Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 31, 1899, Image 4

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Inclement Weather Does Not
tract From Its Interest.
I'rofraaors NvliorfTvr hikI Hjrron V. KIiijj
Talk In Mont Knt rrtutnliiK Mbihiit
ml AITuril tit TrHihrrn M uch Komi
Kur Th(Mi()il- Ollirr Nolra of llm In
WKKI'INU Watkk, March .SI. (Spe
cial to Tun News.) Although the j
ground whh covered with Hnow yoster-1
day, tho teachers seemed happy nnd
wero on band at the opening session
of tho institute. Tho scripture lesson
was rea by President Taylor of tho
Weopiny Wator academy. Uiv.
Cresnraan of Doano college offered
Superintendent SchoefTer then took
up his work on geography. Ho showed
that the word "day" an used in geo
graphy had several moaning-", as for
instance, when it is said the revolving
of the earth on it axi- causes night
and day. Such a day is hut twelve j
hmirs long. When it is siid that a j
year ia 'MiH d;iys hti'r, a dav of twentv-i
four hourri is meant. I'.tit when we.
speak of any certain day, as the fourth
of July, wo lind it is morn than lift-,
six hours long, litis was explained
by allowing where the day begin-" and
and where it ends. This brought it
and in ide nece.-sary an explanation of
the intiM-nationnl datu line
Dr. King continued his worn in
reading, showing how to secur e good
expression. He claimed that teachers
try to do too much in a reading lesson.
. They should give their attention to
the securing of expression and leave
the matter of pronunciation, articula
tion and (osltion to other lossons.
In tho afternoon the usual lectures
occurred. Superintendent SchoelTer
talked on the eubjoet, "The Ooad
Line In Education." The speaker
claimed that some teachers died long
before they were ready to be buried.
They ceaee to develop and grow long
before they are ready to lay down
their educational positions. To know
how to keep teachers alive and active
is one of tho things that keep superin
tendents awake nights. As aids in
keeping teachers from the dead line
the doctor mentioned the school jour
nal, the institute, the summer school
and state and national association?.
When a teacher ceases to study ho
ceases to grow and is then dead. Hut
growth must be of an unselfish nature
or it will defeat its objects. A grow th
in selfishness weakens the will and
deadens the teacher. He claimed that
one reason why couutry boy? are tak
ing such high positions in all our
large cities is because of the unselfish
labor on the farm. They labor with
an object in view, even tho gottinir of
bread and butter. This was one of
the best afternoon lectures we havo
After a few minutes intermission l)i.
King began b!s lecture on "Hygionic
Physiology." This was an attempt to
(how that the first and most important
thing needed for the health is not
exercise, but air. We can live a long
time without oxercise, o. food, or
drink, but we must have air every
moment or we die. The next most im
portant thing, in the doctor's estima
tion, is drink pure, cool water. The
next most important thing in the con
sideration of health is sleep A man
can go longer without food than he
can without sleep. Next in order
comes food, clothing, exercise and
good nature. The clothing is for com
fort, not for 6how. We should exer
cise for health and endurance rather
than for strength. To these should be
added good nature and a kindly dis
position. In the evening Dr. King took for his
subject "Shakespeare and the Infidel."
According to him. Shakespeare was a
man who believed in man. God and
the devil. In a Heaven and a hell.
He claimed that the greit dramatist
never dreamed of an iii!idel for in all
his writings none such is mentioned.
Ingersol could not act the p-irt of
Shakesuearo's lowe.-t characters, be
cause even the imp?, witches and
devils believed in a God.
Inntttat Not-
A. H. Waterhouse and wifj of Lin
coin are here today. Mr. Waterhouse
was formerly superintendent of the
Weeping Water schools.
J. C. Geddes of Danville, 111., repre
senting Dodd, Mead & Co., of Chicago,
was here yesterda3'. He thinks this
the best institute he ever attended.
Principals Bowers and Berge have
been called home on account of sick
ness in their families.
The Congregational church is too
small for the evening session. Last
evening it was crowded.
The people of Platt9mouth are to
hear Dr. King in his popular lecture,
"All the World's a Stage." He de
serves a large audience.
These institutes are worth much to
Weeping Water in the way of educa
tion along school lines, and we be
lieve the people appreciate it.
Ad Early maze.
The residence of James Kennedj-,
three and one-half miles south of
town, was burned to the ground about
6 o'clock yesterday morning. The
flames were so far advanced before the
fire was detected that the members of
the family barely had time to get out
of the house without stopping to get
their clothes. They remained in tho j
barn until parties in town were noti
fied, when a hack was tent out for
Mr. Kennedy and tho children.
Ooly a very few pieces or lurruturo
were saved.
Mr. Kennedy carried i ') insurance
on the house and 200 on tho furniture.
He worka in the Darlington shops.
The origin of the fire is supposed to
have been a defective Hue.
I mll 1 1 no
i i m i i
C. A. Marshall, Dentist
Su -ci U e now for TilK
Dr. I ty ron W. King
ri owded hiitisc.
i I avo your M-ats f, r
served at Lehn IwlT s.
"Ilohson" ii cent ciga
should havo a
Dr. King ro-
r i - t lie li m;sl
over manufactured in town.
Tho King'r. Daughters have m ub
arrangement for ii mus'e A on Apr.! '.
The Methodist society is making
preparation for their I'.a-ter services.
All tho World's a Stage'' will be
tho subject of Hyion W. King's lec
ture. I'Ym uii NT Five-room house, in good '
condition and fine location. Inquire j
at News ollice.
Homo grown garden seeds at
lbuig--r Hardware cunpaiiy's store.
All kinds in hulk.
Janitor work of nil kinds, :iti.-fac-tion
guaranteed hy Tclfer i; Shcp
pird, tlH Vine street
A. W. Alwooi, the druggist, has
jn t what you want in wall paper.
I Mattsmoiith Telephone 'Si.
I lave you --ecu the new spring stylos
in wall paper? A. V. A I wood, the
druggist, Ii i- r 4 1 1 elegant stock.
I lid ri I'U ! ion" will b- givoii again
on I he evening of April 11. It will be
given for- the h.-neiil of St Luke's
ch u rt h .
Tne juniors of tho Chiistian church
assisted hy tho Mission Band of West
Plattsmoulh will iive a concert Sun
day evening.
To got first choice of Lister cards
go to LehnhotT's before the assort
ment is broken. They show a good
line this week.
Have you a cough? A dose of Bal
lard's Ilorehound Syrup will relieve
it. Price, 2i cents and SO cent-:. !'.
G. K. icke Co.
In the futue V. L. Street, i gtnt
for the Singer Manufaet ui ing com
pany, will be found in W. K. I'ox's
stationery s'ore.
Peter Clarence of Union made Till-:
News a call today and had his sub
scription to this family journal dated
one year ahead.
Miss Harris5, who has been assisting
in the meetings at South Park, will
preach in tho Bap ist cnurch Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock.
Farm loans in the amount i f 1,000
anil up at o tier cent, ami witkou'. ex
pense of abstract to borrower. .1. M.
Leyda, Piattsmouth, Neb.
St. -John's Catholic club will jjive a
dancing party at White's opera house
on the evening ot April 12. Every
body is invited. Tickets 69 cent-.
Itcfore tho di.-eovery of Oi:e Minnie
cough cure, ministers were gi atly
disturbed by coughing congregations.
No excuse for it now. F. G. F icke -Co.
Miss Cinio Oliver has be- n unite
ill for the a-a two weeks at her home
in Omaha with inflammatory rheuma
tism. She is reported to be improv
ing. Atwood, the druggist, ha? the
largest slock of up-to-date wall paper
in the county, which he purchased
in .New o; K city very ch'Tlp tor spot
Mrs. Lucy (.'joe Waggoner, a graduate-
of the Lir coiu School of Oratory,
will give a Recital at the Christian
church Friday evening April 7. Ad
mission 10 cents.
Five cents is not much money, but
it will buy tho best cigar on the mar
ket. If you buy II. Sp-es' "Kxquisi
tos"' you will not, be disapj oiuted. For
sale by all deale. s.
The results of an over indu gence in
food or diink are promptly rectified,
without pain or d iscoinfoi t, by taking
a fow doses of Herbine. I 'lie-' " eeiii s.
F. il. r'rieke N: Co.
Try it! Try it! Try it! Try what?
The cheapest high put en t flour ever
sold in the city, at F. T. Davis Co.
Nothing'S it. Livery sack
warranted down to tho last pound.
"Give me a liver regulator ami lean
regulate the world," said a get.ius.
The druggist handed him a bottle of
DeWitt's Little Marly Risers, the
famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Fair store has a complete stock
of workinginen's clothing, such as
gloves, shoes, caps, hat-, etc. In fact
they can supply you with almo-t any
thing you want. See them for gro
The Woman's club will meet at the
home of Mrs. S. H. Atwood Friday
evening. Tho executive board is re
quested to meet at 7 o'clock at the
same place, as there is important busi
ness to be transacted
Mrs. Lucy Waggoner was a pupil of
the famous Professor George C Will
iams who is now at tho head of the
Boston School of Oratory, Be sure
and hear her Friday evening April 7.
at the Christian Church.
Professor Byron W. King, who is to
lecture at the Presbyterian church to
morrow evening, had the distinction
of instructing William J. Bryan in
orator3 and the country possesses few
more brilliant orators. You will miss
a treat if you do not hear him.
There is no such evidence of popular
satisfaction as the evidence of success
ful experience. The 4 Gut Heil" 5
cent ciga- has won this enviall j repu
tation the best cigar ever j roduced
and Hold for a nickel.
Otto Wl'KL, Manufacturer.
Juit tho thing to set off yo jr Sun Jay
dinner can be fiund at A. II. Week
bach & Co'?. A nice fresh supply of
radishes, lettuce and Mrawberr!ej,
together with oranges, lemons, ba
nanas, etc. This firm can be de-
ponded on to keep even thing good to
eat. Call and see.
IKIrnt NVhrnj:i' lliml itnd Vniiid-d
W MMiTX, March (Special
to Till: Nkm s .j The follow in," ad
I d i t ional i-ual t i-s repute 1 from Ma
nila in the First Neiu a-K a :
Milton Li lido, C nit pa ny A.
William Or r. Cum i i ny A.
Howard O. W h i te mot e, ( ,'om p -m v L.
Wounded :
First Sergonnt A rl hu , Vicl.ers.t 'oin
F, groin sever c.
Key Cair:fiM-ll, ( o.n an ( ', leg
inoiloi ate.
Henry Hoeimi tn. Company (J, thigh
Oito Ku-tenlnrgor, Ompaiiy H,
shoulder slight.
Jack L. Beach, Company M, forearm
Iln.rl, It 'I...... H .l.l.-l.
j ,,Wn" w- vnn'j,, uiupai.y li. inigii
1 severe.
Robert B. MeConnell, Company II,
breast slight.
Herbert II. Barber, Company A,
wrist, thigh and buttock covert'.
I Win. Logsden, Company (.'. chest
! severe.
i Goorge II. Lommer, Company C,
i forija riu slight.
L.Durham, Comp in y C, client seven;.
Bert S. Watts, Company C, thigh
Herbert Hodges, Comp my 1), leg
K-ii: Nowlioid. Compat.y D, thigh
and shoulder severe.
John L Davis, Company G, hai.d
( laude N. Ciu-nouth, Company G,
thigh slight.
Llod Hottenstoip, Company (j,hai,d
I'M ward Dowui.ig, Conmany (i, thigh
J.-hn C. Marshall, Company (. leg
VValtor A. lOlifiits. Company G,
iii'.n severe
Boy Duncan, CVnioany G. leglight.
Acting Secretary of War
Mrs. S. Waugli was an Omaha visi
tor today.
J. Wolfe transacts 1 business in
(Jmaba today.
George LeanhoiT and wife spent the
afternoon in Omaha.
15. Golding is down from Omaha
visiting bis parents.
F. J. Morgan and wife were visitors
in Omaha this afte; noon.
J din Schiappacasse made a business
trip to Omaha this morning.
Mr. and MrsC. C Pa i male and little
son I'ollock wero in Omaha today.
D. B. Smith is attending to some
busine-s affairs today in the state
capi tal.
A. W. White, Dr. I P. Liv:ngsi,n
and II. .1. Helps wore Om aha visitors
Ibis a f tern-on .
Lob Hull departed for Beaver City
this afternoon to look aft v some busi
ness at that place.
Miss M .rgaiet Davis and Hilt We--cot-,
a-e home from the .Slate uni
versity f-ir a short vacation.
J F. l 'o'. k went to (ireenwood this
morning, having stopped here upon
his return from a visit in Indiana.
S. (..'. Anthony of the Cn-s C uat3'
Marble works returned fi om a two
days' business trip to(Jicnwood today.
Mrs. C. II. F.nncy, who has bcn
visiting Mrs. B D. B!u::t for som jlime,
has gone to Minnesota to make her
Mrs. Will B itlner departed for Ik r
home at Co. umbus this morning after
a pleasant visit, in the city with her
mother, Mrs. Black.
Mrs. W. A. S.voaiingen of Mynard,
accompanied by hor bist-.-r, M.iss Fo n
(J reeusiate of Klmwoid. were in t'.e
city today vi-iting friends.
Lev. .1. V. Hull departed today for
Whiting-, la., where he will enter
up ui the duties of minister of the
church at that place. His family will
remain here for several weeks before
removing to Iowa.
Two I'romiiM'iit Vonioi People Wfililid
A very pretty wedding took 'place
at Weeping Water last Wednesday at
the home, of Mr. and Mis. A.C. Bench,
FIder Boot uniting in marriage their
daughter, Miss (ienia, to Mr. Oscar
Ziuk, son of County C 'inraissioner
Zink and wife.
The bride has b.en teaching school
at Murdock f r sotno timo and cnj-iys
a large circle of friends at both tho
latter place and at Weeping Water,
her home. 'I ha groom is an indus
trious young fa- rat r who er joys the
confidence and esteem of all who know
him. They will begin housekeeping
immediately on t'ie farm adjoining
that of Turner Xink's near Wabash.
They begin housekeeping under most
favorable circumstances, ard TriF.
Nkw exteuds best wishes for their
future happiness.
Coining Attraction.
Bans A'bert and "the Telyn Ma'e
qu-irtut will give the second concert
of the Woman' club concert se ies on
April o. The concert has been pest
poaed fiom February 21 en account of
revival service and also because of
tho Lenten season. Hans Albert's
rank is high among the finest violin
ists in America, nnd is ; gain appear
ing in concert sifter a n st from this
work far teveral s 'usohs.
The Telyn Jln'e nuartet has been
singing together for over fifteen
years, and have established an en
viable reputation for their comic work
as well as for their more ambitious ef
forts. Either one of these attractions
would be worth tho price of admission.
At White's hall Ap-il .
Tako Laxative Bromo QiiininoTablets. politics, can vote witheut fear d mak
11 drugiits refund the money if it ing an error. They are all cipnblo
fails to euro, ilc The frcmiine has men who would fill the ser.ti in the
Li. I, y. on tahiet
M ATI IlltS I'lll.l lit
It is -aid that
.1 M. I e da.
.ioinoei'iit ii' nominee for city n 1 1 or ney , t
has not fully decided unuu which piat-
lo; m i;e win i!inn uie campaign io
! o I oi a nt i e o 1 1 ion.
1).'. C A. Mai-shah's, conscious would
I ot permit him to m:iio the race for
school Ii vud on the democratic ticket
and In; wilhdre.v. The report u.i
J c 'rctilated that lo- vvas a ilr-y.iu fol -i
1 . we r and ih it w a Inn iii uc Ii for him.
i i
There seem- to ho a in i - undorst find -.
i ng among some tf thi" vnici in re
gard tn who is the republican candi
j date for city attorney, it being undei -j
stood by s ime that it is the senior
j member of tho law linn of HccsoiitV
j Son who is making thu race. Allen J.
I'iceson, familiaily known as 'Jake,"
I is tho nominee. While .Kke would l o
! willing to run on his father's record,
ho wou.u proler trial the vol- rs
should have a clear understanding'
and elect him on his own record Mr.
lleeson is a promising- young attorney
who has a bright lutii'o before him
and will lill the ollice, if elected, with
honor to himself and the pa i ty which
elected him.
II. I . Travi-i has also refused to
make the race for Member of the
scl o l boai d evidentl v realizing that
j the odds wore too groat in f ivor of the
j republican school b.iard ticket.
j J. R Cox and (Jcorgo Dodge have
jcoa-euti il t i allow their u mes to ap
j po i r on the demurra lie schoi,! board
ticket, being selected to 111 th; V i-
c iih-ics i-aus-Ml oy tho wilhdriwal of
tin; names of II D Travis and D .-. C.
A. Mar-hail.
Tin-; school i:o.un i ickki'.
In selecting c-mdida'.f s for mem
bers of the Loa d of education the I e
pu ' licans ha o disp'asod exce)tinnal
atiilily and gi.oil judgment. (iiod
schools are the essentials of a city Mid
with till- lies the board of education.
Its ir.em hers should be men of sin ng
mind and of ability, ami that t hose, men
possess t hose qualities no no can
Lloyd D. Bennett has been- in busi
ness in PI tit-mouth lor nimy y.-ar-,
and is known by uiir.o-l every man,
worn .n and child in thecit ,-. Being a
j conse; vative. painstaking m ;ii and
ha ing p eviouslv served on tii -b : d
a n u Pi ' i r of year
imiui: a r
W I 111 t li
iluiies involved
w 1 1
the oHioe iii ;i m ; . s t sat i fac; oi-y m i a e
Ciaicncu F. Wiseotl needs eo ii,
troii iH tion to the vole s of Pluttr
i mouth, being one of its bust-
i ti-"ss
iin-e. Hv-'i vt h i u : Mr. Woscott
-ets about to d j is perforrip.-d iu a Lusi- I
luss ij'.:o uianner a nd will: a :i : ci i n
which i'ci;:ineiici- l im t i the v, tt. rs. !
Mi is .1 lai'L.'e p. operly muu
a 1
man with a famiiv, and has rl-.v-ays1
taken a li v-dy i o t - rest in the alliirs of
tie1 ei'y and especially tho e p r i ;. i 11
iag to educ itioaal m ilters Mr. Wes-
coit vvoubl ihwaii be fjurd en the
right side of any
noes! on f.ertainn-g
to the schools.
Wallo. L Tii( m .s, ilia other ii'in -nee,
is a giaduate c,f the P.altsmouth
high sell 00 1 and is familiar with the
needs of the schools. Tlavir.g rc-ided
here since childhood, he is known as
a man of ability and integrity and he
would fulfill tho duties of his ollice ill
a conscientious and a hie manner. Be
is also a patron of the schools.
IiV a e inpanson o; these m- 11 Witn
those wh. s! null's appivir on the
d e m "(' rati l; ticket, tie voter will
readily s- e that lie or she can do no
better than to piaee a c oss in the
circle at the head of the republican
col u in n.
Many queer things happen in Ohio
and not the least of which was a mar
riage the other day at Butler which
was witnessed by two children of the
contracting parties. Nine years : y0
the pifin'.s were married, but after
four years of wedded Hiss they were
divorced, tho hushand going to New
York to live. A correspondence
sprang up between them with the re
sult that they were lemarr.ed.
The gc lijixsity with wi.icli the rel
ate passed salary appropriation bills
yesterday was something s'atlirg,
the total increase over th npi r pr ia
tions of 1SD7 b . ing $.b,lJo. Toe 're
formers,"' buirg desireu-i of ere, .tug
jobs for the faithfu', nav.i ) cv'-lcd
for three secrt lai-ies of I lie b ard of
trat sp e tn io 1. Tip-si; cjaomical ('.)
reformers ate jue r critters.
That m'sfo; tunes me singly
is once nice proven ly ihe fact that
the Missouri legist;. ture, e. lop of the
wart i.. h..s parsed a bill poviding
for the levying of an inspection t; x of
1 per cent per gallon o 1 all beer ni it.ii
factured in the sta'e. Th s is indeed
a sad blow to tne Misrouri-ms.
TlIK quicl- estway to get I he city's
bonded irdeb'e Iness piii off is to vote
'yes" on the propos'tioi t lefii'id the
bonds at next Tu. slay's citdion. A
saving tif nearly SI, 101 per yenr in in
terest is a great item to be coasidered,
with the same privileges as to redem
tion as now exist.
Tin: republican alderminic ticket
is one which cvtnone. rej-rudless cf
jcity council in a capible manner.
IH I In- i'lllillf.
'I. A I'l.-Mnfl il, M al c. ;;o, Plt'l.
1 As lie ii oil ;i c-.'d iii tip- p c-i ill the city,
last night ivn. tl.e time n-! for a meet.
Ill" of 1 ! e I o' ice , .Ml VI i I! ee of t lie (li t
. j
t invo-tig tie I ho c!ii:ee p :e. r re d j
again t i:ie I .y .1 udg A i oiler. 1 was j
preseul at the time set and ib in uulcd j
a hearing by I he c nn m i It ee. '
1 he com pi u n a !. t w as not ready t ij
ii'.,i'i i-il, a i ! i g i n g as a re: son for 1e- !
Uy. t'ie ;i'N-en,e of t 1 1 AMm ';' '
(.'I i rk from tie- c i I v. and ri i u -I i n g n ,
Ol-t p' I i" I of the l.o llinf.
Believing thai any d- lay in healing ;
the iiiiitii'i' miglii e nl (o ;t I elief that j
1 did not want an investigation, a I'd I
believing that delay was simply i't-j
toiuli'd to ci o ito a feeling against me
with the public, I pr le-t'-d against!
f-Ui-'h a cou' so and demanded a l. aring
so that i might bo vindicated. '1 ho
committee, however, saw lit t o-l-pone
the hearing until some fu'ui'e
time, and granttd the cnmp!ai na nt a
con tin ur.rce. R.'-peePully,
( 1IAUI.1 S H AssiiN.
"pr l-:t i: r; n atij r a l sum : in-c
A Vvi-t,y uT I rini limcii Whli-'i Mn Mile
mrii f:iiriut it Mr pi -lo-ll it.
Tho frenzy of suspicion "pi t u-rna i
ural iiuspif ion," ;1S t'arlyle called '
Into which I-'i ichnien. win a c: ao !.
are apt to fail, is most ditib-uit of e,
planatioii, especiadv t lnAlilitt.e.i.
who cannot i-v. r. ( -'oiii ii -h'did wh
Krenclimeit should belli v- Unit
lish gold if cxpf'ti''1 1 ti!1('ii the Brvyfus
agitation, and coii-idcr the be;ici either
fictitious or simply siily. -ays th'
Spectator. The belief with thou .uid
ia not laliriovs iu all, and ta- French
ore one of the shi-o-vde-t of iliiiopeau
races i,o.sscs-.intt iiesides that toncii of!
' ' i
humor which should jirevt ;.! any o:u j
from hrlii ving thai an unbroken eg:; I
has licrn ,oi.s. iiieil. V" ;mfe.-s th
saspicioilsiK'.-s Imili'TS us. who
watched Fieiiih i.oliiii-s throi:
a a
lifetime. If it were always I . : '"d
against on-1 p-n. of enemies it ivb.;!'' he
iiiterp'vieil a- a mere f M'i.i )!' ieifi- d,
but il ls is not the .-a-e 'llic-re i.
more ui: ;ii .''ion in Paris ();' i-'rciir li
Jews at tnis uio'peat t! m of Enalisli
men, and as ni'ic'.j -'!-;;. ei.j;- .f a very
grave ami ' eputaide el i.-.- -t'ae HiigM '
liots of ei!'"r. fecii;:: is rjf ton
s-ot down to ignorance, bid classes c,T
Knsliihnien wlio are ip.ite as ii,-iorant
are comp'tvativdy free from ii. and
tile Fl elseil pr.DUlai e suspects above all
nen tliosc wiio 1 i o their lives all day
" ( i O '
d-v O.t.y iiiii!-r thoir nr'eroscoai-':
Fi r good vain is in
go i's go to "i'he Fi.i .
I.' M.ds o
ivl AD
by 11,-iltli id lioriticrt 1 1
.Sjrm liiis --r H ) l ra;ho!i ei.
Xt'iV ori. in. e-i i. i uu iiit,
I id ought oil-. Ilia- ike t-upilOsed
i clog wiii Is hit tvio childien at Toii:
kinsviiit', S. i., o;i stuntiav r.f'iioou
j had bitic-n a thitc' iarison, Otto Siinon-
son ci 1 1 I ); ipiiiau street, Biouk
lyn, a sailor on the Haiiimore ...,i i
Ohio : urge Carol ii.e. Siiaonsua v. ia
the s- f ; - "I nr.d c eeuunu'ri .1 the ;: 4
just i:fi(r it had bitlen the c'nd--eu.
aimal si-r.i i 10-uii hhu, tun
.1 1&
coat tail- into t.i ii ils, and hit
luiy m the .t:l leg i.-tcie ae nuc-
! ceeded in bf-ath-ff it off. Simoiuon
and Charles Peiii.-e, the hoy who was
bitten, fippiicd '.o Dr John L. Feeny,
chief of ti, -2 Ilichmond borough ht-aitli
department, and were sent to the
I ratory c2 tho hcnlrh dr.nrlnjeii t in
Manhattan borough, where th-?y -vera
tuaied by Vv. Ci hot. They -vv il 1 he in
o Ailated ikiily f(,r two wee:1;. IMith
Lawrence, the gill vtho wes bitlen. was
reported to be not Feriou.sly injured,
and her parents have not yet decided
to subvert her to the Pasteur treat
ment. The dog, which is pnrt New
foundland, was Kept in the d .-; pom .
It would rat nothing and showed ;ta
aversion to water, but was not thrown'
iDto convulsions when water wus
placed near it. The animal v a . ';o j;!
up and sent by wajron to the bacteri
ological department of the hi-nith de
partment, where it will he kept alive
r.s lone as possible, and tests nude?
to positively def ermine wbetlifr it i
.suffer in 5- from "hydrophobia.
Not ice.
The new c-unp of fie Uoyal N. igh
bors will boorganiz 'd Fi iday. April 7,
atMolern Woodman hall. All eh. trier
members must be pros nt.
.1 os i ; pri F. Laki:.
V. C. 'IH'I'KN.S.
IIi;.VIlV K. (llaUN'i,,
Novelties Tliat Will iTUsase tlx? .'Ii.t
Fastidious Toiii;.
Small pocket diaries of snake.-l;in.
with silver mountingv, are the late?;,
and make a handsome birthday p,i;"i.
saya the Philadelphia P.ecord. An
tique designs prevail in the stamped
leather pocketbooks. diaries, belts
traveling bags, etc., on view now. You
may have a choice of red, blue, green,
white or black leather case for your
French traveling clock these days,
whereas a few years ago only black
could he obtained. Calendars in
burned leather, mounted in silver or
gilt, are both new and pretty. Narrow
belts are the proper thing for this sea
son. A good one has a strap across
'he inside of the back to be slipped
under an ordinary hook on the skirt
belt By this simple means the skir
ls held up and the belt kept down.
Writing sets in all the different bright
shades of bather come to match the
(-C'oring of milady's room in her desk
furnishing. Trunks for the skirts and
waists, to be bung up wardrobe fasii
inn. will be a boon on account of their
convenience, and the fact that they
avoid niifhing. Coral-piak monkey
I'kin. with the usual silver mountings,
of course, is the very newest tour!: for
the ultra-fashionable girl who likei
delicate beauty in her belongings.
Head the aivoriifcmen's in
t-wsiiai iraiecriy with tho-e pto
pie who s licit a iu' ii itronae-e. The.-e
are the live merchants that do busi
ness on the principle , f quick sales
: and small profits. :
J Insure in the Germ in American. !
j Fred Eb'ner, A .rent. i
6 man
fl.-ait an jnclty when callers conn
just as she wauls to look herself.
: v ' Wall Paper will make the dingiest
room ionic bright and will he an in-
'-"v'l -ix " ceiitive to iierlect cleanliness, and a mile
. 7 step toward the irettiiies.
V We earrv the slock, hut no fake
" samples or prices to catch people on.
Over two hundred styles to select from.
y v v
eaburg- &
Ssi n
I ) corn t : i; g ;i mi I''. n
kinds of lions.. Wor
(C'de, -: ;.l. f. ( ', . l-Yjeh,
'a i ii i i iu1 a Spi -i-if 1 1 . .
(lore on short order.
"- o - ,two d"- dreg sl
r -rr- -tr
W i, j V . S f
V V y V Ji-
Far 20 Yes?s Kis LeJ dl Imm Uwiz&hsAWjZW
aOIiU 3-8 'iT AXi'0
r,-r,,r..d br iSAMiZS P. RALLARD. St. LOUSS.
fi Ciaiqed Viev
Mi&rMl$ !wA ithiiikv
i . A tb fc 5, V- t Ti erv, a , A & -. -A cT
12 fill
e r, l
t HI
a t i5 Sk 1 t, U
Ilaviii'r t'ctnriu'tl to I 'lattsmout h, I will he ,rlad
t.) wclconte all my old customers, as well as new ones,
and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything u.-ually carried in a first-class
hard ware store.
I'.- sure and, call, as I have some -prices that will
interest vou.
Rock.vaoil 51cck,
i V V V 'r V CP V K K V V V V " V
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Grocsries. Eecause they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
lew prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
of Sbth and Pearl Streets.
3 i
W I 11 t S lUT llOtllC t
(i, K' and all
at It :'-onable Prices Loavo
a? WH it. tj - iiivi
j t m m i-i r.. trm m r aw r- A !TJ 1
U sW m w m II w mi
f i:...ti:i (JuanVly. IV" t InOnliMj
Ii17 0G-ISTS. i
of a Glan$eAftfot.
1-oiihA vJx ejt
5 A A 5m & iA & A Ot A A A A A t
Piattsmouth. Neb