted. Governor l'oynter
inouired of you on the iMth in?t., but
receiv-'d no reply. I 'lease answer im
mediately. "GlUtKKT, Lieutenant Governor." '
Vh At ttluleil l!y I.Hrjje Hint Hiitlin
hiMir I'rnwil of I'topl-.
From Wednesday':- I -aily.
The ll.ig raising and the dedic ition
of Gai iield pain to public u-e took
pi ice at tho park last evening, and
was nttended by a large number of
people, it being er-timatcd that there
were close to l,-rM people on the
grmuid .
The atTair elicited no Miiall amount
of enthusiasm, as tho sight of the
stars and stripes always brings out en-thui-iaria
in a crowd of American cit
izens. In a neat little speech Mr
Windham, as -ecretary of the park
eommvssii ti, tallied of the ground be
ing set out for a public pisrk ar.d of
the workings of the commission, a"d
at the eloie introduced II. 1). Travis,
who spoke on the origin of the Hag
and how it was hom red and loved by
the American people. The M. W. A.
band rendered a number of pieces dur
ing the evening, which added to the
pleasures. Tho raising of the Hag
was very cleverly performed under
the direction of Will Coolidge, it be
ing rolled up until the top was
reached, when, by pulling a s'ring, it
was unfurled to tho hrc ze and
simultaneously the band started up
tho "Star Spangled Ru.ner.'' The
crowd gave ere it cheers and taking it
all in all it wa a v-ry nice atTair.
Twenty-live Cent for the 'ni"iri
The Twice-a-Week State Journal,
printed every Tuesday and Friday,
will be sent postpaid with all of tho
news of the world from now until r.fter
election for oniy cents. It is worth
that much to read about the Fighting
First regiment's return. The Journal,
printed at tVo btate capital, is tho
leading Nebraska paper and it's
mighty cheap at a quarter.
THE News prints tho news.
t.rin Cooper In Honolulu.
Mra. Henry Cooper received a letter
from her mod, Li-id, who wan in this
city about two month ago on a visit,
and who went from hero to San Fran
cisco. It will ho remembered that
Mr. Cooper enlisted in the navy a
little over a year ago and has since
acted as machinist, lie took passage
on tho Solas from San Francisco and
was in Honolulu when he wrote tho
letter. Ho has ben aoilosd tw tb
position of chief ma binist on one of
tho Spanish g-unboats captured by
Dewey, and soon after his arrival at
Manila will sail with the crew for
Hong Kong, China. Honolulu, he
thinks, is the finest place he has seen
in all of his travels, and he has trav
eled very much. He met a number
of machinists he knew at both San
Fraiieii-co and Honolul u, a mini g them
being Will Keinhackel, formerly of
this city, who is with tho Pennsyl
vania, which is carrying regulars to
Manila. There are many machinists
employed in Honolulu and they draw
good wages, making 3f I per day of
nine hours. Mr. Cooper has already
seen m-sch of the world and the pros
pects are that ho will see much more
of it in the lu-xt twenty-eight months
the length of time ho has yet to
Coming Sj4-fr-l;iry of War In Cordially
Jreet;il-Al-r IVIakt-H Ills AiIU-iih.
W A s 1 1 1 Ni ;'!'( N, July -5. The fea
tures of the cabinet meeting today
were the farewell of Secretary Alger
and tho presentation of his successor,
Mr. 1 loot. Half an hour after tho
cabinet had assembled Mr. lloot ap
peared at the White House. He was
immediately admitted and was for
mally presented to those, of his new
colleagues whom ho had not met.
His greetings were pleasant and
cordial. Ho remained but a few min
utes, leaving shortly after noon to
catch the ll!:Ir train for New York.
When ho left the White House he
said lie would return and assume
charge of the war department August
Shortly after Mr. Root had left Gen
eral Alger made his adieus. Ho shook
hands with tho president anil each
member of tho cabinet. In saying
farewell thero were many kindly ex
pressions o! regret and exchanges of
well wishes. Tho cabinet remained
in session about three-quarters oT an
hour after General Alger's departure.
There was a general cleaning up of
little odils and ends preparatory to the
president's departure tomorrow.
The main topic discussed ,vas the
Alaskan boundary line dispute. Secre
tary Hay explained the statu of the
direct negotiations now in progress
between himself and Mr. Tower, tho
Hritish charge, and said ho was not
without hope that this vexed problem
would be sol ved by direct negotiation
(Jreat Hritain now seems willing to
consider the proposal of tho United
States to give Canada the privilege of
a pott of entry into the Dominion
while retaining absolute sovereignty
over tho Lynn canal, and it is around
this sort of a preposition that the hope
of a settlement now hovers.
The speeches of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
arid Sir Charles Tupper came up inci
dentally, but no serious attention was
given them. Settlement, by- direct
negotiation will be the easiest n- well
as the most satisfactory method of dis
posing of this troublesnmo question,
and r-uch a settlement, from the facts
developed at today's cabinet meeting,
is regarded as by no means out of the
realm of probability.
The c-ibinet also considered an ap
peal from Fort Wrangvl, Alaska, for
help for forty destitute miners arriv
ing there over the Edmonton trail.
The government advices repotted that
over 100 more cases are to follow, and
while there is no specific appropria
tion that will cover the case the result
of the discussion w is that means will
be provided by the government to get
thi m to their homes.
Weekly Crop lialletln.
COLN", July "o The past week has
beeu dry. with temperatures generally
slightly below the notnial. The av
er ige daily deficiency in temperature
has boon noar'y two degrees. The
maximum temperatures for the week
have ranged from eighty-eight to
ninety-five degrees.
The rainfall of the week has been
contined to a few scattered showers on
tho '2-d and l!ld. In almost the entire
state no raiu fell during the weeti.
The past week has been an excellent
one for harvesting, haying aDd thresh
ing. Wheat and oats are about all cut
in the southern counties and thrash
ing is in progress. Harvesting has
commenced in northern counties. Oats
aro not as good a crop as expected a
few weelis airo.
Corn has grown well, is tasseling
and sheo'ing and continues in fine con
dition. However, rain would be very
beneficial to com in all parts of the
state. In a few localities corn is now
suffering from drought.
MennK Huil! Uiryrle Paths.
Vienna has begun the construction
of bicycle paths through the streets.
Ground has been conceded for the pur
pose of building a new street on con
dition that a strip be prepared for tho
use of bicyclists.
At Swedish. Welllnjjs.
At Swedish weddings among th
middle and lower classes the bride
groom carries a whip, as an emblem
of his authority in the domestic circle.
Irritating stings, bites, scratches
wounds and cuts soothed and healed
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a
sure and safe application for tortured
flesh. Howare of counterfeits. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Iieforo buying binding twine see
Ebinger Hardware Co.
Want I lilted Stutea to Make Formal le
elaratlon of It Intention.
Ha VANA,.July '2Ti. A recent meeting
of tho veterans of tho Cuban war of in
dependence is causing considerable
comment. Mayia Rodriguez presided
at the meeting, at which the organi
zation declared itself to be tho only
le'al representative of the Cubau rev
olution. A resolution wai adopted de
manding that the United States make
formal dec aration of its intention and
supposed rights based upon tho resolu
tion passed congress in April, 18'J8.
Tho Cuban census commissioners re
cently appointed wore criticised, the
speakers saying that they wore mere
nonentities and unknown men, in whoso
work the public would havo no confi
dence, and that a census so taken
would be unacceptable to the Cubans.
General Andrado said the United
States was fast sucking Cuba dry.,
Gualberto Gomez said if President
McKinley would njt consider an ap
peal favorable the Cubans knew what
sU'ps to tako to lid the island of tho
heel f f foreign imposition.
Messrs. Colla.o, Gualberto Gomez,
Clsncros and Andradc were appointed
a committee to present a memorial to
tho authorities at Washidgton. This
committee is composed of men antag
onistic to everything done by the
Americans here and who never fail to
utter and print inllammatory remarks
whenever the opportunity ctlers re
garding Cubans holding office under
tho United States,alleging that thet-e
ollicchnldurs do not represent anybody
but a few fire-eaters who have been
now appointed lo represent the Cuban
The action of the mooting of Cuban
veterans is regarded as affording con
firmation of the belief that manifestos
recently issued had behind them tho
support of a number of former Cuban
Home From I.on AiiKtle.i.
Imoiii Thursday's J ail v
I'rofesor George L. Farley and Miss
Emma Edwards returned this morning
from Los Angeles, Cal., where they
had been in attendance at the National
Educational convention. They were
absent threo weeks and had a most en
joyable time, visiting miiny points of
interest in the west.
Tlmir lirt stop was in Denver, and
from theio they went to Colorado
Springs. From there they proceeded
to Gos Angeles over the A. T. A: S. F.
railway, stopping ono day in Santa
Foe. During their stay in Los Angeles,
the I'latt-mouth party made a trip on
an excursion steamer to the Catalino
Islands, about forty miles from the
ci ty.
After the convention l'lofansor Far
ley and Miss Edwards proceeded
north, stopping two days in San Fran
cisco and ono day in Portland. A
steamboat ride of 100 miles up the
Columbia river was then made, after
which they went via the Organ short
line to Salt Lake City, and then back
to Denver over the I). & 1 G., com
ing from thero home.
The other Plattsmouth people aro
making about the same trip and will
be homo within a few days.
Telephone Company Incorporated.
The Plattsmouth Telephone com
pany has filed -articles of incorpoi
ation with the county clerk, tho author
ized capital being $o0,00C, with shares
of $100 each. Tho names of the incor
porators are T. E. and C. C. Parmele
and T. H. Pollock and the principal
place of business at Plattsmouth.
Articles of incorporation of the
Western Independent Long Distance
Telephone company were also filed,
the authorized capital being $100,000,
with the shares $100 each. The in
corporators' names are the same as in
the above, with the addition of T. II.
The latter corporation will operate
long distance lines, buy and sell lines
and do all kinds of electrical work,
the principal place of business being
Plattsmouth also.
Mrs. George Fisher of Hastings, la. ,
was visiting relatives in this vicinity
last week.
Mrs. Lee Russell of Sheridan, N Y.,
has been visiting her parents at this
place for the past few days.
A basket meeting will be held at
Rock Bluffs next Sunday. Iiev. J.
Surface will conduct the morning ser
vices and Rev. T. K. Surface the ser
vices in the afternoon. All are cor
dially iDvited to attend.
Over $10,000 has been pledged for
tho Kansas City Labor temple.
The American Sugar Refining- com
pany employs about 15,000 men, largely
Slavs and Poiacks, at an average wage
of S cents per day.
Coopers will meet in annual conven
tion in Minneapolis, Minn., September
11, this being their ninth meeting ns
an international body.
Tho Wabash railroad has raised the
wages of all employes on its eastern
division, which includes all lines in
Indiana, Michigan and Ohio.
Slate pencils? are made in Tennsoe
from slato dust and other ingredients
compressed by hydraulic means. One
concern made 2,1,000,000 in a year.
Thero has been a considerable in
crease in the wages of iron moulders
all over tho Uuitod States. In gen
eral, the increase has reached 10 per
Statistics presented recently to tho
English Board of Trade show that in
Great Britain there were employed in .
1S91 1,784,0.14 women and girls aa do
mestic servants, making that not only
tho largest women's industry, but the
largest single industry for either men
or women.
Samuel Richardson uiiole a trip to
Omaha thi.- morning.
Julius Pit made a nusiness trip to
Omaha this morning.
Andy JohrinOit was t.akiioj in the
sights in Omaha today.
J. N. Liluuk had daughter, Sadie,
were visitors io the metropolis today.
D. K. Barr, who ha9 been suffering
from rheumatism for several weeks,
has 0 far recovered as to be able to
mako a trip to Omaha, going on the
early train this morning.
Will White went to Omaha this
afternoon to see his wife, who is con
fined in the hospital. Mr. White
heard from her Monday and she was
getting along nicely aud i.- now
thought to bo on tho road to recovery,
which the many friends of the family
are pleased to learn.
County Clerk Robertson today fi
nished to tho state an itemized ac
count of tho expense incurred to the
county in keeping company H of the
Third regiment before the company
was mustered into eervice. This w is
necessary before the state weuld re
imburse the county.
Harvey Ward of Terumseh, o..c of
the leading democrats ef Johnson
county, war. in tho city ted:.y. Mr.
Ward i a con tractor and tip- o.vnor of
several stone quarries and his bu.-inci-s
in Plattsmouth today was to find a
suitable man to take the formaiiehip
of his quarries at Jediuoeii. lie se
cured the names of two m.-ri from
James Robertson.
Tomorrow i3 the day that MM'!', v.
Goring will orate tit the old s,-Lticr-"
picnic tit Nebraska City. Mr. (Lum,:
is milking arrangements to take an
emting up in the lilack Hills country
and would go i mined lately were it not
for his engagement in the Otoe e;pi
titl, but ho a--- it would be u ele.-s to
try taking tin outing before he de
livers himself of some of his surj-lu
patriotism or old "t-ottlerism." He
hasn't made a speech since the
Fourth .
S. L. Cable, one of the well-to-do
farmers from neir Murray, was in the
city today and journeyed to One h i.
James Fry and wife of Lib -i t villi-,
1 1., are in tin-city tho guests of the
former'.- uncle, Andy Fry and family.
Court Reporter Harry Northeutt
came up from Nebraska Ci'.y last even
ing to Jittend to some legal (:) bu-i-ness.
Burlington train No. 7, the fast
mail, wtis about two hours late tod .y
by reason of some trouble on the lino
over in Iowa.
Fred Hyde of Pacific City, la , re
turned to his home this afternoon ai
ter a pleasant visit of several days, the
guest of Lewis Cm t:s in this city.
I). M. Johnson, the tax collector, de
parted for Sioux Falls, S. D., this
morning, where he will attend to some
business relating to his father's estate.
The two-year-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Ilonry Matson, who died yester
day afternoon, was interred in Oak
Hill cemetery this afternoon, a large
number of sympathiz'ng friends boing
in attendance.
Jake Ileinrich is building a substan
tial barn on his farm south of town.
Jake is fixing things up in good shape
down on the farm, and when he ac
cumulates enough wealth from hi
restaurant he will remove to the farm
and take life easy.
W. J. llesser, the palm gtu'dner, is
taking a trip through Kansas nnd Mis
souri this week taking orders for
plants. Mr. Hesser shipped a car load
of plants to the Greater America ex
position a few days ago, the same te
be used for decorating the various
J. R. Haines aun wife of Chicago,old
time friends of William Atwoed aud
wife, stopped off here for a short vidt
yesterda3', resuming their homeward
journey today. They have been takit.g
a trip through Texas,New Mexico and
California, returning by the way of
Stilt Lake.
When you meet E arle Chirk now-a-days
the proper way to address him is
as "Doctor." He has earned that
title for sure. This morning- he re
ceived a letter addressed to Dr. E-ii le
Clark from the Horliek lajlted milk
people asking him to take tho ;geney
for their goods and owing to his popu
larity in the city it is thought he will
do well. Here is success to you, doctor.
Take Notice.
W. D. Jones has sold a half interest
in his livery barn to A. Magown auu
wants all of his old accounts settled at
once. The new firm is well fixed to do
a general livery business. They will
pay especial attention to picnic par
ties, weddings, funerals, etc., as they
havo the finest turnouts in the city.
Hack orders promptly attended, day
or night. Special care taken of board
ing horsee. Plattsmouth telephone 7G.
Eastern capitalists are to establish a
structural steel plant at,
Mich., which will employ 0,000 bunds
l)Y0 -
Always takes advantage of
low prices. If you will watch
this "ad." which is changed
each issue, you will readily seo
that yu can stive money by
trading with us.
John T. Coleman,
Second door South of Postoffico
LevcI-IIcaded J an
No WloM to t'ljllncss,
Tho woman who i-i lovely in face,
form and tamper will always hive
friends, bit one who wmiid ! atliio
ti ve iiiu-t ki p h'-r In a'.th. if ho is
weak, .-Sikly n in I all tun il.ovn, s';,.
will I"- ii'.-i vol.- and irritahh-.. If ho
ha- t i i, -I i ;i,i in n or kid'n-;, t-o'ibl.-,
h'-r impure blood Will i an p;p;pl
'lo'ches, -kin eruptions ami a w ); -ed
com pi ex ion. L t c t . i.: I) i i i . r.-i i- tin.
best medicine in the world to reyulate
Ptomach, liver tir.d Ui.!ne.s and to
purify the b'ood. It gives strong
riervev, b-ignt e.-, - ;li -oth, vl vety
skin, rich complex io-i. It will m ike
a good-loo! l'e', charming of a
run down inva id Only .'o o i.t- ai
F. G. Fricke .v ' 's Dr-tn Mor. . L'
A .-tiU h in t inn- : a Vs ti ; i ,:.
fail he tani a i:i lui i ,
niach inc.
Trapeze performi is. liqior (!
and lawyeis nim-t he aem'itiii . tin
bar in order to practic- tlnir pr.. le
sions. If wivca v.eie as hp e to tin .: i u
bands as feiu.-ile clerks n p to tin ir cus
tomers but few matrimonial failim-a
would he ret orded.
Kodu! Dy -P'-p.-i.i Cure -'Ji-
l. pep
si i becae-e its in .! do- are such
that it c;-n"'. ln.-l .. d-iit:..' so. ' ; he icih
lie c ! n re ly u i on it.".- ;i m.i -1 e r re tin . -
for a'.. Vi.-ord r- : r -.n;r f o-p in p i -
fe.e digestion M TI..-.., .-.
M. I) ,in .m.. i ici.i. .Joi mil of I',, mth,
N . V . i'-Jll'J I'
O ll 4 it j I' I ' j ' ?.i,!-. ,;.:::.
TI..' - I. ; i i :,' :'. .. , ... . ,y
cha l i I a !! am' . ... . . . a m
far tie u- UH, . ':- . r. ,.' . : ..
Iiio. t. All i :; i.-t v . a .a i. a ,
il. .m in t l.a . . - '- '- a. a
!k!i-.k.s .-la. t .. " i . a.,- a'e.
hut - i - t:i .' 5 r ! :-. a a - r.
Ii... ; m . a - ' ;a ! : a ma : ... ;:
tl' v foi:d o' . - 'a a-' -'a f- Tmt
keep; a e Hi. in;' p- - i : i"a .. - t a a of
the t.a-a.a.
.rain I.r.iii.;- it. !i.-l
to the ,1.,!, 0 ,i, .-livoi . t ea. e dt i-ikin-.'
is a habit that is ti :: i vor---.ll v i i" 1 '' ' 'ed
in ;.m! almo-1. u ni v.-r-a 1 1 v injur
ious. II :,- o... iri.-d G ai.i ().-" It is
.illlist li.meeiiee ii;l ; h .mie'l- in-
jn-t the opji) a'e. v'...i His.'N l! i
stomach, ruii.- tin- die. s!i."i, . iv - ' -the
In-arL and iti-lnra- the whole ner
vous sy-'epa ( ; ra: n-( ) -.ime.-. up the
stomach, -i'ls d' :o'i ai,. -t rengt !
ens tho i-or ve- . I") an 1 '-?")-. t.r p.-ea-:-
l'.itii-?st Ami -m -io yon ilvli.k ot
,n y c;.sr, do-tor? Vouiwr I 'hy :-n
Oil, 1 am per:' -' i ly dmi;"hted wit'i i!. I
have lef.rto il trt'.i e fieri tare w eelcs'
attendance on y ii !h;a; I c L " "I i:i al' r;
two years' rend in .4". If y.n oi:!y 'a-t
tvo days lon;;er 1 shall be-vm:- ,-n'e
an authority, I'm sine. -Tit-lllu.
IT a !Ti i i i or. Cai'li, of ! a.'ii;nce;.. Ii:i.,
soys lie s.jI;. :-..!. 1 with 't--hi!i' piles
twenty yea ri- b. f-re iryiii1 li.-'.'iitV
With Hazel Salve, two bexa-s of which
completely cured hint. I'otvnr. of
worthless t.nd dannt-rous cour.l-rfeils.
F. G. Fricko it Co.
WANTKD A v'oo.i ej.l f ,r n-.-ne.-il
hrusework. Va t, ?: . p v week
K quire at Niavs oHice.
Fui: Sale ok Kent Store room
and elweilitie- combined, H4x",S f. et,
known i s the T. V. Daa. i- store, in
Murraj'. Iimaiteof J. W. Ldmumi-,
Murray, Neb.
What amopfr human il.s - re
annoj-ing- than piles? The i. mictions
that prevent :n tive f xct'c's.'s are bad
enoMijh, but one that makes even rest
mi-er ble is wo:---a. Women a: e aruonjr
its g-retitet martyrs. Ttibier's Huck
eye l'ile Ointment w i i 1 eu'-e the iiioa
obstinate r--if-j. I'rie--. oO cts. in b ;t
llo, tube- 1 "h I-'. G. Ft-.cke I'.i.
Le-rai Nut ice.
In d.e County (".nut -f 4 ' ; N'jbi .--ka.
In the matter el tiic . state t l-'tank ii. llr-v,u.
Jiil.n J ei.n-en. M '.i l:u in ie TL-e I 'im-
so:;, Flank (.i. in e.:i, ji , .:iii;i iio.-Ai.,
liriv.-n. Andrew Hr-.v.i:, l-atima Ii -.. t: . Ci.aries
Hinwn. J-I.n 1- IJrov.t:. An-ec.a A. lire and
Osl..rn. ;.t!(i all ..ti or per- -ns a.tere-tc.i
in said ii'atter are her-j: y i:.)t.!.,U en the 1-th
day el July. l-.-.K Ch-tiles lii j.-.n n.ed a petit: an
ir: -a:J coutiiy cm: it. ai.L-aa.a, aai.::.'
thing-;, that 1-; ..i.k ii. I5r-v.ii d'.i-i ai the S.ih
day ci Auj-ust, I-..J, ica ii, a "ai and liu-i.ii:
therein S aj iiia K llr.e.' n cx.:C .:tr:x oi s.-a ! wai.
who qua.iticd and er.tered i.j. jii h-jr sa: i aa e,
and mat the said Siphia K. In r.'.n departe-i th:
lite un t!ie 1 -it i i day -1 Ju'y. 1"!'.'. aiat that the
above nantoj rust tuti- the iars-i'is interested
m trie e::t.-.te ..1 .-aa.l uccea-e !. au : pactum I t
adiniias' rat: n then. a. an.; that N. li Mceiei
he ai-jHunteJ a-J'r.:n:-ti tt.-r de i. ia n n. - aa
wia iiiiiiL-:- e 1 d sradc-eee.
Vou arc h.-rcav a e.a. a aaa -f a: f-.a ;
pear at - a: i . a: i t a. o.e ,5 ' '.. . ;- ; ; - ;.,
at !) . -. .-, a . . .;..':-! - ai acta. a. t
u.tirt will :;-;
.a a
sa:ta'...a - .
Will aUii.'ei. ;
itne.s tic.
ca.;rt .ii hiiiit:
l o-:
!;. the aaat-U0Lva-l
! !--;a
the! i el - V.
uv iiot.tae '. t
la,Hr:.. i;
e'e'ii t. r.!h
s:i;,i M.j.te
- -a. -' - I
Jiuv. is'.'., ieav:
and p-.Sic-'-c-: . '
a Dcic-i::i:ni-J : :
in tlie e' l:' !e "f
a. tin i;a i r.' 1
lltl Ml e hlTv'
ptrir at a: t e.aa
;.X 1 1 o'e.ek a.
tiie cor.rt --v..! r.
other a.;t ae'.e pe
to a settl.n.ea i .
Witness t:.y h-t
at i ' i r 1 1 s 1 1 1 u th, .
1 a
I -a
a i -
t- Jal:
rtrt fia I. I-
Notice to Creditors
Statu "i- .Veiiraska
Ceuiitv et Las. S
In C
itv '
In the matter of ti-.c e -tate . ( I.-elai i-"aui!i 1 7.
N -tieei-i herehy c:von that t',.: rrc.!:tnr of
said decease. 1 w:U meet the a:i:vaa:-trat .r ef
said eft ate. l.elure in-;. County J-.I !-.! ef e'a-s
c.i'.inty. Nehrasi- a. at the canty cu'iit in
ri.vtsiiiouth m ?a'J .ai the r,'h 1-y et
September. A. i ;.".h an 1 mi the th oay el
1 cV.ruary. 1 11, at 3 u'cjck a 111 ef each da fer
the purpose el presenting tri.a.r ciaan- f.r ex
amination, a tj :st:r.ent and allowance. M
months are allowed lor the creditors id said de
ceased to present their claims fr. in the "t!i day
td August, I
Witness my fiand and seal of said county court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this -th day ol July
George M . Spuklock.
SEAL County I dge.
First publication lu'iy 11.
i Times
Si Sf Si is 3 GrB3t Blsssinj to fobfeneniihTiX,11
nearly all of th Hlckntui anions
Old People. It Gives Them T.u.uSiSi:
but it is wholly uniu'Ct-HHRry. IJy kep
pSV' P'.T)H OH I if Q lnK thrir bhunl pur they i-titi fortify thmm lven
ivlt uibuU U'lU LllUi so an to escape thr.e fourths of the ailmrnt
from which thy Huffer ho generally. H. H. S. in
th remedy which will keep their Hystema youiiK. by purifying the blood,
thoroughly removing all waio aecumuiiuiomt, mi l imparl
ing new strength and life to tho whole lody. It IiioreimoH
the apietit, buildH up the energies, and Hindu new lif
gi ving bliKid throughout the entire Hystem
Mrs. Sural Pike. 477 Uroadway, South Itonton. writon :
"lam seventy yeurH old, and hud not enjoyed ginl health
for twentv yearn. I was tick in diliercnt ways, and in
addition, had Eczema terribly on one of my legs. The
doctor Baid that on account of my age, I would never Ihj
well aeaiii. 1 took a dozen Kittles of S. 8. S. and it cured lue
; A-rT : -".X completely, and I am hRjpy to Hay mat
..a-..ii-A A, j ) j aH W,j HH j t,vpr jn Iuy life."
Mr. J. W. Loving, of Gohpiitt. On , Kays: " For eight
een vears I sulTered tortures from a liery eruption m
iiiv skin. I tried almost every knowii-remely, but they
i lik one bv one. and I was told that my age, which in
tiov sir m is a '.linst me. and that I
to he well ;in;;iin. I titiallv took H. S. S., and it cleansed
my blx)d thoroughly, and now I am in ierfect health."
is the only remedy which can build up and strengthen
old people iM-etiuse it, is t ho only one which is guarantee.!
tree tloin polasli. mercury, arsenic nuu uui.-i ...i.
minerals It is made from roots and herbs, ami has no chemicals whatever
In it S S S cures the worst enses of Scrofula, Cancer. Ik zema. Rheumatism,
Telti-r, Open Son s. Chronic Glcers, ltoils, or any other disease of the blood.
Hooks on these diseases will bo sent free by Swift SM ili; Co., Atlanta. Ga.
Joe and JFranli,
The People's Clothiers.
! 1
1 1
sensational businosa. Wo
Siiirts Shirts with Collar attached and without Collar Shirts with
t wo Collars and a pair of Cuffs Shirts; with two pair CuITh and with
out Collars. Shirts at .r()c with two Collar and CuITh or without Col
lars and with CulTs that you can't find at any other place at 75c.
Shirts at 7"e, 1 and !, l.2-r on which wo can save you 25 per cent if you
buy of us. Itrmoinher this is a Shirt Talk we have more Shirts than
nil otbei- Plattstnouth houses com bi ned .
Next week wo will pivo you an idea of our f-omploto ntocK of
I' .lerwear and Sox at prices that will open your eyes.
I'.y the way, come to us heforo you buy any Hoys' Suits, lonf or
l ue. ',-i nt.s. They aro worth while Heeinfr, even if you hhould not
need any for your boys at present.
Don't forget us when you need a nice Hat Felt Crash or Straw.
( ) ir $"1 Men's Suits are worth $7 fU of any nian'H money. You
will say so when you see thorn. Our Carhartt O'Alln, Jacketn and
Pants, UNION MA UK, you know what they aro the bobt in the
:- J
Waterman Block
GET A....
South Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
Binders 1 Mowersl
A 1 1
t I 1
Kinds of Repairs..
The Best Binding Twine
..Best Machine Oil
Egenberger & Troop
Lower Main St.
ckweiler & Lutz
Continueto doa leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. Plattsmouth. Neb
could never liopo TY 1vw'i Xts rA
SHMSATloNS wo are NOT in a
havo a complete lino of Netrlitoo
Bet. 3rd and 4th St.