Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 21, 1899, Image 4

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    At embers of Ihc Fraifcnverein Arc
Entertained in the Country.
A I'li'imuiir lrly- l tti- llomt- of Mr.
Y'hrli In, I hv Mll-M In I lie loiiiilry.
HIiitc Tiny Art liliin it Ken illiin
A Itlu Mory AImhiI Kmlirr Km. ill I'o
tntoi'H. The Ki iiui iivcrcin coiuiocUmI with
tlio (ioriiiun i 'roly tcritin r.hurch of
Hilarity Iihh Im'i'ouih ii Very ocular
institution. Tin; liuliorj u.uet onco a
month at the )ioin'.s f the iiieiiiborB
anil enjoy u plciwiiit stfterrii.oii in
biirtinusH and MtH'inl i n tiTconrt-t:.
Vintcrdiiy'H nii'Ktlti win an exe'-p-tionally
ple;i.s:inl i.lT.iir. Carryalls
and ntiinlici'ri of private e;irriuycH con
voyed about no vmi t.y-li vo ladies to the
pleasant homo of M r, YVohrboiu, livo
milcb from town, whero they met a
lior-pitublo reception and after a de
lightful nfteriioon spent in the picas-,
ant homo and spaeioiirt rounih-, they
wcru invited to partake of an elegant
collation prepared by the hostess and
her dauh ters. It is needless to nay
this part of tho entertainment, was
thoroughly appreciated by tlio visitors
from I 'hit tsinouth, w ho bid their en-:
tertainers a rel octant j.'ooil-byo when
tlio hour arrived for tho return to tho
Besides the members of the society
tho following quests were presont:
Mesdames Tippens, liorn, l-ilter,Nolt-injr,
Lulz, (loos, Kanper, Cold'nitf,
SI tul el man n , Murphy, Sc Ii in id I man n,
McLennan, Hutler, M iner, W ise, Wool,, lleitzhausen, Dose, (loos,
Wehorpf, Saunders, Sch uld Ice, N'ol t i
Tritseh, Kohoo, Virgin, Deal ing, Hay,
Ford n ey, Kirk ham and Misse.-. Klr-on,
lioins, Travis and Kcpple.
Nome '"lll" I'ol it I nt'H.
The potato crop of ISU'.t, from pres
ent indications, is join to bo some
thing wonderful. The stories one can
hear iu regard to the yield and quality
of this useful vegetable aro hunt to be
lieve under ordinary ci rcumsta neon,
but when men who aro noted for their
veracity men like Thomas Walling,
tho well known abstracter jets a
crowd up in tho eornur whero escape
is impo.-isible and begins tolling the
eizo of potatoes grown in his garden,
why of course, you cannot do anything
but swallow the story. A few days
ago tho genial Thomas was entertain
ing a crowd and himsolf by telling
how many weeks he had been using
potatoes from his own garden, how
many meals eneh hill would furni-h
and how they wero likened in size to
tho eoeoanut, when some ungeetlc
inanly member of tho crowd called
him down. This made tho abstractor
vory wrathy and ho forthwith selected
a by-stander, whom ho thought to bo
all right, to go to his house and get
a fow of these potatoes with which to
prove his assertions. lie had recently
purchased from his grocer some extra
largo potatoes of last year's crop and
had expected his wife and the man
who wont on the errand to bo kind
enough to help him out and send a fow
of theso. lut thero was no such luck
for poor Thomas. Ci. Victor L,irdon
Boon returned with a handful of littlo
potatoes about tho siz-"? of marbles
from the abstracter's own garden.
And then ho called up tho cigars.
Fell I rom a of ll.iy.
Tho following special from Elmwood
appeared in this morning's State
"Tho fifteen-year-old son of Thomas
liurrwll, residing four miles south of
town, was severely injured Tuesday
ovening while helping John Sollcn
haul hay. The- wero hauling a load
to the houso when one of tho horses
hitched to the load gave a jump,
throwing young 13 ur roll off tho
load, landing him on the ground just
back of tho horses' heels. This
frightened tho horses and they ran
away, the wagon and load running
ovor young Hurrell, the wheels pass
ing over his chest and left knee. A
physician was at onco summoned and
mado an examination. Hading two or
three ribs broken and severe internal
injuries, besides somo 6inall bruises.
The doctor pronounced him to bo in a
very critical condition. The team ran
quite a distance, but did not recoive a
sorated. Tho harness was badly torn."
I.rrlure t South l'rtrk.
Elder E. J. Emmons of Manley will
lecture at tho S uth Park Baptist
church in this city on Friday and Sat
urday evenings, July -1 and 22, at S p.
m. On Friday evening his lecture
will bo "Christ or Mrs. Eddy, Which?"
or "Effects of Divino Healing Upon
Society." His Saturday evening sub
ject will bo "Christ or Joo Smith,
Which?" Miss Khoda Ward, the
singing evangelist, will render tomo
appropriate music. Tho lectures will
be free, but a collection will be taken
up at the close for benevolent pur
poses. Everybody iavited to attend.
The case of John E. Crimes vs. A.
L. Baxter has boon appealed from
Jude Archer's court to district court.
This is the c vse in which tho plaintiff
contracted to dig a well for the de
fendendant, the latter agreeing to
board tho men during tho progress of
the work. Before tho well was com
pleted tho drill struck rock and work
was delayed for a while, during which
time tho defendant refused to board
tho men under the terms of tho con
tract, henco tho suit for a balance
claimed to bo clue.
The work of placing tho l(M)-foot
flag pole in shape on Garfield park
waq completed this morning and it is
the intention of the park commission
ers to have tho Hag raising either on
Monday or Tuesday evening. Thero
will bo spiking and appropriate
music in connection.
C. A. Murnhall. Demist.
Ico cream packed for picnic parties
at llolloway'w.
Eeforo buying bind in;' twine k-o
Ebinger Hardware Co.
Ico croam freezers of tho boi-t makes.
Ebinger Hardware company.
Ice croam Mavorcd with extracts, '2-r
cents per quart at Ilolloway V
Jefferson Oliver, a farmer from
Greenwood piceinrt, iu town yes
terday. Mound City paint. All colors. 15. -st
on earth. A. W. Atwood, the drug
gist bolls it.
Order your bread, cake and ico
cream of Jiollovvay. Telephones, No-
braska 80; IMattsmouth, 270.
A. V. Atwood, tho druggist, has
ju.-t you want in wall paper.
Flattsmouth Telephone -7.
Largest lino of cotton and rubber
garden huso ever brought to the city.
Ebiiigor Hardw.tio company.
Harry Heed, tin. hustling Weeping
Water icnl estate dealer, was in tho
city today anil returned via Omaha.
1'ioservo vi ur trees an, I shrubbery
by purchasing o;io of those payers of
tho Ebinger Ha aware company.
Full line of Quick Meai g.v-.oliiio arid
Blue Flamo oil stoves at Ebinger
II aril varo ( 'o., at rea.-jonat'le prices.
I)r W. C Dean, .1.. litis!, l0!l, 110,
MeCague hiiiidiug, northwest coiner
of Fifteenth and Dml'o -Ire, t, im.ha.
Tho Eliingor Hardware company is
agent for the Monmouth filter and
water cooler. Tho finest thing out.
See them.
When you want to smoke a 10-cent
cigar try Otto Wurl V'Silver Wreath"
union made you can find no better
on the market.
Telfer & Sheppard will mow your
lawn belter than you can do it your
Helf. Won't cost much. Nebraska
telephone No. 7'..
Tho ladies of tho Methodist church
will servo ice cream on Saturday even
ing from ( o'clock at Morrow' bakery.
Evoi y body weleoin.'.
.James L.. Walker, a conservatory
graduate, instructor on piano and or
gan, also in voice culture. Rooms in
the Kocivwood block.
A largo number of tho members of
tho M. W. A. in this city went to
llaveloclv this morning to attend tho
funeral of llobert Stewart
Tho "Cut lleil" .r)-cent cigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union made. For sale by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufaclui cr.
Try tho Stag brand wo-king p ints.
Better wear, better lit, m rc comfort,
moro value; cost no more than inferior
goods S." cents. F. T. DivisCo.
Thomas E. I'armele today purchased
tho Hotel Kiloy oni'.ding, the consid
eration being :;0, (tot). The transfcr
ing this building to a home man is
good news.
Tho Ladies' Aid society of he Chris
tian church will servo ice cream on J.
W. Johnson's lawn Friday afternoon,
from 2 to 7. Everybody invited. Ico
cream and cake 10c.
You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting.
Eat good wholesome food, and plenty
of it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
food without aid from the stomach, and
is mado to cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Conrad Schlater, who has been con
fined to his heme with eczema for tho
past six weeks, is still quite ill, but is
thought to be improving a little. Ilis
many friends in this city and county
hope to hear of his early restoration to
Is your hvci tired? Docs it fail to do
its duty? If so, don't neglect its call
for help. A few do:iCS of ilerbine may
save you a spell of sickuoss. Ilerbine
is the only perfect liver medicine. It
cures chills and fever. Price oOets.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
A couple of Western Union linemen
were in town today putting in a line
for the Weare commission company.
Newell Si Jones will look after the
company's interests in this city, and
have rented a room in the Martin
building for that purpose.
The following special from Elmwood
appeared in this morning Lincoln
Journal: "The IMattsmouth Tele
phone company now have their line
completed to this place, which gives
Elmwood communication with nearly
every town in tho county. This lino
will bo completed to Lincoln and
Omaha as soon as possible."
At a Knights of Fythias entertain
ment to be given at Pacific Junction
tomorrow evening Otto Wurl will fur
nish a portion of tho entertainment by
showing the citizens of the Iowa town
what he can do in eluh swinging anil
turning. That he will entertain them
there is no doubt, as ho is one of the
best in that lino in the countrv.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart of Groton, S. I). "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lunfrs; cough set in and finally termi
nated in consumption. Four doctors
gave me up, saying I could livo but a
short time. I gave myself up to my Sav
ior,determined if I could not stay with
my friends on earth, I would meet my
absent ones above. My husband was
advised to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and
colds,I gave it a trial, took in all eight
bottles. It has cured mo, and thank
God, I am saved and now a well and
hoalthy woman." Trial bottles free at
F. G. Fricko & Co. Iiegular size oOc.
and $1. Guaranteed or price refunded.
Another estimato of the Fourth of
July casualties is thirty-three killed,
1,!H2 seriously wounded and .'J,000
slightly injured. Tho theory that
Americans need moro holidays will
bear further examination.
i i a
Leaders of the Party Arrive in Chicago
for Oonfercuey.
1 1 on . V. J llryuu Wilt Addrran lb
A iKlltorlinn ia t ln-rln (r In the i:iilnjf
.M .nil lii'tr.-il Mil ill IVslocl 111 I the
'ii f. r-n Will 0--lop .Mayor ll:ir
rlon'n At I ItiKlc.
CHICAGO, July 20 Di-morcrats of
national importunes to arrive
in "hi a.'-o yeyti-nlay and at noon there
was (;;n;e a colony ot distinguished
members and advisers ot the national
committee ready to tai;- part in the
meeting of that body today at the
Hhei man hoiiL-e.
Cioim- Fred Williams of Massachu
setts, who is rei;ai il'-d as the eastern
candidate for second place on the
ticket with Hr an; .John W. Tornlin
son of Alabama, 'J rue Mollis of New
Hampshire, Judge J; me.; P. Tarvin of
Kentucky, a crowd of McLean men
from Ohio and several ii)"i- were on
the ground, .lust before noon ex-Governor
William .1. Hume of Missouri,
who will act as chairman oi the com
mittee in the absence of Senator Jones
of Arkansas, and :-;evt ral of his as.soci
uteb arrived. The Kenturk'aiis, in
cluding Senator .1. C. S. Illaekburn,
Senator Goehel, recently nominated
for y;o ernor; National Committeeman
Woodson, Clark Howell of Georgia
and others, w ere expected last night.
The opinion was gem -rally express
ed by the early arrivals that definite
action on the issues to be foimht for
in next year's iaiiipi:ign would be de
cided upon at today's meeting. Much
interest was manifested in the trouble
over tonight's Auditorium meeting.
The announcement of Mayor Harrison
and National Committeeman Cahan
that they would ignore the Auditorium
affair created no end of talk and W. J.
Hryan's decision in the matter was
anxiously awaited. Mr. lJryan was er
pet-ted to arrive last night or early
this morning and both sides to the
controversy professed certainty as to
his decision. It was reported that Mr.
Ilryan had already accepted an invita
tion to address the Auditorium gather
ing and the faction supporting that
meeting declared that it would now bo
impossible for him to refuse.
President Xitinos Number ol" Oflleer
for Volunteer Servlee.
WASHINGTON, I). C. July 20. The
following appointments in the volun
teer service were announced today:
To be Lieutenant Colonel Lewis II.
Strother, formerly captain First in
fantry. To be Majors Edward Ii. Passat t,
second lieutenant. Fourth cavalry;
Joseph T. Dickman, captain, Eighth
cavalry; Robert D. Walsh, captain,
Ninth infantry.
To be Captains James L. IJurch
field, captain Company A, Third Ken
tucky; John P. Grinstead, captain
Company I, Twenty-first Kansas;
John lleckey, major, First Connecti
cut volunteers; Charles Miller, first
lieutenant. Sixteenth United States
Infantry; Frank W. Lattimer. captain
Company D, Sixth Illinois volunteers.
To be First Lieutenants Charles II.
Boyce, first lieutenant. First New
Hampshire volunteers: James Law
rence Long, captain. First Arkansas
volunteers; Marlon 15. Wilhoit. first
lieutenant Company M. Fourth Ken
tucky. To be Second Lieutenants benja
min Kossman, post quartermaster
sergeant. U. S. A.; Allen L-fort. pri
vate. Battery IT. Third Knifed States
artillery; Denny Verdi, had service in
It is I.:iiiili vl in Now Vork Willi a
! Cu?it:il of S; ID.ODO no.
NEW YORK, July f:u.--A conthine
of the bicycle manufacturers b:i:::e
effective at a meeting he'd in this city
yesterday. Forty-five mai uf '. " tare l s,
representing r"H phi nt. wore vosent.
A meeting wis held ia the morning,
when the plan as agreed upon by the
committee on organization at it? meet
ing held Monday night v.-as s,t:hrn'Ced.
An adjournment was taken until aft
ernoon, when the project was carried
through without a dissenting voice.
The only change in the organi.auon
plans was a reduction of the capital
stocy from $SO.O(i().()00 to $40.000 ' 000.
This will be divided as follows: $10.
000.000 ' per cent twenty-year gold
debenture bonds, $10,000,000 7 per cent
cumulative preferred stock. $20,000,000
common stoelc.
The manufacturers will receive for
their plants 30 per cent in cash, 30
per cent in preferred stock and 50 per
cent in common stock, making a total
of 110 per cent.
Asrei'ment Itetween I.c:il Jli rclmnls mill
CiifarmakLT!" I'nioii No. '.J7C.
I'l.ATTs.MorTll, Neb. ,. J illy 1:5, liSO'.l.
Whereas, it is a matter of fact, that a
"real number of ciyars are- sold in this
city, made in the east by irl, child
and even convict Labor, a id it is evi
dent that dealer, by handling such
roods and sending their money away,
do not help the prosperity of this com
munity. Therefore, we, the under
signed dealers, pledge ourselves not
to handle any cigars only Mich as bear
"The F.luo Label of tho International
Union, " and whero p-nsirtle only the
product of this city:
LehnhotT Jlros Goring A: Co
F G Fricke - C . W K Fox
J Sehiappaeasr-e C L Ilolloway
Wurl & Coffey John Mumm
F(J F.gcnberjor Phil Thiorolf
L H Fgenberger Frank H iird
A G Ilrolviek K II lleitzhausen
l-M Donat A Nitka
Zuckwciler & Lutz F T Davis Co
W Shinn A II Week bach
August Ilach A Clark
Louis Olsen J J Swoboda
Jonathan Ilatt
A Frightul Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Iluoklon's Ar
nica Salve, the best in the world, will
kill tho pain and promptly heal it.
Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers,
boils, felons, corn-, all skin eruptions.
Best pile cure on earth. Only 2- cts. a
box. Cure pu iranteed. Sold by F. G.
Fiieko & Co. druggists.
Subscribe for The News.
I k, in I liuisil,iy':4 Il.nlv
M. C. Jay, a carpenter at the II. &
M. repair shopn, had tho mie-fortuno
this morning to run a aw blado into
the Mushy part of tho thumb on his
ri'ht hand. The wound was not a
serious one, and will not compel him
to take a lay-oil.
A workman in Kroehlcr's gang
at the shops met with an accident yes
terday. Ho was assisting oeveral
other men in carrying a heavy timber,
and when it was thrown onto a pilo of
other timber it bounced back and
caught one of the man's feet, injuring
that member quite b ully.
L. L. Karnes concluded his nine
teenth year in tho employ of the B.
Si M. company yesterday. During
eighteen years of this time Mr.
Karnes never lo?t a day.
JJunines is very lively on tho Bur
lington at present, a largo number of
train crew being employed to take
tho empty cats waA iu order that the
grain can be propei ly handled. All
department.-- in the shops are running
at their full capacity to get the rolling
stock in proper shape.
Goorgo St.-! nun, who is employed in
the bras.- foundry at tho shops, is tak
ing a few day-' lay-. IV on account of ill
Bob Stewart, who is well nnd fa
vorably known in this city, died last
night at S o'clock at his home in I lavo
loek. Mr. Stewart resided in IMatts
mouth many years, and was in tho
employ of the B. c M. company. It
is stated that he was injured a few
davs ago while at work and died from
the effects.
Dan McCillan returned to his, work
at Sheridan, Wyo., this morning after
a visit of several days with friends
A fast, train that, will leave all other
fast trains far behind is to have a trial
trip on tho New York Central soon,
and if the estimates of its possible
speed aro correct, it will lie a record
breaker nearly twice, over. The train
will be constructed in accordance
with tho ideas of Frederick U. Adams,
its inventor, and is expected to make
120 mib'.s an hour as easily as fast
trains now tun sixty miles an hour.
The principal dilTerence n the main
construction of the train from that of
the otdinary train is that it is built to
minimi." the of the air
built Bke a yacht. It i? built to cut
the air like a knife.
A special meeting of the executive
committee of the western passenger as
sociation will be le Id r exl Thursday at
Chic-igo. Among the propositions
which will be discuss.-d is one to es
tablish a "bureau of advertising." Its
main obj- ct will bo to prevent the
railroads from wasting money, or
passes, on "fake" ad vertising schemes.
The advertiMiig accounts of a good
many railroads are a great deal larger
than they should be. George II. Dan
iels, the veteran general passenger
agent of the New York Centra! rail
road, says that the only first-class ad
vertising in 'ilium is the daily news
pap. r.
The July number of the "Corn-Belt,"
a monthly periodical published at
Chicago by the Burlington, is devoted
almoit entirely to Nebraska and contain-some
very interesting descrip
tive matter, dealing especially with
the ic literal interests of the state.
1-tvni l-'riil-iy's I'.ii'y.
Liurlington passenger train No. b
was ahoui five hours iato through here
today, the cause of which is said to be
the v.-r eking of a freight train on the
other side cf Lincoln.
Fred Lyon of Gleuwod has begun
work in the Ilurlingtou coach shops in
this city. He was recently married
a:d will begin housekeeping in a short
ti mo.
A carload of packing house pro
ducts, routed over the Missouri Pacific
from South Omaha, reached Gieen
ville, S. C. , in four a nd one-half days.
This is regarded as excellent service
to tho south, and the result of this ac
complish merit will add considerably
to tho traffic scurei from South
Omaha by the Missouri Pacific.
Tliirt y-four ArcicU Adopted Uy the
Third Committee.
THE HAGUE, July 21. The third
committee has adopted the thirty-four
articles of the arbitration scheme,
with the exception of the five clauses
relating to international courts of in
quiry, action on which awaits the re
sult of Instructions from the Rou
manian and Servian governments to
their delegates.
An effort was made to obtain the
substitution of Article xxvii of the
words "deem it useful ' for the pharse
"consider it their duty," but Mr. Hills,
secretary of the American delegation,
and Dr. Zorn, one of the German dele
gates, vigorously defended the origin
al reading, which was adopted unan
imously. Dolvin Down nail Out.
CHICAGO, July 21. The democratic
national committee removed Fress
Representative Delvin. After taking
this action the committee adjourned
until 3:30 without transacting any
other important business.
ial of I.erterH.
Remaining uncalled for at tho post
ofiice at Plattsmouth, July '20, 18.'):
t'ook. Mrs r.llie H.imnek, I-'rauk CI)
I.eKoy, Miss llerthn Konnds, Fred
Shelter. Kciwin K Stack. C
Thompson, Nels Thomson. Niels
J Wolf & Co Schroder or Mockenitz,
When calling for any of tho above
letters please say "advertised."
C. H. Smith, Postmaster.
Great Reduction
In price of Hammocks. Wo
have too many hammocks on
hand, owing to unseasonable
weather, bo hero they go:
r 00 HAMMOCKS, :i f.O
4 (to " " :j on
3 50 41 " 2 25
.S 00 " 1 D5
2 50 " 1 60
2 00 ,4 " 1 26
And so on down the Hat.
Following is tho rango of prices on
tho Chicago board of tradotoday, as
furnished by M. S. Griggs, commis
bion merchant:
f G
5' 3 S 5'
TJ "
Wheat '
J uly 7l 7 u rtii' rt9'4
ept 7117; 71 '4 Wi, tfclMI
I cc 7-. 73 7l)i 71 4'
May 7:1 75 VA 7."i T.
Cm 11
Inly :a7i :v:u :vik
Sept -Vi'A :1 ) t :tt 4 :ti,l
lec :u'.'i aa'.i :'
May :tiy :rj v ' :u !i :d'
July -Ik -iW li, lK
Sept l'.l-i M0'H lli'i lit'.,
I ec Mil'.! :M'J Jil' J' "
May -'.' -I .'4 LI!' It
I'oi k
July '. 'JO !.''7 !l 17 20
I ec
Mrs. Fred Will is reported ill.
S. If. Will mado a business trip to
inaha Saturday.
liny-making and harvesting tire the
business of the day.
Charlie I lu by visited his father at
Oreonwood over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are the proud
possessors of a new baby girl.
The Kichardsnn brothers are kept
busy those days shelling corn.
Mr. Wetenkamp and family wore
tho gues's of (Joorge Meisinger Sun
day. Mr. (1. Iluby of Cronwood visited
his sons, John and Martin, the first of
tho week.
Mrs. Perry and little daughter,
Enotn, aro visiting at Wabash and
Nute Will has returned home from
a trip throught the west. His reports
of the crops are quite favorable.
Clenn Perry win seen driving
through this place nt break-nook speed
Sunday with a smile on his face which
he could not conceal, and upon inquiry
as to the reason it was found to be nn
eight-pou-.d boy, which arrived at his
home the night before.
Re v. Fetz will deliver a lecture at
the church at this placo Saturday
evening, July 29, at 8 p. m. Subject,
"Tho Young People or tho Twentieth
Century, What They are and What
They Will Re." Everybody, especially
all young people,aro invited to attend.
Mrs. (ius Iluss is quite sick.
Sheriff Wheelor was hero on busi
ness last week.
S Seiver has almost completed John
Rowland's house.
Elder E. S. Chamberlain will preach
the coming Lord's day.
C. D. Quinton was at Plattsmouth
Wednesdaj of this week.
Charles 13 rand t, one of Nehawka's
merchants, was here this week.
I'eter Opp of Nohawka was a visitor
with his brother, Jacob, this week.
Most of the farmers aro busy har
vesting their oats and other grain
Thero will be a social given by the
two Christian Endeavors Thursday
John Rowland and wife wore trans
acting business at Weeping Water
last week.
Avoca is now connected by telephone
with tho world, tho Nebraska company
having just put in a line.
King, Emporcr, Duke, Prince $1.
Elson, the Clothier.
White's Cream Vermifuge not only
effectually expels worms, but is un
equalled as a tonic, and is a certain
and permanent cure for chills and fever
in children. Price 25 cts. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Three for $1.
Laundered Percale Shirts Elson, the
The Ebinger Hardware company
has the largest line of lawn-mowers
ever brought to the city.
Our GUief Aim
....Is to please you.
Wo do everything possible to
attain this end. Our goods and
John T. Coleman,
Second door South ot Postoffloe
Dr. W. C. Dean...
40, 4 IO MfCuKiie ItnlldliiK nmihl
Northwest cor. l"ith and Dodge sts KJllldlla
All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa
tients will receive especial consideration.
Our Store Room will
be finished.
We are crowding the
decorators out at the
back door to make
room for our custom
ers at the front.
borne in and
6. L W6S60U & Son
Cor. Fifth and Main.
A Few More of Those
Iron Beds Left..
Beautiful Line of Bookcases...
Just received Com'! in nnd prioo 'em. ...An elegant An
tique Oak Sideboard ;ros for $.-, for the next thirty days.
This is a rare bargain and cannot he duplicated any where.
Those Oak Rockers at $1.75...
Are I3ARCJAINS which ev- yene takes hold of who sees
The Furniture Man and Undertaker
The great remedy for nervous prost ration and all diseases of tbe '-aerati v
organs of either sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood,
Impotency, Nightly Emissions, YoutLful Krrors, Mental Worry, ejrc?Hsive use
of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption snd Insiinitv. Wit h nvcrw
1CTCR IICIWC 5 order we guarantee to cire or refund tin; money. Sold at BLOOoer box
flntn UOInO. 6 boxes for $5.00. IMC. MUTT'S CIIt.TIK Al, ., ;ievtlttud, Uliio
Gering & Co., Druggists.
New Hardware Store
Having returned to Plattsmouth, I will he jelad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
aixl show them a sekct line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything usually carried in a first-class
hanlware store.
Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will
interest you.
Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTM
The Platte Mutual insurance (.,
$150,000 Insurance in Fori:.
J IIY will you vy your money t fure'pr'i In-wnreo e unpirie, wlm t ike it
' out of the btate. when you ran get In-i;r .ncv; for Ip i-o.t from n N'eln'Mhku
Company. Only the Best Class of Business and Dwelling House
Property Accepted.
OtticeiH and Director Tom. K. I 'ririn.-if. I -hi ii t; ( iin. K. Dovey, Vice
president; T. r'rniik Wiles, Si-eretarv; I'Viink J. M.iumi, l i eiirui ei ; C. Ii
Wes-cott, W. J. White, Henry Hoeckl). O. Dwyer, (Jeo A. Hay, II. K iiering
For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. .WjS.&m
p,!ri ty JAMES F. BALLARD. St. Louis.
see tor vour- m
With Mattress
and Springs
Afj TI AND VITALITY In Qaun'Jtr. lJftlnf Jity.