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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1899)
i TT1T EMI- i) to J ;!.!!'' 'P'. 'tal)ll,-tl SOY. 5, 1MI . , ,.: . J . i tn-. il l.l. -.MtiiMlHlji April 10, ISO I. f """uuniru j au. J, 1H0S. PLATTSMOUTH, XE1I.. FEKIiUAKY 21. 18JM). VOL. VIII. NO. 32. WEEKLY K I W I Tl iiarj Insurgents Harass American Lines All Along the Frort. Tln-y ,M,ikr k !( t' ! Atturk IS-r ( itlfMK'iin, Itut Were Soon t lir-k-tl (y i:iTi-ilvi- IMiiHktlry hikI Artillery Hre From Ami riran Troop Many Kirett In City. Manila, Fob. r, 05 p. m. With (lu y 1 ti t this morning the one my com-numce-d worrying taeties at various part- of the Aiiieiiean lit.o, apparently for tin- purpose of w i thd ra winj,' atten tion from (i tl.i i i s i ;bido t tie c:ty . An attempt was made to rush tin ou;:li ( in- extremu loft near Caloo- an. Put it was promptly cheeked by a hot and e fb-ct i vo mu.-ketry and'-ry lire. la the meantime binall bodies of i d els, evidently some of thus: engaged la?,t night ill the cowardly work at Tonde, sp:oad out between tin- city and outposts. 10 very available man win .sent to drive them away, with the ioult that there was desultory bring all the morning. From 8 to lu:,"o a. in. the United States dou ble-tu rreted monitor, Mon udnook, j .iuod in the etiL'ageraont, hurling ten-inch :hells over tho American lines into bodies of tho enemy as indicated by tho signal corps. Si) far our c. is-ualties aro one man killed and ten men wounded. At 11 o'clock there wero sharo en gagements at the Chinese cemetery and at San l'edro Macati almost simultaneously, but tho artillery tiro from toth positions drove tho enemy back. From the high towers of the city tires can ho seen burning at a dozen different points outside. Some of these are probably due to tho Monadnock's shells. It is currently reported that the ua- tives have threatened to burn Kscolatu and the walled city tonight. Scores of rebels havo been arrested in the Tondo district. A band of sixty rebels having two carl oads of arms and accoutrements was captured in a house. l&usiuess is temporarily suspended. Washington, fob. 'J.'l. General Otis today cabled the war department as follows: Manila, Feb. 2:. Adjutant Gen eral, Washington: Determined ef forts to burn city last night. Build ings t'rod in three different sections of city. Firo contro.led by troops after severe labor. A considerable number of iucendi iries shot and a few soldiers wounded. Early this morning a' large body f insugents made a demonstra tion oft McAi thur's front, near Caloo can, and wero lepulsed. The loss of piomporty by tiie last night probably A) .1,0(10. Otis. lurfrw Oril'mmire of Otis. Manila, Feb. :!:. 5:;5 p. m. Major General Olis today issued a general J o.-der directing all the inhabitants of Manila until otherwise ordered to con fine themselves to their homes after 7 o'clock in the evening, wnen the streets w i;l be cleared by the police The g nor . 1 also warns incendiaries and suspects that they will bj s-everely dealt with if discovered in any local ity. Extraordinary p 'ceaulions have been taken for the suppression of further trouble which is threatened to take place in the tv.ty tonight. But it is generally believed last night's ex perience will effectively quell the dis-" turbi ng element. Fire has been burning in tho Tondo district all day and has been dealing the residents out of many houses in the cut-kirts, from which the enemy previously firel on,the Americans. A clt 11 i of smoke hovered over the city today, conveying tne impression to the people about the bay and in the outside districts that the whole city is burning. The rebels between the city and the ou'-po-ts ate being smoked out this afternoon and driven towards the beach. Sharpshooters at various parts of the line are very annoying, but otherwise there has been no further excitement since tho frustration of the morning's at tack. Lieutenant Eugene S. French of Company L, First Montana volunteers, and Private Oscar Fulton of Company C, South Dakota volunteers, were killed and two other Dako',ans were wou nded. Start t I5y American Shells. Paris, Feb. 23. Agents in this city of the Filipinos have received news from Iloilo saying that the outbreak of fire there was not the work of the natives, but was started by tho Ameri can shells. When the attack commenced, the Filipinos added, the foreign residents wete endeavoring to persuade General J.oiez. the Filipino commander, to submit, as lloilo was not forlfied and, therefore, was not in a position to resist the American attack. The whole commercial quarter at Iloilo. it appears, was destroyed with four-fifth of the rest of the town. Finally, the Filipinos pay, the for eign residents met, resolved against the bombarding and resolved to put in claims. London, Feb. 23. The F.lipino agent in London has received a mes sage from Agoncillo saying he is com ing to Europe in order to enlist the sympuhiesof European governments. Story of IlolIo'B Evacuation. Berlin, Feb. 23. Tho Cologne Gazette today publishes extracts from I'iUJ KUU u private letter dated Iioilo, January 12, saying that prior to tho conclusion of peace, Lietenant Krandeis, formerly of the Twenty-flrht Baden dragoons, with 80) Spanish troops, held tho town against 20,000 to 20,000 Filipinos. When peace was concluded, the let tor nays, Brandeis informed the Americans that ho would hold Boilo fur another twenty-four hours. But it appears that as no Americans arrived Brandeis finally evacuated the place and two days later the Filipinos formed a republican government. Relative to tho incident between the commander of tho Irene and the Filipinos the letter says the Filipinos who wero watching closely to prevent tho Americans from forcing the en tranco of tho river flopped and searched boats from tho Irene and a German officer immediately landed and demanded an explanation. The Filipino president thereupon apologi.d and promised satisfaction. Tho Americans, the writer s lys, scrutinized all tho movements of the Germans with great suspicion and one in li ning the commander of tho United States cruiser Baltimore boarded th.c Irene, just as tho Germans were man ning a boat, and warned tho German commander that Iloilo was L'niied Slates territory. Itrokrt IIIh I.pit. From Thursday's Daily. Lincoln Pettit, i young man about tweuty-one years of age, living on tho Morgan farm west of town, met with an unfortunate accident today which resulted in a broken leg. Ho was driving a team hitched to a wagon. when tho horses became frightened at soma object and ran away, throwing Mr. Pettit out of tho vehicle. The unfortunate man was taken to his home, and Dr. Schildknecht summoned immediately. It was found that his left leg was broken below the knee, and the injury was verv oainful. The physician set tho broken limb, and at last accounts Mr. Pettit was getting tt loner nicely. m-rtiiue Violently Ionmie. Last fall there camo to this city a man and woman oa a flat or houseboat giviog their names as Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Faber. The woman was taken sick, and for months was cared for by the ladies of the city. She was after wards taken to tho county infirmary, where a short time since she became violently insane. A few days since she proceeded to smash up everything out there, and before she was re strained was quite successful, and it required quite a number of wiidcw lights toreplace those that she broke. She will be examined today for in sanity, and will probahly be sent to the asylum at Lincoln. Nebraska City News. ALARM IN JAPAN. Rapid Increase In the Number of Peers In Recent Tears. Peeing that the peerage is a class that ought to be honored and respected. the Osaka Mainchi considers it a pity that in several instances members of the privileged class have acquitted themselves in such a way as to bring disgrace upon themselves, says the Japan Weekly Times. The journal fears the cases cited will increase in propor tion to the multiplication of peers. Ac cording to our contemporary there are at present 719 noble families in Japan, against a total number of 8,400,000 fam ilies. Notwithstanding this insignifi cant ratio in comparison with the total families in the empire the number of the aristocratic families shows a strik ing rate of increase. When the peerage law was first enforced, in 1884, the nobles were estimated at 509 families. It Is therefore clear that 210 families have been added during the last four teen years. Although this large addi tion is due to the creation of a num ber of new peers in recognition of ser vices rendered by them in connection with the late war with China, the fu ture tendency to increase can easily be anticipated. The journal reluctantly declares that the multiplication of the nobility will involve an increase of peers unable to maintain the dignity of the exalted class. The daimio (former feudal lords) nobles are placed in such circumstances as are favorable to keep up their dignity, being relat ely well off and supported by their 'ormer re tainers. But on, the other hand, the kuge (former court nobles) or other nobles are continually subject to in fluences threatening their corruption and degeneration. In order that a wholesome moral tone be preserved among the nobility of this country the Osaka Mainichi proposes that the au thorities should adopt the following provisions: (1) That if a nobleman fail to recover the credit he has lost by his unworthy conduct, the title should not be allowed to pass to his heir. (2) That if a newly created peer decline to make the honor successive puch request shall be accepted. Fur ther, the journal suggests that the cus tom to elevate a worthy man to the peerage when he is on his deathbed should be abolished and that the dis tinction should be conferred at a time when he Is still able to appreciate it and decide whether the honor should or should not be inherited by his pos terity. It is to be understood that our Osaka contemporary recommends the measure as a means of purifying the patrician atmosphere, not because the nobles only are the protectors of the Imperial household which would be in absurd and antiquated notion but because the future of the nobility in spires the journal with uneasiness. TDE CiHIP CIRE THAT DOES ll'KE Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets re moves that cause that produces La Grippe. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each Tablet. 25c. THE P. E. UANQIIET. Atembers are Royally Entertained at the Home of Airs. Dovey. Mm. Harbour, Nlnle Orjuiizt-r, In I'reneut Hiul Vlt-MM Initiatory Work-Slarriuge of Kliurr Vounkrr nl MUit Cora Joii Otlit-r Local Il.tppt-iilug'i of Intt rtst to "Ncwn" Keaur From ThursJay's Dally. Tho I. E. O. ladies gave a barquot at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Gecrgo Dovey last evenintr, which was a very inteiesting affair. Mrs. B.trbour of II irvard, the ttate organizer, wan present and tho initiatory work was gone through with for her bonetit. Nearly every member in tho city anout thirty-five war. present, despite the co'd weather. Mis. Edith Patterson favoied tho guests with a vocal solo, which was highly enjoyed, and Mrs. Barbour and Miss Florence Kichardson played beautifully on tho piano. An elegant supper was served, the tables being decorated with cut Mow ers, and altogether tho affair was ono of the most pleasant of the season. Youiiker-.IoiieM. Elmer T. Vounker and Miss (,'jra Jones were united in marriage last evening at tho home of the bride's piretits in South Park, Kev. Dungan of the Christian church officiating. Tho bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Jones and has been a resi dent of this city for miny years and has a large number of friends. Tho groom is a joung man of exemplary hnbits and has lived in Plattsmouth and vicinity since childhood. The young couple will make Plattrmiuth their home. TlIK Nkv.'s extends b.-st wisbe-i for their future happiness. MULE DENTISTRY. Kzpert Operates on Twenty-Four Ani mals a Day. A Mexican mining company which owns 200 mules keeps a dentist on its staff simply to look after the mules' teeth. One of Mr. Mule's amiable weaknesses Is the habit of bolting his food, which frequently causes dyspep sia or other diseases. This bolting of his food is not caused by a desire to hasten his meal, but because his mo lars, or back teeth, having more work to perfori . than his front teeth, wear away in the course of a few years and become much shorter than the front ones, thus allowing the food to pass into the stomach without being prop erly masticated. In cases of this kind the incisors, or front te&th, have to he filed down an eighth or a quarter of an inch. The molars of a mule are threo and a half inches in length, ivhilo tho Incisors measure two and a half inches, and, judging from his signs of pain, the nerves are as sensi tive as those of human beings. An expert dentist operates on twenty-four mules a day. The extracting instru ments are from two to three feet in length, and the entire case of instru ments weigh fully fifty pounds. The teeth of every mine mule are exam ined and treated, if necessary, once or twice a year. KlOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stacres, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medic&l fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they otfer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it lails to cure. Send tor list ol testimonials. Address. K.J, HE.v'EY &Co., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists 7oc Hall's Family fills are the best. To Preserve Plants. b'alt hay is used In wintev for cov ?ring various kinds of plants that grow rlose to the earth. It has a long staple and it serves this purpose well. Straw with long staple is still used for bund ling up plants and shrubs having ?talks. Salt hay is used in cemeteries to cover up ivy-clad graves. The ivy is thus kept in better condition than if It were left exposed to the blasts and the cold of winter. The brown hay is laid lengthwise upon the grave in a covering of uniform thickness all dver it. which is held in place by bent rod3 ?ett!ed down upon it at intervals, hoop like, and with their ends in the ground on either side. As the season of the year when pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles arc to be guarded against, nothing "is a fine substitute," will "answer the purpose' or is "just as good" as One Minute cough cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously upon having it if "something else" is offered you. F. G, Fricke & Co. The Mitter-of-Fart tilrl. In the county of Wieklow lies the picturesque vale of Avora, famous in song. Here is the confluence of two rivers, the Avonmore and Avonberg, which bears the name of "The Meeting of the Waters." Two British tourists chanced to meet at this spot a girl bearing a pitcher of water, of whom they inquired the name of the river. "The Meeting," was the prompt reply. "Oh! we know thit," quoth th- tour ists. "But what river is it what name do you call it by?" "Och!" said the girl, "I never call it at all; it always comes of itself." From the spectator. Ilefore the di?-covery of One Minute cough cure, ministers were greatly disturbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. F. G. Fricke & Co. (lve the ChlMrrn a Drink called Grain O. It is a delicious, no- j petizing, nourishing f jt d drink totake tho pin co of coffee. When properly prepared it tastes like the finest cof fee but is fte; from all iti injurious properties. Grain-O a'ds digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant fur a health builder, hiid chiidicn, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one fourth as much as coffee. 15 and 2jc. at grocers. HIGH EXPLOSIVE EFFECTS. Tower DU- Inittauces of l'.nnrniout !:&? eil. Among the many accidents which are on record one of the most notable is that of the explosion of fifty-five tons of bla.sting gelatine which was being unloaded from a railway train at Iiraarafontcin, 200 yards west of Johannesburg, in South Africa, on Feb. 19, 1S!G, and which was exploded by an end-on collision. The result of the explosion of this enormous quan tity of one of the most powerful ex plosives used was to produce, says Crosier's Magazine, a crater 200 feet long, 05 feet wide and 30 feet deep in soft ground; or, taking a cubic foot of earth as weighing 100 pounds, the su perficial explosion of this fifty-five tons of explosive gelatine excavated about 20,000 tons of soft earth. Besides this there was a total destruction of all buildings within a radius of 330 yards, while from that distance to C60 yards all the buildings were shattered, and the roefs were battered in up to about 1,000 yards; but all these buildings were built chiefly of corrugated iron and mud, and therefore were of a most unsubstantial character. On the other hand, we have in the United States the blowing up of the Hudson river Palisades at Fort Lee in 1S93. when the explosion of two tons of dynamite placed in a chamber in the rock, brought down 100,000 tons of rock; the bla.sting at the Dinorwic quarries, Lamberts, in the same year, when two and one-half tons of gelatine-dynamite placed in chambers in the dike over- threw 180,000 tons of rock, and the de- structlon of the famous Talcen Mawr in 1S03. when seven tons of powder poured into two shafts dislodged a mass of rock computed to weigh from 125,000 to 200,000 tons. From tlVg we find that the dynamite on the inferior at Fort Lee was over forty tinl$- as i efficient as the explosive gelatihe.'on j the surface at Johannesburg, while the ! powder at Talcen Mawr was over forty-two times as efficient. It is ' hence not surprising that the super- ' ficial explosion of the 300-pound charg- j "Why, half from the top or s is 0. and es of gun cotton thrown by the Vesu- balf of 5t sidewas is 3!" vius guns at Santiago during the late J war between the United States and" The niece of Fu.sY Agitation. Spain produced no serious structural j All the emissaries from foreign lands damage and simply harassed the ene- ' who come to the United States on a my by their frightful reports, which ; questionable errand are careful to occurred at infrequent intervals and ' bring with them a correct map or the unexpected times. j 6hortest route to Canada. 1 or the Same Class. "You," said the sentimental boarder, I "are n person who would carp at the i lovely butterfly." "Ycu get that idea," j said Asbury Peppers, "from my ocea- sioaai hiciv;iiij ai lue gruo. cincin nati Enquirer. The Voice of Wisdom. iTays Epictetus Only the thing3 which are within jour will concern you. Those outside the power of your will are not yours. Therefore let them alone and be untroubled. t.rain O" Urines Keliff to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinkine is a habit that is universally indulged in and almost as universally injur ious. IInve you tried (irain-O? It is almost like coffee but the effects are just the opposite. Coffee upsets the stomach, ruins tho digestion, elTect3 the heart and disturbs the whole ner vous system. Grain O tones up the stomach, aids digestion and strength ens the nerves. 15 and 25c. per pack age. Will Erect a Tablet to O lal 4toue. Arrangements are being made for the erection of a tablet to the mem ory of Gladstone on the house in Rod ney street, Liverpool, in which he was born. The work is being undertaken by the Historic Society of Lancaster and Cheshire, to whom the necessary permission has been granted by the possessor of the residence. What a Prominent Kentuckian Says. W. I,. Yancy, Paducah, writes: "I ; had a severe c ise of kidney disease and three of the best physicians of southern K-.ntucky treated me with out success. 1 was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave immediate relief and three bot tles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remody."' F. G. Fricke eS: Co. A Call for ail At la. j An elderly lady, well dressed and i with an air of good breeding stood in 1 the postofnee lobby and looked around irresolutely. She held an envelope in her hand, and her helpless look at tracted the attention of a young wom an. "Are you looking for a place to drop your letter?" the young woman' asked. "Y-yes," replied the lady "Here's the place,'' said the young woman, and she pointed to the slo'ts labeled "East," "West" and "City." bit. still the lady hesitated. "Thank you," she said. She looked about her. Then she leaned forward towards the young woman and in a low whisper asked: "is San Francisco east or west?" Cleve land Plain Dealer. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the wh lie- system te comes derang d. Ilerbins perfects the process of digestion and assimila tion, und thus m ikes pure bljod. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. OF INTEREST TO ALLNEBUASKANS DolngM of tliti ur- Will It- Wntche.l Willi tirfut lnterxt '.Everybody is inteie-ted in the work of the lawmakeis now in f-ession :.! N- brakaa capital, n in 1 '. h" ni way t' keep posted on their move men !P is t subset ibe for a Lincoln paper. I be State Journal prints th futl puree. I ings of the lcgi-lature and gives u concise report of all other happenings all over the world. It contains more Nebraska news th:wi any other paper in the state. For its Sunday issue it has a corps of the best writers tho country alfoi ds. The Journal a:d Tilt: Kvkninc; Nkws are furnished to Plattsmouth subscribers for the small sum of 120 cents a week. Tin: Nkws contains all the local happenings of the day, and the two papers make a coinbit alioti no ono can afford to overlook. A trial subscription will convince you. Order by telephone No. So or call at the office of Tun Nkws. Wander from Their Original Mean luff. Words often have a way of wander ing off from their original meaning that, while sometimes very puzzling, is also very curious and interesting. Who. for instance, would imagine that our word "book" had anything to do with a beech-tree? And yet it comes direct from the Anglo-Saxon hoc, a beech tree, because the wood of that tree was used by our ancestors for writing-tablets before the Invention of paper. In the same wayour word "code" Is derived, through the Latin "codex," from caudex, the stem or trunk of a tree, because the Romans used for wrlting-tabletri thin wooden plates covered with wax. In fact, the vegetable kingdom has played an im portant part in our literary vocabulary paper, as you know, being named ; from the Egyptian plant papyrus, that j long furnished the ancients with their : principal writing material; while our "library," like the Latin liber, a hook, is from liber, meaning the inner bark of trees, one of the earliest writing ma terials used by the Romans. Not to He ""K'1 That Way. "Tommy," said the teacher, "how many is the half of eight?" "On top or sideways?" asked Tommy. "What do you mean by on top or .sideways?" lie Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O.. aftr su'Jerinfr 18 months frcm Rectal Fisuln, he woul(J dio unl,3,s a cotlv operation was performed; but he cured himself with : five bottles of Bvicklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on earth, and the best Salve in the world. 25 cents a box. S IJ by F. G. Frickc & Co.. drug gists, i The Yeir 1810 IJore Notalili-. The year 1S10, in which the late duke of Northumberland was born, seems to have produced a long-lived race, for there still remain four peers who date their birth from it Lord Tankerville, Lord Gwydjr, Lord Max borough and Lord Armstrong. I iieiual Klght. She Do you believe that men and women will ever have equal rights in this country? He No; I don't believe the time will ever come when one man will be permitted to occupy room enough for two in a street car with out a row. Cleveland Leader. Children who are troubled with worms are pale in the face, fretful by spells, restless in sleep, have blue rings around their eyes, bad dreams, variable appetite, and pick the nose. White's Cream Vermifuge will kill and expel these parasites. Price 25 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. A Dainty I)ih. A chafing dish dainty served at a recent Sunday night tea was chopped little neck clams salted in a little but ter. Just before they were iraly to serve two or three eggs were brok-'-u into the brazier and the mixture tossed lightly with a fork until the eggs had cooked to the consistency of a soft scramble, when it was turned on: on squares of tcast. a little rarrha s; rin kled over It, and the dish served. Nw York Evening Post. Frequently accidents occur in the j household, which cause burn cute, sprains and bruises. For use in such cases Ballard's Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Price, 115 cents and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Dog' laltor. A dog's tailor flourishes in Paris. This tailor is a woman, and in her reception-rooms Prince Bowwow has rugs, water bowls, and biscuit jars to refresh him during the trying-on proc ess. Here are the daintiest water color pattern books to choose from, and anything from sealskin to chamois Is provided. If you have a cough, throat irrita tion, weak lunrs. piin in the cheit, difficult breathing, croup or hoarse ness, let us suggest One Minute cough cure. Always reliable and safe. F. G. Fricke & Co. Si . . Qui ok Si 1 i ? 2, i i 4? i 5 V i i ? ? V ? 4? i ? 1 i i 41 V ? i 4? 4 V 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 1 TlIE NeV. lias the injr oflkv in (Juss c'nuntv of a job f jifintin on specialty of Law I 'tic Is For SaU- IilN and we have tin- prope r tvpc iC A A, Cm t i 1 t T . , .JJ ... hflliT heads. Note heads, liill head-. State ments. Knvc-lopes, and all kind- ol ( 'onniieivia 1 Printing' in the Latest St vie. The News Printery No. :5 Main Street l'LATTSM M'TII LasJ' tc & u iii kl-s Lac 2 : : r-r.-r.- rr-K- , t V Oj M ro , , , ki k.-".-'r.v:mzZ - r fa Lm A New Discovery for 1L2 Certain C : 2 c' L ? VERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES VJHZFiZ ALL C't HERC HAVE FAILED. TU3ES, BY MAIL, 75 CEUV-J rjCTTLCC;, CO CftUS. tfM-P r rjiiri Mi pr,;.:',r . . C' f'-.t't. cwj 07 pj;? f'. F. G. Fricke & Co. JT -C h J 7- Don't Btiy Base Burners at any prices when you can get a Furnace in your house complete from S50 UP and Guaranteed by . E. HALL & SON South Sixth Street, - ti FX T FT ?1 1 j b 1 v; j . Prints More County News Than Any Other Cass county Paper. Zu CiCWCLSi Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and seii at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, . - i r . r . .-, - j j " a m ? r ? ? J M f f ? ? 1 H M & Lsll 1 21 1 1. . . a m I .il 1'iiiit- : 1 1 1 1 eau liaiiilK- any hind hrt ihUkv. Y make- a j and oilier loU wotk. all kinds ol I'osli-r work, and oilier material. ?8 & L-3 eP U fct-a G In us - Plattsmouth, Neb. ; x i jr y Apt, tii! id ti 5 a N Plattsmouth. ft'eb ! 1 f