MI 3EEXY v S J1L JL, TUK NK f. EstuMstied Nov. 6. 1K91 TUK UKKALD. kstabhahed April 10. 18C4. ( t-on8olldated Jn. 1, 1HU5. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. FEBKUAUY 3. 18M). VOL. VIII. NO.'Jfi. a h nTi V I in Insurgent Leader Denounces Hostility to United States. Ills II t-iM-cfui'l h I'rouiiHfM lu Become it it A-llv Ally of TltU (Jovemuieut I AKrt--liic to Woik 1'ur l'VHce II MtM ll Will Mttkr M3,UUU,UOU Sitllnfy Claim of SulillerH Hll.M KIHos, Province of Santa Clara Fi b. :!. G noral Maximo Gomez, the eoinmaiulor-in-ehief of tho Cuban army, placed himself nquarely in po sition lot ay iih mi active ally of tho United Slates government in tho work of the reconstruction of Cuba. Am a result of tho conferences which Kodert I. Porter, the special com mis oioner of I're.-odont McKinley, has had willi (icnoral (Jmrnv., Ihe latter cabled to I 'resident McKinley th is afternoon assuring him of his co-operation in di-binding the Cuban army and in dis tributing among the Cuban soldiers the :,000,)0i appropriated for the pur poMi; or enabling them to return to their homes, General Gomez also telegraphed to Major General Brooke, saying he would accept the hitter's in vitation to go to Havana. The success of Mr. Porter's mission greatly simplifies the returning of the military Cubans to the pursuits of peace. In view of General Gomez's hostility toward the United States, Mr. Porter came here clothed with absolute authority and the tender of $:i,0;i0,000 was practically a verbal ultimatum. Had it not been accepted no more ultimatums wonld have been made. Mr. Porter made plain the purpose of the government and was gratified at tho re idy response of Gen oral Gome.. Tho conference took place at the house hero occupied by the C'lban general as his headquarters since coming to town. ltufT.ilo Arrives at MhiiiIh. Manila, Fob. 2. rue Unit id States transport Buffalo, having on board sailors to relieve men in Rear Admiral Dewey's lleet, arrived here today. The United Slates transport Penn sylvania has arrived from Iloilo with the Fifty-lirst Iowa. The?e troop3 are boing disembarked at Cavite. The United States tranrpart City of Puebia has sailed for Nagasaki, Japan. Major General Otis has published an ordr requiring t;ie inhabitants of Manila to pr cu e official certifi cates cf identity which will cost 20 cjnts each after February 23. Tho British battleship Centurion, tlagr-hip of Vice Admiral Sir Edward H. Seymour, and the British second class cruiser Bonaventura have sailed for Hong Kong. Forty Lawyer Arrested. St. LOUIS, Feb. 2. A special to the Post-Disp.Uch from Dallas, Tex., says: Forty Dallas lawyers were placed under arrest ted ay for failure to pay city occupation taxes. They are go ing to tight the constitutionality of the law, but the police department insists uti each giving bond before being re leased. The prisoners are contem plating habeas corpus proceedings. fuel ltrlck. lrnited States Consul Powell at Stet tin calls attention in a report to a comparatively new industry in Pomer ania, which might be practiced wher ever turf moors abound. The turf is broken into small lumps by a mill, and afterward ground into powder. It is then thoroughly dried in passing through heated tubes, and from the drying machine it falls into a plunger, where it is pressed into the form of bricks. These bricks make an excel lent slow burning fuel, and cost about one-tenth of a cent apiece at retail. I'yramld HolWlers. The laborers who built the pyramids did not work under such disadvantages as have long been attributed to them. Recent research shows that they had solid and tubular drills and lathe tools. The drills were spt with jewels, and cut into the rock with keenness and accuracy. A Clock Made of Bread. Milan has a curiosity in a clock which is made entirely of bread. The maker is a native of India, and he has devoted three years of his time to the construction of this curiosity. The clock is of respectable size, and goes well. Convenient. Hissock "Got the rheumatism, eh I congratulate you, old boy." T'"ing er "Congratulate me?" Hicsock "Yes; it must be awfully nice to have th rheumatism ther1 aie so many things in the drug market that are good for it. you know." Boston Tran Ecript. Duea Cuff; A?r- Willi You? If not. drink Grain-O mede from ruro grain-. A lady writes: "The ti rol made Grain-O I did rot first v- lms it but after using it fr one week nothing would induoe me to go oacK to co flee ' It nourishes ana ! a me The children cxn drink it system with great benefit. It is the freely v,ninrr substance of rure JS L I f u fc; 1 " o grains. Get a package to-day from your grocer. lc. h"1 25c. Coal! Coal I Hard coal delivered to any part of the city for $7.50 per too, and the un rivaled Mendota coal delivered for 4 25 pertOD. JOHN WATERMAN. 1 GO nr. wniv 1 UIUULLil IN SIGHT. Bat th Tonne Man TV DUcourairad ; by th I'rotpect. I Well, I'm discouraged." The young man filled his pipe with his chum's tobacco, lit it, and sat down in a lazy attitude in a rocking chuir. "Lost your job?" asked his chum, without looking up. "No; that isn't it. My job's ull right, I guess. But holding a job like mine won't make a man rich. I want to get rich, but I get thrown down on every scheme I tnink up. Now, for instance, witli silver bullion at present prices there's about eighty per cent in minting ailver dollars; good on.-s, I mean, standard weight and fineness. Dollars you couldn t tell from the genuine. I've figured out jut how to buy tho bullion without attracting at tention; how to shovo' the coin after it's minted without danger of detec tion; where to locate my mint without exciting suspicion, and even how I can get tho heavy machinery for good work. All I lack is tho die. I can't make that, and, of course. I can't get it made with safety. I supj osj I might let somo first-class die sinker in with me on the deal, but ten to one ho couldn't stand pro.sjerity, and would get drunk some time and give away the whole snap; get both of us in the penitentiary. 'Then, there's making counterfeit paper money. I've got that down fine; know how to avoid the mistakes that have got other people into trouble, and how to get rid of tho stuff after it's made. All I need is a process for photographing tho colors. But, there you are: fortune's against me. "Then I've demonstrated to my own satisfaction that if I could fret $1, 000,000 by embezzlement or rob bery, I don't care which, I could suc cessfully elude arrest, escapo the de tectives and enjoy my fortune. I've studied these embezzlers that cet caught and go to the 'pen.' and I know just where thev have made their mistakes. But where a!n I even going to find a man with 1,000,000 on his person to rob, or how am I ever going to get $ 1,000,000 of some body else s money in my possession, so I can embezzle it? ! tell you, I'm discouraged " Another !c Dumas, the elder, had a dog, as hospitable as was his master, and that dog once invited twelve other dogs to Monte Cristo, Dumas' palace, named after his famous noveL Dumas' factotum-in-chief wanted to drive off the whole pack. Michel," said the great romancer, "I have a social position to fill. It entails a fixed amount ot trouble and expense. You say I have thirteen do.s, and that they are eating me out. of house and home. Thirteen ! That is an un lucky number." "Monsieur, if you will permit me, there ia nothing left for me to do. I must chase them all away. 'Never, Michel, never. Go at once and find me a fourteenth dog." Argonaut. Gambling in Kurope. There i9 much more of public gam bling in Europe than is commonly supposed. Besides Monte Carlo. which still does a big business, the following list of gambling places with their winnings last year is given: Oztend Kursaal and clubs, 8 000.000 francs; Dunkirk Casino, 300, 000 francs; Boulogne Casino, 800,000; Trouville, 450,000 in the Casino, and at the Hotel Eden, 150,000; Dieppe, 200,000: Co- burg, 380,000; Havre, Frasgate, 150, 000; LaTrepot, 50,000: Biarritz, l.Oo ),- 000; Aix les Bains, 1,000.000: Besaucon, 120,000; Vichy, 1,000,000. Tampering the Ittade. Pocket-knife blades are very un evenly tempered. Even in so-called standard cutlery some blades are hard and some soft. For the latter there is no remedy. But the temper of the hard ones can easily be drawn slight ly. Take a kitchen poker and heat, it red-hot. Have the blade that is to be drawn bright, and hold it on the poker for a moment. When the color runs down to violet blue stick the blade in a piece of tallow or beef suet until cold. Strychnine n an Antlilote. Dr. Mueller of Australia, claims that strychnine is a certain antidote to serpent venom. The Ii.dian gov ernment has recently had a series of experiments conducted with a view to test its efficacy. The results thus far have Dot been entirely satisfactory, but tho experiments are to be contin ued for two years more before a final judgment will oe passed. An English Novelty. A combined letter card with a case for silver coins made of muslin, the whole inclosed in a proper en velope, is a novelty lately brought out in England. The coins do not rattle in their inclosure and the device is tne Dest in its line tnat lias yet been invented. Hardware. Johnny K.t plain. Teacher Why did you hit Willie Winkum with a stone? Little Johnny He he got mad and looked as if he'd like to hit me with something, so I jus' chucked the stone over to him, so he could throw it at me. In Memory of Livingstone. A hospital in memory of the great explorer and missionary, David Liv- ingstone, has . been established at lartford, England. At the laying of ! the corner stone the address was made by Henry M. Stanley. A Sisterhood of Personal Service. The Jewesses of St. Louis have formed tho Sisterhood of Personal Service, a charitable organization which will care for the poor of their own denomination and educate their children. The News of3c is tt e be-' equipped job office in Cass couitv. Fi'ot cIebs work dene oa ehcrt notice. A FORTUNB i Vegetable Llaard. II Verrlll describes In Popu News a curious inhabitant forests called the lizard i l' a! i ii whkh. he remarks, mleht "i t.e named the centipede plant, i singular growth consists of a : : i j uiitcil like a bamboo, with green i.. . gi owing directly from the bark, : :! i-lemier white roots springing ' hi il.e joiuis. with which It maln i.::. hold upon the hark of the wlu-reon it grows. When it has i"a:n -l a length of three or four feet :i lower sections of the lizard plant i.'-'l) i,ti'. and. fastening upon any con- i wnieti! oljicft. iein their indenend- ei,t sii-owih. When thus growiug upon mm- gioniM. ii the plant encounters ai " immediately begins to ascend "" trunk WlOO KwarU muu. The reaJors of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaite.J disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. HaH's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actin-j directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and fi'ving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list ol testimonials. Address, b'.), HfcNBV &Co., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists 7fc Mall's Family Tills are the bet. Wait For It. I,ul .r praise of the musical pro gram of the Auditorium Thanksgiv ing services of the National I'eace .Inlil(e was unst in ted yesterday . The program was prepared by l'rofessor Henry l. Honey, and carried out by the. pr fet-sional vocalists and choirs of the city. (Sixty-thteo choirs and twenty professional male and female quartet orfaniztlions. eleven h und red singers. I l're.-ident McICmley was so de lighted with the music that when he met l'rofcsscir Runty ho said tohirr: "1 want to teil yo i how much I en joyed that mu-ic of last night, and to corigiatu!; te you. It was grana, ana of a very high older. I was charmed." Chicago '1 ira s- He raid. A i bite's opera Iiousj, Wttlnosd iy eve i in g. i'ctjruary a, unuer auspices of the Kpisc pil ebu'eh. Croicow'a Salt Mines. The salt mines of Wieliezka, near Croacow, Poland, were mentioned in It'll, anl have hepn wnrlcprl etnro lOifl The first map of the mines was mad a in 1638 by Martin German, a Swedish mine surveyor. The eisht shafts now in existence are from 207 to 3S5 feet 'loop, and the length of the levels now open is S-Ti.OOO feet, with 115,500 feet of underground tram lines. Between 1772 and 1S02 about 3,000,000 cubic ards have been excavated for the ex traction of salt. Machine drills ave uow used and compressed powder is employed in blasting; abcut LIST rounds of powder are used per ton of fait produced. The present levels are 7J-i feel bi, by 0-.; feet wide Tiie Age of Specialties. Farmer Brown Wal, now.you've had yer dinner, we'll git at the grindstone. You don't know much about sharpen ing tools, to you kin turn the crank. The New Hired Man I have no apti tude for that part of the work, but I'm an expert at standing by and see ing that the grindstone is kept suffi ciently moist. New York Journal. ito'cminrntled for Lit (rippe. N". Jack-on, Danville, III., writes "Mv daughter had a severe attack of La Gr ippe seven years ago and since then wherever she takes cold a terri ble cough settles on her lungs. We tried a .'rcat many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her Slio has never been troubled with a cough since. K. (I. Fricke & Co. V,ilu;ille Stamp Collection. a philatelic exhibition recently At held at Birmingham, Eng., there were placed on view the two most valuable stamps in the world a penny and a two-penny Mauritius. Only twenty three specimens of the 184S Mauritius stamp are known to exist, and the market value of the two exhibited at Birmingham is $10, ."00. They belong to a Parisian collector, who loaned them for the exhibition. Valuable I'earl. The largest price ever asked and paid for a single pearl was $550,0u0, which was the value of the great Tavernier pearl. It is the largest and most perfect gem of its kind known. It is exactly two inches in length, and oval shaped. There is nothing mjsterious in the wonderful cures effected by Dr. Saw yer s 11a unerry ani tar. 1 ou gei the benefit of an eminent physician's prescription for all throat and lung diseases. A. W. At wood. A Day of 3,5.3 Hoars. At Berlin and London the longest day has sixteen hours and a half; at Stockholm, the longest day eighteen hours and a half; at Hamburg, the longest day has seventeen hours, and the shortest seven; at St. Petersburg, the longest day has nineteen, and the shortest five hours; at Torena, in Fin land, the longest day has twenty-one hours and a half and the shortest two hours and a half; at Wanderhus, in Norway, the day lasts from the 21st of May to the 22d of July, without in terruption; and at Spitzbergen, the longest day is three months and a half. Dr. Siwyer's L:ttle Wide Awake Pilis give purity 1 body and vigor of thought bv perfectly regulating the bowels and curing biliousness, inactiv liver and constipation. A. W. At-wood. OF INTEREST TO ALL NEBRASKANS Doing of the LegUluturt; Will He Vtohl tilth ir"tt Infer at ICvvrybody is intero-ted in the work of the lawmakeia now in session tU Ne braska's eapitol, and the only way to keep posted on their movements is to subscribe for a Lincoln paper. Tho State Jout ual prints Him full proceed ings cf the legislature and gives a concise report of all other happenings all over the world. It contains more Nebraska news th:tn any other paper in the state. For its Sunday issue it has a corps of the best writers tho IV .1 . courui y an 01 us. The Journal and TliK Kvenixu Ni:'S are furnished to I'lattmoulh subscribers for tli3 small sum of 'JO cents a week. TliK Nkws contains all the local happenings of the day, and tho two papers make a combination no one can afford to overlook. A trial subscription will convince you. Order by telephone No. So or call at tho office of Tiik News. To Make lterlln u Seaport. It is announced that the German government expects to be able to In troduce a bill in the next session of the Prussian Diet for the construction of a canal suitable for large steam ships between Berlin and Stettin, prac tically making Berlin a seaport town. Female Cab Drivers. The Woman's Institute, Loudon, has published a "Lexicon of Employments for V.'omen," from which it appears that there are in England female cab and omnibuu drivers, street porters, "walking posters," cattle dealers, auc tioneers and one locomotive engineer. Cure For L tirippe. riey's ILney and Tar heals tho lungs and cures the racking cough usual to la grippe and prevents pneu m ini'i. It is c.iMr anleed 'Joe and 50c. F. G. Frickc & Co. Rlau's Lifting rower. The lifting power of a youth of 17 is 2S0 pounds; in his 30th year this In- prp3SP5 tn S?n nram-Is ar:r in tlio 50th and 31st years it reaches its height. ! ?65 Pund By the fortieth vear he has decreased eirht pounds, and this diminution continues at a slightly in creasing rate until the 50th year is reached, when the figure Is 330 pounds. Itelief in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in i-ix hours by HE Giikat South Amehtcan Kidney Cuhe." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in blander, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drt g gist, riattsmouth. Neb. suoBinsnt utviao.iod qii.w samd no poujco soui peai.iaAO nu aae sjopnp -uo3 eu;x 'uidiSAS auoqdaiaj b esB SBq BIJUBJC. S.tB.VHBJ UIB31S JO Sai'Ul Oi pub spuBist aqi m sauji xidB-iSapi jo sajuu QZL e.iaqx 'sduiBi ojb 092 PUB 1U9..S3PUB0UT OOO'ST JJ 'a9J -jno saiddns qotq. btiubj ni aonB9 SUIiqSl'i 0UJD3P IBJU8D B SJ 3.l3qi noH)S Saq3il MlinHK sjb3. jo jaqmnu b joj payeoo.v -pe uaaq SBq raajs.ts b qnns 'jCip aqj jo joiJisip ssauisnq sqi joj nopoaioad a.itj uepuadapu jo raajsXs a.vtsaaqajd -moo b jo gamiuSeq aqi sj 'padoq S 3; 'stqj, '51 no ptFi sUB.ipA"q jo aaqinnu b puB aogjosod aqi jEau juiod b oj pjbi uaaq suq adtd jo auti y "BdJB parati b joj noisog nt paqsnqBjsa uaaq ssq aotA.tas uoiiDaio.id a-iy jaje.vs. lies y Drink (iraln-O after you have concluded that jou ought net to drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors order it, because it is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grades of coffee and costs about as much. Children thrive on it because it is a genuine food drink contaiuing nothing but nourishment, loc. and 25c. at grocers. A Mid-Winter Excursion to Hot Springs, There are thousands and thousinds of men and women in the western states who would be greatly benefitted by a month's sjruru at Hot Springs, S. D. These people, as a rule, are too busy to m ike the t,-ip in bummer. It is for their accommodation that the Bur'ington toute will run an excur sion to Hot Springs, Tuesday, Jan. 24. The rate will be one fare for the round trip and tickets will be good thirty days. A viit to Hot Springs at this time of year is productive of just as much rood as in mid-summer, and there is the additional advant ge that hotel rates at the Springs are lower than "during the se ison." The Evans Hotel and the various bth-rouses are opn ar;d the medical attendance at Hot Springs is of as high an order in January aj ii July. Tic ets and full information fit all C. & M. H. R. ticket offices or by ad dressing J. Francis, G. 1. A., Omaha, Neb. - Cooling and grateful in its effects, you will Ond Dr. Sawyer's Arnica and j Witch Hazfl Salve for eczema, piles, 1 hives, wood. bums and cuts. A. W. At. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. It. 1 Olivia, of liarcelona, Spain, spends his winters ai Aiken, S. y. wo-K nerves liao caused severe rains in the b.tcic of his head. On using Klectric Uiltvrs America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain sion left him. II" says thisrand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up tho stomach, strengthens tho nerves, puts vim, viiro.- and new life into every ime-ele, nervo and organ of the body, ff weak, tired or ailing you need it. Kver.v nottle guaranteed, only oil cents. Sold by 1'. (J. Fricke tt Co. 1 AniiTliH'it I'rettient Country Mom en. The lirft twenty-live of "Tlio I'ret- tiest Country Homes in A mei i-ca" a re shown in tho February Ladies Homo Journal. Tnere wiil bo over one hun dred of these photographs, JU'd they j will picture in detail tho most attrac tive and artUtic country .and suburban homes in tho United States. Tho pic tures that will constitute this series were selected from tho photographs of seven thousand of tho prettiest Amer ican homes. A competitive contest for a photograph of the prettiest house in this country brought a picture of every homo having any claims to at tractiveness or beauty, and from these the very best were selected for pub lication in The Ladies' Homo Journal exclusively. Iloutcs of all sizes, from every section of the country, of various costs, have been selected, and the series will be valuable for sugges tions to thoso who contemplate build ing a house or remodeling an old one. Another i.n nguvtge. Judge Lakefront I fail to see the need of an interpreter the witness is an American. The Attorney Yes, your honor, but he's from Boston. New York Journal. Marrinire Kt-l'-t'e. Of 1,000 men who marry it is found that 322 marry younger women, 570 marry women of the same age and 89 marry older women. A Frightful Blunder Will pf'en eau-e a horrible burn, scald, cut or bru:se. Ducklen's Arnica Salve, the best in t he world, will ki.l the pain , anrJ Promptly Meant, res old ores, fever sores, ulcers, b"Ls, felo'-s, corns, all skin erup'ixtis. Best pile cure on earth. Only -5 cents a box. Cure i . ,.. J i... r.i .- i.-. . c. guiiruiiwi'eu. oo.u uy v. 'jr. i i icut; ei Co. 1 One Woman Admiral. There is only one woman admiral In the world, the queen of Greece. She holds this rank in the Russian navy, an honorary appointment conferred upon her by the late czar because her father held the rank of high admiral. Birthday Celebrnteil In Kerypt. The custom of keeping birthdays is many thousand years old. Pharaoh's birthday festivities tre mentioned in the Pentateuch. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is Oin; Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sheperd, publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden. Mo., says: ".No one will be disappointed in using One Cough Cure for La Grippe.' ant to tiko, quick t) act. Fricke & Co. Minute G. Kinein.i t ;; r;i pli I'iluis. The application of photography magic lantern nroiection to the a iiii oh' toy zoetrope has brought about re markable developments. The num ber of pictures required for a few sec onds of action in living pictures is so great that very long films are required to contain them. The production of films nine miles and a half long i;-: now chronicled. It is said that thrc-. of such films are to be used on a kinematosraph. The cost of film.- is put at about $1,000 a mile. Cio South This Winter. For tho present winter season the Louisvi;lo & Nashville Railroad Com pany has improved its already nearly perfect through service of Pullman Vestibuled Sleeping Cars and elegant day coaches from Cincinnatti, Louis ville, St. Louis and Chicago, to Mo bile, New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Thomasville, Ga , Pensacola, Jackson ville, Tampa, Palm Beach and other points in Florida. Pet feet connection will be made with steamer lines for Cuba, Porto Rico, Nassau and West Indian ports. Tourists and Ilome seekers excursion tickets on sale at low rates. Write C. P. Atmore, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., for particular. TO CUKE A COLO IN ONE DAI Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 11 druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has Li. B. Q. on p.sch tablet Big Sewing Machine. The largest sewing machine In the world is said to be in operation In Leeds. It weighs 6,300 pounds, and sews cotton belting. Bareheailed Spaniard. There are parts of Spain where the hat 13 unknown except in pictures. The men, when they need a covering. tie up their heads, and the women use Sowers. Horrible agony is caused by Piles. Burns and Skin Diseases. Tbesa are immediately reli cured by De Witt'i relieved and quickly s Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthless imitations. Fricke & Co. F. G. Has Moved His Barber Shop to the ii 6 rs d 6 6 Corner Fourth and Main Streets, First Door West of Court House. For Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, La Grippe, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, F. G. FRICKE & CO. A BOON TO MAJKINni irr an rn iBitfTtrij'""""''"'",v',T v r jssisaa m a raapg vies 5. -rj . i-jd ft, 3". S- -JT- iTl A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mai l, 75 cents; Bottles, 50 Cents.. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 3!0 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. rFT" el WHITE'S CREAM X Worms vermifuge! f T'-..tfn C;-jn".r. P'-tin ua!itjr. I F. G. FRICKE & CO. THE NEWS Job Zuckweiler & Continueto doa leadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, TtlCLT.... F lev Horsey and n as IT IS THE CTEAT THROAT and e M m 2 1 r 2 ipti r Tiinry does Pfintiti Plattsmouth. Neb