Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 21, 1899, Image 3

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    1 '
Gives List of Missing Alen From
the Cunboat Yorktown
Ailinirnl nihIcm Tlutt Hi. Vnrkliiwn IImiI
VlNllttl llltltui Kor l'lirMic f Kn n
IniC SpKntnli l'rluiei n. When lliv In
hi ric i I 'Hturrt I'.nly nf Aiurrt--,tii
Ki huh ii.
W'ASIII NimiN, A j.l il IS. 'I l.n navy
department hat jlven ul the follow
ing dinpattdi fiora Admiral l)oviy:
"MANILA, Aril IS. Secretary of
tho Nuvy, Wtibhinton: Yorktown
viriitt:( IJ:il-m, ehl coar-l of Luzon,
April l'J, for tho ptirpoho of rescuing;
itntl hrinint,' away th'J Spanish forccN,
:oni.-itiiijf of eighty holdici'H.Un en olli mid two priest, which were btir
roiinded by inKm-gents. Soiiij of
insurgents were aimed with Mauser
"Lieutenant .1. ('. (Jilmnre, while
" n 1 1 1 1 u -. 1 1 - I were 15 red upon
and captured. Kato unknown, as in
Huryents refused to communicate af
terward. Tho following nro niisMi n?:
Tho nlliecr previously referred to,
Chief v)irirtc-in:i8t..-r W. Walton, Cax
wain .1. tMllbWorth, (itinnor's Mate II.
J. Ilyyard, Sailinaker'H Male Vt'nd
yit, Seamen W. II. Ilynders and C.
V. VVooilhury, Apprentices I). W. A.
Ve.nville, A. .1. Peterson, Ordinary
Seamen V. l$risolese, O. II. Mc Donald,
Land.-in.'ii ii. T. I'M ward.-, F. Ander
son, J. Dillon and (J. A. Morrissey.
The 'h denote portions of tho dis
patch which could not bo deciphered.
Sel-lH k lo Nvy 1'riile.
The capture of tho York town's men
was discussed with much feeling in
naval circles. Tho misfortuno was
oil with added keenness as tho navy
has prided it.solf thus far on immunity
from reverses.
Tho iidiuiral'H ditspatch of today was
tho first knowledge the department
had that tho Yorktown had gone on
this sprc'al mission to relievo the
Spanish garrison at Ualem. That tho
capture should have been elTected
while tho American forces wore on a
mission of morcy toward ihe Span
iards, lather than in tho prosecution
of a campaign, led to tho belief that
Spain would have no further ground
for questioning the good faith with
which tho Americans were seeking to
relievo tho condition of tho Spanish
Although tho dispatch gave no in
dication that Lieutenant (Jilmoro and
his men had lost their lives, yet moat
anxiety was felt by the mystery sur
rounding their fate while in the hands
of an uncivilized enemy. This is the
first capture of any Americans, mili
tary or naval, so that it is unknown
how the insurgents will treat our men.
If civilized mothods were pursued au
exchange could be quickly elTected, as
General Otis has a largo number of
Filipino pr isoners, but the insurgents
have been averse thus far to exchang
ing Spanish prisoner-, and this raises
a question as to what they will do with
the Yorktown's men. The purpose of
officials hero is to spare no elTort to
secure the speedy release of our men.
From Wednesday's Daily.
A mail-catcher has been built in the
Burlington shops which gives prom
ise of being a great success. It is the
idea of an Omaha man and is so con
structed as to catch mail sacks and de
liver them simultaneously. It has a
box so arranged that if there is noono
in attenance the mail sack will drop
down and be securely locked. It has
been given soma preliminary tests
in the shop yards to locate the weak
points, and it is intended to give it a
thorough test at Oreapolis in a few
The western part of Nebraska is to
be opened up for development by tho
construction of a new railroad to
branch olT from tho Burlington's line
to tho Northwest at Alliance, Neb.,
ar:d extend westward a distance, of llo
miies to Hartville. Vyo. The new
line has been surveyed and 1-0 teams
are already at work grading tho road
bed. The company building tho line
is styled the Nebraska, -Wyoming &
Western railroad and it may later be
absorbed by tl9 progressive Burling
ton system.
D. Ilawnsworth, D. S. Guild and II
J. Helps departed last evening for
Peoria, I'll., to attend a meeting of
master mechanics and supply agents
of the Burlington system.
From Thursday's Daily.
' A dining car was taken out of the
yards this afternoon on the fast mail,
having recently been overhauled and
put iu first-clas condition in the local
Tho test of the new mail catcher.
mention of which was made in THE
News, has been made at Oreapolis, a
numoer of railroad and government
officials and the inventor witnessing
the same. As was expected the ap-na-Htus
will have to undergo some
changes, but there is no doubt of its
nltimatA succpss. It was found that
the material of which the box to catch
tho mail sacks was made was too light.
the swiftness with which they strike
teat-ins it to pieces. This and some
nhnnofPR it is thought, will
make it complete.
Sam Sawtelle, the contractor, paid
off fifteen Italians this morning who
had been working for him and they
quit, having become dissatisiied with
the work. IIo went to Omaha today
and will bring another gang down and
put them to work.
Subscribe now for TnE News.
Anl' ' tlx- City I rom iiinp ami Will
!( Mul-ril Out hi AiiKiHtit.
SAVANNAH, J:i., April 18 The
T.'iird Ncbrar.ka regiment came up to
tho city from Diufuskie inland this
afternoon. Tlri command M.cnt five
lays in the camp ef detention, they
having arrived on the transput t Logan.
Ili-for-j reaching liie quarantine sta
tion and having their baggage under
go disii.fection the oHieotH and men
bad more h : rdnh i lis than fall lo the
lot i'f troops ordinal ily who eume from
(.'iil. i, for they had been live d:iys on
lie: trail-port t.cfore they we ro 1 an Jed.
The Logan lay ( IT I y 'J'ortugas two
days awaitieg an opportunity lo Wind,
but the sea was too rough.
Tho ofliecrs complained thstt their
stay at Daufuskie was by no means en
joyable. Several of taem were 1 owed
by (,'.lon l Victor N'ifquaiii, who was
in command, to come up to the city
la-t night fntin Gordon wharf, where
they were landed by the Sant e. They
visited tho bolels and restaurants and
enjoyed the first good meal they had
had in many tiayr-.
That the 'J bird Nebraska wart to go
to Augu-ta to be mustCVcd out of tho
service wa. bad news that the oMicers
and men did not like lo hear and of
which they knew nothing until this
afternoon. Tlicv thought they wero
to be discharged at Savniii.ah and tho
pror-pect was pleasing to them, jisthcy
mad' many friends while here before
leaving for Cub i.
George Williams the Negro, Has
a Preliminary Hearing.
Will llo Tril It fort; .IuIk Ksmim'y t
th l"rt-nt Titiii of Iitri;t Court
Two l.tx-al ltarlfrii l!M-m Involved
lii aOunrril And lliif of Tliem Ke-
George U illiams, tho negro charged
with breaking into a merchandise car
in tho Missouri IVoific yu ds. was ai
raignod before .Justice Archer
Wednesday, lie waived examination
and in default of SSOO bail was com
mitted to jail to a wail a hearing be
fore Judge U-mey a. the present
term of district court. Although he
is regarded tiy the otticers :.s a crcok
of more or less ex poricDco.he appeared
to bo very much exercised when
County Attorney Hoot read the com
plaint and t rem bled like a p-ilsiod man.
Attorney T. Frank Wiles has been en
gaged for the defense.
A Tonsoriial Tumble.
On Tuesday afternoon Lorcn
Hainey and Anton Triloty became in
volved in a quarrel on Main street,
when Hainey struck Trilety a blow in
region of lh-3 proboscis, felling him to
tho sidewalk. Deputy Sheriff Mc
Bride happened to bo on tho opposite
side of tho street at. the time and went
over and took Kainey before 1'olice
Judge Archer. IIo plead guilty to as
sault and was lined 2.5;) and costs,
amounting to $7.00. Tho gentlemen
each conduct barber shops in tuc city
and tho quarrel is said to he the out
growth of a quarrel over their work.
Immediately after Hainey had fin
ished his bout with Trilety, "Duck"
Harkins "took a falT ' out of the little
barber, but no police being on the
scene ho made his escape and has not
been seen sinco.
Suppress Alunniol Kinxl .
The doctors inform us that alum is a
poison, and that alum b iking powders
should b 3 avoided because they mako
the food tin wholesome. l'roniinent
bygienists, who have given the matter
most study, regard those powders as
an evil that should be sunpresscd by
state action. In Minnesota and Wis
consin alum powders are not permitte J
to be sold unless they are branded to
warn consumers of their true char-
:cicr, while in tne ussii icl n Colum
bia the authorities have under tne
direction of corgoss r.d pted regvila
lations to orohibit the use of alum in
bread altogether.
Are not the peopl-.s of other states,as
well is th')-e of Minnesota and is-
consin, entitled to warning of a danger
which is apparently menacing them at
close hand, and is not tho whoie coun
try entitled to absolu e protection, ,-is
the people of the District of Columbia
are protected, by legislation which is
entirely prohibitive?
Until we can h'.vo protection in tho
form of a statute, how can our stat
boards of health, state analysts or
food commissions better servo the
public than by publishing in tho news
papers from time to time the names of
the baking powders which they find to
bo mad" from aium?
Meantime, it will aid the housewife
in designating the alum powders to
remember that ail powders sold at 2-5
conts it less per pound are of this
daDgerous class. Pure cream of tartar
powders are usually sold at from 4 to
50 cents a pound.
After Horse Thief.
J. A. Williams went before Judge
Joyce las-t evening and swore out a
warrant for the arrest of Frank Works,
alias Dr. CVonatet, charging him with
stealing a team of horses from him
some time sire. The warrant was
plac; d in Sheriff Drawer's hands and
he left this morning for Beatrice to
make tho arrest. It was ascertained
through a letter secured by Chief of
Police Vintotthat the muchly wanted
roan was sick at that place. If Sheriff
Brower is ablo to secure him he will
most likely return with him at mid
night. Nebraska City News.
The team above referred to, it will
be remembered, was purchased by
Dave Woodward, tho Weeping Water
liveryman, who, no doubt, will be
pleased to hear tho thief is liable to
be captured.
If you are contemplating buying a
watch call on John T. Coleman, the
jeweler, and see the very latest de
eina in cases and movements.
Pull Text of Dewey's Dispatch to
the War Department.
KHte of I lie KlorliK I'nrty Iriim the
CiiiulMmt Yorktown Vet liiknowli
Washington A ill horll It Think the
litptoreil Men Will He Well IriMtict
Ity the limir;eiits
Washington'. April l'J. The navy
depai t'neiil, having rq lies tod a cor
rection of the portions of Admiral
Dewey "s dispatch of yesterday which
wire not decipherable, was today able
to furnish tho full text of the dispatch,
which is as follows:
'Manila, Apiil IS Secretary of
the Navy, Washington: Tho York
town visited Baler, Luzon, east coa-t
of Luzon, i. I., pril. 12. for the pur
pose of rescuing and bringing away
tho Spanish forces, consisting of
eighty s.ildiers, three olliejrs and two
priests, who wero surrounded by 40(1
insurgents. Some of tho insurgents
wero armed with Mauser rilles, as re
ported by tho natives. Lieutenant J.
C. (Jilmoro, while m iking nn examina
tion of the mouth of tho rivor in an
armed boat, was ambushed, fired upon
and captured, r'ato unknown, as in
surgents refused to communicate af
terward. Tiio following tiro missing:
Tho officer previously referred to.
Chief Quartermaster W. Walton, Cox
swain .1. Ellsworth, dinners Mate II.
,J. Hjgard, Sailmakcr's Mate Vend
git, Seaman V. II. Ityndors and C.
W. Woodbury, Apprentices D W. A.
Vonville and J. Peterson, Ordinary
Soamon, V. Ihisoleso and O. B. Mc
Donald, Landsmen L. T. C 1 wards, R
Anderson, J. Dillon and C. A. Mor
rissoy. DKWEY."
Manila. April 1!). 4:.".o p. m Ad
miral Dowey has been notified of the
strange disappearance of J. C. (Jilmoro
and fourteen members ot tho crew of
tho United States gunboat Yorktown.
On Saturday last the Yorktown an
chored off Baler, on tho east coast of
the Island of Luzon, and about 200
miles from here, where there was a
Spanish garrison of about fifty men,
which bad been defending itself
against several hundred Filipinos for
months past.
Lieutenant (Jilmore. Ensign W. II.
Standley and a boat's crew were sent
up the river from Baler bay to com
municate with tho Spaniards, the
town of Baler being situated some dis
tance inland. Ensign Standley, who
landetl at tho mouth of tho river, re
ports that ho heard thre3 volleys, a
bugle c ill and three cheeis from up
the river, but that the automatic gun
which was part of the equipment of
the boat was not heard firing. Stanley
later paddled to the Yorktown in a
canoe. A search was made for tho
Yorktown's boat and its crew, but no
trace of them was found and the
Yorktown sailed forlloilo, from which
place its commander cabled to Ad
miral Dowey his theories that the
Filipinos had captured or sunk tho
boat, or that tho Spaniards had res
cued the American party.
A scouting party of American
troops today found a rebel skirmish
line more than a mile e st of Malolos.
A sharp fusillade followed, but no
losses were sustained.
Brigadier General Charles King,
who was taken suddenly ill, and who
is unable to continue iu command of
his brigade, has beeu relieved of fur
ther duty and has bt-en ordered to re
turn to the United States on the first
transport sailing from hero for home.
Good Treatment Is Kxpectod.
The officials of the navy department
are confident that such of tho men of
tho Yorktown as escaped being killed
outright in the first ambuscade will be
well treated by tho insurgents. Some
timo ago the war department made in
quiry as to tho number of American
prisoners held by the Filipinos. In
reply General Otis referred to these
soldiers and said that they wero being
fairly treated by tho insurgents, he
supplying funds to defray the cost of
their food. The reports mido to the
navy department by Paymaster Wil
cox of Dewey's ofiicers, who made a
trip across the Island of Luzon from
Manila to tho north coast, describes
the condition of the Spanish officials
who were tho prisoners of tho insur
gents as very comfortable.
In many cases, ho said, tho officials
were only nominally in confinement,
being allowed tho liberty of the towns.
The officials aro hopeful the Gilmore
and his men who r-urvived the am
buscade will some day regain their
Tho navy department, has sent no
instructions to Admiral Dewey as to
tho course ho shall pursue, believing:
that he is fully competent to deal with
the situation and resting secure in
the assurance that he will spare no
effort to rescue (Jilmoro and his men
of they are alive.
Story of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for
years by the chains of disease is the
worst form of slavery. George D.
Williams, of Manchester, Mich, .tells
how such a slave was made fre. He
says: "My wife has been so helpless
for five years that sbe could not turn
over in bed alone. After using two
bottles of Electric Bitters, she is
wonderiu'ily improved and ablo to do
her own work." Tnis supreme rem
edy for female disease quickly cures
nervousness. sleeplessness, melan
choly, headache, backache, fainting
and di?zy spells. This miracle working
medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly,
run down peop'e. Every bottle guar
anteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co. druggists.
It should be remembered- that the
only place in the city to get first class
silverware for wedding presents or for
your own use is at Coleman's, two
doors south of postoffice.
S. II. At wood and W. II. Newell
have gone to Woodruff, Kun., to look
after their quarrj, located noar that
d i CO.
Hev. S. C. (Jreen returned to Blair
this morning afttr a vioit of several
days with hi-j prents, C. W. Green
an 1 wife, in this city.
Burwell Spurhek of Yolk arrived
in tho city yesterday, and after a short
visit with his son, George, left for hU
homo this afternoon.
County Commissioners Zink, Young
and Falter went to South Bend today
t see about a road which tho board
has been petitioned to locate.
Tho Missouri river is now about
eleven feet above low water mark. It
is raising at tho rate of a foot and a
half a day. The sand bars in front of
the depet recovered.
The Fraternal Union gave a box
supper at their hall last evening. Tho
attendance was rather slim, but tho
provisions wero bountiful and thoso
present passed a very pleasant even
ing. J. F. liagoos of Louisville was in tho
city today buying goods , "PlatUmout h
merchants and paying his taxes, lie
also called at TlIK NKWS office nnd
Kjuared accounts with this Household
Necessity .
Chester Barnes of Tecumseh, Neb.,
arrived in tho city yesterday for a
short visit. Dr. Barnes is a son of
John Wesley Barnes and grew to man
hood in this city. Ho is now a prac
ticing physician in Tocuraseh.
Sheriff Wheeler went to Lincoln on
the early train this morning. He had
in custody Georgo Hippel and Alvois
Micka, tho former for the penitentiary
and the latter for tho asylum. Jake
Vallory went with him to assist in tak
ing the men.
In another column is an account of
the capture of the crew belonging to
gunboat Yorktown, while attempting
to relievo a Spanish garrison. Among
the list the name of C. A. Morrissey
appea'.s. He is a son of John Morrisey
of Lincoln nnd a nephew of ex-Chief
of Police M. Morrissey of this city and
at ono time resided in Piattsmouth.
lie is but 17 years of age and went to
war against his parents' will.
George K. Staats was a business
visitor in Omaha today.
T.J. Thomas was a passenger for
Omaha on the fast mail.
Mrs. J. N. Wise and Mrs. J. L Hoot
were Omaha visitors today.
P. J. Morgan and A. W. White were
visitors in tho metropolis this after
noon. Mrs. J. M. Y'oung departed this
morning for Albia, la., to visit her
father and other relatives.
Bert Shryock e vmodown from South
Omaha last evening and remained
over night, visiting his mother.
The case of Westinghouse vs. Barr,
a suit on promissary note, was on trial
in county court this afternoon.
City Marshal William Slater ap
peared on tho street in full uniform
this morning. "Billy" looks well in
blue and has the appearance of being
a terror to evil doers.
With a few days of warm sunshine
after the rain of last n!gh garden
"sass" will fairly crack it will grow so
fast. The rainfall of last night was
one-half and was badly needed
Judgo M. Archer last evening
united in marriage Miss Laura Belle
Kendall and Mr. George Gradovill at
the home of the groom's brother-in
law, W. H. Lair. The young people
will make their home in Piattsmouth.
Miss Kate Iliscbel, who has made
her home with Mr. and Mrs. James
Herold for the past year, received a
dispatch yesterday informing her that
hor sister, residing at Gretna, who
had been bitten by a dog more tban a
year aao, was very sick trom the ef
feet of tho bite. She left for Gretna
at 5 o'clock last evening.
At his home last evening Elder
Duncan of tho Christian church
united in marriago Mr. Frank Leroy
Churchill ana Miss Eva Ilinkle 1 1 ait
The happy young couplo will begin
housekeeping immediately on a farm
near 11 ck Bluffs
W. W. Seott,. who was injured in the
Patterson block fire, in Omaha, about
three weeks ago, has so far recovered
as to be able to leave tho hospital. Mr.
Scott, it will be remembered, is a for
mer Piattsmouth citizen, and was act
ing as janitor in the Patterson block at
the time of the fire.
Readers cf The News will remem
ber of reading of the murder of an
Italian in Omaha about a year ago
There was a general fight over a card
?ame and a number of them were
stabbed during the fracas, among them
being a fellow by the name of Pedro
Mancusso, who killed bis antagonist.
This same Pedro ha9 been working
for Sam Sawtelle on the big fill rscros
the tiver for the past month and was
in the city today. He was acquitted
at the trial, haviutr been almost
killed himself.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health
i Iudomitable will and tremendous en
ergy are not found where stomach
liver, kidneys and bowels are out of
order. If you want these qualities
and the success they bring, use Dr
Kind's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only
2oc at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store
Xotlce lo Turners.
There will be a special meeting of
the Piattsmouth Turnvarein at their
hall Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Business of importance to attend to.
By order of PniL Thierolf,
Lingering La Grippe Cough Cured.
Mr. G. Vachcr,157 Osgood St., Chicago.
My wife had a sevrro en mo of La
Grippo three years ago nnd it left her
with a very bad cough. Sho tried a
bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar nnd it
gavo immediate relief. A i0 cent
bottle cured her cough entirely. Now
wo are never without a bottlo of this
wonderful cough medicine in tho
louse. 2o and oOc. P. G. Fries;;; ,t Co. !
A KIKlit of HurUl.
Despite the growing difficulty of
finding space for the interment of pub
lic men within the walls of West
minster, at least one noble family -!i!l
enjoys a prescriptive right of burial
there. These are the Dukes of North
umberland, who have the exclusive use
of a .spacious vault in the Chapel of St.
Nicholas. This vault, which was the
last resting place of the Seymours, was
opened as recently as 1SS3 to recelvo
the remains of Lady Louise Percy, th
elder sister of the present duke.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, 1 'lain field. 111. ,
makes the statement, that sho caught
cold, which settled on her lung.-,; sho
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew wors-. Ho told
her she was a hopeless vic'.iin of con
sumption nnd that no remedy could
euro her. Her druggist sugges'od Dr.
King's New Discovery Lor Consump
tion; sho bought a bottlo ana to ner
delight found herself benefitted from
first doso. She continued its use
and after taking six bottles, found
herself sound and well; now does her
own housework, and is as well as sho
ever was. Free trial bottles of this
ireat Discovery at F. G. Fricko Co.
dru" store. Only 5o cents and l.()f,
every bottlo guaranteed. i
Deep Wills.
The following are some of the it ;!
est wells in the weld: In Europe, out
at Passy. France, 2,090 feet; at La
Chapelle, Paris, 2,y;0 feet; at (irenene
Paris, 1.79S feet; at Neusalwark, nea-
Minden, 2,288 feet: at Kissmgen, Ba
varia 1,878 feot; at Sperenberg, noar
Berlin, 4.190 feet; at Pesth. Hungary,
3,182 feet.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them; also old, running and fever
sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts,
cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped
hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 2rt cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by P. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
List of Ltt ern.
Beruaining uncalled for at tho post-
office at Piattsmouth, April 15, IS!!!):
Bates, J I)
lienscotter, J V
Cook, Joseph
Clark, O A
Karnes, V II
MiuKs, I M
Wiukler, Margaretha
Case, Porter
Cook, II E
Cook. Mrs C S
Fadden, Bessie
Taylor, Dot
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
C. II. Smith, Postmaster.
Even the most vigorous ard hearty
people have at times a feeling of weari
ness and lassitude. To dUpil this
feeling take Ilerbiue; it will impart
vigor and vitality. Price f0 cents. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
The nul heapfKt.
The New York Independent, the
leading weekly newspaper of the
world, and one whoso pages exercise
the widest influence, is entering upon
its fiftieth year of publication. The
Independent emphasiz;s its fiftieth
year by changing its fern; to that of a
magazine, and hi reducing its annual
subscription prico from $3 to $2;single
copies from 10 to 5 cents. Tho Inde
pendent in its new form will print
3,640 pages of reading matter per year
at a cost to subscribers of 2, while
the prominent magazines, which sell
for $4 a vear. print only about 2,000
pages. The subscriber to the Inde
pendent gets 82 per cent more of
equally good reading matter at one
half the cost! It is not only the lead
ing family weekly newspaper but by
far the cheapest and best. A free
specimen copy may bo h;id by address
ing the Independent, 130 Fulton street,
New York.
KIDNEY DISEASES are the most
fatal of all diseases. Foley's Kid
ney Cure is a guaranteed remedy, or
money refunded. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mohammedans and the Koran.
Perhaps it is not generally known
that Mohammedans never use printed
Korans, because in doubt as to the in
gredients enterlrg into the compos!
tlon of the printing ink. They are
afraid of being defiled by taking Into
their hands a copy of the sacred book
that may have been produced with the
Ink in which pig's fat, instead of lin
seed oil, has formed one of the com
ponent parts. They therefore confine
themselves to reading hand written
reproductions of the prophet's work
which are naturally very expensive.
Glad Tidings to Asthma Sufferers.
Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick
and positive relief. It is tho great rem
edy for diseases of tho respiratory or
gans like asthma, bronchitis r.nd
horseness. F. G. Fricke & Co.
. Beautify your lawn by sowing
genuine Kentucky blue grass and
white clover. Ebinger IlirdwareCo.
No constipated person cm luok his
or her best, or feel perfectly well. For
that inactive liver ar.d constipation
try Dr. Sawyer's Little W ide Awake
Piils, and they will cure you. Fr
sale by A. W. Atwood.
For Sale at a Bargain.
Eight room house, sovd well and
cistern, ba-n and wood house all in
first-class repair, two and one-half lots.
Situated two bloCKs from court bouse.
A bargain if sold within thirty day.
Inquire at News office or at Holloway's
It is a fact beyond question that
John T. Coleman, the jeweler, has the
most desirable line of rings to be
found in the city.
rv F r
. O. C. b : '..;,
I tl U 4 i IS l u J k t. . 1 1. I -1 i .. I
a---..'. i . '
I I i.l'p':. i ' 'I V .!!!
- I f.-.d ;.. v. '!.; i
Mr. .1. W. Lo-. in.-. (' ..:.,.p:t
ceil vears I nulb-p-1 t . ( m . ; ! .
in v skin. 1 tri.-l aim.'-: --v 1 M "
failed one by one. and I uas 1 i
sixty-six. was :!.;::in 1 ' 'e. :u-.i ihii I
to be well aam. I li.Milv t-
my blood thoroughly, and n.e.v 1
is the only reme'y whi'u n
old people,"bei-ati-i- it - I
free from poia.-h. m- !. y, 1 :
: -ai
a i. i 1
a: II.-,.
niinrrals. It is ma !" Irx.i :
in it. S S S cur. s the
Tetter, Open Sores Chrome J
Hooks oil these i.. ( as i w ill !
11 T
l" lt s 111 v H: -
the reiiteii V V.'.ii i M 1'i i.
' t !,.!. e.!.i
' f "V " ' ' A '
L J - n I :i
L .' IS Ml". !''
If.v v
l, mm no mihWH u c
Lively, Feed and
Sale Stable.
Finest Rigs in tho City. Morses Boarded
by the Day or Week.
Wr arc nlsM !. a
And FA R IV! i M
Ae are hero for Llio B
the County...
And will g'A it, if Fair I) -a!:- ' ' ;
our Farmer Fi iends. Wie-h
rladly .show yo-i anythin,,' v. a h ve ,n
Pearl St., between (5th
April, 1 .! at t.'.c tr.-t.t d t
house in tin; rit .i 1 i:itt inwih, : "'
state ot Nesrasi- h. at II ' : .k a ' . ,
tiniL1, tlie iiiilIoi a c " , . 1 ;
and testament "I Ainu" 1- ' - ' ' '
otter for sa:e nt pni-iic a" tmi!. v. t:
bi.ldor lor cali. the loaov. aa; .1..- ;.( i
tate ly ing iu said 'as ; cmiiiy, : . i :
An undivided oae ll-a ! i' i mk-i.- :
one-hall ic' I of tl.-e nu tl,a ' t a : . ;
section tnii tV-two (--'.i. to.-. nlaj an i,
nine i'.o, eat "I the si--aii j.L.a , ii :.
Said sale tie made under aaa ay -.a
license of sale made .'ai l .-i.t. i. a ev . .e
court of Lancaster 'aium v, .N. i.ra -: a. a. m
therein pending by the la : ; n- -1 .
to sell the ansc SaM -,t:,. e a aaa
one (1) hour, heinmia; at tia; -aiae :a. ,
(,i . !l. I '
As executor of the la-t v.a! t-.-t
Munzii liaiii"". (Ir. '-as.e 1 .
Field & Brown, r.ttoi I ::a
hirst publication Aiaai ". .
Notice to Creditors.
SfATK Ol- Xl-.l.UAMCA, (t . I a (', a a , v '
Cass county. S ' '
In tli; matter of tl.o estate .( ( ia . ;. a .'
fjer. deceased.
Notice is hereby yvni t.'. i- ' '
said deceased ua:et t -j ' cur: a: .,
tate before me. Count y .1 u i a- ol - ( '
Nebraska, at the couia y . a; rt r , .ai "i h.
mouth in said county, tne J '.(, hay ..t '
I).. K'., and on the .'.'Jtli day ol Oct.. !'' ,
(clock a. ;n , each day tar ti,.: laa-.,,
senting their claims f -r ...a.a.,a , a. a.
nient and aHov.ance. a montii- are a. a
lor the creditois of said ed to ; a a: l
claims, train the '-':nh day of A;-ra. h-
Witness my hand and s.-a: ol sa ! f.;
court at I'lattsmouth, Nebra-ka, tiai -iiti a.
April, l---1.''..
fjKOHf.K M. Si'fKM.f.K
(Sea!) C v iaty J I.
Notice to Creditors.
State or Nf.kkaska. I Cunty C-. vr. ;
Cass county, )
In the matter of the e-tate of lit:- i.t-.d 'a -illgton
Richards')!), deceased.
.Notice is her-by sivea t: at tie cr?!., .r . - i
said deceased wni meet tne a-iaau.ii a a :
said estate, before me. County Ju' ' i a -County.
Nebraska, at the - aaitv c rt ra-aa a.
Flattsmotith in said county, oa the - -a -a-a ..i
May. A. D., t-'.'H, and on the :;. day 1
ls.'.i, at ! o'clock a. m . (;ac!i day i ;r -h ; j.m a ..
of presentitiK their claiais lor e--aa;. aaa . ,a . ; -.
justment and allowance. ."vx laaati as.:
lowed for tlie creditors of said ic a-.;.! ;a;ai:
sent their ciahns, from the Z'.i da. . t .,;..,
Witness my hand and sea! of sa: i ra-.aitv r utt
at Flattsmout'n, Nebraska, this i:u ii.iv of A; i.:.
1W Gl-OK.ii. -M . .l'l ."I.1
(Heal) C a :. ty J,.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska e -i c : 1 ' j- tt.
County ot Cass. $ ' '
In the matter of the estate of A. air. a 1':..!
Thomas, deceased.
Notice is hereby citen taat i5i ; cicl.: a
said deceased wiil meet ti e f. :a- " 'ia ..- !
estate, before rue. countv ja 'u ol ';--.: ' tv
braska. at the county cja: t r....;.i :ti laat'-a..
in said county, on tho l;th day i ' a v . .
and on the i:h day of 1 ',
o'clock a. m . each day f. r the r -.' r;.' .- 'i
senting their ciaiais l,,r cr::..:i;,i. a. a-); :-t
and allowance ix months are ;-. a .w: i-.T
creditors of said deceased t r le.-eni t:..-.r c.a
from the lath day of Apr:i. !-''.
Witness my hand aad the sea. ' c -a
Piattsmouth, Nebraska, the aat da
March. A. IJ. l-.y. .
(jKa?a,K M . M rata -a;
SEAL Co; ray ): a
Licence Notl':e.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereoy given that I v'..l f-aaav a'
next regular meeting of the boatd a! c-
missioncrs, in and for Ca.- c i::;:v. N .an
for a license to Sell Mnotis, :aait and :-; .!:;
-r. i a
rt ; t
' c!
liquors in the vii'.a'e tf t.-edir Caa a.
County, Nebraska, f ,r the ra'r '' ! of one -.
Wi LI.I A M J . ii iv.
Dated this Hth day at Aprd. :-:.
liead the ad writ- m.-n: s it; lei
News and trade nly with ti;o.-.j o- :
pie who solicit your p-rtrrnairo. Ttj. S'i
are the live merchants that do htir-i-ness
on the principle uf quick tales
and small profit-.
Notice ii; lii.-irhv i-a-r.
r tj
? v, 'J U 'JL LJjn
I 'i i " i in -is til v mean
; 'I ill I. ea It'll , mill
. M c .1 i . h li i;esn ii moiig
n !i. .i . ..!.!. , I ?.!,,. ,t elderly
i i 1 1 ' . j 'I'll I o i H iicks,
, i v tit.; ,1V I v Keep
1 . ; V i I 'illy lll 11 in I ves
. ! 1 1 i ! Ihe a 1 1 men 1 1
'H i : i I V. S. M S. lit
, . M ! I . ! i 1 1 1', I lie blood ,
i i . i , ;i ti I i mp.i l t-
. , 1 ! . I . I I illlll'ilMI'l
I I. . i I ' I i I! 1 new lilt'-
i Ii I . ii in. w i it en :
w I I health
.nt ,i s, n n I in
I I. iv l s The
I would never be
S are! 1 1. eu M (I I no
; I I I II '
-! i ' i i' '
I i . ei I .
. . i i ; " :
; I-' i h '..IS 1
S . 1 v I h:i I
: I , I I . . III.'.
' j 1 1 ' . : h :
. 1 . I M ' I
' . I... I I hev
. ' . V. ' i I ' I I I
I ii. . h ;
I i ! . : ,M, I
v 0$ Hi
ii- ih;
1,.'. ' I
' :
a 1 ... , i ,. !. ..ii'vls what ever
( . i . i . I'.- . i in . 1,'l.eiiinal .ism,
. i , , . , ., e , ,r t be I, I... ul.
u t " ' " ' i a- ' ' . , Atlanta. Ga.
1 ' ,-
r-- iu rill
at :;ny Cilmii-o with
ai a) .-e;e us wo will
' i i ; '
' i. , C
cj. Son,
; r, Tin, Piattsmouth
.;-i ' Cii'c.-jjro
at. Jo'ir.lll
i'.;'.rifaas City
jr.-: St. Louis unci all
, .' . , ; tjoitit liaat and
,- "..''!. South.
! a a rc- s 2 :4H am
' a.",.a;in.-.i 7:12 aiu
- . xar. - i. ilmy, St I'm,
i -a. ; .-1 L'.u i-'A poi it t h
- i a a I0:'j aui
!a , -i , . a, ! a i i y , It i; rl lim tori
. a--. . , ft! I jaan 1 1 : .: Vt :'.') am
, .2'' i i ) a in )
, ..aaiy ex.-.-pt .-uU-
.-r la',. ai-J aaclooi 1 1 im
! ra a'.,,.,- y i. A.-'-jt .-ufida.y
! . ! ,..( i.,7, .',) pri)
'. . a . , :, ...a. i- v ;,, da iiy, li.i r
i . .- ' . : . , l.'ai a ii a nil a i I
. a.- t . 'j l-touh, train lor .-t.. ; 5:27 Jjrn
I. ' v a. '1 a dy . .-1 Inn. K o
''ay. -1 I.iia, Cblf.ito
ia, ,a -. and hju b .. H-MH put
'.. p. d;ii! . .'..'iii ah, i, Idn
' I '-aa v r a. ad J iitcrtu"..
: ; ' ":SJI Ufn
i ., J;.;!y. ij,a-:u-. la t-i am
i . : , '. . ... ! . 0 : ij, e x .- u :i
'. v, r i . r ;!:, i,.,u ;s-
. a : a !:.-f 7 1 1 aru
!' i.i. y, Ona'i!i!i iiii'l
a i ,; 2 17 U'U
V :.:,;.:c: u ii-!y, D-jij-
v'-ra.o ' . 11 ir:iTi'H fn Co.o
i '!, ' .' '. 'i.'i a ioJ 'ail i f orn i ;t,
Islaia:, Jd i'-k Hill-.,
a t na r-.ij l I'liei!:-; N. W :t;H put
i a: ; ;i. a .. i ay oxchjjT -!'jn-11.
IO-i i ivi.:i;. Anblarjd,
aa 'rfiuyi'T 3..X put
, . i i - . a, d :i!iy i.-X"i.vtNin-
a ay.'.a ;. r,.; Lincoln.. S lJ pm
.-. d r:!a ii't'i r'a I'alnsf ch.'ilr cars
...a '.: rn;a':i f ..n:s. TleKets Hold
.... . :. l ' Liolut lb the
. .- .'.. ii ad ft.
! a f. at aaa ;i;;;o t.'tbj'-S, tnap9 aod
; . i a rat to
V,'. I.. PICKETT, Azent,
I'a'.i.tsnii'Ulli, Ntt),
. N ' -. C-n. At..
I)i,.;a.;:. Nob.
TJ.'.s K ;AitL.
j 'ailNG NOIlTfT,
.:!" a. tn
. ..11.51 a.rn
. .. .4.01 p. in
JOi.-Jr; HOI.'-! H.
10:41 p m
7 :3i a rn
. . . 4:0 d m
1 .'.
.;1 fr
,iri. tl a :al i p irtnre f M ill .
t...-''-': a r-a North. South on M. I.
- 1, i: t-t aad .
'H i oh liuriinton.
aaa a. V.Vt ,,n C. 1'
- I.-::.- . :. ard .';ch! t' Oniat.a.
-.--.! a . ier, la-.-t on N. V .
'.. I a -a .- ,tiu. on M. P.
a. i-. ' n ii. cc M., North on St. Paul
S. (.'.
-f a -a a. iis.t on C. M. St. Paul and
i . I., a -o est on K. I.
- ij:... iaa, U'cft raid South on Ii. & M.
-. '.'a. -':'.'!, Weston K. I. and Iiurlinton.
- ai iJuriira'tan.
i . Lou iiuraasa. n.
. a. N a h on M. P., Ve--t on
i. .:a:s. North on St. P. M. & O.
a-f ' .... -a. West i;n 15. ft M. and L'. P..
N r-;. ai st. P. S. J.. 1- ast on K.
I..N. W . atid C. M. A; it. P., iouth
. .. Wf.Laid..
- - a .ii on M P.
.'. . t ea laatlir.rrt n. South on sub
ar -aa t: M. P. S-.huyler.
f : -, East or., West on
K. i.
-S -.:: -i M. P.. West M. P. to Lin
c - a. North on M. P. via Louisville,
( aaaiia, I'.ast and South on Bur
iia. t.n. Wc-t on Burlicgton west
id Hastings.
1 ! .
XLTLL'i.. ,
,i-.'..ia. 5it: ..ISM.'