Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 04, 1899, Image 1

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TIIK III.KALI). KHialiliHlmd April K), IMil. ( Consolidated Jan. 1, 1S95.
VOL. VIII. NO. 13.
J A u A I
1.1 c
1 ik
Christiai.lty's Greatest Event Ob
served at the Churches.
iiily Ix-i-uritt tl ('hurt-line, KfMUlirul Mu
! Ami .1 iroritl Mvrt.ioii Whs
Order of Tlilngi. I uclfiiifD t
VVt'Mllit-r J'ri'vviHB IHmiy Froui At
t ml if k.
Tin; v::itlnjr l iroau djalt out a
inisiT.iJ:y un )lc;iH:int unl cold lOistor
Sundiiy. Lots of people remained at
hutiir, ceru'i all y l.oCiinsii It w:ts cold
iiicid-Mitally bic.iiuo tlio Hinari fowng
iirid tlio llowcr-j.-tnlcn hut would look
mj in-,.,isoiiat lo unuor Iho leaden
skii'H, and tliu z; run'T, la worn through
I lm lonj; winter were so shabby.
Tli-n", and other excusfs, rendered
tlio various conrrationrt of our
cbiriclie-i Mmewh:it Plinimor than is
usu il on I ) iht, r Sunday. The
rhurclies, however, pit on hrttvu attiro,
tl.o choirs prepared Kpecial niusie, and
thi--e who hravrd tho inclomcnt
wcalbor felt amply rep.kl as they
li-tfin-d to Ihe i"l quent !-ei lnons and
be pitiful anthems, that had for their
limine, "The Kir-ei r,ird "
I'ri-i-liy I crinn Church Hrrviitrii.
At the l'resby lerian church at the
niornii!- service Dr. I laird delivor d
an eloquent scrmiin, the choir Binrriiifj
)...,. , I ; I I .!.,. nv'j T .....1 Ifij,n "
an Kartior hymn, atid Miss Ajjuew a
m)U from V'andowater'd "Easter
Sony." At tho eveninj; service Dr.
Kiny ave a liible reading that was a
revelation his rendering' of familiar
piMsncs lirinifiny out new beauties,
his iiuprt-sive delivery emphasizing
each selection. The music was in
perfect accord with the beautiful
service. The opening anthem, "Earth
Has No More Dominion," by the
do4ible q uurtot.Hiid Gabriel's exquisite,
'Ca'very," the so!o by Miss Edith
i'attei son, wore beautifully rendered.
Tne decorations were not profuse. A
stand of hyacinths with their varied
coloring and delightful fragrance mak
ing a pleasing object lesson.
lirlMtlan Church. Services.
Tho Christian church prepared ser
vic -s appropriate for tlio dfy, and. had
a larro on rregalion both at morning
andeveniug services. Kev. Dungan's
sermon, "The Iord Is Risen," was an
able discourse, and listened to with
close Attention. Tn the evening tho
.Junior Endeavor furnished the pre
grain, consisting of music and recit'i
tious. Special mention must be made
of a recitation by Robert JJarr "How
I Eirneil My Missionary Money"; one
by Ethel Young. "Tho Little Wan
derer"; "The Easter Sonjr,"by Myrtle
Thompson. A trio by Matrgie Warren,
lva Wot den and Grace Emery, "I'll
Go Where You Want Mj to Go," was
very good. A dm t by Mina Ilerold
and Ne lie TolifT; a solo by Roy Boyd,
and a song by Rev. Dungan's class of
twenty girls, "E ister. Hippy Eister,"
were exceptionally well rendered.
Spa 'o forbids special mention of
others in tho long program given,
which concluded by the opening of
the children's mite boxes containing
the pennies contributed during' the
past month. Tho decoration? were
tasteful and arranged by the "C. E."
flower committee of the church. Mr.
Ollie Osborn and Miss Worden fur
nished the solos in tho evening chorus
MethodUt Church Services.
At the Methcdist church the Sun
day school occupied the hours from
10 until 12, furnishing a fi;?e program
consisting of Easter music by a double
quirtet and recitations by Mrs.
Iiee-on, the Misses Mauzy, Davis,
Eikenbiry and some of the younger
members of the Sunday school.
The decorations were quite elaborate.
A "lloral bell" suspended over the
altar, which was tilled with potted
plants, made a charming picture. Dr.
Stratton delivered a half hour talk
and also spoe at the evening service,
appropriate music being well ren
dered by the chorus choir.
Kplcopal Services.
As usual, the Easter day services at
St. Luke's Episcopal church, were of
uncommon interest and impressive
ness. The beaut fully decorated church
was further greatly enchanted by the
profusion of lovely Easter lilies, while
the fine body of Knight Templar, all
of whom were in full regalia, lent an
additional interest and made a very
impressive seen The quire tervics
was probably the tinest ever given in
this city the lartre congregation at
both morning and evening services ap
preciating the divine music to the
fullest extent. Tne trio,in "Lift Tb:ne
Eyes' from E ija, was very beauti
fully rendered ty Mrs. T. P. Living
ston, Miss Eiorenco Wbito and Miss
Clar.i Green, as was also the duet, "I
Waited on The Lord" by Mrs. Living
ston una Miss White. Tho evening
praise service was even butter than in
the morning, all who bad the
pleasure of bearing being more than
St. JoIiu'h Church.
At St. John's Catholic church
Easter services wore held and .the
church was beautifully decorated, but
owing to Father Carney's poor health
theserviefs wore not so extensive as
is customary on Easter Sunday.
Bvnngellcal St. I'aol's Church.
The Easter services at St. Paul's
church were very appropriate, and.
dt-Hpite the inclement . at!, -r a h.rj
number of pcplo were in .attendant.,, I
I be church was beautifully dccoi nW-d
with'lilies and pilnin, and a''er Iicv. i
I' reund 8 morning sornidn coii,nj jtii,in
services were held.
Tli. Imperial Guard of Franc.
'The Imperial guard of France was
created by Napole-on I. from the Guard
of the Convention, the directory and
the consulate, when he became era- J
peror in 1801. It consisted at first of
9,773 men, but was afterwards en
larged. It was bubdiviced In Into
Old and Young guard. In January,
1814, It nimbered 102,7(:G. It was dis
solved by Louis XVIII. in 1813, revived
by Napoleon III. In 1834. It surren
dered with Met, to "ae Germans the
27th of October, 18 0, and was abol
ished by the defence government soon
after. It took part in the Crimean war,
1855. As a corps d'elite it was one of
the finest bodies of troops in the world
In the time of Napoleon I., and the
history of France and its wars abound
with numerous instances o its brav
ery, fortitude, arid Intense attachmen.
to its "Fiphthig Emperor."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy t lie serine of smell
ami completely derange the whole system when
enter in); it through the mucous surfaces. Surli
articles should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do is tenfold to the good you can possiby
derive from them. Mall's I atarrh Cure, manu
factured by F J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O . con
tains no niercurv. and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system In buying Mall's Uatairh Dure be
S'ire you get the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney & Co.
1 etimonials free.
Sold by all druggists, price 75c. per bottle.
Mall's Family fills are the best.
For Clillbl.ilu.
Procure a beef bone that contains a
good deal of marrow, remove this and
melt in a jar set in boiling water.
When melted, strain and allow to cool.
Then mix in the following propor
tions: Two ounces of white wax, four
ounces of beef marrow and four ounces
of Venice turpentine. Cut up the fats,
set them with the turpentine in a jar
in boiling water and melt over the fire.
When liquid, stir in four ounces of
sweet oil and pour into small jars or
moulds in which the salve can be stor
ed for future use.
The Khsi's New KeligrluuN Fifiure
The policy of Tho Ladies' Home
Journal, in Its religious department,
seems to be always to engage the pen
of tho man most immediately promin
ent in the eyes of the religious world.
Thus it has had tho services of Mr.
Ueecher, Dcctor Talmage, Doctor
Parkhurst, Ian Maclaren, and now it
will have those of Dr. Neweil Dwisrht
Ii il 1 is, the new pastor of Plymouth
Chun b, in Brooklyn. Doctor Hillis
his given the Journal a series of
articles upon which he had been work
ing for over a year previous to his
eastern call and the ii si of theje
articles will be published in tho next
issue of the magazine. The series is
all connected in thought, and presents
tho general subject of "The Secrets of
a Happy Life."
Short I."cmi 111 Fnrli'ii,
A tiresome calicr who had : t'u
evening at h home of a f-'pi: !, ;
young lady, and hart devoted : y
all the time to a de scriptor.; ... f -.r
to Europe, from vlii;h !;; . :-. ;f n
returned, said to .-, as h
go: "I beg pardon for -. - ;!. .
tive. I fear my Ions story . . ;;
adventures abroad hps r .:.' :o
you but illy." "On the cor.t--.;. v.'
replied, politely, "it
me quite welly."
No constipated person cm look his
or her best or feel perfectly well. For
that inactive liver and constipation
try Dr. Sawyer's Little Wido Awake
Pi Is, and they will euro you. For
sile by A. W. Atwood.
How Coal Blen Spell "Degrem."
Coal Dealer "Have you looked at
the thermometer this morning?" Part
ner (red nosed but happy) "Yes. it
stands twenty-five cents higher."
(Marks prices accordingly). Chicago
"The Smithly bicycle Is unquestion
ably the best." "Faugh! Why, I keep
a Smithly expressly to lend to my
friends." Detroit Journal
"Little colds" neglected costs thous
ands of deaths j early. People who
have used Dr. Sawj-er's Wild Cherry
ar.d Tar, recommend it even for con
sumption. For sale bv A. II. Atwood.
Cost of Cavalry.
The cost of feeding the 23,000 horses
in the British army is about 25 each
per year, or a total of 637,500. The
cost for feeding horses stationed In
the British Isles alone has been esti
mated to be 438,500; the annual ex
pense for saddlery and harness is
43,700. The average age of horses
of the British army is five years for
the cavalry, the same for the horse ar
tillery, six for the field artillery, and
Eeven for the draught horses of th
army service and other staff corpB."
J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on
electric street car line, writes that his
little daughter was very low with
croup, and her life saved after all phy
sicians had failed, only by using One
Minute cough cure. F. G. Fricko &
An Old City.
Chester, in Wales, a city founded
1,500 years before America was dis
covered, Is even at the present time
surrounded by a wall from 12 feet
to 40 feet high, built by the Roman
legions under Julii3 Agricola.
Don't scralch your life away, but
use Dr. Sawyer's Witch Hazel and
Arnica Salve for eczema, piles, hives,
burns and cuts. For sale by A. W.
I 1A AH HI) I pf7TTt?l
yfilM Ml.
' ElmVVOOd Is One Of Cass County's
Busiest Villages.
Itw ICecortl An a Shipping I'olut For
Grain and Live Stock la An Kzcelleut
One, And From I'renent Indications
Kveu a lietter Showing Will He Made
luml the Coming Seanon.
Elm WOOD, Neb., April 3. That
K rawood is a prosperous town is shown
in its receiving an uvetago of fifteen
car-loads of merchandise per month,
and machinery, lumber and miscel
laneous freight are now about twenty
five cirs in four weeks. It shipped
AO cars with grain last year, eighty
nino with live stock, 6ix carried ilour,
live poultry aud four werelouded with
emigrant outfits; and tho people
travel, as the average monthly ticket
sales reach $oC0.
From tho center of E'.mwood, on an
eminence, streets slope to tho beauti
ful valley with its handsom farms.
Tho business buildings are substantial,
and few towns of like population have
such well-stocked stores. The goods
of every des-c-iption show an invest
ment o) $05,000. There are two lum
ber y irds owned by the same company
the oi.e for northern and the other
for southern pine, and stock exceeds
300,000 feet. The flour mill is receiv
ing the latest additional machinery,
and a brick yard will be opened up
this month hand presses to be used.
Building is going on in and about
town, and Elmwood is being made a
lovely town in a lovely country.
Elmwood has two elevators, exclu
sive of tho mill, and Prouty Brothers
of Alvo have established a flour and
feed exchange, the manager, Sherman
Ca.shnor, and family thereby becom
ing acquisitions to Elmwood. Alvo
is built on his father's farm, and the
old gentleman, Samuel Cashner, is
one of the highly appreciated citizens
thereof. Sherman was milling for
five years, is thorough in business and
is worthy of all success aud respect.
W. S. Wilcoxson, who came to this
region a quarter of a. century ago, and
who owns half a section and town
properties and is director of the
Aruerioun Exchange bank, has moved
from the farm and become a per
manent citizen of Elmwood.
Tho American Exchange bmk has
3 1,001) paid up capital and deposits
over $00,000, showing an increase of
over $30,000 in the last year.
The bank building is an imposing
brick structure and is beautified inter
ually with begonias, geraniums and
cactus, while tho furniture, pictures
and plate glass make it particularly
The president, E. A. Stopher, is
financially connected with many en
terprises in this legion and owns lots
of land. The cashier, W. S. Waters,
was cashier of the first bank ever
opened in Elmwood, and has been
cashier cf the American Exchange
since its opening in i8S9. He came
from Iowa to Greenwood in '63, and
shortly thereafter removed to Ne
braska City and until '86 was success
ful in farming and stock raising. Mr.
Waters owns a fine residence, has in
terest in the bank and is a leading
dealer in real estate, having on his
list over 3,000 acres in Cass county.
The gentleman is a member of the f.
O. O. F. and has taken active part in
local advancement and is thoroughly
progressive and widely popular.
The directory includes W. S Wil
coxson, prominent land owner; W. E.
Whitney, whose splendid farm of sev
eral hundred jicres is four miles from
town, aud Hiram Miller, whose estate
miles away has proven that, as a
f:uit county, tnis region should re
ceive gi eater attention. Txiis is a
grand fa-, country and produce
is a great factor in commercial trans
actions. During tho most inclement weather
this winter Koettger & Arends
shipped from 100 to 200 dozn eggs
and 3U0 to 400 pounds of butter per
day, and they have customers about a
dozen miies away. If any objection
can bo cited to their establishment it
is th:vt it is not sufficiently capacious
for their general stock, which now
values $14,000.
Senator J. II. Arecds is head of an
immense mercantile house in Syra
cuse, and as a republican is a stalwart
of the stalwarts.
L. W. lloettgar came to Nebraska
City iti 18S0 frcm Ohio and in ;82 went
to Syi acuse, where for nine years he
was with the late Wm. Beckmao, and
closed thai gentleman's commercial
atfiiirr; then to Elmwood as partner
with the senator. Mr. lloettgar owns
a ?1,50D residence and is in love with
Elmwood, and prophesies its constant
growth. He possesses the public
sp.irit and the ability to further its
J F. Hcover has become a leader in
tho buying1 and shipping of live stock
and is forwarding from two to three
car-loads a week. He is also feeding b
splendid herd and possesses the bon
hoinme and ever cheery spirit which
makes him popular all around. Mr.
Hoover formerly had a carriage fac
tory at Sprirgfieid, a-d is well known
in Sarpy, as well as Cass.
Elmwood, with its many attractive
features, i a little city of churches,
and has the Methodist, German
Lutheran, German Evangelical and
Catholic edifices.
Glorious News.
Comes from Dr. D. Ii. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Electric Bitters has cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great sutTeting for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her ctre is com
plete and her health is excellent."
This shows what thousands have
proved, that Electric Hitters is the
best blood purifier known. It's the
supreme remedy for eczema, tetter,
salt rheum, ulcer?, boils, and running
sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and
bowels, -expels poisons, helps digestion
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists,
guaranteed. 4
The Way to go to California
is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via the Hurlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make
fast time. You see the finest scenery
on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fin
ished nor so tino to look at as a palace
sleeper but it is jut as clean, just as
comfortable, ju?t as erood to ride in,
The Burlington excursions leavo
every Thursday reaching San Fran
cisco Sunday and Los Antreles Mon
day. Porter with each car. Excur
sion manager with each party. For
folder giving full information call at
nearest B. & M. R. R. depot or write
J. Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb. ,
Taklnr No Chanced.
Fatigued Francis "Don't touch any ;
uv dem bottles!" Grim Googin "Why, ;
dere may be booze in 'em!" Fatigued !
Francis "Yes, an' dere may also he i
some uv dat medicine dat works while '
yer sleep!"
Inevltn ble.
Clara Mr. Spooner said if he was
sure you would accept him he would
propose. Maud What did you say?
T told him to try it. If you wouldn't
now, you would some time." Detroit
Free Press.
"Give me a liver regulator and lean
regulate the world," said agetius.
The druggist handed him a bottle of
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the
famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Aa Ideal Seaside Reaort
Winter visitor (in Florida) I should
love dearly to go sailing, but it looks
very dangerous. Do not people often
get drowned in this bay? Waterman
No, indeed, mum. The sharks never
lets anybody drown. New York Week
ly. Arsenic Not Allowed.
In Sweden yarn is not allowed to Iw
Bold If It contains .0009 per cent of ar
senic. A carpet has been condemned
by the Inspectors because It contained
1000 part of a grain of arsenic In six
teen square inches.
Does Coffee Agree With You?
If not, drink Grain-O made from
pure grains. A lady writes: "The first
time I made Grain-O I did not like it
but after using it for one week nothing
would induce me to go back to coffee."
It nourishes and feeds the system.
The children can drink it freely with
great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a pack
age today from your grocer, follow lhe
directions in making it and you will
have a delicious and healthful table
beverage for old and young. 15 and 25o.
A Remarkable Vane.
On the roof of a brewery at Maid
stone is to be seen one of the most
remarkable vanes in Engla id. It rep
resents an old brown jug and glas3.
The jug. which Is made of copper,
stands three feet, six- Inches in height,
and three feet in diameter, and is ca
pable of holding 108 gallons.
One Would Suffice.
For the Fourth of July celebrations
this year a new feature of realism can
be introduced by the explosion of a few
;ans of Chicago beef. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Before the discovery of Oce Minute
cough cure, ministers were greatly
disturbed by coughing congregations.
No excuse for it now. F. G. Fricke &
The Artless Maid.
Hunker I asked Miss Kittish for a
kiss last night. Harkins She turned
you down, I suppose? Hunker Xo,
she turned the gas down.
The Beginning of Her Rule.
Susie Papa, what makes a man al
ways give a woman a diamond en
gagement ring? Her Father The
If you have a cough, throat irrita
tion, weak lungs, piin in the chest,
difficult breathing, croup or hoarse
ness, let us suggest One Minute cough
cure. Always reliable and safe. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Those Questions.
"Papa." said Tommy Treadway.
"Now, Tommy," replied Mr. Treadway,
"I shall answer only one more ques
tion today, so be careful what you
ask." "Yes, papa." "Well, go on."
"Why don't they bury the Dead sea?"
Boston Journal.
If you have urinary trouble or pain
in the back, indicating; kidney disor
ders, if thero be a general loss of en
ergy, we ask you in all fairness to use
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. Thousands
bear evidence to tne fact that it cures
For sale by A. W. Atwood.
Wew Goods
r Oetrpets,
Thi-y are soiling thes goods every day, althi.tigh I he seioii has hardly com
m meed. They have tho largest stock- they h.-ivo evor shown, at pric-s as low
a- l:it yn.'ir. Th y will show best 2 ply Ingrains at 05e; Velvet ilru-sells iho
best made, at $'1 00; Mequctles and A x minsters at O'.lc; Tapestry Hrussells at
Tj'ie, 75o and S5c.
i3isell5 On.ix3t Sweepers..
Thev have a new stock of
IICU'B IIJI lliu I lir?t:il iuiu
ings. I he standard m ic : or these goods is r.s.oo. Sample
ends of Nottingham Lice Curtains at l'.)i; and L'."c. Lac ? cur
tains in Nottingham, Swiss, rus-el!s and Rullied, from $l.t0
up. Agents for Ilnttrick Patterns. All kinds ou baud.
RUGS! The handsomest aid best li.-,o they havo ever
Special I'rus-eH's Pugs at OOe and Moquetto Kii;
Good corn, -1 can for '25 e
Good peas, 10c p'!f can.
Ten lbs oat meal, 25c
Ralstrom Health Club I'm (Jake Hour, egulir p ice 1 i
packages for 25 j.
Ralston 's Ileall h Flour and Breakfa-t rood .-. l-o alway
ha n d.
Baking Powder, full 1 b can for 10c.
Fine Table Syrup. 2 giillon bucket for 55c.
Soap, Soap, Soap !
Laundry snap Diamond C, Lnox
for 25;. An extra value in Toj i s,
per cake for a short t'm ; only tl ey
Good Parlor Broom, 3 sewed. 15 r.
Star Tobacco. 30c a lb.
Dovcy's Ilrightcner (as got d as S
:-lb box best Gloss Stnrtch for 15c
Golden Crown Sod;, strictly pure,
IXL Luindrv Starch, .'1 for 25c.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the j
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart- j
ing, nervous feet, and instantly takes j
the sting out of corns and bunions, j
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight or new shoes fjel easy. It is a
certain cure for swpating. c illous and
hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today.
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores.
By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial
package free. Address, Alien S. Olm
sted, Le Roy. N. Y.
Holrl'8ek-, Excurnltjn.
The B. & M. will sell Homese kcrs'
Excursion tickets March 21. April 14
and 18, May 2 and 16, lS'J0,f;r one fire
for the round trip plus $2, to following
territories: Arizona, ArKan-:.s. Indian
Territory, Louisiana, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, Texas and other s nti's.
For further information call at Ii. & M.
depot. w. L. Pickett, Ag-nt.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska. . County Court.
Cass county. S
In thi-matter of the estate of Christian Metz
ger. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased wih meet the executrix of said es
tate before me, Couuty Judge of Cass county,
Nebraska, at the county court room in f'latts
mouth tn said county, on the 29th day of May. A .
D.. 1899. and on the aoth dav of Oct.. 1899, at 10
o'clock a. m . each day fur the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowan-re. Six months are allowed
lor the creditors of said deceased to present their
claims, from the 29th day of April, is. 9.
Witness my hand and seal ot said county
court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th day f
April, IS99.
George M. Pplrlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, )
i ass Countv. S
In the matttr of the estate of Cushrod Wash
ington Richardson, deceased.
Notice is her-by given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the a lministrator of
said estate, before me. County Judne of t'ass
county, Nebraska, at the county court room in
Hattsmouth in said county, on the 9th day of
Mav. A. D 199, and on the )th day ot Oct..
1!9, at 9 o'clock a. m , each day for the purpose
of presenting their claims for examination, ad
justment aud allowance. Six months are al
lowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre
sent their claims, from the 9th day of April,
Witness mv hand and seal of said county court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th day of April,
lspo. George M . Spl rlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
School Supplies.
All Kinds of School Supplies,
suce as
Maps, Globes, Charts,
Dictionaries, Seats
and School Furniture
Webster's Latest Revised Library Die- c7 fl
tionary. sheep bound, patent index
Sam in one-half sheep
'OOi'OI i( 00'MI(K)00( MM Mil llllll If -o
Now on Display
New Shirt Waists the best, fitting g.irin-iit, on
Ginuhams tho 15c kind for 1 ( ; l'l patterns to
Linen Crashes for Skirts all prices from 1 "r
Percales bjc. 10. and 12ic.
White Piques all stylos from 15e In lli'. Tin
your si-lee ions early.
EMBROIDEUIES Tho largest r.sortm. -lit of
found at DOVEYS' They havo tin in from '2i- t . 7V-. a yard.
Special Sah on Ladies' Kid Gloves..
.l.r)( Glov
these, goods on hand, Thev are
m.,.i..i .1.. V ........ ! :
.tRIIil, iui lin. A . vjkvw 1 1 ill i
it:ii Santa Claus Id 1
Id :
i ip.
i- 1
it for
r rn s v. sri at-.a
A. New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 50 Cents.
JAfES F. BALLARD, Sole Prcpriafsr, - - 310 North Main Street, SL LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
p Warm
Don't Buy Base Burners at
any prices when you can get a
Furnace in your house complete
$50 UP
and Guaranteed by
South Sixth Street. - - Plattsmouth. Neb.
wews -
Prints More County News
Than any Other Cass
county Paper.
tho m irki-t
M-lect frmii.
s.: ar : very
desirable. Malt
tho-e foods urn
always to bo
- s ;it OS.;
,1 .00 Gloves at 0c
I T rfl
nssw sa
' "
krfiJnP' - f Tf'n i f T if TtfYi' Willi slM'sisTii smishi safsMW
.- ,A o I , A" i That Sweeps
KM1! tip am
;,;;f CLEAN.
i Vv USIa
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