Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 21, 1899, Image 3

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American Troops Have Another
Brush With the Natives.
KlJCln M'inl)cr or the Klrat NrhrunkH
ll Uiuieiit Art) Wonixlril I'rlvute
;orK AnUrt-tra ) From the In
Jtirlm lln Kfi-oivtMl i ttir Nklrmlnh--v-rl
Are Merloiinly Hurl.
Wamiinuton, Feb. IH, 12:4j p. m.
(Special to Til K N lews. )Tho follow
ing casual lie wcro roiortod tolhe
War department from Manila this
morning. The ciidualticH resulted
from a skirmish on tho Tarquina road,
nor th of tho pumping Htation, yester
dav. Tho following members of tho
Firs,. Ncbr.ibka regiment wero
I'rivato (Joora Andrews, Company
A, wounded in tho client, forearm and
kiu:o;diod last night.
IVivito El ward Day, Company A,
wounded in tho hoad; severe.
1 "ri vato Charles E. Park, Company
F, wound d in the right thigh; slight.
Private Jhn Williams, Company G,
wound" (1 in the left elbow; Movore.
S -rgeiint Wilbor 1'!. Camp, Company
G, wounded in tho loft thigh; slight.
First So rye a til William II. Cook,
Company F, wounded in tho nock;
Captain Albert II. Hollingswortb,
Company C, wounded in tho wrist and
thigh; severe.
Second Lieutenant IJert I). Whedon,
Company C, wounded in rljht thigh;
severe. G. I). M KIKLEJOIIN,
Assistant Secretary of War.
110tlmr Soltlirr Injureil
W ASIIINUTON. Feb. l(), 1 1:23 a. m.
(Special to The Nkws.) Additional
eisualties reported:
First Nebraska Wrounded, Feb
ruary lr, Musician William II. Dis
hrow. Company II, severe, light
lieutenant Hoi t I. Whedon, First
Nebraska, is doing well.
G. I). Mkiki.f.iohn,
Assistant Secretary of War.
From Saturday's Uailv.
Charles Johnson, tho Schuyler con
ductor, spent the day in the city with
his family.
1). C. Woodring, assistant superin
tendent of bridges, came down last
evening to look after tho riprap work
on the other side of tho river. Some
alarm was caused by the ice beginning
to break up near the work, the willow
mat not having yet been anchored.
Russell and his men, who have been
cutting the wiliows at LaPlatte, came
down to assist in placing the stone on
the willows. If this is not done before
the ice breaks up all the work will
have been thrown away. By having
the willows weighted down properly
at the time tho ice gives way the rip
rap drops down, making a psrfect wall
of stone at the shore. This has proved
to be a very successful method of rip
raping. From Monday's Daily.
Fireman Phil Egan of McCook is in
the city visiting relatives.
E. II. Booth, who is employed in tho
Burlington p lint shop, sustained ser
ious injuries to one of his foet Satur
day evening. Ho was standing on a
board, supported by two ladders, and
in some manner he fell to the floor
and the end of tho board struck his
foot, mashing it quite badly. It will
ba a long time before ho is able to re
turn to work.
Superintendent of Motive Power D.
Hawksworth was looking after com
pany business in Havelock and Lin
coln today.
All of tho departments of the Bur
lington shops, except the planiDg
mill, went on tho ten-hour schedule
this morning. There is a great amcunt
of work on hand, and it is the opinion
of railroad men who are in. a position
to know, that the full-time schedule
will be kept up all spring and summer.
This is good news for the people cf
Cha-les How, the Burlington supply
agent at St. Louis, spent Sunday in
the city.
Sam Sawtelle. the contractor who is
making tho fill at the east end of the
Burlington bridge, will resume work
in a few days. He was in the city to
day making preparations and will go
to Omaha tomorrow to engage more
men. He expects to put about seventy
live men to work. A ton of flour and a
like amount of other provisions were
taken over to the camp tcday, it being
desired to lay in a supply before the
ice breaks up.
Night Yardmaster B. J. Reynolds
laid olT last night on account of the ill
ness of his children. Martin Hauk
worked in his place.
Mraim a New Church.
The Methodist Church society on
Saturday became the owner of the two
lots on Main street, where tho bell
tower is now situated. This is one of
the best, if not tho best, site for a
church building in the city, and the
society is fortunate in securing so fa
vorable a location.
No definite st?ps have been taken to
ward erecting u building, but ns soon
as the present building is disposed of
a now church will be erected.
(ilvru Full Hwnjf Orr thn Kntlre roti
of lhlllilne Inlaiuln.
Washington, Feb. 17. Theadmin
istration has determined to rapidly
oxtond tho jurisdiction of tho United
Statos over tho whole of the Philijc
pino group, uctirig on the theory that
delay iu this case i dangerous and
that anarchy and a general paralysis
of such interest as tho islands support
will be brought about through any
failure to promptly replace the Span
ish sovereignity over tho inlands by
that of the Unitod Stales. This deci
sion involves the necessity of a naval
campaign and this will be instituted
as soon as Admiral Dewey receives the
reinforcements in tho shape of gun
boats, now on tho way to Manila.
It is not anticipated that there will
bo a necessity for any formidable
demonstration, but tho very fact that
the United States government is ab'e
to exhibit a sulliciont force to accom
plish the purpoo of occupation is ox
pected to deter the natives from profit
less resistence. Owing to tho vast
number of tho Philippine islands a
large number of gunboats would bo
required to visit them, so tho program
will bo to have tho vessels visit tho
principal towns outside of Manila,
especially those whoro the Spanish
garris-ons wro maintained on the
islands of Cobu and a. imbounjo on
the island of Mindanao and t-omo of
tho cities of Negros.
The vessels will probably be accom
panied by sorao troop transports and
the soldiers will be landed where
necessary to hoist tho United States
flag and take possession formally of
the ports. It is understood that thore
will be no attempt made at this time
to displace any of tho existing muni
cipal governments except where they
prove refractory and offer rcsittenca.
In fact a policy of conciliation will bo
followed at all points in the treatment
of tho natives.
'our VesHelH Are StrctirtMl.
Sax Fkancisco, Feb. 17. A fleet of
four vessels will loave San Francisco
for Manila within two weeks. No less
than 5,000 tons of freight of all de
scriptions will bo taken. The Cone
raaugh will carry exclusively 300
mules and 2,500 tons of freight, con
sisting entirely of forage.
Tho Valencia has been rochartered
and will carry 1,7(1(1 tons of freigntand
128 first-class passengers. It will be
ready to sail in about ten or twelve
Tho Portland has also been secured.
It will carry l,:;u) tons of freight and
100 first-class passengers. The Jloa
noke, which is also to be chartered,
will carry about 2,500 tons of freight.
Both the Portland and ltoanoke will
be ready to go in about a week.
About 200 casuals, chiefly recruits
for tho regiments of regular troops in
the Philippines, now at the Presidio,
will go to Manila on three transports.
District Court Proceedings.
In two cases each entitled N. H.
Meeker, trustee, vs. II. 11. Waldron,
et al., the court found the issues in
favor of plaintiff, and decree of fore
closure was granted.
In the matter of the guardianship of
the O'Rourke minor-, sale of real es
tate was costirmed.
In L. E. Polk vs. Tatroe, defend
ants were ordered to show cause by
Saturday next why sale should not be
In Tighe vs. Farmer's Mutual In
surance como iny, judgment was set
aside and plaintiff given leave to file
In Hartley vs. McCullough sale was
In Nichols vs. Striplin sale was con
firmed. In case if Meeker vs. P. F. Waldron
court entered judgment for plaintiff.
In Nippert estate sale was confirmed.
In Peltibone vs. Grevo sale was con
firmed .
In Langhorst vs. Hoefer,application
of A. N. Sulliva, Esq , to enforce lien
for attorney's fees overruled, and mo
tion of plaintiff to strike from fiiesand
records the attorney lien of J. H.
Ilaldeman and a.. N. Sullivan sus
tained. In the estate of Henry Stoll, de
ceased, sale was confirmed.
In Goos vs. Goos judgment was
entered on mandate, and cause held
for trial.
Dovey vs. Farthing, demurrer over
ruled. Real Estate Transfers.
Following are the real estate trans
fers of tho county as recorded in the
office of Recorder of Deeds Hay:
Elizabeth Pitts to Mary ueK of
sel U-12-13 wd $1,200 00
G W Garrison to C V Garrison, pt ne'-i
13-10-13 wd son uo
Ed Shoemaker and wife to E Palnier.lots
173 and 174, Louisville d 650 00
H H Filsinger to M A Belts. s'4 se!i HV-
10-9-wd 3.'J(mj 00
Wm Lewis to Win and Kate L Atchison,
nwj; ISMtMO wd . 2.-00 00
Mary B Gibson and husband to Lena M
Wilcockson, e- ne1 nwj; 30-10-1 wd. TOO 00
Pauline Becker to II Brockman, lots I
and '. block 8. Avoca wd 2"i oo
C K Critchfield to L. D. Critchfield ne 4
24-11-U-qcd -"mo oo
II Bowman to H R Neitzel e ' nw '4 35-
lMO-qcd .. 400 00
A W Henry to M F Stradlc, lots ;V." and
3S. Greenwood wd 1 O 00
Mrs A W Henry to same, lots 54'J and 5.10,
Greenwood wd 400 uo
It o til Lfgs Were Hroken.
From Saturday's ftaiiy.
August, the seven-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Cloy d, who reside
on North Fourth street, was attempt
ing to climb into Bach's deliver'
wagon this afternoon when he fell
under the wheels, breaking both legs.
A doctor was called and tho little fel
low's iDjjries were promptly attended
to and ho is now resting as easy as
could be expected.
Curat of Thank.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to the many friends and neigh
bors for their assist mce and sympathy
when it whs needed so much in tho
sickness and death of our mother.
Emily Dickson.
M. A. Dickson.
Active Rebels at Manila Driven
Further Inland By Buffalo.
Urit-uijr Concent rotes Saturday Night aud
no At tuck I Anticipated - The Inteimn
Heat of the Island Wilts the Amer
icans Insurgent Com minder Directs
Ills Men With Ills Arm In a SIii.k
Manila, Feb. IU. The California
volunteers abandoned Guadalupe
church at 5 o'clock this morning,
which has since been set on fire, anil
retired to San 1'edro Macati. The
rebels still hold tho country in the vi
cinity of Guadalupe, laig and Patero
despite tho efforts of tho gunboats to
dislodge thetn from the junglo on both
sides of tho river.
Tho heat is intense and is increas
ing perceptibly daily. Under present
conditions it is impossible to provide
sh ulo for tho troops in certain parts of
tho line, particularly MacArthur's
division. King's brigade is also ex
posed from San Pedro Macali to
Culiculi, where it joins Ovenshino's
Mr. Higgins, tho manager of tho
Manlla-Daguapan railroad, is helieved
to be tafo at IJayambang, although no
communication has been received fiom
him since February 9. He was then
housed at Mr. Clark's place with his
wife and family and about six other
Englishmen, some of whom are ac
comp.mied by their wives.
Prepare for Attack.
While it is unlikely that tbe natives
of the locality will harm them it is
feared that others from distant pro
vinces might wreak veugeanco at
their exp;ni-e. In view of the fact
that tho enemy were concentrating on
tho American right 11 ink, prepara
tions were ti.ade last night to give
them a warm reception in the event of
an attack. General Ovenshino's line,
consisting originally of the North Da
kota volunteers. Fourteenth infantry
and two troops of the Fourth c-ivalry,
stretching from tho beach to Camp
Dewey to General King's rislit, w;is
reinforced by two battalions of Oregon
volunteers and three troops of the
Fourth cavalry as infantry.
The liuffa'o's searchlight, discover
ing tho rebels unusually active about
10 o'clock in the evening, signaled the
flagship for permission to fire upon
them, and this being granted, bom
barded the enemy's trenches for
twenty minutes. Tho orl.v effect of
the fiie was apparently to drive the
rebels further inland.
IJoyond a few ir.ell'ectual volleys
from tho trenches which were re
turned with interest, tho enemy made
no demonstration ami all is quiet along
tho re-t of tho line.
Scouts claim lo have seen General
I'to del Pilar, who commanded tho
rebels at Paco, with his arm in a
sling directing tho troops.
General Montenegro, the insurgent
commander-in-chief, is reported to be
personally conducting tho movements
in front of General King's line at San
Pedro Macati.
The signal corps is arranging sig
nals with the navy for future opera
tions on the left. With the exception
of the port of Iloilo, trade with Philip
pine ports is still blockaded.
Kebels Harassing the Town.
Manila, Feb. 20.-10:10 a. m The
enemy have apparently realized the
hopelessness of attacking the Ameri
can position and are occupied chiefly
by occasional sharpshooting from the
whenever foasible.
tunately their ignorance of the u?e of
sights minimizes the results.
The night attack of General King's
forces on San Pedro Macati has evi
dently been construed by the rebels as
a sign of weakness, as they preseed
forward on both sides of the river per
sistently harassing the occupants of
the town.
Last night the rebels poured volley
after volley into San Pedro Macati
from tho brush on the ad jacent l idges,
but without effect.
General King's headquarters in the
center of the town wt:s the target for
scores of Remington and Mauser bul
lets. The rebels are using smokeless
powder and it is extremely difficult to
locate individual marksmen.
Home Urown Fruit Trees Are the Beet.
Tho Riverside Nursery Co. has a
full and complete stock of all kinds of
fruit trees, vine3 and plants which
they have grown with care. Their
many years of experience in tbe busi
ness has enabled them to grow nur
sery stock that will compare with any
in tho countty. They have all the
standard and choice varieties suitable
for this climate, also row and valuahle
varieties. They do their own budding
and grafting, and can guarantee their
varieties to be true to name .'ind strict
ly first-class. Why not buy your trees
here where you can get them fresh
and grown in the same soil and cli
mitein which they are to be trans
planted? It will save you time and
money. They invite you to come and
inspect their stock tind be convinced
of these fp.cts. Nursery two and one
half miles east and one half mile north
of Union. Neb. Call or write in regard
to virieti-'p, prices, etc.
C. F. Morton, Prop.,
Union, Neb.
Happy is the man or woman who
can eat a good hearty meal without
suffering afterward. If you cannot do
it, take Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It
digests what you eat, and cures all
forms of dyspepsia and indigestion.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Lost A letter addressed to Mrs.
Gertie Thompson, from Miles Citjr,
Mont. It had not been opened. Was
lost on the Louisv.;lie road, west, of
town. Finder leave at tho postoftico.
sai run ay.
II. U. Neit.el, the Murdock banker,
is in the city.
W. P. Critchtiold of Weeping
Water whs in town to I ay.
Miss Kato Warden of Nebawka is
the uet of Mis. J. D. McHrJde.
William Murks, a prosperous farmer
from uenr Union, was in town today.
Judge IJ. S. Kinsey aud Court Re
porter Harry Nort hcutt cnino up from
Nebraska City Ust evening to hold
court here today.
Dr. G. If. Gilmore of Murray was in
town today. The doctor will leave
Monday for tho east to attend a medi
cal college for a time.
John Joseph Dineer and Miss Mary
Jano Urayton of Council Bluffs were
united in mariiagoby County Judgo
Spurlock this afternoon.
Lehnhoff Bros, today purchased
from Charles Parmelo tho building
which is occupied by tho City Steam
laundr3'. Platmouth property is
siill on tho move.
Henry Boeclc went to Omaha this
afternoon to see his nephew. Will
Boeck, who has been quite ill. Ho is
improving, being ablo to sit up. Out
his wife is now quite sick.
Miss Matlie llupley entertained a
number of h r friends at tho home of
her father, A. Hupley, on Vine street
last evening. Games of various kinds
were indu ged in and the evening was
pleasantly spent bj- tho young people
Bert Chryook camo down from Om
aha last evening and remained ovor
niyht with his mother, Mrs. Celia
Shryock. Itert has accepted a position
in a drug store at South Omaha and
entered upon his now duties this morn
P.d ward Stack house, who removed
about two years ago from Weeping
Water to Lain ni, la , has again come
back to old Cass, having arrived in
Platt.-mouth today. lie has rented
one of Ciiurles Clapp's farms, near
F.lniwood. lie says that Cass county
is good enough for him.
Judgo Ramsey this afternoon de
cided tho caso of the First National
Bank of Greenwood vs. Waldron, in
favor of the plaintiff. This lias been
a long drawn out case, having been
on the docket for several years, there
being several thousand dollars in
volved. This was the only east, of any
importance which wns up for consider
ation .
T. VI. Parrnelo was in town today.
H C. Twiss of Louisville was a
county seat visitor today.
There will be no school on the 22d
Washington's birthday.
Miss Minnie Sharp was down from
Omaha yesterday visiting her sister,
Mrs. Celia Shryock.
F. M. Richey returned this after
noon from a week's sojourn with
friends at Creston, la.
Presiding J2lder Van Fleet is in the
city attending the quartelv conference
of the Methodist church.
The work of Hushing Main street
was finished today and now it is pos
sible to cross the street without
Senator W. H. Newell returned to
the state house this morning, having
spent Sunday with his family. Mr.
Newell is of the opinion that a United
States senator will be selected this
week, and that Hayward will bo the
R. L. Propst of the precinct went to
Lincoln county, Kansas, this morning
to look after his interests in that
county. He will be absent about two
weeks, during which time John Liv
ingston and Charlie Clino will run his
corn shelter.
Miss Metzger, daughter of Chris.
Metsger, who is spending the winter
in the city attending school, received
word today that her father, who has
been seriously ill, had become sud
denly worse and for her to come home
immediately. She left for Cedar
Creek at noon.
Henry Miller, it will bo remem
bered, purchased the property just
east cf Fred Kroehler's, in the Second
ward, last fall. As soon as spring
opens he will remove the old house to
the rear of the lots and begin the
erection of a modern five-room cot
tage. This will mike Mr. Miller and
family a pleasant honre, as it Is a de
sirable location.
T. H. Toliff, who had a severe at
tack of the grip, recovered sufficiently
to be able to come dowu town about a
week ago, but was again taken down,
some sort of a gathering having
formed on his lower jaw, which neces
sitated the use of the surgeon's knife.
However, .he is again able to come
down and ho now thinks ho is on the
road to recovery.
Will He I'rexentcd With a Flag.
Al a meeting of the T. J. Sokol so
ciety at their hall in West Platts
mouth Sunday about 100 ladies were
present and laid before the members a
plan which they had on foot to present
the society with a fine silk flag. It is
an American Hag and is now being
made in Omaha, and it is said will be
the finest one ever seen in the city.
The event will be attended by a big
celebration, and is expected to take
place about May lo. People from Om
aha and other places will be here and
it will be a red letter day for the so
ciety in this city.
Are you restless at night, acd
harassed by a bad cough? Use Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup, it will se
cure you sound sleep, and effect a
prompt and radical cure. Price, 25
cents and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Subscribe now for The Nkws.
Uncovered ly n Woman.
Another greut diwovery han been
made, and that too, by a lady in tins
country. "Disease fastened iis
clutches upon her and for seven j-arn
she withstood its severest tect-, but
her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent. For Ihreo
months she coughed ineosaaiitly, and
eould not sloop. Sho finally discov
ered a way to recovery, by purchasing
of us a bottle of Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for Consumption, and was o
muc h relieved on taking lir.-t dose,
that sho slept all night; and with two
bottles, has been absolutely cu-ed.
Her name is Mrs. Luther Lut.." Tims
write W. C. Ilamniek Co , of Shelby
N. C. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricko it Co's. dr-ig htoro Regular
size one nnd 1.00. Every bottle ete r-
teed. 1
Morn 1 huu NcvciHy Miles mi Hour.
A train which ran between Phila
delphia and Atlantic City last summer
Is credited with the world's record for
fast regular trips. The distance run
is fifty-live and one-half miles, and
the scheduled time was fifty minutes,
making the rate sixty-six and six
tenths miles per hour. Hut this time
was often beaten, the fastest run hav
ing been made at the average speed of
seventy-four and four-tenths miles per
As tho season of the year when
pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat.
coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and
lung troubles aro to bo guarded
against, nothing "is a lino substitute,"
will "answer tho purpose," or is "just
as good" as One Minute cough cur;.
That is the ono infalliblo remedy for
all lung, throat or bronchial troubles.
Insist vigorously upon having it if
something else" is offered you. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
I'lHttHmout li Nursery.
I quote very low prices on first-class
stock. Apple trees, three years, lo
cents; $10 a hundred. App'.o trees,
two years, 1U cent:-; S a hundred.
Plum trees, three years, ,"U emit:-; $20
a hundred. Cherry trees, thiooyearh,
30 cents; sf'.M) a hundred. Peach trees,
three years, l-"i cent:-; i'lli a hundred.
Grapo vines,-") cent; t.'! a hundred.
Rasp berries, 75 cents a hundred and
black berries, 75 cents a hundred.
J. E. Lkkslky, Prop.
If you want to have a good time,
come to tho Martha Washington party.
For frost bites, burns,indolent sores,
eczema, ?kin disease, and especially
piles, DeWitt's Witch Ilazd salve
stands first and best. Look out for
dishonest people who try to imitate
and counterfeit it. It's their endorse
ment of a good article. Worthless
goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's
Witch Hazel salve. I". G. Fricke &
Legal Notice.
Administrator's sale of land.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John Hons, de
ceased: Under and by virtue of a license to sell the real
estate hereinafter described, made in the above
entitled cause by the Honorable Basil S. Ramsey,
judge, on the 13th day of February. A. U. lsy:, 1
will on March 11th, A D. 1M9. at 10 o'clock a. in.
at the south door of the court house, in Platts
mouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, otter for sale
lots seven and eight, in block fourteen: the south
one-third of lots four, five and six. in block seven
teen: and part of lots four, five and six, in block
six. in Duke's addition, all in the city of I'latts
mouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, to the highest
bidder for cash. Henry M. Bons.
Byron Clark, attorney.
l-'irst publication Feb- it, Is'.iy.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Hilnia Lindblad
vs .
Warner Lindblad.
To Warner Lindblad:
You are hereby notified that p'.aintilt in the
above entitled cause has tiled her peti'ion in the
district court of Cass County, Nebraska, to ob
tain a divorce for the reason that since her mar
riage to you, you have grossly, wantonly, and
cruelly, while being of sutticient ability to pro
vide her suitaDle maintenance failed, refused and
neglected to provide such suitable maintenance;
and fraudulently and willfully deserted and
abandoned her. You are required to answer said
petition on or before March :2o, A. L)., l--!i9: and
failing so to do, your default will be entered of
record. Lindblad. Haintifl.
Byron Clark, Attorney.
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass Countv, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Bushrod Washing
ton Richardson, deceased.
Ann M.Davis, Lavina Conley. Caroline Fow
ler, the unknown heirs of David Riciiardson. de
ceased, the unknown heirs of Parmelia Duling.
deceased, and all other persons interested in said
matter are hereby notified that on the 6th day
of February, 1W9, Mrs, A. M. Davis tiled a peti
tion in said county court alleging among other
things that Bushrod Washington Richardson
died on the l'Jth day of January, A. D. lyj.
leaving no last will and testament, and pos
sessed of personal estate, and that the above
named constitute all the persons interested in
the estate of said diseased, and praying lor ad
ministration thereol. You are hereby notified
that if you fail to appear at said court on the sth
day of February. A. 1). 1SU9, at 10 o'clock a. m.
and contest said petition, the court w ill appoint
H- M. Gault, or some other suitable person, ad
ministrator, and proceed to a settlement of said
Witness my hand and the seal of said court at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 7th dav of Feb
ruary, AD. l&ii. Georgk M Spurlock,
seal County ludge.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of ("ass County. Nebraska.
Carrie K. Black, plaintitt.
Junius N. Black, defendant-
To Junius N. Black, non-resident defendant:
You are hereby notified that on the -list day of
January, lfW, Carrie K. Black tiled a petition
against you in the district court of Cass county.
Nebraska, the object aud prayer of which are t
obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you
have grossly, cruelly and wantonly failed, ne
glected and refused to support the plaintiff, be
ing of sufficient ability so to do, and for the
custody of the minor child the issue of said mar
riage to-wit: ISarah B- Black, aged fourteen
years; and that certain personal property, r.ghts
and credits be decreed to be the property of this
plaintitt. and for reasonable alimony. You are
required to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the -Uth day of March, 1 "'A .
Carrie E. Black, Plaintitt.
By C. S- Polk, her attorney-
Notice to Creditors.
SrAsfdouKA1-' County Court.
In the matter of the estate of hrankhn Niemann,
Notice is hereby given that thecred:tors of said
deceased will meet the administrator of aid es
tate, before me, county judge of Cass county, Ne
braska, at the county court room in Plattsmouth
in said county, on the lTth day of March. A. D-.
and on the 17th day of August. 1''. at 10
o'clock A. M. each day for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are allowed lor the
creditors of said deceased to present their claims
from the lTth day of February, IKft'.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. th:s Ufi day
January. 1 "'..
(Seal) County Ju:ige.
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Burlington & Missouri
River Railroad in Nebraska will be held at the
office of the company, in Plattsmouth, Neb., on
Thursday, Feb. 23rd. ly.. at li o'clock M.
The meeting will be held for the election of
nine (!') directors, to serve during the ensuing
year, and for the transaction of such other busi
ness as may legally come before it.
T. S. Howland, Secretary.
M. L ManDGaK6r & Son.
Livery, Feed and
Sale Stable.
Finest Rigs in tho City. Horses Boarded
by the Day or Week.
Y arc aN (KaK 1 in all knitK ol
We are here for the Business of
the County...
Ami will 1,'t-t it, if I'mr DciiImilt ;cnl ;.,.! Co. .1- will ml any li .'urn with
our Farmor Friend. When yon :uh in town, im' :iihI us wo will
gladly bliow yon anything wo linv- iu slnrk.
M. E. Manspeaker & Son,
Pearl St., between 6th and 7th, Plattsmouth
I L , T
Hif: '.V. P
3 '
friFlC it
or i'LTTsMiUTn. ni:h.
Orteis the very best facilities lor lln.'
prompt transaction f
Legitimate Banking Business.
TOCK9. bonds, eold. tovcrntnerit :in'i Inciil
securities Dousrht iind sold. Deposits re-
ceived und Interest allowed on the certfi-
catea. Drafts flriwn, livuiiable In :iny
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections maile and
promptly remitted. I'liihest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
H. X. Dovey, D. Hawksworth
-S. 'uiiL'h,
F. E. White, G. K. Dovey.
Geo. K. Davey, Pres., S. Vaunh. ,'avM,:r.
H. N. Dovev. Ast. Cashier
Rates SI and SI.50 ner Day
Centrally located and Com
fortably Furnished.
r , r ! . I
Plattsmouth Coal lardj
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed
Constantly on liand.
Iquse Furnishings,
Our stock Is complete in all line ;mJ we j
Invite our friends to look It over We will
"nileuvor to plf an e you. Call and see us.
(Succeesors to "decry Boeck.)
FT Ti:i
Knecland Crystal Creamery
and Rcfrianralor Combined.
Niakcr; iO i, r rent inoro huttor
llirtn t In' old way if takintr care of
milk. Tin milk fnon i 1 1 1 cown In- tnki'li i' iii- of uith I0--1 liil'or
than forni'-rlv with that of oiu cow.
('.ipacity from two to ci u h ty can.
No firmer who makes hotter can
alliinl In 1I0 without one" Fur fur
ther particular- ciiiiro of
R. F. Demi, At;citt.
I Mat tsniounth, NchmsUii.
I A liltl.i: STS ,
11. M. SOI-NNH.'IISKN, Maimer.
Laryo Supply of all the
j J
Indudiiitf the F:hiki;s
Missouri, Jllinoi-,
Jaoknon Hill and
Canon City l,urnp.
Q Always on l,ri!! A o a ru;,rit :tv of 0
j cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. U e aNo j.
I A keep on hand all kinds of Wood. A II or- A
ders proii p?!y delivered. Leave ordei
at v,x jrery store of A . H. Wc it bach & Co .
k.,,,, ci,, every Friday
via Colorado Sprit,".' -i and Sofnio
I Southern Kooi..; leuvoi Kau-.n City
ivory Wedne-ilay via Ft. Worth and
F.I Pa o to Lo- Alii-lr-.
Tlufee excursion oar- ;.r: attached
to fat pa--enrer trair,-, and thoir
popularity i- ovidiMir-c that we oflor
tho hc-t.
Write for hand-otrjo itir.orary which
irivc-s full information and now map,
-entfrco. For complolo information,
rated and berth r o-.-rvatiens, see your
local ticket a -out or addioi-n K. L
MacLlou, A. O. P. A., To pc-k a, Kan.
John Skhasti a n, G. P. A., Chicago.
Leading Liveryman.
; rhe best A t'.gt furnished at ?.!: h.,-:t Ismd Lis
I prices are always reasonabx. Thfmost
j conen:ent boarding stable for far
mers In the citv.
Cures kidney and liver diseases
i fi v