Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 03, 1899, Image 3
n S WAS A PECULIAR CASE Charles Leach, a Former Platts mouth Hoy. Loses his Life. While Practicing Tumbling lie Sailalni Injuries and Ilia Hody llrlow the Head I Immovable While ha U Conscioas unci CiinTftlk Plainly. Following is an uccount of an ac cident from which a former "Flatt mouth hoy, Charlea Leach, lost his life. He was the younoct eon of John Leach, who Ubcd to rehido hero, and although quite young whon ho left here about eiht yours ago ho will be reniemoereii by a number of people. The following account of his injury was taken from a Seattle paper: "There is a most peculiar case of paralysis at the Seattlo general hos pital. Charles Leach, of Kdgowuter, agt d 19. is lying there without feeling in, or ability to move, any part of the body except, the head, tstill ho. is conscious; he hoar, see, smell and talk. He has no allliction in the head and sulTers no pain whatever. "It is a case that will doubtless in terest and puzzle many physicians, for although this character of paralysis is not unknown it is very rare. Whether or not any relief can bo af forded Leach, whether or not his lifo can bo saved, is yet a question. Dr. Alfred Raymond, who lias the c:w in hand, has not yet niado a closo enough examination to form a definite opin ion. After ho shall have made fur ther investigation he will call in other physicians for consultation. "Leach and his brother, who is a few years older than he, are athlotes. Moth of them are magnilicently built younir fellows and they have devolopi d tbomselves until they are c.;p:ible of tumbling feats equaling the tricks of many professional performers. So proficient did they become that they decided to go on the road and follow their work as a business. For months they have loen training in prepara tion for their public appearance. They had almost completed their work and considered themselves sufficiently adept to begin a professional cireer. I!ul on Saturday evening their blight prospects were blasted. 'While they were going through their exorcises at home the younger brothor received his injury. Ho was bonding over with the eldor brother on his b ick and suddenly ho fell for ward; the foot of the one on top had slipped, which threw him completely over. The back of his head and neck curled under aad in this bent position struck the hard floor and he rolled on his b.tck. The elder brother turned around and looked at him, wondering what had happened. " T can't get up,' said the boy on the floor, 'I can't more.' "He was picked up and carried to a bed and Dr. Raymond was called. Later on he was removed to tho Seattle general hospital. " 'There ia probably a dislocation of tho sixth or seventh cervical vertebra,' said Dr. Iliymond yesterday after noon. 'It has caused a complete loss of motion and sense ia that part of the body below the injury, including the muscles of the respiratory organs. Breathing is by action of the dia phrHgm, which is involuntary; the nerves supplying it ccme from above the point of injury. The bowels and etoraach aro working, for they, too,de pend on the nerves coming from above the injury. The only reason why death was not instantaneous is be cause the functions of the organs necessary to sustain life are carried on unconsciously, are fed by nerves other than spinal. Every part of the body depending for life upon nerves which originate at the sp:ne below the point of injury is wholly insensible. An op eration is absolute'- necessary to save hia lire.'" The following additional informa tion concerning the unfortunate aflair and the young man's deith was writ ten by his sister and sent to Mies Nellie Hippie, a cousin, who resides in Louisv lie: "An X lay photograph was taken and located the injury at the tiflh and sixth vertebra; the photograph was not plain enough to show the exact nature of the injury. An operation was performed on the afternoon cf the 13th by Dr. Raymond and four assist ing surgeons. It was found that there was a dislocation of the fifth cervical vertebra, which had slipped forward, crushing the spinal cord between the fifth and sixth vertebra. Pieces of the bone were removed and the cord was found to be nearly severed. 'Charles recovered consciousness and lived ten hours after the opera tion, passing away at 2 a. m. Tuesday. Tho funeral took place from Bonney & Stewart's undertaking parlors on Feb. 18th, at 2 p. m. "Charles Leacb was the son of John and Mary C. Leach, formerly of Platts raouth, and was born in Plattsmouth July 31, 1S79. He was a member of a class of seventy-two which graduated from the Seattle high school June 23, 1S9S. He leaves a mother, two sisters aud five brothers to mourn bis to;s. He is a nephew of Mr3. Joe Ripole of Louisville and Mrs. Vim) Mauer of Plattsmouth. His father was laid to rest only a month ago. He leaves many friends and relatives to mourn his loss." Death of. John Leach. The news of the death of John Leach, an old-time resident of Platts mouth, has just been received. His death occurred at Latona, Wash. .Jan uary IS, of asthma. He was well known in Plattsmouth, having resided here for a number of years. Ho was a painter by trade. Deceased conducted the depot lunch counter for a number of years and was the leader of the famous Leach band, which used to play at Grand Army entertainments, etc II3 was a confederate soldier in the late war. A wife mid sei uren are left, on" of ih: latter number boii.g Will L -ach, the well-known printer, who is i.ow in the rou' h. Mr-. Licucli was a relative of I he i.ite Hei.ry Sioll. llofiiiuini Kbuiifcr. From H'edn esday's lally At the home of Air. and Mrs. Fr Ebinger in this city lu-it evening Ilv. EVeunil nf Si. Paul's church united in marriage (; (iige II. .f maun and Mies LouihO Kbinge.v About fifty friends and relatives of the contracting parties were pre-eni, irn-i uiiing ih; Turner singers and a number of other Turners. Nice ref. esli meul-i were served. The groom is a progrcs-ii v firmer residing near Miidison ai.d the hride is a niecij of Frt.d KbingM- and has made her homo in this city for the past year. Mr. and Mts. 1 1 of ma nn ile nirted today for Madinon, when they will retddo in llie future. EXPECT FRESH Til 'S Filipinos Are Quiet But Are Appar ently Strengthening Defenses. K-It-I at .M;tiill:t Active In Tin ir l'n p aratlou to t.rn t i Itnllery ut the Malabon I hunli fan ' S.-ii Throw I p K-trth Works for I ht ir (iim Other News. Manila, March L 1U:1.", a, ni. It was unusually quiet along the whole line last night, only a f-v shots beieg tired from a rebel lle!d juti neir the cemetery. The oncmy are appar ently busy preparing their defens t?, realizing that the A in-.: ic;u! - will attack them when the e. ivcieil rjin- j fol ( (.lnents !iri i v It is reported th:.t Ajjumald's v. i:l only i(-lea.-e the Spanish .er-'u al pi-ii-oners upon condition ihtit all lauded and other prop rl v tliat i hey own shall bii transferred to tiie rebels and also that the n itiv pries's sisail be recogniz-ul. Lat night twelve' rebel.-, in two canoes, were il isenvereil padliing out from Paranaquc. When the liuilaio's searchlight was luinedoii the .e els tliey used a eileium light arranged with the picket boats. The seareo light was t.iken ott' and tiie rebels at tempted to cross the b i.v, b it a p itrel boat overhauled tium after a chase and took them prisoners to Manila. Two battalions of the Tv. ntieth in fantry have been i:s-dgn d for provost guard duty and a third batlaiion join General MoArthur's division. K helK at Mmnl;i Active. Manila, March 1. 4:-5 ; in I IIO rebe's are vory act:ve at lalo.n.' ia aiu: 4 Malaoon. They evidently in lend to mount a battery in front of the Mala bo n church, destroyed by t-io lire of the United States monitor Mn o.nock on February 127. They em b cccu throwing up earthworks f r guns. 4:o-3 p. m Th.;re was the mo-t de sultory tiring yesterday evening and today, but only one c e-u.i'.t. resulted, and is in the case of I'riv.i e Parks. Compsny K, Calitoini i volunteer1. The Nebraska volunteers at the reservoir had a slight brus'i with a small body of the enemy thu- morning The rebels scattered in the jungle after the hrst volley. Tho United States 1 ransport T.:eoiii has arrived here without the les? of a horse or a mule. The Xegros commissioners have en tertained several American ofiijers and British subjects at thoir hotel in return fo. the compliment paid them bv General O'.is T billed Negros today. The United St.tes transport St. Paul has embarked Colonel Smith, Mejor Symcs, a battalion of the Ci!:feinia volunteers and the oflice: s recently appointed to posts at Loilo. The United States t-:ui-n i t Arizona has arrived here. Generally speaking, Uie t-iluat'en is unclranged. KouiHiice of a Colics !S;u It-nt. A very bright and i.xoeJinly humorous serial training of student life in a college town will begin in the April Lidic-s1 Home Journal. It is by Mrs. Charles Terry Cjliirs, a novice in notion, who has written with charming Leshncss, clever. y pictur ing student life, the student' games and sports, their social diversions, etc. Into the dcliciouIy droll story Mrs. Collins has subtly woven a ltost inter esting, happy romance, from which the story takes its name "A College Courtship. " Fthruury Mortgage Kocor-1 Following is the mortgage record for February, which is evidence that prosperit' stiil has full sxay in C;;ss county: Farm mortgages Filed.. Released It. s.'iJ City property Filed. Vl Keieased Is. It I'lattKinoath Nurscrj. I quote very low prices nn first-class stock. App'e trees, three years, lo cents; 810a hu;.d:ed. App.o t e-j-, two year.-, 12 cents; $S a hunJr-.-J. Plum trees, three years, 30 cents; SO a hundred. Chc ry trees, three ytai, 30 cent?; $0 a hundred. Peach trees, three 3-ears, 15 cents; H2 a hundred. Grape vines, o cents; S3 a hundred. Rasp berries, 75 cents a hundred and black berries, 75 cents a hundred. J. E. Lkkslev, Prep. Itetl Ksttf Trii8ft-r. Following are the est.:t ira- s fers of tho county as recorded in vi e oftica of II- cord r J D m ds Hay: Katherine K Walker to Jolin L Lane. lot i i.'-iu 1:1 wd $ :;- S P Hungerford and Imsband tu C K Wes- cott. e'i tot I. b'k Si. riattsniQuth wd .Ti h rj L 11 Voung and wife to L M Grr.uf. ne'i 1 I. 1 f 1 ..--1 l Mil L L Dwycr and l t) Dwyer to ViHiani J uZ'Zit -us: sw'i 9-V3-13 wd E Bradford and wife to IIW Thomas, sc!4 8. swJi SH-'-ta qcd 00 ONLY WO CASUALTIES. Desultory Firing In Manila Re- suits In Two Deaths It Ik (i ported That a Factory at .Mala- : to Ammunlilon For the Irmur- I "' Nativr icinmng Kmpi j Spring tit-til hhciln. Manila, Feb. US 4:3i p. in. There has been the usual desultory liring along various parts of tho line, but tho only casualties today are Cap tain David S. K.liott of Company G, Twentieth Kansas volunteers, and a private of the sanio regiment. They aro both seriously wounded. They were rdiot by the enemy's h irpshoot urn near Calooean. A battalion of tho Twenty third United States infantry relieved tho battlion of the California volunteers at San Pedro Macati today. The latter will be ordered to cmbartc on the transport St. Paul tomorrow. Manila, Fob. US Ht:10 a. m The rebels at Malabon fired upon the cruiser C.iliao from the jungie ye-ter-day while Admiral Djwey was visit ing the Monadnoek. 1 hree shells were dropped by tho monitor into the Malabon church, demolishing the r-tructure and killing a number of rebels who were inside. A factory at Malolos is reported to bo running day and night to supply ammunition for the insurgents. The ij l f the natives is shown by tho fact that they have collected empty Sp.-inglijid shells and are re liliitig them. Over 2,(HM of these car tridges have been discovered in houses in Pandacan by an oUieer cf tin; ington volunteers. The cruisir Charleston and the trun- beat Concord have gone on a ten days' cruise, presumably looking for fili btirleis. Jtis believed that arms are being landed in small quantities at northern ports. The commissioners appointed by Pre.-ideut McKinly t.j study the con ditions in the islands are expected to ariive hereon Saturday. Arms For tin- KilipiuoM, M Aim u, Feb. 28 The Reforma as serts it has received letters fr m re l;ab!e sources at Manila saying that thi' ty cannon, SO, 000 rilles and several million caitidges from Japan have been landed at Sual, on the Gulf of Ling i en, on the west coast of tho isl and of'Lu.on,and about 100 miles fiom Manila, and have been taken thence to Maioios, the seat of the rebel gov ernment. The Reform adds: "Japoti evi dently intends to act toward the Amei ieans in the Philippines as the Am ei icans acted toward the. Spaniards in Cuba. " RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS K. If. Carter, Burlington train- :n ster, was in town today. G o-s earnings of the Burlington for January um unted to $3,193,45 2, an increase of .14S,90.j over the same month last year. Freight earnings were $2,210,032, an increaso of $118, 21s, and passenger earnings $02S,8ro, an increase of $1S,201 Net earnings for the month amounted to t 131.38-3, a decrease of $-32,798, which was brought about by an increase in operating ex penses of $217,222. For tho seven months ending January .".I the gross earnings were $26,.305,(is4, an increase of $-512,779 over the corresponding period of tho last li-cal year. Freight earnings during the seven months de creased $7 13. .332, while passenger earn ines increased $1,031,002. For the 1 ist two months freight earnings have shown an increase, which will prob ably be maintained, since the iridic oii'looi: on most of the western lines is sai 1 to be very fovorable. Dr. J. A Denney, head physician for the Burlington reief, with head- quart irs at Chicago, was in the city las', evening. .Joined In .M:tt Oniony. From ThuisJay's Daily liev. F. U. Freund, pastor of the Kvangelieul St. l'uil's church, yester day afternoon pet formed the cere mony which made Mr. H. E. Becker and Miss Emma C. Geunther man and wife. 'I he yon np; couple are rfoth resi dents of Eijrht Mile drove precinct, and tlie hanpy event occmred at the home of the bride'.- parents. There were a Lirge number of in vited g-uest present and after the cere mony they we:e ushered into the din ninir room, where they partook of the gocd things spread before them. The young- couple received many elegant and costly presents, as tokens of the hijrh esteem in which they were hoiu by their relatives and friends. Tim rroom is th -j son of John B ;ker, and tl.e bride tho daughter of Fred Gueulher, both wealthy and hig-hly fe-Sfiectea farmers (if Eight Mile Grove prr-ciiiet. The Xi-.vs j ins with their m iiiv fiie-nds in wishitig- the jourg couple much linppiress aiid proi-perity in ih'ir j urnej' through life. Verriiot Fir Dtf end int. From Thursday's I"ailv. Tlie case i-f Edwind llessentlow vs. Jacob R. Va'.le y, which has been on trial in county court for the past four days was decided today, the argu ments having been completed aad the case given to the jury at about 11:30 tod-ty and a verdict was returned about 2:2)0 this afternoon- in favor of tho defendant for $1' 0. The action w s instituted bv Hesstiniljw, who sued for ! i'273.t .aiieed to le due for brick sold 10 defendant. The brick was guaran- teeJ, however, and it was shown by the evidence that they did not come i2.x) up to tha guaranty, hence the decis-I'ion. CITY AM) COUNTY. WKIiNKSIlAV. II. W. Beaverol hi ai o d wan in the city today. Mi. Fied ( orbus of Ch ica go is t he guest of Mr. P. P G i.-s and family. Charles Boed-kerof Ldii-vile wus transacting business ip the cirv ledav Iieal estute transfers rave been so numerous he-o lately that the banks lmv mil out ni revenue stamo-. Mis-i Ida Co tin retunieJ to her wotk in Omaha this afternoon, after a vi-it of several days wtth lebttives in the city. Junius Burnett lelurned t( Ma wood this morning. Ho came down to see his father-in-law, Klias Sage, v. ho w;;s injored t "no otiier day. W. A. Barnett, who has been in the city several days negotiating for the purchase of ttio refunding bonds, de parted this afternoon for Nebraska City. A. M. Holmes of this city today sold to L. W. Xelson a fifty-acre ttaet of land situated near Kick Blulls f(,r 33 per acre. Tho land is unimproved and that price is additional evidence that Ca.-s county real estate is valu able property. Douglas Shinn has opened up a neat lunch counter in the Klkhorn saloon, and if you want something good to eat ho is tho fellow who can got it for you. He can fry oysters to the queen's taste. and in fact can prepare anything vou want to eat in fnst-ciass style. In the Nebra-ka City district court yesterday Judge Kwnsey sMitencod two men to the penitentiary. Anton Glorystein was s-.nt up for .seven yeais for murdering a horse trailer at Syra cuse last May and James Ciar k drew three and a half v ars for the theft of a horse and cart. Harry Thomas has pun-has .-d tho WhiteuiO'e farm, live mile, southwest of Kim wood. He has jut lir.ished moving and was in town yesterday and ordered THK Nkws sent to his ad dress so he could keep posted on af fairs in this part of the county. The reception given Dr. Stratton in the corr idors of Hotel Hiley last, eve ning was largely attended und is proof of the high 'esteem in which that gen tleman is held by the people of Piatts- mouin. j no committee to receive consisted of Messrs. G. L. Farley, Wal lace Carter, G. M. Spuileek and C. C. VVercott. During the lime beautiful music was discoursed on the piano by the Misses Anlonia Kesslcr, Louise Smith, Alga Tlajek and May Biird. Tilt'KSDA Y. Miles Stand ish from lic-ar Murray wus in thu city today. Attornoj' William Ddes Uci-niei- of E mwood was in to-vn today. 1. .faeobsnn, a p:-oini iii-nt merchaist of Enui-ville, was in the city today. G. V. Ad tins and son, Guy, of Weeeping Water were in l!ie city today. Miss Alice Philpot of Weeping Water is in the city the gue.-t of Miss Anna Criichfieid. Mrs. C. Wr. Sherman, who has been iil for several weeks, has so re covered as to be able to go to her meals. J. M. Craig returned from Gresham where he went Saturday to at'end the funeral of his cousin. lie did not ar rives untii i.fter the funeral, owing to belated trains. Tax Collector D. M. Johnson started for the country this morning firmed with seven distress warrants. It is pretty certain that some delinquents will have to pay their taxes. Elmer Eikenbary has rent -d a farm near Memphis and will remove in a few days to Sarpy county. He went to Memphis this afternoon to look after matters pertaining to the farm. Thomas Wailing has purchased the Dean property, on North Third street, and will occupy the same after April 1. This will make Mr. and Mrs. Wal ling a comfortable home, as its loca tion affords a grand view of the Mis souri river and western Iowa. The consideration is -fl,(;00. In making the deal for his residence property Torn Walling became tl.e possessor of it line Jersey cow, and not previously having had any experi ence in the dairy business the ab stracter may at almost any time of the day be found in the confines of his barn practicing milking. He hr p:s to soon become an exp2rt. Plenty of ejrgs 13 cents a dozen: fresh butter l. cents a pound. F. T. Davis Co., Ur ion block. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriff's Sale. I5y virtue of an execution issued by fieurge F. Ilouseworth, clerk of district court within and for Cass county Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the 31st day of March. A. D. IS';", at eleven o'clock a. m. of naid day, at the south door of the court house in the city of i'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der tjr cash, the following real e-tate to-wit: The northwest quarter n. 'il of section nine teen iH. township eleven (11), range nine d'j aud the west haif (w'ji of the northeast quarter ineJi'j of section nineteen 09), township eleven (111. range nine t.l, all in Cass county, Neb raska: together w th the privileges and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of C. Anderson defendant, to satisfy a judgment et said court recovered by Aultman. M uler v: Co., plaintitts. against said de fendant. I'lattsmouth. Nebraska. Feb. 2K. A- I), ls.19. W. I). Whkelek. Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. C. S. 1'olk. att'y for Flaintitf. Legal "otice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Hihna Lindblad vs. Warner Lindblad. To Warner Lindblad: You are hereby notified that plaintitt in tlie above entitled cause has nled hr peti'ion in the district court of Cass County, Nebraska, to ob tain a divorce for the reason that since her mar riage to you. you have grossly, wantonly, and cruellv. while beine of sutticient ability to pro-I vide her suitaDle maintenance failed, refused and neglected to provide such suitable maintenance: . and fraudulently and willfully deserted and abandoned her. You are required to answer .said petition on or before March i. A. D., l-5t; and tailing so to do, jour default will be entered ol record. IIilma Lindblad, I'laintiff. Byron Clark, Attorney. Probate Notice. In f In: ( 'mint mil t, Ca-si niinlv, Ni-1,1 e k.e In II. c- o.att.-r i.l tin: t .l.iiri.l Allnn.i 'i,.,ii.-I.- I t.,.l.,;, ,!,-( t-..H.-,l I !l U.IS ill. mi. I . (m'-.i.- .) i.ili;:.. 1 h inns, sii-,.iii i. I li.illi.i .. I . ;. !. I , 'I ,ti.) 'ii ..r. ..-.I i .m i y,vi.i I li Ku.i III Hint ii II-1 .( a il ( 1 1 -1 n -. in-, in t , i ,-.! i-, i, t .it-. an- Ii 1 1 -1 - ii 1 1 1 lii 1 i-:i ii ,i i :.M. .,. I .. 1 imI 1. u a i , li.i ii el I In- a he vi nam. .1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 ti k-'l a i- t i ; i. mi in s.ii i i mi i a I . x inij ,i 1 1 1., m; njn i IlilliM--. Aibina I'. I 'imu.l,. lati- ni :.a..! i moil . ( A I . i i 1 is i-'t-, : i; t t-s t.t 1 1-. ae.l -, se - sc J nf .iti ct ate in sal' I iniiiilt; t liat the a h. , v uuiiini cntistitute ail thr ieif ot -ai l . -.,1 . 1 ?-c-ten.bfi -'rt. lt. li.omas I- ll,, w., u 1 . p. j ii , t -. I a liie.nistirtt -r. cnmlitioticiJ nii.ti h. p i ai t In- i e i tn led I m i, J. and that -at.l I ii .111.. 1 ti'.inas fi a s 1 ,. use I in nir la ,11, 1. 1, 111 mi I .-, -ni ber 2:, l--'., ie-i;iu:.l Ins ai'pi.iiit inent in I o-imi. iiH-ndcl Uie aiii.i:iinietit nl (.miye W I h- iuas. J r : I tn iinbei ll'.. ,M,h, (,enie. .s,.sau and i-.liie 'Mm n 1. is ti U-d their unit .mi ask I In- a; IKiiittaient nl sai.l (ie He VV. 1 limn is. ji., ;m.l iinun sai.l ilate. Iti; said (.fiiifcie V . I hmna . 11 .. uas appniiite.l ;ni mi nustiat. .1 . cnn-lit -.( n;. ... t lie t'u iii nl lioml, as reiiui ed liv law ; t' all I M-nige S . 1 Iiiilua .. jr . lias iu-m-i ti-inlro : ! -n liiai any I e ,to 1. and lias wlmHy iu.!,it. 1 t Ini .sai-l ntlu;c-- l'ctiti mci i iay.s I- 1 . ! I ministratinii nl t Ins estate, ami 1. 11 tin- aii imt I li.i-nt nl ll.iiiyl, ln.lii as a' 1 11 1 1 11 is 1 1 a t , -1 ti. 1. I. 1 mi win tlit-r.-fme take imtice that 1! ..u t , j apl-cai at sari court Man h i:t. s; t. at :. ., . ... k I ) 111 . , aui cmitest sail pet it 1. mi. the 1m.1t vi,i maul l!.e piayei nf saiil pctitinii an I .- : n t 1 1 ai ry ( . 'I'nld. nuimio n'.hi-i i.-i,-iti. ailiuiiiisliaim. aii'l pi.icei-.l in a sctl u. im nl .,t sHi f estate. Witness my hatnl an.l the eal nlu. court at riattsinniitli. .clua--ka, this, the List iia ,M lh.. A. l. I-'.IH. (.KliKI.I. M.s,..( m,,, K I sKAI.J County J 1 n i i-. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby Riyeti that by Mitin- nl a 1 h.,t tel date. I on the 4th day ot August, i-.'., an.i uu;y men m t lie mine nl the cm. my cleikol t'.iss , anility. Nebiaska. mi the L'l t day nl August, l'.'7, and executed by 1.. M. Mi.uiey t.) II. K. Waldinn and by him assigned to the I-irt National Hank nl (iieetiwood nn theltli lay nf August, i-'.C, foi a valualile ( onsi. lei at mn . h:ch said uiorlKiiKe was given to secuie the pay ment el the sum ot $l.:ts:ili. and upnuwluih tin re is now due the sum of .l,.",t 15. di lau t liav itiK been inside in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceedini; at law hav 11114 been instituted to recover said debt or any pai I theieot. therefore I will s,-! the pioperty t he 1 .-. 11 de scribed, viz: One hi ay mare, 1" years old One ill ay hoi e. in years old. hour blown mates, 5, . 7 an I II mm - . d i spec'.ivelv. One pray Hflding, 5 years old One bay geldnu:, 5 yeais n!. 'ne I leering bindei I ne I ster ly mower. One Whitewater lumber wagon- Two listers, two plows. ( ne truck wagon, one lian.iv. . At public auction on the premises to-w :t 1 he south west 11:1 ter of section ii. tow 11 dii p ele en. range nine, in ( ass cmititv. Nebr:skn. beine two ami onedialf miles south ol the village ol ( uceii wood, in ii eetiwood precinct, on r lie IM h la .d .tiarcli, IMi'.i. at one o cioi k p. in. ol sai I day. I-1 us 1 N 1 1, 1. Hank ni' dm i:woiih. A-slgff nf .1 ot tgagee. I'alcd I'eb .'I. ls;i; Notit? of I ncl'lt ednt-tvH Tin: I'tnttsinoulli (oisand Klcctric I.ijil.t min pan y licrc-liy j;i'c-.s notice that the following is the list and amount of all existing debts ol said corporation on the lirst day ol l-'ebi uai y. A. I.. lK'.'f. namely: I-'irst nioi tL;ae fi per cent bonds ot the riattsinu'.itli (ias and Klcctric Kin'1' company, interest payable semi-annually, lune 1st and iecember 1st &:i,mn Mi Acciued interest on same Mini oo Total indebtedness i-:lil.:si.ii u This notice is nien in compliance with the provisions ot chapter sixteen of the Compiled statutes of the state of Nebraska. J. (i. Kiciikv, President. S. I. Huvtv, Treasurer. C 1). Jon i-s. Secretary. Majority of board of directois. Probate Notice. In County Court. Cas:; County. Nebraska. In the matter ot the estate ot Henry Mod, de ceased : lacob. Phillip, Fred, Charles and William Sioll. Khzabeth Mcl-arland, Christinae Leach, Maltha I. ana Heery, Mena J'hieroit. Kosanna Mauui, Louisa Ripple, the unknown heirs ol Ad.nn Sioll, Mary Mc'ilynn and Catharine J.ear. the last three named beiiltf now deceased, the un known heirs of Henry Stoll, deceased, and ai! other persons interested in said matter aie hero by notified that on the 3lh day of February. l-".ii', Henry M. Soennichsen filed a petition in said county court, praying that his una! admin istration account be settled and allowed, I .1 or der distributing assets aud that he be discharged lioni his trust as administrator with will annexed, and that if you fail to appear before said couit on the lMn day of March, A 1), ls.HV at Id o'clock a. nr., and contest said petition, the court may grant t fie prayer of said petkion and make su h other and further orders, allowances and decree as to this court may seem proper, to tho end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be tinal y settled and determined. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at 1'lattsmotitii, Nebraska, this, the iMth day of Feb ruary, A 1', CiKOKOK M. Sl-I KLOCK, (Seal) County Judge. Legal Notice. Administrator's sale of land. In the district court of Cass county. Nebra: ka. In the matter ot tlie estate of John Bons. de ceased: Under an I by virtue of a license to sell the real estate hereinafter described, made in ttie above entitled eause by the Honorable basil S. Kam-ev, judge, 0:1 the l.'ith ifay of February, A. 1). 1-'J:. I will on March 11th, A 1). l-W. at lo o'clock a- 11; at the south door ot the court house, in I'latt--month, in Cass county, Nebra ka. oiier for sa!e lots seven and eight, in block fourteen: the south one-third of lots four, rive and six. in block se en teen; and part of lots four, live and six. in block six, in Duke's addition, all in the city of I'latts mouih. in Cass county, Nebra-ka, to the highest bidder for cash- IIi-xkv M. Hons, Administrate. Byron Clark, attorney. First publication Feb. 11. 1'M. Sheriff s Sale. By y ii tue of an execution issued by George F. Ilouseworth, clerk of district court, within and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the :;i t day of March, A.I). l'..i, at eleven o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south door ot the cour; house in the city of I'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highe-t bid der for cash, the following real estate to-v. it: The north west quarter 1 nwl 1 ) of section seven teen (171. township twelve (12), range nine Co: all in Cass county, Nebraska: together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belong ing or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of A. L. Van Doren, defendant, to satisly a judgment of said court recovered by Aultman, Miller ec Co . plaintitt, against said defendant I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, Feb. A I). 1"'.'.. W. L-, Sheriif, Cass county, Nebraska, By ). I). M Bride, Iieputy. C S- 1'olk, Attorney for Plaintitt. Probate Notice. In County Court. Cass County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of "Hush rod Washing ton Richardson, deceased. Ann M. Davis, Lavina Conley. Caroline Fow ler, the unknown heirs of David Ricnardson. de ceased, the unknown heirs of I'armelia IJuiing. deceased, and ail other persons interested in sai l matter are hereby notiiied that on the f'th day of February, IK'i: Mrs, A. M. Davis tiled a peti tion in said county court alleging other things that Bushrod Washington Richardson ciied on the l'th day of January, A. D. IKij, leaving no last will and testament, aud pos sessed of personal estate, and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said diseased, and praying for ad ministration thereof. Vou are hereby notiiied that if you fail to appear at said court on the iMh day of February, A. I), li:l, at 1J o'clock a. m. and contest said petition, the court wiil appoint H. M. (iault, or some other suitable person, ad ministrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and tlie sea! of said court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this Tth dav cf Feb ruary. AD. 1 !.. Okorge M Splrlock, (seal County lude. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County. Nebrr-ska. Carrie fc.. ljlack, plaintitt, vs. Junius N lilnck. defendant. To Junius N. Illack. non-resident defendant: You are hei eby notified that on the Hist day of January, ls'.m, Carrie K. black tiled a petition against you in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, the obj'-ct and praver of which are to obtain a diorce lrorn you on the ground that you have grosslv, cruelly and wantonly failed, ne glected and refused to supf ore the plaintitt. be ing of sutticient ability so 10 do. and for the custody ol the minor child the issue of said mar riage to-wit: Sarah li. black, aged lourteeu years: and that certain personal property, ris;hts and credits be decreed to be the property cf this plaintiri. and for reasonable alimony. Vou are reriuire-i to answer said p tition on or before Monday, the iirth day of March, lKC.i. Carrie E. Ulalk, Plaint:;!. By C. S- Polk, her attorney- Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska. T r ... Oass County. $ S3' Itr Coenty Court. In the mptter of the estate cd Franklin Niemann, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate, before me, county judge of Cass county. Ne braska, at the countv court room in I'lattsmouth in said county, on the 17th day of March, A. D-. 1-fV. and on the 17th day of Aujrust, If:', at Kl o'clock A. M. each dav for the Duruofe of Dre sentinsr their ciaims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed lor tne creditors of said deceased to present their claims from the 17th day of February, l-y. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this 21th day January. 1?V.. George M. Spurlock, (Seal) County Judge. Livery, Feed Sale Stable. Finest nigs in lhn City. Horses Boarded by the Day or Week. We rue :il- WAGONS, BUGGIES, And FARM IMPLEMENTS. We are here for the Business of the County... Add will o 1 I il, if I , - );--:ii! :i-nl (m'o.I Cm iU will cut any liu'uro with our l-'irm'-r !': o.nds. When ..u :nc in town, nunc anil see us wo will ghnl 1 .- 1 1 1 , w v ( 01 :i si ! h i 11 :.' i- h:c in sl ocl; . M. E. Manspeaker &l Son, Pearl St., between 6th and 7th, Plattsmouth cz: . i 1 f! JS K"- i - i-L' ...-v. I? 1 if- -'..i- - j w i.- .1 ? if 1 il. 'i' ' '' V-- NEWS ol' i l. 1 ! -'Miil'Til. Mill. r'AiO UH (iAl'H AL, - f fiO.tM ;f) ! T tCK's, bon Is, ,-i-iid. -'C v i-r;iT.t n t an'l 1 a 1 sceuritl'.-s h-maiit :irn! r I l. I sl ts re-c-el ved and in tti --st ni io-.v. d uu ice rt ti- I cati-J. LraftS Cr:i;u, viil'alde .-a. FraftS G rnv, u, i.vhl'alde 'n ::ny . i part in ti.a v., . usia a.j tin; principle ; w tow lis of Europe. CoIiCtiri'i rn:i! Hnd promptly i-etnf tt 4. II !-ri.:-t r., ;. r k-t prl'i'i;. .''.;d for t.';-i.ri'y rri': t j, iiie DIRZCTOr.'S: tiv, ! '. I!nv.-k? -.r.-c F. L Wh ;. .:. I ivay, i'res.. X I N . I i..-vcv, H. N. I o .-;.-.. k. f r U ri n I i u li 1- m n i r iv i r-. r t-i . a i , f ij i utLt-i i s i liiu; TS ft 3 STOVES, P.AITGa. .t. wf , ' ! VV'- will j ; m. ! C.:r -i"..-k S compittt: in Invite frlr-n-is to looi: r:cdo:ivor t : '.;!. it I.VPr ! rTpc,r ,,T D 1 li il 1 Ll 1 I t j -w t 1 1.. . vi; i c ry I:.j(?r k. Plattsmouth Coal Yard1' IS TUU FLACK TO I'-L'Y HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Flay, Com, Oats and Kinds Constdrjlv O': Il:'.r.d. EGENBcRuSR rnmn AND MAI: ;-sth. fill- PERKINS HOUSE. F. R GUT H MAN IN, Prep. Rares Si 2nd 51.50 oer Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTn, - - NKB i r&son. and 111 ;ill kiti Is ol linccland Crystal Creamery and Refrigerator Combined. .';iki s .".'I per cent more butter th in th'; obi wiiy f tiiking enrt'. of milk. 'J'lie milk from eight cowh c in In! taWoii c irc, of with lors labor tliiin formerly with that of 0110 now. ('::icity from two to i-ighty ciins. .'o fnriii'-r who mnkt-H butter emi iill'nril to do without fine. For fur ther p;irt iculitrs etiiro of R. V. Dean, Agent. I 'lattsmoiinth, Nebrawka. does tinting t VyHTE BREAST -T- .I S 6 I i LINCOLN AVK. AM .i k::li; htm , II. NOfiNNK JHSL.V .Manager. T 9 9 I.:n-;fii Supply of all tho HivST (JllADKS mm COAL soft I:i'.'- d ug the Famous Missouri, Illinois, 9 4 J;t;k.ion Hill and (Jan on City Lump, JJ Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper trades of NUT COAL. We aho keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or- A t'. r r.r ... T-t: A i t-..r..l T ..o.... ... " :9 si grocery store of A. II. Weckbach & Co. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. LOW BATES ON OUR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS. Lo:iv-3 Iant-rt3 City every Friday v';i Col'.rndo .Siringrj and Scenic Uouto. Southc-rn Jloute "leaves Kansas City every Wednesday via Ft. Worth and ill l'-,:s-- to Los Angeles, j Thf-fic excursion enra are attached j tt fa-t pa-scner trains, and their j Lopuiarity is evidence that we offer whu j for handsome itinerary which j ivc-j full information and now map. -entiree. tor complete information, ruti n if d berth reservations, ses your local ticket apent or address E. E. MacLkod, a. G. V. A., Topeka, Kan. John Skhastian, G. P. A., Chicago. W. H. RHOADES. ! CONTRACTOR BUILDER... I rr.t-t-o years experience as a Carpenter and II i .der in Omaha and other cities has prepared h.m ti di s:l kinl-i of carpenter work in the neate-t ai'l most substantial manner, atisfac t: n guarantee i. Cull on or address at I'latta lnoutii. Neo. HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor TJulldcr. Contracts talcen for tl.e erection ol Residences liarns anj any kind of carpenter work, ia ot part of the County. Call on or address.... HAKVKY HOLLOWAT, I'Uttimonth. Neb Mr-t Ik. r 1 I "W -s".