Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 10, 1899, Image 4

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'Retribution" a Grand Success In
Every Detail.
Kvery One of tho t'lmmcterH K'r-n'iilrl
la hii Alil Hint ;ri4-r f ill AlMiuif-r
( iialuiiii SI rH.lnj.-ly lleutitlful hikI
I vr or the o:l t'onoiilnl linyn
hiiiI Knoliitloii'iiy Witr
Tlio ihomI b'jrri'Hifiil Imme-titlent en
t(;rl:ii niiK-nt whicli Ihn in-oplf of
I'liitlrtinoulh h.ivi! h:ul tlm pUa-urn of
s; ri iijifor many a tluy wus tlio n-iidi-limi
Ifiht i-vomn of lli;it he nsatiouul
colonial ilrarna, "I I. tri lution," at
White's opera Ihmim. Kvorv av.-iil.-iblc
: 1 1, in the Jiouho w.ia orcupifil. ami
from tlio rir-inof tho curtain on th
lirst act to tt! cloo of tho last act it
was evident that there were noiie
amon the audience who were in
any way disappointed with the everi
in'M entertaininent their expecta
tions he in more than nali.ed.
Cotrihution" has a very ft.ron
plot, and has many dramatical and
humorous situations which were espe
cially enjoyed hy the audience. Kvery
character wan well represented. One
of the features of the play was the
strikingly heautiful costumes worn by
the participants. They were the kind
worn durintr Ceorgo Washington's
time, and wore not only heautiful hut
very expressive of revolutionary
Will K. (.'oolidc as "Colonel Cecil
Howard," played his part in an excel
lent way, whiio C. V. S. IWirton as
C. A. Marshall, Dentin.
Tho Fair store gives fair treatment.
A. W. At wood, tho ilrutftfiet. Tele
phone 27.
For good valiioa in all kinds of dry
poods go to Tho Fair.
Mrs. A. I j. Munger is recovering
from her recent Ulnes." .
"Ilobson" 5 cent cigar is the lir.est
ever lnanuf jtcturc d in town.
Coine auJ see Major l.acon and hi-
snulT tiox in tin; urania ! Jetrihution.'
.lanitor work of all kind-, satisfac
tion guaranteed hy Tel for .V Shep
p in), 01; Vine street.
The Khinger Hardware company ia
selling sk:itcH at cost. Now is the
time to get your ska-es.
Mi-s Dot is I'a'tcrsou culc-i ta i ned
twelve of her little fii -nds tiiis aftei
miiiiii, the ticc..isiou Oeing her sith
hirl inlay.
In the futu'-e W. I... Street, agent
for the Singer Manufacturing com
pany, will he found in W. I. Fox's
stationery s'ore.
Tho pay car arrived on Bchedulo
time this morning and tno men who
laoor for tho Turlington received their
salaries for the past month.
Charles Johnson, freight conductor
between Ashland and Schuylor, came
in this morning to visit his family nnd
w itness "Iteti ib'Jtion" at tho opera
house tonight.
Mis. W. II. Newell an Omaha i
visitor today.
.1. M. Patterson was
vi-itor in the metropolis
i ng.
Mrs. I''i-;'iik ll.yd return
morning from a three woel
with friends in Chicago.
Miss M jet's of Omaha is in the city
vi-iting her si-ter, Mrs. T. M. Fal
lot son, v ho is q ui 1 e ill.
John 1). K'lhbins, who is working at
the carpenter trade out in the country,
is at home to sp?nd Sunday.
Mis, .1. F. Kuhney and children
olTeiing for sale all of it-) healin
stove at cost. Now is' your oppor
tunity to get a liargain.
Opal, the eighteen-raonths-old
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Haekenborg, died at 2 o'oloek yester
day afternoon of measles.
The Plattbtnouth Turnvcrcin will
give one of their enjoyable dances at !
their hall on the evening of Saturday,
March 11. Kvoryhody is invited.
I'efore tho discovery of Ore Minute
"Captain Fcrcy Alcott" tho colonel's cough cure, ministers were greatly
'I I,.. I.',. I I .. .1
.I'JUl l I III! U tl Ul i I mhi I Ullt 10 , .... i .
j iiiivj ipul'ii ipiuu ill iui se vui n u s,
rival in love was very good. Tho
duel between ttiese two character was
a pieco of acting worthy of special
mention, and was executed in a most
artistic manner.
Mrs. Clara . Johnson, as "lluth
Alcott," and Mrs. Letitia E. Burton,
as "Caarlotto Alcott," the rival
eousins, appeared as gr.iceful and self
possessed as if they were professional
actors. Mrs. Villa Guild, as ""Janet
Alcott," also executed her part in an
almost perfect way.
U. 15. Carlyle, as "Major Bacon,"
was looked upon with favor by all.
His rather timely and appropriate
quotations from the lineal descendant
ot the man who wrote Shakespeare,
were loudly applauded. Mr. Carlyle,
in tho statue act, was line.
L. I) llintt. Hi Captain Terrence
O'Malley," was excellent. Mr. Hiatt
needs no introduction to the Platts
mouth theater goers, as he has already
shown his abilities in that line.
Frank Sherman, who represented
three characters, also deserves men
tion. - Tonight 'Hetributiou" will be re
peated, and there will undoubtedly be
even a lirgcr crowd in attendance.
Notes (in the I'lay,
Carl F. Tucker will furnish special
ties at "Retribution" tonight.
Demmie Iliatt sang a couple of songs
which received hearty applause from
the audience.
Tonight will perhaps be the last
chance to see "Retribution," and
those who miss it will miss a great
The management wishes The Nkws
to state that tho additional number of
acts were found to bo necessary owing
to changes of scenes.
Miss Tonie Kessler and Miss Olga
Haiek favored the audience with a
number of selection on the piano and
violin which were received with loud
There was some ditliculty over the
reserved seats lust night in many in
stances it was found that two checks
were issued for one seat. This, how
ever, has been remedied.
The M. V. A. band played several
pieces on Main street before the show,
and also rendered a number of line
musical selections between acts. The
band has several new membeis, and
did excellent work.
Tho "Mr. Bob" company presented
the "Retribution"' company with a
beautiful bouquet of roses during the
performance last evening. The gift
was highly appreciated by the latter
Hirt Inlay Tarty.
Sidney Fearce celebrated his seventh
birthday Wednesday evening by in
viting in a number of his young
friends. Numerous games were played,
Stanfield Jones capturing tho king
prize and Matthew Ilerold won the
booby prize. The youngsters en
joyed the evening very much.
Those present were Hazel Djvey,
Millie Cole. Muriel Fitt. Stanfield
Jones, Fay Farthing, Catherine
Dovej-, Barbara Clement, Bryan
Waugh, Grosvenor Dovey, George
Dovey, Carl Ebinger, Bennie Wind
ham, Sam WiDdham, Ralph Marshall,
Matbew Ilerold, Sidney and Douglas
Will Richardson came in from his
farm this morning and boarded the
tarly train for Omaba. Mr. Richard
Bon is going irrto the fruit business ex
tensively. He has a young orchard of
several thousand Ben Davis apple
trees, which ho expects will begin
bearing this summer, besides many
plum, peach and cheery trees. In
conversing with a News man he
stated that the peach and plum crop,
ho far as his orchard was concerned,
was killed. lie does not think there
will bo a blossom on either of tho lat
latter trees. However, he has faith
ia Nebraska as a peach growing state
disturbod by coughing congregations.
No excuse for it now. F. G. Frieke &
The only son of Josias Tigho, resid
ing near Manley, died in Omaha jet
terJay of measles. Their many friends
in this community extend their sym
pathy. The results of an over indulgence in
food or drink are promptly rectified,
without pain or discomfort, by taking
a few doses of Ilerbine. Price 50 cents.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
For Sale Four houses and, five
lots. Three minutes walk from shops.
Good repair. Cheap. Inquire 808,
First street, Wintersteen hill, or ad
dress box 1007, city.
Pay day is here. I will want shoes,
groceries, men's working goods, etc.
Where shall I get them"; Jl'hat is the
question. Economy says at F. T.
Davis Co's, Union block.
To ailay pains, subdue inflammation,
heal foul sores and ulcers, the most
satisfactory results are obtained by
using Baliards Snow Liniment. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke V Co.
"Give me a liver regulator and lean
regulate the world," said a geLius.
The druggist handed him a bottle of
De Witt's Little Early Risers, the
famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Fair store has a complete stock
of workingmen's clothing, such as
gloves, shoes, caps, hats, etc. In fact
they can supply jtou with almost any
thing you want. See them for gro
ceries. The mi ay friends of Mrs. tl. F.
Niles of Havelock wilt bd pleaood to
learn of her rapid recovery. Mrs.
Niles has been a sufferer for manj-
years, but has recently been taking
treatment of Dr. R. C. Flower of Bos
ton. Dr. Shlpman, specialist in chronic
diseases and diseases of the eye and
ear. Glasses accurately fitted. New
lenses put in old frames. Artiticial
eyes and ear-drums inserted. Con
sultation free. Office over Schiappa
easse's. Miss Marie Marten entertained her
Sunday school class last night at her
home. Tho entertainment consisted
of discussion upon the life of Martin
Luther and were very interesting.
Nice refreshments were served during
ttie even ing.
Joe Klein, the local representative
of the Equitable L:fo association, re
ceived $5, 0M) today in payment for a
policy held by the late Chi is Met, -r.
The papers were sent in last, Saturday
aid today, less than a week, tho 11101103
was paid to the widow.
A small want "ad" which has been
running in 1H1-: news tor tnree days
has brought over a half dozen answers
each day. If you have anything the
people want to buy or want to buy
anything use THE News want col
ums. The returns are sure.
There is no such evidence of popular
satisfaction as the evidence of success
ful experience. The "Gut Ileil" 5
cent cigar lias won this enviable repu
tation the bast cigar ever produced
and sold for a nickel.
Otto Wukl, Manufacturer.
The News is in receipt of a copy of
the York Republican, containing an
account of the marriage of L3wis F.
Townsend and Miss Julia Howard of
Millerton. Miss Howard is a niece of
Mrs. S- A. Davis of this city. The
wedding was a very elaborate affair,
the contracting parties being remem
bered by their friends with many ele
gant presents, among which was a
piano from Mrs. Sarah M. Winslow of
this city, grandmother of the bride.
but are thought to be improving.
Mrs. M. Houek dep rted for Omaha
today where she will spend a week
visiting with relatives and friends.
Miss May Kuhney, daughter of Mr.
ami Mrs. J. P. Kuhney, has gone to
Omaha to spend Sunday with her
cousin, Maud Stiekel
Frank Van Horn camo down from
Omaha last evening and witnessed
"Retribution" at White's opera house
returning this morning.
W. E. Latta of Kenesaw, a former
resident of Cass ccuaty, has been down
at his farm, near Murray, for sever al
days. He was in the city today and
made The News a pleasant call.
Master Mechanic Helps, Superin
tendent Hawksworth, Wash Smith, D.
B. Smith, F. H. Steiraker, E. S.
Barstow, Pat Mc'Jallen and J. A
Gutsche returned last evening from
Havelock, where they had been in at
tendance at the funeral of Mrs. Ed
G reusel .
Crahain & Wilkinson are changing
the roof of their store building.
Rev. C. J. Sage, mstor of the Con
gregational church, is in Omaha this
The sick list is as follows: John
Sheiton, Mrs. Renken, Orlmdo TetTt
and Mrs Parker.
The Fraternal Union of Ameiica
has established a flourishing lodge in
Avoca with a goodly membership.
Henry Brockmann is building an
addition to his house, which be re
cently purchased from Miss Becker.
1 he cheese factory commences
opreation the first of April under the
efficient management of Mr. T. 10
To those who have been interested
in the work of the present session of
the legislature Senator Nevvell's work
is gratifying.
The members of the republican
party living here all are for Hayward
for senator and are especially well
sati-fied wiht the linal choice of the
The mellow winds of spring again
have begun to cheer the hearts of the
farmers, restless under the inactivity
imposed upon him by the King of
Winter, and he once more begins to
plan his summer work. Tomorrow
will probably bring snow. Such is
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap
petizing, nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee. When properly
prepared it tastes like the finest cof
fee but is fiee from all its injurious
A Missouri Pacific conductor was
arrested this morning by the city mar
shal for obstructing the crossing.
Mr. and Mrs. Castle of Nebraska
City are visiting their daughter, Mrs.
A. J. Klepser, of this city.
The prospec's are good for a flour
mill being built in Weeping Water at
an eu ly date. A party with the in
tention of building was in the city last
evening and seemed to he pleased with
the location.
Tne, voung man who was suspected
of robbing some of the store litres, and
arrested Sur.d iy, was released Thurs
day morning on his promise to steer
clear of Weeping Water in tho future.
Krirt of I lie Committee Appointed to
VUlt the City School.
"Cast thy bread upon tho waters
and after many days it shall be re
turned." No doubt our president hud
this passage in mind when she ap
pointed her committee to visit the
schools for the month of February.
The cornmitteo has loturtied in March,
but tho "bread," I fear, has gone glim
mering. The month was too short, I
was not here when appointed and, no
doubt, M.'s. Thrusher, my companion,
thought two was company and one was
I not, for she didn't go either,
business ! The terrible cold for so many days
was one excuse (the guilty are always
hunting excuses) and when it was
pleasant there were so many things to
be done that the last days of the month
came and the day we were to report
came all too soon.
However, we made arrangements to
go Febru u y 22, but at noon that day
came a message over the telephone,
saying: "Say, do vou know this is a
holiday? Vou may bo sure the child
ren haven't for got "
Dear me! Do we get so old that
there are no holidays for us? Must
the s 1 me routine be gone through al
ways, with no change? Blessed child
hood! When care rests so lightly on
them, they take care of today and let
tomorrow tako care of itself.
Tomorrow for us brought Thursday
and in tho afternoon we went to school.
Ater shall I say climbing, or walk
ing? We concluded it was climbing
the steps, we opened tho door and
found ourselves in the hall, with doors
in front and on each sido of us. The
first door had a silver plato on it, and
I guess it said, "Knock and it shall be
opened." You see we have lost our
fust sight and our second sight hasn't
come to us yet, so wo took it for
granted and knocked. Tho door was
opened and Professor Me Hugh stood
before us, but said "niver a word" un
til we "axed" him did ho want visit
tors, and he said, "Most assuredly,"
and he m;led, so we thought he did,
and went in. But, like the silly fly,
we came very near not coming out
again we stayed so long listening to
him; did I say listening? Well, per
haps, Mrs. Thrasher did, but I forgot
where I was and in looking around his
room I wondered when that paper was
put on the wall, and if the one that did
put it on was gathered to his ancestors
and gone into the misty beyond, and if
there was any record of him.
Then I spied a hole in the wall way
up half-way to the ceiling and in
stantly I was a child again and at
school, and I thought again I could
see the same old teacher, and the same
mischievous child, who, for punish
ment, must stand on a chair and with
spectacles across his nose, watch for
a mouse to run across that hole. The
same child never came hack. Then I
heard something about Texas, and
would you be-ieve il? He said the
peop.e were ove -taxed, or something
to that elTect, and that well, I
won't say all he did say but I am dis
gusted with the people and the coun
cils. How can you make a machine work
without oil. I wonder it is as well as
it is.
There is no use telling what vou
need or went should be the whole
building should be torn down and
made over, with ventilation, that is
an inlet and outlet for hot and cold
air, a new system of heating in winter
and more room, and then you have the
whole thing. Plenty of room, plenty
of good, fresh air, and plenty of heat.
To say we enjoyed our visit,is speak
ing very ngntiy; we enjoyca every
minute of it. The teachers were
bright and obedient. We were fortu
nate in hearing a different study in
each room, and the work of some of the
children was simply marvelous. We
were two afternoons at the central
building and ono at tho Columbian.
Some of the rooms have some very
pretty drawings on the blackboards,
some in colored chalks and some 111
white. There wa9 little "tots" whose
writing' was astonishing and even in
the "lowest grades were doing small
sums 111 mictions, iruiv tnis is a
progressive age. ,
Mls Kate E. Mcmaken.
Sale !
properties. ijiain-u aids digestion
and next spring will put out five acres, Bnd strengthens the neivas. It is not
or 1,000, additional trees. mo pr os
pects for a heavy cherry crop, Mr.
Richardson states, is fl ittering.
Anyone doHiring spring house clean
ing done would do well to call on
Tolfer & Shoppard, on Vine street
a stimulant but a health builder, and
children, as well as adults, can drink
it with great benefit. Costs about one
fourth as much as coffee. 15 and 25c.
at grocers.
Subscribe now for The News.
There will be regular preaching
services by Dr. Baird at the Presby
terian church Sunday morning, fol
lowed by communion service.
There will be regular preaching
services by Dr. Stratton at the
Methodist church Sunday morning at
11 o'clock. Subject, "The Lord Will
Provide; Jehovah Jereh." Genesis
In all probability the last union ser
vices of the present meetings will be
held at the Presbyterian church on
Sunday evening. Subject, "Heaven,
Its Inhabitants and Occupation."
Bismarck's iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous en
ergy are not found where stomach,
liver, kdne3's and bowels are out of
order. If you want these qualities
and the success they bring, use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only
2 c at F G. Fricke & C. s druf s:ore.
All members of the Jr. O. U. A. M.
are requested to meet at the A. O. U.
W. hall Sunday morning, March 12,
at 10 a'clock for the purpose of at
tending church in a body. By order
of conselor. J. F. Rohinsox.
Money 10 loan on land in sums of
1,000 and upwards at .".J percent. R.
II. Windham, PI attsmouth. Neb.
The welcome which the Nebraska
City people accorded Senator - elect
M. L. Hayward upon his return home
yesterday afternoon, is sufficient proof
of the esteem in which he is held by
his home people. There were 5,000
people, among them the leading citi
zens of the town, regardless of politi
cal belief, at the depot to meet him.
Arrangements are being m'.de to give
him a banquet in the near future.
Have you a cough? A dose of Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup will relieve
it. Price, 2-5 cents and 50 cent'. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Owing to very large
purchases in some
lines of goods, such as
Solid Gold Rings,
Gold Cuff Buttons,
Ladies' Brooches,
Ladies' and Gents'
Fancy Chains,
Waist Sets,
Stick Pins,
Gold Pens,
Hat Pins,
Sterling Silver
Silverware, Etc.
I will offerthese goods
at a genuine cut of
Per Cent
from the actual value
of the goods. This is
the first time I have
ever advertised a cut
of this kind, and it is
made in good faith, in
order to raise the
Don't be
But if you want that cough
and Grip cured, take a bot
tle of
Syrup of Tar and
Wild Cherry
It has no equal,
fails 25c.
It never
Ceaburg & Robine.
Paper Hangers...
Decorating and Fine Painting a Specialty.
Grainining, Calsomining and all kinds of
House Work done on short order, at Rea
sonable Prices. S Leave orders at " G Fricko's )
l or aiwoou s urug otores )
These prices
prevail for
B. A.
(Special notices under this head will be charged
for at the rate of one-half (T cent per word
for each insertion.)
ANTED Washing done by the week. Ap
ply to Mrs. E. W. Fitt. Wintersteen ti ill.
WANTED Active and trustworthy persons to
work for us locally. Liberal salary guaran
teed. Good chance for advancement. No capi
tal required- For full information, address
biiepp Company, lu'll-H-'ll Chestnut street. Phil
adelphia, l'a.
SALE .f-T) family horse. Enquire at
Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets re
moves that cause that produces La
Grippe. The genuine has L. B. Q. on
oich Tablet. 2oc.
r I". T. Davis Co s store.
FOR RENT The residence of Joseph McVey
on North Sixth street. Inquire of R. H Wind
ham or address postottice box a."iO.
;-V "T" T I ! WHITE o JKfc.AM
1 juohi in V"nuiv. nest in vulllJ. i
For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. iM
Prepared by-
New Hardware Store
Having- returned to Plattsmouth, I will be jlad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything- usually carried in a first-class
hardware store.
Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will
interest you.
Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH
People suffering
from Kidney Diseas
es, feel a gradual but
steady loss of strength and
vitality. They should lose no
time in trying Foley's Kidney
Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation.
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for -cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Pfattsmnurh. Npb
Gnrner of Sixth and Pearl Streets.
FOR KENT Five-room house in good condi
tion and tine location. Inquire at News office
FOR SALE Good 8-room house. Slots, fruit,
well, cistern, barn and outbuildings. Situated
, on l.rth t. Inquire of Eh bampsnn or at this
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rigs furnished at all hour and hia
prices are always reasonable. Themost
convenient boarding stable for far
mers In the citv.
The News-Herald
Prints More County News
Than Any Other Cass
county Paper.