A DAY OF MAI) TUMULT Mob Lnw t BrwnolH 3 Hourly CWinn:: Itn Sway. Hit ft i guns i:ir: ion ri von Wll.l lit..., I l,M.tl,. rr A.IJ.,.,r.. I Tl.. IT.n.l.r ltn,r,,. .; Thr.-Kl.,...., ,, vi..l.,.t- - ,, Hi" 0.it,H lli4 ,,,, V11 ,,,, Troop. "Hir.SSRLS, July 1.-Ti. rU.rm ,f vril,ny w;iH ,-,.,..,.,, , ,.,,.lIrj,1Hr "f df'puti.'H yfstf-r.l.iy. Tlu- norland hurled Hnat.hf.niaH at M. .1. Van.hn r'ifl,,ui, who fiirtfj.voi.-.l t(. explain tho union t:ik-n hy tho poll.; yester lay ami thtt woclalh t poi KiHtwitly ln-tf!i-riipfMl ami inmilt.-d tho i.n'inhir. re proaching him with !,i.Jn reaponsl lI lor yfstorday'H i(,nllii -tn hftwocn tin; ppoplf! and tho police. AlMiouKh a vote censuring tho gov- rniucnt was rejected by thr rluilmr tiy a vote of Hlxty-Hfv.Mi to th-lrty one, the tumult wuh bo Kroat that tho i res ident HiiHpondfd the Hittiiu;. Tho so fiallHtH then led a ehe.-iiiiK crcwd, nhoutin "viva In rfjpuhlhjmV to the park, when; a conflict with "."iid.-irni-cs occurred. Thence the inol, pro ceedel to the nubile. H'jnare. the sihoriH cloning an the riofera approached. Later it wn announced that Klrif? Leopold had a long conference ith Vanden I'erebooin. iie:g.-re and l;-er-Kaert. The latter has neen suirn.on ol from The llanne. It was reported that M. V'unden I'ereboom wo'.ild ro fdftn. When the chamber reas.sciubled to nlHht M. De.stre, Hociallst. (ailed atten tion to the riots which had occurred hIuco the adjournment, in which he wuh struck by a gendarme' a word and demanded the uihii'h iMiniiihir.tiir. Thereupon the chamber at mce re turned to a sta-to of tumult, the sovlal iatH, surroundinK M. Vaiden I'ere boom with clenched fists, d-iuue..;inK him. As the tumult increased the chamber ror,e. In the meantime the streets were filled by a shouting mob. which event ually gathered In front of the war ministry, where gendarmes witli their swords drawn attempted to disperse the rioters. Order have been issued prohibiting street asseiiiblaKefi tonight. At the concliiHloii of a great meet ing; in the town hall this evening thou Bands attempted to cross the mrand place, In which the town hall stands. The gendarmes charged with drawn swords and the crowd retaliated with stones. Shots were fired on both sides. Threo persons were wounded and a police officer was severely stab bed with a shoemaker's knife. The rioters on being dispersed as sembled In the Hue Royal, tenting up the imvlng stones and unlng tnese mlssileu. Finally the civic Kuard was ordered out to relieve the police. De spite these attempts to suppress the disturbances rioting continued to a lake hour, many perKoir.i being in jured. Ultimately the troops were called and thirty-five arrests were made, many of those taken in custody beiHg In possession of revolvers. The public prosecutor, with his en tire staff, remains on permanent d-uty at the Hotel de Villo. It is rumored that one man who was wounded has since died at the hos pital. The hill of M. Vanden Pereb xnn seeks to perpetuate the clerical domin ation of the coHntry. It piovulc.i for a proportional representation In dis tricts electing more than three mem bers. The liberals and socialists rea lize that its effect would 1)3 to maintain the Catholic representation in th smaller constituencies and practically to exclude the literals and socialists from the larger districts A new Nernaert ministry is predict ed as the outcome of the agitation. In extent the crisis is one of the most serious that has occurred in Helclan history. Sityn Kenuotly la I nnocon t. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., July 1. Will iam Jennings, or "Bill' Ryan, one of the convicted Macomb train robbers, has made a written confession, in which he declares that Kennedy is In nocent of the crime of which he has been adjudged guilty. In the course of his confession Jen nings, or Ryan, says: "In company with another man I arrived at Nigh's house on Christmas eve, at which place we planned said hold-up an. carried it out, and I know nil of the parties concerned in said robbery, and just as sure as there is a God in heaven, just so sure is there one man who stands convicted of being one of the party in said hold-up that is as inno cent of being at Macomb on January 3 or in the neighborhood thereof as a new-born babe, and that man is John F. Kennedy." He adds that If Shepard will speak he can corroborate this. New Lo-ouiotlvR for Vnion Facitio. OMAHA, Neb., July 1. Forty ten wheel locomotives of tho "1700" series are now being delivered to the Union Pacific for use exclusively on the Ne braska division freight traffic. Nos. 1703 and 1704 are already at the shops here and are being run about the yards getting into smooth working order for service on the road immediately. Eight more are on the road and will be here tomorrow. The other thirty will com-j at the rate of one a day. Kpuorth League Otticer. Fr i n Saturday s Daily. iVie members of the Epworth League held tneir regular business and social meeting last evening- at the home of Mrs. A. P. Campbell. Re freshments were served during the evening. Following i a list of tho newly-elected officer?, who will look After the business affairs of the society for the ensuing term: President C S. Polk. First Vice President Elizabeth Eikenbary. Second Vice President Margaret Ronnie. Third Vice President EJna Eaton. Fourth Vice President Mrs. Nettie Heeson. Secretary A?nes Beach. Treasurer Nellie Whaieu. Chorister Mrs. A. P. Campbell. 5 Cents Buys a kemstitchwd handkerchief of Elson. the Clothier. Ah Atchison man is so lucky that he loses his umbrella on a clear day. MAYOR OF MISXiGON KIILID. Miot Down ly it 1 IshioIiiI l OMco HrrUrr Who Commits Sulclilv. AIi'SKEUON, Mich.. July 1. Mayor James Jla'olrnlo wan assassinated at noon yesterday by J. YV. Tayer, a dis appointed t illicit seeker. Tayer shot Mayor Balbiinie while the latter was Htandltig in tlii- doorway of his stor Halbl'tilo expired fifteen minutes lat er. Tayer swallowed some, carbolic acii ana then turned the revolver uu himself. John W. Tayer was ex-city po. di rector. At the time of the shooting, Western avenue, the main thorough fare, fin which the mayor's store id situated, was crowded. After the mayor was shot, he stag gored, turned and ran upstairs. re fore he had reached tho stairway Tayer was lying on the walk with a bullet through his breast. Fearing that h had not completed his work, Tayer swallowed the contents of a bottlf of carbolic acid. He vas re moved to tho city hall, where he died at 1 o'clock. The affair arose over Mayor Halblrnle's refusal to reap point director of the city poor. Tayer had hftld the position for some years, but thin spring was ousted. He then , Ilea tie sextion and was refused. Aaseta too Siiutll to Out. HAY CITY, Mich., July 1. Spencer O. Fisher, ex-congressman, leading democratic politician and formerly a wealthy lumberman, has Hied a peti tion In bankruptcy in the federal court. Tho action is the result of a scries of misfortunes, caused by failures of oth ers with whom Mr. Fisher had busi ness relations. Tho petitioner's per sonal liabilities are given at $12H,475, about $75,000 of which is secured by mortgages anl otner collateral. Mr. Fisher Is liable for some $1520, 000 com mercial paper, signed jointly with vari ous business associates. All his avail able assets are pledged to secure tho Indebtedness of himself and of the firm of Turner & Fiber. As to the petition er's assets of $lti(,(O0 due on notes, $1,200 are scheduled as good, the re mainder worthless; flll,.r00 due's on open accounts is all stated to bo worth less. Of Mr. Fisher's personal indebt edness, $2t;0,000 is scheduled as notes and bills which (night to be paid by others. Out of Omtraiit hie. SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. The steamer Nippon Maru, suspected of being infected with the bubonic plague, has been released from quar antine, after being thoroughly fumi gated by Dr. Kinyoun, the federal quarantine. officr, at Angel's Island. Its passenger and crew were held on tin Island, but the steamer Is now lying off the Pacific Mall docks, where it is the intention to unload 'the cargo. Although Dr. Barbnt, bacterioligist of tho Hoard of Health, fears t7at the bacilli taken from the glands of the two Japanese sailors found in the bay are plague bacilli, from their close re semblance to the germs of the Asiat ic Olsfa-se, he cannot express a defi nite (-pinion until today, when the cul tures will have been developed. Mean time the members of the Hoard of Health declare their intention to pre vent the landing of freight from the vessel. IMtllc with IIiiliMiii-r. SAN JOSE. Cal., July 1. In a bat t'e with highbinders in Chinatown at mi .'night Deputy Sheriff V. L. P.ache was shot in the side and badly wound ed. A bullet entered, but did not pe etrito the abdominal cavity. Sheriff L.ang'"ord received word that six high binders were coming from San Fran cisco to kill I'jCv On Poon, president of the Hip Sing Tong, and with sev eral d-putlc-s was on watch, when a gang of Chinese appeared and opened fire, which was returned by the officers- Deputy Hache was hit at the first volley, and it is thought that one of the Chinese was killed, but his body has not been found. Four of the Llgh binders were arrested. Yitlt'.iciii Sails for M:miHi. WASHINGTON, July 1 The war department is in receipt of the follow ing dispatch: SAN FRANCISCO, Juiy 1. Adjutant General, Washington: Transport Va lencia left yesterday evening .. ith headquarters band, troops B and M, Tenth cavalry, seven officers, 195 men, 200 rounds carbines, 120 pistol ammu nition per man. Companies E and II Twenty-fifth infantry, three officers, 253 men. 200 rounds rhlo ammunition per man, one assistant surgeon, one acting assistant surgeon, six men, hospital corps. SH AFTER, Commanding. Some Xeiv Instruments. The M. W. A. band boys have re ceived five now instrument?, valued at about $.'300, direct from the manufac turing establishment of O. J. Conn, Elkhart, Ind. Tho instruments are fine ones, and with these additions the boys will undoubtedly hi able to give the best of satisfaction in tho musical lino. The band now has eighteen mem bers, with a prospect of securing sev eral more. Ed Schulhof has been se lected as director, and under his man agement the boys hopo to considerably improve their talents. A movement is on foot to have the band play at the park every Sunday afternoon, and if no objection is made by church people to such a proceeding there is a pros pect of regular Sunday afternoon con certs. Lntil July Tenth. Judge B. S. Ramsey this morning aljournod district court until July 10, at which time ho will decide who is to pay the costs incident to the Watson disbarment proceedings. This morn ing he granted permission to the peti tioners to file counter affidavits and to the defense to file additional affidavits in the matter of tho verbal stipulation entered into prior - to the hearing of the casr, that the losing parties were to pay the costs of tho same. Ne braska City News. List ef Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post office at Plattsmoulh, July , 1899: Dickson, G C) Eaton Newt Hamers, John E Johnson, John Nixon, Mrs Ida Pirott, Mr A Goodell, K M Greenffjld, Daniel Heistaner, Anna Mayer, Mrs Henry Nix, Mrs Gustave Smith, Lyman Van SheeU, Delia Witherell, S When calling for any of the above letters please say "advertised." C H. Smith, Postmaster. RICH DIGGINGS AT CAPE NOME. Wnnhlnc i'roUtable, but Urnrock Hum Not Vrt Been K. iirb.'il. SEATTLE, Wash.. June 28 The latest advices from the newly dis covered gold fifcld at Cape Nome, Alaska, are contained in a letter from Major H. S. irigraham of Seattle, who writes under date of February 2, Major Ingmham is the leader of a party of fourteen men, who were fitted out by Prince Lulgl of Italy and local business men. He went first to Kotzebue sound, but finding nothing there, crossed overland to Cape Nome, with a portion of the party, enduriirx considerable hardship. Part of the time the men had but two pancakes a day. Major liigTaham writes: "On September 23 Fix men Went to work to tost their claims, some on Snow creek and the rest on Anvil creek. Tha best paa was obtained on Snow creek and amounted to $8.25. The aggregate of four days' work was $4 less than $1,800. Tho gold was of good quality and sold at St. Michael without assay for $10.85 per ounce. "On account of the lateness of the season and lack of supplies no attempt to reach bedrock was made. The news soon spread and there lias been a constant arrival of prospectors from Unalaska, St. Michael and as far south as Kuskoqulm. Fully 500 locations have been made tit date- "Two other districts havo betm or ganized, one at Linrock, beyond Cape Rodney, and the other with Bonunsca creek as a center. The rich finds at Cape Nome and on the Ne-Uck-Luck, a tributary of Fish river, prove be yond doubt that the rich mineral belt of the Yukon crossea to SilK-ila. Pay dirt is reported to have been struck on a river flowing into the chain oi lakes having outlet at Port Clarence. "Before starting from Kotzebue sound, December lf, 1898, prospectors had como in from tho Noatak, re porting the discovery of a rich and extensive mineral belt north of the river. In November, 1898, there was a 6tanipede from among the prospec tors wliiteilng on the Kowak to re ported rich diggings on the Alashuck, a tributary of the Kyukuk. There la no doubt but that next summer will witness remarkable developments in the vicinity of Gollviu bay." MEETING Of REFORMERS. iatl.erl.if; at HufTalo of Muuy I1 tliiKuIrthcil M. BUFFALO, June 28. Distinguished men from al sections of the country are expected here today t participate in tho discussion on reforms before the national social and political con ference, which will open at 10 o'clock. An elaborate program nas been ar ranged. Today national and local mo nopolies will be discussed; on Thurs day, militarism, single tax, non-parti san temperance, organized labor and direct legislation will be among the subjects discussed, and on Frltay, "What Can the Parties Do?" and "Is a New Party Needed?" will be de bated. Later on that day the people with ideas "as to the first thing to do" will meet and select speakers, who will address the deluegates on Satur day. The committee will report on Monday as to possiblue harmony in method. A general discussion Milul foluluow. Alul the meetings will be in execu tive session. Among those expected to be present are Cnlef Justice Doster of Kansas supreme court, Attorney General Frank Monnett, of Ohio, Rev. R. Heber Newton, President Gec.rge A. Coles of Iowa college. Hon. Char- ion Butler, Geordge Fred Williams and Eugene V. Debs. On the Fourth of July there will be two public sessions addressed by prominent men and wo men. Ken t .ic'isy Democrats In Convention. LOUISVILLE. Ky., June 28. The belligerency of the delegates to the state democratis convention from all appearances passed away during the night. Chairman Red wine this morn ing ordered the first bailor for gover nor without arousing a wrord of. pro test. It proceeded in a humdrum way, the three candidates dividing the vote just about as they have been from the start. Conferences between the Stone and Hardin managers lasted until late in the night without bringing them nearer to an agreement. They have nothing in common save opposition to Goebel and that cause does not appeal strongly enough to their followers to bring about a working agre-nv?nt. The whole contest still swings around the Kenton county man, who has from the start played his hand coolly and skillfully and has not yet lost a trick. The drift of the .Hardin-Stone coali tion is strong! toward Hardin in pref erence to Stono, but there is no sign that it can be made effective. The first ballot, the fourteenth since voting began, resulted: Stone, 378; Hardin, 858, Goebel, 356. Torn to IMecen. Dr. Cagley, a dentist, and Dr. Per kins, a physician, oi Shenandoah, la., last, evening went to Farragut, la., on a little fishing trip. It seems that Dr. Cagley had ideas of his own in refer ence to capturing fish in a mode more easily than with a hook and perhaps faster. So he took along several sticks of dynamite, which he intended to ex plode in the water and then gather up the fish as they lay stunned or dead on top of the water. Early this morning, while out get ting ready to discharge the dynamite under the water, it seem that Dr. Cagley carried one of the sticks of dynamite under his a-m or in his hand. In soma way the powerful ex plosive was discharged and the whole side of his body torn away. Dr. Per kins rendered all of the aid possible to his friend but the explosion had torn away so much of the body that it was really past human skill to save his life, and his friend died in a short time. The deceased is well known in this city, having visited here often with Dr. J. P. Nesbitt, and was one of the most popular dentists in fouthwestern Iowa. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his sudden death. Nebraska Citv News. Thomas Rhoads, Centerfiold, O., writes: lT suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which perma nently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harmless. Beware of coun terfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. This rule can always be depended upon: A gossip will be just as bad as the listener permits him to be. CITY AND COUNTY. S A l t ' lil. Y A. L. "v. linger wm mi On.uh-i pM.-.-en ger today on the fat mail. Mrs. John Mumm went to Louisville tlii afternoon for a vi-il over Sundiy Hon. William Neville returned tlii morning from a business trio to Hiys viile, 1 1 1. Mr. IC. V. lilac! and Jrs Will Allls departed lor Iti'r. ver today on a pleasure trip. Dr. K. J5. ahace ol litinn was in town today looking after legal malt -rn at tho court hou-e. Tho M. W. A. band h.-n been en gaged to play at the Fourth of July celebration ut Louisville. T. H. Pollock and T. 11. Kwing. who went to Chicago a few days at'o to at tend a convention of independent tele phone companh s, returned hoinolhh morning. J. W. Uridge arrived in the city to day from Hannibal, Mo., and will nr rangn to m'.'ve his family lothatpli.ee. He has sold his property in the Third ward to I '.'-ad White n another column oi Tin: Ni:w.sap pears the announcement of C. II. Wes cott & Son s icmoval, on July o, to their new room at the corner of Fifth and Main streets. Read it. J ooias ) on n n arrived borne Iiom Oklahoma this morning, where ho h'is been for a week looking at tho coun try. He waw pretty well pleased with the country 'tid may decide to mov there. v smaa wrccK on me n. iv m. was reported near Wuhoo today, but no one was scriour-ly injured. Charley John son, formerly tho local yardmastcr, is reported to have b3 en the corductor on the train. A shel'lll from K'Hi-:is was in town touay aiiu mane arrangements ioi me removal to Kansas of Witters, the fruit tree man. Tho Kansas author ities paid all tho court costs and Mat thew Goring dismissed the habeas corpus proceedings. In district court today the testimony in the caso of Ilonry Eikenbary vs. W. IJ. Porter was concluded, while a ver dict was rendered in ft.vor of tho plaintiff in the case of Frank R. Guth mau.vs. William O. Weston. The di vorce caso of Carrie F.. Black vs. Junius N. Black was dismissed. Quite a number of Plaitsmouth peo ple contemplate attending the educa tional convention, which is to be held at San Francisco, Cal. Next Wednes day a party consisting of Mis-cs Olive Gass, Florence Richardson, Fmma. Ed wards. M:s. A. Clark, Mrs. 15. Elson, Mrs. Nobe and Messrs. G. L Farley, Casper Thygeson and O. D. Thygeson will leave for that place. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. Thsy make pure blood and strong nerves and build up .your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 2o cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. ATCHISON OI.OISi: SIOIITS. We thoroughly despise the candid man who is always telling people what he thinks. WThat has become of the old fash ioned woman who didn't think she was treating her guests tight if they ever stopped eating. When a man is invited out to dinner at some time in the future, without a date being sef, he reflects that he has been fooled that way before. The women are about to b eclipsed a woman will visit in Atchison shortly who was doctors rem lined night. onco so sick threo at hr r bedside all When a woman admits to another occasionally finds a woman that she bedbug in her house, it indicates that she reposes the greatest confidenco in her. An Atchison woman bought a dress that was warranted not to shrink with washing. She had a good cry about something the first time she had it on and th? dress shrank about two inches. One objection to prayer is that a great many cast their burdens on the Lord, and shake oil further responsibil ity, leaving someone less given to pray ing to blaza a way out of the difficulty. The Het Opportunity. Owing to circumstances over which they had no control, the Tootle- Weakley Millinery company was forced to take tho 3tock of goods sold to J. Wolf & Co., known as the Metropolitan Milliner' store, and are now going to give the people or Plattsmouth and vicinity somo ex ceedingly low prices wholesale and below ;s long as the goods last. The stock is all new, the store having been established but a short time, and you are sure to get up-to-date goods at satisfacto-y prices. This is certainly grand opportunity for anyone needing millinery goods. Is your liver tired? Does it fail to do its duty? If so, don't neglect its call for help. A few doses of He: bine may save you a spell of sickness. Ilerbine is the only perfect liver medicine. It cures chills and fever. Price oOcte. F. G. Frieke & Co. Fun Sale on Kent Store room and dwelling combined, 34x-5S feet, known as the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmund-, Murray, Neb. Preserve your trees and shrubbery by purchasing ono of those spayers cf the Ebinger Hardware company. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. A Thousand Tongues Could not expre s the rupture of Annio E. Springer, of 1 HI". Howard st -Philadelphia, J'u., when slio found that Dr. King' New Di.-eovery for Consumption lal completely cured her of a hacking co-igh that, for many years had made life a burden. All oth' r remedies and doctors could giv her no help, out M savn ol ItiiH ifova Cure "it soon removed tho pain in n. chest and I can now sleep soundly something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding it praises throughout the universe!." S will every ono who tries Dr. King' New Discovery 'it any trouble of th throat, chet it luiiirs. I'ricu c. ant ? 1.0(1. Trial bottles free at F. ( r rlcko iV Los. drug store; ever' bottle guaranteed. l'lrtt on Colored 11uwjh. ST. LOUIB, July 1. A special to the Fost-Iijnitch from Curbondale, 111. says: Word h-as Jut been received here that tho colored natu from I 'ana, 111., who went to the Williamson coun ty coal field hid night received an ex cecaiiiyiy warm reception woduy, as they were attempt lag to retch tin mines at Fredouia. Wlmi Hearing the mines they were met with a fiia Hade of shots, resulting In the killing of two persons and the wounding "of twenty mou. Desultory firing has been in progress ail morning and tho situation Is critcal Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is narrated by him as follows "I was in a most dreadful condition My sum was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tontrue coated, pain con tinually in back and sides, no appe tite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had trivet me up. r ortunately, a Iriend advisei trying 'Electric Hitters;' and to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I con tinucd their u-e for three weeks, and am now a weil man. I know limy saved my lito, ami robbed tho grave ot an other victim." No ono sh iuld fail to try them. Only oO c'.s , guarantee.!, at b G. Fricke fc CoV drug store. Lord RalLslmry ,(.'!( I5wi'::'s. minister, once hnmll 'd a , : shovel. During the ;;.it Ai: gold cmze be set out as a -,o u and the hovel in v!iih he I've ! : rough, rcd-shirUnl miner is , .-..;... ing. fronltlile Vlll ico. The healthiest spot in the worhi seems to be a little l'aml.t in F:ine. named Aumone. Then' are oniy t'e l inhabitants, twenty-five of v. !::. SO yenrs of age and i.i;e i-; . e. ei . Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditio:! of the jyfrtem, which grow ;;iiJ arc confirmed by neglect. Herblno gives tone to tho stomach, and causes good digestion. Price SO cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Take Not W. D. Jones has sold a half interest in his livery b.irn to A. Magown auu wants all of his old .accounts settled at once. 1 he new hrm is weil hxed to do a general livery business. They will pay especial attention to picnic par ities, weddings, f unci als, etc., as they havo the finest turnouts in the city. Hack orders promptly attended, day or night. Special cart; taken of board ing horser. ITiit-m 'ii:h telephone 7f Wo don't see why -jir s n-e sen' abroad for a rumb'-r of ya-s to study art, when canvasses s come through the town cv v few weeks who will teach ho.v t e-il.ug r.u 1 color no'--traits in tvo les-on.-. I).. Is not what a person should look for when buying Silverware, for you get something cheap in quality. We sell the best Rogers goods at p.ics within the reach of all. 4 JNO. T. COLEMAN . . .JEWELER Second Door South of Postctfice. LEGAlADVERISEMENTS Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Myrtle Barnes, I'laintilt.l vs. George Morgan and Morgan, wfeot Cieorge Morgan (first and real I name unknown,; De- fendants. J George Morgan and Morgan, wife ol George Morgan, hrst and real name unknown) defendants, will take notice that on the if th day of June. A. D . ls'.. Myrtle iiarnes. plaintiff herein, tiled her petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of w hich are to quiet the title to the following described premises, situatod in the county ot Lass and state oi Nebraska, to wn: 1 he northeast quarter ot section twenty nine "a township twelve (lli.) north, in range eleven (11.) east of the sixth uriocipal meridian, in plaintirf, as against defendants, by decree ol said court, and to declare any claims of trie said defendants in or to said premises null and void, and of no effect, and that the cloud cast upon plaintiff's title to said premises by reason of a defective acknowledge ment certificate appended to a deed made by the defendant, George .Morgan, to Kosan Decker, be forever removed and declared null and void, and plaintilf title to said premises be declared to be legal and valid and billy established in law and equity and for fuch other and further relief as may be just and equitable. l ou are required to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of July, A. D. 18t't. Dated June iy, ism. Myrtle Barnes, Plaint;. By J. M. I.eyda, Attorney. Probate Notice. In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Lydia Flausburg, deceased - Abbie Dudley. Martin Flansbure. Frfnkie Smith, Dave Woodard. James Woodard, the un known heirs ot Hannah r.. Kockwell. deceased. and all other persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the l'-!th day of June, 1-y:. L has. H. Kockwell hied a petition in said court, alleging among other tilings that Iydia r lansbure died on the day ol September. 1K. leavlne no last will and testament, and pos sessed of personal estate iu the sum of f f.ixi, or thereabouts, and praying for admin'stration thereof. Vou are hereby notihed tliat if you fail to appear before said court on the nth day of July. lvy.. at 'I o'clock p. m.. and contest said petition, the court will Hppoint James K. Pol lock, or some other suitable person, administra tor and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the ll'th day of June. A. D. l'-WV. uEORGE . 3PLRLOCK, SEAL County J tdg. First publication June 13. Soiiicliiii Clieii emin? 4 Promptly naacf.es Stat cf all Blood Disea S6S 2nd Cures tha Vcrst Gases. Hi blood (liseuscH knows that tliero are no nil incnt.s or troubles bo obstinate and dilllcult to cure. Very few rcmodion claim tocuresuch real, devp-sealed blood d iseases art H. S. S. cures, and none can offer such incontrovertible evideticerf merit. H S. H. is not, merely tonic it I a cure! It goes down to the very seat of all blood diseases, and eel at tho foundation of the verv unrkl enwi..i I t-, i f I... .i . .. . not, like other remedies, dry op the ... . J ' - only to break forth again more riolontly than ever; S irace. oi lunii, una rias me system (! it lorever. Mrs. T. W. Lee, Montgomery, Ma , writes: "Some yearn ago I was inoculated with poison by a nurse who infected my babu with blood taint. I was covered with Hores ami ulcers from head to foot, and in my great ex t remit y I prayed to die. Several prominent physicians treated me, but all to no purpose. The mercury and potash which they gave me seemed to add fuel to the awful lhiine which was devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try Swift's Specillc. I im proved from the Ktart, an tho medicine neemed to go direct to the cause of the trouble and force t ho poison out. Twenty LottlC cured ine completely." Swift's Hpecilic . S. FOR Oa is the only remedy that is guaranteed purely vegetable, and confninn no meioury, potash, arsenic, or any other mineral or chemical. It never lailn to cure Cancer, Kczema, Scrofula, Kheuimitidin, Contagious Ulood l'oibon. Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Hores, etc. VulQable books mailed free by Swift Specilic Company, Atlanta, (hi. ?Joe and The People's Clothiers. WE DO NOT UK LI KV K IN HKN.SATIONS wo arc NOT in a sensational busiios. VVe havo a cmiiplcto lino of Neglitreo Shirts Shit Is with ( 'ollara attached and without Collars Shirts with two Collars and a pair of Cull's Shirts with two pair CulTs and with out Collars. Shirts at Wlc with two Collars and CulTs or without Col 1 rs and with CulTs that you can't find at any other place at 7-rc. Sairta tit 7"c, $1 and $1,125 on which we can save you !! per cent, if you buy of us. Ucmombcr this is a Shirt Talk we havo more Shirts than all other IMattsmouth houses combined. Next week wo will give, 3011 an idea of our complete rIock of Underwear and Sox at priees that will open your eyos. 1 !y the way, eoino to us beforo you buy any Hoy,' Suit-, long or knee Pants. They are worth while seeing, even if you should not i.eed any for your buys at present. Don't forget us when you need a nice II.it Kelt Crash or Straw. Our Men's Suits are. worth 7 ;"o of any man's money. You will say so when yon ici: them. Our Carhartt O'Alls, Jackets and Pants, UNION MADE, you know what they arc the best in tho world. JOE & FRANK, Waterman Block 'iSMiMWrk SPECIAL I ij E'Vy a i rrj 1 j Ei.j 14 1 a 11 11 11 u ui. OPENS AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY 1st, chanical Exhib- CLOSES OCTOBER 31st, 1899. EVERYTHING NEW EXCEPT VlI! Et 'lrt Last Year T Mr.f?'Y Hand''.'! - THE BUILDINGS ,,m LA 'i '' LOil 1 1 ,rt A BOON TO MNKZNm R. n at my 33 l i M. M A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents. im. F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - F. G. Fricke & Co. M ware MOWERS All Kinds of Repairs.. The Best Binding Twine ..Best Machine Oil Egenberger 6c Troop Lower Main St. Bet. 3rd and 4sh St. n rr r-rk STf. r mm r-v r Li p-; m ,i r-j w n t .ail j Ml SiillS il USiil In every test made M. fl. fs. easily deinonHtrnten it Hiiperixrity over olher blood retnedii'M. t Jiiat tern n-t. how ob Btinate the ease, nor what, other treat ment or remedies have failed M M si always promptly reaches and cure (,ny disease where tho blood is in any way involved. J'.veryono who has hud e t, .,. .!,,... ..lit. poion """" - i" imui 1 1 oiii i no hvsi eni . i i d oen and hide it from view letnporari mpornril y. a. s force out every THE BLOOD Jmnk Plattsmouth Colonial Peoples: -3 Bird. Animals... 5: .1 n 1 l. 14 rrouutui nuiovo Pain's Fireworks Hn LAIllllil. fit' ' UC; If ii 13 03 li J n z Z .- n -mi -f - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, Mu. 6rl .'-..i 'f "V.',-'v Binders