CLAIM if INTEREST City's New York Agents Communi cate With the Council. BRIEFLY TOLD. Wonsorket Savings Institution Claims That Sornt-thlne; Over S300 Is Dae Tlirm From th City of Piatt smooth Considerable Work Is Ordered Done On the Streets The meeting of the city council held last evening waa rather a quiet affair C. A. Marshall, Dentist A. W. Atwood sells stationery. Go to A. W. Atwood for wall paper. Shinn'a cafe and 'fruit stand. Perkins house block. A. W. Atwood sells pure drugs and the best patent medicines. Ice cream flavored with t-xtracts, 25 cents per quart at Hollo way V Mrs. Peter Pitz has for sale nice grapes in aoj quantity desired. Boys' light weight suits and knee and owing to its being pay day night . pants belling cheap at F. T D -vis O PERRY WALKER'S DEATH The Final Summons Came Early Sunday Morning. Had Been la 111 Health For Years, Bat His Condition Has Been Seitons Only Few Days Was An Old And Re- - PERSONAL MENTION. spectrd Cltlcen of Cam county Funeral j the session did not open until shortly For S -le One new Ideal bicycle; before 9 o'clock. All the members never riddee, $10 off original price. were in their seats except Lutz of the Third ward. The clerk read a communication from the Wonsocket Savings I nstitu tion regarding the matter of the in terest they o'aim i due them from this city. There i a misunderstand ing about the matter, as the council was under the impression the interest had been paid, while the institution claims that there is something over $.''.00 due. The matter was referred to the city attorney and treasurer. A request from Spitzer & Co., who purch ised the. bonds recently, for $150 to defray the expense of making the transfer was referred to the finance committee. A communication from Herman Streitw cioer in regai d to the engine in the power house was next read. Mr. Sireitweiser recently did some work on the engine and the council allowed a bill of 54 for the payment. but theic was a spirited dis-cussion over the matter, some ohjcetii g to the payment. Upon hearing'of the ob jections to the bill ar;d the criticism of the work on the engine, Mr. Streit weicer set about to inform the council as to what he considered was the reason the engine did not do satisfac lory worn. II rlatod that a large builder, will do all kind amount of steam was wasted by reason work at right pricrs of having too high pressure and there were other c iuh'S due to the misman agement of the superintendent. Mr. Boyer, the superintendent, was pres ent at the meeting and got back at Mr. Streitweiser bv stating that the engine did not work as well as it did before the work was done. After some uiscucsion, .nr. wnalen's mo tion to refer the communication to Su perintendent Uoyer carried. The city marshal and police judge's A. F. Shepherd, Hotel Riley Dr. Wilkinson, eye, ear, nose.throat and catarrh specialist, will be at Dr. Livingston's office Friday, Sept. 15. Elbert, the eleven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, died about noon today of typhoid fever Have Telfer & Sneppard do your fall house e'eaning. Satisfaction guaranteed. Neb;aska telephone 79. Dr V. C Dean, dentist, 409, 410, McCague building, northwest corner of Fifteenth and Dodge strect.Omuha. For Kent A six room house; pleas antly located. Inquire of C. C. Mitchell, Sixth street, between Gold and Rock. C. C. and T. K. Parmele are home from their prairie chicrten hunt out in the state and report having had quite good success. L. B. Egenberger has just received 100 dozen childreus bicye'e hose which will go at 17 cents a pair reg ular 25-cent goods. James L. Walker, a conservatory graduate, instructor i piano and or gan, also in voice culture, Rooms in the Rock wood block B. ). Iladley, the carpenter and of carpenter Small jobs promptly attended to There will be a dust cap social at the Eight Mi e G.ove church Satur day evening, September 1G. The pub lie is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Maria Culberteon, residing near Peru, celebrated her one hun dredth birthday lat Saturday. The lady enjoys good health and reads without the aid of glasses Editor S. A. Morrison of the Eagle Tuesday Afternoon at p. m. From Monday's Daily, Perry WalKer died at his home in this euy at 7 o'clock Sunday morning after a long illness with "hit dread disease, consumption. For the past eeven.l weeks his illness has heen a source of considerable anxiety to' the Ben Metzger of Louisville waa in the city tod y. Mrs George visited in Omaha this morning. II D Travis mad.-a businers trip to Omaha this afternoon. Columbus Neff and wife were visi tor, in Oinh-i today. R v. D. R Du igan returned to his home .n S-. L ui today. Mi-s Mayme Sullivan was an Omaha passenger this afte- nooa. C. D. "C afp of Elmwood was a Pinttsmouto vi-itor toiiay. O J King of vWeuiag Water was a The Big Store... : gives the biggest tab lets, the biggest slates, the best pens, pencils, ink and all school -upplies to be had any place in town. THE BJG STORE ia LEHINlHOFRS REPORT OF CHICAGO MARKETS. Pi..tismou h vi-itor toanv. . ! t?h t u 3 Following is the range of prices on C. S F i b-s and wife are the nrond hu r'Ki members of the family but it w-. parent,, of a ni. e-pound boy. (furnished bv M. S. Brl. comml.. only Friday night that they realized j that death would soon claim him. He remained conscious until 6 o'clock Sun day morning, death following an hour later. The deceased waa born in Ludlow, Vt., in 1830 and was united in mar riage to Miss Emma F. Sayles in Pots dam, N. Y., in 1SG2. Two years later they removed to this county, where they have since resided, living1 on their line farm a short distance from town for many years and since being residents of thia city. Mr. Walker was a conscientious and upright citi zen and by hard work and close at tention to business had become the possessor of a considerable amount of this world's goods. Deceased leaves a widow and seven children. Carroll Walker of Norfolk. Neb., Ilattie A. of LaGrande, 111., Herbert J. of Wray, Colo., and R. A., Grace V , Cera and Clara of this city. Rev. J. T. Baird of the Presbyterian church will conduct the funeral ser vices at the residence Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock and interment will be made in Oak Hill. Mrs. Kate Oliver returned to her i merchant: home in Omaha this afternoon. Landlord Gutbmann ar d wife of the Perkins were in Omaha today. Mrs. H. C. McMttken returned home today from a visit in the B.ack Hills country. VV. S. Latta wno has been attending to his interests about Murray returned to his home at Ko.eaw this afternoon. Lagos Worl went to Lincoln this morning to make arrangements for at tending the state unive;sity this year. Bert Coolidge departed for his home at Lead, S. D., this mornii.g after a visit of a few d iys with his brother, Will, in this city. Jamei Egan of McCook arrived in the city this morning, having been called here on account of the death of his brothel's babv. And now it's the New Embroidered Fleur-de-lis o r n OPTIONS g I 8 o 3 S 5" a Wheat I Sept TO1 714 70 Dec 71'4 714872 71 7tt May 744 75 7454 74g?i Cora Sept 30?i31 3'e 30 31i?H Iec 2XV,e? 28V,lh' '.VM May -X Hte39X 2 Oats - Sept 21 M 21, 21 21 M Dec -Mii 21 2Ui 20S May 22! 22',4 SJi 22iJ Pork Sept 8 OS 8 07 8 00 8.00 Dec 8.20 8.20 8.07 8.10 Lard Sept 5.25 5.25 5.20 5 22 Oct 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30 Short Ribs Sept 5.23 5.22 5.17 5.17 Oct Tie You clt. for Lady will find RAILROAD SOTES AM) PERSONAL WE or Gent. them TS' The citizens and friends of McCook will be gratified to learn that the ap- Mrs. J II. Young has returned from ProPria,ion ee We bJ the Burling- report for Ausrust f-hows that ther I5aacon wns io the city today inter were ten arrests, seven fines paid and VIewlns some of tb" defefte who were selected baturday. lr. Morrison states that he is well p'ened with the outlook to secure the nomination for superintendent. The Tipton drlega tion will stay with him from start to finish, so he states. the fines treasurer hand of three committments, amounting to $29. The report of the city showed a balance on S-5,072.57. Lutz (Fifth) suggested that the new hoBe hou-se which is being- erected at the rear of the gas plat.t should he painted, and the matter was referred to the Ore and water committee with power to act. At the last meeting the council or dered the fire and water committee to have the water mains extended and a hydrant placed near the Columbian school iu order that the building could have fire protection and water for the heating plant Since the meet ing some of the memba.-.s have talked the matter over ami some of them were of the opinion that a sup ly pipe would answer the purnose and bo a great che ipor for the city. This pinn met wiin objection, nowever, as I De desired the water thus secured would be in adequate fur fire protection, and the matter was allowed to stand as it was the hydrant to be put in place. Sattlor called attention to the bad condition of the sidewalk around the West Fourth ward school, and the same was ordered repaired A large grist of bills against the city, including those of the police offi cers, wore sillowed. Hinshaw asked that some grading bo done on Fourteenth and Oak streets. made on Fourth and Elm streets. The work whs orderod done. HAD THE CONSTABLE BUNCOED. Are Sadly Afflicted. From Monday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Dunbar were called upon to part with their little seven-mouths-old bay. death having claimed it last night. The little one has had a serious time during the last few months, but had gotten consider able better. However, about a week ago it was a .in taken ill and the change in the weather seemed to have made it much worse. Although the best of medical assistance was ren dered it was beyond human power to ave the little sufferers life. The afflicted parents have the sympathy a visit with her son at Superior and after a visit here will return to her home at Pendleton, Ore. Mrs. J. W. Johnson and Mis Gates of Council B uffs went to Lincoln to attend the soldiers' reunion. Mr. Johnson will jnn the throng tomorrow. ton to build machine shops at this place has been increased to $10,000 and that the work of erecting the building will be commenced at once. Plans have been submitted and ap proved by the officials. The new shops will be located east of the round house, between the blacksmith shop and bath house. This will be of frent honnfU Demmie Hiatt returned to Omaha to McCook. in that the force, in thn tUis uiuruiog wnere ne is learning snops will be considerably increased, the jewelry business. He has been and give a much larger monthly in- working for John T. Coleman during come to the city. The officials and men the latter'- illness. are much pleaSed that the matter has The following Plattsmoulh people been finally decided, and that they went to Lincoln on the early train to will soon have new, more commodious attend the solJiers' reunion: James and convenient quarters to work in. Hickson and wife, Mrs. Henry Coopor, McCook Republican. William Porter, A. L. Buzzoll and Miaa Ma s,,no .3 daughter, Edith. : 7. " u. uu lo uer J borne at Lincoln today after an ex Mrs. G. F. S IJjrton and son, Em- tended visit with Mr. and Mrs. GhArl.a of the Plattsmouth people in their mon' Ic'ft this afternoon for Colorado Martin. sad bereavement. SPrlD to visit wi,h former's a V Atwood th h... . . ... . . I H I.n.. fl t- J I vo. mhiiii The funeral will be held from the -"oonaou, ior tew uays. on ear(h Hotel Riley tomorrow at 3:30. con- uoan nurloa went to the Springs on ducted bv Rev. Baird. and intrmont ounaay lor a week's visit, Probate Notice, , 1 . . James McLeod of South O,naha.who " .XulV?"S:a!u?un.t.Neb3ka, I "i me estate 01 Martin Mai will bo made in Oak Hill. an In Mead Kutherford Has ton With rxprrirufeit I'tHcer. Mead Rutherford, ho ha ben con ducting a saloo.i m (j,mn tinder the guise of the Union Coromereihl club. was again arrested Saturday morning uoon the complaint of Myron Linde, two kees of beer and a supply of whis key being found when the place was searched. Si" McKain,the constable., was away from home and Eck Baker was dcDu tized to make the arrest. He did the job nicely and everything went smoothly at first,but Rutho ford stated to come to Pl ittsraout i where he could secure bondsmen, and here is where the trouble began, as Rutherford proceeded to accumulate a jag. He was unable to secure bond and at 4 o'clock Biker wanted to re turn with his prisoner oa the Mis souri Pacific train, but here he latter bilked and refused to go. He was finally ejected from Donat's saloon, be coming very noisy, and Officer Fry happening along ju-t then was going to run him in when he learned he had An Infant's Death. From Monday's Daily. The one-year-old boy of William Allcnbough and wife died at 10 o'clock this morning after a two weeks' ill ness with summer trouble. The fam ily is in destitute circumstances and need the attention of the charitably inclined people. The arrangements for the funeral bave not jet been made. A Complete Surprise. . ; conducted a saloon at Union a couple de5eae.dL Jona Mahoney, Maggie M"han. lames M- of years ago, was in the Citv today, honey. Thomas MahSuey. lulia Elder Anna He has a case Dendimr in distrir-t M?.cj! LMhoaV Nc"ie Mahoney. Nina i iV unle"u? manonev. Julia Mahoney. OUrt, he hav.ntr be n arretted fo I f!ary Mahoney. Orace Mahoney and Arthur Bfillino- linn..- r:tK,,t I i,:. ;"..fl"". m" .u",c.r Persons interested o . m u hoc- n unc 1 nailer are nereoy notined that on at Union. th.e V-'h day ol 8eptember.l8y.George W.Meeker. ui estate, men a petition in said county court Dravino- that h. hni a Finally Appr-clated. I tratiou account filed herein be settled and al- The ,.eop,e r becoming ,live ,0 the iXll tTJllJ. great merits if the "Greater America I ta,e be "signed to such persons as are bv law l.n iii-,,," i rim 1-0 ti 1 t If ,tle? l2 the same- and that an order of court lxpo-Uton atOm I ha. 1 he people of be made fixing a time lor the hearine and for x. Om.h s Council li uffs and ..the- near a,n.'"?nJI,T?id.!;na' ;epor, of our petitioner HEADQUARTERS FOR fli NOBBY THINGS IN gj Clothing:, Furnishings 1 and Hatwear. U REMEMBER... 1 We Are on the Corner. p The Platte Mutual Insurance ., bloO.OOO Insurance in Force. HOME OFFICE AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEB U IIY will you pay your money to foreign Insurance companies, who take it OUt Of th frtate. When VOIl ran orpt. In.nruniji f.i- lay .nt twn,.. .. V.K..i... Company. Only the Best Class of Business and Dwelling House Property Accepted. Officers and Directors Tom. E. Par. nolo. President; Geo. K. Dnvey Vice president; T. Frank Wiles, S. t retprv: Frank J. Mm van, Trea-urei ; C E We-cott. W. J. White, Henry Boeek. I). O. Dwyer, Geo A. Hay, II R Goring INJtOV GOODS.. .loialui Pricef- ' x or FALL We have just r-ceived an eU'g.ii' and WINTER bv townn are COO-l .lit unit nlrni.rl via. A large number of the Loyal Mystic itor. Thounds of ih n,nia ..f Legion pb nned and carried into exe- rounaintf -t tes are now eniovinrr the cution a complete surprise on F. H, L..n.-ii.nn ti,.. .. i . Suimker, one of the members, the oc- BC,OS3 lhtt ..H are pilir,inM w,.uul, tuo uuj.uu.iu uintiuny thiriv-ev. n of them The famous Water IJjfTalo. Aguinaido's earriage. no lUDSUlCtiOn. the warrant hoincr and Butte ry wanted repairs made out in Baker's name. Bv this time the deputized constable was thorousrhlv frio-htenpd hv rnson rf lierold warned some grading done the dire threats Rutherford had made the bridge re- I und ha rfrwtArlI v triod Iii Inrn him over to the sheriff or any old officer who would take him, only to be told that he was responsible for the pris oner's return to Union. After parley ing an hour, during which time a of that gentleman. There wat a meet ing of the order in the evening and at the close Mr. Steimker went home as uu il only to be foltowtd by the other members. Baskets of good things to eat had been provid d and with the cf native Cub Twent. eight fine people from Hawaii Champion -wimmer. The Rival double qua- tette. The best singers in our n-w posses-ions. A lartro company and tor the allnwanr- thrnf- Thkrefore. If VOU fail tCk nnnoar Kafnra court on the 4th day of October. 18W. at 10 o'clock ; . .1. ,ulcs ,5al" Petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, and make such i m . 'Uwauces ana decrees as to ,.uu,i u,.y seem proper to tne end tha- all ..Vj """"iK to aia estate may be finally Sett -H MflH r1tri.,in- ' In Witness Umtscns f k.. i my hand and affixed the seal of said court this 12th day of September. A. li. I89i. ,0 OKORGK M . SPURLOCK, tOmeVS for AHminiclralnr First publication September 12. 1S99. oik, At- nssisiance oi airs. oieimKer a oounte- nnH th Ji'je than m on mis very machine, ao such an ex on latteron avenue, paired Rt the old ball park and some grading on Tnirteenth and Pearl street. Referred to street commis sioner with power to act. Beal requested that the street com missioner be instructed to make some repairs on Patterson avenue. A petition was presented to the council gome time ago asking that an arc light be placed on Third street, north of Main, and the matter was re ferred to the Fifth ward courcilmen Fitzgerald reported favorably on the petition, but the matter was tabled Chairman Hinshaw of the judiciary committee asked for further time in which to consider printing bids and the same was granted. Sattlor suggested that the counci ought to have the ordinances compiled and printed in bookTortn. The clerk waa instructed to get them in shape so that bids can be filed This completing the business the council adjourned. Laid At Last, The funeral of Perry Walker was held from his late residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Baird epoke comforting words and a double quartet rendered beautiful and appro priate music. The quartet consisted of George L- Farley, Wallace Carter, II. E. Weidmann and B. A. McElwain and Misses Florence White, Clara Green, Dora Swearingen and Lillian Kaubte, with Mis- Kessler at the piano Thofliral tributes were very profuse and beautiful. The pall bear ers consisted of pioneer citizens of the city aad county. There we r a large number of the friends of the family-in attendance. Reunion at Lincoln. Round trip for f 1.65. Tickets told Sept. 9 to lt inclusive. Return limit, Sept. IS, W. L. Pickett, Agent. oua supper was served. The remain der of the evening was spent in social conversation isnd a most enjo3'nlle evening spent by all. Among those present were: Her man Spies and wife, J. L Leek and wife and daughter. Lulu, Mr. and Mrs Ross, Grant City, Mo., Mrs. Phil Thiorolf, E W. Fitt, Mitchell Patton and wife. George Hiy, wife and daughters, Ada and Nellie, Joe G. ay, Mrs. Carl Kunsman, A. J. Graves and wife, D. E. Wellman and wife, P. C. Petersen and wife. Probate Xntfoe e Cuhno.-. The awful Garrotte In the County Court of Cass County Nebraska terribie extcuioner Valentine, Veceadterof the esta,e of U.V.Matthews,' e than 800 peonle . Amanda Slocum Rose Thornton. Ambrose in. NO Such an ex- Bliss and ail o her neVs i-.?" .. . . . . I a. UA ..f:L 7 .. "a-1U C3- po.iuor. wui be given in the west n sVi, " iTh "15 1 Ln the 5tn da o , I epiemoer. lMtfSt, Ambrose Matthews, as esecutnr tha next twenty years See it while f lhe estate of U. V. Matthews, deceased, filed ..Drv Ooocls.. to which w wish to call the a. o i, rf those who r in need of Good Gods at Low Prices. An ex.-:-. 1'irge stock of Ladies' and Chiltlrou's Underwear.. One hundred dozen puirs of Children'- Bicycle Hoho, wh ch will bo sold at 17$c. These are regular 2."c h.i.-j STEverything in Plain and Fancy G ooeries. who has killed vou can. a petition in said county court praying that his final administration irrm.m La L-.?.-.- i "'s il 1 ii , ..7 "Ciciu uc SCI- 1 uu .iiu.tu, ana mat he be discharged from his trust as executor, and that the residue o'f said w be ex High School Kooul Knrollment. The High school room opened this morning with the largest attendance large crowd gathered, the dispenser I in the history of the school. There of liquid refreshments consented to re- were 156 in attendance this morning, turn to Union with Baker and Lee which number is about thirty or forty Allison, the trip being made by car-1 greater than ever before. Superin riage, but he -would not permit the tendent McIIugb states that it is go officer to occupy the seat with him, ing to be a difficult matter to handle and when they drove through Main so many pupils with the limited room street he made his presence known by j There are but 126 seats iu the main any amount of loud talk. He made I room, and there will be more pupils one attempt to gain his liberty just be- start to school later fore reaching Union, but did not sue cecd Agfd Lilly's l)-ath. Mrs. Nancy D. Moore died at the fn,3,'? hC. as.Shgned t0 sSch Persons " are by la home of her daughter. Mrs. Marv made fixing a time for th hMri .jCOi".J . Voodry, in North Platte on -unday alTce fhereof' final reprt and the allow night at 12 o'c ock at the ago of oighty- Lilf lo,e' V..yo.u faiJ appear before said o J I COUrt Oil thA Ath Haw tf ffU-. t uru i three years and eix months. She o'clock a. ra , and contest said petition the leaves live children, on, of whom is SSSffiS'K Mr3. Robert Troop of this city. The ".f8.0 ,,hls court may seem proper to the funprxl h,Sj r... ... r, k"" -V. " ."c';Mra8., .saa estate I in U'lfrnAi-B . K I i o clock at North Platte. hAxnTT ?7 j . , o , J7' iuuii mis 1-i.n An Kiiterlali.iiig L rinre. I GEORGE M. SPURLOCK. Rev. 1). R Dangan of St. Louis de- Blron ciLk ,! n a p.,. '? livtred a vo: v interesting lecture at ec9r; t !. ('!., u u . . I "F"iijei.1i "Queen E ther." Rev. Dungan is an entertaining talker and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the gentleman's remarks. Tilt) I.iur-oln Siref t Fair. Probate Notice. In County Court. Cass county. Nebraska Indeceased"er ' estate ' Anna honey, lohn Mahoney MaKKie Mohan. James Ma- ' ,1 T . ' "teener. Mack Ma honey. Nellie Malinnpv Nina nus Mahoney. and all other persons interested in Snend thr; wp, 1.- .. .H n5 n ot.. SI'" noimea tftat on the 12th r . . 4- u, ui picinuer, ibw, oeorge W. Meeker ad a petition in said hfr IS hi r.5r.r.nln if ........ , I ministrator of said estate, tile, -- - ... v. nam, "ireo rn,,-.,-,., ; .u. L: E."'. ; He also 9ays the High school is the biggest thing in .the way of sreot I ,i0? account, filed herein, be settled andilowed made up of a fine lot of pupiis and he fairs ever held in the wen. miSistritor. SS a! "d rrl . . . i . . I . . I ... . . Il : :"T csiiiu j.uert- wis trreat, consiernaiiou at. i annuiimies trroat success n i n or iku rvervininsr is Ircr Union when the pirty arrived and I year if the crowded condition will per Rutherford again began to make usejmit. or a good pair oi lungs, nearly every! Death From Fnenmonu. man, woman and child in the village The ten-months-old daughter of Mr. oeing atiracteu. ty una iimo "si 'iana ivirs. t'atricK r.gan died at 6 iVcKain, the reguiar constable.had ar- o'clock lat evening. theatrical performances, balloon censions and fireworks For six solid days you can fairly revel in fun. Vou The little one can see hundreds of odd and intoroat. rived home and Baker.with a eigh of had been ill with whooping cough for MDeT things everv one of thpm without relief, turned the prisoner over to him. some time, but was recover ing from a cent of cost. It war. then decided to again bring the that disease when pneumonia set in Extraordinary low rates via the prisoner to Plattsmouth and incarcer- and despite the best of attendance its Burlington route September 18 19 20 ate him in the county jail and this I life could not be 6ved. The bereaved I and 21. See the local ticket agent. I i - u.unv v aaio rsinlf! the agricultural ?,!i"isf"h0J,"c? ,"ier,sons as,"re lawen- ovliV,:. 4 I, ..,... 1 . , . jZ uiuci UI court DC .-vui.n, uii.- iuh.i, iio anil nore ex- "'"V5" 1."llu " ul". tne hearing and for ex- hibits. the band concerts the nr,,.n IZy?! y"t petitioner . , I muv. .u, HIV. ailUHdULC I M C I CUI . xnerelore. il vou fail to appear before said program was carried out with the ex-j parents have the sympathy of the cn- ception of the latter. While the con-1 tire community in their sad affliction. stable had Rutherford in charge he I The funeral will be heid W ednesday allowed him to enter a water closet, I afternoon at 2 o'clock from the resi- keeping a watch frcm the outside, uence on Rock street. A f t a r c rt ra cx lAn trtK aaf li m a a a a a t- c caiV.U I 1j.Fr. Kiln of Mor.a J.'FuANCis; G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. court on the 4th day of October. 19. at Hhki o clock a. m-, and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition and make such other and further allowances ana rl. crees as to this court may seem nrnnrrinik. end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. In witness whereof I have h-r.,r. ... hand and affixed the seal of said court this l'th day of September, A. D. 1899. " fSeali GEORGB M. SrURLOCK. Byron Clark, C. A. Rawls .ndofg Pofk"a,. torneys for administrator. rout, at- First publication Sept. 12. 1899. Hiram Robine went to Ft. Crook to ri iy for the purpose of being examined, with a view of enlistiner In the 1 birtv- mnth regiment. Uiram was a member AAU1111 111111 llnuMlll.tmilAAiAUmiilllllilil E9EA The great remedy f . ,- :.. : . org-insof cither m ,. . Impotency, Niiiht iy K.j . ; . Of I'fthim.rt fiw I In. . . rr. ii , ., AFTFR IIIUC 5 order we guarar.t.V. ''". Gerin & m ITAfJI DH. MOTT'ti t--- -n v j-jnxrtf 1-1 i- 'TjTj! ' -: 1 i-'id iil Jisrases of tl . nrriitiv - l'r ir.itlon. Fuiiintror Ixst Manhood. . .L.i.n Krrors, Mortal Worry. eircHsivo unu 1 t insiimption and nianitv. With serr r .t;., ),' rnom-y. Sold at ijil.OO per box. s J .': 'ilt AL. CO., Clevelaud. OlxUti '3 rJ fir fir.stS. Few Alore of Those Iron Beds Left.. 1 With Mattress and Springs Complete for 1 Beautiful Line of Bookcases.. Just received Come in and price 'eru....A' e!e:nf An tique Oak Sideboard go.'- for il't for ihn r. xt thirt , day-. This is a rare bargain and cannot be dup icated any hoi e. Those Oak Rockers at $1.75... E. Broquet brought something like of the Third Nebraska regiment and was made and it was discovered that toe oira naa nown Kuinenora nav- inn had of wstrn horsos fmm w, k . . -..i, . w... . . r. . ." , . ... i ""-iiu .cm iu vui..., uui b ne a ia not na-. -& j w - i riatte to tnia city a iew aavs ap-o t ojn.itn in nr no-htin v.s.,: Town waa tl.A nrnnnr n!.rA tn L.. .. . . ' ... " " r" " tiesifOUS i i , - wn cn ne nas oeen se line in tho n nirinih.Dkii: : - - - . ......p, w x utiippines. 1 - lA'OS. r-r 1 I m ... r si . I ne wasuearu irouj nirnciucjuDcuon, aid of w D Jouea ndO. M. Streio-ht. out no enon nas oeen maae to eaten The animals range io age from two to nim. ine tracers seem io ne very wen five years, and have been selling at a pleased with the outcome, but should very low figure. There are a number ne snow up in tne county again It 13 vet unsold and anvone wanting hnraen a. a. !ll 1 M . .1 I preny certain ne win oe lanaea in I would do well to xee them. jail. Senl the News to your friends. Beecham's Pills Noequl for con Ibtipatlon. R?bertVS3 is not a n gardner.r "griculturist, but he can "raise" potatoes with the betofihe professionals. This statement can be priven by a enmple which h- left at THE News today taken from hla card An 1 ha nntii., . : v. J j - .v. u.uvu nciyug iwu auu one-fourth pounds and is sound. Whether -you are contem plating buying a piano at present or not, call and see us. We sell for a large wholesale firm which buys direct from the factory for casa and we can give you belter prices than you can get elsewhere. Wo sell on payments and for cash. Are BARGAINS which everyone takes hold of who 8"es them. . . . J. !. The Furniture UNRUH, Man and Undertaker X "X T , I WHITE S CREAM W ORMS! VRIViIFUGE! 3 John T. Coleman, t 3 ..JEWELER.. c d Second door South ot Postoffioe p For 20 Years Has Led siJ by uownvaaofT. Ec-tlc' .lay iiVil'l Sijiii, H X rrtT7G-GXSTS. r. BALLARD, St. Louis. F. G. FRICKE & CO.