Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 18, 1899, Image 3

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Another TrolK7 Strike On in tho City of
a numb or ARRfSTSARr maul
l.n.,.loy.H of Iho II,.,, I, Tr:.nlt ,..,,.
Iluvn it ;rlfvin-, hi. i, i Want
IClr-H-l- Htrik.-rH M"1" Troiil.lf for
I In- I'olit-o .Non I iilon I ralu Crnm
.HHitnlta-.l un.l tiill lorn V p.
NI-2VV YOIUv. .Inly 17. -Another
Jrolli y strlki" In on in Mro.iUiy n. Near
ly all tin. conductors ami motormou
r th Ilrooklyn K.ipi.l Tr.'tnslt com
P'"iy, iiii!nl.inK SfVfi;il thousand,
quit work at r o'clock this morning.
'l who had cars out h it tlcni on
the tracks. Tin; conip iny inilruvon 1
to run cars with nonunion men on all
the lint's and then- was lunch disorder.
Wires were cut, rails were torn up and
sit the M;ircy avenue stables a crowd
' " :.( 0 men resisted the police.
.-''Many arrests wore made during tho
On some lines the company
maintained a. regular service and on
others they failed altogether. Cars
were unable to run to the ocean
hesiches. The tie-up h:ls not Wren
nearly so complete as the lahor lead
ers sairl it would he.
ho rar this strike has not
effective :s that of 1S:.".. hut
no telling ho lout; or far
hei'ii aa
th"re ia
rive heen
the last
11 may liecom Meetings h
held daily and nightly for
week, and it was inferred lv
the re
ports Riven out by the employes and
their advisers since Tlnirsibiy l is that
while a strike was iiiimin -n't it would
not occur for some days to come. (Jen
oral Master Workman Parsons and
District Master Workman Pints had
charge of the men's affairs and a strike
was called at 4:::o yesterday morning.
Shortly after midnight abort 100
policemen from the precincts of Man
hattan and the Honx districts wire
sent to different barns, and many were
placed along the several routes com
prising the territory covered bv tho
Prooklyn Traction company. 1'p to
half past 7 o'clock there were verv few
cars run over these lines and thoso
Kent out from the different b;.rns were
policed by two, throe and four con
stables! On tho Putnam avenue lino
only a few men r fused to work and
it was notable that scarcely a half
dozen of the cars on this division wero
Tho Flat bush and Person Peach
cars, tho Norstrand avenue. (Jates,
Ralph and Myrtle avenue cars, as well
as tho Third avenue trolleys, bad a
meager service in the early hours of
the day. but traffic on the old Nassau
linos, which comprise the Fifth. Sev
enth, Park and Vanderhiit avenues,
and Doug'.as and Putlor streets roads
will be practically at a standstill. Tho
men on the Nassau road wore most
determined and not one of the motor
men or conductors went to work. Tho
cars reniainod idle for several hours,
but by 10 o'clock about ono-tenlh of
the regular rolling stock was working.
Thoso cars woro manned by inspectors
and linemen, and. in fact, oilers and
helpers were pressed Into rorvSeo so
as to maintain a partial running of
tho system.
Py tho middle of Iho afternoon over
art per cent of the old men on tho
flaltes. Ralph, Proadwav, Myrtle ave
nue. Flushing and Third avenue reads
woro at work on thoso linos. Pater in
tho afternoon tho cars on t;
of ton
road wero running at intervals
minutes, which meant that the
was crippled about one-third.
h'.x peri mollis with llitfli I !x )' i .
WASHINGTON, July 17. The Yar
department has recently concluded an
exhaustive series of experiments at
Sandy Hook with high explosives and
tho largest field guns that promises to
mark a material advance in the artil
lery branch of tho army. Permanent
arrangements woro made under the
Hoard of Ordnance of Fortification,
composed of both line and staff offi
cers and of which tho major general
commanding tho army is chairman
The board's report is in shape to be
presented to tho secretary of war and
if adopted will result in arming the
troops in tho Philippines with the
most advanced typo of light field guns
tho world. Tho board has decided
a tvpe of field gun which can fire
fifteen aimed shots per minute, which
can bo operated with one man and
which its full crew oa take to pieces
in thirteen seconds fur loading on
mule back for transportation where
ver needed. It is throe-inch caliber,
carry shrapnrl or a bursting
charge of high explosives, which will
kill by concussion in a radius of 200
Kxp'osio'i in Mine
VICTORIA, P. C. July 17 A t-iiific
explosion of pas occurred in the Toyo
kuni coal mine at Kyushu. Japan, on
June 15. according to advices bv the
steamer Olympia. There were 2t0 men
and women in the mine. The work
Df recovering the bodies was going on
svhen the vessel sailed. The total loss
of life was not known.
Search for V. K. Kusi-ll.
ASH FORK, Ariz., July 17 W. W.
Bass, the well known guide, and an
other man have started from here to
search for V. F. Russell of Syracuse.
Neb., who was lost in the Grand Can
yon near tho toot of Plight Angel (rail
Sunday while attempting to cross
swollen river in a mere cockle-
boat of canvas. There is some
hope that Russell may have reached
shore farther down tho canyon.
Itound Over to Iintrlct Court.
From Saturday's Daily.
Harry Thomas, tho colored man who
was brought in tho other evening from
South Bend, charged with breaking
into a boarding ear, was arraigned be
fore . I udQ Archer this morning and
hound over to tho district court in the
sum f $o00.
At tho hearing tho prisoner claimed
it was his companion who was guilty
of breaking into tho boarding car. A
colored man who answers tho descrip
tion of II indy Burl has been captured
in Omaha, and it is expected that
Sheriff Wheeler will bring the pris
oner down sorno time this afternoon.
DoWitt1 Little Karly itisers benefit
permanently. They lend gontlo anint
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, permanently curing conti
pation and liver ailments. F. .
Fricko & Co.
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Wages, $3 per week.
Enquire at News office.
risfrvoirs roa UVf STOCK.
1 lirlr Thrit U-im l Mono poll hi Ion !oei
Not Crcut' ,pr li union.
WASHINGTON. Juy !7 Reports
reaching the Int. i i , t.-.ent of 1
threatening monopolization f a mini
icr of poltitH of the 1 m n in quit-able
under tho Jaw rclatii.g to reservoirs
for watering live t; U . cit . noiippro-
lienslon on the part of tie- authorities
Th any that the rules and regulations
put In foc for the execution of tho
law have been so un l'.:liv f, ;. im,i that
there U no danger of individuals get
ting mom than tin ii sh.ue of the pub
lic domain or the inlli' lien of any pos
slide injury to the common ue of th
areas concerned. The u'-w code of
i iih'H. it is btated, rosti 1. t liilings made
previous to the insta nce ol the rules
laKing from them ev.iv t.-ndency to
monopoly, these previous filings being
now returend to the pa rites with in
structlons that the supplications for
such lands must r.t to the later
They ure ulso desi, ie 1 to pr vent an
exclusive right to the tract taken, iv
ing the land the .s!;.l:. of a corninun
catlve property op. .1 to s. eking
the water rights ami furthermore, they
restrict the maximum o,ui! it of land
in any section to li;o acres to each in
dividual, but even this is not permis
sible unless the partv ha.; a res
ervoir having a capacity f ."a .i )!i gal
lons, any li-ss capacity reducing the
area allowed proport ionatel v. The
land taken cannot be fenced or either
wise enclosed and must be- kept ope n
to the free use of everyone wanting to
water his animals, any noncompl ianc
with the law and regulations resulting
in cancellation of rights.
The I'roinox iimi'iilo :;cnl I v IshimmI
AkI'1 I ik K' Sum.
HAVANA, July 17. The pronunicia
mento recently issued in the city of
Matanzas, signed "Petancourt," and
calling upon Cubans to pre pare' to hurl
from the country the "crafty eagle,"
as they had removed the; "haughty and
hungry Spanish lion," is now believed
by many to have been the production
of the civil governor of Matanzas. The
ream. is for this view are not very
convincing, but Senor Patancourt has
not p;.;itiv(-ly denied the authorship
anil it is notorious that he has express
ed Aio'ost identical sentiments in the?
Havana c afes on different occasions bo
fore American officers, lie once used
language closely resembling that of the
"proclamation" in th- presence of an
American brigadier ge neral and an
American colonel.
Both officers believe it quite probable
that he wrote the appeal. If not its
author, then in their judgment, he was
cognizant of it anil agreed to the use
of his name. Many Cuban officers of
high rank are satisfied that Senor Be
faneo; -t was In some way intimately
related to the publication ami circula
tion of the address to the people of
Mat;ikzas. General Wilson, military
governor of the Matanzas-Santa Clara
department will doubtless ask tiie civil
governor for on explanation in ease
there is no denial from hini.
I ill est ii:i 1 Ion of Trusts.
CHICAGO, July 17. The general
committee on arrangements for the
conference on combinations and trusts
call..; by the Civic federation of Chi
t ;; , has mailed circular letters to G'25
uvsts and combinations throughout
tii.1 country, asking twenty-six quos
ti -inn, such as the number of organiza
tions included in the consolidation, the
her yet outside, the original cap
ital of the various concerns now
me rged, the present capital employed,
the effect on prices of products and
tho effect on labor so far as to dis
placement and rate of wages.
Of the labor unions in the various
crafts employed in these combinations,
questions are asked as to tho effect on
wages, hours of work and the number
thrown out of employment by the or
ganization of the trusts.
Sees Hanger Aliratl.
PARIS. July 17. L.a Republique
Franca ise, commenting upon the dan
ger In which the proposed Franco
American commercial convention will
place our national productions, says:
"The project provoked legitimate
tests. The argiculturists of Ain de
partment have already remonstrated
and others will follow, as all parts
of tho country will be affected."
Solilifr Violated Orders.
ALBANY, Ore., July 17. Frank M.
Girard, a member of Company I, Ore
gon volunteers, has arrived here from
San Francisco, in violation of orders.
On reaching San Francisco harbor,
while still on shipboard, he received
a telegram that his mother, who re
sides near Monmouth, was dying, and
asked him to come at once. He applied
to the officer for a furlough, offering
the telegram as a reason, but it was
refused. By the aid of sympathetic
comrades he was let down by a rope
into a small boat and went ashore,
taking the train at once Tor home. He
says that he will return to his regi
ment in a few clays.
Morn Arrenta at Cherbourg.
CHERBOURG, July 17. Early this
morning more arrests weie made ow
ing to the police station being beseig
ed by a party 01 marines who demand
ed the release of their comrades. The
windows of the station were broken.
Soldiers with drawn swords pursued
nun who were engaged in tearing
down lanterns after the national fete.
The rioters In several places attempt
ed to provoke the infantry of the line
by insulting crie-s. The troops, how
ever, remained calm.
Knster of Compniiy IS.
From Saturday's Daily.
A pijluro of all tho wembers of Com
pany II, together with their names,
was received today and can bo seen in
the show window of I. Fcarlman's
furniture Htoro. It is tho property of
Cas county, and in addition to con
taining tho picture's and names of
the members of Company B, it also
givers the; names of the ollicors of tho
Seventh Army eorpi, and beneath tho
words "For Humanity's Sake" is a
pic:tun of William McK'inley. The
roster is maily framed, and every
member of tho company who went to
Cuba can feel j'l-tly proud of it. It
will bo displayed at IVarlman's storo
for a few elays and then placed in Bon
Hemiilis's museum.
Tim VleniiH Ktike-ry.
We will deliver to our customers
fresh bread, pies and cakes from this
date. Watch for our wagon if you want
nice, fresh bread.
William Moiikow, Proprietor.
Subscribe for The News.
Of net rs rou vonrmrRs.
1'rrnlila-iit Aiiiioiiniin .Another I.Ut of
WASHINGTON. July l.i The- presi
dent ban made the folle)wli.g addition
al appoint incuts iu the volunteer army,
eac h olfie e r's for mer s' l vlce being
To pe Captains Amos W. Brandt,
captain Seventh 1'. S. V. I.; Frank W.
Eekers. captain Fiftieth Iowa volun
teers; William H. Gillenuater, captain
Seventh I'. S. V. I.; Frank M. Hine.
captain Co. P. First Main artillery;
William M. S.-ofie-ld. captain First
Ohio cavalry; Charles I). Roberts, first
lieutenant Seventeenth V. S. I.; Geo.
T. Summerly, see-ond lieutenant Kighth
United States cavalry.
To Bo First Lie utenants Allen T.
Balentino, Third P. S. V. Engineers;
Edgar N. Coffey, captain Co. B. First
Mississippi; Henry M. Fales. captain
Third N. Y. volunteers; Julian E.
Gaujot, captain See-ond W. Va. ; Jos.
W. Porterfleld, captain Ninth Illinois;
William Sullivan, captain Co. P, First
Ne-w Hampshire volunteers; George I.
Pec ker. Co. E, Fifteenth Minima ta;
Sedomoti P. Jeffers. captain Co. 1,
First Arkansjs, John H. Pewis, cap
tain Co. C. rVv-nMi V. S. V. I.; He nry
Stroup, captain Go. K. First Arkansas;
Theodore S hultze, captain Sixth Mis
souri: Wi!;:'.n P. strong, in volunteer
To Pe Second Lieutenants Holmes
Conrael, jr., lieutenant Second North
Carolina; Albert J. Dillon, lieutenant
U. S. V. signal corps; Vincent M. El
more, jr.. tir.t lieutenant Second Ala
bama; He nry Gibbons, first lieutenant
Co. C. Third Tennessee; John P.
Shurr. first serge-ant Co. F, Fourth
Te-ner-:soe; Cha'-lep P. Hirst, sergent
Co. G, First Caiifoi nia; John W.
Healv, se'eant major. Twentieth. U.
S. I.- re Lie MiPer, first lieutenant
Sixth Mi---.,M:i.
Accepts KiikMwIx Advice.
LONDON, July IS. The Digger
News, the Boer organ in Lonelon, has
received the following dispatch from
Johannesburg, dated July 14:
A cable dispatch from the British
government has been received t y the
Transvaal government conveying a
cordial message of warm approval of
the Volksrnad's franchise proposals.
The message also puggeits minor al
terations and tender! frieneMy advice.
Tho Transvaal in replying gratefully
accepts the suggestions and consider
ation of the reform bill, now before
the Rami, has been deferred In accord
ance with the Pr'fli's cabinet's advice.
As a result of Giir; development the
peace treaty come out triumphant
and Lord;;l vry is accla'med as the
vindicator of the moderates.
Sonne! Money Men to Meet.
TJTnt IMOTr Va.. .Talv 15. E. V.
Smalley, general secretary of the Na
tional Sound Money league, was in
Richmond today consulting with a
number of gold standard men with
reference to holding a national cur
rency convention in this city at some
elate in October rext. The president
of the league is Hon. J. Sterling Mor
ton nf Nebraska. Tt is Stated that a
local committee, composed of promin
ent Richmond men of both parties,
will be organized to take charge of ar
rangements for the convention and of
the invitations to speakers. "Secretary
Smalley left for t Hot bprings to
night to report to Mr. Ingalls the re
sult of his conference in Richmond.
and it is believed a call for the con
vention will be issued some time in
Finel tlie Hidden Treasure.
RICHMOND, Mo., July 15. Neigh
bors digging in the house of Thomas
Graves, near here, dug up several jars
of money, gold and silver, amounting
to $2,100. Graves and his aged sister,
who lived with him, vere murdered
and the house burned to conceal the
crime. The man was a reputed miser
and it is believed that murderers hoped
to secure his hoard. The neighbors
are still digging near the house in
search of treasure.
Slmfter Ioef Not AVnnt to Retire.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 15 Major
eneral Shafter will have reached the
age limit in about three months, and
is said his friends are working nui-
etlv but none the less energetically to
secure his retention in the service a
few years longer. The friends of Gen
eral Shafter arerue that since the de-
nartment of the Pacific has become so
important by reason of its acquisition
of the Philippines it is inadvisable to
make a change in its commander just
at this time. It is rumored that urig-
adier General Merriam, at present in
command of the departments or .Mis
souri and Colorado, is likely to suc
ceed Shafter in the event of his retire
Marehioness of Salisbury 111.
LONDON. July 15. The marchion
ess of Salisbury, wife of the premier
and minister of foreign attairs, nact a
slight attack of paraylsts at Walmer
castle. She rallied well and is now
Improving in health. Lord Salisbury
was obliged to curtail the diplomatic
recention at the foreign office yester
day, immediately after the receipt of
the grave tidings, and took a special
train to Walmer castle.
1'romliient Klk Dead.
MINNEAPOLIS, Mich., July 17. C
M. Foot, grand exalted leading knight
of the grand Joge, Order of Elks, died
in this city today from heart failure.
superinduced by a complication of dis
eases. Mr. Foote vras one of the lead
ing citizens of Minneapolis, and a few
years ince was a prominent candidate
for postmaster. He was 50 years old.
Mr. Foote was one of those injured in
the collapse of the coliseum at At
lantic City, N. J., in 1895.
F"r"ni Monday's Daily.
Supply Agent D. S. Guild is up the
line thi9 week. Alliance Times.
Burl Chandler, who is employed in
tho Burlington blacksmith shop, met
with an accident this morning while
at work. A hoavy channel bar from
a truck fell on 0110 of his feet and dis
abled that member to such an extent
that he will have to t iko a fow days'
D. IUwksworth loft on tho early
west-bound train this morning on com
pany business.
A plant for tho treatment of ties
will be erected in Edgemont at onca
Tho plant will cost between thirty and
forty thousand dollarp.
Those who live on farms nro liable
to many accidental cut, burns and
bruises, which heal rapidly when Bal
lard's Snow Liniment is promptlj' ap
plied. Trice 2-5 and 50 c.s. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
James Peari-on
of Arhland
town today.
Mrs. Henry Ileil was iu towu today
from near Cedar Creek.
Mrs. C. A. Hutterfield of Fort Crook
in tho city virdting be-r tlfter, Mr. W.
H. Khoade-H.
Captain George Sheldon of No-
hawka was h iking hands with l'latt
mouth fricnelrt today.
J. E. Marshal, of Till'. Nkvvs, de
parted this afternoon for Kansas City,
where lie will hpend a fw das
H. J. Streight and wife wont to
Lincoln this afternoon, where thoy
will attend a convontion of spiritual
Mr. and Mrs. William Eikenbary
departed this afternoon for J)enve;r
Mrs. Churlos Vallery acerompmicd
them for a pleasure trip.
Douglas aninn lias traded bis resi
dence proporty in Moreerville to John
Morgan for the confectionery store in
the Perkins houso block. Mr. Shinn
is a nrst-class cook and expects to
serve lunch and meals to tho hungry.
M. M. Ileal and Dick Slultz have
just finished their work out at tho
poor farm. They painted, papered
ar.d otherwise improved tho buildings
and tho place now seems mora home
liko to tho poor peon'.e who nro in
mates at tho farm.
Pattern fc Bulger Iiavo just turned
ejut from their shop ono of the nicest
jobs of carriage pointing to In found
anywhere. The work is for Mrs. C. II
Parmelo and is noticeably superior to
tho Oman work dono on the same rig
Their equipment is complete and their
work compares favorably with first-
class work in any of tho largor cities.
The foundation for ono of tho new
dwellings which C. E. Wescott con
templates erecting at tho corner of
Seventh and Main streots has already
boon completed, and tho wood work
:.l !. .1 : rr-1
win 00 commencou immeuiaioiy. j nis
building and the now church to bo
erected on tho other side of tho street
will be quite an improvement to that
part of tho city.
C. G. Maylicld of Eight Mile Grove
was in town today.
W. A. Cleghorn was a visitor in tho
city today from Louisville.
Wiley Illack wont to Omaha this
afternoon with a supply of eggs.
J. A. Cain of South Henri was amorg
the visitors at tho court houso today.
Mrs. Robert Trooo and Mrs. N. A.
Loit were sight-seers today at tho
James Robertson and J. P. Falter
spent the day looking after business
matters in Lincoln.
II. R. Neitzel and wifo of Murdock
visited with the latter's parents in
this city yesterday.
Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs.
James Ilickson, jr., is reported ser
iously ill with brain fever.
The county commissioners were in
Lincoln today attending a meeting of
tho state board of equalization.
Judge Spurlock this morning united
in marriage Mr Edward Leonard
Klein and Miss Emm i May Totten,
both of South I5end.
Dr. T. P. Livingston received a box
from Manila S itui day afternoon which
he values vory highly, it having been
used by his brother, Guy, in which to
keep his clothes. The box weighs
about 125 pounds, and on iho lower
portion of the address card are the
words: "Property of Henry Guy Liv
ingston, Private Company M., First
Nebraska Volunteers."
J. W. Johnson conducted the referee
sale of the McConkey property at the
court house Saturday afternoon. Lots
1 and 2,block 3,in Donnally's addition,
aod lots 15 and 16, block 3, in Stadel
mann's addition, were sold to Matthew
Gering the former lots for $310 and
the latter for 8180. Tho sale of lots 13
and 14, block 3,Stadelmann's addition,
was postponed one week.
John Tighe,who is in the grain ele
vator business at Manley, has begun
the erection of an addition to Irs ele
vator that is to bo 6orne 32x40 feet in
dimension and 45 feet high, with all
the best improvements for dumping
and handling grain. It will givo him
one of the largest elevators in the
state, and enable him to handle grain
as rapidly as it may come. Mack
Cartwright is on the building force.
John m;ans to bo ready to handle the
new crop when it comes in.
ClIppir.KH From Connty Kxelianges Dlnheel
Up for "News" Readers.
From the Nehawka Register.
J. M. and L. E. Stono drove up to
Plattsmouth Wednesday to hear the
lecture by "Coin" Harvey.
Ed and Charles Donat of Platts-j
mouth were shaking hands with their
Nehawka friends Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young boarded
the 11 o'clock train Monday for FiaUsJ
mouth. Mrs. Young returned on thj
4:42 train the same day.
A couplo of men were in town Tu.?-'
dav puttimr in a telephone b t h foi
tho Plattsmouth Telephone compmy
Deputy Sheriff J. V. Mclirida and
County Attorney Jesse L. Root visited
friends in Nehawk last Sunday.
Miss Teane Conn returned Monday
to hor homo at Plattsmouth, after
week's visit with M139 Nottie Humph
rey. Miss Nettie accompanied her.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Lack amp, Elston
Mo., write: "One Minuto Cough Cure
saved the life of our little boy when
nearly dead with croup. F. G. Fricke
&. Co.
Following i tho rango of prices on
tho Chicago board of trade today, ih
furnished by M. S. Mrijgs, commM
hion im-rc-hiint:
up i ions i 'i. ; 1
r: . ) ' ' ' "
i : . "
in ;.t
f 1 v n-. 71 ?.i , ". .
'it .- ;i - .1 -.a
l.fc 7I'h 7l'i 7.1', ;:i' II
May i . .
C'erii 1
lulv : I ::i
Sept 1 .'. .Li' , :i '.
I'.-. . ., U ..
May .. ::.(', . .:!::'., ..u'
Oals- i i i I
luiv Ji1 -iv ji
Sept -Ji r.'ll ' 'Vli!' IVil'a
I li-c ... i'.'ir . ;:'n '., -.'ii . Ivii
May SI ;:, IV."
I'm k I ! I i
July II lf '.1 .1 'i HI 11 ill
Si'i.l i in ) 'Ji 1 1 t 1.1
I'.-. j ! ! :
That Throbbing Headache
Woti'd quickly leave you if you uod
Dr. lying's New Life Pills. Thousand
of biifferers have provrd their match
less merit for sick and nervous beail
aches, rh.-v make-, puie- blood and
strong nerves ami luald up your
health. Lasy to take-. Try them
Only -j cents. Monev back if not
cured. Sold by V. (J. Fricke Co.
Olue TriiHt OrKiuiieil.
NKW V(l!iK, July 15. The oiK-ni-zntii'ii
of the I'nited Aiiiirie-an Clue
company, with a capital of ?:;.". wr unn,
was completed today at a iii"etii:.r in
this city. The company aiiiionnt-e.-;
that it will invnde Canada and at
tempt to Ke-t a monopoly of the- ltie
business in British America. Tin olli
cers of the company are I). Webster
Kiner, lloston, president; I-'rede vick
Vonel, Milwaukee, vice president;
King I'pton, Moston, se-eond vice- presi
dent and general manager.
A Frlcjhtul Blunder
Will c flen cau-i a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Ilin-Klen's Ar
nica Salve, the best in tho world, will
kill tho pain and promptly heal it.
Cures old sores, fever sores, uieers,
boils, felons, erns, all skin eruptions.
I'est pile cure en cailb. Or. I y 2'i cts. a
box. Cure e uaranteed. Sold by F. G.
Frie-ko & Co. druggist-.
Feminine V 1 1 rl ln I en
It is a sm;ill wonder that rhe ship
Is a sl'.r to a t.iilor and his sweedheart.
She has a wuist, collars, stays, laces,
bonnets, ties, ribbons, watches and
M:iy Wink.
An English scientist has calculated
that a human opas ami elo-es his
eyes no fewer than l.uiHi.outi times per
Thomas Ilhoads, Con terlield, O.,
write?: '"I suffered from piles seven
or eight year s. No remedy gnvo nie
relief until DoWiti's Wite-ti IL-..-l
Salve, less than a box of which perma
nently cured me.'' SKit!i i n g, heal i ri.
perfectly harmless. I Jew a re of coun
terfeits. I'1. (J. Fricke & Co.
Three corpses we re- rccea'ly piacd
in tho same baggage; c-;-.r of a train
starting east from S'. L-uis. Failure
to provide special means of identifica
tion resulted in each corpse, being de
livered at tho wrvng place, to the
horror of the families and friends of
the dead. To guard against such mis
takes in the future it was proposed at
the last meetipgof thoCcntral Passen
ger association 1 1; at eheeU s bo issued
for oach corpse carried, the same as is
done now for baggage. Tho plan may
bo adopted.
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It dulls tho brain, kills
energy, destroys trie nervous system.
and predisposes to insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles arc
are quickly cured by Dyspepsia
Cure. It has cured thousands f f cases
and is curirg them every day. Its in
gredients nro such that it can't help
curing. b. (r. Fricke 5 Co.
Watch Us
For Watches and you stand no
chance of buying ono of poor run
ning qualities. Wo sell nothing
but firet-clas-3 makes. Wo couldn't
give you a poor watch if we wanted
to. Can
und let us show vou our
Second Door So-th of Pototlice.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Neiiraska 1n ,-, ,,,.,. ,,,,
Countv f Cass. "' v.,..... ..
In the matter ol the estate of Jydia I-iansuurp.
Notice is hereby iriven that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator uf
said estate, bt-tore are. County Jtu't;e ol Cass
county. Nebraska, at the county court room in
Flaitsmoutri in said county on the ;!h d: y ot
September. A. I) Is'.-.!, and on the ith day of
f ebruary. I i"'. at i o ciock a . in . 01 encn .lay I -r
the purpose ot presenting tiieir claim ior ex
amination, a'justment and allowance. ""ix
months are al.owed for the creditors ol said de
ceased to present their claims from the "ith dav
of AiiRust, 1.-!';'.
W itness my hand and seal ol said countv court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this Mil day of July
George M. Spurlock,
SEAL! County 1 dge.
First publicat ion Inly 11.
Beware of t ha Doctors'
Patchwork; You Can
Cure Yourself at Home.
The doctors are wholly unablo to Ret rid of
this vile poison, and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the
disease tii sores and cruptiona. ThU they do by driving the poison into the
system, and endeavor to keep it shut In with their constant doses of potash
and mercury. Tho mouth and throat aud other delicate parts then break out
into sors, and the. light is eontinud indefinitely, the drugs doing tho system
more damage than the diseano itself. ,
Mr. II. h. Myers, 100 Mulberry 8t., Newark, N. J., says: "I had spent a
niineiri'ii eionurs wun tne uoctorH, wnen 1 real lieu that
they could do mo no good. I had largo spots all over my
Indy, and these seon broke out into running sores, and I
endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro
duce's. 1 decided to try S. S. 8. as a last resort, and was
noon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc
tions for Self-Treatment,' and the large splotches on my
chest bi'gnn to grow paler nnd smaller, and before long
disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my
skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured ny-t-elf
at home, after the doctors had failed completely."
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to cure Contagious IMood Poison, for the disease is be
yond their skill. Swifts Specific
nets in an entirely different way from potash and mercury it foreea Ih
poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the
disease, while other remedies only shut the (toison in where it lurks forever,
constantly undermining tho constitution. Our system of private home treat
ment ilnets a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad
vice, free of charge, and Have the patient the embarrassment of publioltj.
Write for full information to Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Us.
233 HE
9 1 00 and JFrzinU,
The People's Clothiers.
sensational buHiness. We
Shirts Shirts with Collars attached and without Collars Shirts with
two Collars and a pair of CufTa Shirts with two pair Cuffs and with
out Collars. Shirts at .r(lc with two Collars and CulTs or without Col
in rx and with Cuffa that you can't find at any other placo at 76o.
ShiriH at 7re, $1 and $1,125 on which wo can avo you 25 per cent if you
buy of us. 1! member this is a Shirt Talk wo have more Shirts than
all other l'lattninouth houses com bi nod.
Next week wo will give you an idea of our complete stock of
IJ i.ierwear and Sox at prices that will ojion your eyes.
Uy the way, come to us before you buy any Boys' Suits, long or
kn-e I'.int-. They aro worth while seeing, even if you should not
i.e e d iiny f.jr your boys at pro.-:ent.
Don't forgot us when you neod a nice Hat Felt Crash or Straw.
Our $5 Men's Suits are worth $7 fid of any man's money. You
wi 1 p;iy so when jnu fco them. Our Carhartt O'Alls, Jackets and
Pants, UNION MADE, you know what they are the bobt in the.
Waterman Block Plattsmouth
Kinds of Repairs-.
The Best Binding Twine
..Best Machine Oil
Egenberger & Troop
Lower Main St.
GET A....
South Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets.
There in not tho ilighteit doubt that th
doc torn do more harm than good in treating
Contagious Blood Poiaon ; many victim ol
thin loAthnome diiwaatt would lx much better
off to-day if they had nwvor allowed them
Helve" to be dosed on mercury and potaah, the
only remedieH which tho doctor ever give for
blood poidon.
have a complete lino of Nocliiree
inders 1 Mowers,
Bet. 3rd and 4th St.
Plattsmouth. Neb