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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
A THIEF WITH NERVE Stt?'s Three Horses and Wagon la Ilroad :Vti. Hori ui - It ( iov r !, Hut itio'lliUf I. Vtt 10 l.-tr;' l I"fy MieiltT M r lin.t I In J uri;lr wthi r l...i-il Nu liitrr! l ' N IC iiiUth. Ono ol lh- ro'iviest little J"b- if Mealing V. I i U hi- rem-. lolhe "otleo of thi! local (.I'ilr. 1- lor n Ion-.'; III: o vv. Mint coinillitt-.d lfl-t .-v.". II team belonging to .linn- s ll'rir-'l, who r. nldi's in Kight Milo t-i-.-v, was send ing in fionl of 1'.. C. :,"''V '- .-'in".i More on Main Mi-el. TIjou: w: an other hor-e hitched at tin- rear - f ie spring Wilson, when :i .-t f:in r'-r c..i:ie. :iloi)U ami untied I he horses and drove oil' wit h 111 -much in i- ua-ei 11 :irf if tl-i! riff belonged to him.aii : it wi- -ml y 'I dark. Several follow- will) ku v. tli-: team n il after him, and finally in'cc-'-!.!" in r:i pin ri i.g tin lnir-.i-, hut th-- thief is Mill at largo. topul Slo-rili Mrl.riil" is. still after i 1 1 111 : 1 1 . i tin; pfd.-ii i-ities are '"'ill brill" him back with hii-i. I1AILH0AI) NOTLS AND PI IISON AI.S .S-ipeiinifiidelit '1'. I' ('ai -( aini Assinlsuit, Su pi t i 1 1 h-i.'II I '. I hoiliM of t ho I ;i 1 1 i n- icm iv- 11 in tie eity on eompany ' :! Dr. ('. A. Hull w,-.- .1- v, I-. :,, l ):i; iih:i today. 1). C. Woo-iiiiif- of tht ! ;.iilinti 1, was look in s aftT i- ml pa i.y i.'-iii.--here today. .loo Sedioek to-lay pinrluiM U '.he old Sebokl jirotiet ty in the hcp! o u t of town, conbistintr of seven acres, the consideration linr i0o. lie lias I;i;-mi employed by the Kurl inrton in H:ive lock for a number of ye:its. but will move hi family here and will probably po to work in tho .hop-: here. Frank Lun'z, the conductor 0:1 tl.o early morninr Furlinton train, is on tho eick lit. Conductor floxio is mukinpr the t un in his pluce. Jjmca Loak of the car repair bhop cut his foot qnito badly yetorday and will be obliged to lay tdl" several days as a .result. Sevoral stitches were noceesnry to sew the wound. IleU. Mr?. Bnani lirosius died at 11 o'clock last night after an illncd c-f several days. Mrs. 1'. .-r.-i-is brcalhctl her lust at the homo of her brother, B. F. Brown, residing near Rock BlutT, with whom she has runde her homo for several ycrs, her h 11 .-band havinpr preceded her to tho grave about ten years. Deceased was a pioneer of Cass covuty, havingr removed fr .ui Indiana to Nebraska in ib-jl. She leaves three children, two daught.-rs, Mrs. John Corey, of this city, Mr.-. l;iuvare Mann, residtn-r at Onawa. Ia.., and Frank Brosius, residing in Iowa. t'he funeral will be held from tho home of B. Brown a! '2 o'clock to morrow and interment wili be- made at the I.ewiMot; cemetery. We.Minc at I man. The wedding of Mr- Mni". Mit-kio and Miss Susie 51. T:i; lor dcrun o.i Fist WediiOfU iy evening at the itonn? of the bride's parents in I'nion. If-v. A. .1. Smith of Mytiard re-.-jived their mu tual plighted faith and t-faleo their marriage vows. vMiito a niiinb.-r of relatives witne-se.l the ceremony. The happy couple are nighby res pected by all who known them ami their , many friends unite in wishing them a long and happy life S'ii:i I (trial LlM in.N, Mai c) '. Np-.-cial In Till Ji'kws )- Followi n i- the vo ... ted. y : Allen, -Ys; II ay ward, -J-e Ti.o.Vi.-oii, 11; Field, o: Webster. ''; H.unr, I: i ni- berton, 1: Adam-, 1. revenue bill passed. I ' A t'cria i i-..i. Editur lit hNlXi; Ni.h - PLATTSMiiflll. M.ireh . 1 Allow me a word throegli columns concern in f" .1 y Si.-t.-r's dition in last uitih.t's is-m'. Wo Cur now not who gave you the article, however, they were misinformed. While -he is a great and constant sufferer from hip disease, she has not become paralyzed and is not helpless. Respectfully, Mary Hoiison. Fred Davis,of Lincoln, who has been in the city for a couple of days visiting his uncle. A. A. Davis, "returned to his home this afternoon. He is en gaged in tho insurance business. At Endicott, near Fairbury, Wednes day night, BertGrandy shot and killed Claude Colo and later took his osvn life. The shooting was the result of jealously, Grundy having recently been jilted for Cole by a young lady Darned Gertie R'.ckpy. The Bentrico bloodhounds were put on the supposed trail of tho murderer, and last heard of them they wero in Kansas, but the dogs bad m tdo a mistake as the b-dy of young (Jrandy was found yesterday afternoon a half-mile from town. A new time card goes into effect on the Burlington next Suud iy, "nut only two trains are atiecled by rca-on i f the new card. No. 1 whicn now pase here at IRIS will run over the old line by tho w .y f I.oui. v ilo and will arrive hero al 2;48. No. 20 go'intf eatt at 11 a. m. wili tan dj- at 10:0.5. Ilad tb ad vartlnaments in the AfKWS and trade only with tboae peo ple who elicit jaar oitronaffe. Theae ,r tbe lire rnercbantt that do bual-ne-e on he prin.dpl; of o,uirk .a!e -md small profit". BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marsha;:, Dentist. "Kelt ie-clion'' Muri h !)tli and Oih. 1 1 The Fair .-ill re givis fair In t. 1 A . W. At wood, tho l ugiM. Tchi j phone -J7. ; For good values in kiod-of dry ii or r.t ci'-rv 1- the .-ii-.f o liir- -I in I'ln 1 U b nt. tin- South Turk i rhll ill will !." ivn tinned all thin week. (J. 'iiej Mil Si M a jo: - ir,:f tiox in li e uraina li'- '.:i-e t ' hfir I i v. 1 iv. I I -5 e 111 r 111 1' 11 I '.aeon ami hi 'Hot ri I.ii' ioii . '" Strattoti tl.i be t a if w inorv j .1 1 i tor w irk of a 1 1 '. i- . fnarariteei! b , kimlt. a ti xf in She (I ..-.-I T.-lff.- - e-.Mitrt 11 pa rd, il' Vine 1 reft. 1 J'lenty of e::g l" I fr---h ti-itler 1.'. cent-, a .Oilti(l. 'I havis I'--. , I 1 1 1 1 1 hi - ek. ! The l'.hinL'- r Hardware , idling hUi.t--- at .--ist. itllil- to g"t Vo. if sk. '-. cum pan v is Now is tl e 'i !. N K (iTi. t: is tin: hi jol ol'liet; in '.is eoui.tx . work done on shivt no'.ieo. 'li . 1 !! f. -e. tie in "MI ! I'l li' .-1 will In; I; (,( -l eniiijjjie I-'ii-t-t eia.s 1 tho di'iiui.t l)in'l nii.-.n - in -i it. Mi re Li '.' and lo ll- v. Il'.il!".- - ibj-cl al tiie Baptist chureh to ir -ht --' i 1 1 ! .. , "Christian I' -- i --ii- in . n :.. lion m! f'nioii.'' Anyone i - i 1 i . : -ipiiTg iiuuse clean iiij -.on-; v.i.iiid do we. I to call til T' .V Slu-ppa d, 1. 11 Vim r-tn-et. Big ill-, a- f'. iltlh- ill.- of the ki.ii'-'i-. cannot ri-ei-t iho enrativo ji-.iv.-t-r of Dr. S.i y.-i 's !,' t i n ,' . A. V. Al woo i. la the future V. L. Street, ngent for tho Singer Man.ifac'.urir.y; com pany, will be found in W. K. l"'ox's stationery s ore. Before the discovery of Ore Minute cough cure, ministers were greatly disturbed by coughing congregations. Xo excuse for it now. , F. G. Fi icko & Co. Cooling and grateful in its otTeets, you will lind Dr. Sawyer's Arnica and Witch ilaz.d Salve for eczema, piles, hives, burns and cuts. A. W. At. wood . "Give me a liver regulator aud lean regulate the world,' said a get-ius. Tho druggist handed him a bottle ci i Do Witt's Little Firlv Risers, the famous iittle pills. F. (J. Frieke & Co. Foi; Sale Four houses and live lots. Three minutes walk Ir-m shops. Good repair. Cheap. Inquire SOS, Fir-t street, Winters? ecu hill, or ad drees box 1097, city. The Fair store has a complete stock of working men's clothing, such as gloves, shoes, caps, hats, tto. In fact they can supply you with almo-t any thing you want. Se them for gro ceries. Don't, irritate your lungs with a stubborn when a pleasant and ciTective remedy may bo found in Bal lard's Ilorehound Syrun. JViee, 2) oc.:t and .".0 cents F. li. Fricke & Co. I' or ,i -j'.iek retiiciy a;. a one that is .-alj for e lildreli lit us I com rrien d Oii:- "M ii n: r on .li i'iipi- it is excel lent for croup, hoarseness, tiekiitit;' ir; the tiirt.,ii, and coughs. F. Ci t-Vi 'l;e .v Co. In: st rat ten V subj ct at the iVe'shy terlan eimreh tonight will be, "ilut (io.i forbid that I sliimld. glory save in the cross ! our l.-ird .li sus Chn-t, by whom the wo: Id is s:o -r i lieod to m :and 1 unto tiie world " Cal iv:I(i. h-.ui!.- ULtii is now heated in tho Palmer block with his pooi and billiard ha'i. IT-' ha-, had hi- t ibles rut in I L'ood conditio:! and carries a fu.l line loha I if i iitn. : ites hi ; 1 ri n il - to ea . 1 a 11 -1 I ir -! iM'M'in. -1 t.ei:ii i -I in chronic j ii i.-i : .- r.liil -t!-- a.-es of I h: eye and jc;. (.1..-:. - ... . . iat . ! fitted. Now 1 lensi-s in ui'i frame-. Ariificial Cy--- :lid ear d.'uli:, ii.S. I :i ii. Con- Mi ta ! i- e.i I re'' '.l.--e s. ( .;.. .: ovt r stf ! 1 mppa- 'i'tie liieuil.'O r.- of the I nited BrethJ ren cimrch gae a social at the homo of Mr. and Mr.-. Nciscn M iriay in Mynanl Tuesday c ve n i ng which was quite largelj- attended. The proceeds are t be u-ed to huy .-inging books for the church. The board of education has decided to observe the custom of giving the teachers and pupils of the city schools a week's vacation during the last week of March. This", will give the teachers an opportunity to attend tho institute which will be in. session at Weeping1 Water during the same period. The schools all over the state will have vacation. INJURIOUS CIGARETTES. Tito t'a-aen That Show the Danger o the I'dper Pipes. One of the gravest facts relating to the harmfulxiess of cigarette smoking to excess is one that has lately come to liyht. In two distinct cases, re cently related, with initials and dates, by Dr. Forbes Winslow. it was neces sary to apply leeches to persistent cigarette smokers. To the no small surprise of the doctors respectively in 1 attcadance, both the leeches they are 1 creatures of very strong vitality j f a storm which during the Crimean presently released their hold and were , war, November 11. 1S54. almost de observed to drop dead. So notable was j stroyed the fleets of France and Eng this fact that the experiment was tried! land. As a storm had raged several cf applying leeches to other patients ' days earlier iu France, investigations who were then under treatment forj were made, which showed that the two excessive cigarette smoking, and ! were In reality one etorm, and that its every mse the leeches died almost in stantly. Distinct traces of the dan gerous empyreumatic oil that Is given off by tobacco under certain conditions were found in the leeches. The same experiment was tried with excessive pipe fcmokera. with no apparent injury to ilie leeches. A 1101 T A LENT PLAY. Urlcf OulIins cf the Colonial Drama, "netribullon " I' lot of tti I'rixiuct lun to lit) tilti-u I r rtif l'.eiifrflr of the 31. V A llaii.t Ii m 1. 00. 1 On, the Kcwue Heine L:tl hi Ali'ittl'rt 1 r v During the Isfirrlnu lift oliitlintry Timed. The eo lie of t he pint iw laid al Ah'Ott grange, during the alining .'evolu tionary times of 1TTY Tho story opetii iipnii tin-, eve of a grand ball to be given bv tho Alcotts, brother an-i ' Miter, owner of tho graug3. ( 'ulon- I - lloward, a guest, w ho had been very i attentive to his hostess. Miss Char- ; lotte. is completely captivated by ; i Kutli, whom wilh her sister, Janet, . I ha come to a--ide with her rou.-in?. I Uuth returns the colonel's nlTeCti-ms - ; t- othe di.-eomtiiure of her couoir. i I'ei'cy, v. ho is desperately in love ! her. Charlotte discovers Ruth's se- ! ret and to part them claims Howard's writt"ii declaration of love and 'orges 1 Ruth s refusal. Percy presses his suit, and Colonel Howard, but is repulsed happening upon the scone, a i-uarre! j ensues and results in a challeiign to 1 mortal combat. 1 j Major Bacon, an eccentric oil bachelor friend of the Aleott. family, lias his .-uspieions aroused in reirard to Percy's patriotism ami su-pecis him of being in sympathy and com m -in ic:. tion with the British. He tries to play spy (by doing tho statue act ) upon a secret meeting between Percy and Charlotte, but merely spoils the third attempt of Terrence O'Malley to pro pose to Janet. He. keeps his eye, how ever, upon Percy and Charlotte during the -.tining scenes that foliosv. In the duel, although Percy is much the cleverer swordsman, he allows his hatfj to overcome his science, and his foot slipping ho is almost fatally woun-led by falling upon his antagon ist's sword. After Percy '-3 recovery his Ms'er. Cnarlotte, twits him upon hissupific ness in pressing his suit with Ruth, and boldly suggests that he abduct tho latter as she returns fiom Con cord, whither she had been sent by Charlotte to keep Howard from seeing her. Percy jumps at the suggestion and immediately devises a plan to in ter. :ept the co ich, capture Ruth, carry her to the British lines, and there compel her to becore his bride, he going over to the enemy entirely. Colonel Howard has been ordered to t-pport lo Trenton for duty and leaves that same night. Torrence O'Malley, however, sends hira word of Ruth's i-i tended return the next day, and How ard determines to risk everything by riding out of his way to meet Ruth half way on her journey home and find out whether sho really did write tho refusal of his offer of marriage. He happens to be just in time to ren der assistance to O'Mally, who is beat ing" oif the hired minions of Percy, after they have stopped the coach, and Ruth and .Timet are rescued. Percy is on tho scout, witnesses Howard's timely aid, and in his -age conceives the idea of a horrible revenge. He rushes to Aleott and i.ecu-es Howard of being a traitor and a spy. Tiie. latter ecortr- the re.-eucd party to the grange and then st irts without tt moments re?t for Trenton, happy in the knowledge of Ruth's love. He i frrested within tea miles of Aleott and then court martialed. Tho trial goes nrain-t . him and tie is cotid emc-d i to be -hot at siiuriro Mondav morning. Charlotte is completely overcome with the for till of her plottings and begs her brother. Percy, to save Howard's life. Percy h".s gone so f a r, lie ive vc r, that h;s impuirdve nntrir-' pu-.le.- l.ini lo t he bi '.: er end . Terrence O'Malley star.s to Tt'-nlou to ohiiiiu Howard's reprieve from General Washington, and hm IcrS than tbieodays to make the journey, a feat almost impossible of accomplish ment. Major liacun, oeing up. special service, ianU8 under C apt,. Percy Aleott in command of the r- g;- meut station at Aleott barrack-, I he has determined at the last iiomoiji to stav the execution at the risk o his own lifo. The morning of ihoexe cution arrives. Tlowaru is led out lo bo shot: the squad of soldiers are drawn up with'guns. aimed at the de voted lover. Ruth p'eads to Peicy for Cecil's life; Percy offers lo release Howard if Ruth will protxise to be his wife. Everything depends upon Terrence's return, and Uuth tries to gain time as she firmly believes he is close at hand. The denouement of the play is very thrilling, and every lover of drama shonld witness it. Fol lowing is the cast: Colonel Cecil Howard Will E. Coolidge CaDtain Percy Aleott G. F. S. Burton Major Rashtr Bacon. "Lin-al descendent of the man who wrote Shakespeare" K. B. Carlyle CaDtain Terrence O.Mallev I- O. Hiatt I'omoev. servant of the Alrott's. Surceon F. M. Sherman Sam ) Ruth Aleott, cousin to Charlotte Mrs. Clan B. Johnson Charlotte Aleott. sister to Percy Mrs. L. E. Burton Janet Aleott, sister to Ruth Mrs. Villa Guild rimt Wmtlirr Prophoi-y. The first attempt at scientific fore- casting of the weather was the result path could have been ascertained and the fleet forewarned in ample time to reach safety. Miss Lillian Kauble returned to Omaha today after a visit in the city the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuublo. rCIWI.S II. MLNtlON. .J s ph WiMi of Cedar C ( ck ll.e c'ty tojav. J. L It-"!. .lent t W, f J ;i 0:1 !;.:! on I- li v. K. W. 1;. ,ck ni.ui. ;i t"s:,i to 1 he ni ! f- i i- . o !a y . Willi . m Holy ai.ii I I. 111 y v.'f-rt' in Ijirihu IS.i-j ijt.. -ri;. -. ii Ofi'C ':-: tt Koi'l; l'.'u!''- I; eoiu-' a i fi-h't.t i.f I ';a! t-m: h. a- 1 :i 1) .mi t I). C. V--t, fdiui, i f i i: i-t-r, i D. !1. i! a- in t 1 ,v i 1 lIS lo iav. int V . tli 1 ;eo r uitu ! I : I i i '. . Si..--,: W t tii - a i t -T l.o. h id been : M.s-o M . ni' t ) 111 :i n a -: 1 tho :;::e-t - o: ll..--.;. 1 ... a 1 1 1 n r.-i a 1: nr. ; t - t !, cit- .i 1 1 .i i ; ia 1 ! ; . 1 -1 -. i:ii h 1 1 . . a : ;a .; D. S Yo-t i- i- , ml j "un' 1 'here 11!-.' Will 1 , . . v . ! i goo I pee's : ol.U . li ( i- t - j 'a : ;! fill 1 . ... .!;m - f., ; , I-. -in : rc 111-1 p;.-v. 1 lirh that 7b,-. I. I 'A I L I 1 ' if the w 1 I! it- r a 1 1 r 1 1 o 1 1 e e t'HK lii:p (I It E THAT I'Ut s 1 IKK Laxative Bromo lininc Tablets re moves that eau-e tint, i-ro.iitcei 1m (Jrippe. 'i'he getiu ne 'has I. I ; ( . on e oil Tablet. .oe. .'It'l'.lMK K 1 I t. MS. ("eiiigo i. J-'arley ealic-i in our 1 teachers last Friday'. Grandpa Dittman, e-i f town, is; reporten at u. atli s Com. A. Z ibel went to Coiormio t hi.-, we- k to 1. ok after h s I uii ii iciest in that .-tile Mrs. A. II. Bake and Genia Beach visi'ed friends at VV.- cping W'at- r Sut-urdaj- and ijund iy. John M. Ceis is bu doing aiiother large riweliin. svhich will by Liii'rv McDonald e -eeii pit d Mrs. Cox is re. ported seriously iii of pleurisy. 1-Ved from Om iha Tm-sdav. e I li d bom.' Ft t d L-us. a farmer's -oa of town, while out huntin.r accident' v sho 01T a u u t of lip. :vi ng e:i-t !a-t wcek hi- upper -f. V. Matter wi.l tn e.e to a, farm ! svest of Iih-t, fovuieily owned bv J. :' M. Lets, :-.ud will spend his summer ! dMys tilling the soil. Fri I'., the Smith Bond butch to town Tliur-il.'iy sviih while disposing t it to hi? meat, ard C a -to Piers h i liorse; li-.M-awav. The aim; i 1 i.r'n t' revi and 1 cons q"eii'e a I 1 his. t ill of the rem to is that ;s wailieg for I 1 the Hock 1-1 ie.1 to t:iKe him horn ; The little dau 'liter of Frank Creamer is liavin g a scrim;- t tine with bicol Po'scn on hc-r ri-'hr arm. It was ri');)iie 1 'j'n n r-d ! y the lioeio;'- at Om.abtl ei:i in '.nil o t 1 . v aia -nv:ng vie I W; V e lie .It-- ('i'l nil i.-d ti,.. ms 10 !; 1 re hi Hi: o ia , 11 ui ;- l!!Ji- or jjii i -v.,- the da.. -I l a 1 ! ill.-' if.e i t - ai-r. 1 ; a ,,; ; r: tially elo,!-'v. :!. earth thf'V is tie .llirillH tie r ;:.!!) apeara n- i - : . a xliut 1 lo 1. :,- Ll a t i ! I ; tory - ui ia.. .-.-I'outid i :. ir all at a ri'ti - . arc--. I ha a in - i !: i er e.-L elc. at i-jn. ai Jutie and Jniv. . '1! l.-ll.Mli) , . !) he IV a.s.; on si in ii:e.)ii',S, h .; r- . : l ol le. 1 hi ;nv .ti 'i.Sii la ohs.M-vy -f . loud-. li i - or eke!:!.- floi.t ie in "I'Tioner .1" ". - .1 ' ;-;..'- . w o .u e Pn-.'siiiu i- ftil'.i.-a I A i j .' IjlliO , to , but .:e u;nO;.i; Cf I -V.b'y's ii a i- s;rii::.r.t. d w In. t he;..:.- h t tirippe l-'oi.-' taken d M : '. .e guarant -! to p C Fricke .V C. a nil T.- '(: f .11 IIity of the Loving tiiji. j The loving cup is a historical cm-1 Mem. In tl;e middle ages, at the close! of an enter-, inment, the parting guest! wa& t-itbtjuu wilii spicea itrinK in a large howl, just as he was mounting his horse. It was called the "stirrup cup." Sometimes when the friendship between host and guest was a pretense and not a reality the drink was pois oned, or perhaps while drinking Ths guest was ""murdered. These were fre quent occurrences among Italian no bles and to put a stop to them the clergy introduced the loving cup, which had three handles. Two ol these were grasped by the host, who drank first to show that the liquor was not poisoned. The guest then took the cup by the third. The host released one handle, the right hand still hold ing one so that he might raise the cup. and incidental- so that his right hau l might he too busy to draw a sword or dagger. When the guest had drunk, the hott released the cup. whirh was. rassed to the next one. The monk?, ir. eariy times named tins trie p iu:a. caritati.-." rr cup cf love. Ic was filled with wine with a piece of toat floated therein and circulated frorr right to left around the table. iknoo the phrase, "drinking a toast." Slice and Leather P?porter. J. Sheer, Sednlia. Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that bis little daughter was very low with croup, and her lif saved after all phy sicians had failed, only by using One Minute cougn cure. F. G. Fricke A Co. , (.in. 11 (i iti li c Itfiii f i lo th- I1.- tl i.I, 1. (,. lT- n .li in '(itii? i:ih'lir. 1 1.:, t i 11 . ! .i I ly ( 1 i ' i u 1 e tl i n a-.: ;.!--.-!. 1 s ut.i vi r.-allv irj 1 i- -I-5. II v - r. tii. -l (I aiu (. l. i : In- -t I: v c. 1. il the ( IT 1 rn ji u .io i.i-,' -'-- . C't.JY e Iho i-timiai h, ruin- the dirr-.tiou, cll'ects t' - lo :',ii-l ilit'irh- tho who'e iu.t y - 1- h -t..-:n. (;-a ri tone;) u tie , l:- il i ' t - -In-!, aint I ri.'l- t li t I.- tie' I'.'I'Vi'.. I 'HI 1 '.'"; ;t'-l' it'k-a 'net -sf tit Nt-iv Tr U'phtii.r. I"--.-iti'! of (Jem s a has sent the A a-b-riiv of s'l-ii'iiee , a th-'scrip-I :i iii-w It'll 1 d."lie with whhti he .s! J ' I 1 : :. I !o:i 1 has in., a di -.tan - Il l I'M ! nil y ii-l M'i' litfl. ! I oin 1 iKira -' 01 w .1.- ald. to ! 1 h 1 1 1 on hi room lv IbtiiletlV ami iene-a 1 111 in a !ar" f n.. I ii.-iMdf I In C..;:,. S ilve 111 tl.c Voiid - ijynner sal; ... It i - made from a r.-i 1 ! 1 . : 1 Iy a w orhi wide known .in i -.--.-i ;v : i ! ..-.-.I 1 4 pc :ti ve.'y the - -t i ". - i'w- for I'tlcs, Bum-, 'li-l.-, ''ho;.-, 1 1 1 ! 1 1 i o Sure-, and . 1 - v i 11 .'1 - l .-. I'. ( i . I I ieke Co. II.. N.i I n 'N- i-ini, m-pi,. 1. ii i . I I. i-i , 1 i 'I'l "I I l on -a a 1 if the Sail. in at 1 gorgeous- .dlit 1 The -ll oil 1 edia- li.:, j del ier, t lie I Kf 'ill'l l ie 'The t h ron. 1 red i ' ! 1 ; or jell"' ao ini.-ijaa a , up.-n d and 1'ioin flic - Y -lu-i t n chan--! v. h ii h make a t veritable h'.ni. at eoveie-i with anus jikI back -'' li-JoS thai r.f is !.(.... a-a; ha.!, 1 . 1 .... s tn.ik l-. of one- of our cig ars will idea 1 ! I he quality of the best lobace ued. tret ly, uon't bite tho l ive a I'.avor that is al- y 1 v.' you an ll.em. Only They I u ni tonrjne, ;.. nd ; tog.-lher ph'.'isaiil. 'I he llnvor ri our ! elgai-; is not a it i lieiul , but the natural j '. r- I'l . of t h -.' t o 1 1 ieeo. O r. Wijki., M'i'V. Tiie r; Ij '.Ieiv." The tnrlier ediiioits of Webster's j Dictionary contained a verb, "to jew," j and denned it "to cheat." "to play j with," etc. At the rcipiet of a nurtber I of influential Israelites, the word was j f liminated from the hook. As a mat I ter of fact, however, the word had no j connection with or reference to the fol j lowers of the Mosaic faith. It was de j rived from the French "jru," and I "jouir," which means "to plr.y wilh," "to client." etc.. but its orthography I had become corrupted to "jesv." It did , j not apjtear in tutbs.equent editions of ! the work. Hebrew Standard. That Throning Headache Would quickly lo-tvo you, if you used Dr. .ling's Now L:fe Pills. Thousands of sulTereri v.. proved their match- I iess meri t. for rd- arid nervous head .0 pure blood ard ..Li'.-. They 1111 t r ouLT ecrve.- mid build un your health j lla-y ti taie. Try them. Only 25 I cent;-. Monev back if not- cured. i Sold by F. Fricko .'s. Co. drug i came , g;-t-. o Iii'i'iMi'I ti Wear ISTnIe Attire. In I'aris and tiie French provirces there aic ten women who are author j ized by the nre'Vel of police to wear full mase.;7i-ie cosiunt-?. Among them are a lady r-.riisr. a bearded woman, a female lions.' painter and decorator, a mannish looking directress of a print ing oflicf-. and several others who have obtained .- i (:!i au-.- to show that they OUR1 .'it ro '.' own r.' I'm '-teiilef one -ar.l the attire of their !h:it or the stronger and On the other hand, a r. merchant in the su n a'lov.-e-l to wear female i-aoona v.hich satisfied .-. of' to) 1 CP. I I humble j,oi j 1-urb- i;..s i.' I ' ! pre!'., i a I-.-, co nii in y is of it- heating is mr or.por- uiT.-i in- Ctlf. a ! i u. i '. v ; F1LK 1 ''g: WANTS. v !! 1 1 rat charjei ei -i.i .M s , - - . .- u:a " s ' ; 1 -' ':'.:! :o, i -a I': i .iNTI-.l), . . T l.ii ."'k t. 1 1 1. -t w-ii ti. y person-, t.i .:;?.! saiaiy guarau 1 ' u . caicnl. a tapi 1 -1; ,.i an.; tin r. , bud 1 -j a .1 -. iir .ee M.S. 1 i; s 1 t.n i:i;x. -.h I - km; Sc. 3 kiti. fiuit. , -.-I. o:. l .aa ,'iri ..-.aiaaldings Situated : st. i-i. ..i fill ba:n;.sun or at this 01- .1 WATCH De; ends greatly on the care which the owner bestows upon it. A good watch, if (.AUEl-llLV ULEASKD and once a year, as it should be, wili last a lifetime; yes, a i. mured years. Many good watches are al lowed to go without cleaning and til ing for e.-irs, with tho result that the oil is ei.tiiely dried up, the pivots are cut and rusted out, so that it costs twice as much to put the watch in proper conuiiion again as it would if given timely attention. I a loni? established reputation for serving my customers carefully, as well as doing the best of work. Jf your watch is not rivin-r satisfaction, bring it to me and I wiil tell you just what it needs. No charge for ex -.miration, ad if left with me, I guarantee that von shall have an accurate and PIK-K. reimhie Jno. T. Coleman. SliABlflTG & KOBI.NE Painters aitcl Paper Hangers Djcontirg ai.J Fine Painticg a Spe cialty ... .Graining, Caleoruining and alt kinds of house work done on abort order at. . . . Reasonable Prices. S iti-faction guaranteed . .Leave orders at F. G. Fricke's or Atwood's drus st?re. Don i be But if you and Grip cured, take a bot tle of J I ViUte 4 S It has no tails 25c. m 1 DRueeis-Ys. :WORjVI 4 For 20 Years Has Led rrepareabr -V JAt.lliB F. CABJ..ARD, E-fc F. G. FRICKE &. CO. New Haroid ? 4? 4? 49 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? Having- returned to to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ottt s and show them a select line f Stoves Tinware and anything usually carried in hardware store. Be sure and call, as interest 'ou. JOHN Rockwood Block, GOING DOWN HILL. People suffering from Kidney Diseas es, feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and vitality. They should lose no time in trying Folcy Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. F. G. i FJ"UJ THE NEWS Job FOR FINE FOOTWEAR There is no place like Joe iuuu fw.Tj Carrara snr pc: 0 Leaaea I 3-333 tLc-sa li U The best class of goods to be found in Omaha are here at from $1 to 32 cheaper per pair. We make a specialty of High Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are riMK-jglad to have you come WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT, An Immense Line of FALL ami WINTKR SJIOKS in that will suit all classes of purcascrs. We paid the CASH and will give you the benefit of heavy DISCOUNT. COME IN AND SEE US... JOE liT 2 IK jL, 413 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb. I i r. I want that con 1 , 1 t . M H.1 Syrup of Tar and 3 ; t f 3 tst iprrw 1? t . 11 n j r ll F ?"15 S I T ' l3 K j equal It nr.vor r, r , i 'r t: " ' r i 1 : . t . . . - M til' M K Hill W H 1 i Li Gr-;Aivi A I l w m 1 r- r- 'r li r 4 .a,., , 1 :;VT.';u'.ri.K . . . cd I IP i Kb if i& f.t ofi t Plattsmotttli, I will he Ha: d ware t ll l.t-Cl.'i - I ha R. some 1 u u i1-. t Ii.'i t. will IL A ITS 1 0 U T 1 1 ' ii - 13 y-e-- -(V1 "-- jrjn A, fi J S p g n - $ U i- i4. 1 in and see our stock t n M I U si I h li H :r-"" -. .,... M -