Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 11, 1899, Image 2

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rrlv $rcl rr..iii..i . :autin
lIV JtHNfvff Vmim to in
r.V.Jft' -2 ' 4 i.. tn lla You till II
mil jrrot.
lrvrr ran ia
. . . ..i t . . . . i 1 11 in r
Icfi Wilier Will ClilU I IIP HtOIIIIU'll, l)llt It
will iimke you feel warmer.
will cool IhP I.Iihi.1 nuil mitko you really
oxil. It'll the lrlnk fur warm alwys.
Tiik ihki.Ilh r.. iiikkn i ., l1ill.llH, P.
V Mhra of lllir 'iMi1nar-l Milk,
tajferry Rhymet for Thinly Timra." Hamt
To Look Around
Before yon make purchases.
After you havo looked elsewhere,
come to us and w guarantee you
will lo pleased. Our new spring
stock linn arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
Main Street, Plattsmouth
ftl ICl'.I.K STS.,
II. M. NOF.NNH'IISKN, Milliliter.
Largo Supply of all the
Including the Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson mil and
Canon City Lump,
Always on hand Also a quantity of
cheaper Tirades of NU T COAL. We also
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery store of A. H. Weckbnch & Co.
lias now stock, new rigs and
is prepared bettor than ovor
to take care of
fl General Livcnj Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
1' I at t si in on tli, Nebraska.
School Supplies.
All Kinds of School Supplies,
such as
Maps, Globes, Charts,
Dictionaries, Seats
and School Furniture
Webster's Latest Revised Library Die- Zl
tionary, sheep bound, patent index
Same, in one-half sheep .00
Gall on or address
Dyspepsia Cure,
Digests what you eat.
Itartiflcially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in elSciency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, G ast ralgi a, Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion
Prepared by E. C. DeWitt A Co.. Cljlcago.
Leading Liveryman
The best of rigs furnished at all hour (and ht
prices arc always, reasonable. Themost
convenient boarding stable for far
mers In the cltv.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay, Com, Oata and all Kinds of Peed
Constantly on Hand.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
... BY Tim . . .
I. K. MARSHALL. Business Manager.
'()n Year, in advance, . . .
t.r 00
2 f0
Six Month'
On. Week,
Single Copies,
Oim Year, in ailvanee, . . .
Si Months
ii oo
Of any Cass County Paper.
Til K eleventh nnmml reunion of old
aettlerB will lo held at Union on
Auu-t 18 and 1!. A big time is
an tie i pateii.
Tins Pino mountain weather wo are
having in Nebraska is having a very
bad effect on punmier resorts. It
would bo diHieult to find a finer brand
of weather.
Somh of tho farm :rs who have corn
planted on low lands are waiting until
tho rainy season is over to cultivato
it, a la Otis in tho Philippines.
i .
With an open fight by the I5eo and
a fight among tho board of managers
tho success of the Greater American
exposition is not at all assured.
Ik all the wrong doings credited to
him are true about tho best thincr that
has happened lately was forcing tho
resignation of Superintendent O'Brien
of tho Btato fishorios. Of courso this
turn will nviko Henry Ilempol fool
quite badly. Nit.
Assistant Supeuintundext ok
the Census Wines estimates that
tho national census to ho taken in 1900
will enow 77,000,000. This is a gain of
15,000,000 in ten years. If tho same
rate of increase is maintained, in 10o0
tho population of tho United States
will bo 190,000,000.
A populist was appointed as super
intendent of the reform school at Plan
kin ton, S. D., the other day and when
the boys, who wero out playing ball,
were ordered to form in lino they
broke and run for liberty, saying as
they did so, "The pops can't hold us."
This is another hard shot on tho poor
Some years ago a story was invented
to tho effect that Henry Ward Beecher
had with deliberation declared that
one dollar a day was enough for any
wage-earner and sufficient to maintain
any ordinary family. Mr. Beecher
never 9aid any such thing. But dur
ing his long and useful life his oft-repeated
and truthful denial limped
along away behind the sprintiDg lie.
And bo Mr. Beecher died without
vindication as to that particular slan
der, but he has come to be universally
acknowledged as one of the brainiest
and best citizens who ever so persuas
ively aud successfully addressed aud
iences inimical to the United States in
a foreign land and converted them
from enemies into friends. The lie,
however, "that one dollar is enough
wages for any laborer," is still doing
business ai the old rate aud gait. The
remark has boeu falsely attributed
first to one and then to another public
man. It is told again and again with
malice and envy, by men who ought to
know that no person with common
sense enough to have acquired reputa
tion as a public man, could or would
have been ever capable of such idiocy.
But lies leap and truth crawls.
Notwithstanding tho universal wl9h
of civilized humanity that war shall
bo abandoned as a means of settling
disputes between nations, the ingenu
ity of inventors is being taxed to in
crease the efficiency of the instruments
of slaughter, eaj's the Times-Herald.
It is comforting to reflect, however,
that tho improvements now being
made in tho engines of destruction
are all in the direction of making the
battles of the future a question of
hours instead of days possibly min
utes instead of hours. War will Ye
none the less horrible, but the engage
ments will be brief and the destruc
tion will be swift and decisive. Whole
regiments will be swept away by
single guns, and there will be little
opportunity for the daricg hand-to-hand
encounters that were the fea
tures of many of the bloodiest conflicts
of the civil war.
It would seem thatinventive ingenu
ity had reached the limit of its possi
bilities in the production of rapid-fire
guns when one recalls the slaughter
of the rebellious savages at Omdur
man by Kitchener's guns. But a new
record for rapid-Ore guns has jut
leen made on the proving grounds of
the Driggs-Seabury Gun company at
Derby, Conn. The gun, which was a
six-pounder, made a record of sixty
shots per minute, which was twenty
five better than the record of the most
modern rapid-fire gun. With such
destructive powers as this the gun i
will doubtless play an important pirt
in the national defense.
Tho work of increasing tho destruc
tive capabilities of the modern rapid
fire gun is justified on the score that
if we must have war it should be as
brief as possible. Let the action bo
short, sharp and decisive. The per
fection of these weapons by mechan
ical skill is also defended on the
ground that the more terrible their
possibilities of slaughter the more
certain aro they to invito universal
Pive Evanston (HI.) womei. t-chool
teachers resigned to yet married. Now
tho school hoard is hiring men, on the
plea that woman is uncertain.
Miss Stella Sisson of A insworth died
Priday from the effects of a rattloKiPike
blto. She ws a teacher and wiu on
her way homo, when the was attacked
by the poihonoux reptile.
Five tons of dynamite wero e.x ploded
on the summit of Big Bull mountain, a
milo from Victor, Colo., and 1'J,000
feet above the sea, on tho Fourth, with
the idea of furnishing a good imitation
of a minature earthquake, hut the re
sulting disturbance was very like tho
real thing. No one was hurt, hut tho
town was pretty well shaken up and
tho shock was felt as far away as
eighty miles.
Spencer Pratt, United Statos consul
at Signapore, who has been credited
with having exceeded his authority in
making promises to tho Filipinos in
tho early stages of our occupation of
tho Philippines, brought suit recently
agaiiit tho publishing firm in Signa
poro that put out a book in which was
given in detailed form an interviowal
leged to have taken placo between Mr.
Pratt and Auinaldo. The court
found that tho story of tho interview
was falso and libelous and further pub
lication of tho book was prohibited.
The story of the boy who can, whilo
in a hypnotic state, see through peo
ple, examine their hones and locate
diseases, has about capped tho climax,
and all the anxious public now havo to
wait for is tho person who can see tho
conscience of an ico man, tho heart of
the average mu'.o drivor or the soul of
a llirt, and while ho is in search of tho
invisible he might he able to detect
cash in the printer's pocket. When
, this can ho done there is no need to
try further.
In India tho Hindoos havo estab
lished homos or asylums for aged and
infirm boasts and birds One of these,
near tho Sodepur Station, and about 10
miles from Calcutta, is under tho con
trol of a manager, with a staff of SO
servants and an experienced vetinary
surgeon. In this placo at piescnt
thero ure 979 animal paupers 129
bulls, 307 cows. 171 calves, 72 horses,
l.J water buffaloes, 09 sheep, 15 goats,
141 pigeons, 44 cocks and hens, 4 cats,
3 monkeys and ;" dotrs. The asylum is
described as bein systematically and
mercifully managed. Tho cows have
especially a good time of it, inasmuch
as on festal occasions natives go from
far and near to decorate and worship
them. One of tho established sights
of the city of Bombay is the Pinjra
pole, a spot whither wornout or dis
eased creatures are sent by benevolent
Hindoo citizens, and are maintained
until they bocome restored to health
or die.
la Spain Hebrews are not permitted
to erect and maintain houses of wor
ship. They have no civil rights and
exist in the kingdom only as aliens.
Twenty-five years ago France was
able to put as many soldiers in tho
field as Germany. Today it falls short
by about 1,000,000 men.
Iceland is probably the one country
in the world which gets along with a
single policeman. The descendants
of the Vikings have no need of police
men. The solitary officer, in spite of
his great responsibility, has a very
easy time. He is maintained more for
ornament and dignity than for use.
The Icelanders think it weuld not do
to have a capital without a policeman,
and so they keop one.
I'. K. O. Minstrel Show l.ilcrjilly Patron
ized the Second Time.
A repetition of the P. E. O. min
strel entertainment on Saturday even
ing did not attract as large an audi
ence as on the previous night, but
thoa who wero present thoroughly
enjoyed tho novel spectacle of so many
Platt&mouth society ladies masquerad
ing as "persons of color." The cos
tume dance by the Misses Agnew and
Levings was a revelation of graceful
postures and was much admired.
Solos wero sung by Misses Petts,
Gygor, Green, Swcaringen and Hall,
and beautiful chorus singing by the
troupe the selections being the
latest coon songs wero greatly en
joyed by the audience.
The participants in the cake-walk
which closed the entertainment were
Mrs. Swearingen and Miss Murrey,
Miss Heisel and Miss Black, Miss Ag
new and Miss Green, Miss Mauzy and
Miss Murphy. Friday evening Mr9.
Swearingen and Miss Murrej'took the
cake, while on Saturday evening the
applause was divided, the honors and
cake being shared by the Misses Ag
new and Heisel and their escorts. It
was rather difficult to discriminate, as
the participants all did exceedinglj'
The P. E. O. societv is to be con
gratulated on their successful enter
tainment and much eredit is due to
Miss Hail and her assistants. Miss
Matilda Vallery and Miss Lou Smith
also added greatly to the success by
their skillful accompanying of the
various songs on the piano. Mi3s
Kauble and Mr. Eigenbroadt were also
valuable additions and were listened
to with much pleasure.
Imperfect digestioa and assimilation
produce disordered condition of tho
eystem, which grow and aro confirmed
by negleet. llerbine gives tone to the
stomach, and causes good digestion.
Price 50 cts. P. G. Pricke & Co.
The Burlington pay car arrived this
morning and distributed tho usual
amount of wealth among the railroad
''Nothing waited" appoars to bu the
order of tho day in every branch of in
dustry. The use of discarded locomo
tive flues for the manufacture of iron
fence poets is the latest illustration of
thi- fact. The idea was put in practice
some time. ago by T. E. Calvert, gen
eral superintendent of tho Burlington
lines at Lincoln, Neb. Tho advantages
the Burlington linds in its new post
aro that they will not burn nor decay
like tho old stylo posts of wood. Th
c iuso of failure of more than one-half
tho wooden fence poets along tho Bur'
lington lines has been lire. The details
of tho manufacture of tho new posts
from old engine Hues aro so arranged
that two workmen can turn out fifty
posts per day. Tho Burlington will
use a large number this year to replace
wooden posts. Valuing the discarded
engine Hues at what they would bring
for scrap iron, and counting tho cost of
labor, the new iron fenco posts are
turned out for cents apiece, about
tho same as a wooden fenco post costs
vv. ii. tiark, wno has icon om
ployed in tho Burlington shops for
some time, has resigned and gone to
South Omaha to work in tho packing
Sim Sawtelle, the railroad contra
tor, was in town today shaking hands
with old friends.
l rain iso. s on ttio J .urlington, i un
ning from Pacific. Junction to Lincoln
yesterday beat tho record for that
run. The distance was covered in
two hours and twonty minutes, includ
ing two stops of two minutes each and
one stop for a railroad crossing. The
train comprised-six cars and engine
No. 12, Engineer Barry Mooro in
charge. Lincoln Journal.
Al Ilat kins, who has boon tho night
hammersmith in the Burlington shops
for the past two month, has resigned
his position and gone to Omaha where
he has accepted a like position with
the Union Pacific.
Charlie lliatt, who is employed in
the Burlington storo house, is taking
an enforced layoff by reason of having
punctured his thumb with a nail.
In a j ear there are killed on Araeri
can trains one person out of every
2,827,474 passengers carried. A great
rainy curious conclusions are reached
by statisticians on this b.tsis, and
upon what is known as the law of
averages. Tho amount of it all is
that one is safer on a railroad than he
is in his own house. Less danger i
incurred in going from Chicago to
Denver, even on the fast schedules
now used by the Burlington, than in
going on a street car from one's home
to the dpot. The average ' man
travels 72,093,9(53 miles on trains, tak
ing them as they come on all lines, be
fore his turn comes to get hurt. Cur
tis Enterprise.
lhe greatest diving leat ever
achieved, it is said, was in moving
the cargo of the ship Cape Horn,
wrecked off the coast of South mer-
ica, when a diver named Hooper made
seven descents to a depth of over 200
feet, remaining at one time forty-two
minutes under the water. An author
ity states that tho greatest depth to
which a mau has been known to de
scend does not exceed 220 feet which
is equivalent to a pressure of 88i
pounds to the square inch.
Story of a Slave.
To bo bound hand and foot for
years by the chains of disease is the
worst form of slavery. George D
Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells
how such a slave was made free. He
says: "My wife has been so helpless
for five years that she could not turn
over in bed alone. After using two
bottles of Electric Bitters, she is
wonderfully improved and able to do
her own work." This supreme rem
edy for female disease quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melan
choly, headache, aokache, fainting
and di7zy spells. 'I his miracle working
medicine is a godsend to weak, Fickly,
run down poop'o. Every bottle guar
anteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by P. G.
Frieke & C ., druggists. C
irin-0 H rings Kelief
to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged
in and almost as universally injur
ious. Have you tried Grain-O? It is
almost like coffee but the effects are
just the opposite. Coffee upsets the
stomach, ruins the digestion, effects
the heari and disturbs the whole ner
vous system. Grain-O tones up the
stomach, aids digestion and strength
ens tho nerves. 15 and 2oc. per pack
nge. Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them; also old, running and fever
sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts,
cuts, bruises, burn9, scalds, chapped
hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 2o cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by F. G. Frieke A Co., druggists.
Ladies Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. It makes tight or new
shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunion. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Cures
ewollem feet, blisters and calleus spots.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a ceitain cure for
ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching
feet. At all druggists and shoe stores,
25c. Trial package free by mail. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmstead, LeKoy N.
Y. F. G. Frieke & Co., drugeists.
ing Good Shoes Cheap cannot be doubted or questioned, but this
..Extra Inducement of 20 Per Cent..
will he like working- for nothing for US, but YOU reap extra the good of it. Our Dedica
tion opening was a rousing success; so let be our Reduction Sal, and, as our prices are in
PL,AIN FIGURICS, and not marked up for the occasion, you can rest assured No Humbug
gery will be practiced, and that every pair of Shoes that leaves our store will be Extraordi
nary Values. Note the differennce letveen regular prices and discount price:
Men's Panel Stitch Bull Dog Tana 4 00 $3 20
" Fancy Tip Bull Dog Tans 4 00 3 20
" Chocolate Buil dog Kid X 75 i 00
Black Titan Calf Bull dog 4 00 3 20
Large Assortment Boys' Black and Colored Shoo at same Reduction.
Latest Novelties in Ladies' Shoes (Black or Tans), former price $3 00; now $2 4.
Latest Novelties In Ladies' Oxfords (Black or Tans), former prico 2 00; now $1.00.
Large variety of Misses', Children's and Infants' STRAP SANDALS and Southern Ties at name reduction
Call Early before Sizes and Assortments Are Broken.
Robert Sherwood & Son
Sign of Big Gold Boot Two Doors
I'liprrcerienttMlly Lmv Kates to Colorado.
Every day from Juno 25 to July 11.
One fare plus $2 for the round trip to
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and
Glenwood Springs. Tickets good to
return i.ny time until October 31.
Never before such an opportunity
Take advantage of it and fpeud the
summer in the heart of the Rockies
where boat and dust aro unknown
where the vky is as brightly blue as
Italy's, and tho air as invigorating as
a tonic where you can bathe, and
swim, and climb mountains all day,
and every day.
See nearest Burlington ticket agent
and get full particulars, or, if you pre
fer, write .1. Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Burlington route, Omaha,
DeWitt 's Liitle Early Risers xpel
from the system all poisonous accumu
lations, regulate the stomach, bowols
and liver, and purify the blood. They
drive away disease, dissipato melan
choly, and give health and vigor for
the daily routine. Do not gripe or
sicken. F. G. Frieke & Co.
The New Colonels.
WASHINGTON, July 8. There Is a
chance that Nebraska will be repre
sented in the list of colonels to com
mand the new infantry regiments.
Thus far all the selections have been
from the regular army, but it Is un
derstood that the other two will be
volunteers who distinguished them
selves during the war with Spain.
Friends of General L. W. Colby here
are pressing his claims upon the pres
ident, and in view of his excellent rec
ord at Atlanta it is believed that he
will be named to command one ot the
remaining regiments to be organized, j
A diseased stomach eurely under -
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys tho nervous system.
and predisposes to insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are
are quickly cured by KoJol Dyspepsia
Cure. It has cured thousands of cases
and is curiDg them every day. Its in
gredients are such that it can't help
curing. U . t. f iicne w.
The Time to go to California
Is in summer this summer late ib
Juno or early in July when sea and
sky and vine-clad slope are at their
best when the rale is little more than
half as much as usua .
If you take the Burlington route you
will have cooler weather and finer
scenery man via any otner line io
Information and California litera
ture on request. J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Canned Koast Beef Ordered.
CHICAGO, July 8. Commissary
General C. A. Woodruff, United States
army, has given orders to the Mew
York agents of the Chicago packers
for 125,000 pounds of canned roast
beef. The orders specify that the can
ned roast beef is for immediate ship
ment to Cuba. This fact Is taken by
the packers as showing that there is
no prejudice On the part of the gov
ernment against canned roast beef.
tilve the Chlldreu a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delieious, ap
petizing, nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee. When properly
prepared it tastes like the finest cof
fee but is free from all its injurious
properties. Grain-O aids digestion
and strengthens the nerves. It is not
a stimulant but. a health builder, and
children, as well as adults, can drink
it with great benefit. Costs about one
fourth as much as coffee. 15 and 25c.
at grocers.
To eradicate worms from the system
give the child pifin, nourishing food
and White's Cream Vermifuge. The
result will be, the worms will disip
pear and the child become healthy and
cheerful. Price 0 cts. P. G. Frieke
& Co.
Thomas Rhoads, Centerfield, O.,
writes: I suffered from pile seven
or eight years. No remedy gave me
relief until De Witt's Witcn Hazel
Salve, less than a box of which perma
nently cured me." Soothing.healing,
perfectly harmless. Beware of coun
terfeits. F. G. Frieke & Co.
Try Colorado This Hammer.
Getting there costs very little one
fare plus $2 for the round trip every
day from June 2-5 to July 11. Tickets
good to return until October 31. See
aearest Burlington agent and get particulars.
20 Discount Shoe Sale
In order to raise some Cash and also re
duce our Summer Stock, we have called a 20
Per Cent DISCOUNT SALE tor Two Weoks,
ending with July 5. Our reputation for sell
Victoria Liked Fopatar Sang.
From the 8aa Francisco Argonaut:
vTbile a regimented baud waa play Lug
after the queen's luncheon, at Osborne,
recently, a srhjbtiy mualc hall air.
ujtfamifiar to fcor majesty, gtruok her
fanny. She Immediately dispatched m
aid de camp to find oftt the namo of
the piece of music. On his return the
officer seemed very much erobarraBsed,
and hesitated, until the qaeon Insisted
on his telling her what was the piece
ot music tkat sbe had admired. Witts
Muck difficulty tk JtiLcer falUrcd eut
that its title wa9 "dotaa Whore tnfc
HooKe Is Cheaper." After inquiring
the meaning at fce substantive, the
ijueen is said thoroughly to have en
joyed te Joke.
Those who live on farms are liable
to many accidental cut", burns and
bruises, which heal rapidly when Bal
lard's Snow Liniment is promptly up
plied. Price 25 and 50 c.s. F. G.
Frieke & Co.
Nice Clean Ice.
F. S. White is now ready to deliver
ice to his customers in any quanti
ties desired. The ice is the finest ever
harvested. Telephones Plattsmouth
206, Nebraska 71.
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprain, wounds from
ruaty nails, insect stings and ivy pois
oning, quickly healed by DoWitts
Witch Hazel Salve. Positively pro
vents blood poisoning. Beware of
counterfeits. "DeWitt's" is safe and
sure. F. G. Frieke At Co.
Old Iron In Ike Nea.
It is probable that few people know
1 what an enormous quantity of old iron
In the shape of anchors, chains, etc., is
annually rescued from the sea. Dur
ing ten months as rauoti as 120 tons
weigtit was areaged up u the east
coast of England alone.
VV hat among human His arc mre
auBoyinc than piles? The afllictions
that prevent active exercises are bad
enough, but one that makes even rest
miserable is worse. Women aro among
its greatest martyrs. Tablor's Buck
eye Pile Ointment will cure the most
obstinate cases. Price, &9 cts. in bet
tie, tubes 75c. P. G. Frieke & Co.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plain field. 111. ,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lung's; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told
her she was a hopeless vic'.im of con
sumption and that no remedy could
cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion; she bought a bottle and to her
delight found herself benefitted from
first dose. Sbe . continued its use
and after taking six battles, fouud
herself sound and well; now does bar
own housework, and is as well as she
ever was. Free trial bottles of this
Great Discovery at F. G. Frieke & Co.
drug store Only 5o cents and $1.00,
every battle guaranteed. 6
BiU In the Hom of Lords LlkeJr to
Prove Unpopular.
liONDON, Jfcljr tie house of
lorfia today te secretary eft star f7r
war, the Marquis ot Istmsdowflfe, in
trpjtuce'rl a LID whl3to is rgard.ed as
the thla eAd Jl tfce wedee ef comtcrip
Kon ajR ae tLenSofe lfeely to render
trfis goTerniiieat uepop'ular.
The hUl. wWch la stitle'd, "The Zlil
IMa Baflot ACV" Is lnleitddrl to simpli
fy and regularize an existing act now
practically suspended in ffcvor of v6l
untarj efUlstmiit.
Ia his specn introducing the meas
ure Lord linsdowne carefully ex
plained that the government only
wanted it read the first time, as there
waa b latention ot passing it, a he
seoutetS the auggeatlon of trying tp
Introduce conscription by a side wind.
Personally, he said, he d'Ji not favor
coascrlption, but hp thougat it "advis
able thtft suih a bill should be in read
InetV if wahted." and that the "coup
try,, should realize how it stands with
regarQ to the question."
Teacher B.gla to Arrive.
L.0N ANQBLB8, Julr 19. Nearlr
2,000 delegates to the National Edu
cational association have arrived in
the city and twenty special trains are
scheduled to arrive todar, Bringing
several thousand. The first session of
the National Council of Education be
gan today. he session will continue
through three days.
Mtsn'a Black Vici Kid, Coin Too....... 8 75
Generals (Laco or Congress) 2 00
" Assortment Satin Oil, lace or Con 1 60
Solid Leather Work Shoes 1 (
West Lehnhoff's.
ComnilHHlour.' frofitioitliiKK.
Pl.ATT.s mouth, J uly f. Boar.l met
pursuant to adjournment; prcnont,
Goorgo W Young ,J. P. Falter and
Turner Zink, county commissioner!-;
James Robertson, county clerk.
Minutes of lat seHsion mad ami ap
proved, when tho following business
was irausacteil in regular form:
detune W YouiiK. all b oxp. . .
J I' Kalter, same
Tuiult '.'ink, .inn:
iius Kubc'i tiiin, xulaiy ami put uay uu
asttsMors IhhAh
detune I. I' a i Icy , s;i I ami ex
K J llcin pi-l, nit Ui y
I. K Ctdi', two o.ik piling
J I) McHlklu, Wnar tillt' (Jl i"lii:l:
V I) Wheeler, prisoners, etc.. .
S A Davis, oil t( poor larui
Ncbravkn Telephone Cu, rents
I) Wouilard. train feed
Get) liuell. pulilic roa'l 'Xi II 111
Cieo W MeUin, same
K C Voiler. keeping pan pel
Louisville Courier, pi intuit:
KtfenberKer iV Tio.p, wooil to county. .
Ude Hockleman, rent fur pauper
Mrs M I'eteisou, same
K T Koi hforil, spikes
KhinKer Hardware Co, hatdwaie
A U Maylield. printing
John Clements, same
I'" T Davis, nulse to poor
217 w
:a imi
55 M
Hi (HI
WU til
1 10
1 75
17 75
10 (JO
1 IK)
ri m
1 Of)
e 25
2 un
1 ro
It 00
i:t oo
n oo
6 Oil
4 00
I'.t 50
V! 00
2 55
7(1 40
: 0O
5 IK
250 Si
'', 85
3:' 00"
M. K.
J Swobuda, same
Wurl Sl Cortcy. same
V S White, same
Aug Kach, same
Nichols it Kcliols. same
Ml Wilkinson, saiim
KC Marquardt. sam.
Stander Uros, same
J K Keithley, printing
K K Milton, work on plat bonks
J K Cox, tiardware .. .. .
State Journal Co, blank trjoks, etc
I) IJ Kbersolc, repairing nrlet
I. Schultz, work on road
I I. Root, sal and exp 2d qtr
Streight & Sattler, burying paupers
II G Van Horn, work on bridg.
J D McBride. bailiff
Complaint on asjotsment of
Pnlmer was refined.
Request that Henry Krcholo' t txe
bo reduced was refused.
Board adjourned to meet July 0.
July 6. Board met pursuant to ad
journment; all present.
W E Pailing, mdse to oor
A Li Upham, cure of pauper
Clements & Co-, burying paup.r.
Wectbach & Cu, mdae aud to poor
Cost bill. State vs AoJrawi
10 00
S 00
:v 50
21 7S
70 fij
l.0 05
S 75
4 50
7 75
4 (JO
Saeeley & Co, bldg brigei
S F Girardet, nulse to poor
GeoSaoeman, rep bridge
IT K Fox, supplier ....
Bennett & Tutt, ludne to poor
A contrnct was entered into with ii.
(i. Strong for pradinff public road,
and another with Ed Conrad, also for
read work-
Board adjourned to rnaet July 18.
County Clerk.
Dltid Without Friends.
A woman of weik miad by the name
of Lizzie Olson, who has resided alone
on Wintersteon hill for a long time,
gave birth to a ehild lust night which.
died and a short time afterwards died
herself without the presence of a friend
or assistance or u doctor. J ho man
who brought on her trouble is said to-
be known and is liable to get in
trouble over it. The county will burv
Paymaster Voortcted.
WASHINGTON, Jul 10 --Paymaster
W. B. Wilcox of the navy hae been
trted by ctfuTt-martial at the League
island navY yard, found guilty of
dftnkenness aud sentenced to dismis
sal from th service. of the eeven
ibs. altera of the court recommended
tMat executive elerajney be shown the
aeeused. The president has mitigated
the sentence to a reduction to the foot
of the list of paymasters and a loss of
one-half pay tor one year.
Ka.tes for Orenter Amrrlca Kzpoaltlon.
R duced rates to Omaha will apply
from points on tho Burlington route
within 2 0 miles of that city during
the entire eriixl of the Greater Amer
ica expo-ition, which often July 1 and
closes October III.
There will be ihr- diff.n nt kinds
of tickets:
Ten-day tickets, bich will bo sold
at 80 per cent of .rouble t4e one way
Seven-day tickets, the rate for which
will bo one fare for the rouad trip,plu9
5 per cent on sale Tuesdays.
Week-end" ticket?, wkich will be
on sale ntturdnys and for huaday
trains due in Omaha before 1 p. m.
ona fare for the round trip.
J. fllAXCIS, G. P. A.,
Oaaafca, Neb.