t IT PAYS To Look Around lioforo you inaho purchanos. Aftor you hnvo looked olsowhero, cotnu to uh uml wo guarantee you will ho ploascd. Out" now hpring stuck him urrivod, including Ury Goods, Stuplo and Funoy Gro ceries, Crockory, Glut-nw.iro, Flour and Feed. A Mjuaro deal to fill." F. S. Main Stroet, WHITE, Pintlsinouth J Si JAMES W. SAGE. THE Leading Liveryman. The best ul rtifs furnished Ht ah tiotsr !r.nl In prices are always reasoutlile. '1 tn-nn.t convenient boai'lin;; stable lor fni men In tho citv. P IjATTS M OUT I i NKU W. H. RHOADES, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER... Twiiitv-IWf vi-ars' exnerience as a e.irncnter and ituiider in Omaha ami other c ities lias pienaied him to do all kinds t caipcnirr woik in the neatest and most substantial manner. Satisfac tion guaranteed ( all on or address at I'l.itts- moiith. ISeli. Tele-phone 1st. r ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE ! HEALTHFUL !! FURNITURE and UN DERTAK1NG House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is oomulete In nil Unca and we invlta our friends to look It over Wo will ndavor to Dlease you. Call nd see us STREIGHT G STRAIGHT, (SucceHBora to Locry Hoook. ) PLATTSMniTTH W.t Plattsmouth Coal Yard is the place to buy HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Food Constantly on Hand.. EGENBERGER 5 TRGGP THIRD AND MAIN-STS. 4 WHTEBREAST COAL Y t 4 4 ? 4 4 4 9 LINCOLN AVE. AMI AI VKHI.K STS., II. M. S0KNX1CHSEN, Manager. Large Supply of all tho BEST GKADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity ol cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach Si Co. ed. fitzi:s:alsi Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of A General Livery Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. mtaiii.es sixth ami vim: IMattsmontli, !raska. STS. HARD COAL. Missouri Coal, Genuine Canon City Coal ....FOR CASH Leave ordori at F. S. White" W. J WHITE Store Jfi 9 4 5- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Readlna Rooms and Dispensary, Drew Building, riattsrnouth, Xch, Open from 10. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m: ervlcet each Sunday. The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS . . . 11V TIIK . . . NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, I. K. MARSHALL. JStiMiijcss Mnn.-.Kcr. DAILY KIMTION. One Year, in advance, . . . . Six Month Oiio WVtdi Single Copies, S K M I - W KKKhY KDITION. One Year, in advance. . . . to 0(1 2 f0 10 r $i on f.o x Moiith.3, TUP LARGEST CIRCULATION of any Cass County Paper. TIIKSDAY, APRIL 2-, lS'J'.i. TllK Htute of Texas is 75,000 miles wonder we iii'cr mail hpnn. ,o whipped her. TllK first i:iin;u-i appointment to hi inndn in NebrasU.i is in tho Sixth dis trict, .1. T. MalUliei having boen ho lcct :d as supervisor of that district. Ai'Tici: paying IT tho last of its Hooting debt Iowa ha-s a surplus of $200,()i)0. This is du." to tho conomi- al republican ad mi n isti at ion by which tho Iliwkeya state has been con troled. Nkhii AsK A people have complained of tho snow dutititr tho la-t winter. Wo do not know whit 6now is. Tho "(ivpi'iiment weather repot I fliows at Ruby, Colo., there has been an ag gregate fall of forty-three feet. That is Home snow. Ei II. SiKit of Lincoln has plucked a plum in tho form of a government position in tho ottieo of collector of customs in Ilr.vana Lincoimies are right in it. This is supposed to bo a reward for Sizar's allegiance to Thompson in the senatorial fight. TllK report that Thomas I. Heed will withdraw from public life and b.;- cotno a mom her o! a INew or it law lirm appears to be authentic. It is stated that he has been offered $50,000 a year. Mr. Reed's congressional career covers a period of twenty yoars. In' ax interview published in a New York paper, Mayor S. M. Jones of Toledo declares that he is not a candi date on tho republican ticket. This is disappointing news to the demo cratic newspapers who have been tak ing such a d eep interest in tho matter. Sevexty fivk percent of the sol diers of the Seventh Army corps have expressed themselves as being willing to go to the Philippines if their ser vices are needed. It is not at all probable, however, that they will be sent. The volunteers to be released will be replaced with regulars. The members of the First Ne braska, who came home and made such severe charges against Colonel Stotsenberg, must feel pretty small upon hearing of the gallant colonel's death w bile leading his forces at Ma nila. The charges have been proved to be groundless, which makes it still worse. A rkpokt of the crop prospects in Nebraska received within the last three days, indicates that tho damage to Nebraska winter wheat and rye is not so errtat as generally supposed. It says: "Fields which had all the appearance or being dead wnen tne ground was frozen arc reported to Le coming out and with a favorable sea son from now on will make a fair crop. In other sections where the plant was reported damaged to a con siderable extent it has developed won derful vitality and shows littie if ai:y damage. A month ago it was gen erally believed that a large portion of the ground sown to winter wheat would have to be plowed up and put into other crops, but it is now certain that very little has been so badly damaged. Some reports have been re ceived of clover being winter kilied. The pleasant weathe" of the past ten days has been improved and farm work is now well under way, and with the ground in excellent condition the prospect for growing crops may be set down as little below the average. Re ports from the range country in the western part of the state indicate smail looses of live stock, as ranchmen were almost universally provided with plenty of hav and shelter for their stock." Til K KE1JGLLION IN TIIK K AST. Every day of fighting in the Philip nines strengthens the tie that binds thoso islands to the United States Every life of an American soldier lost there, every hardship and every sacri fice on the part of tho faithful bearers of the Stars and Stripes fastens the Philippines more securely as part of the dominion of the United States,says the New York Sun. The bigger the price exacted from us by the rebel lious Filipinos for the peaceful posses sion of that country, rightfully ours, the more pressing will be this coun try's duty and the stronger it de termination to make that possession peaceful. We will have peace in the Philip pines under the American flag, and we will have it at any price This is in accordance with human nature and with the national tradi tions, and, considering the state of the world.it is likewise in accordance with political wisdom and necessity. Honor to the Americans who are helping toward peace in the Philip pines, and shame on those who, by en couraging the deluded and half savage natives, aro striving to prolong tho btrlfe there, and to end it in disaster and humiliation to the United States! C ANAIMANH AT KAll-T. There Is tho authority of so promi nent a Canadian statesman ua Sir II. Tuppor for the etatornont that tho Canadians In tho Alaskan country have excjedtd their authority and conducted thonirclvo in an arbitrary and unwarranted manner, suyd tho Bee. This was said in reference to the ag gression in Alaska on tho part of the Canadian authorities there, tha nature of which was pointed out to tho Wash ington administration by tho governor of Alaska. Those aggressions have un deniably been such as to justify the condemnation of them by Sir II. Tup por, whose statement should not bo forgotten when tho Anglo-American commission again meets and tho Alas kan boundary question comes up for consideration. Tho agreement of tho governments of a modus vivondi until the boundary question is settled will prevent any trouble pending such settlement?, and in the meanwhile thoro will bo oppor tunity for an expression of public sen timent in tegard to Canadian claims. There is no doubt as to what this sen timent is t.mong tho Amoricans in Alaska and in tho Pacific northwest. It is opposed to making any conces sions to Canada involving tho surren der of a foot of Alaskan territory. This feeling is voiced by the Seattle Post-Intelligencor, which says: "Alas ka, as it stands today and as it has stood and been recognized for nearly a generation, is an integral part of American territory. It is inhabited by Americm people. It is mined bv American miuers. To yield any por tion of it to a foreign power is to alien ate the property and to attempt to alienate the citizenship of a lartre number of patriots." And undoubt edly tho entire American people will bo opposed to surrendering any Alas kan territory. KMtiiirs ar riiK (;ii.iikn avhisti.k Certain citizens of Chicago propose to hold a public meeting in that city for the purposi of protesting against the continuance of the war in the Philippines. For tho purpose, that is, of protesting against tho putting down of a rebellion against tho United States, says tho New York Sun. For the purpose of protesting against the assertion of tho rights and authority oi mo unuen iaies. t-or the pur pose of advising that the United States humiliate and dishonor itself by yield ing to rebels in arms instead of over coming them. There are not many Americans, in Chicago or anywhere else, whG will consent to such a policy of cowardice and dishonor for their own country and of anarchy for the Philippines The war begun by Ayuinaldo will be ended by the United States, no matter at what cost. Ended by the undis puted establishment of American authority in the islands, and ended in no other way. American lives have not been sacrificed for the purpose of losing the rights and resigning the powers of tho United States in the Philippine islands. Sensib'e men would not range them selves in clearly impotent opposition to inevitable lacts. i'atriotic men would not seek to disgrace their coun try. These Chicago Knights of the Golden Whistle, or Golden Circle, be long, we suppose, to the small class of persons that regards opposition to the majority as a mark cf superiority. But it seems unnecessary for these Chicago persons to hold a public meet ing in order to proclaim to the world that they a o philosophers of the Hee H iw school. Perhaps the public knows it already. Traveling Salesmen are preparing to organize clubs to fight tho trusts i id to secure a reinstatemct of the salaries paid before the business de pression of lSOo, and "with a view or demaLding such legislation by the government and by each state as will dest ov the illegal concentration of capit a and the curtailment of vast in dustries w hich eliminate competition and destroy our usefulness." INFORMATION AND OPINION. Did you show to the p.ople In this land of the free. That you're a public benefactor. By setting out a tree? There is a tramp in the Fremont jail who has ju-t entered upon his sec ond week rf continuous sleep. He is a sure enough Weary Willie. It is now stated that the Third Ne braska will be mustered out May 11. The legislature of Minnesta, just before final adjournment, donated $150 to each of the newspiper men who re ported the proceedings. The money did not come out of the lawmakers' pockets. The state treasury was struck for the bribe. Saveral of the reporters refused the money. The Missouri river is causing mucli trouble all the way from Vermillion, S. D., to Omaha. Across tho river from Sioux City many people were rescued from tree tons and others were standing on hillocks, knee deep in water, while some escaped by clinging to cattle and horses. In North Omaha residents were forced to seek safety in boats. At 12 o'clock last night the river was still raising and was but a few inches below the danger mark at different points. The six story brick and stone ware house of the Kingman Implement com pany, in Omaha was destroyed by fiie Sunday night, entailing a loss of $170, 000 on the building and contents. A compositor on the Nebraska City Press was held up and robbed of $3 by ni'ibkcd footpads Saturday morning whllo ho was going homo from work. Tho Lincoln and Beatrice blood hounds and nil other hounds that c tn bo found should hi put on tho track of the robbers and if captured they should be burned at tho slake and an example made of them. The law in regard to the con veyance of school chi'd ren, enacted by the last Massachusetts legis lature, went into effect April 11. Tho cist of the new law is that the superintending school committee is tho body that decides who shall bi carried to and from school and who shall not, at tho expense of the town. It also gives the body tho right to board a child near the schoolhouso in case the expenVe would bo the Bamo or less than tho conveyance each day would amount to. There is a novel damage suit about to bo instituted in New York City. A man is suing his barber for $1,000 for cutting his whiskors olT while ho was asleep in tno chair. Out -here in Ne braska where there aro a few populists i set of "alfalfas" are not valued near so highly. John Poliskia and several other Itnl ians living at Birch Point, Conn., near the Valley railroad between E-sex and Old Saybrook, uncovered an old wen recentiv wnicn nau not been used for many years and had dried up. It was half filled with sand and diit. The well was covered with a large 11 tt rook 78 feet in size. Straw saturated with oil was set on firo and thrown into the holt). Soon reptiles camo swarming out and eighty live were killed, while many raoro es cape ti. mere were seven varieties and tho largest was a hlacksnake nearly six feet long. Mi-:s Viola Ilorlocker was arraigned in county court in Hastings Friday and to the charge of poisoning with in tent to kill she entered a plea of not guilty. A $3,000 bond was furnished, and it is thought her people will place her in a private asylum pending the hearing, which will take place May 17. l OlNTKl) I'AHAtiK 1HS. You don't respect a person very much if you are willing to play a "joke" on him. Even lha most vigorous and hearty people have at tunes a feeling of weari ness and lassitude. To dispel this feeling take Ilerfcine; it will impart vigor and vitality. Price 50 cents. F. 6. Fricke & Co. In every neighborhood you will rnd a lot of people who borrow so much that they are talked about. The men have so much that they could confess that they are a great disappointment to the women because they don't confess more. Those horrid fits of depression, mel ancholy, low spirits, and sudden irritability, that sometimes afllict even good-tempered people, is due to the blood being permeated with black bile. Herbine will purify tho blood, restore health and cheerfulness. Price, 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. There is nothing more admirable than a well regulated man and nothing more abominable than a man whose nerves are on edge and who flies off the handle on the slightest occasion. Some of the results of neglected dys peptic conditions of the stomach are cancer, consumption, heart disease and epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure pre vents all this by effecting a quick cure in all cases? of dyspepsia. F. G. Fricke & Co. The Current Events club which was organized to lift its members from sor did household cares, has been indefi nitely postponed on account of house cleaning, which is to be followed by spring sewing. If you have piles, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that simply remove the rosultr of the dis ease without disturbing the disease it self. Place your confidence in De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure others; it will not fail to cure you. F G. Fricke & Co. The p-une's vacation b?gins earlier in a first-c'.ris i boarding house than in a home, ft is tho popular notion to as sociate prunes with boarding houses, bu' the pru-.e ?erves a longer season without rest i a private homes. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. IX. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his wintert at Aiken, S. C. Weik nerves bay caused severe pains in the b.icK of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon "left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up tho stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing yon need it. Every Dottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. ' 1 I'lattsmonth Nursery. I quote very low prices on first-class stock. Apple trees, three years, 15 cents; $10 a hundted. Apple trees, two ears, 12 cents; $S a hundred. Plum trees, three years, SO cents; $20 a hundred. Cherry trees, three years, 30 cents; $20 a hundred. Peach trees, three years, 15 cents; $12 a hundred. Grape vines, 5 cents; $3 a hundred. Rasp berries, 7-5 cents a hundred and black berries, 75 cents a hundred. J. E. Leesley, Prop. Fruit Trees Are Going-. We will make special low prices on trees for next week. You will find us at the nursery ready to wait on you. Now is the time to plant your orchard. Riverside Nursery Co. C. F. Morton, Proprietor. ft 0 GLEANINGS. ftftftftftftftO KN tli Mid ?ditorial comments of tho Hand Monthly one is suro to find bright and interesting comments on tho "Passing Show." The glean ings in this column are from the April number: "When Franklin's club, at Phil tdel phia, the 'Junto,' was first formed its meetings wore held in a tavern, or ale house. It soon removed to a room tendered by a member. It often hap pened that a member would bring a hook or two to the Junto for reference in debato. This led Franklin to pro pose that all the members keep their books in the Junto club room as well for reference in debato as for tho u.-o of members during tho week. "One end of tho room was soon filled with books. At tho end of tho year there was some dissatisfaction and the books wero all taken home by their respective owners. "Books wore high priced then. Four, fivo and six guineas for a book was a not uncommon price, and fow books sold for less than two guineas. Soon thereafter Franklin, feeling a new deprivation and a new want, conceived the plan of a public subscription li brary, which, in a single year, became p. substantial fact. "During its second year Franklin himself acted as librarian. This pub lic librar', formed by a few clerks and mechanics, became a great success and an encouragor to others. "Parlon says this library tumod the current of Frauklin's life: 'He set apart an hour or two every day for study, and thus acquired the substance of all the most valuable knowledge then pos-e.ssed by mankind.' " This evolutionary process is now in progress in thousands of our com munities. In communities where there is no movement for the bringing to gether of people who want books, and books that want readers, there is cry ing need of twentieth century Frank lins. A little less of self and a little more of public spirit would mako this earth an Elen yes, more than an Eden, for there wms no library in the home of our first parents. Gladstone thus explained his fierce look: "It is only the knit brow of at tention stamped on an old face." When asked if he was handsome when ho was young, he com pi aeon ty remarked that he didn't think he was ever handsome, but he had beautiful eyes. Joaquin Miller has his funeral pyre finished and ready for its oecupant,hut tho old man still looks well and hearty. It is near his home on the heights back of Oakland. No name is carved in it. but in white letters have been painted on it the words "To the Un known." This looks a little like a shy bid for fame from one who knows the jade will not always come when bidden. This characteristic passage from Robert Louis Stevenson's Christmas sermon is graven on the Stevenson memorial in San Francisco: "To be honest, to be kind to earn a lit tle and to spend a little less, to mako upon the whole, a f imily happier by his pres ence, to renounce when that shall be necessary, and not be embittered to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation above all on the same grim conditions, to keep friends with himself here is a task for all that a man has of fortitude and delicacy." In the window of a chemist (or drug gist as we say) in Chelsea, England, is advertised a preparation labeled "Carlyle Essensence very pungent and penetrating. " This is famel Who shall say a prophet is not honored at home? You remember the clever lines Kip ling sent Captain Evans, late of the Iowa, accompanying a set of his own works presented to "Fighting Bob." They conclude with Zogbaum can handle his shadows And I can handle my style; But you can handle a ten-inch gun To carry seven mile. Clever and modest and all that, but compare the carrying power of Kip ling's guns with those which make the Iowa the terror the is. Let's see, bow many miles are there in a line drawn around our globe? That's the measure of Kipling's guns. John Morley gets $50,000 in advance for his life of Gladstone. The bigness of the price -and the previousness thereof may spoil the book. "Heroes of the Middle West" is the title of a book by Mary Hartwell Catherwood. To the residents of this great midland region this book will prove of more than ordinary interest. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for sick and nervous bead aches. Thsy make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. The Right Teoie. Teacher The sentence, "My father had money," is in the past tense. Now, Mary, what tense would you be speak ing in if you said, "My father has money?" Little Mary Oh, that would be pretense. Philadelphia Rec ord. Alatainiam Hats. The latest in the building line is the aluminium hut for Klondike miners. When packed for carriage It weighs 110 pounds. It is composed of four sides and a roof of thin sheets of alu minium, and when put up it contains 190 cubic feet. L. A. Moore has a supply of sweet pea and other flower seeds which he will bell at a reasonable figure. Jiv th Children a Drink called Graln-O. It la a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink totako the placo of coffee. When properly prepared it tastes liko tho finest cof feo but is froo from ull its injurious properties. Grain-O aids ulgi-sfion and strengthens the nerves. It is nut a stimulant hut, a health builder, mid children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one fourth as much as coffee. irnnd "". at ifroccrs. DaKovrn. Reginald de Koven was horn In Mld dletown, Conn., April 3, 1S5I. Be en tered St. John's college, Oxford, in IST'J and was graduated with IiIkIi honors. He studied music under many of the best teachers abroad, and, returning home, began composing souks. Ills first opera, "The Begum." was pro duced in 1887, and since tlif-n he has produced quite a number, among thein being "Don Quixote," "Kobln Hood." "The Fencing Master, l'he Al ians" and "The Tzigane." r- Llngerlng La Grippe Cough Cured. Mr. G. Vaeher,l.Y Osgood St. .Chicago. My wife had a severe case of La Grippe three years ago and it left h- r with a very bad cough. S!io tried a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief. A r0 cut bottle cured her cough entirely. Now we are never without a bottle of this wonderful cough medicine in tho house. 2 and 50c. F. G. Fricke K Co. To Ita Fanlilonblr. It Is pitiable to see women strug gle to keep in "Uh the styles. They sacrifice personal neatness, their views on hygiene, and their poekethooks in their efforts to keep abreast with the fickle goddess. Trailing skirts not only trailing behind, hut some actu ally trailing in front are seen daily sweeping the streets, whatever may be their condition. This state of affairs Is appalling. It betrays a deplorable lack of personal neatness and a disregard for health that are beyond comprehen sion. If you suffer from tenderness or fu 1 ness on tho right side, pains under shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious ness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and congested. DeWitt's Little 11 irly Risorn will euro vou promptly, pleas antly and permanently, by removing the congestion and causing the, bib ducts to open and How naturally. They aro good pills F. G. Fricke & Co. Thoxe Glrlg. Maud Between us, dear, I think the count's compliments rather crude. He told me the sight of my beautiful face actually made his mouth water. Edith The idea! I'm sure your face doesn't look quite that much like a lemon! Indianapolis Journal. New Style of Aliren. It is getting to be the fashion to ad dress and stamp envelopes on the back. With the directioi s written across the folds the letter cannot, be opened by an unauthorized person without the fact being noted. Glad Tidings to Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick and positive relief. It is tho groat rem edy for diseases of the respiratory o - gans like asthma, bror.chiti.s ;nd horseness. F. G. Fricke & Co. Unique Floor. The floor of the rotunda in the Iyon don Coal Exchange, where the mer chants gather, is very unique. It is composed of inlaid woods, arranged in the form of a mariner's compass, with in a border of Greek fret. Upward of 4,000 pieces of wood are employed. Al most every British variety is included In this scheme of decoration. A Frlghtul Blunder Will often cause a horrible, burr, scald, cut or bruise. Bucltleu's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal i'. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 1"t cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists. A New Man. Philanthropic Old Lady I fear that you lack application and persistency. When you once begin a good thing never stop till you have finished it. Toil Knot Orspin You convince me, leddy. That'll be my motter from now on. I was only goin' to eat half of this here pun'kin pie, but I II finish it ef it founders me. You ha made a new man o' me, leddy. Detroit Free Press. School Supplies. All Kinds of School Supplier, suce as Maps, Globes, Charts, Dictionaries, Seats and School Furniture Webster's Latest Revised Library !ic- Q Cj. tionary. sheep bound, patent index - ' ' S.UU Sam, in one-half sheep Call on or address S. A. MORRISON, ALVO. NEB. Shoes.. I HAVE A FINE STOCK WHICH I WILL EX CHANGE FOR PRODUCE. CALL AND SEE A. CLARK, GROCER. wruj I Hill 4 I I I In I i . e . i.:r. 'Vvi . ti. v r Vv jo.-..- i t-K ' ;j(.u.-i . I' v Hi i.- i "y Iir..-.-; M O- ".- &' - tif o- ,j 7 JUST AS 9 9 6 OF OLD 6 6 We ate ft t wc.'lt li.-st the oil C.'lllll I 14 9 v 9 9 n 9 V 9 V '? 9 V 9 ? 6 4 6 A 4 h 6 6 9 6 4 6 least profit. We said TIIK 15KST.. i i- I i . I ,osepi Ifjtxjr9 I North Side Main Stref . 6 C-0 O- CP C- O " t' F. G. FRIGKE ft GO. Keep I'm: Inn1 1 V o'l bard a nil.', complete si- ck of pur r.i-i AtediGiiiCcS, Paints, Oils. Special attention (.'IVen to ..Compounding Prescriptions.. Also a ami full lino of Puro Wines Medicinal Dm ;.'gist s ind Liqti' for pll I'pOSe-.. Soiilli Sixth Street. .. Plat t smoiit li FIRST- NATIONAL of pi.'XT'J'.-moi; i n, BANK :-. i-. u '. I D UP CAPITAL. .0.000 ( l.'Jcrs t!;e vet y he-1 ff'.iiM,. pr.'tii t 1 1 a ! 1 ? t ; . 1 j Legitimate Banking Business. T '' K S, bonds, k'ohl. o vtii iin-n t :i n't lo :il hcimj rll les t;ou k'li t iiuil ho 1.1. 1 leprisfl t h re eel ved unci In turowt 11 1 lowcU 011 1 In; ((itl1-Ci-.tes. Dmfis drawn, a va'Ai.f- In any part of the U. an 1 all l.'.e j.ri;i;ljile towns of Kurope. '' motions male 11 nd promptly remitted. llUlej-t market pile;: paid for county v.-ar r an t s, Hta'e h:!.'! enmity lonJ. UIHECTOlii fl N. I.,v.;v, O. Haw., v.i, !-. F-. Wi.it.-, ;. 1:. t'i. K. li-iv.-y, l'rc.. S. I'. N. I ! v.-v. A-sl. At,, ! )!,-.uy. V.-n:l :Hl.;r. -. V:n..!,. Iter. Dyspepsia Digests what you cat. Itartificiallydigcststhefood and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latent discovered digest antand tonic. Ho other preparation can approach it in efiicioncy. It in Ptantly rilievM,ind perman' ritly cure; Dvspopsia, Jnd;gr---,tion, Iltartburr, Fl'atulonce, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Cast ralgi a, Cra m ps, a rid all other resu 1 1 s of i mporfert igest ion. Prepared by E. C. DeW:tt ft Co., Cb'-oco. F. G. FRICKE & CO. V - -- , it 4 , y fr- ! ' i" -- - ban ; l ss o -e s it 't r ? i t-'"'.:V'."'..r- A l.i-:. DriKIS m Cure 1" r -.? WW-fM'X' - ..''"v'v 1 , . -. e t '- j ' ' 1 - , - . s. . i f, . - , .;. 1 r