Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 09, 1899, Image 3

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lire San Fernando and Flee
Approach of MacArthur.
t'natlfMia About Itrvmue Mmi'.
J. 10. Flout., of t h iiiliTiniI revenue
Horvico, Iimh ii-Hueil u circulur in winch
certain cauliouA, iik to the requlrr
incuts of tho ruvenuo law, have boon
iniiru carefully et forth.
The method hy which deedH, ii ort-
I traces and other record insued uu-
irrirriii i.hwioii'm (uiuiun IU-i with I stamped may bo slumped and placed
in k'tful condition in to have tho col-
Iccto'M of internal iv venue aHix tho
Mtamps upon payment of tho tax duo
and tho penally of double tho ii mount
of tax unpaid, but novt-r 1oh than
5. Tho parties exocutin utidtumpid
dociim.-nts CHtinot cHcapo liability by
allixiny stamps after hurh doeutnentH
aro delivered to the parly for whom
they weie intended. Whenever Mich
deed. mortir::ru or other document is
Alor Michllug 'I linn Vu Hi i-'lmt He-
Mri-l A mi rli'Mii F ori i'M Cm l iirf Ki Ii
'iuliilury Nlon n, lmlilliifr of ICi-f,
i'oni ami Nnj(itr.
Manila, May r. l:.r." p. m Major
General M icA it lair's division ad
vuueed to San Fernando todav and
found that the plain) had been evil-
emited bv tho rebels, who left only ft
Hiinill dutaehment to cover their re
treat by train. General MacArthur
occupied tho I n i-n i n ir town without
1 ho rebels south of Manila at
tempted to rush through Hrijadier
eneral Ovenshine's lino last nijjht.
Tho at tempt failed, but tho rebels
ir r
rprn 1 n
j i
itt ini ni mi nn
Is Now Held By Six Thousand
Native Soldiers.
Auirrlinn Troop llml I'lt'Mnxii t OuurU-m
Ht Hun Friililo Illy I .11 ore Snli-
tmitlitlly Unlit hik Mure litvor.iMy
l.ocHl -l 1 hail Any lie rrliirr I'.n
Irrnl - NoMIrm Look H rallier H um.
Manila, May 7. :10 p. m.-To
clear tlie Filioinos out of I'.ai-olor,
about live miles nouthwost cf San I-'cr-
r.ando, will bo tho next task of tho
Americans. Tho rebel peneral, Mus-
(mMo, bas a lorco ol i,P()ti men there.
found unstamped, the party issuing well armed and possessed of plenty of
tho Bamo will be required to pay tho
tax and penalty.
While there is a portion of the war
re veil no law which provides for the
remission of penalty, this oMico has
decided to remit no penalties, but
...... , ...uu , ujunnini j tro,lt Hu piirt,,.rt thn S!ime .vm. requiro lands of natives are working like bcav
ii. t. I'ourin iiiiauiry reimeni lor buy- i payment
eral hours. 1 ho demonstration was Where unstamped checks, or ijrain
ineffectual, beyond Hearing the inhabi- tickets used as chocks, havo been paid
tailtH Of MalatO. I hv t.ho hunk t. v kIimII Iw, mlllo,!
Thooiitp Js of tho Idaho and Cali- ftrui remitted to the internal revenue
fornia regiments lioyond San I'edro oHieo. If offenders wish to submit of
ami Aliioati wore ii1m attackol during fol-fl j compromise, no action will bo
tho niht. I taken, nendinir tho consideration of
Major (ieneral Lawton Is eti' qunr- thsir olTer by the department. Tho
penalties mentioned, in connection
with unstamped documents and
papers, aro not applicablo to checks
tcrcd at lialinair.
I.uvvtoii Hum llttnl Work.
Detailed reports of tho work of Ma
jr tl.-neral Law ton 'a expedition dhow
that harder fighting took place ilur
nit' the early part of this week than
earlier accounts indicated. In tho at
tack upon San llifucl tho Amorican
forces wore met with a heavy fire from
a largo number of rebels, who were
concealed in tho jungle on all sides,
It. was only tho adoption of the tactics
followed in Indian fiirhtiner in the
United States, every man for himself,
that saved tho division from groat
loss, (ienoral Lawton, as usual, was
at tho head of his lino with his stall'.
Scott's battery demolished a stono
frontod trench at short range.
The insurgent leaders, (Jregonio
and l'io Del Pilar, who had 800 men
in Ualinig, retreated when General
Lawton approached tho town. Chief
of Scouts Young, with eleven men, en
lored Ilalinag ahead of tho army and
rang tho church bolls to announce
that they had possession of the city.
General Lawton, when attacking in
force outside of iialinag, saw women
and children in the trenches and sent
Captain Case in advance with a wbito
flag to warn the insurgonts to remove
tho non-combatants. When within
SOO yards of the trenches two volleys
were firod at Captain Case's party
Chief of Scouts Young, whose brav
ery at Balinag was most notable,
nerved as an Indian scout under Ma
jor General J. u. Howard in his cam
paign in tho northwest in 187(1. Tho
work of Young's scouts was a feature
of the expedition. On Wednesday
twenty-three of the men encountered
a body of 300 Filipinos beyond Balinag
and drove them until of tho 150 rounds
of ammunition which tho scouts car
ried they had only fifteen rounds left.
They were about to retire when Lieu
tenant l.ovd, with a troop of tho
Fourth cavalrv, cmio uo and chased
the enemy into San Miguel.
There are 2, OtH Spanish prisoners in
the hands of tho Filioinos at San
Miguel. They aro served with 5
cents worth of rice daily and are com
pelled to work hard on the rebel de
fenses. Several hundred of the Fili
pino wounded aro at San Miguel.
The in-urgents aro sending their
women and children to tho Bianaona
batto mountains.
A Holo chier and imi men were cap
tured at Balinag. General Lawton
has released many of his prisoners.
Capture CoinnilKHHry Stores.
Washington', May . The War
department has received the follow
ing: Manila. Mav AdjutnnlGeneral,
Washington: Following casualties at
San 'IV in is yesterday: One officer,
Lieutenant Toggart, Twentieth Kan
sas, and four enlisted men illed;three
oTicers, twenty-two enlisted men
wounded. Among" the wounded is
General Funston, hand, slight . Lawton
reports the capture of over 150,000
bushels of rice and 405 tons of sugar at
Balinag. Value of subsistence cap
tured at Malolos, $1,500,000. Large
captures of rice and corn belonging to
tho enemy at other points. Insurgonts
destroyed by fire yesterday tho town
of San Tomas and last evening fired
the city of San Fernando. Otis.
The records of the war department
do not contain tho name of Toggart.
The dead officer is probably William
II. McTaggart.
New Yokk, Maj- 5. A Manila dis
patch to the Journal says General
Luna was wounded in the fighting
near S in Toinas yesterday. The dis
patch also says that the monitor
Monadnock is today shelling Parana
que, pouth of Manila.
riM in nni inn nnmm un
lllu l UUlU IHJURU-UI.
Two Quarry men Are Arrested and
Fined $1 and Costs.
Only a very vicious person an arch
villain would commit so bold and
dastardly a trick as to cut the seams
in the Breadwinher overalls being
used as traces on Phil Harrison's
mules, which occurred on Fifth street
last Siturdiy afternoon. It must have
been a man without a countrj-, a flag,
a home or a mother. God pity him,
for all good people aro against him.
Wescolt offers 5 rewind for his ap
prehension. It should be remembered that the
only place in tlie city to get first class
silverwaro for wedding presents or for
your own use is ' at Coleniin's, two
doors south c-f pstoffice.
When you consider how important
honesty is, it is surprising how many
people are dishonest. Dishonesty is
always a loer, but so many people be
lieve they can make it win.
( (iloricl Mhii Foil ii I Action Queerly
Over In Happy Hollow I)rummoiil
lllvorre lr-e Set Aside Other I-o-
cul Iliippt'iiiiiK of luterent to "News"
ruin Saturday's Daily.
lOmmont Neal was tho name of tho
quarryman who was arrested in an in
toxicated condition yesterday morn
ing. iast evening one ot his com
rades by tho name of Stephen McGary
was also gathered in by tho officers
for tho same reason. They wero
taken before Police Judge Archer
this morning, who fined them each $1
and costs. Neal paid his fine and went
his way, but the other follow will
board tho sum out with Jailor Mc-
big colored follow was acting
very queerly over in Happy IIollow
todav. His actions were reported to
tho police and Johnny FitzpatricK was
dotalied to tro after him. A little girl
reported that he had been attempting
to get into a house, but when she was
brought to the jail to identify him she
said ho was not the right man, and so
he was shown the way out of town.
Ilerree of Oivorce Set AmIiIb.
The following court news appeared
in tho Lincoln department of tho
World-Herald last Saturday, and will
bo of interest to Nkws readers:
k In the district court today the suit
for a divorce instituted by Mrs. Annie
Drummond against Wellington Drum
mond was stricken from the docket.
Tho parties to the action aro well
known, tho wife living at Plattsmouth
and tho husband having been for many
years prominent in educational and
republican political circles in the
state. The husband has been confined
in the hospital for the insane at this
place for several yrars, and was under
treatment there when the action was
commenced. ' Tho case came up last
fall and tho papers showed that Drum
mond had been served with the sum
mons while he was at Havelock, he
being permitted to go out under care
of an attendant at the time.
"The petition alleged that the
grounds for divorce wero desertion and
other statutory causes, but the fact of
tho defendant's insanity was not
brought out. The docree was granted
and then when upon investigation it
was shown what the facts were, the
wife was o-dered to appear and show
cause why the decree should not be
set aside. This she has failed to do.
and today tho decree of divorce was
set aside and the case dismissed."
ammunition. His troops havo never
met Amorican soldiers and they think,
according to icports received nt Jr-'an
Fernando, that thov can "whip tho
whole lot."
Bacolor is well intrenched and thous-
ers, digging trenches and carrying tho
dirt in baskets. Tho enemy uses his
rillemon for fighting only, but compels
tho Bolomon and Chinese, and oven
Mrs. Lillian I!ao went to Omaha
today to rpend Sunday with her
Judge George M. Spurlock ha -en
cho-:ii to deliver the add runs at Luu.
vi!le on Decoration day.
Mrs. O. F. Utter! aek has something
of interest to say to lhe ladies in this
is-uo of Tin: Nkws. Bead it.
J. W. Smith and wife of Maryville,
Mo., aro in the city visiting their
daughter. Mis. Ge;rge M . fjpurlock. .
Superintendent Farley returned this
morning fiom a week's trip over the
county in the interest of tho schools.
J. I!. Baird, one of tho prominent
citizens of Kim wood, was in tho citv
today on business and made Til i: N i;ws
a pit as int call.
Mrs. A. W. Critcs came down from
Chadron last evening and will visit
tho family of B. S. K:un.ey and other
relatives a few days.
There were not as many farmers in
town today as usual. They are mnk
ing every hour count with their spring
work, as they aro a little late.
II. K. Neitzel and wife returned
A .M.iii Who Ont-KU.tU s, 1,1 ill. r I. Ilt',il-
liitf I he M nil II ml. .
A fellow named Kharas is at l! at
rieo and is curing cripi.-s and all
sorts of invalid,-, without the u-eof
medicines. lli- hands give a shock
liUi a iiattery. He cannot be a fake
fur he charges nothing in advance,
but is u-uaily well paid fur the good
bodies, and from lhe repurts lie dues
lots of it. He holds a medical diploma
from tlie University of Kentucky, et
ho does not "practice" medicine. Jb-
says he learned the nrt of healing in
India. People are docking to m e him
and funio are disappointed.
in m h r lit)
r.! - 2
RgsuIIs Fatally h
Cases Out cf Tea
r i '
the womon, to labor incessantly. The
troops havo an outpost about a mile from their wedding trip to South Bend.
beyond San Fernando, with a trench J,,,., today and after a short visit here
that holds between 200 and :!00 men. will rn to their homo at M.inWL-
From that point several volleys wero
fired last night upon tho camp of the
Twentieth Kansas regiment. Neither
Major (Jeneral MacArthur or Major
General Lawton moved today, although
ench reconnoitered tho country in his
vicinity for 6omo miles from head
quarters, developing tho presence of
small forces of tho enemy.
In the vicinity of Lagunda do Bay
the rebels aro extremely active, but
tho lines of General Ovenshine and
Colonel Wholly, who is commanding running inn engine at the pcuver
General King's brigade during the nouse lor a month, has resigned his
hitter's illness, have been materially position and accepted another one
strengthened and there is no dancer in over in Iowa. 7Lias KUdow lsdoing
that direction. " lhQ vvo, ii at present
Tho armed steamers Lagunda do Joe Lloyd received a telegram from
Bay and Cavadonga, under Captain Mot-ale, la., today announcing the
Grant, havo gone to Guagua, about dangerous illness of Dr. 11. H. Khoden
five miles southwest of Bacolor, pre- of that place. He is a brother-in-law
suraably to establish a base of supplies of Mr. Lloyd and formerly resided in
for the troops engaged in the northern this county, where ho has many friends
It is rumored that Mabini, president Monday
- - ... m . I
ui nio " VJ1 wi.Mt. ij. i upper oi Kiouisvillc was in
allairs in the so-called tilipmo gov- the city today
' I A n mil ho r Of nHnrnora wnr in ni
,i i t t .... 4 1. rHMAH .r J
eeeueu uy x anonu, . t... tendartce .u federal court in Omaha tc-
Spanish treaty ot two. lhis change is
regarded as sitrnincani ai uic present
Charlie Kerr received a number of
pictures of interesting scenes in and
around Manila from his brother, Mcr
rit, and they aro on exhibition in John
T. Coleman's window.
Mr. and Mrs. Y . L. Street and
Superintendent Farley went to Elm-
wood this afternoon and will attend
i . ....
the funeral of Walter Stopher at that rac( s 1S Pacc-d so liip.h that only tho
upper classes can attend. The Mi-
Kaoo s staoies arcommodate :.,, nt
3.000 animals.
Grip's IJjvafjes I loomed.
So much mi.-ery and s. many deaths
have been cau-c d by tho d ip, that
every ono should know what a wonder
ful remedy for this malady Is found in
I)r. King's New Discovery. That dis
tressing stubborn cough, that in-
uanies your throat, roos you oi Mcop,
weakens your ryslem and pavi:s the
way lor vuonsumpiion is ijinckiy
stopped by this matchlo-s cure. If
you have chills and fever, pain in the
back of tho head, soreness in bones
and muscles, soro throat and that
cough that grips your throat like a
vice, you need Dr. King's New Dis
eovery to cure your Grip, and prevent
Pneumonia or Consumption. Price
)0 conts and 81.00. Money back if not
cured. A trial bottle free at Fricko iV
Co's. drug store.
The Mikado' f ml.
The favorite sport of the Mikado is.
like that of most of the Indian princes.
horse racing, but he' allows no bet
ting, and the price of admission to the
Cut" rMti
L t
Li. A,
jxtisoti in ) !, rir';i!
i d i"i
i ' : : i
son or u !f."i- -ii. w u
TUU f'e
an ;i met
I! .1 !'''..
Ii -e .
( ' llli
ttl'i; ili--o'i'- riff on lir-f .ipjionrri
-i r ifi Ii, ;i 'iuiili. or Iiiiiiji in
I . I ' v iii.i II to nf t r;ict ;i m-
uiilil. in l s i . 1 1 1 i-.isc.';, flic ilfinlly
i I ill I lev l I' n il.
r mii li"t Ii" i iiieil 1 y H siir'ic;i
I ii -i n-a fli,. ill i;i:c n viiiilent
Ihlllt tl
i !ii in;c olr I in.ilo, ilorji-i'.-itoil
i II. -i f: I ilc, iliiliieccl ;i few ,,..
ill.T 'li.iii-.(iiie; the ki of
1 ll.'ir lie
'! I ;i cu
S. S. S. j.rovoi!
ie s 1 1 'in , iiml a II IioiiltIi
llliil- - 111 IV i.' cut ;i ivav. Iln
jn.'isou ri'iu iins in tin ; i r 1 1 p: m j , ! y In. -!;s out jil'rc-li, with
renew. 'il vi.'l.'liei'.
Tlio won li'i l'nl s:rcs ; .f I v S. S. j:
lilooil ilisr iscs which were run i.!"ic
sji.iirin u H'ci crs to t ry il f -r ( '.ui -er.
tho physiciam witiioiil ,i cu;-.-. A'uch t
o.ii il to tho ili.v.iso .imi promptly
Npr ul rnpully, anil it w.i-i s.m.ii ilcinonsl r.'il.'d
heyoml ! . 1 1 1 t ' i ; 1 1. ;t cure h i. :it la-l Ix-cn
t'oitiitl for ilcally ( '.-in. -cf. iili'iicc his ;i.'cu
miilatcti which is iiicontrovci-tihlc, of wjii. h
tins following is a spcciincn :
'Caii'-er is hereditary in uur family, ir.y f iller, a
sister and an aunt having .Led frni thi's dreadful
disease. My f.-elings lnav be iin:i;'iii. .J vv h ji the ,() -rilile
disease made i; i appearance ci my sid". It w:
a mali:,'iia:it t 'aneer, eat iii' inwardly in' Mich a vv.iv.ei
to cans. great alarm. Tli disease .secme I bey. .n. ' h
(skill of the doctors, for their treatment did 'no ;- d
whatever, the Cancer growing v.oi- all tie- while
Numeroas ivmedies were used for i; but the ('aneer Ml:
grew steadily worse, until it seeim . ( I u as do. .med
to follow the others of the family, for I l.nou how deadlv C.meer is, especially
when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's S; die i. S S i, vv hieb, from the
first day, forced nut the p-iison I nnni 1 ii.s use Wnl il had taKen eighteen
bottles, wh'Mi I was Miie i sound an I v..-!!, end have, had no i-v in i it oms of the
ureaillitl a 1 1 ie! ion , t ho:i; r ' i year.-. hav
for Cancer. Mus. S M. Inoi., W'instoii, X. C
Our hook on Cancer, containing other
information, will Im s-nt free f. any ail
Company, -l!.in!:i, '.f rr;hi.
,f4 y
s. m. iiM)r
claimed. i. S. S. 1-; the only cure
h'stiini.iii ils ami valualilo
In-.s hy tho Swift SjM'cilii'
place tomorrow afternoon.
Frank Buckingham, who has been
Unless a woman cats t-uflicH-nt
nourishing food she can neither gain
nor keep a good complexion. Food,
when digested is the base of all health,
all strength, and all beauty, llerbinc
will help digest what you eat,and give
you the clear, bright, beautiful skin of
health. Price o'J and 7" cts. G.
Fricko &. Co.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In the district court of ('as coimtv, Ni;la as ka.
t 'rank K. ( ut hinan n. 1 'iaiij I lit .
ct al.
Thn interior of the counly jail lias
recently been icpaintod and other
wise improved.
Thoro was over an inch and a half
of rain fall hi this olace Saturday
night and Sunday morning.
Tho entrance of tho Americans into
San Fernando was virtually unoDposed
The Filipinos, who expected tho in
vaders to approach from the sea, had
that sidoofthe town strongly guarded,
but there was only oce line of trenches
beyond San Tomas. Two battalions of mouth appears in this
the Fifty-first Iowa regiment, which pers among the list of Nebraska veter-
swam the river north cf the city, were ans who have been granted pensions
smartly pepperea wmio in me waier. anf M,-s. W. L. Street and
but tho rebels disappeared as soon as Superintendent Farley returned from
the Americans reached the shore. In Kimw-0od this morning, thov havinc
. ?jt 11. .ji
ma meantime mo nospuai gquau nau been in attendance at tho funeral of
got across the bridge into the city, Walter Stonher yesterday.
upposing the Americans were there
They encountered no natives.
Natives Are HospitHlile.
construction gang arrived in town this
morniner and wero restrinirin? wires
Tho few Spaniards and Filipinos who and df)iR othor wor. I)reparatOPV to
company vs
set for trial
Seth Thomas Clock
county commissioners.
lune 5, 1:30.
Stull vs. School district No S. Mo
tion for new trial argued and sub
Plattsmouth Loan and Building as
sociation vs. J. M. Chapman. Motion
to strike replj' from tiles overruled.
Sot for trial May 30.
First National Bink of Greenwood
vs. 11. It. Waldron. Motion to set
aside submission sustained; decree of
foreclosure and order of sale.
F. G. Bgenberger vs. Lorenzo Jean,
et al. Hearing on application for ap
pointment of receiver submitted. De
fault of defendants called and entered.
Application for receiver sustained
and L. B. Egenberger was appointed
with bond flxed in the sum of $500, to
all of which defendants excepts.
CirrieE. Black vs. Junius Black.
Ilearing on application for tomporary
alimony submitted. Application for
allowance of temporal alimony sus
tained and defendant ordered to pay
the sum of $10 per month for the sup
port of plaintiff and her child until
further order of the court. Further
ordered to pay the sum of $25 for the
purpose of preparing ped conducting
her action against defendant.
Frolt Trees Are tioiug.
We will in ike special low prices on
trees for next week. You will find us
at the nursery ready to wait on you.
Now U the time to plant your orchard.
Riverside Nursery Co.
C. F. Morton, Proprietor.
wero left weicomea tne Americans
and opened their houses to them. (Jen
eral MacArthur accepted entertain
meni at the nanus of oonor llizon, a
sugar magnate.
If the inhabitants of tho Sin Fer
nando legion aro to be believed, there
is little sympathy with the lnsurrcc
tion in that quarter. Before evacuat
ing the city the rebels burned the
church and the public building.- and
looted tho Chinese quarters. They
drove many rich Filipinos, with their
families, out of tho city before them.
as well as hundrods of Chinese, to pre
vent them helping tho Americans.
They cut tho throats of some. Many
Chinese hid on roof tops or in cellars
William O. Weston,
Jo Win. 1). Weston, irancis v.. Il:lv,
Flet'.lior ii. Weston, Abhv Spramir, Sarah G.
I lem incrvva v. J.vuia Ann Kelsev, M.irv l-uck
lininia KiiukIcs. J. I'ajjc Weston. Wallace Wes
ton, Ahuiiia Davis, Mailon Hall, ralei ton
lialiiuin, Abby I'.aiicv, 1 lionias hald .vi n. A inert
I. lii.xby. Alma v.. liailey. Ad. I ( i ; rv:s ) s;).-ui i.l-
intr; lhe children el rerris I'.arton. deceased.
Win. 1-. Uaiton and Hattie -Mav Jiaiton: tin
children of Joseph Baldwin, deceased, Klmcr
lialdwin, Ildon l.aldvvin, Wadri.c Ilahiwin and
Auusta M. Spauldinfr: and the children of Marv
Sheldon, deceased, namely Iruin I, Sheldon,
Mrs A hhv Shelter; and ! is. I !nr.l M M.Ivmiiiv
r?j r. , I . , .... .. .... i , .
iiienamoei r ritz l leinricn OI 1'lalts- and the children ot ano nan. deceased, e'.nie
I lla and .Mrs. Ida crust: and the chi dren of
morning S p;i- jse;,h Weston, deceased, l'rank A. Weston and
rtluu Weston and ivnthia A. iirvis.
Vnu are hereby untitled that upon the ifth day
ol April, A. D., ls'.l'J, p!amt:tl tiled his petition
in the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska,
to quiet title as airainst von and each ol you.
and others, in and to all of that pail of the
south half of the northwest quarter of section
eleven 1 1 , township eleven 1 11 . ranjjo thirteen J
I i:i, in Cass county, Nebraska, lying west ot the
rmht ot way ol the I'maha Southern Kailwav
company, and to exclude each ul you Ironi hav
ing or claiming' any ripht, title or interest therein
r... ,t , , y, , , ,i uy vniuetii iemK legatees uiioer ine iasi win
x no ktui asi-. v i cie-innu i:uuip,iiiy s anci testament of Addison V. Weston, and to re
form an erroneous description in a contract of
sale from the said Addison 1. W eston, defeased.
to t- rancis M . ounir. dated April :.lth. A. !.,
IS'.'l, in which said land was described as the
west one-hiilf of the north one-halt of the north
west tiuarter of section eleven 1111. township
eleven II range thirteen i:i, and to have sa:d
description describe the land lirst above heiein
set forth: and to remove from plaintiff's title th.
cioua placed ineieon oy reason ol too said er
roneous description .
v uu are reduiren to answer said petition on .r
before June ith, A. D.. IS'.-.".
I'KA.Nk K. ( U 1 ll.MA... I la ml i If.
IJvijon Cl.ARK. Attorney.
J irst publication April 21, 19H.
When it conies to sellin.LT slr.'ti'ht oods at straight
prices, telling" a straight stoi-y about tltein and loinc a
straight business all the way tht onlit , there is not a
stre anywhere that has any the best of Jot- hYank.
Treating" people square is our hobby and doing" business
on honor is our pride. We handle nothing" but the best
goods, of the best make and at less mom-v than you can
buy in ferior g"oods elsewhere. Oar Spring" and Summer
Clothing" for Men, 1s and Children is complete and
our Furnishing- ( loods, Hats, Cap-, etc., cannot be sur
passed for style and quality in any town or citv.
i lease give us a call be I ore
you Imv
it "ives us
pleasure to show yon throi.g-Ji our stock. Respectfully,
Waterman Block Plattsmouth
moving the exchange into the room
over 3iorgan s store.
D. M. and (reorge Bloyd were up
from near Murray today. Tho former
called at this olh'oe and squared his ac
counts for this household necessity
and ordered tho" St. Louis (Jlobe-Dem
ocrat sent to his address.
The World-Herald issued a supple
ment tnis morning in wnicn an ex
haustive biography of tho bench and
bar of Nebraska, is given. It contains
portraits of the lending attorneys of
the state, the familiar faces of a num
her ot i lattsmou tli men appearing in
the edition.
Allen Morrow and wife and Mrs
ii r n -i
--3 5? i S 5
IX IS. & Xi. -K
and sorao escaped by cutting olT their Morrow, the former a brother and the
queues. There aro fifty fresh graves litter the mother of William Morrow,
in the church yard. I returned to Mills county. Ia., this
Tho country beyond Calumpit is morning after spending Sunday in the
full of all sorts of ingenious trenches city. Mr. Morrow expects to start in
and pitfalls in the roads, constructed a few days for an overland trip to the
with sharpened bamboo. Fortunately Black Hills to spend the summer.
tho Americans escaped without injur3'.
In the swamps near San Tomas,
where General Wheaton's troops did
their hardest fighting the mon sink
ing to their waists in mud are many
bodies of Filipinos, smell.'ng horribly.
The army is really enjoying life at translated from the French, and
oan rertauuo, wmen is me most P'c- J indescribably nasty, but it drew
turesque and wealthy town the Ameri- crowded house just the same.
cans have entered since the occupa
tion of Manila. It is larcelv built of :,v" the hi,,rp"
stone, the river is close at hand anii called Grain-O. It is a delicious, an
high hills almost surround it. Many petizing, nourishing food drink to take
sugar factories indicate a thriving in
Several Plattsmouth people visited
Omaha yesterday and Attended the
"Turtle" given at one of the theatres.
They say that the "roast" of the play
that appeared in this morning's Bee
was . mucn deserved. 1 lie play is
dustrv in that resDect and there are
numerous tine residences. General
MacArthur's headquarters are estab
lished in tho best house in town.
The troops are encamped around in
the suburbs and are beginning to
think thev may bo quartered there
during the wet season.
After Bacolor has been cleared,
water communication with Manila
may be established. Along the toads
to Calumpit the fuel wagons and bul'
the pince of colTee. When properly
prepared it tastes liko the finest cof
fee but is free from all its injurious
properties. Grain-O aids digestion
and strengthens the nerves. It is not
a stimulant but a health builder, and
children, as well as adults, can drink
it with great benetit. Costs about one
fourth as much as coffee. 13 and 2oc.
at grocers.
If you are contemplating bu3'ing a
watch call on John T. Coleman, the
jeweler, anil see the verv latest de
teams dragging provisions have to be signs in cases and movements
forced, one by one, across two rivers,
but the Filipinos have a few launches
in the river Delta.
The American troops aro much ex
hausted by lha campaign, except the
Iowa troops, which are comparatively
fresh. The regiments of tho division
average less than fifty men to a com
pany and all havo weather-worn appearances.
Senator lieveridge of Indiana is here
studying the Philippine question.
Brigadier General Charles King
has sailed for the United States on
board the transport Pueblo.
Shadow social at Eight Mile Grove
church Saturday evening. May 13.
Everybody come and have a good time
Cut this out and ttike it to the
druggist named below and vou will
receive a regular 2oe size uottle of
Dr. Sawyer's Uktitine for 5c. oka-
tine positively cures all forms of
Kidney difficulties. Dyspepsia, Con
stipation, Head- BY ache. Rheu
matism, Puffing of the Ej-es. Uka
tine curas Pimples and Blotches,
and makes sallow and yellow skin
white. Do not aelay, but take ad
vantage of this great offer, as thou
sands bear evidence to the wonder
ful curative powers of Ukatine.
Successor to Smith & Parmele, DroggUt,
Probate Notice
In the County Court, Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of tlie estate ot J.lin lions, de
ceased. To aii persons interested:
ou arc hereby notified that upon April JTth.
l1-!':!, Henry M. lions, as administrator ol th
above estat". tiled his report ot receipts and dis
busenients from November '.th. h'-'.'T.lo April L'dth.
lV.H.i, and prayed that a time be hxed t.n lieanng
upon said accounts. and that the same l.e allowed
as a final report; and that he and his bondsmen
be discharged and relieved from any and all
inrther liaurity therein: and you are hereby nuti-
lieo; tnat saiU account ana petition are assigned
lor liearmpr upon the Ith day ot May. A. I.
i '--
19'.. at 2 o'clock p. m., at mv oltice, and ;
sons are required to show cause, il any, beiore
said date why said accounts should not be ap
proved ana allowed and a Imal settlement made
therein and an ascertainment of the heirs and an
assignment of the assets be made, and said ad
ministrator and his bondsmen be discharged and
relieved from any and all further liability therein:
and it is further required that this order be pub- j
lished in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald for
three weeks successively bclore said date.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 1st day of i
George M. Splki.ock.
(Seal) County Judge.
First publication May
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of tlie guard Kiiship of John G.
O'Rourke, Anna L. U'Kourke and Joseph'!".
()Kourke, minors.
To all persons interested: You are hereby no
tified that on March 2' A. I). 1 Mi. M.
O'Kourke, guardian, hied her account in this
court as guardian of Joseph T. ( I'Koiirke. cover
ing the period ot time lrom Ann! .5. A 1 . I":!, to
April :t. A. I). 1S-'.', together with a petition ask
ing that said account be adjusted and aiiowed:
and you are hereby nrtitied that said account and
petition are assigned for hearing upon the iird
day of May, A, 1). is;ii. at lu o'clock a. ni. t iny
onice: and ail persons interested are reqaired to
show cause, if any, before said date why ipid ac
count should not be approved and allowed: and
it is further required that this order be published
in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald for three
weeks successively b.fore said date.
U ltness my fiand and the seal of said court at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 1st day of
.May, A. u. l'.'y.
George M. Spuklock,
SEAL County Judge.
First publication May 2.
And for ever3'tliing under the sun.
Every home has need of paint.
Each kind of
Sherwin-Wiluams .
is specially suited to some home use cither outside or inside.
It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right
place that makes painting a success. Tell U3 what you want to paint,
and we'll tell vou the right kind to use.
For sale in Iattsrnoulh by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
peaKer & Son,
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage, dated on the 1st day of August,
l'.1, and duly tiled in the office ol the countv
clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, on the Mri dav
of August. lM'S and executed by J. V. Haker
and Frank Faton to tlie Westinghouse company,
which said mortgage was given to secure the pay
ment of the sum of jr.Aii! and upon which
there is now due lhe sum of JTr .42, default hav
ing been made in the payment of said sum, and
no suit or other proceeding at law having been
instituted to recover said debt or an v part thereof,
therefore I will sell the DroDertv therein de
scribed, viz:
tine Westinghouse engine, one engine tender.
one bay horse, live vears oid: one bay horse,
earso!d: one double harness, one O'liriuti wa
gon, one blacK cow. one red cow. one yearling
heifer, one Sorrel horse, one black mare, three
sets double harness, one main belt (Candy), one
water tank, at pubiic auction on the larm of N.
Trook. about three miles n:.rthe-ist of the village
ot Union, in Cass county, Nebraska, on the iMh
day of May, Is 'J. at the hour ot i o'clock arm.
of said dav.
The Westinohousf. Company, Mortgagee.
liv Mockctt iS: Poik. its Attorneys.
Plattsmouth, Neb , April -, 1 ...
I-irenne Nt!c.
To w hom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the
next regular meeting ot tlie board of county com
missioners, in and for Cass coutity. Nebraska,
for a license to sell vinous, malt and spirituous
liquors in the village of Cedar Creek, Cass
countv, Nebraska, for the period of one year.
Dated this 14th day of April. lsl.. 1
Livery, Feed and
Sale Stable.
Finest Rigs in the City.. Horses Boarded
by the Day or Week.
Wc aro also dealers in all kinds of
We are here for the Business of
the County...
And will get it, if Fair Dealing and Gco-1 Gord will cut any figure with
our Farmer Friends. When you are in town, cime and ?ec us wo will
gladly show you anything we have in stock.
M. E. Manspeaker & Son,
Pearl St.,"between 6th and 7th, Plattsmouth