I I-.. M A KMIAI I . I.i. i.ic-f j HA1J.V KIMTNtN. j ()ri- YVrir, in :iI;iik i 4 ' ' Six M..IH' i -i ' ( n WV'-k, i'l : .Stnirli ,iii-s 5 ; S k M I V K KKLV K I I I I N . One Yc:ir, it: :i-!v:in, . . . . SI 0 Six Months f0 Til LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any f ass County Paper. I'l ! i I A V, MAIM'II -i, 1V!. I: I I'l Itl.M N I IIV IK KKI I ..i Mi-n,Im-i, i.I ..!,.,.! i . i i:i i: i i . I . I U ! O 11. a 1. 1 i:k Tin m.. I'm M.-mUis ,,l City I'., imp it. I it I v;u.l, (il tiKi.l. I.HMilMIAi.l V Sl-i mid waul. I K ANK HI "11 I: l V . 'I'll i i.I vv.n.l. I . I'. liKOWN. I'iiiii t)i wai l. KoliKKT TKdlil', 1' i ttli ward, M. M. 15KAI.. l-'oi City Attorney : AI.I.KN J HKK.SON. l-'oi t 'it y Marshal I A. MURK A V. Till", tioriod of tho ground lion's hibet -nation is believed to iuivo been extended six weeks longer. 'I'll i : republican city convention placed in nomination jood men fur the various positions and there is no valid reason why they should i.ot be elected. TllK president and his juity are ex pected to return to Washington early next week. The trip to tho south hind has been of rreut b.iielit to the president. It is row learned that the news of the alleged death of ex-Senator John Sherman came from a French cable company. The latest reports are to the effect that the Ohio statesman is still improving. Thkkk has been more prouorty changed hands in I'lattsmouth this spring than during the same length of " time for many years. I'eople have re newed faith in tho city. Ex-Sknatou Thomas V. Tii-tox, one of Nebraska's pioneers. is reported seriously ill at his home in Washing ton. Hi' is eiyhty-two years old and hi-i ri'Ci'Vti'v i doubtful. 'I'm: r. o:ii't cah'.cil from Santiago to the etVi ft that .lohn Sherniati was dean is untrue. lie siill lives and his chances for recovery are jrood. How the report originated is not krunvn. TllK welcome news that orders will be issued within a we -k for the removal of tho Third Nebraska to Fort ('rook', for final muster out, comes from Wash ington, and is belie veil to be authentic. ASVum: contmplatiny the pur chase of farm land in Nebraska would do well to lio so at the earliest possible moment. With the renewed How of immigration this way pi ices may be expected to yo upward. W 11.1,1 AM .). liKVAN li-s aeeeptel an invitation to attend the Jefferson din ner of llio Chicago platform demo crats in New Vork April 7 This will afford another opportunity for the colonel to make a speech. Till-: legislature yesterday passed the appropriation bill iviiir the state university !):, t)0() for new buildings, etc. The bill was reduced to ;;?,o00 at OGe tice, but tho original amount was restored before. its passage The first woman to die in the elec tric chair was electrocuted in Sing Sing prison Monday. Tt was Mrs. Martha Place, wh was convicted of murdering her -step-dautrhter. The woman displayed wonderful coolness. A memhkk of the Oklahoma legis lature has been arrested for offering a chairman of a special commitee i5 to advance two bills in which ho was in terested, lie is out on $1,000 bail. U is neediess to state that he is a populist reformer. News direct from members of the First Nebraska, relative to the battle at Manila on Februar' 5, lias at last reached u. That the boys lost their lives while making bravo stands for their country was never doubted, but these letter furnish additional proof. The first thing tho city authorities should do this spring is to provide a large rock pile upon which the numerous bums who visit the city might perform. The rock could be used to a good purpo.-e in repairing the streets, and it would also have a tendency to check those unwelcome visitors. IN VM I'.ryan made a speech at Lin coln in which he said that Judge Sul livan ought to be elected to tho su preme bench in order that a minority report could be brought in. Tho judge has since tried to fulfill the con tract. In every decision that con cerned political matters he has bi bbed ,,p with the minority report. . i - The supervising architect has -ent ..., ndvertisements calling for offers of -ites for the erection if public , :,.: ut lil.-iir. Norfolk and Mi-t- inn.tt. Tho perusal of bucl thl goes aguinBt tho grain news as with all lincfty Umi (h'K'M! tli I'iiiliii .-Miilis : llilO hlto C-xi.-tOhi.'i',' V I .:W, tin ii i-i ! :i i v f , : u i. i I ; o I V r h :i t !i i -; i i t r Hi.-, -:i 4'l 1 1 I'l III -. llOII I' si I i ill' javi' it t'i - til..-1 ;:; ii.i . i-Vi-r. 1y till Hi tlicin Ni - L)-mu-r;i I . 'I 'In-mu-i' liii.i ini : l'i.it...l Stt!.-s i- finii th.v,' the fainte. Th.'i" year b Spain, t eh a nee of get! i iiy a ay 1 i liei I . latest relu'llion w as e: ii -hei I the fore the Fuited States attacked i"d it wnu'il have remained i crushed. All tie1 fiee.lom Aguinablo and his count ryinen have is what t Iim A inerie.i ns have eonfe-red on tlem.i The Filipinos' ingratitude for their j emancipation shows that they did not deserve their freedom. 'i'liere are m a I; V person-, throughout the world at i this ino.ne'it who bein to think better of Spain for some of the enemies she made. K. Hi isk w All i: and lr. Miller have been in Washington several days try ing to get up a boom for the Greater American exposition. They claim to be meeting with gre.il success. The work f securh'g Filipino families and other cxhit i's f if in tho Philippine islands has been placed in the hands of ( olonil Ciaweler, now in Manila. The lattor has cab'ed lliat it is impos sible to do this unlc-.s. so directed by IVes'.dent McKinley. Assistant Sec retary Meiklejohn informed Ihe com mittee that the war department would issue the necessary instructions to rop rest ntativos of the army in the Phil ippines to make the necessary collec tions. It Mould seem that Mr. Moiule j hn was over-stepping his authority a little bit. Al'IHTOIt Counem. sent his nephew out to i x i mine insurance companies. The nephew was already drawing $100 per month from the slate as county treasurer examiner. Under tho in surancj law he was not allowed to charge for the examination of insur ance companies except for actual ex penses. The law, however, h id no terrors for a nephew of the auditor, lie charged l he companies at the rate of $.!" pe r day. with expenses extra, cleaning up over f 100 in one month be sides his salary from thi state, mid an "expanse" bill he also charged against tne state as treasurer ex im iner. It is a very thrifty family. IN MMOIATION AND Ol'INION. The legislature is scheduled to ad journ the last day of March. This is Vf ry sati.-f iCtory formation to the people'. After the beef iiuesti n has been thoroughly sifted tho govere men t j should make an investigation of the we ither department anei see if it has not been giving us ru'ea! med weather during the last few months. Chieigo 1! e rd. It now appears t h it the charges against Colonel Stotsenberg were with out foundation. Governor Pointer's order for the removal of tho c donel should he countermanded, as his strict discipline is undiiubiedly for tiie best good of the. soldier boys. Aguir.aWIo now makes the startling an nounc incut that within twenty days he will move his forces into Ma nila. The move will be made to the time of a fu:ier..l dirtre. I iill roviti; The Plattsmouth Te'.ephfmo com pany has found it. neces.-a owicg to t he rapidly increasing business, to add now switchboards, which, with the -leu ones now ill ui will lien in nodate allbscrila' s. As soon as the frost is out of the ground it is the intention of the com pany to begin the work rf extending its lines to every town in the county. Many farmers are contemplating put ting in 'phones this summer. Tuey would be of great value to the farmers, especially during the busy season or in case of sickness. The branching out of the company makes its 'phones the more valuable. Tho success f this company is gratifying to all friends, of home in dustry. Settles 1 he .Jacobs C am'. The case of Effie Jacobs against the Buriinglem Railroad company, on the docket of Judge Slabiugh, has been settled by the plaintiff accepting $1, 500 in full of her claim. Several years ago when Erne Jacobs was a child she was walking along the railroad tracks at Greenwood. A passenger train came along and before she could get off the track she was run down and both feet cut off. Almost im mediately thereafter the father com menced a $ 5,000 damage suit. The c ise wont to trial and during its prog ress a juror was withdrawn and the information given out that the father had settled with the company. Sub sequently Effie Jacobs became of age and ignoring the settlement made by her f ither brought suit in her own be half. This case went to trial, and be fore it was submitted to the jury an agreement was reached between the plaintiff and the defendant dismissed the suit Omaha Ree. You can be cheerful and hppy only when you are well. If you feel "out of sorts" take Ilerbine', it will brace you up. Price, oO cents. F. G. Frieke & Co. Nutxe There will bo a meeting of the con gation at the school at 7:.'Jo Wednes day evening, it is especially desired that the male members be present. Why. T. J. Carney. Pauline the Hypnotist, King of L tugh Makers, every night at opera house this week. LTi!IAY AND ?T5 INHABITANTS t l'.r . i tie ouiiti y after freighting on tho I plains. Ilis a stout am! well pre- sTed genii- m in of he v .ii ty-l h ree ii..it'- ef ':'", and "lies on Kuy stree'. : in a handsome home, find owns t I sev.':il f:ii-ms iirnl lot nf lot !nil n sliding. He states Thai thirty eight I 'oarsago fiis son, John ,)ui ney (.'on-J nely. horded, vheii eight years old, I the first herd of cattle brought to Cass !ceuntv,and ho drove the first herd which wns kept below -J.-weisburgii, . opposite foil creek. iainey ito Toll creek. Mainey is iinwlulK""''luu" ruoruary nasuing- farmiii; near M ui ray. II. (J. Latin, who owns tbu town si te, cam, forty-two years ago, and is now in the pump business, and has one of the prettiest cottages in Ihe place. Murray is in a valuable farming country, as evidenced in the fact that one farm is rented for $l'0 a year, paid in advance, and there is not a build- ,ug on ii. j u r ray sin ppeu m. cars : hi.. i -i i a - wnn live Kinri. Hiin wn.n irnnn anfi received eighteen e irs with lumber and fourteen with coal in"!l8. The rail way agent is a lady, Mrs. P. T. Hay den, who for seven years has officiated in that capacity at Murray, and has been railroading for twenty years. There is no joshing in that depot, but it is enlivened with the music of feathered t-ongsters, and made delic ious with the perfume and beauty of flowers. The Murray postoflice has two mails daily in and out, and issues about $1,000 a month in money orders. In December the issue was $J,30S.3). Fred W. Grosser, tho postmaster, was born two miles f om where the post office; is, and his father, Silas Grosser, came in the early Od's, ami is still on tho same old place. The youngest merchant was bjrn six miles from Murray. Reference is made to John Ij. Young, who was reared on the farm, and in December 'OS began store business with $000, wh:ch bo had saved. His general stock is now worth $3,500, including $I,5vO devoted to b ots and shoes. In November last he was married to Miss Alta Boedeker, and they live happier than the day is long in a lovely cot tage, and their store occupies the fo--mer brick bmk with time lock safe, vault anel all. When tne iron horse came along, nine yea' s ago next fall, James Hoot established the lumber business and in '!:$ the tirm became as now Root & Edmunds. Their yard carries 20:),000 feet and their harness shop would do service for a bigger town. J tmes IJoot was born in O aio anel began as lumberman in the Northern Michigau woods. In ISO:) he came here and took j his present farm, which is located one . mil-3 south of Muri-HV, is well culti- vateel, has snug buiidnis anel a pac ing orchard and a level3' spring creek. J W. Edmunds came a few yea's after Mr. Root, and their farms join. Mr Edmunds was merchandising before going into the lumber business, and like his p.ntner. has attended strictly to business. II-? was born in Michigan, been postmaster six jenrs, and is up- to-daie E. A. Burton is now the longest in Lui.-ini-ss in Murray that Is in one line of trade whereas ho has ben in the hai d ware and implement lines for eiirht years others have transferred their allegiance' from one branch to another. His stcctA approximates f'J.OOO. and he says the outlook for "00 trade is troeod. E A. Hurton w;s born in "General Grant's town, Galena, III., and came here from low: where he was a merchant and in thrf grain t: ade. Last fail he completed the prettiest cottage in the place and owns other good preiperlies. Ihe hrst postmaster ana pioneer blacksmith is William Liughridge, and he keeus the anvil warm. His son, Dr. William La uujh ridge, is one of the most successful young physi cians and surgeons in the state. He is uow located at Pleasant Dale, Sewaiel county, ami he has and re quires five standard bred horses in carrying him in his practice. He be gan with nmbition only. In 1SS1 John Shaw, cow proprietoi of the well appointed Murray livery, was farming on fields on which are now streets, stores and dwellings. He is a live citizen and member of the buu clu', which is c m posed of a num bcr of hot shots. In lS-'iij Mont Robb was brought to Cass county from Pennsylvania. He is now agent ftr Morton Brothers elevator capaci'y 10,000 bushels, and popular with all shades of politicians, and farmers and cit'zjns generally. J. A. Walker, a pioneer, has a farm of 240 acres and timber lands, and he and I). J. Pittman also farms 160 acres ow n an elevator of 10,000 bush els capacity. Their assistant in the grain trade, J. II. Burton, came about thirty years ago to Cass county, and is genial and worthy of regard. R. W. Sweariniien, Esq., is now on his third term as jjstise, and is in the real estate and insurance business, and has smoking materials for the vet erans and confectionery for the youth. 'Squire came from Pennsylvania in 1S02, and he was almost immediately seized upon as available material lor official prominence. One of tho all-around popular cit izens is Burt K. unapman, who for two years was a successful pedagogue. He is artistic, well versed and good company, and hns shown indefatigable anility in connection with newspaper c rk. Murray has Presbyterian and Chris tian churches, a graded school and several lrdges, including the M. W.. the Roynl Tribe of Joseph, tho United Moderns, aHd the youngsters have an ambitious lodge entitled The Coming M-n of A merle i, but they will require by press, und pulpit, to this denrmina to e.u v.j bolter thii home of Murray's j tion (if Christians will cease, when it (.::..:.. w no are (jreen venomed and no longer blesses it. "This I know. i .(i.i''h f : ra away back. They are . ii. e'.i At cmc it, yet cknowl - . g ' i. . ... ice -: o." .. I nil,, ('.. i" ulo .cki ill Luc o'a-" or county thereof. Those wiseacres keep j the town in hcl water, and that i the great, drawback to a pretty village with excellent advantages. Al. Ir..t hy Kfi M;ry ltitkr . Eddy. Il'i.jiio'l Iruni (.'oiiciird Monitor :ind rt-publilied in the t 'hri--tian Science Sentinel. J First Church of Christ, Scientist, ) Concord, N. II. ) My li Joved Hretbren: In the annals of our denomination this church be- ' oul . cul,iei historic, having completed its l : 4 : l.. l. mi nr i. ton's birthday. Memorable date, all unthought of till tho day had passed! Then we beheld the omen Religious Liberty the Father of the universe and the father of our nation in con currence. Today, with the large membership of seventy-four communicants, you have met to praise God. I, as usual, at home and aloce, am with you in spirit joining in your rejoicing; and my heart is asking, "What are the angles sayiBg or singing of this dear little Hock, and what is each heart in this house repeating, and what is be ing recorded of this meeting as with the pen of an angel?" Bear in mind always that Chris tianity is not alone a gift, but a growth Chriotward; it is not a creed or dogma a phi osophical phantasm, nor the opinions of a sects struggling to gain power over contending Beets, and scourging the one in advance of it Christianity is the summons of divine love for man to be Christ-like to emulate the works of our great Master To attain thereunto men must know Eomewhat of the divine principle of Jesus' life work,. and prove their know ledge by doing as He bade "Go and do thou likewise. " We know principle only through science. The principle ot Christ is divine love, resistless life and truth then its bcience must be Christ-like, or Christian Science. Moro than regal is tho majesty of its meeknss; and its might is the overflowing tides of truth that sweep the universe, create and govera it and its radiant stores of knowledge the mysteries of exhaustless Beipg. Seek ye these, till you m ike their treasures yours. When a young man vainly boasted T am wise, for I have conversed with many wise men," Epictetus made an swer: '"And I with many rich men, but I am not rich." The richest bless ings are obtained by laber; and a ves sel full must be emptied before it can be refilled. Lawyers may ki ow too much of human law to have a clear perception of divine justice, and di vines bo too deeply read in scholastic theo cgy to appreciate or to demon strate Christian charily. Losing the comprehensive in the technical, the principle in its asaeasorie?, causes lu ef fect, and faith in sight we los-3 the Science i f Christianity; a predicament quiio iike the man who cou'd not see London for its houses. Clouds that swing in the sky with dumb thunderbolts parsimonious of rain, are seen and forgotten in the same hour; while thoso with a mighty rush that waken tho stagnant waters and so'icit every root and every leaf with the treasures of raiu.ask no prais ing. Remember, thou canst be brought into no condition, be it ever so severe, where love has not been be fore thee, and its tender lesson ie awaiting thee. Therefore despair not murmur, for that which seeketh to save, to heal and to deliver, will guide thea if thou seek this guidance. Pliny gives the following descrip tion of the character of true greatness "'Doing what deserves to be wtilten and written what deserves to be read and rendering the world happier and belter for having lived in It." Strive thou for the joy and crown of such a pilgrimage '.he service of such a mis- siou. A heart touched and hallowed by one chord of Christian Science can ac complish the full scale; but this heart must be honest, aud in earnest, and never weary in struggling to be per fect to reflect the divine Life, Truth and Love. Stand by the limpid lake, sleeping 'mid willowy banks dyed with emerald; see therein the mirrored sky and the moon ablaza with her mild glory will stir thy henrt. Then, in speechless prajer, ask God to enable you to re uect uoa to become 11 is own image and likeness even the calm, clear. radiant reflection of Christ's glory, healing the sick, bringioe the sinner to lepentance, and raising the spirit ually dead In trespasses and sins to life in God. Jesus said: '"If ye abide in me, and my words abieii in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and ii shall be done unto you. ' Beloved in Christ, what our Master said unto his disciples when he seat them forth to heal the sick and prench the gospo. I say unto you: "lie ye therefore wise as serpents, and harm less ;.s doves." Then, if ihe wisdom you manifest causes Christendom, or tho disclaimer against God, to call this "a 6ubtle fraud," "let your peace return unto vou." f am patient with the newspaper wares, and the present schoolboy epi thets, and attacks of a portion of Christendom 1. Because I sympathize with their ignorance of Christian Science: 2. Because I know that no Christian can or does understand mis science and not love it: Because th9se attacks afford op portunity for explaining Christian Science; and. 4. Because it is written: "The wrath of man shall praise Thee: the remainder of the wrath shalt Thou restrain." Rest assured that the injustice done , for Col is for me." INalms. And in ! the words of St Paul, '"If God bo for uv, who can be nga nst us?" "i'i.ns c:iiu ,.riuJ i.iuc by. The aultcd aisles bv liauntiiig fully trod. And 'neath the temple ol uplifted -ty-- Iju foith. and wiiisuip Oed." All Olel lo'iiuebT Fium Wednesday's Ilaily. Sheriff William Wheel-r this morn iog received from the sheriff of Otoe county a warrant on the treasurer of iass county which is nearly thirty years old. It is in tho name of T. E. Hughes, in the .sum of -12 and signed by B. Spurlock and A. Carmlchael Sheriff Brower of Otoe county states that some weeks ao bis wife was look ing over some papers of her father's. and among them she found a warrant belonging to her brother, Thomas Hughes, issued on May 4, 18o9. Mr. Brower thought, perhaps, tho warrant would draw interest, and sent the document to Sheriff Wheeler and asked that official to look the matter up. It was found that the owner can not draw any interest on the warrant. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. I Lucas Countv. f ss- Frauic J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. 1. Chtnv Kr Cc . doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars fur each and nvrrw case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use oi riau s uaiarrn cure. Frank I. Cheney Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence mis om aay oi uecemuer, A. 1J. inoo A. W Gleason, (Sed) Notary Fubltc. Hall's CV r' Cure is taken internally and acts directly do the blood and surfaces of the system, send lor testimonials. Iree. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Trledo, O. MTsoia Dy druggists. 7Sc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ' Baby'a Chant e. The chances at birth that a baby will eventually marry are 9 In 20, or rather less than one-half. This result may fceem surprising, but it is largely ac counted for by the great mortality of persons under marriageable age, es pecially Infants up to the age of 5. The Life Plant. There is a plant in Jamaica called the life plant, because it is almost Im possible to kill it. When a leaf is cut off and hung up by a string, it sends out white, thread-like roots, gathers moisture from the air, and begins to grow new leaves. Recommended for La Grippe. N. Jackson, Danville, III., writes: My daughter had a severe attack of La Grippe seven years &so and sine then whenever she takes cold a terrible cough settles on her lungs. We tried a great many remekies with out giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her.. She has never beea troubled with a cough since. 25c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Uow Much Suit Ii There la the Sea? Some curious statistics have been lately worked out by a well-known scientific man as to the amount of salt held in solution by the oceans of the world. He reckon that 80,000,000. 000,000,009 tons of salt exists in the water. These figures, of course, con vey no impression, but it would be enough to cover all the land of the earth with a solid layer of salt 1,009 feet thick. Happy is tho man or woman who can eat a good hearty meal without suffering afterward . If you ennnot do it, tnke Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It digests what you eat,? and cures all forms of dyspepsia and indigestion. F. G. Fricke & Co. Silk an Ancient Product In Japan. A book published in Japan 1,000 years ago notes that at that time good silk was already produced in twenty five provinces of that country. Still in the Rough. "Boerdway is a perfect diamond in the rough." "That's funny. Surely so ciety has cut him enough." Philadel phia North American. As the season of the year when pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing '"is a fine substitute," will "answer the purpose " or is "just as good" as One Minute cough cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial oubles. Insist vigorously upon having it if "something else" is offered you. F. G. Fricke & Co. Iloine Grown Fruit Trees Are the Best. The Riverside Nursery Co. has a full and complete stock of all kinds o( fruit trees, vines and plants which they have grown with care. Their many years of experience in the busi ness has enabled them to grow nur sery stock that will compare with any in the country. They have all the standard and choice varieties suitable for this climate, also now and valuable varieties. They do their own budding and grafting, and can guarantee their varieties to be true to name and strict ly first-class. Why not buy your trees here where you can get them fresh and grown in the same soil and cli m ite in which they are to be trans planted? It will save you time and money. They invite you to come and inspect their t-tock and bo convinced of these facts. Nurserv two and one- half miles east and one half mile north of Union, Neb. Call or write in regard to varieties, prices, etc. C. F. Morton, Prop., Union, Neb. PlMttumoath Narery. I quote very low prices on first-class stock. Apple trees, three years, 15 cents; $10 a hundred. Apple trees, two yeans, 12 cenU; $S a hundred. Plum trees, three yeara, 30 cents; 820 a hundred. Cherry trees, three yearb, 30 cents; -$2C a hundred. Peach trees, three years, lo cent:-; $12 a hundred. Grapo vines, 5 conts; $3 a hundred. -Rasp berries, 7-5 cents .a hundred and black berries, 75 cents a hundred. J. E. Lkksley, Prop. His Life W Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won derful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran into pneuiuouia. My lungs be came hardened. I wa so weak I couldu't evuii sit up in bod. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and am now well and strong, I can't SHy too much 1" in praise." Thl4 marvelous medicine is the surest anil quickest cure in the world for throat and lung trouble. Itegular sizes 60 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles freo at F. G. Fricke & Co 'a. drug store; every j bottle guaranteed. Cncoatdoiu BrltUh Honor. Here is a "personal" that appeared not long ago in a London newspaper: "Willie, return to your distracted wife and frantic children! Do you want to hear of your old mother's suicide? You will if you do not let us know where you are. Anyway, send back your father's colored meerschaum." And yet we gay that the Briton has no very lively sense of humor. The Best Salve In the World Is Banner Salve. It is made from a prescription by a world wide known skin specialist and is positively the most healing salvo for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Ulcers, Running Sores and all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke &. Co MitchH VTHhoat PhMphoru. Kohlmann Rosenthal, an English man, and Dr. Von Komocki. a Berlin chemist, assert that they have invented a match that will strike anywhere ana no phosphorus is used in it. This in ventlon, they say, will do away with the horrors of necrosis, to which em ployes in match factories are subject. If vour child is cross or peevish, it iB no doubt troubled with worms White's Cream Vermifuge will remove the worms, and its tonic effect restore its natural cheerfulness. Price, 25 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Chasing Debtors In China. It is enacted by statute in China that debts which are not settled on New Year's eve cannot subsequently be re covered, but. according to recognized usage, a creditor who has vainly pur sued a debtor all through the night may still follow him after daybreak, provided he continues to carry his lighted lantern, as if he believed it was still night. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Ducklen'a Arnica Salve cures them; alsr old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Iiett Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and ache?. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. A Deep Lake. The deepest lake in the world so far as known is Lake Baikal, in Siberia. While 9,000 square miles in area, or nearly as large as Lake Erie, it is 4,000 feet to 4,500 feet deep, so that it con tains nearly as much water as Lake Superlor.Its surface is 1,350 feet above sea level, and its bottom nearly 2.900 feet below it. Before the discovery of One Minute cough cure, ministers were greatly disturbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. F. G. Fricke &. Co. School Children Allowed to Smoke. Mexican school children are allowed to smoke during lesson time, provided they have attained a certain standard of excellence. Few Saleldea Anaoar Misers. . There are said to be fewer suicides tmoni miners thaa among any other class of workmen. Louis Olsen is now located in the Palmer block with his pool and billiard hall. He has had his tables put in good condition and carries a full line of cigars, tobacco, etc. He invites his friends to call and see him. Am Old City. : Chester, in Wales, a city founded 1,500 years before America was dis covered, is even at the present time surrounded by a wall from 12 feet to 48 feet high, built by the Roman lesions under Jvlius Acricola. For frost bites, burns.tndotent sores eczema, pkin disease, ana especially piles, De Witt's Witch Hazel salve stands first and beat. Look oul for dishosest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorse ment it a good article. Worthless goou9 nre not imitat d. Get De Witt's Witch Hazql salve. P. G. Fricke & Co. . . rper Teeth. Dentists in Germany are using false teeth made of paper instead of porce lain or mineral composition. These paper teeth are said to be very satis factory, ss they do not break or chip, are not sensitive to neat or cold or to the action of the moisture of the mouth, and are very cheap. To allay pains, subdue inflammation. heal foul sores and ulcers, the most satisfactory results are obtained by using Ral'ards Snow Liniment. Price 25ctB. an l 60 cU F. G Fricke & Co I'rloelple ef the Thing-. "Feller spoke disrespectfully of my sister." "What did he say?" "Said my sister wore false teeth." "Does she?" "Hain't got no sister. It was the principle of the thing tlat I got ileked for! Much pain and uneasiness is caused by piles, sparing neither age nor tex. Tabler'j Buckeye Pile Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Price 2o cts. in bottle, tubes 76a F. G. Fricke & Co. I JUST AS J 1 OF OLD Wc arc selling' the best footwear on earth for the least pruiit. We said TIJ1C HICST... t 4 4 4 4 4 9 t ! A i i t 4 4 t A I.KADKK. Joseph Fctxcr, 4 PUI L 11 - I VI J ..... - . . k c 1 .4 n Mln CtrAAl w. H. RHOADFC, CONTRACTOR BUILDER... Twenty-two years' experience as a Carpenter and Builder in Omalia and other cities lias prepared him to do all kinds ol carpenter work in the neatest and most substantial manner. .Satisfac tion guaranteed, fall on or address at I l..tts nioutn. Neb. HARVEY HOLLOWAY Coi tractor Build or. Contracts taken for the rr- i il Residences Barns and any kind ol on-- i .vork, in anv part of the county. Call oi. j.jicss.... HAKVKT IIOLLOtVAT, I'latltmonth, Neb F. 0. FRI6K& & CO. Keep constantly on hand a fa'. 1 and comnleto stock of pure... Druas Medicines, Paints, Oils. Special nttention given to' ..Compounding Prescriptions.. Also a full line of Druggist's Sundries and Pure Wines and Liquor, for Medicinal purposes. South Sixth Street. ..Plattsmouth ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL !! Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO UU Y HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP. TRTRD AND MATN-STS. Dyspepsia Digests what you eat. Itartificiallvdi?est.sthAfwt .m. fVT J . v vrvrv UUU U1UB nature in 6trerjfftnenini? anri structingthe exhausted digestive or gans.. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Ktomav. SickHeadMhe all other results ut i mperfert disestion r , v.. a to., Chicago. P. G FRICKi: & CO. For Rats. Mice, Roaches and Vermin'- (i:. A KILLEkR. Hcrr.c:cz? n rk i air. For Sal by all Dnr. n-i . fltiKiUM MANUFACTURING ACmiCAL nrrw " vb o wuuata Street. New York. A M Cure 9 I 9 9 t t I t ? 4 4 4 4 4 4