Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 28, 1899, Image 4

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    U i .
i:r:Aunr'.'L cinL.
NnurUli'il fn l'i.i"."i. uinl llrr Kill Win
I !
houiint; uu.-.ii' is. i
-. .. (.-lr to I :: ,0110 Uottli
,.r 11.. . ny't nii.ti v;u - -'i hjvi. id
.0 . v..i - .1 1 i-"' -'i ''I" ";
Lin IIlii J-Uttlii- I.ifciif l.iujl
l-iiil-r I ltrBimtl num.
'I'll') rtular HH':li'iif uf this -iiy
council wits hold last -vi;niiu', with all
iiiouihcrrt p rti.-it nt exci-ut M -.-ci ! tin t h
of the Klrat ward.
Tho minutes of tho two previoiM
meeting wem road and adopti d, nftur
which roiilino bminei-s was rierf'riiu:ii.
Tht firnt thi 111: which c.'uikj up wa
u from IT' uniciil ion !rim Spilz-r tV '(.,
of Tolouo, O , to whom v.jih suld the
refunding bonds sonio liini :i. Upon
more thorough invcstiittion il was
found Unit in order 10 in ike tin deal
letfHl with a city of tho necoud clasn it
was necessary to mi bin it tin" propo
sition to a vote of tho people. I'imisw
quenily a resolution was adopted by
Ihe council to submit tho proposition
at tho print; election, which will be
held the lirst Tuesday in April. A
proposition 10 refund 1 .', worth of
the hontU at not more than " per cent
will also bo voted upon.
A communication was read by the
clerk from J . M. Johns in which lie
tendered his resignation as superin
tendent of the l'liittsmout h (l is and
Electric Ivy lit works. Tho latter
stated his liist engineer, Tom Ihibb.
had sont in hi? resignation. oa h to
take elTect April 1. Saltier moved that
the matter be referred to the liyht
committee and that they ascertain the
reason for the resignation of thcu
pentlemen and to begin lcokini; abiut
for mon to till tho vacancies. Carried.
A communication from 10. II. Hoitz
hausen win read statinj; that as a com
promise otTer ho would accept $12(M as
the damage bill reMiitintf from the
smallpox at his hotel and asked tho
council to reconsider their action at
tho prcviou-j meeting' when they al
lowed him $75 Considerable discus
sion followed and the matter was
finally disposed of by White's motion
to indefinitely postpone.
Tht. claims committee reported the
following claim against the city and
on motion they were allowed from the
various fund-:
Eveniug News, printing S 7 !(
L. Keinhackle. labor 1J 3')
J. i.'. (iiiigory, same '
A . Smith, tlravafic "
U. i. Miiitli. hauuiiH . .. -"ni
Hans Kotliaiiinn, l.ili u
. McConih, stioct work
Cat Waiton. same ;"
1:. M. Tvlcr. Manic. j
. Slavirctk. same 1
Win. O'Neill, same.
I.. Kildow, same
Mcl'ool, same ;
1 ItccMon, same 1
Mis. M. IV. M .rijan. rent I"
I . Moic'lu. tun 'iimud:-'- . . ''
Tho bills of r .1 Mo'';
n f' r iner-
chaiidie a. id that of Mrs. M. W.
Morgan forivnt of city, whicb
were cai-rieil ovr from ti e previous
!i.e--ttng, v.'ii'.i rt ;emmcndod paid.
Wiiitc niovi.d thn. Mrs. Mo. gnu".
properly, which i- b-. ing useU ..u -pound,
be vacate .:. Jio be 'in; of the
opinion that a suitable local tor. cuiu
b-j c cured for it!ic..i le.-.- th -n iht pei
year, ml the motion prevailed.
Lut.: of the Fifth stated the com
plaints were coining to him thick ami
fupt from South 1 about the watt.-r
strvice, and that he would like 10 have
the city clerk notify the superinten
dent and see if he could not bring
about tho desired relief. He also
made a motion which prevailed asking
that Street Commissioner Hansen test
the hydrauts of tho city at frequent
intervals to see that they were in
working order.
Sattler called the council's attention
to the bad condition of the roads in
the cemetery. He also called attention
to the depleted condition of the cem
etery fund. He was of the opinion
that money of the cemotery fund had
been misappropriated and wanted the
finance committee to investigate the
matter. The committee was so or
dered. Lutz called attention to some needed
reDaira on sidewalks on Tincoln ave
nue and Hinshaw called attention to
the bad condition of the eidew lk on
North Tenth street, from the
High school, all of which was ordered
done as soon as the weather will per
mit. At this juncture several of the coun
cil moved to adjourn and the 'mo
tions" carried unanimouslv.
Senatorial Vote
Lincoln', Feb. :2s. (Special to Tut:
News ) Following is the vote today:
Allen, 5r; flayward, ."S; Thompson, 13:
Field, 0; Webiter, 10: Ilainer, 1: Lum
bertson, 1; Adam?, 1. Caucus tonight.
Will Conlinae the Meet in Ri.
At the request of some of tee lead
ing business men of the city, who have
become interested in the subject of re
ligion through the union services
which have been held here during the
past few weeks, the pastors of the
Presbyterian and Methodist churches
have concluded to resume the meetings
tomorrow (Wednesday) evening an1 to
continue them until further notice.
Dr. Strntton has consented to remiin
for the present and will preach md
conduct the sei vices hs heretofore.
Koin hii- tf n oll t;- M uili nt,
A very br:gbt. aid exetedingly
liurioions soi iai t--ining of student
lifo in a college town wdl bein in
tin- April Lidiev Home It
i- by Mrs. (. hiries 'lurry Col lit.:-, a
novicj in fiction, who has written with
charming freshrii-s, chrvvriy pictur
ing liidef)t life, th -t.u 1 1 11 ts' ga mt.'S
nd sporti, tli'-l r -iot.-!ai u i v.-r.-ion -, etc.
Jntothe d'db iou-ly Jroil ytory Mr;.
,'o:IJ Iihk nubtly wov- ii h n.ont inter
llti'j, Jotjipy romonec, fom which
tb tory f.ikt'a it name '. C!ollego
irlfjlp. "
Store 1 -f
: i' a v k
W . r III
-tly l...' '.
1 .
0 : i:-' :r.y
a. M i.
1 h " . I y li it .y
u ':i; in
.ii.-s tri
John liC'.-li in;ui'i
Dr. .1. II II -1: j'ui n! ed t I. mo n
t !;i a: i t ruin.
r. a I'd y i- I V
are t-
in- friend. i;i I.'neo'.u.
I''i t d Mi'i-.iri ma ie a
to Omaha this ft- r :i en.
"1 Jo! M'li" ') ei-iit cii-ai'
1.- llu: ti ' I
evi.T iiiani'f letui d in town
l K. (Jrcen of tii
Journal was in
Omaha thin af tt.-vninn.
A. W. Whi'e and C. 1 '. I
1 mi' le 1
were in Ouiati.i tliis afternoon.
C 'iiv: a n 1 see Majo:- liacon anil his
snuff box in the urai.ia Kclribution.'"
The Mozirte-ub will meet Tuesday
evening with Mis. Daw-on at 7:.'."0
Chorus work.
1). M.. Johnson iviuriied last evening
from a week's business vi-itto Weep
ing Water.
Janitor work of all kinds, :it i.-fae-t;o:i
guaranteed by Tel fie- kV Shep
pard, R Vine st reet.
Tlie members of Mrs. Stouten
borough'.- ltible t:!as.-, wi!l meet with
her tomorrow at . p. 111.
The Ubinger Hardwa'e company s
!sellinLr skates at cost. Now is the
time to get your ska
The duelling scene in the dram-i
"H tributiou" will be lino Don't mis
seeing it. March Hand lu.
Anyono desiring sprirg lu-use -!; 1 -j
ing tiono would do we 1 to call n
I Telfer & Shepaid, on Vn.e street.
I Elder It. M. Dungan of the Chi i-tian
(church has been i'l for tiie iaL fo ir j
days, but is again ablo to be about.
Head Weckbaeh & Co', "ad" on ihe
I second page and soo what they have to
say about a new supply of hard coal.
S. 1'. Hollow ay is again able to hi
out on the streets, but is still quite
weik s a re-ult of his roi-ent severe
15i: ill-,, as we 1 as little ill f the
ki ineys. cannot resi t tho curative
! power of Dr. Sa .'. y r ' L'i.a'in.'. A
' W. A 1 woo.l.
(! jring & Co., tic tirug have
-onvthinn new in tie; way of .1 cigar
, lighter in their store, b.-ing aa el'c
ti ieai apparatus
In the future W. 1. Str. et. g-ot
I for th- Singer Matiul'ae u-ivg mm-
oany, i 1 1 i'e found in W. K. Fox's
I -tai ioiii.'jy stof.
A we.'diM'j is s;t d ; o tai:- pi. tee a
! il.:hawkii Weon-jav .ven:i. , in
jrthich a prominent, We'piiiir Vat"i
f :'.utv is intvre.-tod.
i'.i foitt-n dcp-ti-tetl this 11101 ning f r
h- himi ! near Welilleet. lie e me
tbjv.n uii ir, :i m.;ith ;il'' to : t' 11 i
; tho fu;i' ! a of iit? mother.
! "(he l-',b:ier 1 1 a 1 d w 1 re e-mi : ;m y is
Oil' ;iing lor sal' ail of its heating
stoves a t cost. No.'.' is you.- oppor
tunity to ;et a Oaiyain.
2lrs IJtterbacK, the rui. liner, oe
parted this eveniog for K -okuk, la.,
and after a nbort visit thoie will go
to (Chicago to buy he.- spring goods
T. M. I'.ttte riclls the neatest
and quickest renerated gr.soiino lamp
on the market. S .e him before you
buy and let him demonstrate it to you.
A. 15. ilediiieom, formerly in the
drti; business in tnis city, but now le
sitling in Stromsburg, was m t avn to
day ioi Ling after .-erne bu-iiurs mat
ters. Coo ing and grateful in its ciTect."--,
you will find Dr. Sawyer's Arnica a;d
Witch ll.t.-d Sa'.vu for cc.ema, piles,
hive?, burns ami cut-. A. W. At.
The subject for the nrayer mj..-ting
at the Christian ciiu ch tom-. rro ,v eve
ning will be "World-wide Misoiuns."
D. E. Weliman will beUa.ler. Meet
ing at ":;.
The reception to be tendered Dr.
Stratton at the Hotel lliiey tonight is
an iuformal one and everybody is in
vited, whether they have met the g 1.
ttem in oi not .
George Kroehler, wife and little
daughtor returned to Havelock this
morning, having csmti down to attend
tho funeral of the former's gr.u d
motber, Mrs. l'cnner.
M.. S. liriggs was not doing much
shaving today on account of the ar-
rival of a new ten-pound 'shaver" at
his home lapt night. Mother and bey
are getting along nicely. j
degrees below zero. if'
'.K.IO- 11 ;
winter hangs on much longer you may
gins or shoes. F. T. Davis Co. is the j
ulaee lo g.;t them. Union block.
For Sale Four houses and five
lots. Three minutes walk frcm shops.
Good repair. Cheap. Inquire SOS,
Fir-t street, Winters'een hill, or a
dress box K'fiT, city
'Die cunty seho d hoi:'d m"oti ig at j
Wtoieng Water Satu-iJaj' was quite j
largPiy .'ftti.-ii.iod in t-pite of th; in-!
clcm. nt w a the:-. There is no doubt !
but t '-nt considerauie good will result !
fi'o.n t Ii t- meet ir ir.
"(live me a iicr ivjulatm1 arid 1 i-an ;
regu!'it! tho world," Mii'l a get.liM.
TliO ilruL'sri-t h ind-jil him a buttle of i
l)o Witt's I.ittio Knly Hi-ors, tlu
fiunous little pill-t. F. U. rYhk? A: ( '.
"( "ieiuiliiifsH jx n.vxt to t Sod 1 iniTT. ?
"Soap ha (forn up." That i-; w hat
tho wholp-ialo nion hay. Wn htill soil
ton bars of Lhnmo'iil ' C" f'r u qu ii tor
1.. r.
r ip l Tin -'
.1 . in 1 . in:-. i!i 1 c! 1 11 ,i-
ik--sO!i the iiriii"ipb .'f (jijii'k 5ilv
U'ld -':i ' 1 1 p- di t -.
I' r '1. qn i.-i." r-'ti eoy uiid one :l.v. . ?
p rt.C'U -. t (.- c.-I.Ore;i 1 :. u
i- 1 'in :th-nil On--. Min.U'.- com; h 1 -r .
. . . , , . ,
, It 1- eye-?! i'M.t ( (.:p, liiir-i;ri,--.
jt'cklin- in the thro it m,d cou -he. i
i-Vi.-ko ,v Co.
! V. I). (!'".-). ) M s i-r-iulth, t ,h- vi.
! e an Uu:-! i n ton awitehm-jn. i -, oil' iiut v
,nii aei'n.,;:ii of ii ! r.i. r--:.
1 1 c trip;
i I CobfM 1. I'reiliiK-ks'Wi, :t i.-ir, hail
, ch 1 1 t t: if the riprap work, ha ":v
iie iriy completed the jui) anil I. a- ri--
I dm 1 his fore.- to a few men W. II. I
j Kiis-a 11 and Ffi-d llolmberi; hav,: both '
taken their men awav, the former
going back to A-hl
to Li m ul 11 .
: mi and tin: latter
CJ. S. Manchester totiK auppl ies to t
I't. ('rook soldiers this morning. .
Frid Join s 11 and wife .-lopped here
on their return from ;i vi.-it wiili rela
tives at Uuck Iflaii'.t, 1:1, to speed a
few days with the fnnily of C S. John
son, the former's brother. Mr. John
son Went to Ashland last evening to
set; C S., who is eoriductoi oa the
Schuyler run. Mr. Joiin-ou i- in
l.loyi'd on tiie Denv.'r llio ( ' v., nde.
The main sh ifl in the machii e siiop
broke this luorning, wiiidi neec
ilated the employes of t hat i ; 'i i -meiit
taking a lay-olT ti day. It wii!
r,; rer aired in liua; for them to return
to work tomorrow niorniag.
I ' r-oii- w I10 a; plant!
1 . r.p to
Uie 1 aClllC o.l-l l!,iS f-UInlll
' j
eeuriitg c'K-api
r l
have no trouble in
rates. Two large con volitions
be heid the u, for ejieb of whici
are ti
a rat.
I about One fare for the rourul t ri p i,.--U:i: nui:! !i::i win tin- j. h :,..:. an.i appn i -.,,
, . i i .i i -ri ! touam-i'S I !h-i ';: ill u bel'initui-i .i' in an . i -f :ip-
will be granted by tie- rail, o in- J iio i!,c s.h:,,' i,-nu h-.i io.i, an-!
N itional IJ..itist sueieties will hold i '' f ,;"- i",cp-'nv '..A'!cr-...i .i-t-ml uh.
1 t" -,.iii:a, a in lioiiriit ni s.iul r I i .-. i.a-1 by
their anniversary at San I Yuaeiseo in i Auittnan. Mui.-i .S: ... plaaa::.'--. n-iain-t s -i I eo-
May, and the National K 1 uea :o'od j ''"Sh,,,,,.;;,, ,..-, a-ka. !a -js. . 1 1. is:,:..
association will me, t at Los Angeles , , , . u'- "' Wl'i 1 ''"
li':!,:!. ass ij'i'.aity. .Niin a a.
in .July. Liberal eonce-.-ion- in the j l". S. I'oi.k. att'y t"r riaintitt.
way of slop .vis ami side 1 rips are;
i i kel v to be maue.
j-v I hill of tiie il iriiiig
'tttetidi' g to company i
ci v to; :. v .
re i el
lieorgc Sh' rwood We-nt t i ll:i
thin morn ; :,g , wiie-c he wi i ei:
!urling!on machine 3' top--,
. r t
been trar si- rrod f . om the b-eai -i
io;itJ Viiril I'nr Sir. Strntton.
"We have
a nd we wi. re
a w h re of i i , ' "
Chicago a 1 .o
: l a i
all an
a uio-
lortunate i ni' igii to in
wrot,; Dr. V A. Nobl.; , 1
. voais :-inee. al'-'-r a i-ii
1 from D
I New !!
..ton. tl
ie mi
ni i r
r :
The pe...p,e of
rat hf:::l y say the
on . who ii o : u -i i
I '! a t ! r it i I i C- of i r. Si r.
u on r.s -,'et iv a
as was ! ile ha ai t (i!
i t- when tie y ha
'ine e
H ille
1 ih"
I! f.
i iv.r, and alirjo-t befo we knew it i,o
w a- ha d ,i t wo- k
By his virit to our city Dr. S'ratton
ha - colli ;op.i'(i a number o." desirable
ends and put a grea many hearts
under bonds i f gratitud -.
Ile has borne fr-sh witirs- to tho
power of th.. gir rious Gospel of the
Sou of God to reach and rem-w a;l
classes ..rd (tondoions i,f men.
J' has be-oi an in-i-irat ion to h .r
h i testimony to the 15 bly ami to the
valui; of the uoetri lies which it hliirms,
ml lo' ! ;ls no' seemei! to thin it n. -ires-
try t x p i-e tl , v. s aud iie. i- i --' eti
cies i-i tiie Wo.-d of God.
lie lias in id" s nne of u-: see and feei
how iir.piji ft c. is oii!' coasec a! ion to
Christ, in comp irio:i uitli his own.
W ho t hat ha- he,a:d Dr. Stratton, ts
peeial y in hi- Suaih-iy evening ser
mon?, wi',1 t v. r forget the mm grace
ftii, ale: t, ht imming vHii his snory, in
his very tores iti iking his sm -er.ty
mitifesl. ami talking riglit on from
s" u l to linisii wiih a fr-enoni and f"f
Vr which wo:e SMMliiiy e pli viting,
yet in al'. great mva. and spiritual
v ft'uies the glory he ascrib'-u to (rid.
II is tender and e.-n n 'r-t appeals to a-1
wiio had not yet found prace in h .diev-ing--!o
give their hearts to J'sus
foimei a climax to hi? sermons which
we cannot ai.-d would noi forg-.-t.
We will not say we had an ai gel
ainor.g us, but la lo r a "man of God,
fu'l of faith and th-; Holy Gho.-t: de
vout, tender, sweet, humble, lot al to
the truth, and ean-ee ated in every
! puis". ni:d power of his being to tiie
, service ef C.irist .
David J. t'elfair, th eccenti ie N;w
York tinaneie.' who eie ttei a sens.-t-tii-n
iu Dccemra-r last by unfolding lo
tii., itilitie !i it 1 o- f: n 1 i e snhom 1 1 r...-.o.
lut:onize thego'.d mining busings by
the introduction of a syrtem whic'n he
C:i( d tho "Kpiion!i0. ; ,;:d Mining
j Sys'. em', '" and who was put in jail for
refu-ing to pay for ight pairs of shoes
he orderi d for a yaung woman he rift
erwaid made his wife, is lying bnely
a! i ve at Met! t:ou i h , Ga., a smai I town
ne;i" Atlanta. Telfair is !-upp-'sid ii
have swallo.ved an overd se i f poi-on
with suicidal intent, and a telegram
from 'ho -heciiT at th it p!a e s'-its
that, i." cin:iOt live, ind as;s !h it his
re! a l: v.-s : i
nii'ii-ii. Ti.faii" wa- h!
i uii3 liiiii?wt!l known in ( -iricitiimti ,-in:i
Lmi;s Olsvn is no-.v lifiU-l ir. the
Iaiuii?r blo.; with his pool and bilii :r 1
Lai i. Ho has had his t ide's yul in
rutj'i -ouditio'i and nrrios a fiiil lino
of ciirirs, torru'co, .t.'. Ho invites bi
friends in i'n',1 uud ee him.
IiiMuro in tho tiorinin Am
b'red Ebinjrer, Atront.
M IX' i s l i!V
- I 'i.C.'.T t
r -
11 V'-n: in
1: i v c n - 'it ; ( n in
'1 he lirci.k
Iljnkii I;. N. V.
r t'i
Tl! I i.
"M II I V Tl.'
Li.-' in it i v
, I'llW i.'Ulp
y 1 ,1;;.' .' r
; lit..- byen - . ru
i t v 1 11 j ir, .(!,!!"
' J ri ii li ; s.
J f 1
i- j.
1 11. v. ' : 1:
in .1 1 p 1 ii -"l
I. 'll.d
i 1 he lab-. 1- attaci
I oat k , b ; !' I 'i g ii i - 1
t,j 1. - i
I!!", hi-! 1
and 1
111 P
. 1 .
.ri'i i'l
ih- N.j
1 i 1 1,.
-H, lllli'1
;a'.-' it.
w York 1 v p'i
i r l' 1 11 in I t
t 1 1 ii '. i !! '.v i 1
:;r lc fi-;i It
i 1. i- v.-: v 1 .a r-
1 y
I 1 1 i t -. 1 1 1 it jo
:i : s a .- 1 1 -; -
on '. ii ii'! to
!iuw.i . t V. as a
t i-ii a ; .
11 1 '! t
ori. - u" -t 1,0,11). 1 on
i ia-i li e s us" lu.lii 11,.
p nil",: I'M p Ii i'l - and
u so Hi. 1 11 v 11: I ' i n
1 yea r. w i n
Oeen. th"
r i i;'l a-t rie-
! ami 1 ne-e
i im p:dl V t ti a
ileni'iiids l,:":'i
1 I '. e t ' 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 . s .
Uio' e
V i th i 11 I Ies on a
! I i-ic't t he dm rj fo
I i ! s -11 l.'U i'!ia n li :s
I lie us.:- of ;i jnj.j.
phone has hilheitu been 1) o'l.ti for a
li ve-m i 1. ute t:i i k
It lias Mn',' been re
due mI tn
lit cents for a i h :a e-m i u lit e
coi vi'i'-ii t ion
s. . . .
ii'I'i itiomil li v
o .'I'M - exl I'll for an
ntly gal
li:.' ores -i
1 A
S a t 1 1 . b i g
'li t . S.
a'.e- of
- of th
; e. i, l u
. gri s a 11-''t-.ei.
County not
h i ve in i rn-
1 II til I ! V
t won t v -! wo mil
v I '
a 1 th"
ii : t M 1,01:11 bales fn in
and state- o .- a ppl y t be
fac'o: it s.
ot leM' e."iiitie-;
(J 1 m;: r 1 i of t 1: e
Mieriirs Sab
1 : v ' '' ' ne 1 1 1 a a r so i; t j. m 1 - in- I I e.
1 1 lii'.i-ev.oi th. tlei k ul ii: tl :"l i i v. il
! Cass u'liniy Nchra.-ka. aiei la tin.- ilin
1 ..ii tin; ::i.-,t i!:iv ut -0" :.. A. I). 1 -ii: I
ci'i'li ii' k .1. m. i i s;ii.J . l.i v, at I i,r m ! h ! , u . i I in:
,.,,i.ri lini'v,. ;u tie; city i. 1 'l,i ! ismiu; I !i. in -a: 1
uuty, sin at pun, a: ;e.a;tioii. ! the liv;.v-t I'l'.l
ii: r t .1 i .l-,li, t::i: tnll.iu i;i.; !'-:il ' talc e v. it.
'J'he ii"i i hucst qr.aror di"1,!"! -citiwi le
tot-:: : , tovoi-tep t-lovivt illl.i.iui;
;ia-l 1li- v. c-t l.a I iw' ul li.: ti .il!ic-ist . i i : , i ;
ir.i;1, i if .-i'Cti"U niii.'U'ri! il'.ii. to" nsle p i'Iuv,.-!
ill', mil:'' i::rn: HO. all m :'.-. ikui iv. .'v::i.
I .-iiri in i n .
i i'.v irtuc uf an i'rt nti'iii i s -1 ; e . 1 'i '-t-'' I".
t ici k w! (li - i tii. t e. ,.: i u il iei ami fur
: I c.'Utttv. N
ka. aiul t i:K- il:r rn- :, i
j W'.ll I'll tllC -Nt .1. V el SO'lU'li, I) I -V. i ;
I tcleck a in. ot S lid d IV. .0 the s..i::l
; i!ie Cinr h'.iis- in tli'. city I 'la it -ie oti i !
coantv. sli at eaiilic iUuliva. e tin; !:;;
l - i I.
i i "I
ia sai, !
-t i' d-
I ik-r f a !l..: luliiov uiit i t.e 'j'U..i,; t . '.. :.
tin- n'r'.li'.v-st quai i't ' I iv 1 1 ) ut n .a.' ti-
t.'c. t;-. I-.vnsh-.ii Uv- iv- i.l.''. r nai- ". i;
; a;! :n "a- O'liititv, Nol.r.s- l:;i: touothui -.s u ! tin-
.i ' .'c-t-s an-l a; Mt ':i;eii:-s t in--leu i '..rhai :
itat ur in any '.vi aii;rta!r.i.i- I'lir samo lit ij
; 'cl.:i.i i ai a'nl t.iki:u as tin; )ir 'j.:rtv ul A. I..
' '-.n I) ..e:i. il-f -.l i.ei-. t.i -;ui.-l'y a ju ! ;in -nt of
! s ti'l atn t k'C'.n'i re! "a . Auitui.ii;. .''ia:-: ' ...
I ;;;:,' t;ns. ;:ai'ist -ai-I ii' t-iu : lO
i I latt .Mi.iutn. Nelu-.iskrt. I- b A i '. s';i.
! W. I . Vn l i- i.iai.
i Slirtiif. Cass ccuntv, .'vo'ia- . a,
, I'v I I i. V.e!:;::i.K. I .-intv.
j '. I'oi K. ..iti'i iH'y ! :r i'iaintal.
s won't
. . 'Up.
. 'fbat's
itut i .i.n-v r.ns '-.- i", ...i
li.'lftiU v'a l.f-s.
C'Ui lmg-ii'oll i.K. -;:i: . ! a
begin to belie vn it. I:ai i; ,
a few women left who i oi
on hairpins or curi-p::pi::-'
says the Philadelphia I tire.
I aii riynl, as i-..., ..j w ...
so tiie r.niiicd one:- a.-tii, j,,i- !,;. do
say thai, this method woo'; ti,, ,n ail
after a woman is lnairieJ. .'i:y " lie
cause there is nothia that ti" a- Pierage
man dislikes liiore than euri :.:;p-;-rs.
unless it Is the horn.- wiiie;: ai.iu-ar
after a woman has t-kew.-'re-t ::: in r
front hair on a lot o," b.u..- ,:-. i.e
feuce hairpins. An in veniiv . j.iea
has it poi-sibie for v i :!!::.: to
do h'r hair up, as ila i.-i-nc-ht
curling pioee.-s i; eailtvl. c-i ;;t the
same time to - : ;.i e her bi-a.'ity. if
anything. This i- ;. ! y ;.. of
a set of hairpins awl snuiil vo ', a:.-; a
few bits of baby ribbon. The hnir is
wound in ami our on a iicii'i: arci a
piece of ribl.on w i,ie.i --- ii- i .. o i mis
left out. When this i:; ( .:ic'":'a the
ends of the ribbon re tic! in a pretty
little bow, the hairpin slitp-,i o;-:;. fliid
there you are witli yenr hub.- (i-e.e up
on ribbon. The rods are li-vl to wave
the hair iu tiie n.iti h-ib-sired ta-mj a.
dour iyle, and there are o:hr;- !:?;!.?
instruments in the outfit whirl, make
the most natural cm Is on i he foivhoad
and neck. Thir. k hw lnec': m.'r- com
fortable, as well as becon,!r.'. t sleep
with th hair dore up on rii-Aoi than
on steel wire. Are t h'-n. i : i,i: rc
child's play to acre ..! ;.. .- i:c out
fit is simple mid . ; v 'M a.- in
expensive. HE PAID TH PRICE.
I'ap. .Miinai'ed to .Mai it n In His Crur'ty
iu His Sin's I'rcsejii i'.
An old-school genth. man wli'i lives in
the upper part of the city called Lis!
EDn into the library th? other evening, j
locked the door and had a few words
with the youth, says the Detroit F.-ee
Press. William." began the father,
in a grieved tone, "I hear a story about
you that brings the blush of .same to
my cheek. I can scarcely bring my
self to believe it. I have no word
against the young lady whos.-. name
has been given such unenviable prom
inence, though I do think thr-ie are
other young women who would make
life more pleasant l'or a husband." "I
agree with you perfectly, sir. " i Itea, i
sir, what did you mean by fishtir.g v. r
her with that young Jinison? His en
gagement, to her is now announced,
and one of the most suirprislr.g things
to me is that he could get the best of I
you in such an unworthy way of set- j
tling your rivalry." "lies: of m j
echoed the youth, with fhi.-hh:g "?; j
"they took him home in an ai.i'v.'ance. i
and I don't look wrecked, d.j IV" "its j
passing strange. You trounced liiai, -t
and vet he srets the cirl." "Vri-i '; "i t !
understand it, father. Iu the : ii of
rivalry we both wwit with her so long
that it was the manly thing for one
of us to marry her. and the fellow tiiat
was whipped had to make the sacri
fice." The old-school gentlemen man
aged to maintain his gravity till the !
youth was hurriedly dismissed, and
then laughed till he shea tears an 1 had
stitches on Loth side3.
Subscriiie now for The News.
j The poisoners of to lay are mere am
j ateurs. if hi .ti i v Is to be relied upon.
In the Kod old tiiiie; ihey were art bis
it! in the gentle practice of putting pno-
i pie out of the way, and studied quick
and flow poisons Instead of aU'.ebra
I and civil economy, their curriculum In
cluding mnny deli. docs little com
pounds unknown to our pie;ent i hem
bds. The sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries were the h.-ibyon day?: of
poisoning. There i- i:o doubt that La
Sparn, and the lir possible) still more
wretched h:ie, La Toft'ania, vvere it'
bad as you make them. The latter i
sald to have can ed the deaths of ova '
C"'0 persons. Sh" u-ed a preparatii
of aisi'iiie. which -he sold under tin
name of "Acpua Tofi'ana." It was
slow poison, the victim growing daily
weaker and y; adiially dying of physi
cal exhaustion. In France the most
notorious female poi.-oiu r.s were Mine,
df C: invillier.s (who was taught the
secret of the "succession power"' by
Ste. Croix, which sin1 successfully ad
ministered to her father and brothers),
and the Mill more notorious I.avo.-ln
and Lavigoreux, who. being ostensi
bly nildwivas, carried their poisons to
lush and low married couples anxious
to hasten the dissolution of the irk
some tie, or needy heirs wishful to ac
celerate the departure of rich relatives.
A veritable mania for poisoning; ap
pears to have set in toward the mid
dle of the seventeenth century. In
England poisoning was declared by an
act passed in the iei:;r. of H.-mr.v VIII.
to be high treason, and those guilty of
it were lo be boil'-d alive. The most,
notorious c.c-e 111'" poi-oning of James
I. by P.r.cki'O'liam. i- only surmise) or
poisoning was that of Sir Thomas
Overhury. in the ve n- Kb". He had
incurred (be disieea.-ure uf Lord Roch
ester and his wife, and they had both
vowed to be reveitged on him. So
after they had got him committed L
the Tower tiiey :-,. t hem' ad vos to J i i -son
hi- food by ntiving arsenic and
eanthni ides with it. For many month.1;,
though suffering intensely, h" appears
to have li tigered on. At hist a strong
er dose Ihnn leual put an end to his
mis. -i able existence. The guilty cou
ld", to ih" kings everla st ;r,g disgrace,
were ei".",.-el (ifi"r live rniv.'jmprison
ment. One of the most curious point:-?
connected with poison is the fact that
nations anil individuals hnve been
known to thrive on it. M'd hi ida'es,
king of Pontes, had poison for his
daily fixid. fn the C.esta Romnnorum
we read that '"the queen of the Xorth.
having heard of th" great proficiency
which Alexander the Great made in
learning, under the tuition of Aristo
tle, nourished her daughter, from her
cradle, on a certain kind of deadly poi
son, and when, she grew up she was
considered so beautiful thar 'lie sigh1'
of her alone affected many with mad
ness." The young lady was sent tu
Alexander, who. of course, f.dl madly
in love with her. Aristotle, who kn-v
of the plot, warned the king, who
! thereupon commanded a criminal
whom he had condemned to death o
Icis.s the girl. Scarcely had th- man
to'ichi d her ruby lips before "his
whole fram" was impregnated with
poison, and he expired in the greatest !
agony." Tti the present day it is well :
known that: the peasn'it girls of Styria ;
consume large quantities of ars?nic to i
add to their personal cnarins. It is a ;
common habit also among men. IL is? ;
said to improve the complexion, to pro-!
mote digestion, and to strengthen the :
respiratory organs. The worst of itj
Is that when oaeo you have com-'
niencod taking the drug ir m.-ans. death
to leave it off.
CirriiKiii Stii'lciit 2lakes Vi.l Vtrk of aj
niiilo OimtaS urn. j
A Chicago man who has ju-t. re- j
turned from a trip abroad that com-j
hined several months of professional j
study with a number of wee!;.-- of si.eht- '
seeing tells a funny story of a German !
medical student v.lio was inordinately j
proud of his knowledge of the Kng- j
lish language. It occurred during a j
l'ceitation hour in a well-known college j
in Berlin and the lesson had just, been '
interrupted by the arrival of several;
prominent Germans accompany it; ir a.
distinguished American traveler. The t
professor in charge of the recitation
saw his opportunity to please the ,
noted visitor and immediately propo-ed ;
to his linguistic pupil to trnnslue aj
verse of the German Bible into Em?-
lish. The guest expressejd his antic
ipatory pleasure, the Bible was opened. 1
a verse chosen at random and the proud i
student stood up and assumed sn im
portant air. The lines selected wew
from the story of the apostle's ! "; ia
the Garden of Gethsemane. '"Tiie spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh is
weak," which the medical student
treated in the free and easy manner of
"The ghost indeed
meat is poor."
re a.'! v
but the
The Sul tit ii'ii Ilelrliies.
The estimated value of the ri ilin's
jewels is lO.OfO.O'jO. f hA in n y
hns any hobby at all, it may be said
to be the purchasing of jewel.- mid
witpv'r.s private theatric;-.?,-. Xo
proi'f-ssioiutl of note be he. actor,
siiiaer, or conjurer passes through
Constantinople without an invitation '
from the Sultan. lie always pays for;
these performances in Bank of Kilo
baud notes.
The SiualleKt Iook Kvrr Trlntert.
The smallest hook ever printed is
the story of Perrault's little "lion o"
My Thumb," lately published. The
book is one and one-half inches long,
by one inch wide, and one-ciuarter inch
thick. It can be rad only by the aid
of a microscope, but is complete in
every way. and hns four Pi)9iTi-:;r.'-.
-1lner:tl Y. i'li of W !!-.
Wales is richer in mi ::::!
than any other p:rt uf Grr't '
England produces on au av; r..t.
minerals to each iter-: a nun''!:;.
Scotland a little b;s: U'ah-s. I.-.i
nvrraies over 4 tn tne e n-.
Vh-r Itf.iscin T.'tti'rx
Husband V.'hat! another hi.-:
dollar gown! DidiTt 1 tell ) ;.
you must keep within your j.-hnvahc
Wife (triumphantly) You said md'
In case of absolute necessity. Vw '.
f vms
U if
and. G r
' Ae"?. Af
Ir hn?, nn
a i
e ir " c y" rs .
I V r., il ijOn-.S 'J l 1 "-V
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I'r-piiii'd !y
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cahi:' ' .in n'
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.-.Till S.h
-V i!ic
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1 1
si"!;' ;u:
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fife if f.- - ? y.
R a jj k w o o ci : 5 1 ( c k ,
!)n rilt liP-.-li-ct 11 I'i'ili'ii
r Cili!. ki 1i:!..vh i-ro :'
en (l.inir-roiii. Foley1'-.
Honey and Tariu.
,l;aflU)t, bllfO O'ld HPI'
.-u ro. ( 'oil I ii i f i h r.o a;,,..T'
nut il eu;u mitf-i- 1.
roley'a Honoy ond
Tar do--a in t L ! ".'
I iil'-O l:or,--i i.'i ti'l vi r--,-.-.
fnr;?. l;'it chii.-iis to r i-.
rcliof In thn v -y v .:-!
'-3, r'i i i '-ri! !.- ' ij' -.
ti'V'.-ct r. c'l: f.
ThOTHiwi'ls of tnfai:
.mil children itlo y.-arl.
if Croup, crory oau o.'
- hese innoi:'-riM cu i'l
m.TO hafl Fo-,
!ey's Honey and
iirta tivoil tbeai l!i t ;n:;.
f I f
t J? 3 4 i a S
1 .
he best
u rn a n a
i I
rn a K o
Grade Shoes In the
?. lo hav.'; y-'.i con:-
x,-ilz i her7, i
.i. J MIC, -if bl'.ir "i ;'
nat w:
r.i. HI...M.II1. '" J f'---w-.j3rr-rf
cr r; rr w
A; paid Liuj CASH and wii I give vou the
benefit of heavy DISCCUNT.
3 . r-
T .7
(- I I
P. P T' ; " c,
i MClAfq
vni i wn 1 1 1 that couh
; cttrnd, lake a hot-
il ar and
t nual. It mivnr
r -J - T" ' C ,
x rr- c; - i' rs jr f
PA'. LARD, t- Loufs
;i ! i -ircnt h, I will be jhid
di i .: -s .' 1 .'i-s llr'.V eilcs,,
i1 v :-! i (-,, I I:i (! v;ifi ,
:i r i .c I in a ii rst-
'!!'. n.:cs tll.Ll will
:7 '.- h
i AjTI'ma,
,F?'.!-y'a tionoy and
j l -ir : n'-i.-'t -.',' "'. 1 to "i vi'
I fn, i-t. 1 1 -' i.l i :i ul I en-'-'
,- ' I -:ui. J no t cla-.
' i, " , "' !i-r i;i"'liciii
' I - t !.." l..Ul:'l t'l CIV"
. ,.'i r-:' '.
Tf you hiivu lioJ theGrii
fu prolirljly coc-I a i-i
iinhlo riiH-!ne 1 i k r Fo
ley's Honey nntl Tnr:
('o t:'-al your lun'i anil
"P t-li rar-lclnpf cohkI.
t.':c:-l'-nt al t Ibuas'
r. .7. ('. !:.-). ';i. r,t An
?Ti':li., H.-ivi,: 'I ).nv:;
. '1 Foley's Honey!
in'J Tcr iu tI..-'-o tit:
-..' rfi ?n-"-'i ,r I'rji.-'irr: -'
v ' T-a- li. fill li. wi' Ii
1 Kfj
-.n-'j rtjira 'a.'iti
uoods to be found in
m SI to $2 cheaper
r specially of High Styles. Wo are
ii"! and see our stock
-in. 1 V T ""-'MM.-1 CtrriMM .
.tlVl , J, t 1K ZMllyjS in,
t ;. . : i .'. l! - t ii. ,nlJi
i:l;isscs of jiurc.'iscrs.
'it tsmout h. Neb.
1 t
i i
1 s