Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 02, 1899, Image 1

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    W7Jh TIT Vv A
k. V fill
h 1FT.1R. A T Tb .
'I' I IK NKWs.
KHtnliWIicd Nov. r. 1MI I
hctaMiHlicil April HI,
( ' ins: ;.i n i ii .I n,, l, r-.).
ff (
4 i ;
Town Four Miles North of Ca:im
pit Captured by Americans.
(ieixritl I.hwIoii .'oiil Iiiik'H In A l vh nri- -
II:ih OrgunltMl Itmiil f Scoulu I r'Mii
tli OIl Imllitii I lKlit-rM i" I Im I'otu
iiiiiikI 'll-way" liy In (MimtikI l.y
llll- I l I Ht ."tlttllllll.
Manila, M;iy 2. K:i! a. in. M.-jor
Hell, with ii H(U!id of Mcoulrt, h:is ean
tiirt'd the town of Macabebe, about
four miles Houthwortt of Calumpit, the
pi'0lo ringing bells and Hliouting
"Vivas." Tho American army in now
oinploying Maeabobos instead of (Jlii
ih'.mi; ami they aro delighted to got 50
cents a day, rioclari ng tboir loyalty to
tim Americans.
(ionoral Law ton is advancing. Ilo
lias organized a band of forty pcouts
to o ubcad of the column. Tbo hand,
which is under V. M. Young, an old
Indian lighter who killed (ivo Fili
pinos last wool;, include Diamond,
Harrington, Somorliold and Murphy
f the Second Oregon regiment.
Yesterday, the anniversary of tho
battle of Manila bay, was observed by
tho United Statu Meet, Hie u-ual
drills being omitted. Admiral Dewey
had many visitors and the American
and Hritish merchantmen dressed
(Jeneral MaeArthur 1ms sent ollieors
to tlonoral Antonio Luna, the Fili
pino oommandor under a llag of truce,
carrying money and provisions for
American prisoners in his hands and
asking an oxebango of prisoners and
tho m. .Ties of such as ho may have.
It is reported that the insurgents
have two ollieers and sixteen others,
and it is supposed that among these
are Lieutenant .1. (J. CJilmoro and
eleven men of the crow of the gun
boat Yorktown, who fell into the
hands of tho Filipinos last month
when the gunboat visited l!ibr, on
the east coast of Luzon.
Captain Among the MihMini.
Washington, May 1. The War
department has received no advices
from (Jeneral Otis since Saturday con
cerning, tho situation in the Philip
pines. In the two dispatches received
today no mention is made of the nego
tiations with the insurgents, nor of
any Hirhting. Ueneral Otis reports
that Captain Rockefeller of tho Ninth
infantry has been missing since April
US. Captain Rockefeller was making
fromo investigations about Caloucan
and has not been seen since the date
given. Some of his personal papers
have been found about two miles from
Caloocan. It is feared that he has
been captured by t-omo of the insur
gent ban els.
Washington, May L Cant. Charles
A. Rockefeller entered the army as a
private in the Seventh New YorU in
1SG1. He served through the civil
war, reaching the rank of first lieuten
ant of volunteers. He became a sec
ond lieutenant in tho Ninth infantry
in IStiT, and has been with that regi
ment ever sinco. lie has always boon
known as a good soldier and was a
graduate of tho infantry and cavalry
school. lie was well up in tho list of
captains and would have received a
major's commission in a short time.
The following is the dispatch of
General Otis announcing the disap
pearance of Captain Rockefeller:
"MANILA, May 1. Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington: Ciptain Rocke
feller, Ninth infantry, missing since
2Sth ultimo, on line of commanding
battalion near Caloocan; visited oui
pos'.s 9:30 p. in.; not seen since. Dili
gent search made that night two
miles to front: notbinjr discovered, no
enemy in front. Search prosecuted
ever sinco without Miccess. Private
papers in his possession found HiHh
ultimo two and ooe-half miles to front;
belief ho lost his course and was cap
tured." How's This.
We offer One Hundred Hollars Reward fir
any ease of Catarrh that cannot le cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. S. CHENKY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
We the underslsned, have known I- J.
Cneiiey for the last l." years, aim believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their (inn.
West & Tkuax, Wholesale Drujjjilsts, To
ledo. O.
Waluint., K inn an & Mahnin. Wholesale
Druczists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
actinjr directly upou the blood autl mucous
surfaces of the system. Price T."c. per bot
tle. Sold by all UruRslsts. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A 1'leasant Thing:.
"Wall, yes," replied a prominent citi
zen of Arkansas to the querv of a
prospective land purchaser, "we have
considerable ague ycre. It hain't the
pleasantest thing in the world, mebbe,
but it has its advantages. When yo'
have a chill yore shakin' amuses the
baby, an' it saves a right smart sum.
In the cou'se of a year, in the cost of
rattle boxes."
"ObTlon Keaton."
Johnny Pa, Mr. Brownlow said, for
obvious reasons, he should be unable
to be at the meeting at the school
house tonight. What does he mean by
"obvious reasons?" Pa Why, my son,
when a man has any reasons that he
can't think of or has reasons that he
does not care to name he says his
reasons are obvious. Boston Trans
script. King. Emporer, Duke, Prince $1.
El-ion, the Clothier.
.vri ii sos ; I. - it i : i; ;i r.
Ail pretty v-nnuT-, and all liam'-oino
men, arc a lit'le f'u, ish.
A siieecsfu! mini ciii't ro-;!izo liv:
ti ifil an iniS'i. CM.ful m ui I'm. Is life.
Sumo m 'ii .ho ii ivj uijr.i inonoy
than brain.-:, hweii'l mscli in 'liny
'1 ho man who i-.-li uhi.-l3 maker,
money easier than liiu mall who buys
However truthful a boy, he dislikes
to tell the exact fa s about a hunting
or fishing tri p.
Win $10 on an election and iho iml.
lic will irivc you credit for winning ten
times that amount. I
Kvory wedding is the pret f iet of the
season, and every bride's w dding out
lit i-i the most elaborate. j
When a child siy "thank you"',
without being iemiuii"d, its mother1
Tools very pulled up and proud. j
"Outfit" means tho name is "in us- ;
scan," and people, e m'l call you down j
on the way .you spoil or p: ooviiiiee it. j
'The vvoini n have surii an accumula- i
tion of mud on their skirts thai it j
sounds as if they wore silk putiicoats.
Some of the new - pr-i n u hats tho
girls. are weiring look like tho old
fashioned hats lie; country girls used
to hi aid for themselves ouLof wheat
stra w.
There are lot f wor.:'.n in Iho
world who h ive piei:ru up a lot of cx from p.-eaehers, and who un
fortunately believe they are doing
trreal. good by repeating then:.
His Lire Was Saved.
Mr. .1. 10. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Mo., lately had a won
derful deliverance from a frij'htful
death. In ti lling of it ho says; "1
was taken with typhoid fever, that
ran into pneumonia. My liifigs be
came hardened. I was so weak 1
couldn't even sit up in bed- Nothing
helped me. I expected l.-i soon die of
consumption, vhen I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottlo
yavo great relief. I continued to use
it, and am new well and strong, ( can't
say too much hi ns pra !.. This
marvelous medicine is lh" siif-st and
quickest ou re in the world for throat
mil lung trouble. ili-.L'uia!- sizes -rM
cents and '. Trial bottles free at
l' (. I'Vieko iir "os. druir s'or- ; ovei-y
bottle ' -
Won't lliivi" I mi; :itors.
I't iM.i Cor. ( ii ;'.o Ixof ord: With
lioi'eiinv. ,;. men of his maj-
- ; s il.ivy h;:v now bowed to til''
kai:- r's decree rev.u-dixts; mustaclics.
Xaval officers who wore the offend in!"
mustache have o;-f -.tpled themselves
s"ne the pron:i:l ;:ti:,;i of the order in
raisins a fienrd to nmtch, or else have
shaved nltoun " r. His majesty has no
(objection to the mur-daohe when it
keeps company wiili a hoard on the
face of tho sea-fighter, but he will
have no naval f :.- decoraf ed in the
fashion he has chosen for his own.
T!ie i:.trlh.
The earth is growing stonier and
heavier every year by poico 10,000
tons. The extra matter which :s bus
being added to our planet consists of
the thousands of tiny meteors or
shooting stars which are contimially
raining upon its surface.
Works Hot It W:i3-s.
Horseback exercise posses-es. ac
cording to some physicians, the facul
ty of both increasing and reducing
weight. If meals are taken immedi
ately after riding additional flesh is
gained, otherwise a decrease of flesh
The Terrible l)Uese of the KtmUla.
The special correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph at Cairo says that the
Khalifa has co1 -toted leprosy. So
far the disease i is not made much
progress, but the nails have fallen
from his toes and the marks over his
eyebrows are conspicuous. Latterly he
has taken to wen "ag a veil. It is said
that the malady was caught a few
years ago through the Khalifa's tak
ing" the wife of Faded Abad. a black
Emir and leper, who has since died.
If you have piles, euro them. No ie
undergoing horrible opera ii!is that
simply remove the re.-ul tr of the dis
ease without distui-bir-.L' the di.-va-e it
self, l'iace Vi'iir confidence in De-
Witt's Witch ll.a:el Salve. It has
never failed t cure, oth-o s; it will not.
fail to euro you. F d. Fi i !-.e Co.
T!ian-e of Nerves.
"Who is that man around th? cor
ner who complains that the baby
waked him when it cried for a few
minutes last night?" asked the little
woman. "Don't you know?" her hus
band responded, "lie's been working
in a boiler factory for the lest nve
years." Washington Star.
Hull and Krd II.i.
The reason red infuriates the mem
bers of the ox family is found in the
fact that red is the complementary
color of the green, and the eyes of
cattle Ining long fixed on herbage
while feeding, when they espy any
thing red it impresses the sight with
greatly increased in if nsity.
For coughs aiid colds there i- no
medicine so effective as D.tllard's
Uorehour.d Syrup. It is tho ideal
remedy. - I'rice, -.1 cents. -F. G.
Fricke & Co.
When you wart to smoke a Ill-con t
cigar try Otto WurlV'Silver Wreath"
union made 3-011 can find no better
on the market.
IMallsmoulh Lodge No C, A. 0 V
VV , Dedicate Their New Hall.
A NniulM'r if i'roiioi nl Snt- IMIIrT if
I hi Orl-r I'jirr l I j l in tin: t'T--iiimiy
I nt :ri'rtl Inp; Allrnf by l.ocul
lt-mlT4 are liivrn-llrRrrv if Honor
Srv the SiipptT.
I 'iattsmont h lodo No. S, Ancient
Older at LT'ilt-d Workmen, dedicated
its now hall, located at the corner of
Fearl nnd Seventh s-treets. Saturday
evening. Tho t ii re.a t en i ng weather
kept many away v. ho had arranged to
attend, but there were quite, a numb.'sr
in attendance, no vert'nelo-s.
'I ho dedicatory services were in ac
cordance with the, ritual of the order
and wore quite ititoro .ting. Tho eta'o
oflicoi s w ho p i rlici pated in tho cere
mony wen; (Jrand Mi-.ster Workman
M. I-:, .-chu'.t.. Deputy O..J. 'an Dyke
and Cone r-s-inan-ole-t Uurkelt, IJn
culn, mid County Clerk Haverly of
Omaha. F. .J. Morg.-.n and Frank
Ilo Yd of til is citv a'-o a-si -ted.
After th dc-dication, interesting
speeeh-js upon the order were made by
Messrs. It. I . Windhaui, F. J . Curkett,
A. N. Suliivan, Matthew Goring, O.
.1. Van Dyke, and M. F. Sehultz. Miss
Tressie Ifempel, grand recorder of tho
Dee lee of Honor, and Mrs. Pr. Chap
man of Lincoln also gave addresses.
An eh gant supper was served by Iho
D.'greo of Honor. The music was
furnished by the mandolin club.
The new hail is one of tho finest
lodge buildings in tho state and was
built and furnished at a cost of ", 00,
a full description of which was given
in Till': Nkws a few weeks ngo.
.Iiulf' .Julius '().l.v ,M''ts With Some
I'ltpleasant AiK'Cfit urea.
The following in regard to a former
Cass county citizen, who is well known
here, is taken from the Feo and will
be rend with interest:
Sumo kinds of things appear to be
corning the way of ".Fudge" .lulius
Coo'oy, who in his time has played
many role.-., including "Hamle."' It
is st tted on reliable an! bority that the
"judee" is of t ho opinion Hint an aI-v-
rse fate is pursuing him, teoiporar
ily at lea.-T,. The oilier afternoon lie
dniwicd his y il !i tile, a collar three in
ches in height and r.l! ll'.e col
ors of the rainbow, and started to t-:ko
a trip "down the road '' Somehow he
managed to ret on the wrong tram,
but ho did rot, make the discovery un
til I 'apt' lion was v ;e!iei'.. He wanted
off and seeing that the train was not
going to. -top he. reached angrily for
tho boll co d and gave it a pull that
made the engineer think something
h.ul broken lose, or was r.i.oiit 1o, back
in the t:":in. Not watting for tho train
to come- to a standstill tho "jodgo"
went out. on tho platform arid took a
flyinjr lean, which resembled that of a
frightened bullfrog as it dives into a
puddle of wit'iv. lie did not land with
tho grace a-.d effectiveness of tho frog,
however, hooause of the somersaults
ho made in whirling thiough the air.
Tlis siiic hrt wa-- a wreck, his collar
disfigured at;d his fact? hire several
abrasion- as an evidonco of bo-.v hard
he landed.
This, however, was net the "j.uigc's"
1 ; test experience. The latter part of
the week, while purehn.sipsr some g ;s
olir.o rit a t.o-e on South Tenth street
a co'.l eetor entered and presented him
a bill. It was not paid and a fight fol
lowed. Tho ".judge" was drugged into
a. rear room, whoie an orange hex was
used n his heat'. When ho emerged
his face looked very much like that of
an Indian bosmeared with war j)ain,
the difference being that the "judge's"
coloring was due to his own bleed. He
tiled a complaint against F. C. Smith
in dustico Baldwin's court charging
him with assault and battery, pirticu
lar'?tress being laid upon the battery
1 .rm-0 Urines Kelit-f
to the colToo drinker. Coffee drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged
in and almost as universally injur
ious. Have vol; tried O-aia-O? It is
almost, lik-' oolTee but the effects aro
just the opposite. ColTee upsets the
stomach, ruins the diet s: ion, effects
the he aid, and disturbs the whole ner
vous ytcii. Grain-O ' up the
stomach, aids digestion and strength
ens the nerves. Jo and 2oe. per pack-
T7ellt of Great Iepth.
A curiosity, at least, is this compila
tion of the deepest wells in the world:
In Europe, one at Passy, France, depth
2,000 feet: at I.a C'aapelle, Paris, depth.
2,030 feet; at Crenelle, Paris, depth.
1.7&S feet; at Nensalwerk, near Min
den, depth. 2.2SS feet; at Kissingen.Ba
varia. depth, 1.TS7 feet; at Speienberg.
near P-erlin, depth. 4,190 feet, which is
said the deepest in the world;
at Pest. Hungary, depth, 3.1S2 feet. In.
the United States there are wells locat
ed at St. I.ouis. depth, 3.S13 feet; at
Louisville, depth, 2,ftS0 feet; at Colum
bus. Ohio, depth. 2.77."!2 feet; at Char
leston, S. C, depth, J.2."0 feet
;.xl I'a.-turf.
Livingston Heights pasture i- now
ready for stock, either cattle or horse,
at fl per month. Good running wter
and good care. Inquire at this oflice
cr of E. M. Sandy, Proprietor.
Three for $1.
Laundered Percale Shirts Klson, the
Try Allen's Poot-Ease,
A powder to be shaken into the hoes.
At. tt'i ci-trt m in voor fmO. foci uwo1in
" v j - - - . - -. ,
nervous and hot, and get tired easily,
jlf you have smarting feet or tijrht
ihhoes, try Allen's Fool-Fuse. It cools
the feet iMid makes walking easy.
I Cures swollen and sweating feet, blis
ters and callous spots. Kolievos corns
and bunions of all pain and gives lost
and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all
druggists and shoo stores for 2oc.
Trial package free. Address, Allen S.
O! instead, LoKoy, N. Y.
ItiHteitd of flat I'lns.
Many people who have preached
against "The Deadly Hatpin" will he
glad to know that a man iu Kansas
lias invented a little affair which is
intended to supersede the hatpin and
.ill be sewed to the hatband on either
side. The contrivance consists of a
plate provided with means for fasten
ing it to the sweatband, and this is
provided with a toothed arm working
on a pivot or hinge. The latter is
manipulated by means of a lever which
protrudes downwardly just under the
plate and elevating the comb when the
lever is depressed. When the hat is
adjusted on the head of the wearer the
teeth clasp the hair and the points are
locked in any desired position, but are
easily disengaged by means of u
"-mall lever.
The Wiiy to fi to California
is in a tourist, sleeping car personally
conducted ihi. the Burlington Route.
You don't change; cars. You make
fast lime. You fee-the finest scenery
on t ho globe.
Your oar i- not so e.vponsively fin
ished nor so Hue to look at as a palace
sleeper but it is just as clean, just as
comfortable, jut as good to rida in,
The Hurlington excursions loavo
every Thursday reaching San Fran
cisco Sunday and Los Angeles Mon
day. I'orter with each car. Excur
sion manager with each party. For
folder giving full information call at
nearest D. Xr M. 11. 11. depot or write
,!. Francis, (Jeneral Passenger Agent,
Omaha. Nob.
If you have urinary troub'e or pain
in the back", indicating kid rev disor
ders, if there bo a general loss of en
ergy, wo s sk you in all fairness to use
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatiuo. Thousands
bear evidence to the fact that it cures
For sale bv A. W. Atwood.
Most Cooked by Cold.
Anyone who has ever picked up with
a hare hand a piece of intensely cold
iron knows that the touch burns al
most as badly as if the metal were red
hot. Indeed, the action of great heat
and extreme cold are so similar that a
Hungarian chemist has turned the lat
ter to account to prepare meats for
food. He subjects the meat to CO de
grees of frost,. and then seals it up in
air-tight tin cans. The result is that
the meat, which is practically "cooked
by cold," will keep any time, and can
be eaten with very little further prep
aration. I'aeumoaia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croup r-rd whooping-cough readily
yield 1o One Minute. Cough Cure. Use
this remedy in time and save adoctor's
bill or the r.ndcrt iker's. F. G. Fricke
!fc Co.
Fonud by UglitnlDg.
Lightning recently brought about
the discovery of an Etruscan tomb
near Volterra. It struck an old pine
tree on a hillock, and in cutting down
the remnants of the tree the workmen
found the top of the sepulcher under
the roots.
Dead Game.
Weary Vv'atkins If I was to find $1
an' buy a lottery ticket an' win the
capital prize I'd first take a bath
Hungry Higgins What!
"Take a bath. I'd play the whole
string cut, you bet!" Indianapolis
J. P. Bridge, editor and proprietor
of tho Democrat, Lancaster, N. H.,
says: "I would not be without One
Minuto Cough Cure for my boy, when
tioubUd with a cough or cold. ?.t is
tho best remedy for croup lever used."
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Not Would, bnt Could.
The Yankee pilgrim had just finished
a long tour of the world, and was wait
ing on the pier at Liverpool for the
steamer which would carry him back
to his native land. The Britisher was
just beginning his similar tour. They
had agreed to be friends across the
Atlantic. "I've been all over this
world," remarked the Yankee, "and I
did the whole trip for $3,000." "Xo
one but f.n American would do that,"
said the Briton. "Xo one but an Ameri
can could do it," replied the pilgrim.
By allowing the accumulation iD the
bowels to remain, tho entire system is
poisoned. PoYitt,s Little Eorly risers
reuu at" the bowels. Try them and
you w iil a! ways u?e them. F. G. Fricke
& C.
tnvalark Records.
Canvas'-ack dv.c:s were so numerous
j in the early days of Maryland that em
ployers were ouuga to enter into con
tracts with their laborers that the lat
ter should not be fed on canvasback
duck more than three times a week.
One man could easily shoot 100 ducks
in a single morning in those days.
Now the fowls cost ?j a pair. In Lon
don they are worth $25.
Don't think you can cure that slight
attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that
it will euro itself. Kodol Dj-spepsia
Cure will cure it; it "digests what you
cat" and restores the digestive organs
to health. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Subscribe now for Tun NEWS.
Hwmwwmmmmmww m ro?mmmmmmmmmmra
U11 clGr&JzirtiS
Special All Silk Skirts, $4.98. We have Satinctte Skirts
from $1.00 up. Mercerised Silk, the best imitation of Silk
ever shown. Call and see them. We are agents for
Plattsmouth for the Empress Skirt, the best fitting gar
ment made.
T-Tvn i orMr Just received ;t 25 d
IlUMLiy lot of boys' Bicycle
hose 19c ; as orood as most of the
25c ones. .
Best lot of Children's hose 10c and
Ladies' fast black hose, 10c, 12c
and 15c.
TA i fvl - in o ood Giulianis, 5c
VJ 1111 kill 13 Good dress styles,
7.1c. A better kind, 10c regular 15c
jrods at lest ihan cost. All depart
ments complete.
v ... ... .
rA-vt-Qpj-n We sell the "Klexibone"
vvvJl tOVLkJ Corset ; also agents for
the "Gaofe Down" Corsets all kinds.
OHIRT WAISTS, Laces and Km
O broideries.
10c up.
The farmers nro busy pre oaring
their ground for corn.
George Snyder and W. II. Murray
will ship a car of hogs soon.
The assessor has been in Mynard
finding out what the folks aro worth.
The people here were led to wonder
if Plattsmouth had moved south, as all
of the Plattsmouth mail came in from
tho south yesterday.
There was a call for another addi
tion to Mynard this spring, and tho
county surveyor camo down and
staked it out.
L. A, Cox is building an addition to
his buggy shed, as one was not large
enough to hold all his implements.
The grain men are not over run
these days with grain.
J.'rs. Kiser is having a well dug on
her lots in Mynard.
"Little colds" neglected costs thous
ands of doaths yearly. People who
have used Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry
and Tar, recommend it even for con
sumption. For sale by A. W. Atwood.
Probate Notice
In the County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John Bons, de
ceased. To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that upon April 27th,
Henry M. Hons, as administrator of the
above estat filed his report of receipts and dis
busements from November 6th, Aprii 2Ulh,
1.19, and prayed that a time be fixed for hearing
upon said accounts. and that the same be allowed
as a final report; an 1 that he and his bondsmen
he discharged and relieved from any and all
further liabi'ity therein; and you are hereby noti
fied that said account and petition are assigned
for hearing upon the 24th day of May, A . !-.
If'!)'., at 2 o'clock p. m., at my office, and all per
sons are required to show cause, it any, before
said date why said accounts should not be ap
proved and allowed and a final settlement made
therein and an ascertainment of the heirs and an
assignment of the assets be made, and said ad
ministrator and his bondsmen be discharged and
relieved from any and all further liability therein;
and it is further required that this order be pub
lished in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald for
three weeks successively before said date.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 1st day of
May, ly.l.
George M. Spurlock,
fSeal) County Judge.
First publication May 2.
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of John f'w.
O'Kourke. Anna L. O Kourke and Joseph T.
O'Kourke, minors.
To all persons interested: You are hereby no
tified that on March 2'.. A. I. 1 l"J, Nellie M.
O'Kourke, guardian, filed her account in this
court as guardian of Joseph T. O'Kourke. cover
ing the period of time from April 3, A. I). lKJrt, to
April :t, A. Ii. l.t. together with a petition ask
ing that said account be adjusted and allowed:
and you are hereby notified that said account and
petition are assigned for hearing upon the 2:lrd
day of May, A. 1). lSiW. at ID o'clock a. m. at my
office; and all persons interested are required to
show cause, if any, before said date why said ac
count should not be approved and allowed: and
it is further required that this order be published
in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald for three
weeks successively b'.fore said date.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 1st day of
May. A. U. 1SW.
George M. Spurlock,
SEAL County Judge.
First publication May 2.
Closing out our en
tire line of these
1?1irVC J'"ussells K'tis,
VUlO Velvet Ruo-s, . .
See our Special window shade 35c.
in Swiss from
rrt L. W O CI
' e c
w - . x- m k - --- . 'j- br.-
A New Discovery for the Certain Curs of INTERNAL and
Tuses, by Mail, 75 Cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Propriefer, - - 3IQ Kcrth Main Street, ST. LCUIS, MD.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Keep Warm
Don't Buy Base Burners at
any prices when you can get a
Furnace in your house complete
$50 UP
and Guaranteed by
South Sixth Street, -
Prints More County News
Than any Other Cass
county Paper-
Ctl lLL house: cleaning comes
around, you may need a new Carpet.
It will pay 3'ou to look over our line,
which comprises the cheapest cotton
to the most expensive All-Wool eiiods.
Our line is varied and extensive no
need to fjfo to Omaha for Carpets or
All-wool Ingrains, 50c and (5c.
Velvet Carpets SI, made and put
Moquetts from Sc, made and put
New Jute Carpets (look like in
grain), fast colors, 3c.
Mattings, 10c and up.
SI. 25
SIIADKS We have a
new stock of Window Shades.
INOUCUMS at 15c, 50c, 75c ami
S')c per yard.
Pxl tu PilZ TUBEjf
s . r ,-r m Li Lk
- Plattsmouth. Neb.
I ;
7 ! .
t I
K 4