Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 12, 1899, Image 2

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    Business and Professional
J.l. Unruli
Dealer ia
ii B. Eisrer
Waterman block.
anil. . . .
419 Main st.
Snyder S Co Mileiflei
and .
Sixth and Main
Plat'.smouth, Neb
.K;nt fur the
Supporte r
Union blt.ek
National Bank
Plattsmouth, Neb
F. G E'enberger,
Mineral imil
Sod: Waters.
and ai! kinds
1): inUs.
Stocks. LiunJs atiJ Se
curities Louglit and
IJ & M
I'ay checks
cashed .
I I Mrs. L J.
Dea'.er m
. .Also. .
Groceries and
41 1 Main st.
PlatL-m uth. Neb
(Did Feed
Main and
Seventh sts.
B Si
Dealer in
Auheuser- Buseh
Brewing A-s'n.
i i mm
Pens. Ink
and. . . .
.... PAYS
Sixth and
Pearl streets.
rr . -T
Commission Brokers
Wear Com. Co.. Correspondents.
Direct Private Wire to Chicago.
Over Atwood's Drug Store.
All Orders Promptly Executed.
Plattsmouth Tel. 275.
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished at all hour and hi
prices are always reasonable. Themost
convenient boarding stable for far
mers In the city.
a 0 0
Diaests what you eat.
Nature in strengiueuuiK auU vv
-r... exhausted dieestive or
gant lUs he laFest discovered digest
e. iv : tc nthpr nrenaratioD
:n nthpr nreDaratioD
ant ana wi
can approach it in efficiency. It in-
otanti v relieves and permanently cures
s,w j - .. ij-.r iiflarrnnrr.
Dyspepsia, ira,B,h" kw
oil inthpr results of imperfect digestion
Prepnrta oy t. v. -
The Semi-Weekly News-Hera!d
... BY THI
J. E. MARSHALL. Business Manager.
One Year, in advance
Six Months
One Week,
Single Copies, . '
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months,
5 00
2 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
Are you satisfied with tho prl-
Wno could have the
temerity to
kick on Nebraska's
Lincoln's reception to the r irst
regiment is going to bo a hummer
from all appe trai.ces.
OOM Paul is matting desperate ef
forts for a puiceful settlement of the
difficulties and tho outlook is that he
will be successful.
Whf.n a wee t rolls around without
a new eensauou coming to ngui in
Hastings there is something radically
wrong. Sho is a fast town.
The merchants of PUttsmouth
should not allow the opportunity of
giving a street fair go by without no
tice. It is not the corr ct thing to do.
Owing to the condition of Mrs. Mc-
Kinley's health the president has
abandoned his westm u tiip. Tliii is
a great dispppo'ntuient to the people.
IT is pretty cert i:m that the fusion-
ist3 will pu'. up ;i e uoly ticket, but it
will on)' b-" i m ittir of forui. Tb-s re
publican ticket wi'.l bo an ea?y winner
this fall. is one thing lacking in the
new Ijw governing candidates' expen
ditures and that is the amount they
should pay for the campaign cigars.
The campaign stinker ought to go.
The latest d It cove v in Iowa is said
to have been made -l Mrsii-lltown,
where some men who wre digging a
well struck a vein of f,c- fluid that
macro Milwaukee famous The re
sources of the p-ohib:ti n slate are
something wonderful.
THE buildings of th Greater Am
erica ex position h ivu been bold to a
Chicago firm for SiOyw and the work
of tearing th m down will bgin im
mediately afie.- the fiiiMj of the show.
November 1. This settles thn expo
sition industry iu O n tha.
A LEADING democrat was heard to
say the other day that the republi
cans wero going to cirry the day in
Cats county at the coming election.
'We encnot hope to elect but one of
the county officer-," aid tho 1. d.,
'nd I have my doubts if we do that
well. " The News can see where this
democrat is right. This is a repulican
IIkke is an opinion from th Weep
ing Water Republican as to who can
be elected eneriu: l he lielu is now
open to Tom Williams to rec ive ih-
republican nomination for i-heriff, ana
he can bo elected, too. This talk one
sometimes hears about Billy Wheeler
I m iking such a gooJ6heriff U mre
wind th.m fact. What has Wheeler
dona, any more than any other man
could do? Ills greatest achievements
haru hfin tnl.-incr unfurl nnatna to thfi
1 " "
insaiio asylum.
The people who protest against the
war in the Philippines because it has
caused the death of quite a number of
soldiers ought to endeavor to have all
railways abolished. In the course of a
j year American railways kill hundreds
of people. Why not abuse the presi
dent, and the government, because
those hideous man-slayers are per
mitted to exist? And think of the
sailors who go to the bottom of the
sea every year, because heartless gov
ernraents permitted evil minded ship
owners to send their vessels to sea! It
is really frightful. It is of course out
rageous that the war In the Philip
pines results in many fatalities, but
war generally has results of that
The chartered Anchor liner City of
Rome came into New York Monday
after have been in collision with an
iceberg off the Banks. She struck the
lloating ice head on, but did not suffer
much damage. The collision caused
great excitement. Ione were in
The even year-oId daughter of Mr
ana .Mrs. vviiuam Marshall, near
Clay City, Ind., while pUying on her
father's premises, unexpectedly ran
across a Iarje blacksaakc, which
frightened her until she became un
conscious. She revived only to find
that the intense fright had blinded
her in both eyes.
The most valuable natural bridge
in the world is to be found at Arizona,
U inj. acr0Sd a jeep chasm forty feet
i . . . .
in width. It is a petrified tree about
feet in diameter and about 100
feet in length. It is pure agate all
itnrougn, nun mortiuro is mucn more
I valuable as regards material than
To effect a combination of trusts ia
the scheme of a Cleveland, O., man,
who has taken out papers of incor
poration for the central company. By
this means be proposes to use all in
dustrial power in reach, with a conse
quent increase in wealth so rapid hs
to change the whole condition of 6o
D iniel Phillips, United States con
sul at Cardiff, Wales, in a speech at
the Welsh Presbyterian church, Chi
cago said that Great Britain earnestly
desired an alliance with the United
States, and that the sentiment of
Wales especially strong" in favor of
closer relations between the two
The republican electors of the state!
of Nebraska are requested to send del
egates from their respective counties
to meet iD convention in the city of
Omaha on Thursday, the 21st day of
September, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of placing in nomination
candidates for the following offices:
One judge of the supreme court.
Two regents of the state university.
And to transact such other business ns
may properly come before the conven
tion. The several counties are entitled to
representution as follows, the appor
tionment beitrfe based upon the vote
cast for Hon. M. L. I lay ward for gov
ernor in 1S98, giving each county one
delegate at large and one for each 100
votes and major fraction
Adams 19Tohnson ....11
Antelope 10Kearney 10
Keith .
keya Paha
Box Butte
Knox 14
Lancaster 5S
Lincoln 10
Loup. . .
.. l-i
. . tin
Madison ltf
Cass i
Mcl'herson 1
Merrick II
.. 3
Nemaha 16
Nuckolls 13
Pawnee 10
Custer 1
Phelps H
Pierce n
Platte 12
Dakota b
1 lawes i
Dawson 1:1 Polk
Deuel 3 Ked Willow I
Dixon 1" kichardson -
l)..dee .IS Kock : 4
Done las '.' valine i
Dundy. 4 Sarpy
Film ore 1 Saunders
Franklin Ill Scott's Blurt..
Frontier 9. Seward
Furnas 1.1 Sheridan
Gape 33! Sherman
Gai tield 3 Sioux . . .
(josprr 4 Stanton
Oram 3: i nayer
Greeley 4 Thomas ,
.... 1
Hall lu.rnurston
... . e
Hamilton 14 alley
Harlan D:Vashineton ..
Hayes 4 Wayne
Hitchcock ft Webster 13
Holt 9iVhceler..
Hooker liYoik 19
Howard K
letterson IHl Total 1.0-"0
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention ar.d
that the delegates present be author
i.ed to cast the entire vote of thodele'
ga'ion f the county which it' repre
7t is further recommended that
wherever two countv con veutions be
held the selection of a county commit
tee shall take place at the first con
vention and then in every case the
secretary be required to promptly ad
vise the state ommittce of the organ
izition of s-uch new committee with
the names of officers, members, p'st
office address and name of precinct
represented by each.
Omaha. Nebraska. Juno 23, 1S99.
R. B. Schneider, Chairman
1'. O. IlfcDLUND, Secretary.
The republican t-leetors of Cues
county are hereby called to meet in
convention to bo held at Weeping
Water, September 10, 1899, at 11
o'clock a. m., for the purp -se of elect
ing twenty-six delegates to attend the
atate eonveiit'on to be held in Omaha,
September 21, also twenty-four dele
gates to attend the judicial conven
tion to be held at Nebraska City, Sep
tember 212, and to l.bice in nomination
candidates for the following offices.
County clerk, county 'reasuier,
clerk of the district court, county
judge, county sheriff, superintendent
of public instruction, coroner-, county
survtyor, one member of boaid of
county commissioners for Second
commissioners' district, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may come before it. The committee
recommends that there be no proxie:
recognized, but that delegates piesent
cast the full vote of their sewral pre
cincts and wards.
Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo,Mich
says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured
mo of a severe case of indigestion; can
strongly recommend it to all dyspep
tics." Digests what you eat without
aid from the stomach, and cures dys
pepsia. P. G. Fricke & Co.
Judicial Convention .
Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. IS.
ine repuDiican juoiciai convention
for the Second judicial district in Ne
braska is hereby called to meet at Ne
braska City September 22, 1899, at
o'clock p. m. of said day in the dis
trict court room in said city for the
purpose of putting in nomination one
judge of the district court in said dis
trict, and to transact such other bus
ness as may properly be brought be
fore said convention?
The representation in said con ven
tion wiil be C;iss county, 24; Otoe
county, 23; being one delegate for
each hundred votes cast for Hon. M
L. Ilayward in 1898, or the major frac
tion thereof.
M. L. HAYWARD, Chairman.
Jesse S. Mapes, Secretary.
At the solicitation of friends, I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of county superin
tendent of public instruction, subject
to the action of the republican conven
tion. Carrie M. Contryman.
any bridge of marble or
would be.
A Very Spirited Contest Is Waged
In This City
T. Franu Wllea Ha the Latrgeat Number
of Orlrgntra For Judge Srrelgbt and
Fnruh Hve a Lit ly Contest In tbe
Third A Complete Llm of the Del -gtttes
The repub';can primaries were held
in the city and county Saturday even-
j ing for the pu-pose of selecting dele
gates to the county convention, which
will be held at Weping Water Sep
tember 16
There are a large number f candi
date in th- fi id and consequently the
contest at tho primaries- was quite
The center of the contest in this
city was on thH office of treasurer,with
that of the judge next. T. Frank
Wiles has the lead for judge in this
city, while W. J Streight's friends
give him credit for being in the lead
for treasurer.
There was no contest in the First
ward, there being but one ticket, and
that was selected by J. I Unruh
In the Second there was an animated
contest between the friends of Streight
and Uoruh, the former winning by a
lart'o majority. In tMs ward the
delegates are for Wiles for judge.
The bloody Third put up its usual
fight and the icsult shows J,be dele
gation, with the exception of two or
three for Streight, to be for Fiank
Dickson for treasurer and Wiles for
B. Cecil J: e'.v put up a gallant fight
for supremacy in the Fourth, but the
combination was too great and the
young attorney wont down in defeat.
The Fifth ward contest was very
close, the winning ticket being for
Wiles for judge and Streight for
Plattsmouth precinct selected a
solid delegation for Wiles.
Avoca precinct selected u solid dele
gation for Clarence Tofft for judge.
while the Elmwood precinct delega
tion is branded as anji S'ewart for
superintendent. S A. Morrison for
superintendent was allowed to select
his own delegation in Tipton
precinct, while the wards of Weep
ing Water aio for J. E. Douglas
for judge and Ober:otter for superin
tendent. J. L. Barton and Martin
Fredrick captured the delegations in
their respective precincts without op
position, while Tom Wiiliame, for
sheriff, nad things his own way.
Following U a complete list of the
delegates with tho exception of two in
South Rend:
First ward, Plattsmouth H. N.
Dovey, R. L$. Windham, J. II. Halde-
man,' C. S. Poik, John Ciaus, Fred
Robinson, U. Holloy, Joseph Gray
and John L:ndeinan. C. E. Witherow
was nomni'tt d for assessor.
Second ward, Plattsmouth L. D.
Dennett, J. F. Ilinohaw, II. C. Mc
M iKen, G M. Spurlock, Krank But
te-y, George Thoma-, G. W Ronnie,
Louis Ottnat, lorn Fry, Chet Man-
chisier and E E. Hilton. lorn Frv
wa? nominated fo- assessor.
Third ward, Plattsm.iuth C. A.
Rattle, G o. Ai'keimi.n, J. II. H i, F.
A. ilurubv, A. :i Tud, is. U. K r.
F. M Rioh.-y, P. P. Gasr; J. .wcVey,
O. M. Stte ghi, A. L. Mungr-r, L. An-derr-on,
t ha-. Rvdherg, J.ha Rob
bins, jr , and L 1 IT We cntt.
Fi urlii warii, Pla.tteuj. uth W. L
PiCkutt, Jue HiWuswoith, F It.
itoi-e, lias. Anderson, E A. Smith,
J. II. Dens ..ii, H. II Groves and E. D.
Fifiu ward, P.atisuinuth J. M.
Leek, L-vi Churchill, J M. Young,
M. M. Bel ami R-.bit Palton.
Piattsmouth precinct E. K Pai-
melc, Chas. Winner. Luke E.
R. Todd. Wm Wef.en kmp, lien
Horning, 11 F. W.les ami K Cole.
Salt Creek pncinel J. V. Carnes,
W. E Hind, C. F. Lla 1, J. C. Lemons,
W. A. Fin My, II Ctlemtn, H. R.
Il.ldwin, II. F. lined ;,nd J. Parks.
Mt. Pleasant p. eeir.ct I'rov Davi,
Wes Magnev, Tom Wiler-, ltooert
Young Chas. Heniger tind L. C. Todd.
Eat R ek IJ.ulTs preci.ict S. L.
Furlonsr, Arthur Sullivan, J. M.
Craig, Wm Roy .1 and Chalfant.
El ill woo 1 pi ec. r:r! II. N.Nei: z -1, A.
Rik:i, A. J. Tu!,A. E Lake, Chas.
R-Uhe, iieo. Eu.-ll, -Jno. Copple, II.
Murfin, S. M. iVx. Chris Miller and
Phil Nickel.
Eight Milo-Gn.v- nr.uiticl M. P.
Williams. J. A. Henriing-, John
Nevermtnn, II Sjhneider, John Al
bert, J. P. II -i , J H. r.e' ker and W.
A. l!?ckrr.
West Rick RluiTs pr-cinet J. W.
Edmuud?. Ja. l!:on, E. A. Burton,
R. W. Swearingeci, W. E. Dull, Geo.
Lloyd, J. M. Davis M. St -.ndish and
D. Lloyd.
Louisville L. C. Ei'ckh IT, C. S.
Birnes, C. Noyes, J. Livingston, M.N.
Drake, E. Palmer, P. A. Jacobson, C.
A. Richey, J. M. Hoover, J. P.
Woods, S. W. D ivis and L J. May
field. Union G. N LaRue, C. L. Graves,
G. M. McNamee, W. F. Jooes, T. W.
Swan. Win. Chalfant, G. A. Rose, C
F. Morton. A. M- Rose, H F. Taylor.
Second ward. Weeping Water G.
Olive, J. Teagarden, J. W. Bullis, F.
Sackctt, S. S. Girardet, E. Woodruff,
Chas. Andrus.
Center precinct A. Jenkins, W.W.
Perry, A. W. Reach, O. Torrenoe, If.
Smith, Geo. Gilmore, John Ramsey,
Wm. Stattoo.
Avoca precinct Elmer Clizbe, B.
Wolph, C. D. Quinton, L. D. Switzer,
A. Sheldon, John Hutchins, Wm.
Neuma?ter, M. U. Thomas
Nehawka II. F. Krout, Wm. Case,
F. r. Sheldon, E. A. Kirkpatrick,
Wm. Ror-e, H. G. Strong. V. P. Shel
don, J M. Palmer, J. P. Holme", H.
Stoll and T. G. Hymer.
Stove Creek precinct Bert Clem
ents, Wm. Minford, Wm. Sboik, Jno.
Baird, Wm Seiger, II Vick, H. G. .
Beardsle-, C. D. Kunz, Jno. Hall,
Wm. Atchison, Dr. Hobbs, C. Rivett,
C. D. Clapp, W. S. Waters, J. Wright,
Jake Schlanker.
South B"nd precinct F. Cramer, T
T. Young, Jno. Evans, E Sweeney.
Greenwood Jas. Carey, II. H. Wll-
son. J. E leson, B. S Haeemeier, J as.
Gre-T, J. Toland, C. C. Bucknell nnd i
S. M. Prouty.
Firsf ward. Weeping Water M. M.
Buttle, B. a Wilkinson, H. D. Reed,
Jno. Reed and C. A Baldwin.
Third ward. Weeping Water Allen
Col man, H. Gilbert, O. D. Smith, G
Stoner, Geo. Hunt.
Weeping Water precinct F. F.
Everett, Wm. Wallace, W. S. Bird,
Walt Cromwell, Wm. Maple, Chris
Robinson. Geo. Woods, Jake Stucker
and Chas. Pierce.
Tipton precinct J. M. Gardner, J.
Q. Adams, R. Wilkinson, C. Wetten
kamp, sr., C. D. Richardson, Fred
Bahr, John Adams, George Oberlie,
R. T. Lewis, H. O. Cooley, Wm. Hush
and Jesse Allen.
"Father ChiUtmaa" H Curlona HUtory
Formerly Rieh.
Two Interesting beggars were arrest
ed the other day In the streets of
Parte, says the, London Post. One of
them, "Father Christmas" (Pere Noel),
Is a well-known character of the Halles
quarter. Pere Noel is 80 years of age.
and owes his name to the possession
of a flowing white beard reaching to
his waist. He was much incensed
when accused of being a vagabond, and
ia language more academic than the
commissary of police himself was ca
pable of using he pointed out that the
policemen has committed an "abuse of
authority." He produced twopence
halfpenny, and referred the magistrate
to a circular of M. Atthalln, laying
down that when a person possesses a
sum of money for which he can obtain
shelter and food he is not a vagabond.
"Father Christmas" scouted the Idea
that he was a beggar. He gave, he
said, lessons in history to workmen
in cheap restaurants in exchange for
his meals. "Father Christmas" had a
curious history himself. He was a
justice of the peace in Paris, and he
holds university degrees for literature
and science. He was formerly very
rich, but spent his fortune in leading
a fashionable and fast life. After he
was ruined he inhetited another for
tune of 20.000. which lasted him just
ten months. "Father Christmas"
Charles Dataille by his proper name
has been eent to the eld age retreat at
Nanterre. The second arrest was that
of an old woman found begging in the
Rue de Dunkerque. At the police sta
tion It turned out that she was born
on Feb. ?3. 1799. Her first husband
died in 1837, her second was killed in
1848. For over twenty years sne has
been unable to do anything, and has
existed on charity. "I live at 5 Rue de
Chartres." said the old woman, "but
you can send me to prison. It Is quite
indifferent to me where I pass the time
I have still to live." The commissary
of police sent Mme. Harwell home and
promised to see what could be done for
Independent Judicial Convention.
The peoples' independent party's
judicial convention for the Second
judicial district in th state of Ne
braska is hereby called to meet at Ne
bra-ka City, September 12, 1899, at 7
o'clock p. in. of said day in the dis
trict court room in said city for the
placing in nomination of one judge of
the district court in said district, and
to transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
The representation in stid convention
will be: Cass county 20 delegates;
Oloe countv 20 dfdfgates.
WT. F. MOKAX, Chairman.
Robert J. Vass. Secretary.
All Night on a Jersey Stamp.
From the Newark Advertiser: John
Walsh of Plainfield. while on a search
for specimens In botany, was lost in
"Dismal Swamp," a marshy tract of
woodland, and stayed all night unable
to find his way out. He perched him
self on the trunk of a fallen tree and
bided his time until daylight. He dar
ed not move from the tree for fear of
stumbling in the darkness into the
morass or Into quicksand. The marsh
is three miles long and a mile wide,
and he had no idea of direction. He
was awakened In the morning by the
barking of dogs and managed to follow
the sound well enough to get out.
High patent flour at $1 per 50-pound
stick. F. T. Davis Co.
Coat of Automobile.
St. Louis Republic: In determining
the expense of the automobile the cost
of power Is everything. Waen the test
was made the power came from a cen
tral power house, which will.of course,
be the case In every community wkera
mobiles are much used. But a test
was also made with a gaa engine, such
as may be set up In any cellar or sta
ble, and It was found that the power
for charging electric batteries could
be produced at the rate of from two to
three cents a working hoar. At this
rate, the cot a mile Is about 11.21 cents
as against 13.88 cents, when the vehi
cle is drawn by horses. This is a sav
ing of 95.4 cnts a wagon a day, and as
the mobile takes only four horses to
travel 3G miles, as against 5.14 hours
required by the other vehicle, this ia a
time saving on each wagon of 356
hours each year.
For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skip
diseases and all irritating eruptions,
nothing eo soothing and healing as De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma
Bolles, Matron Englewood Nursury.
Chicago, says of it: "When all else
fails in healing our babies, it will
cure." F. G. Fricke & Co.
Reunion at Lincoln.
Round trip for fl.65. Tickets sold
Sept. 9 to 16, inclusive. Return limit,
Sept. 18, W. L. Pickett, Agent.
The News prints the news.
. ft
ij, J3
Brtve Men Fall
victim to stomach, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
In the blood, backache, nervousness,
headache, and tired, listless, run-down
feeling. But there's no need to feel
like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner
Idaville, Ind. He says; "Electric
Bitters are just the thing for num
when he is al! run down, and u'r
care wh-ther he lives or :i-s. i; ..
more to give me nc 'rn' h :)
good appetite tha,n anvth ig l cou d
take. lean now eat iiny.'iinir and
hve a new l.s on ift.,? Om )
cents at F. G. Fiickt iv. t o'-. 1im'
s ore. Every bottle pnar nl. :
Wear Them A 1 ..
There are three rius which tlu
queen of England never by any chance
removes from her hand. One is ilio
little enamel ring, set with a sinie
diamond, given to her when quite a
child by Prince Albeit; another is her
betrothal ring, a beautiful snake of
emeralds, and the third is a plain nar
row band her wedding ring.
TMona'i Hloycle Tat lis.
Tacoma has fully twecty-two and a
half miles of bicycle paths within its
city limits, and these connect with
fourteen miles more which the coun
try has provided. This gives the cyclist
almost forty miles of good paths.
There's always hope while there's
One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack
of pneumonia left my lungs in b -.d
shape and I was near the first stages
of consumption. One Minute Cough
Cure completely cured me," writes
Helen McIIenry, Bismirk, N. D.
Gives instant relief. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Ieath or a Noted Iog.
The death is announced of a dog be
longing to the Women's and Children's
hospital, of Cork, Ireland. Leo was his
name, and he was well known, not on.y
in Ireland, but In many parts of Eng
land. Of dignified demeanor, he was al
ways to be seen upon the street, with
his Alpine barrel slung around his neck
bent on errands of mercy, as important
as those of the great, monastery dogs.
He gathered over $1,000 for the hospi
tal. Leo won the proud distinction of
carrying off the cup offered by the
Prince of Wales for the dog who col
lected the largest amount for a hospi
tal, and he was also known to the Prin
cess of Wales, who frequently petted
htm. He Is succeeded in his benevolent
exertions by his eldest son, Io.
Red Hot From the Gun
was the ball that bit G. Ii Stcadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil W r.
It caused horrible Ulcers thH,t ro
treatment helped fer 20 years. Tn- n
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cu-cu I i;i
Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, I'xii-.
Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions." iv.
Pile cure on earth "-rt cents a b' x
Cure guaranteed Sold bv F G. Fricke
& Co., druggist.
A Peculiarity of the Hand -Orgaa.
"It seems like a vey easy thing to
do to play a hand-organ. "said one who
has tried it, "but it is not so easy as
it seems. You expect the music to keep
time with the turning of the crank,
but as a matter of fact it doe3 noth
ing of the sort. It doesn't swing in
with it at all. Other iuptruments keep
time with the touch; the hand-org.m
does not. You are almost s-iro to st j:
short, the first time yor t: y 'i- : s ;
the music doesn't con:e ir .is' y.i i i x
pect it to. After awhi'r ; i 1; : : t:j
realize that crank and rr. .:. Vi i t
relation In the matter of ii ' " "
as the crank makes the o . n
you get so that you can k . .. . -r:ir. :
turning without sto-yp
E. E. Turner, Com -tor,. . w.-.-.
cured of piles by Dt-.Wi t'- W i'ch
Haf.el Salve af'er suffering seven ice:i
years and trying over' twenty rem
edios. Physicians and surn-ons en
dorse it. Beware of dangerou-t coun
terfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co.
J- Ml.
Puerto Rleo Once- a Forent.
Puerto Rico, say the scientists, wa3
originally an immense forest from the
seashore to the mountain summits. It
Is doubtful If there is a single foot of
Its land area which was not at one time
covered by tree growth, from the di
minutrva maagrove bushes on the coast
to th giant tree of the mountain side
and tp. Although still wooded in the
sense tht It Is dotted by many beau
tiful trees, the island is now largely de
forested from a commercial point or
Work Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a
sugar-coated globu'.e of health, that
changes weakness into strength, list
lessness into energy, brain-fag into
mental power. They're wonderful in
building up the health. Oniy 2o cents
per box. Sold by F. G. Frick' .v Co.
Fon Sale ok Rent .store n:om
and dwelling combined, .'!4xo8 feet,
known as the T. V. Davis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmuod.-,
Murray, Neb.
The 4Gut Heil"o-cent cigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union made. For na!e by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
L. B. Egecberger his just received
100 dozen children's bicycle hose
which will go at 17i cent a pair reg
ular 25-oent good.
A BEAtTIHL Ai7iC:.:::M
has been added to the well
known Hosro
With Stool and Scarf.
mi U 0AH, KAUVlTTRaf! V. iilSOANY
Write Fr I'm tioui.uv:.
From Monday" Daily.
Following in tho rango of' prices on
tho Chicago board of trade today, as
furnished by M. S. Urigs, commis
sion merchant:
.- Til' T .; 7 i :i .
;. , '
M- !7-' '. i'i'4 ,'l'i
:i 5 .to ,,'h '., :u j:i l1 .
l.- ', V-IN .!' " , A
ri- 'i-JI'n'4 -in ' l-.'IV,
IV U'O'i -11' , .''I',
M..v -'2 --"4 '.
IKI jS 1(1 ; ; :H. 10
IV. ... k y Ih.-J s l: 's.-j
Ui.i I I
.-eh!. ."-:"J IS 'J 7 ; ." -.'7
( t . :"i.:i) i ,;5 .i .iii ." t i . i
Hjoi t l is - - j j ' i
."-c-i.t !.. L'o :. j.i .
.-t -4 . 1 4 w '4 -. ; I '.IJ
"Hi - on the market, for I'ouyh- and
( Id- mul ail lfi -nt-li ii t iim; -: fin
i rOiiii it li i qu-il," vvi l't - 11 nry
1 w. W'ii; S -ntli fnriuiiii, i't: i ., i
Oi e Mil. me Cough Cure., 'F. :. F :
k Co.
llurlliilftoii Koute
Sixty cents for ound trip io Dm n.a;
tickets sold Set't. 12, H and 11. K
turn limit, live days from d i le of i it .
W. L. Pick kit. Agent.
Me cham's Pillo Noequil can.
sti pation.
Cruel Knife!
It is absolutely useless to expiTt a
Surgical operation to cure cancer, or
any other IiIoikI disease. The cruelty
of such treatment is illustrated in tln
nlarniing number of deaths which re
sult from it. The disease is in the
blood, and hence can not be cut out.
Nine times out of ten the surgeon's
knife only hastens death.
My son had a most malliriisnt Cancer, fi.r
which the doctors said an operai was tli
only hope. Tlit-nT-alion
wa a s-v-re
one, as it was im-im-m-sary
to cut down to
the ja w bo n e an d
scrape It. Ili-forc a
great while the I an
cer returned, and l
tun lonmw rniilly.
We Kuve him ninny
renn-ilie-' without re
lief, and dually,
upon the ndviee nit
inend. dec i d d t o
try S. S. S. (swift's
hneciilci. and wltl
tlie .-i.tiiil ImiIIIo lie 1 to iinnr.ivi-. Aftf-r twenty It. d ties Inid
b'-en t. U-Ti . the O.tncer di-JiniK'ured entirely,
.vul h" w rs en red. The cine wh-.m terniain-nt
o;m-. for lie now S" ven tee ii rr.'ir- i .li I. ml hui
never b:id a sign of the dreadful -li-e.-iM- to re
f.:rii. .I.N. Mr is !:! .
L'7l SiiiHiif rn-s M., iiiilht'. Texas.
Absolutely ilm only liojc fur Cancer
i-. Sv. if t's SpeciHc,
; us it is the only remedy which goes
to tli; very bottom of the lilooa and
forces out every trace of the disease.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable,
nnd contains no potash, mercury, or
other mineral.
Jlooks on Cancer will be mailed free
to, any address by th Swift SpeciHc
Co., Atlanta, Ga.
In F. oto. i- is STYLE.
I IT hi d WEAR If you
get all this f.-r .'UM) you
t.'et the enilh. Wo havo
the Shof-s.
i ioscpi Ictxcr9
North Side Mln Street.
e 0-ea g -o a
I ADY ci MANVaVnr?,e,?5i!
Ll per iM iiith salaiv "i all expeiiic. iculcr
l e..
l. i o
fe!?- V- J jMevtr Fail-: to HsVre OrtJ
H(,ir to i'. louthful Coior.
Pehhyroyal pills
H Tv Orlgtnal m Uoly vaaln.
mWl ln. t.wtti ffeliBvi.t. Loil uk
UrtURiit for Chi-str m ltn-iih bi j
mand Bran 4 la KVd m'.lii,
'oir valed b.ue rit.hon. TmUtr
Uun aid Manl.Lfton. A i Ir Ufffiai. or 4 4.
In ttampi f'tw prirwtr. timil
ltelt-r for in t'tUr L rrtmrm
r N1L 14.0(O Tmmt,tanM mm
r-nj wj- rUT w M,ie--w
-Ba -1. . n - Ull I I L liA.. k'
'A"v vi v ie
I l ID