J Semi weekly ""Oi nJ! "TTTNTT-? A si U 43 1 TIIK NK H. i:stul.).th-U Nov. S.1MM. 1 TIIK lll.KALI). I - slatiliHhiMt April f.L f t'onsolliiutcd Jiin. 1. IfUH. PLATTSMOUTII, NER. MAltCIl 31. 1 8911. VOL. VIII. NO. VJ. ENWES KEPT IUFSY. Repairing bridges As Fast As the llebcls Destroy Them. (tiMTnl OiIk' liKxt Ii lit lli Aul lioril l n At WhuIiiiikIoii Not Only K - Mrt l tllf" I ffNUll i'llnltlOII of Hie I'orct-n lint Alm Hie n t in l 1 1 fi All tHIlt''. . W'AMllMi'KiN. Manh ill. -The fol lowing ail virus from M ;i ni la worn re ceived by the w.i r (lcpa ri iiK'ii t ton lit: "Manila, Ma: eh :; Adj jUni General, Washington: M icArtbur advanced at G yesterday niortiinir from Marilao. Passed rapidly to lincuve. At 11:15 took tip ndvni.c-! for l?itr:ia una a t Ii: lo this afternoon for (initru into, I h ret; anil one lialf mils from M tlii'.o.i, i u-icli iri; that point at 5. ( ';tsual t i-s for the day, about seventy. Fierce tihl intr in tho atti-rnoon. TeoopK nr.iile crossing of river at Gai'uinto by working artillery over j riulioud hridre by hand and swiin- 111 1 ! or mules MJ?lillt liTt:e I OIl !ltl('tl. Column will p .nson lailroad, now, re paired, lo extreme fiont and wi:l s:i p!y troops today. Oris.' Will I li;lil In IIik Open. Washington, March Whin General Oti reported to tho war de partment, early tod:iy,that at ( o'clock this iim rniiiL' the American troop.-, under .MaeArthur aain took up their advance, there was iv newed expecta tion of tiirhtiiij and Oecisivu develop ments, (ieiwral Oti.-' dispatch cov ered much ground, I'O only in show ing' the position of our foices, but also the extent of the ad wince contem plated for the ei ay. The halt and the rest of yesterday irave a new aspect to the advance, for instead of a ioni con tinued Iiyhl with j ided troop-) and ex hausted supplies, Mae A rt r. n b'.;in practically a new advance today, with his men refreshed and well supplied. Major Simpson, who is closely f.d lowinif the movement t f the troops by means f a military map, regarded (General Otis' dispatch as showing th.'.t the pi. n today wis to reach LJiaa. seven nv.U-s from .Malolos, and there wait until tomorrow for the final ad vanc i on Malolo-. The m irch cut out for today covers about seven miles. The two towns mentioned. Boeave and Miga.il, are the only ones along the line of march, and they are stna'.l pa-i-b;o-. Ttiere is, however, a corn-tan' succession of haciendas and planta tions, showing that tin- road !ie- thro'Jgh a rathe:- fertile country There are two n:itut"l obstacles lying jilorg the route lir-t, the Marilao rivr end further on the Buiaran river. Uridyl- I 4 K paired The bridge over the Ma-ilao river has been burned, but all leports i.idi cate that the engineers have succeeded in re paii ing it. IJiga i is just beyond the Bulacan river, so that General Otis' report that MacArthur's advance "will continue to Big. 'a'1 was con strued at the war dep irtment to mean that the two rivers would be passed before today's advance closed- Being seven miles from M-ilolos our for.'e can eithe- cover that distance '.omor rtw or else turn southward r.iul re duce the largo chy f Bulacah on the left. The exp.-CLation hero is that they will keep on to Malolos and that tomorrow niyht will see them near the insurgent capital. In th mean time the indications are that the fight ing will not be as severe as It was Sat urday ar.d Sueday. for Ger.eral Otis' dispatch of this m rning says, "Knemy "s re.-istance not so vigorous today." This is attribu:ed to the fact that our forces arc now in a more open country, where the methods of tiuer riila fighting are not so readily ex ecuted. The report that the enemy has de stroyed the railway and t'egraph lines compeles our engineers p:;i--tically to build a railroad ami tele graph as our troops advance. A h'gh olHeial of the w rdepait ment summed up tho military situa tion as fol lows: "The troops are in excellent spirits. Full supplies nro on h ind and the supply trains are keeping abreast of the men. The enemy is losing heatt and falling back and tomorrow we will be within six miles cf the enemy's capital.' A Krw Treat. Prof. Byron V. King, tho toted elo cutionist of Pittsburg, Pa., made many frier.ds during his recent professh nal visit here. On Friday afternoon he was a welcome guest at the Cincinnati School of Expression and delighted with his read in is ail fortuuato enough to be present. His numbers were the following: "The Bells of Shandon." a scane from "Richard III," a scece from "Julius Caes-ar," an riginal poem entitled, "Mine Enemy" and a humorous selection called "A Leap Year Wooing." Pe prefaced his read ings with a short talk in which he dwelt on the dignity of oUcution. Prof. King made a most favorable im pression. 1 1 is voice is a magetie one and shows excellent cultivation, its raDge of expression being almost ic flnile. May we have the pleasure of welcoming' him in our midst soon again. Jewish Voice, St. Louis, Mo. At Presbyterian church Siturday evening, April 1. The Fair store gives fair treatment. MILLIONAIRE. -frfly Atmim I'or a Crime of Many Vein Ago. New York Pitiia: A- master musoa in Uentnfhen, Germany, named Jacobs, was delighted to receive a remittance r'cently from a man In New York. The sender waa unknown to him, but the remittance amovnted to CO, 073 marks, equal to $13,000. The sender, Jacobs believes, 111 list have signe.'i an assumed name. He nays the only ex planation he can give for tho strango tiatisar-tion Is that the money came from a fornifi partner, who absconded thirty years ago. He pays that in Ms partner in hu?ines.4 disappeared mdd. lily. taking v i.h him 12,000 marks whh h belonged to .Jacobs. Every ef fort was ii;:.do to find him or get a trace of his whereabouts, but all worn unsuccessful, and after a while he re signed himself lo his loss. About a year ago. lie says, while fn a business I rip in Noith t!niiany, he was thrown In contae-t with a party of American tourists traveling in the same direc tion. He talked with them and they tcld him of many successful German who had settled In the United States. He remembered his absconding part ner and wemdered if he had migrated to America. He told his nevvly-rna.le ompar.ions the Mory of his trouble and mentioned Ms former partner's name. The Americans said they knew u millionaire of that name in Chicago. Mr. Jacobs thinks It possible that the Americans told the Chicago millionaire of the interview when they returned end that the remittance was the re etilt. The money sent represents tha amount ejf the cm iginal loss, plus com pound Interest. The name of the Chi rago millionaire -was not divulged by Jacobs. CALLING A MAN A LIAR. What You Get for Doing It In UilTcr ent Stales. The Texas legislature is considering a hill which is of interest to liars there and everywhere ele. If this bill becomes a law, proof that a man has been called a liar will become a full defense in assault and battery. That is to say, the man with the battered nose, blackened eye. and hiatuse'l front teeth will learn in a e-ourt of justice that it "served him right." The laws governing liars in other states vary. In Kentucky it is a misde meanor punishable by a $20 line to call any man a liar, and a police justice of Louisville has declared from his bench that a lie in Kentucky means a blow. This memorable declaration was given in discharging honorably a man who had knocked down another fellow for calling him a liar and had been brought to court to answer. In Vir ginia, by the law of lSf5-lS9o, a man who calls another man a liar is guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction may be fined not more than Z-- In Georgia it is slander, punu-haLde by $1,000 fine or a year in the peniten tiary, or both, to call a man a Lar un less you can prove that he Is one, in which case you get clear. The Geoigia courts hold that a lie constitutes the first blow and justifies a violent re sponse. In Arkansas passing the lie is a misdemeanor punisiicib'o by a fine. Tn Mississippi insulting v.-or(k. are civ illy actionable. In South Carolina and West Virednia the same. ' IN THE PHILIPPINES. otresHes Are Not Available, So Skirted Men 1'lay Part. Actresses are scarce in the Philip ! ir.es, and the theatrical manager who will tak a cargo of them down there, will orobaLly make a pile of money and earn everlasting gratitude of the Filipinos. The "continuous" show seems to be the popular entertainment i;t Manila, fudging frcm a programme, dated November 13. of the Philippine theater. The cast of "The Baron's Virtim." which is the title of a highly ser.s itiona! melodrama, calls for two Viiii'. ;i, one Miss Emily Fitztempleton, i he ether Polly, the maid of all work, i : th thc-e characters were played by i : n. The specialty turns between the tl- r.f the comedy were supplied ' : ::: .i and Foley, Jack Zaisser, Ila:;y Cray ar.d a personage by the i f Tod Sior.p. who is announced i:e I ill as the famous vocalist. Toil Sloan is evidently a much respect ed personage in Manila, and likely the adopted name of some clever individ ual who trades upon the cognomen of the great American jockey. This Ma nila Tod Sloan is also the business manager of the Philippine theater, and a sketch artist besides. He has not only announced himself on the pro gramme with the catch line "Guess Who's Coming," but he refuses to cheapen himself by appearing in the drama, vocalism probably being his only forte. There is something pecu liar about a Philippine drama. The tcts are numbered 1, 2, 3 and 5, with a note that "there is no fourth act." The bill does not state what is done with this fourth act. It does state that the olio is sandwiched in between acts one and two. between two and three and between three and five. Per haps this is a new way theatrical man agers in our Spanish possessions have to indicate to their patrons that it is time to go out and take a drink. The Kt8 Xfw HflijjiouH Figure. Tho policy ef The Ladies' Homo Journal, ia its religious department, seems to be always to engage the pen of the man most immediately promin ent in the eyes of the religious world. Thus it has had the services of Mr. Beecher. Doctor Talmage, Doctor Psirkhurst, Ian Mac'areu, ami now it will have those of Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, the new pastor of Plymouth church, in Brooklyn. D.'ctor Hillis hsis given the Journal a series of articles upon which he had been work ing for over a year previous to his eastern call and the tPst" of these articles will be published in tho next issue of the magazine. Tho series is all connecte i in thought, and presents tha general subject of "The Secrets of a Happy Life." DRIVE FILIPINOS HACK. Rebels Make a Determined Stand But Arc Finally Overcome. Four Mm of the Firm Xi lr;mM Killed Hiul Thirty Wounded Mem ral !!!ar Arlhur Ami IIIx Sot IT Are 1 I red I'pon ISy ii I. urge l'oree of I lie F.iihiij'h Slirir.hooterH. Manila, March .'Jl 7:.'ii a. m Tho United Slates tio ps rented last night in the jungle about a mile and a quarter from Malolos. Tho day's advance began at '' o'clock and cov ered a distance of about two and a half miles beyond tho G-uiguinto river, along tho railroad. Tho brunt of the battle was on tho right of the ! tracK, where tho enemy was a)par r'titry concentrated. j The First Nebraska, First South Da- i koti and Tenth Pennsylvania regi in -uts c-ncounterei them entrenched on the border ef tlio woods and the Amci i Jans, ad Vancing acro-s the-, opee, sulToreda territle lire for half an hour. Four men ef the Nebraska regimei.t weio killed and thirty were wound d. Ten men of the Soulh PaKota regi ment were wounded and oni of tho Pciiiisyl vjtniai.s was killed. Toe Americans finally drove the riiipinos eac h. i 1 n uu u iio.-i c- weij thrt-o lines of strong entrenchments Although there were along tho track the enemy made, tmm Cutt.n for J.p.m. 1 sca;celyany dcfen?u there. General j Texana r:C(.utly gripped their first MacArthur and his stall wen- walking" ; cargo Gf cotton for the Japanese mar on the t rack anreast of the lino w iih I j;ets lt t.(lUEisted of 13,832 bales, and every thing eiuiet, when suddenly they j was loaded on tho Japanese .steamer icccived a shower of bullets from Tamba Maru. She is s-.iid to have been sh irp-shoot'.'rs in trees and on hous -' tho first vessel ever loaded at a gulf tops, but the.-o weru sp ed.ly ui- ! Port for Japan, and will go by way of lodged. I lae Siiz Canal to Kobe, Yokohama. The: enemy's sniali, the jung b rotectiou tini' loss was sippaieiitly a'.Toraiing ihciusiich the Americans were tin iblo lo Se o il.em ami in iiri ng w e ro i,n ill ...I ..-I,. 1... II,., ..f tho l.'-li- I...' a n .. j , ...till,,, hots. The American was handieaop d for the same reason. List nighl's long line of cssmpTes aae si beautiful sight, with the Twen- m tieth K;n is regimynt on the left of the Gu gu'.nto station md the Po.an- f-ylvaiia reg-iment ou the ynd the ri ver. I'l; l.t Ti : provision train was deiayed by broken bridges, but the stores of grain and llc-cks of ducks in the lo cality furnished :i:npl- forage. Tho lio-pi'sil worn is ivm irkab'.y cfficien. : s it has been tb oughout the whole campaign. Th,. t j 1 1 g-; apbers keep :ib. east 'f th-.' iino a'ld m iatain a constant connection with the: city. KOCK liLl TI S I1K51S. Mr. a i d Mi Ltoval wen; visiting fritnds in town this week. .1 dm L ng has just, recovered f re m severe attack of the measles. John Chuichill, the blacks mi h, i bji:ding an addition to his shop. Miss Nellie Taylor vi-it from Peru, where is i coo on a s'iU is atterid- ing school. D.i v id Allen started i'or Oklahoma territory March IS. lie experts to drive t!.r ugh. Masters Arthur Holmes ard G en Raw la of Ptattsmouth re viiting Mr. anil Mrs. J ones ll::lra s this week. Thom:is Campbell pu cba-ed the twenty ncro piece of iaud that w s owned oy Goorgo Churchil', the r.rico being i4i0. Fd Craves returned from Wasiiieij ton, where he lias been it.vestigatin-' tho country for laud and a home :u el the reports verv unfa vor. ib. o .houf country. - Willi:. m Campbell has said bis bogs, corn, household goods and all other '.kings, and expects to slart to 0la hom.'i territory this wee -; in search of a home. 7! Ol' .NT IIOI'K. The farmers are not Pity, I. ut H ey sire not thro ieh shucking corn yet. Wil'i im Aibiu -he Led hisc -rn Men day. He now riiies in a new top o:u gy. Preaching at the 17. B church April '.) by Rev. Smith, the pastor. Every body is cosdiaily invited. We have a fresh sei:o r.ver the smallpox. From what we can learn there are live cases ia the vicinity . Tot"e Spratiiii ami family left Tues day for Portland, Ore. They leave many friends who wish them well in their western home. Andy Klaurens went with t hem. S:. Luke Church. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday ser vices sit 4:"!.i p. m. Wednesday even ing at ":.''. Good Friday 10:30 and 7:.'10. Sundav ho'v communion at S :md a-so at 11. Service f praise in the evening at 7:3d. A special musical service both mo'-ring nnd evening on next Sundny. There is no meiicine th..t has yet boen 'discovered that h is virtues de serving t be compared with Dr. Sawyer's Wild Caeiry and Tar, for bid cases cf chr uie bronchi is. Con sumption, or any cough or cold. A. V. At wood. Crnnlied. The Missus Estelle, the girl we had cefore you used to get her wrshing out at least an hour earlier thai you do. Estelle Mebbe she did, but I always likes to wash things clean, whether folks appreciates it or not. It's my na- ttire. Tndlananolls Journal. Brave Men Fall i victim to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of : ppell'e, poisons 'in the bieod, lack.-ic e, .ervousi.es-. headache, and tired, ui 1 s-i. run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Li.-tcn to J. W. Gardner Idaville, Jr.d. lie says: "Electric Bitters are jut the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. Jtdid more to give me new strength and good appetite than any tiling I could take. 1 can now eat nn3-thing and hav"a new lcasn on life." (July oO d-nts at F. CFrieke &. Co's. drug h', Every bottle guaranteed. I! I he: ". , v lo iff in allfornl i is in a touri.-t sleeping car personally conilueti il i'ia tho I'urlingtnn Koute. You don't change cars. Von make fast time. Yo i si o the finest scenery on tho globe. Your car is not so expen.-ively fin ished i. or sf fine to look at a a palace e'T"-'- hut it is ju-t as clean, ju-t as I comfortable, ju-t us good to ro de in, ANI NKMILY ( Ii I'l". Tho nurlitigtoii exearsions leave every Thursday reaching San Fran cisco unlav and J.o- Anr!es M.n dy. Porter with :v.,h "ar. Fxcur siori manag'T with each party. Fr fob !or givi n g full information call at -.a rest li. & M. It. It. de-pot or write PIlL'i.'T A gent . ! .1. Fr.1uci.-1, ('( neral Omaha. Neb. and N.igasaki. Fnglislm-en commnn.l the vessel, but he;- crew ij t.i.ide u; entirely of Japanese. "' i I'" t. i t'otTi-t" Atrn-e Willi in ".' drink Grain O made from ! o'ire fj rains. A 1 ad v wri t : "The first J ain-w i uio inn ukc it Cut after usi.ig il for one week nothing wo,,lil induce me to go back to coltee. " "on-isnes an.. leeus u.e ss,em. ... r...i I 1 u'' cniiuren can oriniv n ireei.v in j great penelil. Il is me siren gineu ing : subs' since d pure grains. G -t a p iel-c- I aire today from your grocer, follow H e Idiree i::ns in making it and you will I I have a delioiou I bever-igw for o:d : s:nd healthful table id v e u n g. 1 5 a n d 2'j :. I'Milt- I5:fil;s on Warship. All ecde Looks eauied on warships have leaden backs, to make them sink W lost overheard. The letters in the book, moreover, are printed with a peculiar ink, which fades away whe-a it comes in contact with the water. To make things still mere safe, the let-te;-; are changed every few months by the r.avy department. Even their ves sel's official coda is changed. U'lia'.fj Live for Centuries. Whales from 200 to 40'J years oil are sometimes met with. The age is ascertained by the size and number of layers of the whalebone, which in creases yearly. J. Sheer, Scd- ha. Mo., conductor on electric street ca.r line, writes that his little daughter was ve-y low with croup, and her life saved afler all pby- sicians had failed, only Minate coujii cure. F. Co. by using One G. Frieke Sc Fl.ule;t Ateiaiflcr Unriifii. cr.pit:;! story is told by a gentle- j mail who visited the Chateau d'If. A j good woman showed a party the de .ayiiiE; dunge on: in which Abbe Faria 3nd Ed mend Dantes were imnvired, and tho visiters gazed at these ruins r.f.rtotl,!.- '-if oocr-ia in ' oil." Pie narrator of the incident, "that th e. u cells are very near to one an - other, and Alexander Dumas describes them as be;ng farther apart." "Oh. in- deed, said the woman, with a con temptuous look; "when I am talking history, tiiis gentleman quotes a nov--list." State oi 'hio. City t. Toledo, I t. laicals County. b' - I'rank J . Ciicnev mr.kes o;tt!i thnt he is the senior partner of the nun of F. J. Clieney kV Co.. doinc bi-.-finess in thecitv of Toied-t, county and state aforesaid, and that said him wall pay t!ie sum of One H undred Dollars f.r each and every ca-e of Catarrh tliat cannot be cured by ttie use of llaa's Catarrh Cure. Fr vk J. Cheney. Sworn to before rue and subscribed in my Vrese::ce tai- Otii d. of December. A. I. ls'sn. A. V (iLEASi N, .Seii i Notary t'ublic. Hall's Ca 4 r' Cure is taken internally and acts directly .ti the blood and surfaces ot ttie svsteai. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chexev & Co.. Tried ). O. tsrS-.Id by drugfrists. T."i. II all's Familv Pills are the host. A .Remarkable Vane. On the roof of a brewery at Maid stone is to be seen one of the most remarkable vanes in Engla id. It rep resents an old brown jug and gla3. The jug. which is made of copper, stands three feet, six inches in height, and three feet in diameter, and is ca pable of holding 10S gallons. One Would Suffice. For the Fourth of July celebrations this year a new feature of realism can be introduced by the explosion of a few ;ans of Chicago beef. St. Lo lis Globe Democrat. If you have a couh, throat in ita tion. w-tnk luns, p in iu the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarse ness, let us suggest One Minute couijh cure. Always reliable and safe. F. G. Fii.ke & Co. AnyoDe desiring e-pri tr house clean ing cone would do well to calltn Telfer & Sheppard. on Vine street ! FARFX?-A rasture and about 20 acres of 1 ran plowing oa a place uear iou. inquire 01 William Morrow at Vienua bakerv. William Morrow at Vienua bakery. nrmmmmmmmmmmrmmmmmrfmrmmwid if OOOOl . '( locd, oeds Co) s I5ifell They have a r.ew stock auen-s for tho Bisse.ll Cold New G ings The standa-d oiiee of these ends of Nottin gh.un L ice Curtains ta s in Nottingham, Swiss, up. ALii: ts f,- p, ittriek i' !i;(!S! Tho bandsoiiM'st s! I'.! iis-el 's Ka.js al b'.ie and Mo; GROCERIES G i -v corn, 1 can lor : Good peas. 10 ; p -.- I'li'i Ten lbs oat meal, l!ae 11 il-f. HI!) 11- allh Cl:i' packages f ;r -) '. Ilals'onV rTealt h Fiea h .nd. Baking I'owder, fall 1 ft r sua: b can f gall Ol i I Fine ib'.e s.v i up Soap, e. L 1 1 1 : 1 r v S a p i)ia no n d ( for An exli'ii v i '. a in i'oi ' tec i-aUe for a short 1:1 t. ly ' Good Parlor ! o ; , '' -en, .!. b. Star Tobae--r. .: i Povey's 5ri."h'eiivf i g;- d s . S ib 1 ii .X best Go ss St .rich fi r 1 Go'd-.-u Cr wii So l ', sirictiv p:u IX L L'U;0-1 .v Starch, a for 2'y .Sluik-- Ii)t Yoar SM-. A'.'.en's Foot -F ise. a ponder for the feet. 1 1. cur- s p .inful. swollen, smar -ing, nervous f et, and instniiiv takes the sting out of corns -and bui.lor.s. Ill's the ereatest comfort discovery of ; the age. Allan's Foot-E so in-'ko ; tight or new s iocs f el ca-y. It is a certain cure far sweating, c lbms and I hot, tired, aching feet. Tiy it. tod y. ' Sold I y all druggLto ar. hoe stores. ; By mail f r trackage free ioc. tamps. Trial , Alien S. Olin- A d fir st cd, Le Roy. N. i . l i m .' k; rs' E.v-n,'si;;i. I Tho B. cC M. will soli Uo'm.'-e --:er-' : Excursion tickets Ma'ch 21. April 11 isin.l IS. May 2 ar.d !G,lS'."J,f r r.ne f r -; for the round trip plus 2, to foil .-wtr.g t C T T i t O 1" 1 C S ". A 1" 1 Z ii"., Ai'Kari-as. la.a.a j Territory, Le.iiis'no.a, New .Mexico, : Oklahoma, Texas and other states, .For fori her info; ination call ..t Ii. !t !. ! depot. W. L. Pickf:tt, Agent. Work Nioht and Day. busiest and mintie The tbitiLf t littl.j that, ever was made is Dr. Fvcry pill is a heaith, that Kirk's Now Life Fills. I- sufjrar-eoated rlobu'o of chanjres weakness irjto strcnjjtl:, Hst lecness into erei-y. b-.'iin-fsio- into ment il power. They're wonderfal in buiidinfr up the health. Only 2-5 cents per box. Sold by F. G. Fricke Co. Tli Imperial GualJ of France. The Imperial guard of France v?as created by Xaroleon I. from the Guard of the Convention, the directory and the consulate, when he became em peror in Js04. It consisted at first 0! 9,775 men, but was afterwards en larged. It was subdivided in 1S30 into Old and Young guard. In January. 1S14, it numbered 102.7CS. It was dis solved by Louis XV111. in 1S15, revived by Napoleon III. in 1S34. It surren dered with Metr. to "ue Germans the 27th of October, ISiS. and was abol ished by the defer.ee government scon after. It took rart in the Crimean war, lS-'o. As a corps d'clite it was one of the finest bodies of troops in the world in tbe time cf Napoleon I., and the history of France and its wars abound with rumerous instances cf its brav ery, fortitude, and intense attachment to Its "Fighting Emperor." Going Down Hill. People sutTerine from Kid ney Diseases feel a prad util but steady loss of strength and vital ity. They should lose no time in trying . J Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. F. G. . . , : r TlCKe & CO. ty1 u I I i oo .(.. o g 2 Wow on Display New Shirt ai-ts thcbi'-1 lit i n g g a linen t on Ginuh ams the 1 c kind 'or 1 1 1-; pi pattern- to Linen Crashes for Skirtu all price- from 1 V up. Percales ,Sc, Inc. and lL,;c. White Piques all styhss from l"c K 1 Tie your selections eariy. i:MIKCJ D!;i;i IIS 'I he largest ..--ei tne nt of found at IiO'i;VS', They have them from pecial Sale on Ladies' They nrc selling t i:. - go.. -Is every day. ai I li'ii'.rh tie lip m-'-d. 'i In y have tin- largest stock they hav- e . aslant year. They will show best-jil.y Ingriin- at b l"st mad at -1 ": M qoettes and A xmin-b-r- .' ' :"!,, T.'.c a,,.l M",e. Carpel . - 4 of tin Me.p, good ; i r i t ) i i ho : goods i i-.a,.d. 'i New ('i e 1 s".. I'll. ;,' a : e cur- '.-1 .i t i:.; situ; La.: Iron Old. lilVl' II - us - i I s iei It ilii ;. .tt -in-i. Al! kinds oa h: aid best liee tb.'y 1 'ctt, :. 1 I 1 : 1 oa . k f . lOe. Li J ft L r. .' to; ' ta t 1 -b ar I :fl III 1-1 i J a l A V T .1 rtfC." 7 r '7 i - ri - pr i-::..::- iJ5... Ullf t v li-jjovcry ic: L:vj V-c- EXTERNAL PILES, CURS VHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tcccs, by Mail, 73 Cents; Eottl-is, 50 Cents. JAMES F. SALLAfiD, Sole Prcprietcr, - - SID Korth Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke &. Co. j 1 ! Don't Buy any prices when Furnace in your from $50 and Guaranteed R F fa & If South Sixth Street, AT i v w. j rT t n 5 Wews-tierad Prints More County News Than any Other Cass county Paper. It .. Zi T - ' . n 2 t ' l E D l! il, '2: market t fr-an i I'V il - able. M lili e a 1 a y to bo e O O U 7 a are ai d. (tid Gloves.. : i ;!o . at b'.lc a -( n ii a s 1, a n1 1 y com - lee.v n, at prices in low '-lvet. llrilssell- ttie 'fa pes! r It ru-sel ! h at THE SWEEPER That Sweeps CLEAN. SAVE YOUR HEALTH A3 VF.LL A3 YOUR CARPETS AMD DRAPERIES C M.I. AM) Xl.ll THI-M cf INTERNAL and tm WITHOUT PAIN. t M. Base Burners at you cam get a house complete UP by - - Plattsmouth, Neb. U-r,:,;r:: , xi BY fefp 1 A S. RON D s 0