Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 20, 1899, Image 4

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(JAINS '() R
IA I V l
Senatorial right Now on In Dead
Earnest at Lincoln.
I'rrtllrl lunn of Soiiik f I i it j nai rf m I ' 1
lower Am i ili- 1 (T.el 'llmi ll- Will
It- .l.--t"f l.iirly W..K oiinr
I.OCttl Nl lH Of IliteleM In I!' lllrl " of
Tlif Newt llri. My Tol.l.
Lincoln, J m. liD. - -(S.. . :;ii in
NKWS.) Tin,' Hciialorial si 1 nation li 11;
It) growing moro x i inr ;i-li ilav.
Thu crowd wns i-vi'ii :rj-v tial iy tlian
yoHtordii3 Tim v.ite t i -1 i - -1 1 i i
as lollow:
Hay ward . . I
Thompson ?
Webster I"
This in a tfiiiri of four votes for HaC
ward over yrhtt-rd.'iy'H vote, nail :i ml
(Xnin of twelve for liim since lh le.l
loti fi i;oiiimi'iXH:d. 1 1 ;iy v aid's It.l
lowciH will pu.sli tliiios from tliis liim
on, mid Homo of tin- fel.ows wlm inc.
Btroriff believer in I ho hitler po -., f :i r
as to Piiy that ii: will ho (! el el t-acly
next week.
Freil I -.onjenli.-iy en of tie- I ' ailii ;
ton coach shop lepoiteii d.-m lo i ih: .':
ill. I In in hiill'orin with p-it-iimm i.a.
and has boon di-lei-iou.-, - i i . e - - ve-a-iil -v.
Trainmaster K. W. (' i. t r wa- in tl.
city today in the intoie t oi tho j;.n
linoton .
Dr. C. A. Hull of the I !url i i.l- t'n n
lief was in the city today.
Walter Dykosof thu 'J'at l';..-. in
junction Wild looking; after Tui-iiK.'.-s in
tho city today. Walt is rai-iur a
board now aud his friends in I'lit'.s
mouth hardly knew him
Dr. Ntrattoii Will l.irlnr.-.
Tho Uoys History club have lu .1. -o
fortunate as to secure Dr. Stratto i for
a lecture on Saturday even in-, Jan
uary 21. That tho doctor will have
something' interesting to say to I- e
boys and their friends no i n - can
doubt, who has boon perm lt d to
hear this able man durin ,.r the p-.t
few weeks. Every citizen of I'.aits
ruouth who is interested in '"our io.s"
will not miss this 1 etur -. (I o.i
music will be furnished. Admi.-.-i. n
fee 15 cents. White's
Saturday evenieg.
Miss Matilda Vallery
numbei s:
( a. Constancy Weber.
b. Thy Bcrmiing Kjc- Mel t
Miss Antoniit Ko-sl. r
nish a musical nuinti- r.
S !
.1! a"
1 r
AVfriiixii'H Club Aleilin.
Tho regular meeting of the Wo
man's club will t o held at t.e homo f
tho president, Mrs. At wo d, 1'ri.i ,
evenii Jan. '20. The prog.. am for
the evening is furni-hed by thet'hilr.;
Study department, Mrs. ?.lin.e,.-it,
leader. As tho continued ionos.- o!
Mrs. Munger prevents her tal.'ii
charge of this me. ling. Mr.-. Dr.
Liankton of Omaha wilt lce'uro. '1 1;
who were so ftU'lunate as to li -ar i h
doctor on 'TIeiedit," a few w, ek
since, will not miss the opportunity to
hear her again, and all mothers ale
espocially invited to this mecin.'. A
fee of 10 cents will be charged en
members. The county coiumis-ioner- ami tic
Nebraska Telephoae coin .-:! w .
having a little bout to lay.
missioners ordered the ti l
! ill" f-
!' "
some of the oflices o'. tie.; court h !
removed, but the icq le-t. wa.-j i t
complied with and this morr i ag t! ey
disconnected tho 'phones th in-elvo-.
The company's representative con
nected them again, when the board
served notice on the company that if
their request was not complied with
they vrould remove all of tho ir. .-'rumen
ts from the building.
Joe Carrigfan received a i. iU i from
Clarence Fry, who is with the l ii -r
Nebraska at Manila, a few day- a .:.
In speaking of the other memlKM-.s of
the regiment from here he stated ' da'
B. Cecil Jack was sick and would
probably be given bis discharge. In
the dispatches from San Francisco the
name of C. Jack appears among the
arrivals from Manila and it is un
doubtedly meant for our l. Cecil Jack.
Card of Thank.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Wiehman desire to
express their sincere thanks to the
many kind friends for the many acts of
kindness and sympathy shown them
during1 the f'.lness and i fter the death
of their little child.
The report reached Flattsmouth to
day that the son of Mrs. Waggoner,
who runs a hotel at Murray, was taken
ill with the smallpox last evening.
Postmaster Fred Crosser boards at the
hotel and if the report is true there is
a strong probability of a nuinbor of
cases breaking out down in that
Captain II. E Palmer arrived in
Omaha today from his trio to Eu.-' po
He states that he left his w:fa ani
daughter in good health and spirits in
Paris and that bo visited London and
saw the Dovey giris of this c ty upon
his return. Tney were al-o well and
were happy. Ho enjoyed t i.e trip v i y
Fred Gorder has rented the I). M.
Johnson house, and will take posses
sion next month. Fr- d ? ,Vs i..- -is-ters
from Plattsmouth are coming eu
to keep house for him. Get ready to
smoke. Weeping Witter Republican.
Mrs. Kate Oliver and daughters,
Carrie and Margaret.are soon to move
back to Plattsmouth and will occupy
their proporty on Third street. They
have lived in Omaha hinco tho open
ing of tho exposition, but previous to
that resided In Lincoln.
L. f 1 1 L: F L Y TOLD.
C. A. r.Usi;.-!, i r r HI
i'.U.iV s I'.i- trior aij.l v. ifo .f
li iw!.:' wo ! i'li-llMii ti ' visit" r
d .y.
Alt a m y 1 i on ( ' 1 1 k w:n i n ' Una ha
to I V.
A. V. At.v ..d, tl.e- .1 iot. T-.h)-
1 1 ! I . i -7 .
I).-. A
N i , i I mi n I e n
i ji to Uiu-
I aha I. day.
j K. S I iM:i ..1 Mu ;
' l it v t. day.
j it A. M.-I.luaio i-
j h ii with t ho ; i i i .
I A . X it ka a-.d 5-Yo.l
- in tho
cr. fin'"! to lis
W' r
)m : ha v i i 'in s t .. ! a
as Johnson says "We will liavo a food
hi-uri- in tho (,. nii'i'i A DK'fioan. ... '
into if we never fot. b- ok. Uuy
I rod !;!: Iiu'or, A : . -1 , 1 . . .
, Livit -ton 3 ust st pi d in on us from
A. II. Smith '-i-"-tod this afton.oon;olT (h(. ..ArIss.,llR.v
for l.i lioiii- in ! nvor. j ik c. 3. Kvoiythiritf i.- quiet iitfain,
Maul loyand J.N. V 1 1 i i . in- th o boys liavo all returned to the
v. j: o ( )mi . h i i.-iti r- today. I " A ' i n a ," w lie ro tlioy will pack up
1. Mci"inoor of ( ,'i-d ir ( iw-k was , t huir thii'trs and tnovo over to our
;,,,( hi i, (mi-o v-si-i.r . d a . quarter.- t his after r.oon. Our company
a H j i -
m eto a
! nor n i n
, trio t.-- Oma'a
(oa..i but ('.
1 a c
. n!
p r
d at.
I );ii is (
( ! No la
t II -I !..
. n 'on In in
1 N e ii a -a k
Us la a ti
I Ii
ri,.v '':'
-II ; 1 : .)', (I to
:n other !'a! oi.-o.i re 1 niin d t o. . ;. y
i .-. : v. 1 ; a lor h u. band at Li u-
I ;. 11 on and d;.u;-htof ha.'.'e
I?., i ! : fie' a u l !;' visit with
rv.'o.; i; o' l.ii'ni-, sati-fac-
I 1 o i i .; . 'i 1 1 e 1 'V Ti
iV Shep-
tl a ('ii, b'o r i !"' s'. r.
The llon-o. r
.-.'llill x i-aa'i.'--t
iiao to o ;t o-:
! !;-.r.! wa;
lu Co.-t.
s'i'i e-.
company is
NoV i:
t Ii e
M i's. Willi, in N vi
v. n i to j II-
Co i ii il;:
t'-r, .-vtrs
Dr. I'
t . . ; i a y or
Tho .
t'ao '-(i
i'ii nil i
lil' -CI lo
"Mr. i
ho given
for i :
i foi
hlls ia - .
l.Ot'.-. ' I
ii.-. .!..-
h i;
( ;T i
a' 1 1 i n o hi to v s i :
Water M :t" , s ve : a 1 days,
'ate, the Weepii'g
t a io pay - i 'i n , is in tin
pi..' is'iii'iU b i - i ru ) s .
; l e i
alt sm ecers is that
t tl
is tlm
'.. ():.
a t
lie.-;. c
o War!,
;! t p:a;
. t V h tv
ii t et-
y, v. id
s ir ii
or l v.
I.", a-
i;i. .e 1
t v
1 i.e.'
ot ! i: g
... o d
1 t! .'ir
at ihe
v eve li
-i w . :-e c.
ail in l!
vv i- yo
s! ev
lii i i !
o get . -i gain.
t o :i ;:;i i io e i ;c ' : ' a.
arc kept
. iei I'fv.'nr-I a d !-o. l cli.'!-
on ham; ev ry e veil i n !' in ihei
li.r e-.n by Telf-. r i'v sh'M'!;in'.
a r
mort ;
Fir-t lYesio, t. ia'
liia'.al .v!,."! to'ay.
ehu.-cli was i e
At th's rate the
u'. of d 'bt.
Tu verei n fo
1 a l t ;o ir hail en
ra y G. rd
'i ho
M. tad
lll'J-le ;
1 .. - if
ae i;-h
ill f
)Orl O
- n u
J M:it
' r j .
; ' m u u ant eo 1 .
ct ; i -n i-- : for- old
m t.M .
1" i':.".l'.S
" a C' to
'.no' 11.
ed i iiid
I ': . w i " a ,
d i i 'e r
: g the
la l
sC n.
( '
a f.
!-.-, r
i;e 1. i
' oli
i a a i ,u,
a! i i
w i i i
' .V.'Ci" of
d! ha
: !o;di-.t
v. i ; i have
.hi be h. Id
e U
a '. i ' a
a -
! '"a
Vihnttuo llid.i'fi'k, who has hi en
w. rkirg in 11 e Liotel Kiiey as night
clc ' f-r the p-t-t fx weeks, departed
for V. e.-'cra Kansas this morning,
whcr he expects to remain.
I;.. (1 the adveri.i-t merits in the
Xl-AVs ;.t.d trndei niy with tho-e j co
nl who s. licit y: pat ron-.g.. These
are fie live in rehatus tint do busi
ness on i he principle of quick sales
and .-!. a 11 pi o!itJ.
Four cases ( 1 irgo Tour-tc-lot
c imo up in An Ir.-r's court to
day, but by :.groemont of all parties
were continued to next Fi id iy on ac
count of the ab.-ence of John Watron,
Teurtelol's : tlorn-y.
I."'.i:.- Ol.-c i is now h eated in the
1 ..'ur.e bloelv with his pool and billiard
llad hi
iind c;
t.hlos put in
goo 1 condition and earrusa fiiil line
of clg ;I'S, 'ohae." , e'c. He invites his
friends 'o ml! and -ee
Tabh'i's Iluekeye Ihhj Ointtn-nt is
the r,,y r r eh l . ind, bleeding
or t) -otrudi g pi. 3, in! )-s"l by phy--ieia
' : eui es m -t ob-tinate cases.
I'ri.-e . 0 en!s in bottles. Tub -s, 7-5
c F. (i. Id ic'o e- C .
II. C. McMaken r turn d last even
ing from a vis t to N r h P.atte. He
s; lies ; hat hi -on-in-law, Harry
K ese. is recovering fr m the injuries
he t-ustai id in the Union P.ciue
wreck aft. I will soan be out again.
Giibert Ialgerton was arre-ted and
brought to this morning on the
charge of as-ault. He was ariaigr.ed
in Ar. her as court where ho entered a
ple.v of not guilty and the trial was
set fjr next Tuesday. E Igert' n is
charged with sle oling at young Cor
nelius Kennedy with a musket.
Member of ttm t Irm ' N br;tti .Siy th
J'iHl tMiionl It It.ijd .Up O. K.
IJelovv is a let tor from Cbnrles
Scarle, who is with tlie J-'irst Ne
braska, now at Manila. As lettij'8
from r" ldior hoys are always read with
iaio'-st ihis one i -i jiven. It whs
written to Will St re i . h t of this city.
Manila. I'. I.. D.e -J Friend Will:
Yours of (J totior came to hand yes-
teidav. and we were al: trlau : o hear
from you (I ni'-ui the 1 :tt tsiiiou' h
di h'jr.ition and mvse'f ) It took us
c: ck to old 1'latl.smouth. Howl would
like to drop in on the hoys for a niht.
' wore all expeetiiio- m
hi cal.CU
)aek as soon as tiie rerap was over, but
V). ii f !mi-1- wl;l reeriuu up 10 eiuiy men, aim
j they will send the tick and heavy
I i .. . i . . , . . ..1 i 'i-i,; nil ...t ......
I ii-ii.iiu iLiiiiii., j ii in n I I I I f ' u i. b tiiiy
of the l'lattsmouth hoys out except
(.Veil .lark, who has li-cii tilkiliy of
j.oti!Lr haidv. but lu re lie comes i ow
land I will ask him. He says "No!"
lvol' just stopped ill tl) M'O if We ll.'id
: roeeived any late new- fiom tienio,iind
jl let him read jour letier. Ho sends
his n
reg irds. v ry lias just maue
his appearance. He has been out on
a foii'g 'ng expedition, and has
clutched in both hands a pie, w hich, is
he breaks loose fi om, resembles a iia'.f
mooii. 11-3 is ktco full for utterance,"
so wo will pass him up.
Our quarteis face, tho 1'asic ijvor,
and 1 wi.-h you could sit at my window
suid watch the endless stream of boats,
vehicles, natives
and Chinamen pass-
i h if to and fro. and occassional! y a
jspani-n se-norita. I Jut they are
scarce, most of them retained to their
e sties in Spain before our
The n tives average about feu;- feet in
height, ami aie very soi.dly built.
j iho maie wears a lit; lit pair of
-'I .i j e . -. - - i
pant noons ana som-j oi inein ana a
frock, which is split on the sides and
looks like a shht. The females wear
a low luck and short sleeve arrange
ment aid iiv or six yards of calico
wound around tie m. They all seem
j to be clean ana tidy in appea'-arce,and
j lb" women the tii.esl hoad of
j hair yen Ver saw. It is jel b'nek, ami
1 hey so in to b' very toud of it. I
I have. so, ;i si n of tlx m at one- time
iiiaKieg tlH-i tooet in ti e l as:c river,
w oshitg thei io-ks and then smear
ing them with cun arm: oil. They do-
ve t; ' h ivo ti i e li e
as the oil is
I ju-t a ,-h do bo! tcr in'aree than
! gar io.
j We have just received woi d from
; headquarters that our regiment will
j move into tho country in the morning.
1 They are looking for trouble from the
iiiitiv.s. Well let them C"me, we will
-l ow them a merry time and give
them our Christmas present. Yours
ti uty, C. II. Si;aklk.
Improvements tlie Order of Things In
lie- Villa'- ll,e West.
Waijash. X ?b . J in. 19. (Special to
Tin: Xi.Vi's ) ; hinkiiir thai, perhaps
a lew it n si f news fr-.-iu Ihis pjrt o'
thecauniy won u iiui spicj in your
n v I.' 'e .-'a e"..l .-q aat tnyse'-f down
i ni ?g; .-p my e'a il an-l will try in
l;lV W.
.". :.'.- to t -l; j;iii or : lie K.on-
tint ha - st u -k" eu - 1 i t; h;
rsl o . tit-' li-t is J s 'I i a lie's
esoe'ie j jrt eotnpie'e 1 at a
( !!;). and the furniture is now
ee l in ihe ii i lTer ;n t c ampart
lrac from Omaha. Thi-,
) I:- r.t . f lis.- (iecst resi
v. - . . d we wish
s. ' : ii, .r.y happy
His, llli il' b""U .i'J. I'lO'QO.
eo-t e
A lumber ya: d. a b; cher shop and
a a.-e assured tlv'-ig-s n ,ip, its -Mr.
Cavoy, t!i : ' ) n -i t e o..-r;er. t -lis us the
lots have b e ; b night f .r the same.
He thai iiated thai tljo a,h;iiio of busi
ness in his ( dice was increasing at
such a pace ho soon wculd be corn
palled to hire a stenographer and
notary to make deods and transfers.
Mr. Cavey surely has a pull.
In our gruia merchants the interests
of the farmers is carefully guarded,
Mr. Tighe taking cark of one half the
grain, with the largest elevate., and
J. T. Kichey, ably assisted by M. V.
Vood, looks after the other half, and
from the amount of grain handled at
this point, it is needless to say we
have up-to d.ite grain buyers.
Mr. J. E. Xoycs, living just uorth of
town, has a sale on thu ilOih. We
understand he has sold his f.n m to a
part' w ho will i ut in a large creamery
plant in the early spring, and we pre
dict a glowing success for the busi
n. s.-. for no better locations or farm
could be found fur the enterprise.
Wra. Burke and Joe McCaig are
furnishing c ur farmers with some very
Gne young mares of the French draftj
and Me-sirg-r stick from Western
Il.irvey Waldron tr ins:'ct?d business
in Plattsmouth Monday.
Mrs. Julius Lnnghor-t is visiting i
her m. ther, Mrs. S. Kitt-.
Mrs. Nol ie Miller, teacher a. Wa- '
ba-b, vi-ited her sister S nurday and '
Sunday. '
C nr.-.d Wirth is building a new
Murdoek grows in spile of
the cold we:it;ier.
Mrs. J. W. Bfrgo
was called to
."-jjutli U nu inursaay ou account oi
her father being very sick.
A trirl babv arrived at each
homes f Carl Bornemeir and II.
Eikermm last Monday. j
t II. It. Xeitzel left hero Saturday for
Plattsmouth. As courting generally
Ix'ffln.s at tho first of tho week H. H.
Mioul'l not have bucn t'irdy.
1'. II. II' uw.inz oiui e in from Omaha
lasi week and v.' ill now b; found :i8-ist-inr
Il'M i Ij djj -it th s ilu ot.
Alwin Ne-i'z-l li'ivus S:iturdy for
ChicaiTo where ho taken up his duties
us an ( in,) ojo far Uihhard, Speiieor,
Ii u t Co.
Ld t 1 J if I'lat'iuouth was in
j tow u tfii- week viitiuy relatives and
j j. M Hart-horn and wife wero at
rmttsmouth visiting for a couple of
, Oavs the fore nart of I ho week.
Grandpa Rhodes of Omaha was in
town shaking hands with old-time
lrienus tins week. iho old boy is as
spry as a Kitten yet.
J. J. Burns is having his building
romodeled and put in shape for a storo
roam. Mr. Burns will put in a btock
of dry goods and groceries as soon as
The iif teon-year-old daughter of .loo
Hippie, who has been sick in bed for
the past three month with typhoid
fever, is slowly recovering. With
good care and nursing tho may yet re
gain her he 1 1 1 h
A gooii many of tiie A. O. L. W.
lodge boys from here went to Cedar
Creek last TiasJay night to assist the
lodge of that place lo have a good
time and to show some new muinbcis
the different ways to ride a billy goat.
The ti ) a lo was a bounteous supper
w.iicli was highly enjoyed by all.
Wild geese aro getting very plenti
ful here, that is if you hear Cnarley
Sharp s .y so, for h knaws. Ho had
the luck to catch a crippled yoose hid
ing oi: a sand bar, and ho took ad
vantage of it and sneaked up on the
blind side of it ar.d shot it. Chai ley
is qui'e a sharp shooter, and says he
can kill a gro. se ciri'V time nome time.
Bn Metzger has hud bad luck
again. Now Den went to see his best
giri l ho other night and forgot that
the ground w.iscoi'ed with a little
ice, hut a n y vv a y when he went in tho
gate his feet got away from him aud
he fell, hut of course he got up hut ho
aid tiie blame lo tho gat; when the
gate was innocent, but then we won't
say ai. y more, he can tell you all aboui
D'gnt no v would b; a good time for
the ci:y da is to see that t he streets
and alioys are a I cleaned up. With
t -e continued warm Weatle r and ihe
lift by condition of our alleys and
streets u will cro-to more sickness.
"vYak.-ua town b ard and loo a about
y u and see if this is not true. It
wjuld he lots batter to have it done
no.y than lo wait till spring'.
Oh! but El Hippie i- hot. He keeps
his siceyes roiled up at all times to bo
r. tidy for a fracas, and why? Simply
b -cau-e the boys ihiiak that ho is the
svrier of thesj items. Now boys you
aro brrking up the wrong tree for Ed
h-is'nt got, i iio time nor is he out
about town e omgh to tiud out what to
write it'iout. Uojs what would you
say if you found t hat it was a lady who
does tliis wri'dug? L;1, upon El for
III. i s.
1 i go
DeieC n
thed- oil
sj no io
told on G--orge
w..s working for
and he went into
"; ti-.1 rg
: D cic -on
e w hi.e they
oseuj o i in
wore out to get
a. 1 i ; tie e in he
had. IF; ii o ed
Siu mi i' c i, ;, In i ;,
li e x i ' i g u i s o;
w , s .". hat i i y wa
some o 1 out of
aoout, hu:
disco v.-rod
tiol not
j) i i en t
so he t naught tint
.ted. He t; iriii to get
it, but it would not
cair, , so he spied ihe 1. be'., which
re; d turn up side down, so he did so.
Bui lo! how his little can Hew out cf
his hand, and he got the stull' all over
the il .:oa Then he picked the blamed
j thing- up and carried it out doors, for
he hrst thought it was gasoline, ana
about that lime D:cksoi came along
and said George, what are you doing
with my lire extinguisher out here?
Well Geo ge wilted right then, and
he sal.l he did not know the darned
thing was lo ided. You can resteisy
that he will know what those new
fangled things ate after this.
President McKinley, it is said, has
had more public money placed at his
disposal, without any restriction as to
its use, than auy president since the
foundation of the government, and the
Xevv York Herald says: "It has been
suggested that the president might
see lit to use some o' it to convince
Aguinaldo that Amct ican domination
of the Philippines would be to his ad
vantage, but it is not considered prob
able it will be SO used.'"
U-it g big, heavy coaches in plao of
the light, early type of trolley cars has
resulted in improving- the job of
motorman. A Btoaklyn trolley com
pany has h uud it r.ecessa y to adver
tise for picked men, described as
"1'n st-cla-s A ph i ican citizens, weighing-
from 1(5) to 110 ) pounds, and not
less th a, 0 f t 8 inches in stature."
An otl'.eiai explained that only quick,
strong, couiag'cons men could manage
the lift t n-ton cars.
!.-! with a KothI Nunii".
There is a f.s'a in Japanese water
called "the emperor of Japan." It is
curiously angular- in form, being al
most a true rectangle. It is resnlend-
ent in color, with odd brownie-like
face, and it is notable for its savory
Th Sultan Flatn.
Am ong the sultan's gold plate th'jre
ere dishes of solid cold of extraordi-
nary kit-p, and there are plates, cups
nd saucers, tureens and pitchers, maa-
BiTe and heavy, made of the same
Precious metal.
Ifd S'lty-Flvo Children.
Christopher Laytou, sr.. tho Mormon
patriarch who was burled recently la
Utah, gloried In the fact that ho was
the father of eixty-five children. Thj
. xact number of his wives Is not df
initely known, but It la said that ho
had five. At any rate this Is the num that followed the body of the bish
op to its last resting place. In the
funeral cortege there were flfty-om of
the sixty-flve children (fourteen h.-in
'tad; one hundred and forty Kiatid
ihildren and nine great-grandchild:, t:
Hishop Layton waa at one time presi
dent of St. Joseph"s Stake. Arizona.
He was an avowed polygamist and al
ways lived with several wives. He did
a great deal to build up the Mormon
church In this entire intermoiintain re-
j &Hm- ,'"x-
I , . .. , . . .
Good butter l i cent per
d at
j p
T Davis Co., Union block.
A Smart Woman.
In London there is a woman, Mis
Penman, who has control over more
than f00 conductors In the employ ol
the London Tramways Company. Miss
Penman is the only woman lu England
who occupies the very unique position
of superintendent of street railway
conductors. She engages all the con
ductors COO all told and tho inspec
tors, receives their reports from day
to day and superintends the numer
ous details appertaining to the distri
bution of tickets, the checking o
men's daily returns and the dismi.ssa
of men when the occasion arises.
Good butter 1 cents per pound at
F. T. Davis Co., Union block.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2."c. The genuine has
L. B. O. cn each tablet-
IAeu About the Wait.
A y;irn comes from the far wes'
about a slot machine bearing the an
nouneement "Put a quarter in the slol
and pet a surprise." Sometimes a 1 en
deifoot who thinks he wants a sur
prise drops in a quarter. He gets tin
surprise all right, for the mechanisrr
points a loaded revolver at him an
displays this notice: "Drop in all youi
money and your watch, or I'll explodf
hi thirty seconds." New York Trib
une. Sold Out.
Not by the sheriff, but by tho ex
daputy, but a fresh supply of every
thing btikod at Ilolloway's today.
Natural Hinrory.
The slime secreted by ducts along
the side of a fish keeps the scales froir
hatni, increases the speed of the iisu,
and makes it difficult to hold by iti
enemies. Probably the smell of it i-j
also repugnant to other fishes. More
over, it protects the fish against tho
attack of a fu::gus.
Many an innocent little darling is
suffering untold agony and canrot ex
plain its troubles. Mark your child's
symptoms, you may find it troubled
with worms; give it White's Cream
Vermifuge and restore it to quietness
and health. Price 23 cents. F. G.
Frieke & Co.
Tlie Oldest I'nton Veteran.
Mr. James Walsh, of Cumberland,
Md., who was born in the County Ilo -common
on the 2Gth of Julv, 17:1."., an 1
is accordingly now well on in his ln-lth
year, is probably the oldest Union vet
eran. He entered tlie army, although
an old man, to take the place of h:.-
.on, who he feared "might ror1'
hatm," and served three year.
tlirfe months in the w ir. Mr. '
lives with his son-in-law. who '-pros-pr
reus farmer. He is in frd! ;
f-rp-Mon of his intellectual fecu'tie--
foul! font!
Hard coal deliver- d lo :.ny pari
the city for 5-7.50 per ton, and the
rivaled Mendota coal deliveicd
$i.2i per ton.
John Watkkmax.
Persons who lead a life ol exposure
are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia
and lumbago, will find a valuable
remedy in Ballard's Snow Liniment:
it will banish pains and subdue intla
mation. Price 2-5 and .10 cents. F. G.
Fricka A Co.
New IJrikery.
Same buildiLg,same baker and same
prices, but all newly baked bread,
cake, pies, etc., at Ilolloway's.
Up -to -Date
Where everything is nice and clean
and a full line of Fresh Meats is car
ried in stock, is the place to do your
buying. Such a place is the
Excelsior iMcat Market
M. L. JOHNSON, Prop.
He Is a butcher who has had much
experience in purchasing meat and
I.e uuys only the best...
Bulk Oysters, Game and Fish
In Season ....
Try Him For Fine Meats.
Our stock Is complete In all lines and we
lii vite our friends to look It over We will
-iu:eiivor to ple;ie you. Call and see us.
(Successors to liccry Roeck. )
Will not ijuiiio. ou if you
take an occasional
dose of
22221' Mail whisk
The Purest Medicinal
Sold only by...
New Hardware
Having returned to IMattsmoutli, I will lie jlad
to welcome all mv old customers, as well as new ones,
..I,,.... 4 1- . ...i....
illlll rllVV L1IV11I l SLUL I. JlJie
Tinware and anything; uuallv
hardware store.
Be sure and call, as 1
interest you.
Rockwood Block,
JL 11 JLy 1 TV
fTav. ZARAH, the worM-renown?J Eirvptian A-.tnilo.-r, who has heon cr-alin n..:h as- 1
tonisnmeni inorouKiiout fairo.e
v, i . "1 piauci noroscj ai.-iiu"ti'n
f oaition, cnara'-i-r. ainlitv. i.lun. l.-nt-tii ol Lie. ...foiiiile ai'tadi.TiLn. alvn. and V
. i" susrrf.BtiouM on lov. aHii r. ma m:-rr.. f ri.-nd . ..mrii!. i. r..i.n I m w.n l.i... ...... ....
v7 -3 - ----- .T u 'ULV III liL L'
t l n iiiiii a i. r nr. r.ii
rr t'S r:; a-: - J
truthful homsrop reading
this offer & teBt trial.
Jk From PRESS- "Zarah the ArmnLOa It oartaiQlj utoDiiblug
t4 upon inditpatable and scientific lnnoeDees."
iiiickweiler Lufz
Continueto do a Ieadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. - - - Plzftsmouth. - Keb
There is no place like
The best class of goods to be found in
Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper
per pair. We make a specialty of High
Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are
glad to have you come in and see our stock
An Immense Line of FALL and WIXTLR SHOKS in,
that will suit all classes of purcascrs.
We paid the CASH and will give vou the
benefit of heavy DISCOUNT.
413 Main Street, , - Plattsmouth. Neb.
$1.00 per Bottle.
i:.,.. ,.r c:,
runvcs, I l.ti i wai e.
i i i i
.'ii ri.-d in a lirst-clas.-
have some prices that will
-1 n
1 JJ4-
tini An ntm nnv.t
I..r tin: past live j'-ar, will frive a trutliful, ani urale, V
.i y.ur inn. in; ni t;i! your (.crsoiial a;..arance, dif- A
" -- - mm. m
111 LL '" iHiorm y'rarT'i i n o ron I'll IT CO T
ii i r .. u., ,
-ru of your
T'.uf ......... t .n.l fnti.rA 1.1a
Send 10 cents ind pive exact dato uT t.irth and I will mirm diat! v winm vi,n m.
of jour iiit, and prove it to bt nil trui ).y j ourself . I makt
All n,rn 5t.rict.l7 cotihd'intial. -am V
Box 4Q3, Philadelphia, Pa. t
tbotuands. Bis wonderful predictions and tests ar based 4
u m j t&
Ei V