inv ..lllll wanted to trael and I All Of riftll appoint agents. o mu per 11101 per month salary and ail expenses Ziegler Co., "10 Monon UUg, Chicago. Mwrv , f. w.. ...,... laxtinanl prowtn. IT PAYS To Look Around Before you make purchases. After you have looked elsewhere, come to us and we guarantee you will be pleased. Our new spring stock has arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Ftd. A square deal to all. F. S. WHITE, Main Street: Plattsmouth t 4 6 A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 t f t 4 4 WHAT YOU WANT... In Iotwear is STYLE, I IT and WEAK. If you yet all this for $.1.00 you get the earth. Wo have the Shoes. 4 Joseph 1otzcr, 4 t North Side Main Street. first- NATIONAL BANK OF PLATTS MOUTH, NKB. PAID UP CAPITAL. - $50,000 Offers the very best faculties lor the prompt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS,, fjold, KOTcrnrnent :ind local securities Doucht and sold. Deposits re ceived aud Interest allowed on the certH cates. Drafts drawn, aval!aDle In any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market prlca paid 'or county warrants, state and aounty bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. IXvey. D. Hawkorth S. Waugh F. E. White. G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey. Pres.. S. Waugh. Cashier H. N. Dovcv. A?st. Casliier. . . GRAIN .. Commission Brokers Wear Com. Co., Correspondents- Direct Private Wire to Chicago. OFFICE Over Atwood's Drug Store. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. All Orders Promptly Executed. I'lattsmouth Tel. 275. LINCOLN AVE. A Nil MA RULE STS., II. M. SOE.XXHIISEN, Manager. 4 5- 4 ? 4 4 9 4 9 Large Supply of all the BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson XI ill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. Dyspepsia Cure.. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIckHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion Prepared by E. C OeWltt A Co.. Chicago. F. G. FRICKE & CO. a e g g- o- mmm 4 WHTEBREAST I COAL YARD The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THI . . . NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. E. MARSHALL. Business Manager. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance 5 00 Six Months, 2 50 One Week, 10 Single Copies, 5 SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... tl 00 Six Months, 50 T.?.E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cms County Paper. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1899. HoiTSE RENT Si was governor two terms.but he will not be supreme judge any part of one term. Joiix Sattlek could not 6erve as deputy treasurer ar.dcqroner both, so what is the usof talking about It. It IS pre'.ty certain that the Ne braska boys can see their services were appreciated by their friends at home. THE political pot is beginning to boil a little bitsmi the first thing that is known some of the fusionists will get scalded. - The people got quite enough of Nolcomb while he was governor and he will be excused from sitting on the supreme bench. Among the numerous candidates for county judge on the republican ticket T. Frank Wiles of P.atUmouth pre cinct seems to be the leader so far as this part of the county is concerned. The democrats are booming James Herold for county treasurer. Jimmie is a tiptop fellow a d it looks wicked to kill him off w hi e ho is so young. But such is polit cs nryhow popocra tic politics. W. J. Bryan, the free silver luna tic, it i3 expected has promised to epeak in I'lattsmouth on the 27th of September and the fanatics of his per suasion are in high feather over the announcement. Thk early closing i u'e which went into effect in Oinah -oir.rtime ago has been broken. A numb r of the lead ing merchants have announced that they will keep open with next Saturday evening. Mu. Johnson's runny friends will regret his deci.-ion not to become a candidate for sheriff. He could cer tainly have leen elected, and many democrats wanti d u opport mity to attest their app--.c at on of his merit. The Ohio deraoc.-aiiu convention at Zanesville yesterday nominated John R. McLean of the Cincinnati Enquirer for governor on the first ballot by a mitority of a half of one vote. The platform endorses the Chicago free silver deliverance of 1896 and de nounces trusts and combines. The candidates will probably butt their brains out fighting Hanna. The News, in anticipation of a big run of business, has just received a shipment of two tons of paper. The subscription list to The Daily and Semi-Weekly News is growing rapidly, which is evidence that the people appreciate a clean, fair paper that gives the news and does not seek to besmirch anybody and one that is not the personal organ of a few old relegates. "We know what American victory means. 11 means not to oppress, not to tread on the necks of the fallen. It means to lift them up, to place them upon their feet, and to do ali that is in our power to extend comfort, civili zation, happiness and prosperity to all mankind. This war has brought un der the dominion and protectorate of the stars and stripes many millions of our Catholic people, far removed, some of them, from the American continent. but we predict for them unhesitatingly that they will make American citizens as loyal, as sturdy and as true as those that are here today." Father Lavelle in speech introducing President Mc- Kinley, at Catholic Summer School Grounds, Champlain,N. Y., August 15. The free-traders who were in such high feather over the slightly in creased importations of the fiscal year ISO',) have lost interest in that subject since it is discovered thai this increase was almost entirely in articles re quired by manufacturers whose busi ness had been increased by the protec tive tariff. The imports of raw 6ilk for manufacturing were in the fiscal year 1899 $31,876,342, against $17,558,- 163 in the last year of the Wilson law; of raw fibers for use in manufacturing the imports of 1899 were $20,290,727, aeainst $13,445,186 in 1898,and $12,336. 418 in the lust year of the Wilson law; of crude India rubber the imports for use in manufacturing were in 1S90 $31,- 870,342, against $25,545,391 in 1898, and $17,5!8,163 in the last year of the Wilson law; while the imports of tin for use in manufacturing tin-plate were, in 1S99. $11,843,357, against $8,- 77S.151 in 1S93, and $6,533,352 iD the last year of the Wilson law. The only reduction in imports of material for manufacturing was in wool, of which the imports in the last year of the Wilson law, which were admitted free of duty, were $53,243,191; In 1898, the first year of the Dingley law, they were $16,7S3,692,and in lS99,the second year of the Dingley law.but $8,322,897. A WAR WELL-FINANCED, History will give the administration high credit for the financial manage ment of the war with Spain and the war that followed it as an unwelcome but unavoidable sequel.says the Globe Democrat. The cost has been far less than Wc8 anticipated before hostilities" began. War taxes were wisely im posed at the beginning of the conflict and the country, in spite of greatly in creased expenditure,has avoided a for midable accumulation of cebt Most of the expenses of the war were charged up during the last fiscal year ending June SO. The deficit for the year was S9,000,000, much less than any of the estimates. This year's prospect ia that the treasury will keep even, or nearly so. K 3 venue is increasing and expen ses falling off. The navy costs but little more now than on a peace foot ing. Congress appropriated $80,000,- 000 for the authorized army of 100,000 men. The cost of maintaining the army in the Philippines is not yet closely ascertained,butit will be noth ing unusual except in the matter of transporting troops. Manila is an ideal base for convenience and securlty,and campaigning in Luzon will be no more expensive than elsewhere. Carrying army supplies in ships is the cheapest method known. Homing m the condition of the treasury indicates that heavy taxes will be necessary and those in exist ence bear lightly upon the ptople There is an ample balance of cash on nana. ine unitea states came out of the war with Spain in extraordi nary good financial shape, and paid large sum to the defeated nation in stead or asking one. At the end of modern wars,"as a rule, both combat ants have contended with huge addi tions to national debts and have been compelled to meet the emergency with increased taxation or, for the winning side, a demand for immense indemnity. TTfl f . i . , v ueu war wnn spain Decame a cer tainty the average estimate of the probable cost was about $700,000,000. That was the general judgment, and the great difference between that fi ure and the actu tl expenditure is the just measure of the financial efficiency and foreeight of the administration. There are two factions in the fusion ranks in this county. If they should fail to fuse there would be six little bunches of dissatisfied, disgruntled politicians the two pop factions, the democratic factions and last and least. the free silver republicans. The fusionists have the birrest iob on their hands thisfall they have ever had to elect any part of their ticket. This is not a good year for the roar- bicks. There are eood croos and money is too plentiful for their cause to prosper. INFORMATION AND OPINION. Dr. John G. Palton's reports for the last year tell of 1,102 South Sea Isl anders won from c innibalism to Chris tianity, one missionary alone receiv ing 200 adults into church member ship. The imports of Argentina from the United States during the first three months of 1899 were worth $3,500,000, being worth naarly double what they were for the first three months of 1893 The truth is, heresy is becoming very unpopular,, and it is very, gen orally believed that efforts of this kind result ever in greater and erreater lib erality and latitude of belief in relic r . . - - lous mailers. Sectarian cords are loosening rathar than tightening, and those who have been so ready to de nounce the least departure from the new established creeds are beginning to see that calling liberal interpreters to strict account does not keep even the faithful from trying the fences of the fold. Tl !.r . f. , . -. .- . j.uo ciuzens oi oponane, u asn are raising futds for the erection of a monument to John Robert Monaghan, who wns killed in Simoa during the alt ck upon the British and Ameri can marines by the followers of Ma taafa. Monaghan was well liked in Spokane, where he lived, and $2,000 nas already been subscribed toward the monument. A figure has appeared in a quarry at Vest Orange, N. Y.. which bears resemblance to the traditional matures of St. Anne, and hundreds of devout Italian Catholics have gathered to do nomage to what ther recard as a miracle. The figure appears to be in relief from the white rock and about a foot high. It stands some fifty feet from the ground, so that acces9 to it is impossible. Investigation at the Chicago stock yards in regard to the recent ad vances in the price of beef brought out the statement that never before in the history of the American cattle market has there been such a demand for all kinds of meat as the present time. The demand for export cattle is enormous. The statement is made that the prices of all cattle will be higher next year than they are new. An Atchison (Kan.) milliner i matt ing two bonnets from cornhu-k one of which is to go to Queen Victoria and the other to Helen Gould. The one deaienated for Miss Gould will be the prettier of the two, as her youth will permit of more color than could be worn by the aged queen across the eea. A similar hnnnet made bv the same milliner two years ago is now in possession of Mrs. McKinley, wife of the president. Full line of Quick Meal gasoline arid Blue Flame oil stoves at .Ebinger Hardware Co., at reasonable prices. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION, o The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send del egates from their respective counties to meet in convention in the city of Omaha on Thursday, the 21st day of September, 1809, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following offices: One judge of the supreme court. Two regents of the 6tate university. And to transact sucb other business as may properly come before the conven tion. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, the appor tionment being based upon the vote cast for Hon. M. L. Hay ward for gov ernor in 1898, giving each county one delegate at larere and one for each 100 votes and major fraction Adams 19 Johnson.... Antelope 10Kearney... Banner 2 Keith Blaine 2!Keya Paha- Hoone Kimball. .. Box Butte SjKnox Boyd 5 Lancaster.. Brown 5:Lincoln Buffalo ....13; Logan ....14 10 3 3 an 1U i ....16 1 11 Burt.. ...lti ...14 . .."i" . .. ... 3 Loup. Butler Cass Cedar Madison. . . . McPherson. Merrick Nance Chase Cherry Nemaha 16 Cheyenne Nuckolls .13 Clav. ..17 .. K ..r: ..i .. ( Jto? 1'awnee 1'erkins Phelps Pierce Tlatte .23 .10 2 .10 . 8 .12 . 8 .11 .24 . 4 .19 . 7 .19 . 3 If, Colfax Cuming.... Custer Dakota Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodge Dougias. . . Dundy Kilmore.. .. Franklin.! Frontier. . . Furnas Gage Gartield... Gosper. . . . . Grant Greeley .... Hall Hamilton. Harlan Hayes Hitchcock. Holt Hooker.. .. 7 13 Polk 3 Red Willow W Richardson 1 Rock ..; .. 97 Saline 4 Sarpy 17 Saunders U;Scott's Blurt... 9 Seward 13 Sheridan 33'Sherman 3 Sioux 4 Stanton 2; i hayer 4 Thomas 19 Thurston 14 'Valley . 9;Vashington ... .... . 4 Yavne hi Webster 9 Wheeler llYork ....16 S ....14 9 ..13 19 Howard Si is! Total 1.0--0 Jelterson., It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present bo author ized to cast the entire vote of the dele gation cf the county which it repre sents. 7t is further recommended that wherever two -county conventions be held the selection of a county commit tee 6hall take pluce at the first con vention and then in every ease the secretary be required to promptly ad vise the stnte committee of the organ iz ition of t-uch new committee with the names of officers, members, post office address and rame of precinct represented by each. Omaha, Nebraska. June 23, 1899. R. B. Schneider, Chairman. P. O. HtDLUND, Secretary. CALL rOK COUNTY CONVENTION. The republican electors of Cass county are hereby called to meet iu convention to be held at Weeping Water, September 16, 1809, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of elect ing twenty-six delegates to attend the state convention to be held i'i Omaha, September 21, also twenty-four dele gates to attend the judicial conven tion to be held at Nebraska City, Sep tember 22, and to place in nomination candidates for the following offices. to-wit: County clerk, couuty treasurer, clerk of the district court, county judge, county sheriff, superintendent of public instruction, coroner, county surveyor, one member of boatd of county commissioners for Second commissioners' odistrict, and for the trans lotion of such other business as may come before it. The committee recommends that tbere be no proxies reoognized, but that delegates present cast the full vote of their sev- ral pre cincts and wards. Primaries to select delegates to 6aid convention will be held on S.tturday, September 9. Rep resentation is based upon vote cast for candidate for governor, Judge Hay ward, in l.QS, bein;? one delegate for each twelve votes or major fraction thereof, and one delegate at large for each precinct or wa:'. Following is given the place of hold ing, time and delegates each ward and precinct are etiiled to: PREC'T AND VOTING I'LACE. time. Avoca Aroca 2pm Center Manley 2pm Eight Mile Grove Heil sch house 4 p in Elm wood Murdock 8 p in Greenwood Alvo 4pm Liberty Lynn's hall. Union 3 p m Louisville Hassemeier hall. .7 to 9 p m Mt Pleasant Lrsual place R p m Nehawka School house Tpm Platts prec Taylor school home.. 8 p m DEL. 8 8 8 II 8 12 li 11 8 Salt Creek Greenwood 8pm Stove Creek Op hse. Elm wood... 8 p m South Bend School house 7:30 p m Tipton Lumber office. Eagle 8 p ni Rock Bluffs-Ist dist. Rock B... .7 pm 9 Iu 6 It 9 Rock Bluffs-id dist., Murray 7pm W W prec Cascade sch P m Weeping Water City- First ward G. A. R. hall S to 9 p m Second ward-Council chin to 9 p m Third ward Powell's ha!t....K to!) p m Plattsmouth City- First ward Perkins house- 5 to 7 p m l 11 IS s Second ward Turner hall 5 to 7 p m Third wd Richey lum ottire.. to 7 p m Fourth wd Council dim 5 to 7 p m Fifth ward io. Park sch hse .5 to 7 p m M. M. Butler. H. G. Beardslf.v, Chairman. Secretary Independent Judicial Convention. The peoples' independent party's judicial convention for the Second judicial district in tho state of e- braska is hereby called to meet at Ne braska City, September 12, 1S99, at 7 o'clock p. ot 8alu aav ID lDe ai trict court room in said city for the placin" in nomination of one judge of the district court in said district, and to transact 6uch other business as may properly come before tbe convention. The representation in said convention will be: Cass county 20 delegates; Otoe county 20 delegates. W. F. Mokax, Chairman. Robert J. Vass, Secretary. Irritating stings, bites, scratches, wounds and cuts soothed and healed by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, a sure and safe application for tortured flesh. Beware of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. MATURITY. It Wu a Hut A ii 'I Dry Week Iu Most ConntU-a of the State. University of Nebraska, Lin coln, Auj:. 2'. The p ist week has been warm, with scattered showers in the southeastern portion of the state. The average dailj' excess of tempera ture has been between three and four degrees. The maximum temperatures on the first days of the week ranged from 90 to 104 degrees. The rainfall of the week was very light, except in small areas in Rich ardson, Johnson, Saline, Nuckolls and Franklin counties, where an inch or more fell. Light, scattered showers oc curred in thecentral and southeastern counties, while in the northern and western counties little or no rain fell. The past week has been an excellent one for haying. 6tncking and thrash ing. Most of the small grain is now either thrashed or in the st;ick. The yield of wheat in the northern coun ties is generally between ten and fif teen bushels per acre. Hay is gener ally a good crop. The dry weather, with high temperature, hat been un favorable for corn in most parts of the state. In parts of the southeastern section, where the moisture was suffi cient, corn has advanced rapidly toward maturity, without injuo1. In other parts of the sta e it has de teriorated somewhat in condition and h:is ripened too rapidly. Good pro gress has been made with plowing,and a little seeuirjr has been done. The ground was cetting1 too dry to plow well in most sectious by the last of the week . Soul luaxl it Sfctiim Butlor Warmer weather maluiing corn very fast; heavy hay cr'ip. Cass Good week for maturing corn crop; ground rather dry for plowing; pastures g"od; sorjrhum and millet b-j-lug cut. Clay Lite corn improved; sorghum ready to cut; plowing for fall wheat being pushed. Fillmore Corn will bof tir;hay crop good; late com And fa'.l plowing bene fited by ruin. Gage Corn mituring very fast; ground in go d condi:ion for plowing; much grouud plowed. Hamilton Corn injured by hot, dry weather. JtlTerson Fall plowing p-ogressing rapidly; corn in txivilent condition; hay crop line and -xcellenl quality: early apples plentiful, but l;ste ones scarce. Johnson Corn ri pt-ning;-iomtj wheat and oatsdiimagcd by rains; fall plow ing in progress. Lancaster (rood week for corn; fail plowing in progress-: considerable fall wheat will be sown. Nemaha Corn growiug well, espe- ! cially late crr; e-srly apples plentiful; ground in good condition for plowing; grapes plentiful. Nuckolls S -me l it-! torn dnmaged by dry weather; some rye sown; ground in tine condition. Otoe Co n is hardening in some fields; pistures good; hay fair. Pawnee Corn is getting quite hard and will be a ia ge crop; millet good; plowing for fall well i.long;pas tures need rain. Polk Corn crop maturing nicely, except some thickly planted, whjch needs idoit moisture; many plowing for f;tll grain. Richardson Heavy rains put ground in fi le condition for f ill plowf lner ana sseuine; corn maturing rapidly. Saline bine weather for ripening corn; plowing progressing rapidly; pastures goo I . Saunders Corn maturing fust; huy tine; fall plowing in progress Judicial Convention. Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. 18 The republican judicial convention for the Second judici il district in Ne- brasKa is hereby called to meet at Ne braska City September 22, 1809, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said dny in the dis trict court room in said city for the purpose of putting in ncminaiion one judge of ths district court in said dis- 1 1 ict, and to transact such other busi noss as may properly be brought be fore said convention. The representation in said conven tion wiil be Cuss county, 24; Otoe I cnuatv. 2,'i: bonifr one delegate for each hundred votes cast for Hon. M Li. Hy ward in 18!S, or the major frac tion thereof. M. L. Haywako, Chairman. Jesse S. Matfs, Secretary. The art of seLf-defense is inculcated early among some of th'i wilder tribes of the Caucasus, who instruct their childron, us soon as they can walk. In the use of the dagger. First, the little ones are taught to stab water i without making a splash, and, in the I course of time, incessant practice1 gives them an extraordinary command over the weaion. "De Witt's Little Erly Risers did me more good than all blood medicines! ana uioer pins, writes ueo. 11.1 Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, pleasant.never crioe. thev onr con- stipation, arouse the torpid liver to ac tion and give you clean blood, steady nerves, a clear brain and a healthy ap- petita F. G. Fricke & Co. Helmholtz itrain. Prof. Haniseniann of the faculty of pathological anatomy at the Berlin university announces the completion of his study and investi-gation of the brain of the late Helmholtz, which, he says, developed the most astonishing fact that tie world's greatest mathe- matician, physiologist, physician and natural philosopher during the past I four decades had been both an epilep- tic and a sufferer from hydrocephalus. I Triumph for a Brahmin Scholar. The highest of the graduating hon ors at Cambridge university, in Eng--land, goes to a colored man, a Brah min from Bombay. ( CORN RIJSHING TO Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the bacK of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest b!od and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All Amorica knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new lifo into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke Co. 1 Th OrijrLn of Whist. The game of whist originated in England. It is believed to have devel oped from the older game of triumph, or trumph. which was played as early as 1350. In fact, in that year sermons were preached denouncing the game as one that tended to take the mind off the truths of religion. In 1841 whist Is first mentioned In English literature. Dark Coder Water. The depth to which the sun's rays go down Into the water has been found by the help of has been found that at a depth of 553 feet the darkness was nearly the same as that on a clear but moonless night. Sensi tive plates left open at this depth for long time showed no light action. Quickly euro constipation and re build an l in vigontte the f ntiro syetcni iiovor grip-; or nauseate Do Witt's Little K-irly Risers. F. (. Fricke & Co A Bridal Gown at tits ltttl of MiiI1l. An interesting story ii- nt;: cneci to the wedding dress which worn by the bride at the recent marriage ot Bancroft Gherardi, son of the rear ad miral, to Miss Mary Butler at the lat ter's home In Paterson. N. J. Its ab sence might have delayed the ceremony but for a well-stocked wardrobe. Some time ago Henry Butler, ensign on the Olyrapla, of the Asiatic squadron, of fered to buy goods for a wedding dress for his sister In China. It was faith fully awaited and expected, but failed to arrive. A few days ago came the explanation. The merchant from whom the purchase was made, instead ot sending tse dress to Paterson, forward ed it to Ensign Butler, who was unable to send it to Paterson until after It had undergone on Admiral Dewey's flag ship the experience of the great battle of Manila bay. Thus it was American ized. Blotches and excresonce, which bo often annoy people, are nimp'y efforts of nature to throw off impediments to the proper performance of her duties. Ilerbine will aid and assist nature in in her work, and n-ure a skin clear and beautiful, entirely free from all imperfections. Price 50e. F. G. Fricke & Co. A Papor Church. Bergen, Norway, boasts of a paper church large enough to seat 1,000 per sons. The building ia rendered water proof by a solution of quicklime, curdled milk and white of egg. A Oreat Scheme. Browne "What Is your object in vis iting Spain at this time?" Towne "I want to be on the ground early so I can have first choice of castles." N?w York Journal. He who seeks honor of men. must become their slave. No one knows the unbearable torture, the peculiar and agonizing puin. caused by piles, unless they have suf fered from them. Many believe them incurable. This is a mista Ke. Proper treatment will cure them. Table r's Buekeye Pile Ointment is an infallible cure. Price, 50c. in bottles, tubes 7oc. F. G. Fricke & Co. "Tattooed Ladjr" on the Cable Car. One sometimes hears rumors of women resorting to tattooing as a fad, but the designs are usually made on some part of the body where they will not be visible in ordinary conditions. A woman on one of the Broadway ca ble cars, the other day, however, car ried a conspicuous tattoo mark on the back of her hand, a little to one side. Her bands were bare and bro'wn, hav ing the look of strength and much ex- weise. One fancied that she belonged to sailor or flaher folk somewhere, and that she eould lend a hand when neces sary with the best of them in manag- tng a boat and similar work Ex. "Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worge until we used One Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days " B. L. Nance,Prin. High school. Bluff dale,Texas. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mrare-IIead. Itarely does a "green hand" give the long-suffering editor such an oppor tunfty as that below, noted In the Catholic Standard and Times: "Here's a story of a thief," said the enthusi astic yonng and new reporter, "who secured a room at a local hotel and robbed other guesti of their money What sort of head shall I put on it?" un, saia ine eaixor, suppose you mke 11 'Scoundrelly Roomer Gains currency. Parrot Art Not Thrifty Kir. Is. Many animals in desert regions nev er have any water except the dew on vegetation. A parrot in the London zoo is known to have lived fifty-two years without drinking a diop of wa ter. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo cures dysnoo sla because its ingredients are such Lthat U can,t help doitur BO' "Tho puh' lic can rely upon it as a master remedy 'r a" disorders ansiner from impor- fcet digestion." James M. Thomas, M. D. ,in American Journal of Health, x. Y. F. G. Fricke it Co. For Sale or Rent Store room and dwelling combined, 34xo8 feet, known as the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds, Murray, Neb. REPORT OF CHICAGO A1ARKETS. From Thursday's Daily Following is the rnng of prit.-- ,-i the Chicago board of tra lf m)v. furnished by M. S. I3ri trjjr-. column sion merchant: r; c OPTIONS Wheat Sept.... Dec...'. Mav .. 1 ' ' - i ' ji'j. " 7.". 30 ::'', -. '4 :i i, ' Corn ifc May .. Oat i s?rt .. ! l9-330 20'i in:-, it (t ii .ii jlUV.'S'l. 1W, " '-'lJ.U'-i ilsA Dec ili. 119' Mav Fork S5pt , I Dec 1 Laid- Scpt 1 Oct -1' 8 n s r. 10 8 i'J ' i: i.v.-j Short Ribs Sept Oct jr. is i.i i74.-jo r, it. i: r, -j ii .- r. A ITlfjhtuI Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Buekleu's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal it. CureH old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile euro on earth. Only 2 ctx. a box. Curo guaranteed. Sold by F. C Fricke & C . drurgi.-t-. Suffering Ylcarlnualy. Father to Son "Why don't you sit down. Tommy?" Tommy "This morning I asked you how mrny niad a million, an' you said 'darned few.' I told teacher that in arithmetic tlu-s, an' that's why I can't sit-down." He Wat Keady. "Will you have your sausage now, sir?-' said the waiter to Mr. Dilling "Ye.?. .im prepared for the wnrst." A free and easy ox ticetorntion is pro duced by a few doses of Ballard' Horeiioiind Syrup, in all eases of hoarseness, sore throat, or difficult' of breathing. Price 2r and ."0e. F. G. Fricke & Co. Beeeham's Pills dispel tho "blues." Crippled by Rheumatism. Thoso who have Iiheuniatism find themselves growing steadily worse ail the while. One reason of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury ami potash, which ul timately intensify thetlisoast by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, producing a severe aching of the bones. K. S. S. lias been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the- worst cases which seemed almost incurable. Capt. O. K. Hni'lK's. the popular railroad conductor, of OmIuiiiIiIu, s. !., had an xwn-enc-c with Khfunmu-ni w Uicli conviiici j luuj that thtrc is oulv ciirnfor that pninful ilis- irreat sufferer from iiiiik- J cular Klieuuiati-in for f two yearn. I could ire I .... - i i l - from any meilii-i lie pre- I scilhcd liy my phvsicinn. "JcTA A -' I tiioU about . lliliien 1 1. t - ltfh'.V X ties of your S. . s., and ' ' " k '..n now 1 am as well as I , sure that your lncillel ne r m'V J cured me. ami 1 would t '- '1C?j"r . . J recommend ii to any min : V'-. -sullei uiir, from any bl iod disease." Kverybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased state of tln blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. & Blood being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very cause of tin- d i-ense. jial ft yy;-- nutrient cure always resiiks. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dun serous minerals. Books tiinild free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. i:c. a .tz.i:i: u,r Has now stock, new rigs and is prepared Vir-tter than over to take, care of fl Genera! Livery Business JuieU trip- rnade. to ail parts of tho courtly, r.ow prices und court- o.j, treatment assured. ii VUI.KN SIX I II A. VIM sx.. I'liil i III oil lb, Vcliritsli :i JAMES W SAGE. Tim Leading Liveryman. The Ijest .il i ;., lurt.ii!.. d t,i a, ho-.r 'and hi -rics a': a - re s.rl, r. eo'iveu.en! hn e-1 :: j, !. I'M ;,r men . u : 1 e iii v. 'LATTSM U NKB Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS Tiii: I'LACE T BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL i'C !r- ' V-. ! (:. ii f.'.i -'i. On'- -ind ali Kii K !'. -1 Ci'D-l.'tnU Oi: il-'i ii. EGENBERGER & TROOP. m rhl.kv1r' Fwllik Itaianl RrmaA. fEfSHYROYAL PILLS In ittmil f .r j.r-l-o'r. t. Muioulili f. MrlUt for Ladle." " "" rrmru Sold bj aU Local bruwiua- rfr, v (Irlglnal llnlr krn,mr. jr. a4 tut r-:ii... i.uiLh ft-k jcZ f'.l V-V4 L-rn.'" tor '! tm jri.iua rf t -- v"!'lli ,. .1 ;b rll.twn. Ta'eXW. T4SJ skVvJn.olhrr. .''"' dtngmm n.t-.u'i- V mi lit