Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, February 14, 1899, Image 2

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    February 13. IR99.
A. H.
& CO.
Always on tho
Wc ;iiv not contv.ii! viin
any tiling joss tlinn :i con
stantly increasing trade in
fancy and staple Groceries,
and so are constantly on the
lookout for novelties in tahle
delicacies, sell everything at
prices that clear our shelves
and hence jet you fresh
ffoods every week sonic of
'em every day.
A full lino of fancy Lamp. China
Cupe and Saucers of all descriptions
and at way down prices.
Don't forpet to stop and examine
our stock before purchasing.
A. H.
Up-To-Date Grocers.
Depends groutly on the care
which the owner bestows upon it. A
good watch, if CAItEL'L'LLY CLEANED
and OILED once a year, as it should be,
will last a lifetime; yes, a hundred
years. Many good watches are al
lowed to go without cleaning and oil
ing for years, with the result that the
oil is entirely dried up, the pivots are
cut and rusted out, eo that it costs
twice as much to put the watch in
proper condition again as it would if
given timely attention. 1 have a long
established reputation for serving my
customers carefully, as well as doing
the best of work, if your watch is
not giving satisfaction, bring it to me
and I will tell you just what it needs.
No charge for examination, and if left
with me, I guarantee that you shall
have an accurate and reliable TIME
PIECE. Jno. T. Coleman.
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis r.i a!'
points Sa:-' arte
No 1. Denver express U:1M p:
Iso ft. Chicnuo ux Dross 7:12 tin
ISoiJ'J. Local express, uj.:iy. Si Hi!?.
lViicsus. &t liouii, ail points
south . . .
. . 10:01 ar;
No 4.
Local exD.daliy, Kurlmp ton
ehioa-o. al! j"iots t,ist arti
11 :-'- pm
ii.l'l pn.
Su iJays talto No 20 (10 a mi
NoKJ. Local cai. 4;i.ilj exceyi suu-
tiay t'vioitiu J auction
No30. dany except Sunday
Pac-itio J auction
No "8 Vestlbuled exp, dally. Biir-
ilnifiori, (JtiicH o na all
U Huts easi. Through train for
i-t. Louis and st Sou ,
No l. Louiti v, Uitily. Pt Joe.Kari-
bi City. E-t LOUIS. llill'tlKO
all points oust ant! bouih..
No Iv. Local exp, diiily,Oi:i:ili:i- lJii
eolu, Denver uud inLtriiit
dlale siivtioTis
No 27. LochI exp. -daily. Omatia. . ..
No LoCiilfrtiiilit.ais.iiy, exriun
dtty. Ctdar roe, Louis
ville, !outli Hei'it
No 7. Fast liiiU, uaily, Uuulia and
No 3. VeBtibuled exp. daily, Den
ver und .ll points In Colo
rado, Utah una California,
Grand island. Black Hill.
Montana and I'ac-ifiu N. W
No 13. Local exp. Qaily except Sun
8:2? ptu
7::?0 i. it
10 5rf am
41 an
3:28 pm
day. Louisville. Ashiand,
Wahoo, Schuyler 3 50 pm
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 5 00 pm
Sleeping, dining and reclinlne chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and batiKae checked to an7 colnt In the
United Stales or Canada.
For Information, time table's, maps and
tlckots call or write to
W. L. PICKKTT, A pent,
Plaltsmouth, Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Ant..
Omaha. Neb.
M. 1. TIM K CAK1).
No. i
No. 9
No. 121, looal f reiKht
NO. 2
No. 122, iocal freight
No. 10
.4:50 a. m
..1L51 a. ni
...4.04 p. m
.10:43 p m
, . 7:35 a m
4:04 D m
Arrival and Departure of Mailt,.
7:00 a. m. Omaha and North. South on M. P.
West. East and souih on Burlington.
Omaha. West on C. r.
Lincoln and local to Omaha.
Schuyler, East on N. V.
St. Lou-8. South on M. P.
2 20 d. m East on B. & M.. North on St. Paul
?t S. C.
Omaha, East on C. M. St. Paul and
R. I., also est on R. I.
Omaha, West and South on B. & M.
m Omaha. West on R. I. and Burlington.
1 South on Burlington.
":I0 a.
iri.ini Fast on Burlmcton.
11:30 " Omaha, North on M. P . W est on
Elkhorn, North on St. P. M. Sc O.
vfy) n ni Omaha, West on B. fe M. and U. P..
North ou St. P. S. C. East on R.
I,. N. W , and U. M. & St. P.. t-outh
on Wabash.
a an
South on M. P;
West on Burlmuton, South on ub
branch M. P. huylcr.
Omaha, East on BurliiiKton, Weet on
South'on M. P.. Wf M. to Lin
coln. North on M. P. via Louiivtlle,
Omaha, East and South ou Bur
lineten, West na Burlington west
of IlatiBZ.
. . . v ( -
vu;- . r .'.-':;.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
I.E. MAKKHALL. Business Manager.
One; Year, in advance 00
Six Months 2 50
One Wfifik JO
binirle Copies 5
One Year, in advance II 00
Six Mouths, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
. i; : i. of i he -a. i.iiVt'fiigat.ion
....ji t- is H'ibiuii Ilt 1 to the prt'el-
j. i ; It is said to be im-
, .! , i i .unlive vO state the
! i ah i' 1 and to whitewash
Tin . !i.;in:ior in which Cuss couTy
( m il i r.i .ml IMatti-ni u'h city prop
:; v . i i,.i:;ging h inds is a caution.
If . c u;i equal to t!ie onu raided hut
V v is rais :i next yi'ii-Janu land w.ll
out of might ai.d e- very la'tner will
be weriiing diamonds.
A new b'.i!l i f enquiry has been
apt oint d by i he p-etid-Mit to report
the cii;'rge made by General Miles.
That champion lighter (with his
tongue) will now be givea an oppor
tunity to tnalco good his charges or
lake the consequences.
Intelligence comes from Timur
peninsula in North Siberia that the
remains of a baloon and three skele
tons have been found there,which may
bo all that is left of the brave Andre
and his party. These dauntless men
started on their perilous trip July 11,
Am 3POS of the attack on Iloilo and
the inauguration of an aggressive cam
paign General Otis telegraphs that he
had attacked and scattered a collec
tion of the insurgents at Caioocan,
where they were preparing to gather
in force for another stand. They were
easily dispersed with slight loss to
our troops.
President McKinley calls the at
tention of congress to the immediate
necessity for a cable to the Philip
pines by way of the Sandwich Ii-lands
and Guam, all embraced in our recent
acquisitions. The work may be taken
up a private enterprise or by the gov
ernment. About two years will be re
quired to complete it.
Chairman Cannon of the appro
priations committee of the lower house
gave notice Thursd-iy that the full
amount of revenue in sight for the
next year would be consumed by the
appropriations already made, or im
mediately required, and that he cju'.d
not favor tbe passage of the Nicaragua
canal bill until greater time for dis
cussion and for providing for the large
outlay cou'.d be had than now re
mained before the close of the present
session. He announced himself a the
friend of the canal but said that the
bill should not be passed at ttiis ses
sion. It IS reported from Washingion
th-.t :jn cxli a pfs-ion tif congress will
be c.itU d immediately after March 4
in. r-i: the army reoiji u z.ition bill
i . - ed bfoi-e th it time. Tho rati
iif. it. on of the tio.ny witii Spain rr
tjiiires the diseha'ge of all soldit-i-e-.ii-ted
for the war, a: d this wotill
L m.vo but 2 ) O' O tegul iiv to m m ou
fo.-ts at h'lmo a, id protect our- intei ttts
i.-i th- Wnt I plies, a weil as take
care of the turbulent Aguinaido a -d
his as ocititos. Of course wo cam oi
wait until tho regular sossuin in D -cemlei
to provide for interests so im
portant and uryeiit.
AOL'IN.VLDO s iil-tim d and treach
erous attack on OU:- troops at Manila
resulted in u -b a complete overthrow
that ho will tind it dtflicult to lal y
his forces for any forraidab e effo t in
the future. And now it is our turn to
take the initiative. Generil Miller
hns been re inforced bofoie Iloilo, and
General Otis notifies the government
at Washington that an ultimatum
had been sent demanding the sur
render of that place by Friday (yes
terday) at 9 o'clock. In all probabil
ity that important position is already
in the hands of our troops. Rapid,
aggressive work, that will stun and
da?e the insurgents and permit no
time for recovery, is the most merci
ful policy and will prove the least de
structive of human life in the end.
The United States now occupies a
position o; fifth rank in the potential
ity of it9 shipping engaging in the for
eign carrying trade. Great Britain,
Germany, France and Norway taking
precedence in the order named. The
bill now in congress to give new life to
the building of ships in the United
States, to be owned and manned by
our own citizens, and to engage in
competition with the foreign ships
that now monopolize our foreign car
rying trade, will, in a few years so it
is believed by those best informed
give to this country at least second
rank upon the sea, in tho volura9 and
potentiality of its shipping.
Any Jay the bill introduced in tbe
house of rc presentatives by Mr. Payne,
of New York, and which has been re
ported favorably by the proper com
mittee, may be passed in that branch
of congress, and trim thenco go to the
senate, whore an identical bill. Intro
duced in that branch of congress by
Senator Hannn, has also beon favor
ably reported, and through which
body its early passage is predicted.
At the end of the decade, if the sn
called Hanna-I'ay no shipping bill
parses congress and receives the ap
proval of tbo president, wo shall
probably see the United States in a
battle rojal with Great lirilaiti for
fcupremacy upon the sea. Already
thi country possesses the materials
used in enipbuildinr in greater abun
dance than any other nut on. '1 his
material can bo placed in our ship
yard cneiper than It can in
other hhipvards in the world. All
that wo n
ed is tho steady nn;)loy-
. ment in our chipvnnN that the lull
i -
referred lo w u d give for the next
twi-niy year, i'i ei.ocr to bui d -l.ips
as chesp, if i.ol cheaper, hui tiny
can bo built anywhere else in the
voi id. S. ip-buil'li'ig i a i-on cjui
si'O wi;h !.n liiilion asuiii'ig tc g e .t
inariiini r;mK. A I the conditions
favor Mipien.ncy iti tin eountrj' in
ship-huilding, if the biii i s quif-tion
L'ivos tile n ec.'ed impu
i jain our trotiM-4 in the Philippine a
hio g vn a hi ill ant ex mple tf hitrh
c im':i;'" .nd devot en. U o.xp cictlly
c.i led uoon t i lijht a-otti r litti.
th- y not only repe'letl tue su idi n
'attack, 'u. advanced :nrj drove the
eneinv from i-ing po-i i ms. s i.v- tiio
(Jlie 1) .'iLo.-ru' . A ili-i.t ii ' Li'i'
doii s:iys tho Americans mad- "a
8-rie-i f tmgn li enteh r-o-i up . the
i sui-jent work-," c p urin ihein in
every ii.s;anc n i d securing important
strategic points. The volunteers of
the west, men from Colorado, Ne
braska, Iuaho, Wyoming', Tennessee,
Washington and Californi t, wer.j in
the thick of the fight, and carried for
ward the il;ig wiili the gieitest
heroism. They had supposed, in com
mon with others, that the war was
over, and were looking to a speedy re
turn to their home.-!. Suddenly,
through the encouragement oi oo
structives in tho senate, an army o
half-savage revolution i.-ts
and attacked our lines. The result is j
a new story to relate or ribl-, lnvn ;
ble American courage.
Our army anil navy at Manila have
fought a succession of peculiar battles.
It might be easy, in view d our uni -
form success, to uuderate the diHiculty j
and danger of these conflcts. Dowey
hed no decisive advantage over tin;
Spanish fleet in ships. guri3 or num
bers. Since he had to run past bat
teries, risk torpedoes and fight strong
forts along the shore, the advantage
in resources was on the other side.
Yet he dared all and wiped out. ihe
enemy. Before the capture of Manila
tbe Spanish carricon made a desperate
night sortie during a tronhical temp
est and yet were driven back by our
men in the trenches, a thin iine, but
th3re to do or die. Tli ) b.ttb' ju.-t
fought against Auinaid) was not
imagined to bo a possibility a month
ago. When it c-imc, as swi tly as a
thunder storm mounts into the sky,
the American hi my was true to its
glorious record. Our soldie-s are
minute men now as in the p ist. and in matter how st'-ange,
the flag they defend shines out with
added sp endor.
THE Nor f -Ik & Yoakion railroad
was sold at public auction at Pierce
the other day for $43,0(i0 With rail
roads at tho above price aid coin
-e'.lir-g at ;:o con's, with 'ihe- f rm
protii.eis i.i i roporiiem it will s-oou b
that nlmeist any No'or; ska. r.i:er ,:.n
rtvn a raili oad.
T'.o typhoid niicribu tj",t the L-iz:
I l.c phai.lx.-r tr.k.-s cl.Hii'j'.-'i.e in hi.
The b w hi s ii.s ir -u.i i.!-.v,
J"hc t ia lnini) " lias ' n vtr
A spell ot v.c ttici'sttth sis liii-i.
Aij-l ct, i:i pito ot a 1. 1 wirii.
The ice -.ii.iii tlii..k.- it la :-i.;i:.
Tiiis is the tiaic 1'...- "c:i .-tnn.r ice
la li-oi.-t;. ..i.- lour
In a fire in the slat ins;i
it YairKtoi:, d. D.. ms! ei y
sev- ::le- t iost their i Ves -i
i. js weie iiijntva t the .
18 (.(!(.
d t.ll:
The tie ity of i eace ha-i been foi-
m illy signed by the pr sideiit and sec
retarv oi state and forwareie'd lo Mad
rid 10 te ratified by the Coitez and
signed there. It will then iio into fu.l
The intense colel of tlie pai few
days is r.ot confined to any one lo
cality. From Chicago, Cincinnnati,
Cleveland, Indianapolis, St. Paul,
Winnepeg, Des Moines and elsewhere
comes the intelligence that all furmer
records for many years past have been
broken and m iny deaths have resulted.
Another popular delusion is scat
tered. Prof. Leonard Stejneer, a
United States government expert .says
that whisky, instead of being an anti
dote for snakebites, accord inp to the
general belief, is really an aggravation
of the trouble, as it accelerates the
circulation e.f the blood and hurries
the poison thre uh the veins ar.d arte
ries with greater rapidity than it
would otherwise have.
Focd does moro harm than good
wh;n not digested. Kodol Dyspepsia
Ci.'-o digests whai you eat. It prevents
wasting diseases and cures stomach
roubles. It cures indigestion; tour
stomach and belching, and allows a
wornout stomach ret. It acts in.
stantlv. F. G. Frioke & Ce.
Head the advertisements in tie
News and trade only with those peo
ple who solicit your patronage. These
are the live merchants that do busi
ness on the principle of quick sales
and email profits.
4'lipiK From County ICxrliMnicea IlUhrrt
I p for -" KfMflrro.
From 1 lie L'nion Ledger.
C. V. Walker of Weeping Water
has purchased tho drug stock of M. L.
ThoiTins, the deal being consummated
yesterday. Tho new firm will at once
put In a complete lino and opon up for
business in the Thomas building.
Fred Gorder, the Weeping Water
implement dealer, passed hi e on
Tu- sdav going to l'iattsmouth, but ho
, guvo us no opportunity to lea- n the
niitui e nf his business up there. Per-
' h before going to press the county
j dgo's rec id miiy furnish us ihe
ue-ii t d infoi malum.
Fael-'i y villo came nei.r having a
d '-ti uoli ve bl ie Monday morning.
, lr c residence of Silas ( ox etching
! lii-'; fro. n the strve pipe up-stairs.
j Fortuniit ly Mrn. Cox discoveied tiio
lire and g.ivo the alarm in timo for
tiio neighbors to c me t the rescue,
a -d after s-ouio h 'd wm k ibey sun
c e led in ex iny uisliing tbe tlmi-s be
fo: e much diitii tg.- i-eaulted. lia'l they
in" ii only u f. w moio-iits 1 .ter he
hou , nd contents wouid u doubud y
have n . n c(iiKUmed ii a flioi l t. ui.;.
Fium llio Louisville Courier.
J in Te. r.v berry has nhout all the
f irm, r- in Might MileGiovu precinct
h ir.iiLT io-:k p eor tory to ti.o iec
.011 fan elegant new hous; nnl barn
un the old Terr, berry fmin.
The c.iso wherein H 1. Sawyer
brings suit ag insl the village of
JjouiVille in tho sum of $5,000 dam
ages and a $60 doctor bill, i-i set
for hearing oefore District Jtitle
llunsey February liO. G;i I'eccnuer
10 Sawyer fell and whs injured on an
icy s dewalk in this village and he
will attempt to establish the fact that
the village wns responsible for his in
juries in not removing the ice'fiom
the walk. Hyrfii Clark will look after
the interest tf the village anil S. M.
rj Chapman and A. M. Ku-se!l will
II. It. Neilze! went to Omaha Sat
urday on business.
Mrs. Sieve Tool of Sterling-, Xeb.,
j 5, vi;iili1.0. frie(i her..
John Hums has moved from the
Wendt fa m to Louisville and will iu-ve-t
in merchandise.
(ieorge L?is is on ihe sicse list. Wil
li: m Seiiewe is assisting H A Tool ;,t
tlie store in his stead.
L'rt'ie Jtilinio went to Plattsmouth
j last SiturJay and purchased the
Neipei t re si-ience which was for sale
i at tho court h;ue.
II. A. T,:ol
retui ne.i from
S'ratton lat Mor.hay wiiore she had
s;'i'nt two weelis vifiting with her
parents anel either lelatives.
Our spiritual fi iends had a great
s- im.-,) ut Omaha S ituiday evening.
D Madding and wire, A. Zable and
wife, HeiEiin Dettman and wife, Mrs.
Gentry and Con rad Wirth were in at
tendance. J. W. Conually returned Thuisdaj'
raoTiinjj from California where he
hassnentthe st few months. We
judge from Mr. Connally's appearance
that tie ha had a great plenty of good
things to cat ami enjoyed his trip im
mensely. Mr. S. A. Kackler. e-ditor ef tbe
Mie-uiopy, (Pa.,) Hustler, with his
wife, an.l col dren, snff ) el t rrinlj
f em La ! ' ri ppe. One Miriue I'ouirh
' "i r was Hie tinlv rem- d that belecd
lii. in p i-.e'U'd quicklv. i bousands
it i ll - r.- use this remedy s a specific
a Griune, aed its cxhtniating after
Never f ilsr F. G Fi icke.
IVi-frt IJoioies.
i-cd-e:ii.g to tli- Prcs:.ytTian
i the (i'Ktrine a: perfect hoti r
'' m.s to he way among
ill-flics in the r-.; Tho ooiirlu-i
'resbyifi-iai? says tbe largest e.r
'. attiin tif any paper in South Car-.:
is that of a ho! In ess paper. A nee.
san has just bcn issued by tho
ire Baptized Holiness Association."
;voted to this peculiar belief. C...c
f the correspondents speaks of him
e!f as "basking in the furnace" while
he fire "burns, Invigorates and intox
cates." Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of hissrHendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous en
ertiy are not found where stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels are out ef
order. If you want these qualities
and the success they bring, use Dr
King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power c.-f- brain and body. Only
2."c at F. G. Fricke 6c Co.'s dru- store.
Man's Lifting: Power.
The lifting power of a youth of 17
is 280 pounds; in his 30th year this In
creases to 320 pounds, and in the 30th
and 31st years it reaches its height,
3f;5 pounds. By the fortieth -vear he
has decreased eight pounds, and this
diminution continues at a slightly in
creasing rate until the 50th year is
reached, when the figure is 330
The Rothsrlillrl.
A curious thing it i3 that in every
country the Rothschilds assume the
typical appearance of its people, says
the New York World
rif PnlnrH ,,.,., i ...i c..
o'""i iut.u i caciu uica laji j oai
isbury, Barcn Alphone de Rothschild
of Paris is a perfect Frenchman In
appeal Walter Rothschild, son
of Lord Rothschild, is a fair-haired
young giant (the original Mayer An
selm was-red-headed). Wilhelm Karl
Rothschild of the Frankfort house. son
of that Charles or Karl who wont to
'iples for the house, is a typical Ger-
mallie9. chick-en. rahhit
wienerwur. pQrk chops &re kept
on hand everj , in lheip lomnl.
lie can by Telfet
rEW men have known more than
Ilenjamln Franklin, says a writer
in tho Century, yet a few have had less
education, in the common sense of the
word. For moro than two years (at
tho age of eight to ten) ho went to a
grammar school and a private school
in IJoston; for the other four-tcore
years and more of his life he learned
without a teacher. His father's li
brary was small, but the lad himself
spent the little money that came into
his hands on cerious booksahd pimph
lets. Having proved deficient in
arithmetic in his early youlh ho aftor
w n dr. made a special study tf mathe
matics, and for some time amusrd him
s lf b. c instructing all sorts of mag
ical squares and ci cles, with rows of
lig'.res that would add upali .e.w ici,
:vr way they were couutel. Ii this
connection Mr. Fo d a cell . ducatee
niiin l.imcelf, in ihat bis only school
w .s lih's i.i mouse private li-b-
arv has this to s y:
"His eiwn t xperieiiee served le teach
Frai-kl u thai n stroi g mind nt e is no
schoo:i g to devc b p it, and thai a
poor mind is n l a-rengthene-a by
-lu'ly. I'Oir Kicha.-d a-s -rted 'a
j learned blockhead is a greater back
bond ih .n an ignorant one,' and
claimed that of learned fools I have
seen ten limes ten; of unlemned wise
men I have s-en a hundred.' Yet
Franklin was f ir from showing the
usual contempt ef lh self taught man
for i.n acedomic education. On his
settling in Philade'phia ho found two
things which ho regretted, and one of
these was 'there being no provision
for the complete education of youth,
I therefore in 1743 drew up a proposal
for establishing an academy.' "
Tho academy was duly founded, but
in time it becami a hot-bed of politic,
and its rector an active opponent of
Franklin himself.
Many years before his death Frank
lin wrote the following epitaph for his
own tombstoue: "The body of Menja
rain Franklin, printer, (like the cover
of an old book, its contents torn out,
and stript of its lettering and gilding)
lies here, food for worms. Yet the
work itself shall ntit bo lost, for it will
appear once more in a new and more
beautiful edition, corrected and
amended by the Author."'
Franklin, when near the close tif his
life, in tho constitutional convention
of 17iS7,mado a speech in fave of daily
public prayers.
"In th.i beginning of tho contest
with Britain, when we were sensible
ef danger, we had daily pi ayers in
thi room for the Divine protection.
Our pr.iyeis, sir, wore heard, and they
wore graciously answered. Allf f us
who were engaged in the stiuggle
must have observed frequent instances
of a superi -itendinij- Providence in our
favor. To that kind Providence we
owe this happy opportunity of consult
ing in peace ou the means of establish
ing our future national felicity. And
have we now forgotten this powerful
friend? or do we imagine we no longer
need His assistance? I have lived, sir,
a long time, (eighty-one years) and
the longer I live the mora convincing
proofs I see of this truth that God
governs in the affairs ef man. And if
a sparrow c in not fall to the grounel
wiih His notice, is it probable that an
em nire can rise without His aid? We
h .ve been assuret, si;-, in tbe sacred
w:i ings 'except tl.e Lord build
the he Use. they 1. bor in vain th a
build it.' 1 firmly Relieve this. I
al-o believe that without His concur
ring aid we sha 1 succeed in t! is iio
iiicai i,o better iha-i the builders 4f
liibe; we sh til be divided by on
line p.rtial, 1 c 1 incest-; our
projects will be c d; and we
ours lv. s sh U brc. me a rep imcn a a
i ' wo d down lo lutu-e a es. A d
wi it is worse, maieind ra v here .ft' r.
f -oiii ih s unto lii-. ate insla. ce.di-spair
of e-"ai! ishing tiuman government bi
human wisuom. and eave it tei ch .nee.
war or co que t. Then fo e I beg :e v
to morn henceforth prayers, im
plo; ing the assistance of Heaven and
its blessing on our deliberations, be
held in ihis assembly eveiy morning
befoie we proceed to business, and
that one or more of the clergy of this
city be requested to officiate in that
Thomas Paine, who was proposing
the publication of the Age of Reason,
submitted it to Franklin's perusal.
This is the message he sent Paine
when he returned the manuscript:
"I would advise you not to attempt
unchaining the tiger, but to burn this
piece befote it is seen by any oth-r
person. If men are so wicked with
relieion. whai would they be without
Hall Caiue says: "The wor d is
rapidly growing better. The conquor
ing nations are the civilizing, educat
ing nations. They conquer by force,
but they have in them the leaven of
the Christ idea. This will grow till
it wars against war -and abolishes it."
Dr. Sawyer's L!ttle Wide Awake
Pills give purity e.f body and vigor of
! thought bv perfectly rptTnlritincr th
"w " " u ' ' u K ul 1 ,uuou' ' "
liver and
constipation. A. W. At-
Alas. Poor Ilobnon.
"Every or.e knew that Hobson liked
the smell of powder. Recent occur
rences show he doesn't mind the taste
of It either," said the sorry fool.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Gross Igoomnch
Wttts Say, do you know anything
good for a cold? Potts No. I don't
even know of anything good for the
grip. Indianapolis Journal.
During the Battle of
The Packers at the Battle of Santiago de
Cuba Were All Heroes Their Heroic
Efforts In Getting Ammunition and
Rations To the Front Saved the Day
I. B. Iiutler, of pack-t ain No. 3,
writing Teim Santlagei do Cuba, on
Julv '23, says: "Wo all had diarrhoea
in more less violent form, and when
wo landed tiro had ne time to oe
docter, feir it was a c ise ef rush and
rush night and day to keep tho troops
supplied wi. h Htnunition and rition
but thanus to Chamborl in's Colic
Choloi a. anel Diarrhoea Remedy, we
wore, able lo keep at work and kee
our health; in fact, I sincerly believ.
ihat t one cri lical time this medicine
was tbo indirect savior of our army
for il the packers haei been unable lo
work there- oild hive been no way
of gettiny suoolies to Iih front. I'here
were no roads ihat a wagon trail
could use. My comrade and myself
had the gootl fortune to 1 y in a sup
plv of tnis medicine for our puck-train
before we left Tampa, and I km w it,
four cases it absolutely saved life."
Tho above letter was written to tho
manufacturers of this medicii o. the
Cnnmberlain Medicine Co . Dei
Moins, Iowa. For sale by all druggists
To Honor Dewer.
The Rutland (Vt.) Herald says it is
proposed to honor Admiral Dewey in
Vermont by erecting a "Dewey Hall,'
to be used for drilling purposes in the
state's military institution, Norwich
university. This Institution has Ions
been a military school, ami many of
the officers of the civil war were anions
its graduates. It is likely that the
legislature will appropriate a sum to
ward the addition of this hall te the
university, and it Is propesed also to
raise money by popular subscription
for the same purpose. This will be
open to contributions out of the state
as well as in it, and those interested
i in honoring Admiral Dewey will find
a fitting opportunity to do so by aiding
In the projected work.
There is nothing ious i n the
wonderful cures effected by Dr. Saw
yer's Wild Cherry and Tar. Yeu get
the benefit of an eminent physician's
prescription for nil throit and lung
diseases A. W. At wood.
Not Mncli of a Mlntakx.
It was a Pike county, Missouri, edi
tor who wrote a long obituary of a
man who died owing seven years' back
subscription. The closing sentence
read like this: "A very large: proces
sion followed the remains to their last
roasting place," and he didn't take the
trouble to explain the next week that
lc was a typographical error, either.
To insure a happy new year, kee p
the liver clear and tho body vigorous
by using De Witt's Little Early U'sers
tho famous little Pills for constipation
and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke &
Practical Reason.
At Sunday school a little girl was
asked: "Why should you not hide your
light under a bushel?" The reply came
pat: "For fear of setting fire to It."
London Chronicle.
Sorry for film.
Hicks "Just saw Hogley. Had beer.
In the doctor's. Doctor tells him he is
looking himself again." Wicks "T
he really as bad as that? Poor fel
The smallest things may exert the
t rentes' irflue nc -. Dj Win's Litt e
Early R:.-er a'-e unequal led fo ove -comi'
conip tion and liver trouH- -.
mal p it, best pi. I, saf" pill. F. G
Fr t-kn & Co.
Policeman "Mr. Smartie, I have
some bad news for you. Your sho;i
was burglarized last night, and the
thieves carried off everything." Smar
tie "Is that so? How lucky I am.
It was only yesterday that I marked
down my goods 25 per cent.
Statistics About Women.
The labor commissioner of Missouri
reports that 70 per cent of the women
applying for work at the public em
ployment bureau in St. Louis have de
serted their husbands or been deserted
by them.
Don't irritate 3-our lungs with a
stubborn cough when a pleasant ar.d
effective remedy may be found in Hal -
la'd's Horehound Syrup. Price, 2-r
cents and ;"0 cents. F. (J. Fricke &,
Tj ra iki Id Itullilera.
The laborers who built the pyramids
did not work under such disadvantages
as have long been attributed to them.
Recent research shows that they had
solid and tubular drills and lathe tools.
The drills were set with jewels, and
cut into the rock with keenness and
Sect in Art.
"She sent me a catholic picture," saij
a woman whose friend had jeut her a
photograph of a Raphael "Madonna
and Child" for Christmas. Nw York
Commercial Advertiser.
rlrken Mwt.
Among novelists the palm for the
greatest quantity of writing, so far as
mere amount is concerned, la generally
conceded to Charles Dickens.
Children who are troubled with
worms are pile in the face, frellul by
spelU, restless in sleep, have blue
nngB around their eyes, bad ilrenm,
variable appetite, and pick tbe nose.
White's Cream Vermifuje will kill
and expel these parasites. P-ice 25
cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
yteft-;?fMr,..,,..... '"'",i J":"'
'V. f i r 1' I" "I
Keep constantly on hand a fu 1
and complete stock of pure...
Paints. Oils.
Special attention hivcii to
..Compounding Prescriptions..
A!.-o a fuil I'm. 3 of D utrgi.-' 's S indritn
ami Pino Wilms and Liquor.-, for purji. sen.
.oiith Sixth Street. .IMiittstnoiith
Dyspepsia Cure,
Digests what you cat.
Itartificiallvdicrest sithe food and aids
"Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
antand tonic. IN'ei other preparation
can approach it in ellioiency. It in
stantly relieve and permanent ly cures
Dyspepsia, J rieiigesMon, Jiean nui n,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sicklleadache.Gastralgia.Cra nips, and
all other resultseif imperfect digest ion.
Prepared by b. C. DaWitt ft Co.. Chicago
'F. ;. FltlCKK CO.
For Rats, Mice, Roaches,
-v was w m.
After eating , nil vermin nrrU watrr and the orn air.
Hence this killer is the most cleanly on earth.
For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 15 Cents.
95 William Street. New York.
take: a trip to
Best Reached in Through Cars
by Louisville & Nashville R. R,
Write for Information to
C. P. ATMORE, Ccn'l Pass. Agent,
Wheeler & Wilson
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings.
The cat Keeui3 to be "out of th ha.
but who is "Mr. Hub? Come "lo
Whito'd opera houo Mondny nnd
Tuesday evenings, February 13 and U
and Ond out. '
at. CD
V- - - . .'' ,( .. - "
--, S!MPLESTiii.i-r
;,y- best NTT?
VlV;s EVER Wpf BAa'V