Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 30, 1899, Image 4

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C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Ice croam packed for picnic purlieu
at Ilolloway's.
Ileforo buying binding twine see
Kbingor 1 1 aril ware Co.
Ire eroitin freezers of tho be I inakon.
Kbingor Hardware company.
Ice croam flnvonil with xtracts,
c'ntn per quart at Ilolloway's.
Kou Saj.k Fresh milch now; also
two cal vof. .lanicH Windham.
Jtuy your Hummer millinery at the
Metropolitan while yon get it cheap
'. T. Davis Co. sill ilk sash
ribbons, all olor, at 10 cunts a yard.
Reserve the datei-, July " and 7, to
attend the I K. O. Indict minstrel
A. W. Atwood, tho druggist, has
just what you want in wall paper,
riattmnouth Telephone 'Si.
Or. V. C. Dean, dentist, 10I, 110,
MeCngue building, northwest corner
of Fifteenth and Dodge Htteet, Omaha.
Lost pair of Hat rimmed gold
spectacles in blue plush ease. Kinder
ploaso return to MeKl wain's jewelry
In counly court today a hearing of
claims was had in the estates of C.
IJormmen and F. K rum pea n of Mur
doek. Tho Kbinger Hardware company is
agent for the Monmouth filter and
water cooler. Tho lincst tiling out.
See them.
Money to loan on improved city roal
estate by the I'lattsmouth Loan and
I.uilding association. See T. M. Pat
terson, secretary.
When you want to smoke a Ht-cent
cigar try Ot'.o Wutl VSil ver Wreath"
union made you can (ind no better
on the m;irket.
Telfer iV Sheppard will mow your
lawn better than yen can do it your
self. Won't cost much. Nebraska
telephone No. 7!l.
.James Ij. Walker, a conservatory
graduate, instructor on piano and or
gan, also in voico culture. Kooms in
the I lock weed block.
Lost A pair of fmall pulley blocks
with brass eccentrics and rope at
tached. A suitable reward for return
to Iattsmoutli Telephone company.
Lost A ladies pin in tho shape of
throe diamonds set with pearls and
sapphires. Finder will be liberally
rewarded by leaving word at, this office.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. Lackamp, lOlston,
Mo., write: "One Minute Cough Cure
saved the life of our little boy when
nearly dead with croup. F. G. Fricko
Do Witt's Littlo Early Risers benefit
permanently. They lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, permanently curing consti
pation and liver ailments. F. G.
Fricko & Co
Hardly a day passes, in families
where there aro children, in which
Mallard's Snow Liniment is not needed
It quickly cures cut, wounds, bruises,
burns and scalds. Price 125 and oOc.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Foi: SALK A good six-room brick
house and two lots. Good cellar; city
and cistern water; burn and coal shed.
Located near tho shops. Can give a
clear title. Will sell cheap. Enquire
of Mrs. Stamm, on Vino street.
Lou Ueinhacklo received a letter
from Charles Dabb yesterday, dated at
St. Joe. In' company with Fred IJlack
ho left here in a house boat several
weeks ago, but owing to many bars in
the river have made slow progress.
Mrs. Annie Anderson, a colored wo
man who resides on North Eighth
street. Is very ill with dropsy. Tho
doctors say she can live but a shot t
time. She has been a familiar char
acter in Pl.ittsmouth for many years.
Tho regular monthly business and
social meeting of the Epworth League
will be held at the home of Mrs A. P.
Campbell Friday evening. All mem
bers are urgently requested to be pres
ent, as the annual election of officers
will bo hold.
Charles Martin, who was formerly
in the employ of M. S. Jiriggs, has
opened ono of the neatest barbershops
in town under Morgan's store. Every
thing is new and bright, and satisfac
tion is guaranteed or he will put back
the whiskers.
Tho police discovered this afternoon
that tho house occupied by Bob
Carne?, at the cornor of Tenth and
Pearl streets, had been broken into,
but nothing was missing. The family
is out of town, Mr. Carnes being at
work in South Dakota at present.
A sallow, jaundiced skin is a symp
tom of disordered liver,as it springs
from biliary poisons retained in the
blood, which destroy energy, cheerful
ness, strength, vigor, hapiness and life.
Ilerbine will restore the natural func
tions of the liver. Price 50 cents. F.
G. Pricke & Co.
Officer Fitzpatrick had a lively
chaso after a couple of bums about
noon today. They had been soliciting
"handouts" at the rear doors of resi
dences oo Vino street, and he w.n in
waiting for thsm when they came out
from Mrs. Kessler's. When they saw
him they made a run and Johnnie was
not in the race, tho bums making good
their escape.
II. C McMaken today received a
souvenir which tho citizens had
printed for tho members of the Sixth
Ohio volunteer reiment. It contains
a roster of the regiment, with a list of
the dead. On tho first page is an ap
propriate picture and on one of the
back Pge3 ia a picture of tho regi
ment's colonel William V. McMaken,
a nephew of II. C. of this city. It is a
beautiful piece of work and Mr. Mc
Maken is of the opinion that the citi
zens of Nebraska ebould get up some-
thing of tho kind for the members of
Ihe First Nebraska. Tim Miggostlon
is worthy of consideration.
MrH. John Mowery is vi-iting friends
in FuIIh City.
Capt. If. Palmer ;n down from
Omaha today.
Christopher Koi-hnko made , t ip to
Omaha this afternoon.
Hon. J. 15. Strode of Lincoln was in
the city today on legal business
Mrs. II Steinhmer has gone to Mis
souri to visit friends for a couple of
Charles 1 5oedccker, a prosperous
farmer from near Murray, was in town
tod ay.
Prank Hutiery, tho Second ward
councilman, was a visitor in Omaha
Harry Newman is down irom Coun
cil Bluffs to spend a few days with his
Mart Buttery and wife aro home
from a visit with the latter's sister at
Mrs. M. M. Ilnsemcier of Louisville
is in tho city, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. James Robertson.
Uev. F. A. Campbell of tho Metho
dist church is attending camp meeting-at
Bennett, Neb., this week.
Andy Kroehler and wifo carao down
from Ilavoloek last evening for a
short visit with relatives in this city.
H. It. Neitzol, the Murdock banker,
was in the city today as a witness in a
hearing on an estate in county court.
A. C. Newell went to Louisville thio
morning, where ho will hold an auc
tion tale of the remainder of the Fair
Mrs. Z. T. Brown and children re
turned this morning from a pleasant
visit of two weeks with relatives in
Judge Ramsey and Ilury Northcutt
camo up from Nebraska City today,
having adjourned c urt until some
time in J uly.
Hon. Orlando TclTt nnd son. Clarence,
were in the city today supposedly look
ing after tho fences- that surround the
county judgeship.
Frank Rauen went to Omaha this
afternoon to see his brot her-i n-1 i w,
Clarence Doyle, who is confined in the
hospital with sickness.
IT. Ij. Sams of Elm wood was in the
city today looking after bis chances
for securing tho nomination for county
superintendent on ttie republican
George F. Ilou-eworth and Byron
Clark returned this morning from
their fishing trip to Langdon, Mo.
They report, ll-diing as being rather
poor down there on account of soman
Charles Patt"rson came down from
Lincoln this morning for a short visit
with relatives. lie is employed in the
Columbia National bank, but has
been ill for several days and came
here to recuperate.
O. A. Brown of Topeka, Kan., is in
the city visiting relatives ami old
friends. lie expects to remain .about
ten day?, but his wife and little daugh
ter, who have been here about two
weeks, will remain until September.
A School IMstriet Fracas.
The caso of Honry Eikenbary, et al,
vs. William B. Porter, ct al. is being
heard before Judge Ramsey.
At the annual meeting of school dis
trict No. 3 a 10 mill asscsment was
voted, by a narrow margin, for the
purpo-e of raising money to build
a school houso down at Mynurd.
About a year ago the proposi
tion to move the school house in
that district, known as tho Jean
school, was defeated. A temporary
injunction to prevent tho defendants
from filing tho levy with County
Clerk Robertson was issued a few
days .ago by Judge Spurlock, and now
they ask Judge Rnm-ey to make the
injunction permanent.
A Farewell l'ariy.
About fifty-five members of the Aid
society of the Methodist church gave
a farewoll party yesterday afternoor.
in honor of Mrs. J. C. Eikenbary, a
member of that society, who will leave
next week for her home at Terry, S
D. Social conversation and various
amusements served to mako the af
ternoon pass speedily. A bounteous
luncheon was al o enjoyed by the
The ladies of tho Aid society will
regret the departure of Mrs. E ken
bary from their midst, as she has
been an earnest worker in the in
terest of the church during her entire
stay in this city.
The ynalities of a Good Bmler.
We find that from the point of view
of economy of coal, leaving out ques
tions of safety, case of management,
first cost, etc., that the good toiler
should hare.a largo furnace lined with
firebrick where the temperature of
combustion will be as high as possible,
and thus the incomplete combustion
will be as small as possible. In this
furnace a small grate should be pro
vided on which the coal should be
burned at a very high rate of combus
tion, 25 or 30 pounds per square foot.
It is not practical, however, to go much
beyond this rate, as unburned coke,
coal and cinders will be carried up the
chimney by the strong draft necessary
if too high a rate of combustion is used.
After the coal is burned in such a fur
nace the gases should bo passed over
a large area of heating surface, and
this heating surface should bo so ar
ranged that no air can leak into the
gases after the gases have passed into
the flue. R. S. Hale, in The Engi
neering Magazine for July.
5 Cents
Buys a hemstitched handkerchief of
Elson, the Clothier.
Talk to 'oiliM-lluirit
W. M. Morstnan of OinAhn, attorney
for the Nebraska Telephone company,
came down last evening to meet with
the members of tho city council in re
lation to the ordinance recently passf d
compelling the Nebraska people to re
move tho telephone poles from Main
street or put them under ground. It
was not a called meeting, but oven
members of the council were present.
Matthew Goring als i made a talk in
behalf of the Nebraska company, while
C. A. Kawls and Charles Grimes were
present to represent tho Plattsmouth
company. It was not expected, of
course, that any action would bo taken
last night, but tho members seem to
be determined and tho Nebraska com
pany say they will tost tho btrength of
tho ordinance in court.
Itttutl Concert.
The M. '. A. band concert will bo
given at tho court houso tomorrow
evening at 7:30. The reason for tho
concert beginning so early is that
there is no light there and it is neces
sary to get through before dark. Fol
lowing is tho program:
March Tho Great Captain... .Scouton
Cake Walk The Alabama Dream
American Pat rol Meachan
March The Nation's Pride .. .Scouton
Nina Overture Laurendean
Mexican Dance La I'aloma.. . Yradicr
March The Bride Elect Sousa
A quarrelsome man is always a petty
At a hand concert the idea is not to
get drunk.
An Atchison woman In ushes her
dog's teeth.
If you want to keep ool, keep busy.
There is no other way.
Every honest man admit.-, that ho is
nearly as fickle as a woman.
If the cook is skilful, the gravy is in
as great demand as the springchicken.
A man always looks foolish carrying
a white lace parasol over a womau.
If you can't possibly do a certain
thing, try to do it, and people will ad
mire you for being 'ambitious'
The List patent medicine man in
town convinced the people that two-
thirds of them had kidney dir-ea-e.
Every champion is finally knocked
ou'. Fitz-iramons ought to have
known that his Waterloo was sure.
Very few married women admire the
bass voice in singing; a bas voico
suirgest the tones in which a husband
An Atchison man today refused to
sign a letter of recommendation. We
suppose such a thing never happened
The men aro looking for something
as thin as cheese cloth to make into
garments, but which will not show
through .
A certain house in Atchison is called
The Hague, and the quarrelsome kin
who go thoro to h;ivo thir troubles
patched up know why.
It is ono sign of prosperity when a
man pays cash for a horse. Previous
to good times he always found some
thing ho could trade for it.
Shiifter lay at th ISeatrioe Chautauqua.
Tuesday, July 4, will bo Shafter day
at the Beatrice ehautauqua. Major
General Shafter wiil be there nnd will
tell of the campaign before Santiago.
The Burlington route, to enable
re-hients of towns along its line to
hear General Shafter, will run special
trains to Beatrice frem Edgar, Table
liock, Hanover and intermediate
points. Trains a-o scheduled to ar
rive at B atriCii at a seasonable hour
in the morning, leaving there, on the
return journey, about 8 p. m.
Regular train service from almost all
earbv points other than those named
above is such as to permit ono to make
the round trip to Beatrice, reaching
home sime day.
July 4 is the last day of the Beatrice
chautauqu i, and il will be brought to
a close in right royal fashion. A pro
gram of surpassing interest has been
arranged for the entertainment and
instruction of the thousands who will
spend tho Fourth on the ehautauqua
grounds. No better, cheaper or more
satisfactory way to pass the day can
be imagined.
Get tickets and information about
trains from nearest agent of the B. &
M. J. Fkaxcis, G. P. A ,
Omaha, Neb.
For Sale or Trade.
A good seven-room house and three
lots, with barn and outbuildings, well
and cistern, cave and cellar, all in
good order. Plenty of fruit trees;
located on Mercer avenue, north of
old power house. Good place to raise
poultry or stock. Will sell cheap or
trade for smaller place near business
and school. Can give clear title.
Mli. AND Mks. W. T. Mklvlv.
Ice! Ice!! Icelll
Order your ice of McMaken & Son.
Telephone 72 or 73.
The Vienna I.akery.
We will deliver to our customers
fresh bread, pies and cakes from thi
date. Watch for our wagon if you want
nice, fresh bread.
William Morrow, Proprietor.
Three for $1.
Laundered Percale Shirts Elson, the
Grand Opening of Greater America Ex
position July 1, 1S!9. Muic and oratory; mag
nificent parade; grand display of lire
works in the evening; special low rates
on all railroad?; do not miss it.
The Greater America Exposition Open
Saturday, .Inly 1, "J'..
The Greater America will bo a hum
mer you will say so when you see it.
Special rates on all railroads; grand
parade; magnificent fireworks.
A Former 1'lal tKinoiit li Itoy GivcH III
i: perlcnce In the Army.
Mrs. McCarthy of this city received
the following letter from her on, John,
who is well known in Mattsmouth.and
who is how in the Philippines:
Sax Fkwnanio, P. I, May 11
Dear Mother: Your letter received
and hasten to answer. I supp use you
have given u p ex pectation of my com
ing homo. I will now give an account
of myself since you last heard from me.
When I received my dischargo from
tho navy I shipped as seaman on tho
transport Sheridan for Manila, via
Gibraltar and Sue. c.;nal, with 1,800
troops aboard. It was a fine trip.
Nothing unusual occurred except that
we were quarantined at Gibraltar with
one case of smallpox aboard, being de
tained a few days. Gibraltar, from a
military view, is truly wonderful. It
is tho highest development of the art
of murder. It stands there a huge,
silent sentinel at the gate of the
Medeterranean .
The rest of tho trip was uneventful,
except tho death of a soldier, who
we buried at sea within fifteen miles
of shore. Il seemed to nio ho might
havo been given the usual Christian
burial ashore, as we were so close to
land, instead of being dumped over
board like a dead mule.
Weariived in Manila safe. I re
mained a few days in the city, and
wishing to see what real trouble was
I came out here on tho fighting line
and am now driving four mules for tho
Twentieth Kansas, and have been with
them ou every advance tinco I came.
The fact that I am writing this let
ter rather argues that I must have
been born to be dealt with otherwise
than to be shot. Wo havo in front of
us about 12.C00 or "Aggie's" dusky pa
triots in three divisions "Aggie" to
right, Luna in the center and Masc irdo
on the. left, while on our side Whea
ton's brigade is on the left, Half's
brigade is on the riht, while Liwton
is across the Rio Grande with 5.000
men t yjng to get at their rea . When
our armies advance and t?!c a town
we rest and give the '"nig-" a chance
to build more trenches. It is a hard
proposition to attack them without
shelter to their bro si works and rout
them out, which we never fail to do,
though not without loss.
These western vo'uiieors arc the
most b.-ave men I have ever met
as much unlike those eastern men who
were in Cuba a- a bulldog is unlike a
pat rot. There is a certain b'-er.inss,
open and hor.ost, abo'it them which
one cannot help notici ng, a nd if you
could but see them in a charge you
would feel away down in your heart ; s
I do that our country never had any
better soldiers than those that camo
from t he mountains and prairies of the
west. I have met most of the Pintt.s
mouth boys Johnson, Searle nnd Fry,
and they are in pretty good shape,
considering what they havo gone
through since February 4 continually
on the fighting line.
T think it is a shame to have tho.e
volunteer regiments cut up that way,
while most of the regulars aro in the
town of Manila doing police duty.
There aro all sorts of Mauser rifles to
ho got here, hut as a rule they are
broken as fast as they capture them.
I will close this tiresome letter and
send you all my best regards. Your
son. Jack McCarthy.
The farmers arc busy cultivating
Addison Kiser and family havo
moved into their new rosiderc, which
is a fiae building.
(rjo. ge Hibbird has recovered from
his recent sickness sufficiently to be
at work again, which his many friends
will ho glad to learn.
Miss Ethel Perry has been em
ployed to teach the fall term c f the
Cottonwood school, in which she hopes
to give perfect satisfaction.
J II. Vallery and daughter, Grace,
have returned home from Vaiparasio,
where the former went to look after
his stock ranch and Miss Gtace to
visit old friends.
Charles Beverage, usually quiet and
mild-mannered, was taking steps ten
feet long when in town Saturday, and
wore a smile to match. Upon inquiry
as to the cause of his hilarity it was
iearm d that Mrs. B. had presented
him with a daughter the day before.
Ed Le .eh was at Nebraska City last
Dr. R. B. Wallace and family were
at Omaha Tuesday.
Winill.'ld MeWain.'l was a Piatts
visitor last week.
A. R. Smith and wife visited at Ne
braska City Wednesday.
G. A. Rose and wife were visiting
near Murray last Wednesday.
F. P. Sheldon of Nchawka changed
cars here Wednesday for the county
Quite a number of Union folks were
at Lowiston last Sunday to attend a
basket meeting. They report a very
pleasant gathering.
Rice, old ?hoes and other kinds of
junk must not bo thrown at couples
after they have gotten aboard of New
York Central trains hereafier, is tho
positive order published by that road.
Tho fact that in times past several
passengers havo been injured by the
missilen, and that the stuff thrown has
served no good purpose save to ad
vertise the already embarrase 1 young
married folk, this ordor ha9 b?en
deemed advieable.
You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting.
E tt good wholesome food, and plenty
of it. Kodol Itygpepsia Cure digests
food without aid from tho stomach, and
is made to cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
upend liic Fowl!!
Whe'c your f.ircy !.
and if you want
, I
or any other I'oirth of Julv
yoods, you can j.-el the ! st un-i
la rf."'St seh el;oti at tie- IVutth V
gt of July I loii.lq ii.trt"i s of
i.vrhKKsiiNi; ui;my cm. inns.
ClippiiiK From County I.jk liai.t; h ItUhi-d
I'p for ".fv" Knuh rH
I'rom tliu Weeping Water len:h;:c.m
Several bund red feet, of trauk was
washed out on the M. P Monday al-
lui ijooii ooivw.Mjn r-pi i ii' lie u aim u:e
Piatt. Trains for twenty-four Imur- !
had to be tun via l'ia! l-eioul h, but !
tho track had been replao-'d a':l :
traffic resumed by Tuesday afterur on. j
George F. llouseworth an t If. I). I
Travis rani ! out from 1 'i a i t -):: t li !
Saturday, they being appointed a eotn- !
mittee to examine' into the coo !'
Mrs. Rex fore, ni tin r of F. w:.. ;
is reported out of her mi i.d s ) ',, ;
as to bo a great charge and ; '
troublesome. The committee n:
with Br. Butler, tho examining l'; y-
siciari, and recommend d that tie!
lady be taken to the Lineoln a-ii."i. j
Alf Shirley has fa., ni I.e. o for j
forty year -, and ho say- le- Iris n . i !
seen at this t'nv; ie tin- sea- op
origmer piospeei lor a in 4 e.op t 1 1
corn. He .-ays he has 1 V 'M ies j. j
corn and he did not havo to repl i'.t a j
hill. Trie rain this se 1 i 1 as hi -ii j
abundant, yet it hrs not w '. . .! a:,y ';
of the corn oat, s'nd it has f 1 l a j--;. t 1
right to keep 1 in; plan t g ; -1
Weed-, too, grow rapid! . . i' '
the farmers hu.-dl i n i t. I; ; I en.
der co n I re!.
l'r-;Mri'iir fi:r a shurd-.w it.
PITT;",; el "!!(;. I'd., lime M). A ; a re- ;
Eil't of the failure to t
phi le avnlo at the Chie::;-'? i -.i - '
feronre ;.;1 the tii.j.-Uie in .is.-. 1:. : : -. !
coiiuiiy are p: e-iiii i:. to i-;o: e ;! ;
ami ti.i-ioiK.w m ir.idr;;; i.t lle;c .vi'l J
he a J4 lier:U Sii:-!;en:.p,i!. rwai i .' I
000 n.en vi:l be thi'oAu idle l:y i'-e ;
Slisiicit.-iii't. '.; il will i;:. : i-t j
a matter of Rpeeiuaiion cit, !
hao t,e V ;-.'!( i.n:i 1. 1 1' : 1 j
IlOtll V .liV, tile.u o! t!l:i i::il e,ee-,-ess i
the'u eei'.l'e: ;!(( . ;u ii it :-. - !
Iieeted !':ai. t'ie ; i im-e, 1 of - ,i j
on me (j-i-:,( !;; v . i leaei! ,
ofiiciat' oti'ee.-' .Monday tevxt. I 1 e
are soiae n;::i!.rr. of a nia- m i''.,;,.. :.
be heid yafmalay. but the l-c...
cials v;ti!d not talk on the sdi-je : .
iic Tooled tac i-trrfjcoas.
All doidors tool 1 1--rock H :m it- 11.
of West .Jeff- rson. .. after su ;V. e-: ;J j
IS months f."( ni l.'ei t-il F s u :, i.e
wou Id rl ie u t:l v- s a co -1 o; .: . .: ; h: s
performed; I n'., he i -ur ! tiiuj- '.: v ; h j
five botties (d Baek ec's i.j - i S .i , , j
the surest Pile euro on artii, ;; d l.'tt' !
best S . I vi) in t ho wor'd. -'" i:s a j
box. Seld i.V I''. (;. Frieke i, ! ).. ..(e.-e- j
gists. i !
jl t-filUV:! I l:triM K. irmh-i'i il. ,
The yi'ans fo- '-Old l iins" vi"e!
m.-de by the i-min- nt art t-t ii !;! '.-. j
who has here undei tak 1
I to li si -
1 in 11 -.,
with the aid of many old d neu in e ; s.
the most p clures(j ji; cdifie .- id ; f.e
French capital of s g.we 1 y j
llv means -f an rmli mkin- nt -x ! !
ing out into the Seine, i
p i' e -. va-
able wiis en'arged to a g-;!nd t da. . f !
0,000 square metre-. ; I.e : , . : i::'r
view of the scheme fimv.s '.he e, :.. ;
ell'tcc, and aino ig tin' aetu 1 i-e i;. j
strt-ctions coe.tempi it- u v. e in-: -. ei e:
the Porte St. Michael, the ttif, j:
of Moliere; the Hunvju of I .forma ior.
of The- phrasto It-jna ndi', ;
the first French; ti.e Piace da :
Pre-aux-Cleros; and the J'o er if ihei
L'-uvre, the Grand Cloitobd, h Bue 1
des Vielics ICcok "s, etc, e-c n j
word, it is proposed to reeiii, ;a i-..- j
popular, cottraercial, or as- j
pect, the life of Parisians dui h g ti.e !
seventeenth century, in the s..-' ti g n: j
costume - of that iinie. Jacq-ies I oy--r,
in The Kngineering Mag-, ne fi 1
Arthur W. iionnell f Bro .ki ;.v,
whose son had been stru -ic wit!; an
umbrella by a seven-y ar oid b .-y.
took it upon himseif to spank t. e 1 f-j
fending yoi.ngster. the latter's p-i- eriis
having refused to ndm'nister the i
tisement themselves. Bonne :1 w. s j
thereupon sued for d,;nv;gVs 1 y the
father of the snanice.l bov, and ti e
juri- decided hr. must. pav
The honorary degree rf LL. LV w: s 1
conferred by the Georgetown T!ii-j
versiij- on Bear Admiral j
Scott Schley nnd G or-e W M-?',vi:ie. j
Major General Jotph Wlieeh-r, lieu.)
W. Bourke (', of New Vo;k:
Dr. Simuel Busey, District of Colum-
bia; Dr. Daniel Biower. Illinois, and
Hon. Thomas Herran, U: i'ed St-.ti?s !
of Columbia.
KxpoMition Opt-nti S.-rnrd-y. . 1 1 s I - 1, lStd)
Grand parnde; good rauric; Dan Go.l- i
f rev's Military band and -..-res o'
other; gooJ orator.-; excellent ex
hibits; hundreds of new feature-; i'l:
fireworks in evc-nintr; bigge.-t a- .1
exposition ever given in th- w. st.
King, Empcrer, Duke. Prir.ce-SI.
Elson, the Clothier.
The News o!!:ee is the l e-t equipped
job office in Cass county. First class j
work done on short notiee j
Dr. W. C. Dean...
ion. 410 Mffnene
Nitrthwest cor. ltti an
All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa
tients will receive especial consideration.
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re and call, s I
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I si W V '!' '? r' i' s3 V '-" V 'T V .r TT 1"'?' VW WW V
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;iiid Vanilla
Beat the World ?X
..DRUGOr-T'x' m.
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of Those
!t Mdttross
C prints
V . N I , ' ' 1 f "I
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r I 11 ,. vt : hi id day-.
' 1 ' ' ' '!.! i 1 1 ;ii V Im'IC.
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" ' 1 K hold 1 f I n -a 1 -s.
'y smmmtt
'iiy:y '.;3 "wvt'.
ie:gi In 1 r ni-i- companies, ho I i!e it
ie oe i'i -r ! e-s r-o t from a Ndi.-iska
-:f !'i:slrCs nif! I)wcl!iit; iamsu
. -(b-tit; (ieo. I'.. Dovey, Vice
.! . Mn"-iri. Trea - ore ; ( '. -',
1. ie,. A . I lay, lilt ieri ng
. 1 r-i
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Hiii-,' I'iles ItahsorOs the
e. nets as a poalt iei', p-ivi-s
'.' I'iles and Jteliiiilof tin
raante.l. .ludrc Coons, of
. Vi 1 : nuns' Indian J'ile (Jinl-
t l'intr." Sold by druggists
." cents and SbUO per box.
i)., Druggists.
7 'I
; Undertaker I
J-. v, ...1-- : - ,r. , f i, !,AAAAA4AAil. i
-:yyyy!?iVp. It
lurjivii ;i rhittsruntth, 1 will he flad
:ti crs. .'l s well a- new ones,
A Strives, Ilanlware, j.
have some prices that will
S '
t. (, 0 t l lM vi i w )
) : : n ear.!.-;-. JVtin ..lily. (J
JAf-.TS: F. BALLARD, St, LouisA