I: mWeeexy a. - - i 'A T-!!r nI-v,t.ab,1,V1dHvNyi5- I,h,.V. Consolidated Jan. t. 181)5. I ll h II K li A I. li, I'.MtatjliHlied A prll 10, 1L f ' PL ATTSMOUT 1 1 , NEB.. MARCH lil 1899. VOL. VIII. NO. 10. j. f r !1 S1! jTl : I , 1 I V I m V- r If i , III i V 5 HAPPY SOCIAL EVENTS. Four Pleasant Gatherings of Plattsmouth People. II. It. IV iu dim in tCiitrrlaiuK the Member) of the Hrhool Hoard And Teacher 1'rcnltyterlHn Mlsslouary Society' Himl um Mint oclal Meeting "Retribution" Company's Banquet. Kroin Thursday's Daily. It. 11. Windham entertained the members of the school board and their wives iind Hie teachers of the city ehool.s sit his pleasant home on North Sixth Hticet last, evening. The party waa given for the pur-i'.-o that the members of the board and the touchers might become better acu;iintcd, in the end that it would be of nijtu tl benefit to all, and its suc cess m attested to by all who woro in attendance. The evening was spent in tiocixl con versation. music and reci tations. Mit8 Minta Mauzy and Miss il'.'Mi Patterson assisted in entertain ing tho -Ruccti. ,bout 10 o'clock tlo-y were invited Into tho dining room where an elegant supper was Mervod. Besides the regular teachers in at tondmce were Superintendent J. G. Mcllugh of tho High school, County Superintendent George L. Farley and Principal W. 11. Booe. Every teacher in the. schools was present, and are as follows: Misses Olive Gass, Jesse Lansintr, Mary Jackson, Emma Treshani, Mar garet Sheppard, Myrtle Levings, Laura Kinkcad, Blanche Kennedy. Bertha Kennedy, Anna Ileisel, Amelia Vallery, Mabel Hayos, Lettie Smith, Margaret Weight, Elizabeth Eiken bary, Genu Marshall, Josie Swoboda, Edna Adams, Florence Richardson. Nettie Hawksworlh and Mesdames Sallie Thomas aud Williams. Dr. E. D. Cummins, one oftbe mem- hers of the board being ill, himself and wife were unable to attend. HuHliit-HH and Social Meeting. The ladies of the Presbyterian Mis sionary society, and invited guests, met at the residence of Mrs. H. J. Streight yesterday afternoon for a business and social meeting. The annual election of officers resulted as follows- Mrs. Thorn is Polloctc, presi dent; Mrs. Hoinies, vice president; Mrs. J. L. Root, secretary; Mrs. A. W. Atwood, treasurer; Mrs. F. E. While, secretary of literature. Other business was transacted, new members solicited, a beautiful musical selection rendered bv Miss Hallie Atwood and an entertaining talk from Dr. Stratton on the subject of "Missions," finished iiQ npotrram for the afiemoon. A social aspect and pleasant ending was given by the serving of refreshments by Mrs. Streight. assisted by members of the society. The Peesbyterian Missionary society is in a flourishing condition finan cially, and a number of names have recently been added to the member ship list. Ketributlon" Company' Banquet. The members of the Retribution company gave a banquet at the resi dence of Mrs. D. S. Guild Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. D. C. Mc Enteo, which was pronounced by those attending the most enjoyable feast of the season. Wit and humor accompanied tho different courses of the repast, while the toasts and re sponses were something to fce remem a wfn timp si- deeu waa the im- ure.sion made by the depth of thought expressed. The surprise of the even- inf was Mr. Guild's artistic perform- ance uoon the bells. Music and reel- tations by members of the company whiled away the time until "the wee sma1 " hours,wheo all went home vow- tKof ihoir hnst nd hostess were j,ljw1iJl.tl.iiaxB. mrwt. .le.liyhtful entertainers. 1 nose present were Messrs. and Mesdames Guild, Burton, Coolidge, Cariyle and Mesdames Smith and Johnson and Miss Kessler and Messrs. Hiatt antl Sherman. A Birthday Party. Mrs. II. M. Soennichsen served an lunch to a number of friends und neighbors who helped her to celebrate her thirty-fourth birthday. The time passed all too quickly, and l ne nine vi - -1 . ,- w o all departed wishing Mrs boennichsen many happy returns. I hose present were Mesdames Wichman, Uose, lams. Root WecKbacb, Madsen.Gooe, ' - . - i..- fia Kaufman. Luiz, aiuier, Lutz, Sdttler, I l ui.-i j . Reich, Sanders and Ulga limms. Wants Big DmgM. Hie-hard M. Meredith has brought suit against the Missouri Pacific rail way company, claiming damages to thn amount of $2,650. In his petition he states that on December 18tb, 1898, he was traveling in a northerly direc tion with a horse and buggy along: a public highway, known as Eighth street, that when he was within fifty feet of the track be stopped his horse to see if there was a train coming and not hearing any he started up again, and when he reached the track his horse was struck by the engine of a passenger train which was running at the rate of twenty' miles per hour. He claims the engine did oot whi9tlo or the bell ring. The horse was killed, the buggy wrecked and he was thrown twentv;,feet into the air. He says his horse "as worth f 100, the buggy 50, -t- .ai.iriii 3 o m t ctas -in DU ... amoAint of f 2,500, The case win triVed ot the next term "braska City News. . ., BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Tho Fair store gives fair treatment. A. W. Atwood, the druggist. Tele phone 27. Watch for dale of sale of old maids, March 24. Dr. Hyron W. King should have a c owded houho. Attention, old bachelors! Sale of old maids March 24. For good values in all kinds of dry goods go to Tho Fair. Insure in the German American. BVud Ebinger, Agent. Havo your seats for Dr. King re served at LehnhoiT's. "llobson" 5 cent cigar is the finest ever manufactured in town. Don't fail to see Pauline.the Hypno tist, at tho opera house tonight. "All the World's a Stage" will be the subject of Byron W. King's lec ture. See the new spring hats at Mrs. Rankin's, under the" management of Miss Tucker. Homo grown garden seeds at Ebinger Hardware company's store. All kinds in bulk. Janitor work of all kinds, satisfac tion guaranteed by Telfer & Shep pard, 616 Vino street. The News office is the best equipped job oflice in Cass county. First class work done n short notice. The P. E. O. society will hold a called meeting at the reading room Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Street will have a special dis play of Easter hats and bonnets Fri day and Saturday, March 24 and 25. Anyone desiring spring house clean ing done would do well to call en Telfer & Sheppai d, on Vine street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Creamer, residing south of town, are rejoicing over the arrival of a bouncing boy at their home. C. C. Parraele, T. M. Patterson and Frank Moore, the latter of Murray, have gone to Clarks on a duck hunt ing expedition. Have you a cough? A dose cf Hal lard's Ilorehound Syrup will relieve it. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents. F. G. F.icke & Co. . In the future . L. Street, agent. for the Singer Manufacturing com pany, will be found in W. K. Fox's stationery s'ore. Farm loans in the amount of $1,000 and uo at 5 per cent, and without ex- pense ot aDsiraci 10 ooirowe.. Leyda, Plattsmouth, Neb. ftpfid time is near at hand J. M. The Ebinger Hardware company has a full line of the best field seeds and is sell- hng them at reasonable prices. On March 28 and 29 Mrs. L. J Rankin will show an especially fine 1ineof nattern hats. She invites all the ladies to call and see them. A priceless blessing is found in Dr Sawyer's Arnica and Witch Hazel Salve for piles, hives, scald-head, ec zema pin worms, burns and A. W. Atwood. cu- "Give me a liver regulator and lean regulate tho world," said a getiu? Thfl drurist handed him a bottle of rVit.t.' T.ittla Earlv Risers, the famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co. The Fair store, has. a complete stock of workingmen's clothing, such as nrlrv-f Khnns. CUD?, hats. etc. In fact they can supply you with almost any- & , , . , .. thing you want ceries. See them for gro Miss Jessie Evans has just arrived from the east with all the the newest and latest styles of millinery, and has taken charge of Mrs L.. J. Rankin's irimmintr department in the Union I VI --" r block. Mrs. George P. Weidmann and family ta"ke this method of thanking their friends for the many acts of kindness durin? the illness and arter the death of their beloved husband and father. William Neville has been on the sick list for several days, but is able to be out aeraio. The climatic change I did not agree with him. However, he . i , brand of weather i , -T , prefers Nebraska s P tO tnat OI Xexas. . . m t B. F. Davits, the eentleman who came here from Illinois with a view I - klA V.-.W has rriuan mi openinga uji uio wu, I . . . . ji . up the project, and aeparieu ior vui- caeo. He came to the conclusion that the field - was pretty thoroughly cov ered now. Look out for peddlers of wall pper from sample , books they are like lightning-rod agents. Gering &, Co. carry over 200 styles of .wall paper stock and sell them at the very lowest nriees. Examine their stock before purchasing. ' The jury ia the case of W . X. Fox vs. the Missouri Pacific railroad is still out and the probabilities are that it will not agree, members having so informed the bailiff. The case of the American Exchange Bank vs. Edwin Jeary is now being tried to a jury The News desires to call attention to its special news service from over the county. It prints more county HOWS I Dan any uiuei pnuci u . . .l ; the I county, a feature that advertisers I i na it nanse the naper oe duotiu-'"" r Ne - I to DO more wiuoij i du iul. I . ' n ,t than n r, mhpr mTi i i 1 Story of Their Treatment of American Photographer. An Native I'erform a War IJauce Before Tliler Captive And Allure the Uufor- lunate Man That It Is Their luteutlon to Kill Illin Keport of the Fighting at Hollo. SAN Francisco, March 23. A let ter from Captain McQuesten, surgeon of the Twenty-eighth regulars, now at Manila, tells of the release of A. It. Peters, a photographer, who was cap tured aud tortured by the E'iiipinos. Peters was made prisoner while tak ing pictures outside the lines. He was thrust into a filthy jail, where he was visited by a native captain, who tested his sword on his body and promised to kill him. The rebel chief then called in a number ol naicea avages, all armed, who executed a war dance and made passes at Peters, one of whom wounded him in the arm. Tho n?xt morning he was taken to Malolos, where he found eight Ameri cans, two Englishmen and a Spaniard. From here ho finally secured his re lease through the intervention of American officials. "The savages who attacked Peters," continues Captain McQuesten, "were of the tribe known as head-hunters and cannibals. They live iu the in terior of this island and will not show any mercy after this to anytunfor- tunate white man their hands.'' who mav fall into Krport on Hollo Fighting. Manila, Match 23.-5:10 p. in. Details of the lighting at Iloilo on March 10 show that 400 rebel riilemen from Panaj were met by seven com panies of tho Eighteenth regiment of United States infantry and a battalion of the Tennessee volunteers. As sup ports theso troops had three two inch Ilotchkiss guns, under General M'ller. north of Jaro, across the river. The Americans were met with a heavy tire. One man was killed and niteen were wounded of tho Eighteenth regiment and there were several cases ot sun stroke. General Miller estimates that iifty rebels were killed and 100 wounded. I'oUodoui I'rojeetlles. Nkw York, March 23 A special from Washington says: Reports te- ceived at the war department from the medical officers serving witn trmiiis in the Philippines show that Aauinaldo's army is using brass-tipped bullets. Several American soldiers have been wounded by the poisonous nrmeetils and in consequence the i wounds are more difficult to heal than tho3e caUbecl by the ordinary bullet Of course the authorities can do noth- in- to prevent the insurgents using any kind of bullets they see fit. They have no eoveroment to which an ap peal can be made. Their action in this respect, officials say, is another indication of their utter unfitness for self-government. Does Coffee Agree With You? T F r.t HrinU- firain-O maQ8 ITOm . i-j Tko. fl pure grains. Aiauywoics. auo..- time I made Grain-O I did not like it rtn nrtnrr if fnr iir.o wfipk nothiner UUU.lllCI uo.nt, .V" " would induce me to go Unnl, (n onffoo " It nourishes aud feeds tne system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a pack age today from your grocer, follow lhe diirec ions in making it and you will have a delicious and healthiul table bevor.ige for old and young. 15 and 25c. Homrteekrrs' Kxcurslon. The B. & M. will sell Homeseckers' Excursion tickets March 21, April 14 and 18, May 2 and 16,1899,for one fare for the round trip plus $2, to following territories: Arizona, ArKansas, Indian Territory. Louisiana, New Mexico, nifkhnma. Texas and other states. For further information call at B. & M depot. W. Li PICKETT, Agent, Sale of Thoroughbred Hogs. -R. A. Young"a sale of thoroughbred Poland China hogs, which was posi tioned last week, will come off without fail Friday, March 31, 1899. Remem ber the day and place four miles west of Murray and five miles north and ti,;. m nn mile vest of Nehawka. This will I w w . n,i .nnnrtnn!li; fnp farmers to i i a ii u yj i - infuse blood into their herds that will gurGlv bring them money. U. A. YOUKG, Owner. Col. Z. S. Branon, Auctioner; O. C. West, Clerk. There is no medicine th it has yet been' discovered that has virtues de to be compared with Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry and Tar, for Dai cases of chronic bronchitis. Con in I eumpti0n, or any cough or cold A. I Atwood . , Tb Arties Maid. Hnnl-pr T asked Miss Kittish for a kiss last night. Harkins She turned you down, I suppose? Hunker No; I she turned the gas down. The Beginning; of Her Rale. Susie Pana. what makes a man al ways eive a -woman a diamond en gagement ring? Her woman. Father The For a quick remedy and one that is Ia ...rnAll nfA fnn P h I I li l-Q n At HQ let mo urerietuj who vumm... - - recommend One Minute cough cure. Tt U axcellent for croup, hoarseness. i " " . ' . ' j ntunug " uo .m tu r I ll nl.ll n n In tha I h .no I Ann AAlltTha G. fc rlcke & Go nir mixTnn nnnu niUI Li I I I W I I I V lfUHV II i II I . lLiiiiwo mu ortinui No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would he attrac tive must keep her health. If 6he is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney troublo, her impure blood will causo pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is tho best medicine in tho world to regulato stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify tho blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 60 cents at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s Drug Store. 2 A Klght of llarlal- Despite the growing difficulty of finding space for the interment of pub lic men within the walls of West minster, at least one noble family still enjoys a prescriptive right of burial there. These are the Dukes of North umberland, who have the exclusive use of a spacious vault in the Chapel of St. Nicholas. This vault, which was the last resting place of the Seymours, was opened as recently as 1SS3 to receive the remains of Lady Louise Percy, the elder sister of the present duke. The Way to go to California is in a tourist sleeping car personally conducted via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the tinest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fin ished nor so lino to look at as a palace sleeper but it is jut as clean, junt as comfortable, ju&t as good to ri in, AND NEARLY $20 CHKAl'El:. The Burlington ..excursions leave every Thursday reaching San Fran cisco Sunday and Los Antrelrs Mon day. Porter with each car. Excur sion manager with each party. Fur folder giving full information call at nearer-t B. & M. It. R. depot or write J. Francis, General Passenger Agent. Omaha, Neb. Going Down Hill. People suffering from Kid ney Diseases feel a grad ual but steady loss of strength and vital ity. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. V. G Fricke & Co Submarine Searchlights. One of the disadvantages of a search light on war vessels is the revealing of the position of the ship, in tne United States navy experiments have been made with submarine lights which were placed well below the sur face of the water, and their rays were directed slightly upward. As the light emerged from the water the observers on deck could detect any vessel at the point of emergence, and the search light could not betray its own source. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en- ergv are not iounu wuere biuiuam, r I 1 . . 1 . liver, kidneys and bowels are out of - order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. .. T.T!f. Tj:it, TU... Jn,.oUn Kinff 8 LlllC iliiS. X 11 U , everv power of brain and body, only 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store Vanilla Bean la Costly. It is not generally known that the vanilla bean is the costliest bean on earth. It grows wild and is gathered by natives in Pipantla and Misantla, Mexico. When brought from the for est these beans are sold at the rate of 2 5s. per 1,000, but when dried and cured they cost about 2 5s. per pound. They are mainly used by druggists, and last year 90,000,000 beans were imported into this country. J. Sheer, Sedalia. Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her lifa saved after all phy sicians had failed, only by using One Minute cough cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. lie Found It .So. Pupil What, in your opinion, pro fessor, is the most difficult mathemat ical problem? Poor Professor (grim ly) Trying to make both ends meet'. I tnv rlnnr cir i j - It AT as Wortli While. Governess Now, Linsley, you mustn't have any more pudding; it'll make you ill. Linsley Never mind; It's worf it! Read the advertisements in the News and trade only with those peo- I pi9 who solicit your patronage. These are the live merchants that do busi ness on the principle of quick sales and small profits. Rightly Viewed. This is, after all, the reasonable a3 it is the modest way to view it: "Aren't you afraid that your daughter will come home from college knowing more than you do?" "Well, we shall consider our money thrown awav if she doesn't." Exchange. Pneumonia Follows La Grippe, but pneumonia cannot follow the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. Pneumonia is striking down hundreds of those who thought they were cured of La Grippe. Foley'3 Honey and Tar, taken during or after La Grippe, is guarantee! to prevent pneumonia. F. G. Fricke & Co. amromm,mmmmmmNmmm?mmmmmmmmmros EC G. DOVEY & EE 1L IIDIIIKIIHHIIinill MM) I New Goods Carpets, Thev have a new stock of ihcsu goods on hand. They are ngen's for the Bissell Gold Med-il.with the New(co bear ings. The standard nric ; of these goods is .i-.:.00. r'.ainple ends of Nottingham L ice Curtains at l'.i,; and 2.V. La -e cur tains in Nottingham, Swiss, lirus-tl!-. and Ru Hi, I ym 1 o c.p. Agents fo:- Ihittriek 1 'a 1 1 -itis. A'.! kinds oi hand. iM'GS: The handsoim.-st aid lie-t li.-.e they have ever sh.e.v;'. Special V r 11 ss e 1 s li'i g s a I, '. ! c a i i 1 Moquctto GROCERIES ( Jem! corn, 4 ' -in- lor 2V Good peas. 10 f-r can. Ten His oat nvai , 25c R il-tidin II. altli ( In!. jiackages for 25 . Kalston's Health Flou i h.nd. Making Powder, full 1 ti can Kino Table Syinp. - gallon Soap, Soap, Soap ! L.ui.dry soap Diamond C. L for 25 An extra vanie in i,er e.'ike for a short i'lll ' oiliV II- 1 Good Parlor l!v(m, .'! - Star Tobacco, :ii)c a li. Dovey's l'.rightener ( is go. d as S i lb b 'x best Gloss Stanch for I V Go'den Crown Sod;, strictly pure, IXL Laundry Starch, : for 25c. Shake Into Your Shen. Allen's Foot-Eise, a powder for tho feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart ing, nervous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25e. in stamps. Trial package free. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. For Seasickness. Bright-red spcctrcles, accompanied by internal doses of calomel, form a new German specific against seasick ness. It is deduced from Epstein's in vestigation on the influence of color on the blood vessels in the brain. Seasickness is due to lack of blood In the brain, while red sends moou the brain with a rujh. By looking nno nnint for some time through to at the rad- red glasses the patient is cr.i?d ically. If you have a cough, throat in ita tion, weak lungs, p iin in tho cbost, difficult breathing, croup or hoarse ness, let us suggest One Minute cough cure. Always reliable and safe G. Fi ic-ke &c Co. F. Those Questions. "Papa." said Tommy Tieadway. "Now, Tommy," replied Mr. Treadway, "I shall answer only one more ques tion today, so be careful what you ask." "Yes, papa." "Well, go on." "Why don't they bury the Dead sea?" Boston Journal. Pneumonia is the quick agent of death. Fully one-third of recent deaths have been from pneumonia following La Grippe. Pneumonia cannot follow the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. F. G. Fricke & Co. &hoes.. I HAVE A FINE STOCK WHICH I WILL EX CHANGE FOFi PRODUCE CALL AND SEE A. CLARK, GROCER. SDN 11 H I lll'll ITOKMW II XlODOOl ' X X X Now on Display B New Shirt Waists tho bi:t fitting garment tb Ginghams tho 15c kind for 10e; I'l palNo-m to - I . Linen (.'rashes for Skirts all prices fr.jin IV up. Percales Sic, Hie, and 12.-. White Piques all styles from IV to In,-. Tli'e your selections early. EMBROIDERIES The largest n-hOi liiient ..f tlx found at DOVEYS'. Thcv havo them from 2i. Special Sale on Ladies' Kid .1.ih ; Carpets.. They are selling the.so goods :v. ry day, although tin; .vmsnii has hardly coin TiK inced. They have the largest stock they have ever .shown, at prices as low as last year. They will show best2-j.ly Ingrain at O.V; Velvet I JrusHulls tho best made at 1 00; Moquettes and A x minsiers at !';; Tapestry BrusHellsnl 5f'c, TV and S5c. Caiief Sweepers, Is at h Mm1.'1: : 1 mm lireakf.l - t i''i!i for Uh bin-ket fo and S irita ( -P. K-giv I in--ir p -10 l a.. I ol I in e v w 1 1 1 1 f 1 A BOOM TO MANKIND! 3 52 U&V&$li o !r-2 h -; 1 2 rs i : vii 1 oi m it- If) cn f ;-sv-V - A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN, CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUBES, BY MAIL, 75 CENTS", BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. JAMES F. BALLARD, So!e Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. Keep Warm. Don't Buy Base Burners at any prices vhen you can get a Furnace in your house complete from $50 UP and Guaranteed by S. E. HALL & SON South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth. Neb. The News Prints More County News Than any Other Cass county Paper. an III I i 'm- I I from. !.'(. in-.' vi t y d"i ruble Muku e '(! ids are t ( i 7 : a a mI til ways to bo Gloves.. at 1S, 1 Ml Gloves at f,!c THE SWEEPER That Sweeps CLEAN. SAVE YOUR HEALTH A3 VELL AS YOUR CARPETS AND DRAPERIES CALL AM) SEE TH KM PILE C3 H C -H PI w' tf CURE M I 1 I 1 I J J 1 I V- VV USING V ou r Timr.v p T 41er Bid ft