Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 14, 1899, Image 1

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THE NEAVfl, Kstablshod Not.S. 1R1
Til K I1KKALD. ratabUhhed April 10. JS81 f Consolidated Jan. 1. IMS.
VOL. VIII. NO. 37.
19k T
xinni) w
Tb Hoc and the Illackanake Are Far
paoat on tb
The two greatest enemies of the rat
uesnake are the blackspake and th
hog. The rattlesnake 1m slow und slug
glsh In movement, while the black
The Imniunm nod Kngineera Only Will snaKe la Intensely rapid. The latter
Krumin-UuarHotine KrgoUtiani t wI11 c,rcle around his foe, and, with
rnmi nTr i nnnminin
Volunteers In Cuba Must Be Mus
tered Out Before May 1
the Southern Porta Make Thli Action
Neceaaury ( amp to lie Itc-eatabllnhed
Indignant at the Aaaembljr.
Washington, March 13 The war
department has dotormined to muster
out and bring home all the volunteers
in Cuba with the exception of the
Tjlunteer engineers and immunes.
The necessity for immediate action
has been brought to tho attention of
the war department on account of the
quarantine regulations against Cuba
which go into effect about the 1st day
of May and which are especially strict
at all southorn port?.
When the troops are brought to thi
country they must, under the law, be
mustered out in United States camps
and thoy no doubt will be brought to
camps nearest their homes. It is de
sired also to have them brought to
places where fumigating can be done
and it is possible that troops for north
ern states may be brought to Montauk
and Camp WikofT again bo established
although the present intention is to
have all northern troops sent to Camp
Meade in Pennsylvania.
The troops of North Carolina, South
Carolina, Louisiana and Georgia wil
probably be brought to Savannah; ihe
Texas troops to Galveston and the
Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia
troops to Old Point Comfort, Va.
Indignant at the Aaembly.
Santiago, March 13. Much excite
ment prevails in San tiago owing to the
action of the miiitary assembly in di
missing General Gomez from the poBt
of commander-in-chief. All classes of
Cubans repudiate the assembly's pro
ceedings, declaring that it does not
represent the national demand, and
that no attention is paid its act by the
Some of the Cubans claim tha assem
bly should read the history of England
during Oliver Cromwell's time and see
what they did with parliaments. The
general opinion is that the assembly's
act has been the severest blow dealt
to the legitimate aspirations of the
Cuoans since the American occupation,
which action gives to the world the
impression that they are incipable of
Dan Klce, the Showman. Daaorlbe a
Fanny Scene.
It may surprise many persons to
learn that monkeys, despite their clev
erness, are not endurlngly susceptible
to the influences of "higher educa
tion." for infinite is their Innate de
pravity. I found them ready enough
to learn, but persistent In refusal to
display their knowledge when required
to do so by their patient teacher. This
peculiar side of monkey nature waa
forcibly impressed on me when I tried
to form an orchestra, or string band,
among the simians of my menagerie.
We were In winter quarters, and as It
was my custom to devote my spare
time during the cold term to taming
and training wild animals for the next
season, I had a family of monkeys
confined In an apartment adjoining my
reading, smoking and music room.
One morning upon entering the cot
tage my ears were greeted by the
sound of my 'cello. I paused, wonder
ing what visitor had provoked my
rich-toned instrument to such unseem
ly discord. Then I approached closely
and through a window saw a laughable
scene. Seated upon a chair, with a
smoking-cap on his head, spectacles
on his nose and meerschaum pipe in
his mouth, was Joe, the largest mon
key of the menagerie, sawing away at
the 'cello with bow in hand. Several
of the smaller monkeys were In pos
tures of surprise and delight at Joe'a
performance. I had omitted to lock
the door of the monkey room, and that
accounted for the Intrusion on my
sanctum. Highly entertained, I stood
for a time a silent spectator, until
seen by a little monkey, which notified
its fellows of my presence with a sharp
cry. In a twinkling the animals
dashed from the room; Joe, minus cap,
spectacles and pipe, bringing up the
rear and carefully closing the door be
hind him. Upon entering the house I
found all the monkeys safely en
sconced In their proper room and look
ing as innocent as lambs, while the old
ringleader was snoring and apparently
sound asleep. From this occurrence
the idea of trying to form an orchestra
of monkeys came into my mind, for I
well knew that such a troupe, even if
It produced anything but melody,
would be a strong attraction. Youth's
Praise for American Schoola.
Dr. Krohn, a prominent educator, a
graduate of Yale, and who has studied
In France, Germany, Austria, Italy and
England, says that he is firmly con
vinced that the system of public
schools in this country is far in ad
vance of all other nations,' but that
our system has too.mucli forcing and
unless much care Is exercised in that
regard it will tell on the children. He
further says that precocity, unlesa
carefully guarded and directed, is al
most aa dangerous as imbecility.
A priceless blessing is found in Dr.
Sawyer'a Arnica and Witch Hazel
Salre for piles, hives, scald-head, ec
5ma pin worms, burns and cuts.
A. W. At wood.
a .1 .
auaaen aart, grasp tne venomou
reptile by the neck, so that It has no
chance to use its poisonous fangs, am
quickly squeeze it to death. A hog, es
peclally If fat, suffers no danger from
the rattlesnake, says the New York
Press. He will boldly march up to
the colled reptile, allow himself to be
struck In his Jowls once, twice or
three times, as the case may be, and
will then calmly proceed to swallow
the reptile -without concern. The rea
son for the hog's immunity is due to the
fact that the blood vessels are so ml
nute and Infrequent on the cheeks
where fat is predominant, that they
fall to take up the poison and carry it
through the porcine system. ' Hogs
have been used in droves to clear
some of the islands of the southern
seas of poisonous reptiles.-and have
proved successful. By remembering
two simple facts -any one can distin
guish a poisonous serpent from i
harmless one. The venomous reptile
invariably . possesses a triangular
shaped head and blunt nose, while his
tail is correspondingly blunt and stub
by. Any snake that tapers smoothly
from the middle of Its body to the tip
of its nose and to the tip of its fail
as well, growing slender in a gradual
and regular" manner, .Is absolutely de
void of venom.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo, I
Lucas County, f
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the
senior partner of the firm of K. I. Chenev &-.Co.i
doing business in the city of Toledo, county and
state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use
ol Hall s Catarrh Cure. '
Frank 1. Chenev!
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day 01 December, A. l. IKS!.
(SeI ) Notary 1'ublic.
Hall's Ca'v r1- Cure is taken internally and
acts directly 311 the blood and surfaces ol the
svstem. send lor testimonials, tree.
F. J. Cheney Si Co., Toledo, O.
Msold by druggists, 7.c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
St. Louis' World'a Fair.
The committee of two hundred ap
pointed to raise funds and secure leg
islation for the world's fair in 1903,
celebrating the centennial of the
Louisiana purchase, has. been formally
organized. Pierre Choteau, the great
grandson of the first , settler in St.
Louis, was- elected chairman. Resolu
tions were presented and. adopted to
organize a corporation to be called
"The St. Louis World's Fair, Celebrat
ing the Louisiana Purchase Centen
nial," with a capital stock of $5,000,
Pneumonia Follows La Grippe,
but pneumonia cannot follow the uso
of Foley's Honey and Tar. Pneumonia
is striking down hundreds of those
who thought they were cured of La
Grippe. Foley's Hooey and Tar,
taken during or after La Grippe, is
guaranted to prevent pneumonia., F.
G. Fricke. & Co. .
The Way to" go to California
is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted fia the Burlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make
fast time. You see the finest scenery
on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fin
shed nor 90 fine to look at as a palace
sleeper but it is just as clean, just as
comfortable, just ns good to ride in,
The Burlington excursions leave
every inursday reaening fcan F ran
cisco Sunday and Los Aneeles Mon
day. Porter" with" each car. Excur
sion manager "with each party. For
folder giving ful.l information call at
nearest B. &.Mv R. R. .depot or write
Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb. ; . ..
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tnousands
of sufferers have proved their match-
ess merit for sick nnd nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. ' Easy to take; Try them.
Only 2-5' cents. Money back if not
cured. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
To Prevent Sleep Walking.
A device to prevent sleep-walking Is
to lay upon the floor, by the side of
the somnambulist's bed, a sheet of
lron,zino or other metal, wide enough
to insure that he will step upon It.
When the sleep-walking fit comes up
on him his foot -'ouches the cold sur
face of the metv and he instinctively
draws that leg Into, the bed again.
After two or thre attempts the som
nambulist gives It up and settles down
in bed.
The Cuban Army To Be Paid After
Completion of Rolls.
General (iouiri Kxplalna Why the Naiubrr
of ComiDlaMloned and Nou-Couimia-aloneU
Ofllcera la Great In Proportion
to the Number of Private Soldiera.
HAVANA, March 10. The only ob
stacle now in the way of paying off the
The Deadly Grip
Is again abroad in the 1 mil. The
air you breathe may be full of i'.s fntai
irermb! Don't neglect the "griif'or
you will open the door to pneumonia
and consumption and invite death. Its
sure signs uru chills with fever, head
ache, dull heavy paint, mucous dis-charge-1
from the nose, nore throat and
uever-let-go cough. Don't wj.sto proc
ious time treating this cough with
troches, tablets, or poor cheap syrups.
Cure it at once with Dr. King's New
Discovery, tho infallible remedy for
bronchial troubles, it kills the dis-
Cuban trooos is the comnletion of the I
rolls, a wnrlc which is hin,r hafit.nd I ease perms, heals tlirs lungs nna pre-
by Inspector General RolofT. He says
that in some cases tho rosters are
either missing or too defective to be
useful. He points out that the insur
gents often have no paper, pens or
General Gomez explains that 6,000
commissioned and 10,000 noncommis
sioned ollicers are relatively largo
numbers in an army of 32,000 privates,
but that these officers, in many cases,
received their appointment, because
the Cubans have had no other way of
recognizing bravery and stimulating
"It may seem," he says, "a cheap
sort of promotion, but it meant a good
deal to the Cubans."
General Gomez continues to produce
an excellent impression on the Ameri
can military authorities.
The stories printed here and else
where to tne etfect that GovernorGen
eral Brooke intends to require the
Cuban assembly to discontinue its
meeting's are officially denied. The
session of the assembly tomorrow will
be public and the business will be an
explanation of what has been done in
secret session and a discussion of the
course of General Gomez.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon the tem
perature was 76 degrees.
MuHt Either Kob or Starve.
Santiago, Maich 10. The results
of the policy inaugurated at Havana
of discontinuing public works in this
province and throwing men out of em
ployment are beginning to show.
Yesterday six bandits were captured
in the neighborhood of Concepcion, ail
if whom were former workers in the
road gang. They say they have no
money and must either rob or starve.
They have been lodged in the city
jail. Considerable sympathy is dis
played in their behalf by the populace.
Much tha simo sort of thing is hv-
pening in the district of tiolguin,
where a bru?h occurred between
bandits and gendarmes and which re
sulted in the killing of oue of the for
mer. jNeverineiess il is not expected
these trouble will take a serious turn
owing to the probability that work
wilt be resumed earlv next week.
vents the dreaded after-effect" from
the malady. I'rieo 50 cents and $1.
Money back if net cured. A trial
bottle free at F. G. Fricko & Co's
drug store. 1
Consumption of Alcohol.
The alcoholic consumption pei cap
ita has been figured out as follows:
France, 14 quarts; Belgium, 10; Ger
many, 10.50; British islands, 9.50;
Switzerland. 8.75; Italy, 6.60; Holland,
6.26; United States, 6.10; Sweden. 4.50;
Norway, 3; Canada, 2.
Parla of Solomon's Temple.
The chapel of St. Helena at Hcthle
bem contains forty-four marble col
umns, which were taken from Mount
Moriah and supposed to have been in
the porches of Solomon's temple.
Going Down hill.
from Kid
ney IJiseases
feel a grad ual
but steady loss of
strength and vital
ity. They should
lose no time in trying
Foley's Kidney Cure, a
Guaranteed Preparation.
Fricke & Co.
ymmmmmmmmmmm nHmmmtmmmmmmmwtK
ON... I
OCf '(() i(M MX I'll. Hill Ol I ,1 II l HUH l XII MUX K dill l
New Goods L Now on Display..
Now Shirt Waists the beit lilting garment mi tho market 41.00.
Ginelmms tho 13c kind for 10c; M patterns to Helect from.
Unen Clashes for Skirts all prices from lre up.
Percales Sic, 10c, and J2-c.
White Piques all stylos from 1 "o to 4c. These an very desirable.
your selections early.
KMBKOIDKHIKS The largest assortment of these goods are always to be
found at DOVHYS'. They havo them from 2ic to 7")C a yard.
Special Sale on Ladies' Kid Gloves..
. 1 VI Gloves at OSe. .. . 1. (HI Gloves at OHc
Carpets, Carpets..
I '. G .
Itouuauce of College Slu liir.
A very bright and exceedingly
humorous serial training of student
life in a college "town will hejzin in
tho April Lidic-s' Home Journal. It
is by Mrs. Charles Terry Collins, a
novica in fiction, who has written with
charming fieshness, cleverly pictur
ing student life, the students' games
and sports, their social diversions, etc.
Into the drdiciouly droll story Mr-.
Collins has subtly woven a most inter
esting, happy romance, fiom which
the story takes its tnime "A College
Courtship "
tiomci Letter Has Bad Effect.
San Juan, Porto Rico, March 10.
The letter said to have been written
early last month by General Maximo
Gomez to Senor Hestes of this island
and published in Li Discussion at Ha
vana, as well as many American
papers, in which the writer said he
would aid the Porto Kicans in every
way possible and, if necessiry,even by
the sword, has been republished here
and is having a bad effect on certain
classes of Porto Ricans.
For a quick remedy and one
perfectly safe for children let us.
recommend One Minute' cough cure.
t is excellent for cr6up, hoarseness
tickling in the throat and coughs. Fv
G. Fricke & Co.
, .Cricket aa a Thermometer.
A conscientious cricket is one of the
best" thermometers in the world. The
temperature may be accurately told by
observing the number of chirps in a
minute. At 60 degrees Fanrenneit tne
rate is eighty chirps a minute, at 70
degrees Fahrenheit 120 per minute, and
the .rate Increases .four chirps ; to me
minute with a change' of one degree.
Below a temperature of 50 degrees
Fahrenheit the cricket is not likely to
make any sound.
Insure In the German American,
red Ehinger, Agent.
Prizes fur Dewey's Men.
San Fit ancisco, March 10. Geo. H.
Holden of Washington, who returned
from the Orient on the Hong Kong
hip Maru, has in his possession 1,000
laims of the officers and men of
Dewey's fleet for head money. The
claims are to be filed with the court of
claims in Washington for final action
The head money f jr Admiral Dewey
and his officers and man will aggre
gate $187,500, or $100 per head for the
875 officers and men of Admiral
Montejo's fleet. The priz 3 money for
the officers and men under Admiral
Dewey will amount to $400,000, plus
be salvage of ihree vessels recently
lised. This money will be distributed
by the United States district CDurts.
Speakintr of Admiral Dewey. Mr,
Holden said: "While somewhat
worried owing to the exacting duties
and responsibilities of his position, he
aid his health was good. He looked
fairly well, too."
Miners Locked In a Sbaft.
Lkadvillk, Colo., Ma-ch 10. Com
munication has been established with
Charles Ileuss and Bert Frey, im
prisoned in the Bon-Air mine,through
the caving, of the shaft by ripping
asunder the water pipa by a charge of
dynamite lowered to the proper depth.
Provisions were lowered through the
pipe. A new shaft will have lobe
sunk seventy-five feet before the men
can be reached. This will take about
a week.
Paper Teeth.
Dentists in Germany are using false
teeth made of paper instead of porce
lain or mineral composition. These
paper teeth are said to be very satis
factory, as they do not break or chip,
are not sensitive to heat or cold or
to the action of the moisture of the
mouth, and are very cheap.
Deep Wells.
The following are some of the deep
est wells in the world: In Europe, en:
at Passy, France, 2.000 feet; at La
Chapelle. Paris. 2.950 feet; at Grenelle
Paris, 1,798 feet: at Neusalwark, near
Minden. 2,288 feet; at Kissingen, Ba
varia, 1,878 feet; at Sperenberg, near
Berlin, 4,190 feet; at Pesth, Hungary,
3.182 ftet.
Why Chinamen Eat Hats.
The Lahore (India) Tribune quotes
Chinaman's exilanation of tho use
of rats for food purposes as4 follows:
"What carrot is to a horse's coat a rat
Is to the human hair. Neither fact can
be explained, but every horseman
knows that a regimen of carrots will
make his stud smooth and lustrous as
velvet, and the Chinese, especially the
women, know that rats used as food
will stop the fall'ng out of hair and
make the locks soft, silky and beauti
ful. I have seen it tried many times."
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona,
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S.
v eaK nerves Uao caused severe
Dains in the bacic of his head. On
using Electric Bitters, America's
greatest blood and nerve remedy, all
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what his country needs.
All America knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies the blood,
tones up the stomach, strengthens the
nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of
the body. If weak, tired or ailing you
need it. Every rjotlle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricko &
Co. 1
They are selling these goods every day, although the season has hardly com
mernced. They havo tho largest stock they havo ever shown, at prices as low
as last year. They will show bestti-ply Ingrains at (i.'jc; Velvet llrussolls the
best made at $1 0(1; Mcquettes and Axiiiinslors at W'.ir; Tapontry UrusMella at
50e, 7."c and S.'jc.
ILSisj-sell Osiipet Svee)ers..
They havo a new stock of theso goods on haiid. They are
agen's for tho Bissell Gold Med il, with ihe New Cycn bear
ings. The standard pricj of these goods i-i $:. 00. .''.ample
ends of Nottingham Ij-ice Curtains at 10c and U.'jc. La"e cur
tains in Nottingham, Swiss, Brus-ells and Kuflicd, from $!.(!()
up. Agents for liullrick Pattern. All kinds on hand.
PUGS! The handsomest aid best liiiO they have ever
sl.owp. Special lirustacll's Hugs at !i!c and Moquelto l'u'sat
Good corn, 4 cans lor 2-e.
Good pens, 10 ; p-jr can.
Ten lbs oat meal,
Itilslrom Hi allh Club Pin Cake Hour, regultr p ice 1 f.c .'
packages for l!oc.
Ilals'on's Ileal t h Flour and Breakfast r'ool al-io alway on
Baking Powder, full 1 bean for 10c.
Fine Table Syrup. - gullon bucket for f"c.
Soap, Soap, Soap !
Luiiidry s tap Diamond C, Lnox andS inta ( l ius 10 bar-,
for L'-) ". An extra valu; in Tore! so i p. K'gu'ar price id;
I or cake for a i-hoi t t i ni en ly tl e.y wills 1 t for -
Good Parlor Breom, .". -ewed, 1-5 .
Sim- Tob-w-o, 30c a lt.
Dovey's Bri jhti n r ( is goed as S ip lio) -r.
;-ib b; x best Gios St i r 1 eh or l-"c
Golden Crown Soda, strictly pure, oc.
IX L La indrv Starch, 'A for 2oc.
Pushing: Ills Easiness.
The colored postmaster at Klondike,
111., took a twenty-dollar confederate
bill in payment for goods out of his
store, and later offered to sell postage
stamps at a discount to improve the
business of his office.
Great l)m on the Nile.
The British dam on the Nile ia 33
feet thick and SO feet high.
.r;iiii-) I'.riiiK Kelitf
to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged (
in and almost as universally injur- j
icus. Have you tried G ain-O? It is
almrst like coffee but the effect are
just i.he opposite. Coffee upsets the
stomach, ruins the digestion, effects
the hear! and disturbs tho whole ner
vous sy.-tem. Grain-O tones up the
stomach, aids digestion and strength
ens tho nerve?. 15 and 2oo. per pack
age. The (Jerni That Causes Sunstroke.
An eminent doctor has been investi
gating the malady and has come to
the conclusion that sunstroke is not
due simply to excessive heat or ex
posure to the full rays of a cloudless
sun. He declares that sunstroke is, on
the contrary, an infectious disease,
caused, like fever or smallpox, by a
specific organism or germ. But this
germ he has not yet succeeded in
isolating, though he hopes in course of
time to do ho. There is little doubt,
he says, that the germ is bred In the
superficial layers of the soil in cer
tain low-lying regions of the earth,
and that it is imbibed into the hu
man system by the breathing of dusty
o I
5 IMm n
ui i i 5 j ui
tnzi in 3
2 2
03 -H
wm www i .-a
i in
5 H
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 60 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, M3.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
J. Sheer, Sedalia. Mo., conductor on
electric street car line, writes that his
little daughter was very low with
croup, and her life saved after all phy
sicians had failed, only by using One
Minute cough curer- F. G. Fricke A
A Harmless Stimulant.
Warwick I read that a French phy
sician nas been conducting some very
elaborate investigations to discover
the most healthful form of amusement
or diversion. Wickwire Ah, and what
did he finally conclude was the most
conductive to longevity? Warwick
Dueling. Judge.
If you have a cough, throat irrita
tion, weak lungs, pnin in the chest,
difficult breathing, croup or hoarse
ness, let us suggest One Minute cough
cure. Always reliable and safe. F.
G. Fi icke & Co.
Read the advertisements in the
News and trade only with those peo-
pl who solicit your patronage. These
are the live merchants that do busi
ness on the principle of quick sales
and small profits.
8orry He Spartw.
It wfcs once the fortune of a man
who was ugly both in temper and in
features to sit opposite to Douglas
Jerrold at a dinner party. Whilst the
cloth was beics removed the latter
managed to break u glass. His vis-a-vis,
thinking to turn the laugh at him, at
once said: "What, already, Jerrold-
Why I never brc?k a glass. "1 ar
surprised at that," Jerrold answre''
"You ought to whenever you look i-
French IMoyrle Law.
A French court has just made a de
cision that establishes the point in
France that when a bicyclist is at
tacked by a dog. and in attempting to
drive it off meets with injury, the own
er of the dog is liable. The plaintiff
in the case lost his balance in chastis
ing the dog that pursued him, fell off.
hurt his left wrist, and smashed a val
uable cigarette case that he was carry
ing in his pocket. He claimed damages
of $100, and $40 was awarded to him.
Keep Warm.
The Chinese Kitchen Cod.
The Chinese have a kitchen
Don't BUy Base Burners at
any prices when you can get a
Furnace in your house complete
$50 UP
and Guaranteed by
which iS supposed to go te the chi- J South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth Neb
nese heaven at the beginnirg of each, M"
year to report upon the private life
of the families under his care.
Live In Tomb.
Thousands of people in Egypt I've in
old tombs.
e News-Herald
is the quick agent of death. Fully
one-third of recent deaths have been
from pneumoni i following La Grippe.
Pneum nia cannot follow the use of
Foley's Honey and Tar. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Prints More County News
Than Any Other Cass
county Paper.