Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 28, 1899, Image 2

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    n-bru.iry 27. ia'.
A. H.
& CO.
A car ioad
Hard Coai
will be
received at
our yards to
morrow. All want who
want coal
should send in
their orders
A. H.
Up-To-Datc Grocers.
Depends greatly on tlio
which the own ! iic-tows upon it. A
n-ood w itch, if ( .m;i:m m.v i'i.kask!)
and c:l 1.1 1 onci; :i c i r, as it should be,
will last a lifetime.: yes, a hunarod
years. Many jrood w.tHiios are al
lowed to ro witiinut cleaning andoil
iriir for e trs, wilii the re-uit that the
oil is entirely diiud up, the pivots arc
cut and rusVd out, so that it cos-tt.
t wire as much to p:;t tho watch in
l-iaipcr co'nii.i n a ,rain s it would il
e-iven timeiy a'iciii.oi'. I have i lenr
estabii-lied reiea'ation for serv!nr my
cusiomoi s -ar efu'il y, as well as ioiny
the Vrt of weric." If your watch i.
not e-ivirur sati.-faetion, ii"in;r it to nv
andl will tell yen just what it needs
No charge for t x ni i i a t i on, a d if left
with me. I j'ua iar. ire that on shall
have an accnate and reliable TIMK
PH'.Ci:. Jno. T. Coleman.
; : ; m
; e..u City
LOU::? and e '
Ali po:u .3
Nn i. I vor e li :! la
;o . (. h .i'.i-) t-nrc-:s T:;j an.
Nn'jl. !..). 1 1 c .:r.' -, uaiiy, ;t 'e',
J. -t !.ou 'f. atl ,n"iiiis
l'.'aj ' a-.
N, t. i,Mt i c:- --ley. Hiii itc-Moa
! ,. : . T .--'.: I te-si 'ci.-ll ail.
.;.-'. " .:lv ii .j,t uU-
.;v r...-:lif Juncou i;m
Neo.i. frci. !.t. ...t. yvM-.t.-p' -i.nd-.'.y
!'.!.. . ;.e .1 n r..-i :nL! - 1 ' Pi-
.N.. U-j Vi-st :- .i cxp, lia'iy. Bur
: i:. :; en, i .... 'U ' :
'i :,Ts ca-l . Tin i train t.a
M. Lea:: r-id ft "C -V-7 V"
Net-'. I,r.o..o.iii.i.:i'iy.?i Joe. Kan
sas I l.nuis. c':iiiai--o
ail poiuts c.:: :iad south.. in.
No I:'. Loom exp. a.iiiy.Umah.t. l.'a
rolii, Ht'iiu'r mill intern. v
Unit . iWliini'i -:,! ;-ii
No LT. I.o.a. i-xp. a-uiy. Oiua.'ot. ... i!l o-r.n.
No Z.i. J..c il frciiraL. uauy. ex mu-
d.vy, ct'iinr i rcew. j.,m:
vi "io, ?uih i'.cr
, 7. Va-n mail, uaiiy, thnaha ami
No Vejti'.juied rxp. daily, Den
ver ami :Tt points in Cui.
laio, L'ta-h ami Culaiornla.
tVr;ina Islaiul. Bi;ick HUN.
Muntuun iinU l'iicitij N. W
No l.i. Loca le x o. a i i i y e x ' pt -s u n -nay.
hen ;sviih. Ashlan!.
v ulioo. so tin y ler
- . ii r , I , . . I : ! v . v Ii t 11 II-
7:1 i an
Ir'js pni
r.u pin
11. - - r
., . ir lit. ...tilt un. I . I iti'nl n . . f-l DDI
?lecp:ui a'iuiii- ami rceiiaiii cJiatr ears
(seats freoion liirmu'ii intir.s. ocKfutinu
and Ui"isa- etiei-i-eu to any uu.nt in tke
Uuited MaiosorCi:n;nia.
For liifornoUloii. time tables, maps and
tickets call or write- lo
W. li. PICKETT. ARent.
lTattsmouth, Neb.
J. KKA M I.?. Ot !i. t'ass. At..
Oraaiia. Neb.
M. i'. 1 i J K C Alil.
c0 .! a, ni
No'. 121. local frei.-iit ..i.Vi v.u.
Ni. 2
No. 1-.', ioe il freight.
No. In
.Id: l! p in
. 7 '''' si in
4 ;o i it tn
Arrival ana Dt p.irture of .'Miil?
7 ol a a'. Onial.a and N'rih. S .i.tii ni M I'.
7-;U West. Ka-t ani r.J;i on i-..rl:nt on.
7 M "'a. Wc-t on L". 1'.
l:-.ii " l.iucoin ar.d meal n t':n,ha.
10-4." " ?chuier, Past -n N. V.
II V' " -t. Lou'', S.iil'ion M. I'.
' "op in East on U. M . North on M. 1'aii,
tv S. I'.
4- ..I " -Omaha. Kat on C. M. St. Paid an i
K. 1., n.o V. est im K. I.
5- i Oaud.a. West and S-.uth oa 15. & 1.
DL PAKTl-'Ki:.
-:1)a ;nn..a!ia, Vet on K. 1. acd BurliiiRton.
j,.!! South on Iluriuitst'in.
),,".-, h.-iM on Uuriiiiianii.
II .) On. aha. Nnrih on M. IV. W'et on
Kiklmrn. North on 5t. P. M. U
'I'M' ri.- ):i.;.lia. W'..r t on I! A ."!. and L'. '..
.,ri. n .st. 1. A S. C. Last on k.
j W , nnd ' M. A .-t. I'., South
on V.'.e. r h.
i ;- ni, ' n M 1'
. ,,, .',; t on (La1': s" ". r.ta on sub
l,i f, "I. I' s ImiliT.
I ,,,t i.ii K'-'a, West on
..i'i mi M. t'., Wp t M. I'. ' I-:n-fi,.i,.
..,ni, n i M . I', via Louisville.
4 i.i. ..I, i. I c t and .Smith on 15m
;,i .'I i,. V - t o" limlaiytou weft
.,( ili'iuii,
! The Semi-Weekly ftews-IferEld;
i -'
i '
I . . . !!V 1 II K . . .
j I I'. MAKSIIA I I . IlnvMits-, M;.n.i,:i i. '
One Yo.-ir, in v:iuet', . . .
Si x M i ii t !. t
(id ;
J Pie Work
hiliede Oi'pil
M.M1 Wr.hlil.V K!.l I ION.
One Year, ill ndvatirc 1 !i
Si M oil 111 S, f,0
Of .inv tass County Paper. ;
I'iilD.W, ! Fi'.KFAUY lit. W'.
NO I It I..
I li'i i.c I . i I I . I'll 1 1 1 1 ri . in 1 1 1 ( 1 1 i ; .' i :'.' -
1 in jni o: Tin: Xi:u it is 1m-.-I that j
I .ill lnoiu-y due on hi'imv iplion or other i
J accounts h p'ii 1 as sonn as iini ldr.
j All aceo-ii.t-i ai-f. pay a! do to '-itlii-!- ( j
.-. 1 oi or J I .. .i ai-.-naii.
! 1 'I KSII K.N IT McKlXI.KY's lio-toli
' s ;io.;i-!.!' l,:ivn add.-d lar-'.y to hi
j reputation as a s-t-Uesnian and a j.ul.iio
i r-p a I; e .
j "Till-; while man's !urdea" is
yroally les-eiuil by reading 'J'lii:
Ni;s. Do not Woi r nv m-iirh-l)n,
'-i pi pel, t.ul have o'e 1 f! at otir
; u(i r.
J " 1 1 1 i 'h i . i ppi i:es will uinloubt. lily
be M;lf-!upportii'jr. Tint ieer,ue at
Manila has averaged i-to(i,()ih p -r
month s-inco our forf'- 'cn iio 1 the
j city, ai d and. r pcrofui conditio;.- it
I wou d Oe much larL'er.
DriMM tlie year there v cro
killed at the four reat westei n pack
ing centers, niim..'ly, Omaha, ivan-as
City, St. Louis and Chicatre, nendy
3-,(Kl(j, 00:) lieail ot cattle, hos and
sluep. Of the.e 2:;,40t,ir;() were . h ars,
I,lil7,h(i0 were sheep, and :',Si;ll,(!UO
cattle. The record exceeds In' '()':
siderablo any other year and is a
striking illu.-tration of the m jjnitudo
of the stock raininj? industry.
'i he rejiort of Captain Hay of the
Alaskan relief expedition just sent to
congress by Secretary Aijcr reveals a
condition of atTiils t i.a t should serve
as an clTectivc . ii the'eitliu--i
i-mo! niise uilieU ne r-oa-, who
imagine olos-til wea X h iavii'l t ncui
in the Klondike, -a;,s the Omaha iVe.
l-'rom this i eporl, it is a oparen t t h at
he entire ydd n-o.lueitiv district lia.
been staked cut chielly i y Mieculators
whose ohj ct it is to nnl. ad them at
fabulous ijrieis on t lie c:i ' husiatic and
uru-pecti n' newcame: or t.. u-e then,
as the basis of "Klondike co:npa!iier
of marvelous possi ni lilies in this conn
try. No new discoveries of import
ance have been or .arc li;
to be
made in the near future and ti.e
Iviotidikor" whose uiiforitinaio en
thusiasm lures hi.n uortiiwaid us hkeiy
to li id himself disappointed and
fir aided with no hotter pro-pec's of
retnevinpr i'is feruines t han cu ! ! i i:
wood for the liver boats under condition-,
that -.v ill burly enab c h.m to
keep hody and soul toother.
C iptain K iy was sent upaa til's niis--i'
n xore s v for t v ' ' I osc of
! . ' 1 li o ! ' r i r . f iv : t l - n co e : n ! 'J t i e
country 'or the 'u idai.i e ! ur p; op r
and I is rep -rt in y ! taken as f . i
inoer'atic.n f cx.siaor condition. L.
he iijrii t of t he taets uise:osed no phw
man should ti.i ,K i f ir-eiii;.' on a qn s'
for . id wio- e mor-.; ttian '.) per ceni
are foredoomed to fai.u e Kven li e
opportunities for ee!'ta n k nds of
f irmiior lh l ho rop;i t- to'ixi-t ia t'ne
e v.r Yukon vali ;y re iirl ;.ll'iri' Lr
and prooardy wi.-uid not p: ovc neaily
s remu' era'iv-e ;i t.he same i ad us' ; ,
c ndu t' d with enterprise and inttl-iif.-:
m.!? in a y of ilie western sta'.e-.
Up .u whole, whether teul-.i-r.'
f ir e;oid or oiiier oj portu nit ies to
am iss wealth, Ah.sko would .-eem, ;;t
least for the present, a freed ere,' try
to keep a way from .
Senator Gorman of Maryland has
made a friend for life of "lalij '' Mi. son
by saying t.) tlie Illinois man: "Do
you know , I have noticed a marked i e
semhlance between you and S.enhen
A. Douydas, who pat me in the senate
as a iao more than a quarter of a
century aro,'' This compliment was
paid to Senator Mason just, after he
had made his fiery speech on tlie Mc
Knery resolution.
K. Spencer Pratt, who, as our consul
general at Singapore, is said by Airon
cillo to have promised A.guinaldo ali
sorts of impossible things, is a native
of Alabama and a man of brilliant ac
complishments Tie wa United States
minister to l'ersia under Mr. Cleve
land's lirst administration and was ap
pointed consul general ai Singapore
by Mr. Cleveland du: inj his second
lUrumniciiileil for L: tirippiv
N. Jackson, Danville, Id., writes:
"My daughter hadascveie attack of
La Grippe seven years ajro and bine
then whenever she takes cold a terri
ble couph settles on her lungs. We
tried a frrcat many remedies without
ivinof relief. She tried Foley :s Honey
and Tar which cured her. She has
never been troubled with a courL
since. 2."e. F. CJ. Fricke cc Co.
No I'rrurn.
"Winter is fi'U of .-ad memories to
me." "Why so?" 'T once 'fed a Kirl
on expensive ice cream all summer,
and the broke our enpaeement just as
ihe chaflnK-dish season sot In."
Droolilyn Life.
fC fs"6 i';nr !
fi v it ;
.Mr.-. .1. II. I'c,;!.
(if tl;e pi-tor
, I re'll l if t . t
f i ! I f M e thi
ll, el's Ilisti' ipe.
' X ( 1 1 !. i. i'li'!'
.-!. of Ti'diin-rti. wi fe
f tie- 1'iv'j tori-.n
I ' y. f cut ! V re d H
,1 di 'i' ( :i roi; i; I y r
Tin' tillo of 1 li i nii,4
w .s I h.; MoHi.tV
I r.lie.ene
In Ani
:t- vo'.
J i -i . i i.
W 1 1 it'll I
lit of ti
)w r m v i;- r.x'..-ii.!M)
I lie I'll 111 ii' S'-ilOol ' !! I (1 it
r n :. ii . hi ii - iy it '.i pu')
i i '"'. i-'j hi li C li i.-f! r i u fru'ii
III' V (
e:iti lor t li ' lielie-
Tin.: Kvi.NiNi;
i,'o'i!.iii hi eh
Vll' IC 1- IK
I'- I' I' .- II I foi' SI
titi'l : i Hii-ii t '
i'i' i
a n
iiiti ii' it'j
I- the il)- i
'I''-" f- '
t i i for 1
I - I T J .it (VI - 1 !
V::il i P 'Ivi' ll.'V
c ; i' .o,
ov- r-.- in 1 1. at i
lenii M'v t 'f' v
ii: o; I'll
.:? ti.e
: ia-i:. a
w inn l;
1! I l.l I ' 1:
,ii l his
e , i a i ; . i
esled tO
not. ! i rs
,:!it 'he
W i I i e i 1
e -is and
p , b ic
t - 'e. m
) 1 th is I , r.e 1 i. ; V, 1
sui'srest s' me w i s iti
in , y o-e th -i V i n ti U -in
I U ,d i h not ; s( uii i
m i t hers may as- i -1. in
ail in t he ( Uieienej
se ools.
hieh :
to !;..
av- in
As is u Hal, :
.V In. il n n til i ii 4 oi
! a
t 1 y ii.'
Mrsl lO
no one
1 1 i 1 Hit
child is u in, o r ,i i i u
mi-re inlei esteii th in t !ia'
matin i'. So wiih our si: m !.
Inas niore, rje hi or sloand it"
i.e. e
l a-
tercst'-,! in thein than tie
tic chi Id n n who at tend.
: i ,
For so;re l r
failed '. p rial in
We lin'i n-lad
schools v ho i
inoii ii t: e i -h
S 1:1 I
11, e !'
i ; i t : ;
el I O
h vo
cl-.-.i .
hi. Ml
i 111
si. ; : - i .!i
ion oar
-iit : . a .
.i'o.., the
r a or: n t
oron; p!n re
written dec
Mn;r of ci I
1:1 II! i', cip
e-n I in tetal
failure. The writ 1 1
thosu who are class
a !!'. Il . 11 e-fi lit
d as iainv o.oo,i
se'.io'ar- a i e oltoi full of cr .-. oath
of sjieliiiio an I c iiiital :. ition. 1 o
call e-p"ei-dly tie- m-ira - ri pt of a
man, cun.ildate f.r ivreii r f one of
our .' ? t .t 's, a-:d a i o i'a - mi n
ister as Weil.
1'rjsiness men wid tell on that one
of the L'ti'iiUs' Iroutie s W:lh t'ne aver
ayo s'.onoi; );, ( is tiie inability to
sp-.dl will, (''I' i! ontnv prepare a Uor. i
i tic nt. Ai yoriC who has to do with
type'e i inn noMvi p' s will le:l yon
thai 'hi- is true
reason of h.nviii'
sy.-t.. in in the. w
ai'.ither's inline
by i n-i-ti ; s iha
it that ihe i i i tie
Yet. we bo i -1 wit ii
' the. lined f i'o school
-v d. Il'irht 'iere lie!
!ii;.'iit l ; eXt-rled
t si'held il ,::rd - s" to
ones ,fe pi i.i : ti . t o reaa
th it ir I .!. er j- ei:i
owcr .'rule- vdiu i- no'
1 1, 1 s pel i ;l'i se
plovcd f. r i be
' n.irniio p
cliiidren 1
he quail
trea,.: s'al
com ;a; ten.:. 1"
: w to ad, no in
eai'oas ia..y b ;
( ! i 1 1 o l i i i i : : 1 : '.
ni na t i s y that
leil till!
to r what
in oiliro
: a i ex
o:ij,:i,r i-
till Of the in-r''.
schools, when it
1 1 o i
le a 111.' lie - ill ell,"
id bo the e-y
corners-one on wh c1: an education is
built. If iinyn ,e doub's this st :to- ;
mmit, lot him try to jjet soni an,-- to'
or a puecie m-v t i ir ;u il rro rt
oro-j ri-s-.
We nrr
i a nai.v .inir Uo
chila; ids m.
studied pi-'tc
cli iid s I ad v o;
1 1 1 i
matoiy is lj,'ii';
ce. We have
d k i inierLra rten
n c : ti ec s w , i on : e
node: i ! in pin ve a. .
a ii at. is a. ' lie ry .
e. il i e-u:'V
The .; :, -,
' h ' c ! . i ,i I . e -; re '
f : -d as we.! as I o
O ; w-. an a .-.
:ei. Il has
ha: h s be
.1' o d
ie '111 t ii e s
s in the
co a-- e; tn
'; n .
. f ! r
i: .
sC ,o
i e-'.l
l. UK
,-C ' I -ilf
l a
, nj e ,
the fit'
IV !1 i I
t ion a i
lisn sr
en , e
turn ' i
re a ly
ti a n
not P.
p'.ibl i
boi ii;
e i in-;
si h e n i
;'!-. a lid
tii is a !
':( !:;!! O
rr. the
ai m to
Ueili lie
I y .- .
1 1 i i l
tii in i
rf men.
toil the
of JU
;e jr0.nd
i w.ntei
ii- p si
) i ni- mi - i
fort a . 'I
in i
ur li
e:..ii"I S, a i d ;)'r the Soft of
fo re.-p ei-ib e aie.i ,n' eat.
lions. " ' J i : i tiii- 1 s,n ' ii of
C HI ire 1, i n ti s in'b-tv V
i I. Will il ' ,' c, o to ! I V tii
b am
every' '' ihe c'ii;.'l To i
home or r c I: ,i '. i a l i n r.
.ether, wisely nnl patio. Il
work t the sane; end. It
Ufe-l that i'ri. qu nit vi-its l-a t
annoy and rial ihe ie n
hinder rather than he p in :
liier the
o li to
sh on id
is often
o C'.:0ol
o r, and
e work.
and pos-ibiy i-oaio f w are deterred on
this account from taking a more active
interest. Hut the quest ion s of iijriit,
h-2!.t. ventilation, pi ojie.r statin r, play
trrour.ds, quarantine against l n feclii-us
disease are not projierly within the
province of the tcacleM-. Ti'.e.c heh.-nfr
to the parents, ami usually the mother
i-j the one who has the ac ovm siohl
of the .'rowing child. No te icber has
ever bien found who will oa-j- i-t to a
scientilicaliy li elite.', properly heated,
comfortably se ted, by y ien ical iy clean
school room. No teacher wi 1 iver
object to a perfectly clean, well man
nered child enti'i-ino- tiie: elarS.nor will
yon eve liad a teaeher who complains
that the p .rents take just a littl ton
much interest whether the chi d is
well behaved and resp, c'.'ul. There
nia I e frea ks ai d cranks amonp; teach
ers as well as p iron's, b j.t I lnv; yet
to flu J the teacher who would ; eaish
t he uniformly weli In h-ivtil and stud
ious child.
Our teacher- ar : ali e uly ovvrbur-d-'iivd.
S ivs vro: "No nobler army
i. f martyrs ever taarcheti to chambers
of torture." Yet we mothers send our
children lo s -iiei.,1 am
ta :nd that at
the end of the liih school course, well
educated, we'll mannered, cultivated
younjj men r.nd women somehow be
ground out.
There is ro" use in talking. The
nioUur in Hue 'ice i all imp irtunt in I
I the homo t r.ii ii ; ii of tlm rliild to re:ip
the lies', piolit i.t f'hool.
I.,) I:iroii I J. Mrijrus.drjin f Harvard
ro lej'o, states, after mi U i njr 1 i l
ornl :i 1 in a anro foe faults in a t-clmnl
: 1 1 1 ( 1 it- otlieers and p-ir.'iitA nr ao
countable for more uliort c-iniinys i n
students tlian either they or the stud
ents suspect. He further says that a
live minute tail: with father or mother
in iy reveal l ti eaiiso of failure or mis-OMiiliu.-t
on the part (jf tlm ftudent.
( i'u I cunt i ii unl next Saturday )
I Thi' Itcitt anil I lioiprnt
'I 1h: New Vufli lndcjii ti!i;nt, the
leadinj,r ueeUly now npaper of the
i world, and one whose puis excrcifO
tho vidL'st in lluoiici-, i en'cring upon
itri liftielli LHf of puhlic ition. The
1 tidopi-nderit eiuphtisiz s its fiftieth
j ear by chanrrino its fc-rir. to that of a
j ni:ior;,zine, and by reducing its annual
i hubscription price from 83 to $2;siniri0
I copies from 10 U) 0 cents. Tlio Inde
' pend-mt in it- new form will print
.'kbl't pan-cs of reading mattor per year
i at a cost to subscriber of $2, while
', the prominent magazines, which sell
for 4 a year, print only about 2.00(1
payes. I lie subscriber to the Inde
' pend rit jo ts S2 per cent more of
'; equally yond reading matter lit one
haif the cost! It is nut only the lead
i n LT family weekly newspaper but by
j f ir the cheiprst, mil best. A free
' specimen copy may be had by address
! inr the Independent. 1:50 Fulton street,
1 New York.
I.iiiKerin lei (irippc outi t'tirtnl.
Mr. G. Vacher, 1j7 Oseoed St., Chi
cago.. '"My wife had a severe case of
LnCripne three ears :ipi and it left
her with a wry bad trough. The
tried a bott'e of Foley's ilo icy and
Tar and it eave imtnediali relief. Ono
f i bottle cureil her eouoh entirely. Now
i . . ......
! we are never without a bottle oi una
1 wonderful C'oujjh Medicine in the
ho'i-e." -ry and oc. F. G. Fricko &
; Co.
Two More Kxrursioiis to Hot SprinR S. I).
I i hose who find it inconvenient or
' impossible to leave home during tho
summer months will lie inerested in
j the ;t n iK uneeinen t that on the 14th
and 2Sth of February, the Murlinton
r, ute will sell round trip tickets to
Hot Springs at half rates.
Tickets are good for thirty days
: In in date of issue ton' enough for
i visitors to receive substantial benefit
from a course of treatment at the
springs. Hot Splines' lartrcst hotel,
; iheUvans, as well as its principal
bathhouses arc oiuvi t.hrouirhout tlie
i vear. Hot ."-.prmirs ciiiiiale, even in
! nudwinler, is clear, dry ana sunny
in t neariv as cold, as a rule as that of
; Nebraska.
For tickets nnd information about
; trail .services, apply to nearest 1.5. &
M. II li. ticket necnt, or write J
Francis Gen ral Passenger ayent
1 Omaha, Neb.
J. Sheer, Seualia. Mo., conductor on
electric street car line, writes that hia
linie daughter was vo y low with
i eroup, and her life saved after all phy
sieians had tailed, only ry Usinp- uiw
Minute cou-rh cure. F. G. Fricke &
j Co.
Jo South TIOk inttr
i Foftho iire-ent winter season the
i r uiisvi h; N shville IX hi road Com
pany has iniproed its already nearly
perfect trirouoh service of Fullmtiu
j Vo-iiinped Sleep: Dr Cars and elegant,
day e aches trom lnciunatii, L,ouis
vide. St Louis and Chicago, to Mo-
Idle, New Orleans md the (Julf Coast
TliivnnsA'iilo. Ga , I'cnsacola, Jackson
v.lic, i'ampn, I 'aim 13each and othei
points in Florida. Feifect connection
will be made with steamer lines for
Cuba, J'orto Rico, Nassau and West
d inn
ports. Tourists and Home
see ke. excursion tickets on riale at
low rates. Write C. I. Atmore, Gen
e",'l pa-sender Ajrent, Louisville, Ky
for p irticular.
Dr. Sawyer's L ttlc Wide Awake
Pilis pive j urity il body and vigor of
thought by pen'ectly reulatino; the
bo we is and curing hiliousnesp, inactiv
liver and constipation. A. VV. At
Too I. n r la for tlie Tlisliop.
The Bishop of Wakefield was trav
eling late one night third class. His
journey was peaceful until half a doz
en porters invaded the carriage. Their
conversation was argumentative and
their language was more than forcible
The bishop, greatly impressed by the
avalanche of adjectives, quietly re
marked, Gentlemen, pray let your
conversation be a trifle more anaemic."
Glorious News
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cartrile. id
Washita. I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Klectrie Bitters has cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering- for years
Terrible sores would break out on her
head a;:d face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her ctre is com
plete and her health is excellent. "
This shows what thousands have
proved, that Electric Bitters is the
best blood purifier known. It's the
supremo lemcdy for eczema, tetter,
salt rheum, ulcers, bils, and tunning
sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and
bowels, expels poi.-ons, helps dijje-tion
builds up the strength. Otilj- 50 cents.
Sold by F. G. Fiicke & Co. d uggists,
guaranteed. 4
A Dortor'n Strange Fee.
A correspondent has sent us an ex
tract from a letter received from his
brother, a medical missionary in Se
chuan, one of the inland provinces of
China. 'T had," he writes, " a very
distinguished patient this afternoon
She is the wife of Sao-tai of Tientsin,
in Chih-Il province, a man who gov
erns an area probably equal to half a
dozen Fnglish counties. She brought
her fee with her a fowl, a duck, sixty
eggs, tv o pounds of cake3 and a leg
of mutton! Last time she came she
brought not quite so much, but since
then she has sent over eight stocks ot
beautiful chrysanthemums." British
Medical Journal.
Nelrki N- N'otm.
Tho B. & M. has promised to build a
new depot tit Friend.
Tlio Gothenburg; Independent has
absorbed tho Timo.4 of that place.
A bank has been organized ut Pal
mer and will begin business March 1.
Thoro wero shipp-d from Furnas
county during the year lS'.H l,h!7 cars
of slock and 1,547 cars of grain.
It is rumored that the First National
bank of Greenwood intends throwing
up iis charter hs a national bink and
will be lurried into a stttij bank.
Tho jjreut wolf hunt which sotno of
the Bancroft sport- have been en
deavoring to bring about in this vicin
ity for somo time will tako placo
Thursday, March 2.
The Pawnee City schools havo a
library now of lell'O volumes. It Is
probable that no other school in the
state can make as good a showing,
everything; taken into consideration.
A pr.iirie (ire west of Scotia last
Sunday burned some tiiug like 150
tons of hay on tho OrendorlT land, a
stable- for Van Zandt and did con
siderable damage at other places. I',
is t-aid to have started from a smoul
dering; straw stack'.
Anna Hadley, wife of Frank P. Had
ley of Red Cloud, for to r.-elf and her
child. Pearl Hadlcv, has brought suit
in tho district court against M. M
Stern and John Po'nicky and their
bondsmen for $5,000 damages for sell
ing liquor to her husbind.
The old-time lightning rod "'skin
ner" showed up in the north part of
Cedar county last week and did up (
several farmers for sovernl hundred.
When lie succeeded in so doing he
skipped out of tho country, but it
seemed that he lost ono of his photo
graphs and so whs caught in Sioux
City by the chh f of po ice.
The Oriental I.n t rriHin m lit .
The Oriental entertain men t gn va n at
the Pre&by terian chuich last evening
by Phr. res Behannesey was the best
entertainment of that naluie which
has ever been presented in Platts
mouth. Mr. Behannesey is a native i f
Damascus, hence is thoroughly cou
vei siant with the manners and customs
of the people of that country, their
ro'igion. language, etc., and his lec
ture was highly instructive and very
amusinfr. Thero wero about forty
persons dressed in the u n ique cost u mes
of the Oiient, some of the costumes
being of rich material and very beau
tiful. Mr. Behannesey described the
different classes, their peculiar cus
toms, introducing- persons dressed in
the native costumes, including the
governor and his harem, Greek and
Arab priests, the treacherous Kurd,
tho soldier, farmer and shepherd,
showing- some of the weapons used in
warfare. Takiug it all in all, it was
most enjoyable. Tho entertain ment
was concluded by a rendition of the
Mohammedan prater by Mr. Behan-ne.-ey,
and the salute by the wayside,
which was intensely interesting. We
deem tho entertainment an education
of itself and one could learn moie io
garding; tho people of the far east by
attending Mr. Behannesey's Oriental
entertainment thnn he cou d get by
reading any number of articles on the
Digcovererf by a Woman
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its
cluichis upon her and for seven jeais
she withstood its severest lests, but
her vita! organs were undermined ana
death seemed imminent. For three
months she coughed incessantly, and
could not sleep. Sho finally discov
ered a way to recovery, by purchasing
of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, and was so
mui h relieved on taking first dose,
that she slept all niyht; and with two
bottles, has been absolutely cured.
Her Dime is Mrs. Luther Lulz." Thus
write W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby
N. C. Tiial bottles free at F. G
Fricko & Co's. drug store. Regular
size 50c and $ 1. 00. Every bottle guar-teed.-
Married Men to Try Her.
An unusual proceeding will he ob
served at the next trial of Fayne Ktra
han Moore, the alleged "badger" wom
an. Every one of the jurors . dl bA a
married man at least, that is the
district attorney's intention at pres
ent. Fayne's wlnsomeness and beauty
were too much for the last jury who
tried her. Most of them were single
men, and they disagreed. The district
attorney will try married imp. in the
hope that they will not be prejudiced
by the fair prisoner's beauty. New
York Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch.
For frost bites, burns.indo't-n t sores,
eczema, skin disease, and especially
piles, DeWitt's Witch IIaz-1 salve
stands first and best. Look out for
dishonest people who try to imitate
and counterfeit it. It's their endorse
ment of a good article. Worthless
goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's
Witch Hazel salve. F. G. Fricke &
"Hero of Dargal."
Piper Findlater, the "hero of Dar
gai," has again sprung into notoriety.
this time in a suit for breach of prom--
ise, in which be is defendant. The
plaintiff is Miss Mary Gallaty of Dun-
dee, who wants 3,000. In the mean-j
time she is In a music hall ia Dundee
dancing in her wedding dress, with
the wedding cake displayed on the
B. Presson, Preson ville, Ivans.,
writes Jan. 25, 1899: "Ship order at
once, only have one bottlo left."
Nothing like Foley's Honey and Tar"
is the universal verdict of ull who
have used. Especially has this been
true of coughs accompanying" and suc
ceeding la grippe. Not a single bottle
ailed to give almost immediate relief.
Everybody recommends it. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
During the Battle of
The Packers at the Battle ol SantUfjw
Cuba Were All Heroes Their Heroic
Efforts In Getting Ammunition and
Rations To the Tront Saved the Pay.
P. E. Butler, of pack-train No.
writing from Santiago do Cuba, on
July 215, says: "Wo all had diarrhoea
in more less violent form, and when
we landed wo had no lime to see a
doctor, for it was a case of rush and
rush night and day to keep trio troops
supplied with amunition and ritinn-,
but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy, wo
were able to keep at work and keep
our health; in fact, I sincerly belie vo
that at ono critical time this medicine
was tho indirect savior of our army,
for if tho packers had been unable to
work there would have been no way
of getting supplies tot he front. Tin): e
were no roads that a wagon train
could use. M v comrade and riiyr-eif
had the good fortune to lay in a sup
ply of ttiis meilicino for our pack-train
before wo left Tampa, and I k iw in
four cases it absolutely saved life."
Tho above letter was writLen lo the
manufacturers of thin medico e. ! In;
Chamberlain Medicine ' o.. I -Moins,
Iowa. Forsiilo by all druggist-'.
A HUtorlc Ten.
Whenever tlie Empress r'i,,"rii ! of
France has occasion to write a r 1 hi n;
about her lamented husband .- lie a I
ways uses the diamond pen whirl,
signed the treaty of Paris. AI! tin.
who participated in this hi:-!:; a' '
casion warted tlie pen as a ne-iii ; , 1
But so keen was the empre-i- 1 ,
sr-Esing it that she begged 1 i :i ; only
one pen should be used, whe-h sin
thought she hud a right to m-i i.i as
a souvenir. This was agreed to. The
pen takes the form of a ipiiU p eeked
from a golden eagle's wing and richly
mounted with diamonds and void.
Happy is the man or woman who
can eat a good hoatty meal without
sulTering- afterward . If you cantmt. do
it, take Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It
digests what you eat. and cures all
forms of dyspepsia and indigest inn.
F. G. Fricko & Co.
IIiuhU' 11 inl Color.
Climate has a great elten on the
complexion. For Instance, the Cau
casians are of all complexions, accord
ing to the climate, but white is Un
natural color. Thus, a native of north
ern Europe is fair; of central, less so;
of southern, swarthy; a Moor, more
so; an Arab, olive; and a Hindu, near
ly black. Such of the Hindu women
as have never been exposed to the sun
are as the inhabitants of the south of
Aro you restless at night, and
harassed by a bad cough? t'so i;,d
lard's ITorehound Syrup, it will se
cure you sound sleep, and effect a
prompt and radical cure. Price, 2-"
cents and 50 cents. F. G. F- icke - Co.
Twenty I.aRhPH for Six ililr.
A singular theft was tried by Mr.
Beale, first-class magistrate, recently.
Superstitious Burmans pull out the
hairs of an elephant's tall for talis
mans, making rings out of them and
other charms. One Nga Tun Lin went
Into an elephant's shed at Ahlono and
pulled six hairs out of a hull ele
phant's tail, secreting them in his um
brella. The mahout challenged him
and he promptly shook the hairs out
of the umbrella. They fell on some
straw, were picked un and put forward
in evidence of theft. The man was
convicted and sentenced to receive
twenty lashes. Times of Burma.
There is nothing mysterious in the
wonderful cures c fTected by Dr. Saw
yer's Wild Cherry and Tar. You get
t'ie br-nefit of an eminent physician's
prescription for all throat - ii I aing
diseases. A. W. At wood.
Sermon i:i Calcutta.
In Calcutta it is extremely difficult
to interest the foreign population in a
sermon at any time of the day. The
Koh-i-Nur remarks on the curious
spectacle of seeing CO per cent of the
congregation at the Calcutta Cathedral
at evensong march out just before the
Not Ilanty.
"I am glad to say," remarked .Mr.
Meekton, "that I never spoke a hasty
word to you." "No, Leonhlas," an
swered his wife, rather gently, "I am
willing to give you credit for not hur
rying about anything." Washington
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointmeni i
no panacea, but is rec immended for
piles only. These it will cure. Price
50 cents in bottles; tubes, 75 cents. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
He Known Women.
"Oh," sighed the poetic lady, had
I the wings of a bird!" "Don't," pro
tested her husband. ' Don't wish for
the wings of a bird. If you had theta
some other woman would probably be
wearing them on her hat before tlio
season is over." Washington -i:ir
A Frightul Blunder
Will rften chush a horrible burn,
scald, cut cr bruise. Bueklen's Ar
n c 1 Salve, the best in the world, will
kill the pain and piomptly heal it.
Cures od sores, fever sores, ulcers,
boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions.
Bet pile cure on earth. Only 25 ct. a
box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & C. drugeist.
Horroene Superstition.
The Burmese bave a curious idea re
garding coins. They prefer those
which have female heads on them, be
lieving that coins with male head's on
them are not bo lucky, and do not
make money.
1 1
r7a FRIGKis "& GO. f
Keep const ant Iy on band a. fild
nnd complete nil el, ( f pare. . .
Paints, Oils.
: :'
Special attention given to
..Compounding Picscriplions..
' i
Also a fuil lino of Druggist.' Sundrie-i
am! Pine Wines end I. ipno-, for
Medicinal pnrp
South Sixth Street . . . IM.i 1 1 mnoiil h
Dyspepsia Cure?
Digests what you cat.
It. nr?i finally ditfesl st he f ood and aids)
Nat tiro in r.ticrigtlienitig .md recon
structing t ho exhausted dij." stive or
gans. H i.sthelytesLdiscovi icddtgest
antand tonic. No other ji -paration
can approach it in etlinency. it in
stantly relieve find permanently cures
Dyspepsia, ndioest ion, Heartburn,
Flatulence. 1 -Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Head;; ; ralgia.Cnimps.and
allotherres. .. imperfect digestion.
Prepared by L. C UcWitt & Co.. Chicago.
F. G. FKICKi: ,V, CO.
For Rats, Mice, Roaches,
-r vermin.
After oatinsr. nil vrmtn s-i tc v.nirr nnd the opm air.
Hence lliis l:illi r is ih.- mnst cli rc.ily nn rarth.
For Safe by all Drii',rrisls. Price, 1 5 Cents.
95 Wihiatn Street. New York.
- - -
Best Reached in Through Cars
by Louisville Sc Nashvillg R. R.
c. p. Ar:-ori:, G.-n'i i.-. ajcu,
LOrusVlLU:, KY.
Missouri Coal, ;-nmi ..- mu.;. i ityCo!
Leave ord.-r- ut p. s. , l. . . . store.
W .1 Wiifi'!'.
Reading Rooms and Lispcnsary
Drew UiiildiiiL', IMaff sineut j!, St-h..
(Ii.. r.
set; t'- i )
ir Mi
"J? f?h fT-H r.T n
i ... wmo;-. "
Wfcceier & Wilson V
Sewing Machine.
,CiLt f ; i V . - . .- -
'mr A V ' - -vi '
f T ' s-
Rotary Metica and
Bail Bearings
1 t
I t
'. A.