I'KKKONAI, MKNTIOM. INI OKMATION AMI OI IMON. e .0 Mrs Nels llawkinson Has a Narrow Escape From Death. U'h Milking h (Tovr Wlit-n it Holt Struck tt TrtiD Ncsr llr l,ly si III Confined lo lier lrl t'liHrJfH Wflilry Kind Where Nome one Him llulrtiereil it Com Mini Curried It Away. Mm. Nls Iliiwkinsoi), who resides with hor hutiiml at lliu upper end of ('liirnjifo jivtinir,rn uii nt-nr loosing hor lifo from a Blroko of litrhtniuir lust overling. SUo wan milking a cow near a trco when the thundur storm citmo up and 1 1 tr 1 t ti I ti tr Htruck a tree near hy, Unooldiir both Mrs. llawkinson and tho row down and stunDiiif,' tho luJv unite l.udlv. Dr. Si-li ild k nreh t was called to nee her this morning and found lier still very ill and confined to her hod, but ho think sho will re cover in a short time. It whs cer tain 1 y a clone call. ItiiK-liereil Cow. This morning- na Ciiiwios Woldey, who runs tho pumps at. tho water works pump house, w:is walking alon"; near the river northeast of the pump house he came upon the tracks of a cow and wondering- whore tho animal had yono ho followed them until ho came to the rivor hank. Hero he found where tho cow had been butch erod and loaded into a boat, the hide and a iitcher-knife hoiny found near tno bank. Mr. Woldey telephoned down town to loarn if anyone had missed a cow, but so far no ono ha; made a report to that effect. The ani mal had evidently been stolen and was probably taken to South Omaha and gold. parti RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS There is no accounting- for the va garies of summer travel One year the world, and his wife, tro east; next year to Colorado, aud tho year after every body stays at home. A case in point is the Ulack Hills region of South Da kota. For the three summers i-miaed iately fo'lowing the completion of the Hurling ton rtilroad to Deadwood, hun dreds of tourist spent their vacations in the cool retreats of the Black Hills, Then came a period of reaction, dur ing which comparatively few people went north, and tho landlords of a dozen pretty 9uramer hotels wore long faces and had an abundance of spare time. This year the pendulum swings in another direction towards the Black Iliils. Its resorts are illing up fast. The visitors come principally from Nebraska, Kansas and Towa. but a dozen other states are represented on tho hotel registers. While Hot Springs, with its great plunge bath and wonderful healing waters, is first favorite, the picturesque spot called Sylvan lake is attracting a consider able number erf visitors. Tho exodus to tho Ulack Hills, despite tho large movement to Colorado and California, is an enigma even to railroaders who are closo students of such matters. Dr. Hull of tho JUirlir.gton relief was in tho city today. Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insect stings and ivy pois oniner, quickly healed by I)e Witt's Witch Hazol Salve. Positively pro- vents blood poisoninor. Beware of counterfeits. "DoWitt's" is safe and . euro. V. G. Fricke A: Co. Storekeeper D. S. Guild departed this afternoon for Spearfiih, S. D. ,and other Black 1J ills points on business for the Burlington. Night Yardraaster B. J. Reynolds departed this afternoon for Kansas Citv for a few days' visit. He will also go to Nevada, Mo., and Wichita, Kan., before returning-. His wife went to Thurman, fa., to visit her mother. "Buck" Houk will work in his place during his absence. II. Sanders, ono of tho workmen in the Burlington freight shop, was struck on the head by a heavy timber ju&t after noon today and sustained a cut about three inches long. Dr. .Livingston dressed the wound. THE UNCONCEKNEU. He never borrowed trouble. lie never drooped or pined; lie grieved not at the weather, Ner sat around and whined; He never wasted moments In thinking over ways Whereby he might have canceled Mistakes of yesterdays. He never borrowed trouble. Nor sighed, "Alas!" "Alack!'' But he borrowed from his neighbors. And he never paid them back: He never grieved o'er errors That his grief would not undo He Ieit that for the people He was owing money to- Chicago Times-Herald. DRJEFLY TOLD. C A. Marshall, Dentist. Ice cronin packed for pic-Mr at IIoIIiiwuv'm. Before buying binding twin hen Kbi rigor Hardware Co. Insuro In tho Goriinn American. Fred Kbingor, Agent. Ivl i lor F. K. Green of the .Journal is reported to bo on tho feick list. F. T. Davis Co. m.U silk aeh ribbonn, all colors, at 10 cents a yard. Don't fail to hear "Coin'' Harvey at Waterman's hall next Wednesday evening. Spelling is not a Urttt art. Attend the contest and eocial at Mrs. .1. N Wiso'b Thursday evening. uruer vour orcau, cako una ico cream of Ilolloway. Telephones, No braska 80; Plattsmouth, U70. Largest line of cotton and rubber garden hose ever brought to tho city. Hbingor Ilardwaro company A. W. Atwood, the druggist, has just what you want in wall paper t'lattsmoulh Telephone 'Zl. Don't mako any engagement for next Thursday evening. That is tho time fixed for the great spelling cwntest. Full lino of Quick Meal gasoline and Blue Flamu oil stoves at Ebingor Hardware Co., at reasonable prices. Dr. W. C. Dean, dentist, 4(10, 410, McCague building, northwest corner of Fifteenth and Dodge Htroet, Omaha the social and spelling contest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wise Thursday evening will be interesting. Owing to the fact of yesterday being pay day the council did not moot last evening, but will meet Wednesday evening. Foil SALE House and lot, cistern, city water in house, barn. A bargain if sold at once. Enquire at News office. ice u.binger Hardware company is agent for the Monmouth filter and water cooler. The finest thing out See them. When you want to smoke a 10-cent nicraf Ir. OKn Wi.vlL''Cili.a,. V'..r..K union made you can find no better on the market. -ieiierx tineppara will mow your lawn better than you can do it your self. Won't cost much. Nebraska telephone No. 79. James u. Walker, a conservatory graduate, instructor en piano and or gan, also in voice culture. Booms in the Rock wood block. Mr. and Mrs. B. Luck am n, Klston, Mo., write: "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup. F. G. Fr icke & Co. Hon. Mat. Goring of Plattsmouth has accepted tho invitation to deliyer the address at the old settlers' picnic in this city on July 27. Nebraska City News. Weckbach & Co. got in a shipment of fine watermelons from Georgia to day. They will average thirty-five pounds, some of them weighing over forty pounds. Attend the spelling contest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wi?e Thursday evening. It will bo enter taining and it is for the benefit of the Presbyterian church. You can't cure dygpopsia by dieting Eat good wholesome food, and plentj' of it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and is made to care. F. G. Fricke fc Co. White's Cream Vermifuge not only effectually expels worms, but is un equalled as a tonic, and is a certain and permanent cure for chills and fever in children. Price 25 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. De Witt's Little Early Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing consti pation and liver ailments. F. I Fricke & Co inursaay evening or this week a church sociable and spelling contest will be held at the residence of Mrs. J. N. Wise. Members and friends of the Presbyterian church are cordialh invited. The Junior Boys' History class will have their first annual picnic at Mrs. Stoutenborough's Thursday afternoon from 12 to 6 o'clock. Each member invited and is given the privilege of bringing one guest. Is your liver tired? Does it fail to do its duty? If so. don't neglect its call for help. A few doses of Herbine may save you a spell of sickness. Herbine is the only perfect liver medicine. It cures chills and fever. Price oOcts, F. G. Fricke & Co. De Witt's Little Early Risers expel from the system all poisonous accumu lations, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away disease, dissipate melan cholv. and give health and vigor for the dailv routino. Do not gripe or sicken. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mrs. M irtin Houk visited in Omaha today. A. W. White journeyed to Omaha on the mail. Charles Heebner pf Nehawka was a court houo visitor toJay. J. (J. Jliehey departed this afternoon for iho Black Hills on a busiuess trip. Mrs. Manchester and baity went to Lincoln this afternoon to visit rel atives. Mrs. I. 1 'ear man w departed this morning for St. Jt e for u visit with friends. August (.order took advantage of tho cool weather, this afternoon and went to Omaha. A. C. Newell came down from Loui- villo lust evening to see his I'latts- mouth friends. John (J. Ptak, the tailor, departed for Minnesota this morning for an out ing of a few da3's. iimr liiunt nau oi lies fljoines. la. is visiting in tho city, the guest of her friond, Mrs. John Dutton. v.naries u. ii rimes, 11. 15. ti roves and R. O. Follows were sightsoors in the metropolis this afternoon. William Neville, jr., departed this morning for Denison, la., whoro he is going to work for a bridgo contractor. Otis C. Richards of Ashland was in county court today looking after the estate of his late brother. George L. Richards. James Fitzgerald, of Lwuisville, was in the city visiting his brother, Ed, for a couple days, roturned homo this af ternoon. George Ballance of Germantown re turned homo this afternoon after a short visit with his brother, William, in this city. Mrs. C. L. Marshall roturned last evening from South Omaha, where she had been visiting with her daugh ter and family. Hor granddaughter, Hoi en Burke, returned with her for a few days' visit. The real sentiment of tho anti-trust orator Is voiced by tho New York World in the following: v. ii ith the trusts. For svv if t they run Into a votex wild of pelf: Iun with them all excepting one, Fr 1 li.ivo toi k iu that myself . Tkc fatuous Blue Grottoof Capri has now a rival in the state of Minnesota. It occurs in a lake on tho shore of which there is a cavern of white lime stone Hooded with water. A swimmer enters ihe cave, and turning to look outward sees tho most beautiful 6hados of green and blue In the water and a silvery sheen over his submerged limbs. 1 he majority ot motor cars are now driven by petroleum, but a Frentrh engineer recommends the use of alco hoi instead of it, and motors aro being altered so as to consumo it. Thero is no fear of explosion with alcohol, and it is said to be less costly than petrol eum. o might, therefore, para phrase the national poet and say, "Put it in your cirs to save your legs." According to a recent in vesiigation of lightning strokes in trees winch a Gorman has carried nut, tho beech tree is less often struck hy a (lash than any other. It is unwise to take shel tr r from a thunder storm under any trees, but if it is a case of needs mu-t the beech is the best ami the oalc or poplar among the worst. Cecil Rhodes is hater, though he of d iamonds. a fionrrniPd woman profits by their love (ilve the (JliiltlrtMi n Jrlnk caned iirain-o. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take tho pi a co of coffee. When properly prepared it tastes like the finest cof fee out is free from all its miurious properties. Grain-O aids digestion ami strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but. a health builder, and children, a well ns adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one- fourth as much ns coffee. 1T and 2"e. at grocers. James Hickson has been having quito a serious time with one of his arms for tho past several days. Tie had the misfortune to get hi; wrist poisoned in some manner and nfTcctod tho ar-tn clear to the should. r. Th poison is leaving hiin now, hut tho arm is quite sore. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life rf joy. Bueklon's Arnica Salve cures them; also Id, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruisas, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches, Only 2o cents a box. Cure guaranteed Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Icel Ice!! Ice!!! Order your ice of McMakcn & Son. Telephone 72 or 73. Iu Six Week. In Switzerland last summer there were 1,790 hotels, boarding houses bathing and health resorts to accom modate the traveling public. When one includes about l.ouu smaller hostelries, with accommodations for about 10 persons, there were sleeping accommodations for 140.000 travelers in Switzerland. During the main trav eling season, from the middle of July to the end of August, the minimum expenditure of the average summer boarder, with his children and serv ants, is placed at tne low sum or o irancs. Nevertheless mis means a daily income to the innkeepers of G.jO,- OfrO francs. Making allowance for fav orable traveling weather, these esti mates mean an income to the hotel keepers during a month and a half of summer of 28,000,000 francs. In Lu zerne alone there are o2 nrst-clas? lio- tels. In 17P0 Grenada, in tho West Indies, was visited by a tornado with singular eirects. unnico similar phenomena this was to tho inhabitants a providon tial deliverance from a post which threatened their economic ruin. Some time previously the formica sacohari vora, a species of ant,appoared in sueh numbers as to mako the an nihilation of tho sugar cano a question of a few weeks only. After in vain trying many expedients, and offering large rewards for a remedy against the plague, tho helpless people resolved to abandon their homes in a body and betake t hernsel ves to nnothe island. B3 this fam us tempest providence ac complished in a few moments, what man, with all his appliances, had failed to overcome. The ant was occ terminated . The whole of the New Testament, ns revised, was telegraphed from Now York to tho Chicago Tribune, to he set up as news for its issue of the 22d of May, 1SS.2. Sixteen of the twenty pages of that day's is-sue of the Trib une were Illicit hy this telegram alone. A detailed report of the trial of tho murderer. Deeming, in Austria, consisted of 4,000 words, and tWe cable was simply blockod to all other news for over twentv hours the cot 01 the message neing uncut m,uuu. Tn a message of l,S0O words was dispatched to the Argentine Repub lic. In 1S00 a telegram 131 lines long, calculated at eight words to the line. was sent from Buenos Ayrcs to tho Times, London, and another of 231 lines. In December, 1JSS7, Swinburne's tragedy, "Locrine," was telegraphed from London to th ; Xcw York Times, occupying five hours. A: Canton the average number of executions is about 31 0 per year, but in 1SS -O.dOo rebels were beheaded. Tho headsman formerly received - 15s a he-ul, but the supply and competition have reduced the wage to 2s apiece. Most of the criminals who are be headed aro wter pirates or land ban iits. T rTTMTTAlPP ft VPylvIv ft ft ft ft ft ft ft . ft ft I I 11 l I ill III l v ft Oft ft ftftft !0ISIMISMISIIMMIISIilllJSJISlEirSIEH RIGHT NOW iUiUUUiUiilUUlUAUiiU O. J. UUUUUUUUkiUUiiiiUU Special Reduction .....ON ALL.... Summer Goods At Herold's During pay-day week: $1 to81.2" Shirt waists 4Hc. 1-2T to 2.2.r Shirt waists 98c. 20 per cent reduction on all wash skirts. R' KPOKT OF THE CONDITION OK lilt I1KST NATIONAL HANK. ChartrT No. 19U,(tt l'lattsmouth.ln the State of Nebraska, at the close of business, June :, mnc. KKSOUKCKS. Loans ami discounts $185.I4 Wt Overdraft!!, sucurvd mill unweured V.071 3 II si ltouds to secure eirculallon . . . Stocks, securities, etc lirUikiiitf house luiuiture and fixtures. -other real estate and mortgages owned line from National Banks mot Keserve A(.;ents) . . Hue from State itauku aud Hankers Iue from approved reserve agents Olierks imu other cash Items Notes of other National Hauk9 Fractional paper currency, nickel9 arid cents Lawful money reserve In barik.vU: Specie IJ,47 00 I.eL'al tender notes 2.UHJ til $15, Redemption lund with U. 8. 1 reas uier to per cent ot circulation ir,;iu! w 7,K4'J 3.IW 4i 174 M 83,(10:1 Irrt 2.4VJ 24 1,111 00 to 47 oo tuff so Total --9r0H 57 LIABILITIES. HaDital stok paid In 50.000 00 Surplus fund 3.K77 0.1 Undivided profits, less expense aud taxes paid '-Mi 40 National Hank notes outstanding ... 13.770 oo Due to State Bank aud Bankers 2,1'J4 47 Individual deposits subject lo check KM"'.' 1 Demand certificates of deposit L':j,731 Ni Time certificates of depoBlt, 114,103 B3 Total J-.tto. JOl 57 S-TATR OK NKUKASKA, Cass County. ( I. S. Wrtiiirh. cashier of the above named bank, tio solemnly swear that the ulxve statement. Is true to the best of my know ledge ami belief. S. Wauoh. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 8th day ot July, 1SU9. Allen J. Bkeson. PEAr.l Notary I'ubllc. My commission expires November 30, IWM. Correct Attest: Ceo. E. Dovev. 11. N. Dovkv. 1). Hawkswokth. I Mrectois. as. Notice to Creditors. State of Nf.bkaska ) . - ., -,,,. County ol Cass. J ' In the matter ol the estate ol Lydia Flausburi!, deceased. Notice is hereby given that ttie creditors ot said deceased will meet the administrator ol said estate. Leiore me. County judfce of Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room in 1 laitsmouth in said county on tlie -tn a .y ol September. A. I) IStr!). and oo the 5th day of rebruarv. iroo, at y u clock a. in. ol eacn aay lor the purpose ot presentitiir their claims lor ex animation, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed tor the creditors ol said de ceased to present their claims from the 5th day of August. lMW. u ltness mv liana ana seal ol saia county court at I'lattsniouth, Nebraska, this 8th day ol July lsw. Georok M. Spurlock, SEAL County ' idge, First pubiicat ion lulv 11. H6S60M cx Son ARE IN THEIR NEW ...BUILDING... 6op. Finn and Main JNew Store... ...New OSool ... B U T... THE Same Low Prices THAT HAVE MADE THIS HOUSE FAMOUS. C. E. WESCOTT & SON m m p p p A Few More of Those Iron Beds Left.. With Mattress and Springs Complete for OO. 5 Cents Uuys a hcmstitchicl handkerchief I'lion, the Ciothier. of Nice Clean l-e. F. S. White is now ready to deliver ice to his customers in any quanti ties desired. The ico is tho finest ever harvested. Telephones PI ntts mouth 20G, Nebraska 71. REPORT OF CHICAGO ARRETS Following- is the ranjre of prices on the Chicag-o board of trade today, as furnished hy M. S. Briggs, commis sion merchant: OPTIONS Ice cream freezers of the best makes. Ebiuger Hardware company. Mound Citv paint. All colors. Best on earth. A. W. Atwood, the drug gist sells it. 10 Yards 7c Prints For 25 Cents .AT. HEROLD'S.. During pay-day week with each cash purchase of $2. Scblegel Is Promoted. Alex Schletrel. who went from this city to San Juan, Porto Rico, as an ex aminer of customs, has just been pro moted to the post of deputy auditor of customs at that place. Mr. Schlcgel is a competent accountant and his new position 9uits him in every way, in cluding- the Bi'za of the salary. Mr. Schlegel has many friends in Nebraska who will be pleased to hear of his pro motion, lie likes the country in many respects and is especially enthusiastic over the coffee groves, lie recently sent home some samples of eoftee ber ries on the brank of a tree. He wrote: "The coffue trees are small trees and havi) to be planted in the shade of large tree9 or John Trompen, to pro tect them from the sun." State Jour nal. Wheat- July ... ept.... Dec... May .. Corn luiy.... Sept Pec... May Oats July.... Sent. .. Dec... May.... fork- July Sept Tiyk ;T1 b 71 '4 TPi 'U'.ftra r:i'i 7i"i !7:?tt IV'3 Z5'4 l''fi"tiK 756 1 I I J'B 1 1 8 H"I'8 !:w:i W'hA S4'-i : -Xi tfjj l:'."3 XiH I.W--SB 3-nH MH '34 'i A 2 '4 J.1U l' -II 'i i-'ri'i JiM-tx. -Jo4 JMi :i -IMrJ 22, s: -.us S.fi.1 i.77 S CA H.73 Is.Ki .9I H.KJ S.'.KI 10 Yards Best Lawn For 10 Cents .AT. HEROLD'S During pay-daj' week with every cash purchase of $2. Some Timely Artit-lt-H. The .7 11 1 y number of the Kngineering M.-igfizine opens with a timely article oh 'l-Jngiisii iina American locomo tive Building," written by Mr.Ch .rles Rous-Marten, nnd very fully illus trated with typical engines from both i r . 1. 1 1 ... : ,1 1 : : siues 01 liiu i nail 11c, ami uisuubiii tho reasons which havo led to the placing cf extensive orders in the United St.-ites for locomotives for British railwavs. Dr. II. M. Chanco tells, in his paper on Ihe increasing I'rouuction 01 (iohl," how o.'mp'.ntl .v his predictions. made more than three years ago, have been nnd urn being fulfilled, while Chk'f Kngine- r Sims and professor . S. AM rich conclude the account of the 'Work of tho Repair Ship Vulcan" with a most entertaining narrative of the work upon tho sunken Spanish wrecks, ami give the true story of the final loss of the Maria Teresa Mr. II. M Wilson shows how the engineer n r development 01 1 orto Rico may bo .iccomplished by tho utilization c-f the magnificent water- power facilities possessed 113' tne 1st and, and Mr. David A. Louis do scribes, with amnv beautiful illustra tions, the opening up of the gre;it ioti ore beds of Swedish Lipiand. The account of the buildings of tho coming Paris exposition, by Professor Jacques Royer, is concluded, and a further in stallment of Mr. O. etitt's rem trkahle papers on ''Machine Shop Manage ment in Euiovio and America" is given. Papers on the "Evolution and Future of tho G is Engine," by George Lieckfeld, and on "The Efficiencies of Steam Boilers and Furnaces," by Mr. R. S. Hale, help to make up a number of great and varied excellence. Tho Review of the Ergineering Press, antl Tho Engineering Index, give, as usual, an abstract and key to the technical literature of the world for the month. The Engineering Magazine, New York. Klortrlclty and a Balky Horse. a Pennsylvania gentleman owned a horse that would have been very val uable but for what seemed an. inerad icable vice of balking. A friend su gested that electricity might cure him The gentleman purchased a small stor age batter', connectej it by wires to the bit and crupper, and placed it In the cart to which the horse was at tached. As was anticipated, the horse refused to move, and stood with all iour reei. Dracea. 1 nen tne owner touched the button connected with the battel y. When the horse felt thfc shock he snorted, jumped and began to move off at a lively pace. Every day Tor a week he was treated to the same les son. As a result, his owner Ceclares that the horse i3 completely cured of his evil ways. The West Pennsylva nia Humane Society, which Invcstigat ea tne gentleman s method, came to the conclusion that a small amount ot electricity used in thi3 way was more humane than a whip. AFTER USING. Beautiful Line of Bookcases.. Just received Come in mid piic Vm . . . . A n elegant An tiquo Oak Sideboard iroe for $1" for tho next thirty day-. Thii is a rare bargain and cannot be dup'ieated ariywheie. Those Oak Rockers at $1.75... Are BARGAINS which everyone takes hold of who sees thern. . . . J. I. UNRUH, The Furniture Man and Undertaker mienn tiui M,n imtaiitv The great remedy tor nervous prostration and all diseases of tho K-rieratlv organs oi eitoer sex, sucn as nervous rrostration, t ailing or L.ost Manhoou, Impotency, Nightly Kmissioas, Youtliful Errors, Mental Worry, ezneHHive una or looacco or upium, wuicn leau to consumption and Insanity. WiLh etvp.rv 9 6 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at l.OOper box 6 boxes for SS.OO. Ilf . MOIT'S CJI K.tlltAL CO., Clevelttud, Oblor Gering &, Co., Druggists. T n t - . . i ico crer.m navorea wun extracts, so oents per quart at Hollowny's. Three for $1. Laundered Percale Shirts Elson, the Clothier. SIDE ered Several ' H. O. 13 LINE Light (free) sa.nples (on uncov- territoryi given by prominent house. 'sides'' earn $.'5 weekly cash- "Factory" 1 1. xsevv i one. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrf DirJyqu everjtnow . . that the only place to buy Jew elry is at a jewelry store. We understand what to bu, in jew elry ar.d kiio what wo are stll ing. We havH everything a person would need iu this line JOHN T. COLEMfVN, JE.WE.LER, Second door Sjuth ol Postoffice 3 3 3 3 3 3 41? 9 9 4? 4? 4? 49 4? 4? 49 4? 4? New fiardware Store Having- returned to Plattsmouth, I will be tflad to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones, and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware and anything usuallj' carried in a first-class hardware store. Be sure and call, as I have interest you. some prices that will JOHN R. Rockwood Block, COX. PLATTSMOUTH r 0" Or 0" Cf Cf C" o Cf o C Of i ? & I : WORMSl VERSYilFUCE! IT'iit In Quantity. Etln Jlty. Dr. W. C. Dean.. ..DENTIST.. 409, 410 McCneae HaltdinK . Northwest cor. loth and Dodge sts. Omaha PRICES REASONABLE. All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa tients will receive especial consideration. To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by oar aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimor. M4. Subscriptions to The Patent Record tuai per aaaaa. mm For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. y JAMES F. BALLARD. St. Louis. (Prepared F. G. FRICKE & CO. THE NEWS does Job Printing P p 1 P if I P m Pi m p m p p p p P P il p; m m p;