Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 03, 1899, Image 4

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    'AHiWJi KII1S (lAalLEt
tlmwood the Scene of a Fatal
Shooting Affray.
I it rin IIiiikI Ity ll Niiiiii of lltirrln Kill
On Mini hikI WimiikIii Two Olhrra
!;.. Ntiirfl Oyrrn i;nn- or 'rln l
lli- Kfimtitii irnin!-tlirrli In th
IIuihIm if I hi" OmriTM.
I'lmn Monday's I ai I v .
Tli following account of the Klm
wood hliootintr all ray is fi from Iho
Lincoln .hint-mil. Sheriff Wheeler
und County Attorney Koot Martod to
Klmwoful irmnudiiitely after l-ing
noli lot bivn not yet returned, wo
no additional i itforHintion h:w
(iron siTiin (I. Coroner Saltier Htfrted
nut this morning for the purpose of
holding :ui inquest, hut when he
renchr.l Union ho rcMved a telegram
not to tr tmo, that tin iiiqu'nt hud noon
hold. Tlio verdict, however, whs not
given. Following i- the .lournnl'ti ac
count :
"This moining ahout 10 o'clock , just
as the crowd was assembling, the re
union parl was the ne ne of a terrible
hooting alTray,and as a result Georgo
.loiu-s is now lying dead in the under
taking rooms of Clements A Co, Wil
liam Malene is lying with a bullet hole
UiKiiili liw leg, and Joe Hart has a
bruise over his heart, while John Har
ris, the man who did the shooting, is
in the hards of tho police.
"Tim day promised to boafairono
and the people were expecting to spond
a quiet Sabbath day in the, woods, hut
just ahout half an hour before ser
vices begun they were startled by
hearing four or live pistol shots in
rapid sueeos-ion, followed by eri?3 of
'police.' A mun was seen runing in
an easterly direction and several men
ir;ivo cliase. The. man soon gave him
self up, admitting that ho did the
shoo. in;.r, and handed hi- empty revol
vertoo-ieof the police, lie, in com
pany with several eyewitnesses to the
affray, wi re taken up town and locked
up and the county attorney and shoriff
telegraphed for.
"In about an hour Jones, the first
victim of tha shooting, died. Although
conscious tie rands no other statement
than 'I'm a gone rabbit.'
"The coroner was then telegraphed
for, hut cannot reach here until some
timo tonight, when the preliminary
examination will beheld.
Oiiarri'l Over Card Uame.
"All the men but one are from St.
Joe. The cause of the shooting- wa9
playing cards for money. They got
into a dispute, Harris iinally pulling a
revolver and shooting three of them
almo-t in the twinkling of tin eye.
"The Journal correspondent se
cured the following sto'-y from Ma
lone, the man who was bhot in the
" Menos, Hart and I are from St.
Joe, and camo with our wagon. Har
ris and Jours were playing a game of
seven up when they got into a dispute
Harris claimed tho money, and put it
in his pocket. Jones demanded it and
the two waxed warm in their dispute,
and without provocation Harris pulled
a gun and shot Jones in tho stomach
I think ho shot twico and missed once
Then he shot at Hart, hitting a note
book in his pocket, f-o the hall glanced
and did nothing more than make a
hruiso and burn the skin over his heart
By that time 1 thought it was getting
too warm for me and started to run,
when Harris took a shot at me and
got mo in the back of tho leg. Hart
and I were just looking on and were
not in it until tho bullets began to fly
in our direction.'
"It was impossible to obtain an in
terview with the prisoner, hut he does
ot deny the shooting, stating that
the men pitched onto him with clubs
and that ho shot them in self-dcfenae.
"There are many stories afloat in
regard to the shooting and it will be
hard to learn anything really definite
until the county attorney and coroner
make their investigation."
1. K. O. Minstrel.
The Belles of Darktown, a, most
amu.-ing concert company, will give
an open air concert at the rosidence of
Mrs. Henry Horold, Fifth and Elm
streets, on July G and 7. Should the
evening bo unpleasant, tho ontertain
nient will be held the following even
ing. Specialties and other attrac
tions. Everybody come and listen and
laugh. Plenty of fine music. Miss
Daisy Hall, a young lady who has had
much experience in this line, is get
ting up the play and there is no doubt
but that the cake walk alone will bo
worth the prico of admission.
An elegant cake will be given to the
winner in the cake walk each evening.
Tho one given Thursday evening is to
be furnished by the Holloway bakery
and the cne tho following night the
Witt-rs Taken to Kansas.
K. S. Witters, the fruit treo man.
who was arrested a week ago at Weep
ing Wator on the charge of defraud
ing the nursery ho represents out of
something like $S0O, was taken to
Kansas Saturday, Sheriff Murray of
Seneca having come after him. It
will be remembered that the officers
were detained from taking him to
Kansas on a writ of habeas corpus,
bat upon the Kansas authorities
agreeing to pay all the costs to date
the habeas corpus proceedings were
dropped. The fact of his being taken
to Kanas for trial will save Cass
eountr a considerable sum of money.
Matthew Gering will go to K&nsa to
defend Witters.
THE News is indebted to J. M. Leek
for a quantity of tho finest cherries
that have com under tho reporter's
notice this season. The were from
young trees and were very large.
I'loin Mniiihiv'x y.
C. A. Marshall, Dmtifct
Ice ereiiiu picked f.r picaie. parties
at IIoIIowmv'h.
Beforo buying bindir.g tuiie neo
Kbingtr I lard warn Co.
Ice croam freezers of the het-t makes.
Ebinger Hardware com pa iy.
Ice eruain flavored with extracts, So
ceats per quart at Ilollowny'ct.
Thero was ono and one-fourth inches
of r un foil at this place last night.
Buy your summer millinery at tin;
Metropolitan while you get it cheap
F. T. Oavis Co. sell nilk Hash
ribbons, all colors, at 10 cents a yard.
Keservo tho date?, July V and 7, to
attend tho I'. B. O. ladies minstrel
Tickets for the ladies minstrel show
now on sale at Behnhoff's, admission
lr conts.
No or vices were hold in the Muth-
odist church last evening on account
of tho rain.
A. W. Atwood, tho druggist, has
just what you want in wall paper.
Plnttsmouth Telephone 27.
A car-load cf soldiers camo through
on Burlington passenger No. 3 yes-
torday afternoon from tho east.
Bull lino of Quick Meal gasoline and
Blue Flamo oil stoves at Ebinger
Hardware Co., at reasonable prices.
Dr. W. C. Dean, donlist, 400, 410,
McCague building, northwcfct corner
of Fifteenth and Dodge stroet, Omaha.
Lost pair of Hat rimmed gold
spectacles in blue plush case. Finder
plcaso return to MeElwain's jewelry
Tho Ebinger Hardware company is
agent for the Monmouth filter and
water cooler. The finest thing out.
Soe them.
Money to loan on improved city real
estate by tho Blattsmouth Loan and
Building association. See T. M. Pat
terson, secretary.
When you want to smoke a 10-cent
cigar try Otto Wurl VSilver Wreath
union made jtou can find n better
on the market.
Telfer & Sheppard will mow your
lawn better than you can do it your
self. Won't cost much. Nebraska
telephone No. 7D.
Eight of Flattsmouth's society ladies
will givo an up to datrt "Cake Walk"
at the P. E. O. minsttel show. Come
guess who they are.
James L. Walker, a conservatory
graduate, instructor on piano and or
gan, also in voice culiure. Booms in
the Rockwo(d block.
The event of the season will be the
open air minstrel show, under the aus
pices of the P. E O society on Henry
Ilerold's lawn, July 6 aud 7.
Thero will t3 no paper issued from
this office tomorrow in order that the
employes may have the entire day to
properly celebrato the Fourth.
Loxt A ladies pin in the shape of
three diamonds set with pearls and
sapphires. Finder will be liberally
rewarded by leaving word at this office
Are you leaving town for tho Fourth?
To avoid smoking high priced trash
supply youmelf with Pepperberg's
high-grade Buds, best 5c cigars in the
U. S. A.
Hear Miss Cynthia Primrose sing
her latest song "Do Military Coon"
at Ileary Ilerold's, Thursday and Fri
day evenings. July G and 7. Admis
sion 35 cents.
R. A. Burkott, who has been em
ployed as clerk in tho office of Tom
Walling,ha? resigned his position and
returned yesterday to his home at
Fairfield, Neb.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers benefit
permanently. They lend gentlo assist
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, permanently curing consti
pation and liver ailments. F. G.
Fricke & Co
A sixty-pound fish was cap'ured in
the Missouri river near the B. & M.
depot last Saturday. Some of the
boys who went over to look at the
curiosity report that it is the largest
fish theyT have ever seen.
For. Salm A good six-room brick
house and two lots. Good cellar; city
and cistern water; barn and eoal shed.
Located near the shops. Can givo a
clear title. Will sell cheap. Enquire
of Mrs. Stamm, on Vine stroet.
Wine Graves appeared on the
streets yesterday in an intoxicated
condition and was landed in jail. He
appeared before Judge Archer tbi3
morning and was given an order for a
week's board at the notel McBride.
Charles Martin, who was formerly
in the employ of M. S. Briggs, has
opened one of tho neatest barber shops"
in town under Morgan's store. Every
thing is new and bright, and satisfac
tion is guaranteed or he will put back
the whiskers.
A Weeping Water farmer sold
George Davis some feed, but in unload
ing he dumped out some rock in the
alley, which he had weighed up with
the load. George, instead of making
an example of the man, let him off
easy. Nebraska City News.
The plan of Lehnhoff Bros, to sell
nothing in their stores but Platts
mouth cigars is worthy of emulation
by all other merchants. There are
just as good cigars made in this town
as can be found any place and it is not
necessary to handle outside cigars.
W. H. Harvey, author of "Coin's
Financial School," "Up To Date" and
"A Tale of Two Nations," will lecture
at Waterman's hall in this city Wed
nesday evening, July 12, on "Law and
Civilization." Admission will be free
and no one should fail to hear this
famous student of political economy.
Phil Thierolf, John P. Sattler, Otto
Wurl and James Ilerold drove out to
South Bend yesterday to look up a
location for tho Turner picnic to bo
held In August. They report a fine
placo thore, hut havo not decided as
yet whether or not that will bo tke
Tiik is reliably informed that
parties are seining fish from both the
Blackmao and Four Mile creeks, north
of PlatWnouth, and are bringing the
fish to this city. Tho parties reside
up near tho Platte rivor, but their
names woro not learned. Hero is an
opportunity for tho stito f shories to
do toino good work.
"What among human ills aro more
annoying than piles? Tho afflictions
that prevent active exorcises aro bad
enough, but ono that makes even rest
misorable is worse. Women aro among
its groatoBt martyrs. Tabler'a Buck-
eyo Pile Ointment will cure the most
obstinato cases. Price, 50 cts. in bot
tle, tubes 7i(j. F. (I. Fricke & Co.
Ijewis E. Karnes of Plattsmouth,
grnnd patriarch of the Nebraska Odd
Fellows, was here last Tuesday and in
tho evening visited and inspected
Hamlin lodge No. 24. Ho expressed
himself as highly pleased with theevi
dences of the prosperity of the order
in Tecumseh and was especially in
terested in the new building which
tho society is erecting. Tecumseh
From Monday's Daily.
Miss Lena Barnes of Louisville
visited friends in tho city yesterday.
William Krwehler return ed yester
day from a short visit to Sheridan,
Attorney John A. Davies went to
Schuyler today where he will eelebraTe
tho Fourth.
CharleB Richey of Louisville was in
tho city today and went homo by the
way of Omaha.
Mrs. George Olive of Weeping Wa
ter is in tho city visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. M. Leyda.
Mrs. John Mumm returned this
morning from a short visit with rela
tives at Cedar Creek.
Mrs. W. L. Browne came in from L?
coin Saturday evening for a visit in
this city with relatives.
Will Stadelman of Chicago is in the
city visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Sladelmann.
Dr. C. A. Marshall went to Bur
lonrton Saturday evening to join his
wifs and visit relatives several days.
Mrs. John Kuhney and children
went to Corning, I i., ye-tterday where
they will visit relatives for several
Mr. and Mrs. II irry Minert went
over to Villisca, I., Saturday evening
for a visit over the Fourth with the
former's parents.
(Jus Steiheimer and Miss Ne.lio
Johnson of Kansas City camo in yes
terday for a visit over the Fourth with
Guy and Mable Johnson.
Mrs. Emma Valisca and Mrs. Eva
Bowers of Lincoln came down Satur
day evening and spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johns.
Mrs. Asher Clark and Mrs. B. Elson
departed yesterday afternoon for San
Francisco, Cal., where they will "at
tend the national convention of teach
Charles Rhode of Leavenworth,
Kan., arrived in the city Ifist evening
to visit his mother, Mrs. A. Rhode, a
couple of days He is employed on the
Leavenworth Times as machine op
orator and is doirrg well.
Frojn The Times.
Mrs. G orgo Prentiss passed through
town Thursday evening enrouto to
Sheridan, Wyo., where she will visit
her husband aDd enjoj' the mountains
for two weeks.
J. D. Young and Gus Hyers leavo
tomorrow for Denver for a few days
lay-off and rest up from their labors.
Councilman Dio Smith will go along
and chaporone tho party.
Mr. William Ballance of Iiatts-
mouth was in town last Sunday exer
cising a f tth&rly oversight over Mas
ter Mechanic Greusel and giving him
some excellent admonition.
Mr. M. Schirk is moving in a fine
seven-room house from Bethany which
he will locate on the property ho re
cently purchased in Hubbard place.
He bought eleven lots there and is go
ing to establish a vine and tig tree,
second to none in town.
O D. Coroy, operator at tho shops
office, went down to Piattsmouth last
Saturday evening to visit witk James
Biddlecom. This trip is noteworthy
in tho fact that it is the first time in
three years service with the Burling
ton that he has traveled on a pass or
taken a trip on the road, excepting oc
official business between Ilavelock and
Lincoln. We don't know of any one
who can equal that record.
Three (or $1.
Laundered Percale Shirts Elson, the
Waubousie Lake UoiiiK Dry.
There is every indication that the
Waubonsie lake will soon bo a thing
of the past. Notwithstanding the
frequent and heavy rains this spring
there is very little water in the lake
at present, and is getting lowar every
day. It is the general belief among
the people who have lived near this
historic lake for years that if it drys
up this season it will never fill up
aeain, except perhaps through an
overflowing of the Missouri river. It
will be remembered that this lake was
planted in corn two years ago. Tabor
The News office is the best equipped
job office in Cass county. FirBt ciasa
work done on short notice.
To rnuilmt Tutierenlonla.
WASHINGTON. D. C. July 1. Bur
Koon J. Uoyd of the nnvy, one of the
United States dolegatea to the r':ent
tubrcuiorild cotAfeTPSB In Berlin, haB
returned to "IVashlnxton and iu prepar
ing a report for the department ou the
work of the congress. Dr. Boyd
thinks the result of the congress will
he important. The chief question now
interatlnK the profession Is the pre
paration of an effective serum to com
bat the disease.
Th profession sees no reason why
the development of a tuberculosis ser
um should not revolutionize the mor
tality rate in consumption as much at
has the devlopment of the antl-toilne
of diphtheria.
The development of consumptive
sanitariums In Europe Is another mat
ter that has attracted much Interest
among the profession on this side of
the Atlantic and preparations are now
being inade for the establishment of a
consumptive ranch in the high and
dry region of the southwest for the
benefit of the merchant marine.
Ot-iKlurraea Chrg; ltlotera.
BRUSSELS, July 1 The rioting
here was continued until 2 a. m. at
various points. The gendarmes
charged fiercely several times on the
Boulevard Auspach and used ball cart
ridges on the Grand place. One rioter
was bayoneted and two reporters were
s-iiou:-iy injured. Saucepans and
other domestic implements were
thrown from windows during the night
at the troops.
The Gazette says 100 persona have
been in-jured during th rioting and
that of this number eight were seri
ously wounded.
At the opening of the chamber of
deputies today a motion was Intro
duced amending the rules bo as to al
low the expulsion of any deputy caus
ing a disturbance. The socialists vig
orously protested and violently aneth
matized the movers.
M. de la Nanthcere, rightist, defend
ed the proposal and delivered a caustic
indictment of the socialists, who inter
rupted him by whistling, hooting and
banging their desks.
Found l):il i:i KooiuinK Hoase.
KANSAS CITY, July i.A special to
the Star from Arkansas C'-ty, Kan.,
says: Ex-Rtate Representative J. V.
Beekman is dead hfie. Last night
about 10:15 May Miller, the proprl
etress of a rooming house, notified the
police that Judge Beekman was dead
at her house. He stated that at about
4 o'clock Beekman came to her house
and asked for a room and requested
her to call him at 10 o'clock. At the
time stated she went to call Beekman
and found him dea-d.
Beekman came here about ten years
ago from Lincoln, 111., and is well
known in Logan and Tazewell counties
of that state. He was a very promi
nent and successful lawyer and had
served one term in the Kansas state
Watching: toe TranBViiiil.
Bay, July . The United States cruiser
Chicnpo, Rear Admiral Howlson s flag
shin, has arrived here. Its commander
will proceed to Pretoria.
The Chicago sailed from New York
in April last to circumnavigate Africa
but owing to the unsettled state of
affairs in the Transvaal is to remain
in that vicinity to protect American
A Mountain Kange of Iron Ore.
The ranee of heights in question is
remarkable for the fact that the sum
mits of the heights and the interve
ing ridges eousist of a nearly uabroken
rruterop of magnetic iros ore. an inci
dent that had already attracted atten
tion 200 years ago; and spasmodic at
tempts havo from timo to time been
made to utilize this vast store of use
ful material, but without achieving
any measure of success. This is Hot to
bo wondered at when one has made
tho ncquaintHnco of the country and
its roads. Tho country has climatic
disabilities, and, moreover, consists
mainly of swamps, marshes and lakes,
with a few hills here and there. There
is bt f canty vegetation, thin forests
of stunted trees, with an occasional
birch or pino towering above like a
giant in an assembly of dwarfs, and
mossy and terubby growth elsewhere
It is not the sort of country to attract
a population, and as a consequence
good roads aro not wanted and are to
be found. At the present time Kii
runavaara and Luosavaara aro acces
sible from Gellivaro by a route, the
first stage of which is a very indiffer
ent road, some for;y miles in length,
touchintr on the way the email settle
ments of Murquivaara and Maskujarn,
and terminating at Lappensuando, on
tho Kalix river. This river may bo
ferried and the journey bo continued
by road, but it is preferable to take
the boats or canoes and folks of the
country and proceed up riyer. This is
a broad stream of water, with a re
markably irregular bed, along which
is distributed at frequent intervals a
plentiful supply of boulders of varying
sizes, so that with two passengers in a
boat and three men to work it, pad-
dlinsr, sculling, poling and towing ac
cording to circumstances, the journey
up stream proves a very laborious
task, not devoid cf excitement. David
A. Louis, in Tho Engineering Mag
azine for Julj .
I'eiiRixns and Disabilities.
It seems very queer that a man who
has been examined by a medical board
of the pension ofiice and found suf
ficiently disabled to entitle him to a
pension should go a few blocks west
to the war department and bi report
ed physically sound by a military
medical board, and then, after the
war, go Sack to the pension office for
re-exaiaination and get another re
port of total physical disability. Tho
fact that the army medical board haa
declared a man sound has no weight
with the pension medical boards, and
vice versa. When a pensioner enlisted
in the army he had to forfeit hi3 pen
sion, and now, when he Is mustered
out it is granted him again. These
cases are occurring every day, and
simply Illustrate the weakness in the
pension bureau. Chicago Record.
Ice! lcM Icel!!
Order your ice of McMaken & Son.
Telephone 72 or 73.
The "Gkit Hell" 5-cent eigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union naade. For sale by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
From Monday's Ilaily,
Muchinlst Chas. Purdy camo up
from Havolock Wednonday morning
to work in tho Alliance fhops Hg.itn.
Alliance Times.
A number of wrecked c irs were
brotaghl in from Wahoo Saturday
evening, and will undergo repairs at
the local nhopo. Tho forco of truck
men who went out to the icoue of the
accident i. lso returned Saturday
ight. ,
While a gang of workmen from the
repair shops were engagod putting up
a new smoke-stack at tho boiler house
lafet week, a rope attached to the big
pipe in some way became unfastened
md pormittcd it to fall to tho ground.
Several men who were working be
low narrowly escaped serious injury.
It will require eomo timo before tho
pipe can bo repaired.
Jako Kaufman, an old time engi
neer on the Burlington at this point,
arrived in town today to visit old
friends. lie was Hcoompaaied by his
wife and children.
The employes of the Burlington
shops will he given a day off tomorrow
so that they can celobrato indepen
dence day.
The men in the Burlington p'.aning
mill aro working on the twelvo hour
schedule now in order to handle the
immense amount of work.
Several departments of the shop9
were closed down today in order to
give the men an opportunity to attend
tho exposition.
Mnoy Furnpen Noblewomen Ilava Mili
tary Titles.
It is quite the fashion In Europe to
make royal ladies colonels f regi
ments or admirals of fleets, and almost
all the dau0uters of royal houees hold
one or more of these positions, wnioh
would place their owners in some very
compromising situations if a gearl
'.European conflict ensued. Queen Vic
toria Is not only ooionei of one of Jjhe
rack English regiments, iie IWyal
Horse Guards, but she also noils a
iirailar rank in a regiment of Prussia
inssars. Her majesty has never &oa
led the slrort blue tunic and titer
Uligatory uniforms of this latter body,
ut her daughter, the former Empress
'redeiick, who is likewise a coionei of
avaliy, has often appeared at reviews
:n the loose braided jacket, fur cap.
scarlet tights and gold embroidered top
boots of her regiment, a dan of -femininity
being added in a blue skiit not
":elonsing to the regimental uniform,
i he ficsciit empress of Ccrmanir is a
:oloneI of a body of cuirassiers, and at
eviews rides at her husband's sJJe la
a white riding skirt, white military
jacket and plumed three cornered cap.
The German empress also holds the
rank of admiral hi the Russian fleet,
and is captain In an Austrian mili
tary regiment. The queen of Greece,
a Russian princess. Is admiral In ttve
Russian navy. Most of the prlneeasei
in the Prussian royal house are f.rmr
officers of high rank, but they content
themselves with wearing the colors of
their commands Instead of riding at
their heads in full uniform. The
duchess of Connaught is captain of a
body of artillerymen, and serves un
der her husband, the duke, who Is
colonel of the regiment.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamn, Elston,
Mo., write: "Ono Minute Cough Cure
saved tho life of our little boy when
nearly dead with croup. P. G. Pr eke
& Co.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn, scald,
cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures old sores,
fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns,
all skin eruptions. Best pile cure o
earth. Only '25 cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke &
Co. 5
To the Public.
For tho purpose of encouraging, up
building and maintaining oar home
institutions, we have decided to close
out our entire stock of foreign-made
5-cent cigars at cost, and handle only
the product of our home factories. We
do this knowing that the goods made
here are equal and m iny times super
ior to outside goods, and we propose
to give all the encouragement possible
to local enterprise. While our stock
of foreign-made 5 cent cigars last we
will sell them out at tho rate of seven
cigars for 2o cents. Respecifully,
LEnNnoFF Bros, axd
P. O. Book Store.
The Time to go to California
Is in summer this summer late in
June or early in July when sea and
sky and vin"-c'ad slops are at their
best when the rate is little more than
half as much as usual.
If you take the Burlington route you
will have cooler weather and finer
scenery than via any other line to
Information and California litera
ture on request. J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Y'ou can't cure dyspepsia by dieting.
E it good wholesome food, and plenty
of it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
food without aid from tho stomach, and
is made to cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Dr. W. C. Dean...
409. 410 AlcCagne Knlldlnir DrnQriQ
N.rthwest cer. 15th and Dodge sts JlllAll(X
All work carefully and well dona. Nervous pa
tients will receive especial consideration.
If 6S60U k
Will Occupy Their
New Store...
6or. Filth and lain
A Few More of Those
Iron Beds Left-.
Beautiful Line of Bookcases..
Just receive! Come in nnd price 'em... .An elegant An
tiquo O.ik Sideboard goes for $15 for tho next thirty day-.
This i? a rare bargain and cannot be duplicated an yv hi: e.
Those Oak Rockers at $1.75...
Are BARGAINS which everyone takes hold of who S'-es
The Furniture Man and Undertaker
Gering & Co., Druggists.
The Platte Mutual Insurance
8150,000 Insurance in Torcc.
I7IIY will you pay your money t foreign Insurance companion, who take it
" out of the state, when you can get In-urnnco for less cost from a Nebraska
Company. Only the Best Class of Business and Dwelling House
Property Accepted.
OfflcorB and Directors Tom. K. Parmele, President; Geo. K. Dovny, Vice
president; T. Frank Wiles, Secretary; Frank J. Morgan, Treasurer; C. K.
Wescott, W. J. White, Henry Iloeck, I. O. Dwyer, Geo. A. Hay,.II. It Goring
New Hardware Store
Having- returned to Piattsmouth, I will -he glad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything usually carried in a first-class
hardware store.
Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will
interest you.
Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH
jp 4M Cfp 4jp j 4D
f r r r
For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. m-JW
pvi by -v JAMES F- BALLARD. St- Louis.
With Mattress
and Springs
will cure liliiKi, Ish-edm;.' and It hing I'iles Jt absorbs the
tumor, allays the itching ;it o:i e, arts as a poultice, privs
iusUmt relief. Prepared ;sily for Piles and itching of IU
Srivate parts. Every box is warranted. Jude Coons, fit
laysville, Ky , sm.vs: 'lr. Vilii;irn' Indian Pile Oint
ment cured me after , ears n( sufTerintr." Sold by druggists
sent by mail on receipt of price. 50 cents and $1.00 per box.
4A M
f c