Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 14, 1899, Image 3

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John Benscoter Found Lying In the
Alley Near Fifth Street.
LIU Iet mill Ilitutla Were Ltttclly irui'D
and It 1 1'rwbnblfl That lie Will toie
I'ortlonn of 1IU Feet Three Tratup
Arrrnted for Sltullng Ovrriliora a nil a
Hum-Oilier New.
From Saturday's Daily.
John He scoter, a farmer living on
tho bottoma on tho opponito bide of lh
rivor, was found about 7 o'clock this
mui'tiinj; at the rear of Bennelt &.
Tutt'rt (.Toci'iy store almost frozen to
tleaiii. It i not known h'w lonjf he
had b.ioti there, but it ia evident he
hinl upeiit an hour nr two in the alley,
as the murk a in the t-now showed
wlioro ht? hid been crHwllnf ami
t-cramblini! about in an effort to find
his way cut. i.o hnd been drinking
heavily during yi-sterduy afternoon
and it is thought y some that he
w ndced b ick there and f II d wn
nnd was urablu to get up, while others
are of the opinion that he met with
foul play.
lie was badly froen and it was at
first thought lie could not live, but
about noon he regained consciousness
and waa taken to his home. Dr. Cum
mins attended him and is of the opin
ion thai ho will lose a portion, if not
all, of each one of hi9 feet, but that his
hands were not nearly so badly frozen.
Unless pneumonia or (orae like malady
sets in us a lesjlt of the terrible ex-
pou o ho will iccover all right, and
the lesson he will have learned ought
to keep him sober on as cold a night
as last .light was, at least.
TIiI-v-h With NerTii,
Night Watchman Charles Hasten,
with the assistance of Wallie Trasher,
arrot''d throe tramps lust night who
had been about the city for a couplo of
days. One of the parties had stolen a
bam from Jonathan Hatt's meat mar
ket nml another plucked a couple of
pairs of overshoes from Sherwood's
shoe store. The feet of two of the
tramps wero comfortably encased
in the overshoe? when the arrest was
made and ; the ham was found to
bo in the hands of Jake Denson, who
had purchased It from one of the
parties. All of the stolen goods were
identified by the parties from whom
they were taken and the fellows will
have their hearing Monday. The
thieves gave their names as Joseph
Dunn, Iiichard Preston and E. Mc
Concentrating at Mlton.
MANILA, Feb. 10 Tim n.-b.ds have
apparently selected Mal ibon as their
base of operations in their next en
counter with the Americans, as they
are concentrating in considerable
forco there and at Calooc in. Many
small bodicM of bcatlertd tro ps are
straggling In from the right, and
others are undoubtedly arriving from
the north interior provinces. Aj.ul
naldo is reported to have established
headquarters at Malabon for the pur
pose of ralljing his forces for a de
cisive blow, fn order to cover th. i,
movements the re he h aain opened
lire on the Kiinn is outpoMs last night
from the jungle. Th.j filing was con
tinued for twenty minutes without I
feet. The Americans reserved lie
until a ut'iacnm nt or tne enemy
emerged from the bamboos, when a
well directed volley made tho tub:; s
scuttle back to their cover like rab
bins. Beyond this everything is qu c.
The Fourteenth infantrv has tui-
- -
. I. - I a . .
enrineu several tor a oi tspaiiisii sneiis
which had evidently b -on stolen from
the Cavile arsenal .nd cached by the
rebels in the viciniiy of I'arannque.
Fifteen cart loads of it have been
brought into the city, as has al-o been
a modei n naval gun and a part of its
mount. Thi re is no doubt that tho
gun was stolen by the insurgon is or
lemoved from one of the sunken ships.
Inhabitants No Longer Fear a Na
tive Uprising
Smith returned to hi-, house al
t li is ii f I e moon .
MeConkey f Doniphan, 5n
1C-IH Art Nt'Mttrrrtl 'I hroiiK hout the
Country and i'uttliitf In 1 litlr Time
Ituliwhi4klnc Twent y-FIe Anirri-
ciiii Koldlt-r ltriorted Mlxelnjj or I n
Kiriiuiittil f or ut MamU.
here visiting his
Ma.VXLA, Feb. 12 All isquiet along
tho entire line, nothi-ig having hup
poned up to this hour to distu b tho
p:ace of Sunday. In Manila the in
habitants have generally recover! d
from tho alarm occasioned by th
fear i f a native up' i-ing and are re
suinirig their ordinary bu-ine-s. The
-h 1 1 1 pi i fcf is n-tturuliy i-uiVericg sinet
mere oeen i.o clearances u r
l'n i I i ppi no irts f r a week, but o
the other hand foreign diippiog ba-
i ncrea.-ed , e.-pt ci ill y for Hong Koi g
every s'O'imer bound thither being
crowded with timid refuge.-s.
Despite this quietude, however
manv are asking whether the prob em
is btiil not far from solu'ion. A weeu
ago tho-e who took an ootimi-tie view
predicted that the teriibie lesson j ttst
admini-tered to tho rebels would fcet-P,e:U:i
a. n
Mall county, l-
brother, Warren.
Robert Djrnolly, who bcou ill
for several diys, is reported to be
much wtr-e toJay. Ho has pneumonia
and his conditio) is considered dan
ger iu-.
L dc-r Djngan of tho Christian
church went to i'.icilio Junction this
m .r:iifig to pro ich tho funeral sermon
over the remains of Mr. and Mr
It ikes' infant child. They reside iiuir
tho ferry.
Judge Hitiirev cam'? home from Ne
braska diy this evening. D strict
C -urt Wi, in res-lon todav. the artU-
luenls in the c iso of 1 ho First National
nuikof Green wood against Waldro
b.itig h' arJ.
M s. Ann lVa-on, mother of Mrs. M,
1 11. .1 m .
liixoii, uiio at ii, e norm: oi Uie lat
t -r in this city last evening, aged
o ghty-live years. She wa born in
Ireland and has undo her home wi'h
her daughter in this citv for manv
Death was the result of an at-
m:hu mk oti:x.
Alh n 'n iigiiutii.g tho s i .-1 i
putting in water wo.
Big Guns of the Alonadnock Play a
Prominent Part
The Khiikkii and Tliird Artillery Make n
Onllitnt Charge Arrows the Oprn - Fili
pino Itetlre l-'ightiiiK Mt ublirimly ly
Homage to tleneral ir,lu IXIiir
Telefcraphlc Nrwn
l-roin Saturday's Daily.
The Burlington has issued another
card advertising? the resources of Ne
braska This is called "Whaat." It
tells of the wheat crous of tho stale,
and is being mailed to thousands of
eastern farmers.
Over c00,00 ill be spent durii g
18!);) by tho Burlington, road in im
provements to its track, road bed and
bridges west of the Missouri river. Of
this amount over $200,000 will be put
into new iron bridges. One hundred
and fifty m le of 75 pound rails will re
place lighter raiis, and over 1,000,010
new ties will be Dut in.
James Sieves, an employe in the
car repair shop, had the thumb of his
left h ind so severely crushed yester
day that it w s found neces: y to am- J
pjtute that hitherto useful member.
W. O. Jenkins left this afternoon
for Fdgment, S D.. where he will take
charge of the Burlington's repai
woi k. Mr. Jenkins' family will re
main in Platismouth until 9pring, ht
II. 11. L'-asel, who has been night
oreritor for the Missouri Pacific at
Union for a number of years, has been
transferred to Wyoming, where he
will act as station agent. Jonas Tee
garden el ceping Water takes his
place at Union.
Robert Shepherd, a famer's eon in
York county, secured the first prize
for the best written letter on Ne
braska, offered by the Burlington rail
road. The letter was written in five
minute?, clearly setting forth the
initiy reasons why Nebraska was the
best place for a young man to locate
and prosper.
Oiiicials of western railroads antici
pate almost as great a movement to
California this year as in 1897. The
ocosion is the annual meeting of the
National Educational Association at
Los Angeles in July. Rates have not
vet been fixed but they will probably
be pomewhere in the neighborhood of
one fare for the round trip. In other
words the cost of a round trip ticket
to Los Angeles rrorr. Nebraska will be
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of j"y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them; also old, running and fever
sores, ulcers, boils, felon9, corns, warts,
cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped
hinds, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only -5 cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold bv F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Scientifically Correct.
"And when I proposed to her she
turned all the colors of the rainbow at
once." "How can you make such a
ridiculous assertion?" "All the col
ors at once. If you have not forgotten
your high-school lessons, you ought to
know make white." Indianapolis
Laxative Biomo Q jinino Tablets re
moves that cause that produces La
Grippe. The genuine baa L. B. Q. on
each Tablet. 26c.
MANILA, Foo. 10. The American
forces at 3:40 this afternoon made a
combined attack on Calcoocan and re
duced it in short order.
At a signal from the tower of the
Do Lome church, the Ur.ited States
double-turreted monitor MonadnocU,
opened fire from the bay, with the big
guns of its forward turret, on the
earthworks with great effect. Soon
afterward thei Utah battery bom
barded the place from the land side.
Tho rebels reserved their fire until
the bomb irdment ceased, when they
tired volleys of musketry as the Mon
tana regiment advanced on the jungle.
The Kausas regiment on the ex
treme left, with the Third artillery
deploying to the right, charged across
the open cheering, and carried the
earthworks under a heavy fire. Sup
ported by the artillery al the church,
tho troops further advanced, driving
the enemy, fighting every foot, right
into the town line, penetrated to the
Presidencia, and lowered the Filipinos
flag at. 5:; ) p. m.
The enemy's sharpshooters in the
jungle on the right, fired at long
range on tho Pennsylvania legiment,
but tho rebels were soon silenced by
shrapnel shells and tho Perjn-y! vani 'ns
remained in the trenches. As the
Americans advanced they burned the
native huts.
The rebels were mowed down like
grass, but tne American loss was
Washington. Feb, 10 The fol
lowing ditpiich from General OAs
was received tonight:
"Manila, Feb. 10 Adjutint Gen-
erl: Insurgents co. beted cnider
ab e lore botweeu Manila and Caloo
cin, wnere Aguinaldo is r ported to
be, and threatened an attack ai d up
rising in the city. Swunf K-ft of Mc
Arthnr's division, v hich is north of
Pasig nvr, into C iloocan, driving the
enemy easily Our left is now at
Caloooan. Our loss slight, tl at of in--urgents
considerable. Particulars in
morning. Attack preceded by one
half hour's firing from two of Admiral
Dawey's vessels. Oris '
I'ay Homage to Uenerttl Garrla.
Havana, Feb. 10. About H00
wreaths oT flo al emblems from in
dividuals and societies hav been piled
at the foot of the bier of General
Calixto G.ircia. whose body arrived
here from the United States yesterday
afternoon on the United States gun
boat Nashville.
The body lies in the municipal
council chamber of the palace and
crowds continue to silentlj' file past
the coffin. The remains will lie in
state until the interment, which will
take place at 1 o'clock tomo-row after
noon. All day long Havana has p.iid silent
homage to the dead warrior. Young
children and women, gray haired
veterans, negroes and nogresses have
visited the death chamber and sol
diers looked upon the dead and quietly
moved away. The streets around the
palace have been crowded with sol
diers and the honors paid by the
American authorities have greatly
pleased the Cubans.
Governor General Brook o and statT
will attend the funeral tomorrow and
the review of the Seventh army corps
will be postponed. The Cuban troops
guarding the streets near jbe palace
are objects of much curiosity to
tie the question of Filipinos indojeini
enco. Hut this prediction h;is not been
fulfilled. As a matter of fact the
rebels are now scattered through thf
country, bushwhacking, except, at
Malabon, where they are gathering
in fort e, liven there their m"thod
savor more of guerilia than of civilized
w. it-fare, eve:y bush, clump of trees
and tree furnishing a cover for sharp
shooters. Unfortunately, for miles
around the land is studded with bam
boo jungle and open j-pne-rs are few
and f;ir b.lweeii. This affords the
natives, who tight Wet'er under cover.
a tlitirt advantage.
under such conditions it is reina !;-
jb.e that tbe American casualties
should be so few, while the number
of i ad natives found in the I rush
after CV' ry skirmish tostil'ns tthe
precision of our lire. List week there
was not a sirgle day without, lighting,
but the Americans s'eadily advaneed
carrying everything before them.
Ii is now known that the Fiiipinos
loss is fully 2.500 killed, with wouaded
vast y in excess of that number and
thousat ds are held prisoners. All
this has been achieved at the cost of
sixty-live Americans killed and 270
wounded .
There wero twenty-five Ameiieans
tn ssing and unaccounted for No
fewer than ten of the native villages
have surrendered or been captured.
Sevaral h ive been destroyed because
their houses h u bored men, frequently
disgui.-e 1 in female attire, who snot
from windows and roofs at the Amer
Mar y rillis and a ton of ammunition
have been seized. As might bj ex
pected, tl.ero is looting in tho out
skirls, but it has not been general and
lias been done in direct vie! ition t.f
The only incid'-nt that has broken
the quiet of the day followed the ar
rival of the German first class cruiser
Kaiserin Augusta. When it saluted
Admiral Dewey this afternoon a re
port spread rapidly that the American
war ships were bombarding Mtlab n.
Today crowds have visited the scent s
of last week's fighting. A'l th roads
f om the city weie thionged with ve-hiile-,
but bevorid bjrned village and
now mounds in the fi-lds there wa
little to bo se'-n Inspection si owed
that most of the euemy's dead had te
m lined a; thei'- posts io the las' as the
hod its were u-uaily surrounded hy
empty cartridges, whi'e in the
trenches, wherever thtro ne:e no
dead, there was little and oHen no
Among the distinguished prisoneis
captured iu Manila since the outbreak
of hostilities are Captain A. G. E-ca-mil:o,
Agui naldo's private secretary;
C E. P Varagua and Scnor
Ti mas Del Resario. a member of the
so-called Filipino corgress in session
at Malolos. Other Filioino oiheers
are also in custody.
tck of la grippe. Funeral services
will be h. ld at the house at 2 o'clock
Simon Seeback, a German soldier
who h;s recently been discharged
f ron i the Twenty -Second infantry,
I came down from Ft. Crook yesterday
and engaged to woi k on John Bauer's
farm weet of town. He is an enter
taining talker. He was among the
number who were brought firm the
s uith to do ';u rison dutvi:tPt. Ci ook.
Many soldiers ate sick with measbs
and other di-oases, at the latter place.
A. Davis went to Wahoo on
legal bu-ihe-s thi-, aiternoon.
Mrs. June Black was a piissen eei
for Omaha on the afternoon train.
Aliss Kittle Agnew returned to
Br-ownell II til this morning, bavin
spent Sunday ;;t home.
Mr. and Mis. diaries Taylor spent
Sunday in South Omaha with tho lat
tors piients, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mat
Judge 1j. S. Jiamsey and Court lie
porter Harry Norlhcult returned t(
nji)ri!SKa tyity ttiis morning to open
district, court
Miss Ida Conn crime down from
uinar. a veeieraay and will remain in
the city to attend tho funeral of
liobert Donneilv.
Maud, the fifteen-year old daughter
oi .Mr. -and Mrs. W . P. Hutcheson. re
siding near Itock Ulu!Ts,died February
. .1 : . , . i i .
;n:u interment was marie on Heanct-
da v.
ii J. Corbet, a prominent farmer
esidirg near N'ehaw ka, v as in the
city today. Mr. Co'-bet will depart
tomor-ow for Texas tind Arizona on a
boa th-seeking tour.
The cold weather, it ia feared, has
had a dis istrous effect on fill whsi
and in f u-t in all sections where there
w;'s no pnow on tho g our.d to protec
it. A a result the pr ce rf wheat wiL
probably go up very sho: tl y.
Peter Pe ry and family have H:Oved
hack oito the farm near Mynard from
University Place, whe e his daughters
h d been attending school. Mr. Perry
says University Place has good schools
a id is a v ry good place to live, but
he prefers to le on the farm wheto he
c .n he.. i" : he fig- sq'.e !.
s in Fairbury
-i nl t i i;i" i b in
A building an 1 loin (!(-,:ii has
been crgan i 'd at Lel-h.
Campbell wi'l have a cr.-ini. r, in
operation e uly in the hutnnn r.
Peter Bergqu'ut of Atlanta con
tributed f..ur fingers to th-. co'-n-shtl-ler.
Sun Umland of South Auhirn had
his hands. it, d feet budly fro ri during
the cold sti a p.
Neligh's stock of sof' coal In d, ulci-s'
hands was down to one ton one day
last week.
The O'Neill Cun club is making an
etT rt 'O s'o; th ) seining- i f I'm- rivr-i-arid
creeks in Ifo t C( li: ly.
There is rno.-o sic:fnc
and vicinity at t he prt
there has b en f u- year k
The town marshal of Pierce ir s
been arresting- peoplo who leave their
te uns st:ind un b.anketed in tho cold.
Ten of the ( 'iiinlii nlgo boys went
h un tirg last I-'i id ty afternoon. They
returned claiming the season record
and 12-" rabb'.ti.
The range cattle fionx the north
range are drifting down inio Dawes
county. i Ley loo it pretty hard and if
the weal her don't let up soon there
will be a heavy lo-s.
A discharge from tie; army w;t, se
cured for I red Carver of Auioi-a and
sent to him. hut he reltiri.ed th
papers saying ho went to be a soldie
arm wou u stay in trie 1 n 1 1 1 ppi n ' s a
long as the regiment did.
1 tie lll-st a pi I lC'l t ! : Ii Ml lil-lO'.M
county k,r pension as a r suit of tl
& Son.
Livery, Feed and
Sale Stable.
in tSu City. Horses
hy the Day or Veek.
arc- a l-.t ik'.'ik'i s m
We are hero for the Business of
tho County...
And will get it, if !
our Farmer l- iend
gladly show on any t
'a ir I ) ' il i ng .
When y o i
i i ii nl ( i a i.l -J W ill Cut
in town, ei uie and
any figure with
sec. us wo will
I !l g
ha Vi
in stock.
Spaiii-h war oce
William I . II.
sticli through
llerrimrtu was
t S it II r ti.! l
l l I id a n p Pi 1 1 g
Ut.!.'.' Tn.ivri-.
;t? Sintiaeo ;.i:il
;i! in. .si wf
f 1
i i
Don't get scared when your heart
troubles you. Most likely you suffer
from indigestion. Kndol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat. It will cure
every form of Dyspepsia. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Cheap Labor
May be ail right in its place, but there
is none of it employed in tho manu
facture of any of Otto Wurl's cigars
The fame of his "Gut Heir7 and
"Wurl Bros." brands is notconfi.-el
to the state of Nebraska alone. All
the leading dealer sell (not keep)
them. Try them.
Subsrlbe now for The Nbws.
Home Grown Fruit Trent Are t ! IW-st.
The Riverside Nursery Co. has a
full and complete stock of all kinds of
fruit trees, vines and plants which
they have grown with care. Their
many yeas of experience in the busi
ness has enabled them to grow nur-ser-
stock that will com; are with any
in the countty. They h-.vo all the
standard ami choice va-ieties suitable
for this climate, also r.ew and valuable
varieties. They do their own budding
and grafting, and can guarantee their
varieties to be true to name and strict
ly first-class. Why not buy your trees
here where you can get, them fresh
and grown in the same soil and cli
mate in which they are to be trans
planted? It will save you time and
money. They invite you to come and
insoect their stock and be convinced
of these fr.cts. Nursery two and one
half miles cast and ont4ialf mile north
of Union. Neb. Call or write in regard
to v irielies, prices, etc.
C. F. Vortox, Froo.,
Unto"', Neb.
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman wno is loveiy in face,
form and temper will i-.lwa3's have
fr iends, but one who would ha attrao-
I live must keep her health. If she is
weak, sickly and all run down, she
vM be ne vous and irritable. If she
has constipation or kidney trouble,
h r impure blood will cause pimples.
b'otches. skin eruptions and a wreteh-
id complexion. E ectric Bitters is the
beet medicine in the world to regulate
st m-tch, liver and kidneys and to
purifv the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright e3-es, smooth, velvety
skin, rich complexion. It will make
a good-iookn;g, charming woman of a
run-down invalid. Only oD cents at
F. G. Fricke Sc Co.'s Drug Store.
D. Pressoa, Pre-soi vi'.le, K-tn-.,
writes J m. iio, ISUii: "Ship order at
once, only have one bo; tie left."
"Nothing litce Foley's Honey ad Tar''
is the un veisil verdict of ail who
have used. Especially has this been
true of coughs accompanying and suc
ceeding la gi ipDO. Not a single bottle
failed to give almost immediate reiief.
I'lattstuout ti Nursery.
I quote very low prices on tirst-class
stocii. Apple trees, three years, 15
cents; $10 a hundied. Apple trees,
two years, 12 cents: is a hundred.
Plum trees, three years, ;50 cents; $120
a hundred. Cherry trees, three yearh,
So cents; $-Jl! a hundred. Peach trees,
three years, 11 cents; $12 a hundred.
Grapo vines, o cents; '' a hundred.
Rasp berries, 7-3 c-nts a hundred and
black berries, 75 cents a hundred.
J. E. LeEsLEY, Prop.
Keroruiui-utled for L.n tirippp.
N. Jackson, Danville, III., writes:
"My daughter had a severe attack of
I.i a G:-ip;je s;ven years ago ani since
thtn wher ever she takes cold a terri
ble tough settles on her lungs. We
tried a great many remedies without
giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey
and Tar which cured her. She has
never been troub'ed with a cough
since. i"e. F. G. Fricke iS: Co.
Everybody recommends it.
Fricke & C .
F. G.
A Clock Made of 15 read.
Milan has a curiosity in a clock
which is made entirely of bread. The
maker is a native of India, and he has
devoted three years of his time to the
construction of this curiosity. The
clock is of respectable size, and goes
Lin:jrli;j L-t Orippe lough Cared.
Mr. G. V.icher, 157 Osgood St., Chi
cago. "My wife had a severe case of
La Grippe three years ago and it left
her with a very bad cough. The
tri-da bolt e of Foley's Jlo tej- and
Tar and it gave immediate relief. One
bottle cured her cough entirelj-. Now
we are never without a bottle of this
wonderful Cough Medicine in the
house." -5 and 50c. F. G. Fricke &
Co. -
Tablcr's B jckeye Pi e Ointment is
no panacea, but is rec mmen. el for
piles only These it will cure. Price
50 cents in bottles; tubes, 75 cents. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
turned horn
rrner self.
iJtitley had a shooting serap
Th ursd ay e ven i r g in which Samue
lry;.n and Ulivor Ibu-b were tin
principals. Oliver IJu-b shot Samue
t ....
t'jryan inrougli llo; 1 , ami in the mixup
and Du-.h now languishes in the county
bastile at I nd ia nola a waiting the act i t
of the di-triet court.
big ills, as weil as little ills of the
kidneys, cannot resist tho curative
power of Dr. S.iwver's Ekatine. A.
W. At wood.
Legal Mot ice
In tliL- i!i.itra:t tour: of I'ass comity. Nuijia-ka
HihiKt I.ii..ihl.i J
To Warner l.iinibi.i 1 .
You are lierebv notilicl rht plaint::! .n tin cntitU-d cause lias tiled tier ncti'iou in tlu:
ciisincr canrt oi eas (ynuntv, . ciji .isk a. to oi.-
tain a divorce lor trie reason that since her mar
riage to you. you hae f-rossiy, vvantviily, air.
cruelly . liile beinif of sultnaent v to pro
vide her suitaDle niainienauce fai ed. relumed ami
neplected to provide such Miital.le r.iaiiitetiance:
and fraudulently and i iluily deserted and
abandoned her. You are lequired to answer jaui
Petition on or betore .March '..) A. i., 1 Hi; am!
lihng so to do, jour default will be tnteied oi
IIilma I.!NM:laij. Plaintiff.
Byron Ciark. Atturney.
Probate Notice.
Ia County Court, Ca?s County. Nebraska.
In the matter i.t tfie estate ot Liushrod Washing
ton li hardson. deceased
Ann M Oavis. l.avina Conlov. ('.-irolini Fmi--
ler. the unknown heirs ol liavid Kicnardson. de
ceased, the unknown heirs of 1'a, nielia 'uling.
de..easeu. an i all other persons interested iu said
matter are hereby notified that on ti.e titii da
of 1-ebruary, IH.'i. Mrs, A M. 1'avis filed a peti
tion in sail county court aileir.g aiinnij; o'her
ttunirs that Hiisliro.J asluoctou Kicnardson
died on the I'Jrti nav of laauarv. A. I). M'j .
e.iVing no last will and te-lanient. and p ,s
sessed of per-onal estate, and that the above
named constitute ail the p. rsons intcrestei in
the estate ol said diseased, and praying l.,r ad
ministration thereot You are n.ieb notilicd
that if ,.u fail to anpeai at said court on the :ii
day ot February, A. i. isji, at la o'cacK a. in.
and con est said petition. t!;e couit vviil appoint
ti. M. oauit, or Svime otiier -u;tar;ie pcson, ad
ministrator, and proceed to a settlement ot said
Witness mv hand and the seal of said court at
Plattsinoutli. Nebra-ka. tiiis 7th day of Feb
ruary. AD. l-O'.l. CiLOKGE M Spvrlock.
ISEALJ . County ludge.
M. E. Manspeaker & Son,
Pearl St., between 6th and 7th, Plattsmouth
sjTr- v. --.ip.i- - s-. -
- - " J fc'L
ar - s-w.,. - - . 1
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Wh-s-a-- sC;--,-j
- . - : . -- . is- -.1 5 ,i r Ii
t.r. ..
-, N
Knceland Crystal Creamery
and Refrigerator Combined.
.lalii-s .",u nee cent, morii tntttor
fh in 111,-old way of taking care rtf
milk. The milk from e,ij,'ht itiwh
c in In: taltisn care of with loss lahor
than formerly with thai of one cow.
('ipaeity from two to eighty eaiiH.
No fanner who linker hnttt'r fan
allot d lo do without one l''or fur
ther pa rt i nl a ri etjtilre of
R. F. Dean, AKCtit.
Jy I 'l.ittsiiioiinth, Nehrarika.
iMA i
PI. TTs V, I '.i Til.
i . - . .
i i P 8 A I
6 uj itu
n I
Olfersi tlie very l,e;,t laciii
pijiiipt tia-i'-.i'.ti. :
Lesltimate Dankino
i: , fin
? ? ' n o c ' c
M dtl'.l.i; MTS ,
!!. M. S.OII.NMniSK.N, Manager.
I.fyrul Notice.
In the Ditrict Court of Cas Cottnty. Nebraska.
L.arrie t.. liiack, p:..:ntitl.
Junius N Black, defendant.
To Junius N. lilac!;, non-resident defendan':
Vou are hereby notmed that on ti.e olst dav ol
January, lb'.)'.', Carrie 1-.. liiack tiled a petition
against you in the district court ot Ca-s county,
Nebraska, the oLtect and t, raver of which are to
obtain a divorce lrom you on tne ground that you
have grossly, crueiiy and wantonly laiied. ne
glected and refused to support the plaint, rf. be
ing of sufficient ability so to do, and for the
custody ol the minor child the issue ol said mar
riage to-wit: .Sarah li- Black, acred fourteen
vears; and that certain personal pi onert v, ntihts
and credits be decreed to be th property ol this
plaintirt. and for reasonab.e alimony. Vou are
required to answer said p tit:on on or before
Monday, the -UHi day ol March, 1'
Carrie I:. Black, 1
By C. S Folk, her attorney-
Notice to Creditors.
In County Com l.
Sia tk of Nebraska, t
Cass Countv.
In the matter of t lie estate of Franklin Niemann.
deceased .
Notice is herebv criveu that the creditors of said
deceased wi.l meet the administrator of said es
tate, before me, county judije of Cass county, Ne
braska, at the countv court room in 1'iattsnioutii
in sail county, on the 17th day of March. A. I).,
1 9:. and on the 17th dav of August. l-J.'. at In
o'cIock A. M. each day for the purpose of pre
senting their Ciaims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present their claims
from the 17th day of February, KO
ltness my tiaml ana thi seai ot said county
coutt at Plattsmouth, Neoraska, this 24th day
January. ls;.i.
tSeail County Judge.
COCKS, bonds, :uid, o -. i ni'iif.-l i'. . i
scettritle- uou .lit ;ifoi I )-t.of.l t rf--
I'L-ii-oi a nd i n t j i e -1 allotted ol. ll.e eert I
cites. Drafts druwri, a vail at-le In :.ny
part of th U. arid ail t in- ;rinel u.
to'A'rjf3 of Curope. 'uli. ci i-m iiiiri4 aiifl
promptly remitted. Il'l.'st market
prii.-r? ptifd for court y -vi, rrants, st. i'e
and county bor-.ds.
N. D ivey, V-. I! :'.
F. II. Wiilt,-, (
.. K. Dov.fV, Pres..
H N . i -ov.-v .
, r t .-1 .
I lovey.
j T
faro- j Supply of all tho
I '.1 1ST r;it.VI)KS
li.t I'.d.iit; the famous
Mi.-s-.ouri . Jliinois,
Jackson Hill antl
Canon City Lump,
Always on hand Also a Quantity of
cheaper Grade of NL'T COAI-. U'c also
keep on hand ail kind of Wood. All or
ders proMptly delivered. Leave orders
at procery store of A. II. Weckbach & Co.
Hull dev.
Contracts taken for the erect-on ' l-U-i'l..-n
I'a.ns and any kind of cri inicr v.-.-rk, iu any
part of the c .ur.'.y . O.I', or. or ai'-.l -:
HAKVKY IIOLLOWAV. JIh 1 1 nmont !i . .Nil;
V .
i i I K si at
is pn.-i-ar
to Ukt: C
.- si,.,-
1 h
1. r.:"
filer t
Our -tof.-k is ..oripieto In nil 11m- and we
!r vite i,ur friends to look It over We will
-.. :: a v r to pi-;.He you. CalJ nnd see us.
Gensra! Livery B'j&inoss
Quick trif,.- i;i;tdo to all
county. Low prior.-.-?
eo us treatment n
I .li-l.- (,!
r:-d i.-O'jrt-
if -Jec- r-i u, nt-t.ry Iloock.)
: T, .T""sMOflTH NF.B
Slu'riff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale is'.:ed by ieo. I".
Houseworth. clerk of the district court, within
and lor Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on trie 1-ih day of t-ebmary. A.T.
:-9. at 11 o'clock a. in. ol said dav nt the south
door of the court house in the city of
in said county, sell at puooc auction, to trie
lghest bidder lor cah, the t llo-. ing real estate
Lots tweiitv-one (2D an 1 twenty-two 'li'Jl in
the village of Greenwood, (.ass county. Nebraska.
osfL-ther w itli f e prtvueiies an l appurtenances
ttiereuoto be!ont;;ii nr m anywise appertaining.
1 he same beii-t; levied up-n arjrl taken as the
property ot 1 J. lat roe et ai , deletidant . to
atistv a l-.idsnient of said court, reco er-d Ly
Lueil i K. I'oik. piaintitt.spaitist said defendants.
Piattsniout;,, Nebraska. Jin. 17. A. l.. 1'-'J.
M. D. Wheklkr.
Sheriff. Cass county, NeL-raska.
O S. Toik, attorney tor pia:r.t:ti.
S J .s.,
Notice is hereby iriven tliat the annual ir.eetine
of the stockholders ot the Burlington Mis-oun
River Railroad in Nebraska wi 1 be field at the
ottice of the company, in l latisniouth. Neb., on
1 hursday. reb. iird. is'.'.i. atloclocK VI.
The tiir wnl be held for the election of
nine 1.0) directors, to serve during the ensumpr
ear. and tor ttie transaction ot such other busi
ness as may legally Come before it.
1 . s. mowlami. secretary.
Licfuie otice.
I To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that t win apply at tne
next regular meetiue of the board of county
commissioner-, in and for Casscouiitv. Nebra-ka.
for a license to sell vinous, malt and spirituous
liquors in the vi laee of Cedar Creek. Cats Coun
ty, Nebraska, for the period of one vear.
Dated this 7th day of February, lrVll.
.T.vr,s,r;s sixi n ami vink
:;u.ti1h. V hrika.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
is rnr: t'laci: to nuv
Leading Liveryman.
he ! est f t:h turtriyhed at fih hour 'and hit
pric-js are aiv.ay i rcr,orjat.e. Therroit
convenient board ing tab'e for far
n.ers In the citv.
tlay. Corn, Outs ::nd all Kimis i.f IV-rd .
Pnrmtfir.fU- nn Iinnil. !
EGENBERGER 5 TRCCP.I8atf S,ra?d S;50 Mr D2b
CcRtrnliy LocHtecl and Com
forlably Furnished.
Missonri Coal, ( ritiMrv ( an. u ity ( oal , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
Leaveeordorj at T. S. Vhit.
- V,. J whiti:.
St re.
I Reading Rooms anil Dispensary,
i Drew Duildinpr, i'lattMtioutli, h.
j O-en f r m 10 a. m. to 5 r. rc. and 7 to 9 p.
fT. : -TTlce etch Stind V-