I EJ m IS BHD 'FUN m 1 I I II H I UN A3 Ludlow States That Havana Is Two Centuries Behind. Tl.u ....... liMiiKrupt, Destitute mii.I II.Ii.I.hk, Hut the (iovrmor In In. T-mm-1 iy Magnitude of Itrgen .rati., ii Culm-Soldier .lu.t Ite turnt.i hroiu Manila In Oooil Health Havana, Jan. 17. Some idea of the condition lioro i(1 Havana and of tho r- U magnitude of tho work bufo-e tho military ad ininiMtralion can bo gath irou irom a letter recently went bv M.jor General Ludlow of tho Depart mentor Havana to the late Mayor Marquis d'Ktoben in reply to a letter eompl.iininjr that certain United States Ht;ilT ollieci s had been operating in the mayoralty sphere without consulting him. J Iter an expression of regret that the marquis had been inconvenienced in any way and an ansuranco that whatever h'td b ion done no discour tesy was intended. General Ludlow says: "YOU rilllt. Illlll.it IliMirlir... 11... ll. - - iimkiiiui . liiill 1. 1 1 1: "city of Havana is in a deplorable con mum. J ho Spaniards have left it bankrupt, unable to p-.y its employes, who hav,. lacked their salaries for many months. Tho prisons, asylums and homes for tho destitute are with out supplies, food or medicine. Tho sanitary condition is frightful. Al mo-t inconceivable abuses exist, which are a continuing menace to the health of the city. Two Ci'ii turii-H Itt-liiiHl Time. 'Ihe Spaniards have left Havana without scarcely an attribute of mod ern civilization and practically in the sanitary condition of a city of two cen turies ago. For the time being Ha- vana,as well as the island, is in a help less ana destitute condition. Tho United States is provisionally in charge of the administration of affairs. ihe American t'ovornmont has ex pended larpe sums of money for tho regeneration of the island and is ready to spend more. The money which at this very moment is being used to maintain the charitable institutions of the city is money allotted by tho United St ites as a free gift for this purpose Wo have given food rations by the million and employment by tho thousands to those who need it. "The retiring Spanish officials havo pillaged almost every public building destined for use, stripping all of every thing of value with a few exceptions and leaving behind only the accumu lated lilth of generations. Within three months will come tho wetseason with deplorable possibilities as to the outbreak of an epidemic, particularly yellow fever, from which Havana suf fers tho year round owing to the gross neglect of all sanitary precautions. Time For Tedious Detail. "In these circumstances, faced by gavest emergency, with immediate measures of relief necessary in all directions, with public institutions to bo recognized and equipped, with the streets to clean and pave, the sewers to be built, untold abominations to be obliterated and the common people to bo educated in the elementary prin ciples of modern civilized life, it is fimply impossible at this moment for ho United States military authorities to go through the tedious processes imposed by Sp;nish metnods upon local administration." In concluding his letter General Ludlow invited the marquis to join in measures tending to ameliorate the deplorable conditions under which Ha vana suffers. The tn'al of James E. Buckley of Company E, Second Louisiana volun teers, for the killing of Private John D. Hughes of the same company Jan uary 7, was concluded today at Mariano. It is understood that the finding of the court is for the death of the accused. Four hundred policemen have been accepted for service in Havana. No fewer than 100 are Spaniards. Chief Menocal has decided to appoint his three brothers as inspectors at asaiary of 1 40 .i. month. Only One Citable to Travel. San Fkaxcisco, Jan. 17. The 300 men from Manila who came on the transport Ohio were all, with the ex ception of Private Harris of the hos pital corps, found well enough to go home. Harris was taken to the divis ion hospital and the others were not detained by the military authorities here. They had all been given their discharges at Manila and their trans portation was not only arranged for as far as San Francisco, but they were also given their travel pay to their homes in the interior states. They Curried Revolver. Charles Ingall, who was arrested on the charge of carrying concealed wea pons, preferred by a man by the name of Kinney at Union, had a hearing be fore Judge Ramsey Tuesday and was fined 81 and costs. He explained to the judge that he had been in the habit of carry ins a revolver ever since young Peter Curtis was assaulted near Union, and that the discharge of the same was caused by a misstep. French Wheeler was also given a hearing on a similar charge and was fined $10 and costs. It will be remem bered that he was arrested about two weeks ago for drawing a revolver od Dave Amick at a spelling school out southwest of town. Huckleu's Arnica Salve. The bebt salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum fe ver sores, tetter, chapped bands, chil blain, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay reauired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke Kor (irrater A merlin Fair. Washington, Jan. 17. Representa tive Mercer of Nebraska today intro duced a resolution relating to the Greater America Exposition to be held at Omaha this year. It Kates that the buildings and property uriod in 1H'.)S havo been purchased by a company, which proposes to conduct an exposi tion on national lines without ex pense to tho gove- nment. Exhibitb are to be brought from Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, tho Ladrones and the Philip pine islands. Tho resolution provides for the ap pointment by tho president of a board of management, to consist of not le-s than six members, who shall be charged with tho selection, etc., of exhibits. The secretary of the treas ury is d ireeted to provide for the hold ing of a congress of American Indians and tho various departments are to place at tho disposal of tho board of management such exhibits as are deemed necessary. ol tho governments bo requested. hi Trpnn 1 The co-operation of the world is to mi Ji im nnTimnnTir im l Mil, , I1.IV il I I Hi i III 1II1J KJULMl L JIULU I Ull irnn M. L llayward Gains Seven In To day's Vote. No Change In the Other Important Can didate The iMrael ISenjamin Contest Cane Settled In Favor of Israel, Ite tuhliean Other Happening; of In terest to Keaderu of 'The Nev.' Lincoln, Jan. 10. (Special to Tins News.) Thero was a feeling of sup pressed excitement when the vote for senator was taken today. Following is the vote for t he three days, the last column being today's vote: Kirst Second Ballot. Ballot. -y K t 4 :t 1 Third Ballot. William V. Allen 5X M. L. llayward -S John I.. Webster 10 I). K. Thompson Allen W. Field I G.M. Lambertson .'J K. II. Hinshaw 'i E' K. Valentine :i T. J. Majors :! M. li. Keeee :.' Frank Martin 1 E. Adams - B. Weston I'. Davidson 1 A. J. Cornish 1 I. II. Van Duscn 1 John K. Little 1 F. L. Foss - J. Hainer .... 1 This shows a gain of seven votes lor llaywara ana trie indications are that he will have more votes tomor row. foilard voted tor llayward. The Israel-Benjamin contest was re ceived in favor of Israel, republican Heath of Charlen Kdjjerton. From Wednesday's Daily Charles Edgerton, a resident of this city for many years, died near Ban croft, on tho Indian reservation, Mon day afternoon, and the remains were brought here last night. Deceased had been the victim ol a great many accidents, the primary tusa of his death being from an ox- plosion in a mine several years ago, causing an aocess to iorm near nis lungs. About eighteen months ago he was seriously injured in a rnnaway in this city and at different times had sustained injuries while working at his trade that of well digger. Accompanied by his wife he went to the Indian reservation last August with the hope that the change would be beneficial t his health, but he gradually failed until death relieved him of his suffering. He was thirty-one years of age and was a sou of Mr. and Mrs. William Edgerton, residing about two miles south of town. Funeral services will be held at the United Brethren church, on the other side of the river tomorrow at 10 o'ciocit and interment will ba made in the family burying ground at Pacific City, la. The Tnxedo Dance, From Thursday's Daily. Tho Tuxedo dancing club gave their regular ball last evening. As is customary at their dancing parties a most enjoyable evening was spent by the merry dancers. The Lagretta orchestra of Omaha furnished ex cellent music. Among those present were Tony Kessler, Miss Rich, Omaha, Florence White, Miss Randell, Beat rice, Minnie Sharp, Omaha, Tillie Vallery, Hallie At wood. May me Sul livar, Maud Eaton, Mabel Unruh,Mae Patterson, Anna Sullivan, Olga Hajeck, Myrtle Meredith, and Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Joy, La Junta, Colo., and H. F. Goo, H. E. Weidman, F. A. White, F. R. Ballance, L L. Atwood, E. Eaton, II. B. Groves, Jas. Newell, Ralph White, Jas. Patterson, C. G. Fricke, J. C. Thygeson, II. B. Kauble, W. B. Elster, J. T. Coleman, F. W. Sherman, Chas. Kerr, V. W. Agnew, Mont Streight, H. R Gering, A. B. Toliff. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Indiana, Sun, writes: "You have a valuable prescription in electric bit ters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for constipation and sick headache, and as a general system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 202-5 Cottage Grove Avenue. Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of electric bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Price 50 cents and $1 00 Get a bottle at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 6 One Thing Needfal. Smith I want to give my typewriter girl an appropriate Christmas present What would you suggest? Brown Well, if she's like mine I think a pockel dictionary and speller would be the propr thine. News That They Arc to lie Atustered Out Received With Cheers. A lv !'' I-rom WanliiiiKt ' ' the KfT That InwHiii and Nt'lirwhUann at Ha vana Would Soon He Mnxtvred Out o Service -Third and Twenty cmil In fantry to Kmbark Kor Manila. II K VANA, Ja.i. IS. Private advici from Washington were received at camp last evening indicating that tho Forty-ninth Iowa, Fourth Illinois Fourth Virginia and Third Nobra-k volunteer regiments will soon -. mus tered out. Tho news t-proad rapidly through the camp and tho members of three retriments cheered again and again, a great cheer from one regi ment being answered in kind bv an other. El Diario de la Mariano, La Lucha El Pais and La Di-cusion. as well aa other p i pi I's less inlluential, indulge in editorial criticisms of tho United States military administration, assert ing that it tends to anarchy. They d claro that each provincial governor and each garrison commander is military dictator, acting independly of the governor general and exercisin ndminUtrativc. legislative, judicial and even ecclesiastical functions. A a result of this system, as thee paper regard it, there is no uniformity of action in details and no general code of administration for the various lo cal i ties. Tho newly appointed cabinet secre taries will have distinctly limited powers. They are merely heads of de Dart mc nls under General Brooke's direct control, reporting to him regu larly, with the responsibility for de cisions and acts vested exclusively in the governor general Fifteen days are allowed house holders within which to comply with the new health regulations, after which, in c ises of non-compliance, tho military government will do the wor k at the householders' expense. General .limine, Castel'anos, former captain general of Cuba, on arriving at Cienfuegos made an inspection oi the city hospitals and jails ard re leased all prisoners except one, t mur derer. Senor Antonio Fries will probably bo appointed mayor of Cienfuegos. The citizens of Santa Clar a city object to having the capital of the province removed to Cienfoegos and purpose appealing to Presidt nt McKinley against ihe suggested change. Major General Ludlow lias been in formod o: the frightful condition of the municipal hospitals at Aldecoa, where there is an ansortraent of pa tients, including criminals and insane persons, with little food and that very unsuitable and all Ihe conditions oi great wretchedness. The nurses have been attending smallpox cases and then passing to other patients, without a change of clothing or any other pre caution against carrying the infection . Prompt measures will be taken to equip a hospital in me immediate neighborhood that will allow a separa tion of the patients. l icit For .Manila in Keady. San Francisco, Jan. 18. The last fleet of transports for Manila will sail from this port in a week or ten days. The Scandia, Morgan City, Senator, Ohio and Centennial will all leive within a day or t oof each other. Tho Twentieth infintry will go on the Scandia and Morgan City, and the Third and Twenty-second infantry regiments on the Ohio and Senator. The Centennial, which is expected in from Seattle on Sunday, will carry to Manila a load of army freight which is now waiting for it. The Senator and Ohio will be ready for use again about the 26th. The Scandia will be ready on the date promised, tho 2oth of this month. CITY AXI) COUNTY. Y KPN KSI A V. C. A. Mathis of Uroenv.ooJ was at tending to business with County Ju Igo Spurlock today. The many friend of Mrs.C.W. Sher man will be plea-ed t learn that hor condition has considerably improved The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. David Flinn of Pacilic Junction died Monday night and was brought here for burial today. Mrs. Juhu Neii son returned to her homo at Lincoln this afternoon after a few day.--' viit with her mother, Mrs. Purdy. Mrs. S. P. Holloway bus beer, quite ill for several days with an attack of tho grippo. Saturday night r-he suf fered quite severely with the croup. She is somewhat better today. J.S. Mathews is down from South Omaha visiting his brother, Archie, and other friends. Mr. Mathews is well pleased with his new location, and expects to reside thero permanently. Mr. and Mrs. I). Weichm in, residing in Happy Hollow, aro mourning the loss of their four months old babe. whoso death occurred at 1 o'clock yes- terd'iy from brain fever. Tho funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock from tho residence. Justice M. Archer today issued a warrant for the arrest of Gilbert Edgerton, who is charged by James Kennedy with assaulting his son, Cor nelius, on the 15th inst. In the com plaint it is stated that young Edger ton shot at Kennedy with a musket loaded with gun powder and leaden bullets. No information as to the cause of the assault could be learned. The parties reside near the bridge south of town. County Clerk J. M. Robertson turned from Lincoln this having been in attendance at a meet ing of the clerks of the state yoster- terday. The treasurers and sheriff: were in session yesterday also and at 2 o'clock the throe delegations held session to consider measures thev were desirous of having the legisla ture act i.pon. 1 ho measures are re garding fees and the length of terms of oltice it being proposed by some to make tho term four years and limit ea?h man to one term, and holding eleel ion every two years. re- Thenlnctcal IIciikImi. Yahsley Do you believe that In a ,. Is a place of eternal rc t? .MinLc I (iun't know anything about it. ' know. though, that eternal v.n- would be wouldn't he heaven.'" in dianapolis Journal. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS AJministrator's Sale. In the matter ol the estate of Ileiny Sloll, ceased Notice is hereby k'iven that in puisuaiice of au order ol Hon. liasil Jv Karnsey. Sole ludge of the district court in and fur Cis county. Nebraska, i made on the l?th day of Januaiy. A. I). IMW, tor the sale nt the real : tale hereinalter described, there will be sold on the Wth day of i cbinary. lsW, at III o'elock a m .at south door ol the court house at riattsmoiith. Ni-b . ar public vendue, t. cash, to the highest bidder, the follow inst de scribed leal estate, to w if I .nt two rj) in the north east (luarterof section :!. in town lii. lanire liieast lith I'. M .. in Cass county. Neluaska: lot three CO In the imrtli-west ijuaiter said section Xi. in said town and range: the north-cast utiarter nf tin south-west quarter said section in said town and ranne; alu lots one. two and three (1, "J and :i). ill block numbered one 1 1 ). m Young ana nay s addition to the citv ol i lattsmoutli uass county. .NeuiasKa. aul sale will lemaiu open one houi. J erms ca--h . IIENKY M . SiKVNII llsr.N. As administrator, with the will annexed, ol the estate ot Henry Stoll, deceased. E. ianspeakc Livery, Feed Sale Stable. 5: Son P i and Finest Rigs in the City. Horses Boarded by the Day or Week. We arc also dealers in all liinls of WAGONS, BUGGIES, And FARM IMPLEMENTS. Mierifl's Sale. Hy v ii I tie of an order of sale issued by Geo. F. noitsewoiin. cicmoi ine uiso ct court, witiim and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on the 1Mb day of l ebrtiaiy, A. 1. ih'.ty, at 1 1 o clock a. m. ol said day at the soutli door of the court house in thecity ol I'latt.iinouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wit: Lots twenty-oiie CM) and twentv-two IT') in the village ol ( reeiiwood . (. ass county. Nebraska. together with the pnvileus and appurtenances toeicunto Iicioiiiiik or in anywise a ppertaiuimr. 1 he same beuitf levied upon and taken as the property of 1 J. J at roe et al , defendants to satisfy a iiidi'im nt ot said court, recovered by Liiclri K. l'nlk, plaintitl. against said defendants. J'lausinouth. .Nebraska, Jan. IT, A. 1)., IW. M. I). Wm ki.kk , Sherlli. Cass count y, Nebraska. S. folk, attorney (,ir plaintitl. THE CROWN BUGGY, which sells the world over for $75, we will sell for THIRTY DAYS, at . . . We are here for the the County... Business of And will get it, if Fair Dealing and (Jood (ioods will cut any lio our Farmer Friends. When you aro in town, eomo and see its gladly show you anything wo have in stock. lire, with -wo will Legal Notice. Notice oi hearing upon the petition ol receiver to sell lot 1. m block 1. m stues addition: hits and the east 1 . of ;. and 7. s, !, Ill, 11 a;id I-', in block II, in flukes' addition; and lots 3,4,5 ami ii, in block all in the city of 1'latts- niouth, in the county ot Cass and State of Ne braska. In ihe District Court ol Cass County, Nebraska, Henry l.ikenb.iiry et a!. M. E. Manspeaker & Son, Pearl St., between 6th and 7th, Plattsmouth A ver. Till' IISDA Y . li. Smith is in the citv from Den Hume Grown Fruit Trees Are the Best. The Kiverside Nursery Co. has a full aDd complete stock of all kinds of fruit trees, vines and plants which they have grown with core. Their manjT years of experience in the busi ness has enabled them to grow nur sery stock that will compare with any in the country. They havo all the standard and choice varieties suitable for this climate, also new and valuable varieties. They do their own budding and grafting, and can guarantee their varieties to be true to name and strict ly first-class. Why not buy your trees here where you can get them fresh and crown in the same soil and cli mate in which they are to be trans planted? It will save you time and money. They invite you to come and inspect their stock and be convinced of these facts. Xurserv two and one- half miles east and oDe-half mile north of Union, Neb. Call or write in regard to varieties, prices, etc. C. F. iVortox, Prop., Unioi, Neb. Kironuntuiled for I. ;ripe. N. Jackson, Danville. III., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of Li Grippe sjven year ago anl since tben wherever she takes cold a terri ble cough settles on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cutcd her. She has never been troubled with a cough since. 5c. F. G. Fricke & Co. Keitl Estate Transfer. Following are the real estate trans fers of the county as recorded in tho office of Recorder f Deeds Hav: Wm. Stolier and wife to J. B. Roddy, s'i se'i 19. nw.. ne'a 30-10-14 qcd $1:57 00 Sam I). Graves and wile to Wm. Stolier, same as above qcd I'"' W cure r or i.i irrippe, j Foley's Honey and Tar heals the ungs and cures the racking cough usual to la prippe and prevents pneu monia. It is euaranleed -5c and 50c. a. Frieka k Co. Miss Ada liny is again coniined to her bed with an attack of the rrinoe Miss Minnie Sharp came down from Omaha last evoning to attend tho hall returning this morning. Mrs. J. M. Levda returned at noon today from a week's visit with rel atives at Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hunt Joy ar rived in the cit' last evening and will visit relatives in the city several days Louis Olsen removed his pool and billiard tables to the iJalmer block- where he will hold forth in the future John Hall, who has been very ill for three week3 prist, is rapidly recover inr, winch tuct nis many lrieuiis will be clad to learn. Tiik Nkws was misinformed about the death of Frank Carroll, residing several miles south of town. He is very much alive, although qu:te ill. The mahy friends of Tom Walling will learn with pleasure of his con valescency. Mr. and Mrs. Walling's ittle child is also recovering from an illness. Miss Louise Smith c tme home from her school last evening. She has about recovered from her attack of the chickenpox, but her school will be closed until her pupils are ail well. J 1). McBride took his little son, Dor, to Omaha this morning to con suit Dr. Ginord about tne latter s eye. They will make regular visits to Om aha until the little fellow's eye is en tirely well. William Caygle, W. A. Jieach, O. D. Smith, and It. D. McNurlin, farmers from near Weeping Water, were in town today paying their taxes and attending to other business at the court house. Dal Jones, who has been employed in the Western Union telegraph office for several years, is said to have an attack of telegrapher's paralysis. He had been ill with the grippe for some time before this trouble set in. A copy of the Pioche (2s e v.) Record, with the name of James Pettee as man ager, was received at this office yester day. It is quite a newsy paper and is well lilled with advertisements. The paper is in its forty-ninth year. Sheriff William Wheeler was down near Union serving papers today. There is another big road light on the tapis down in that country which is to be settled in court, and every farmer through whoso premises the road passt swill be subpoenaed. It seems that a br idge on the road has been de stroyed by lire by someone in the hope that 'he road would be abandoned, but the farmers are not willing to allow the matter to rest that way. I'lattsmout h Nursery. I quote very low prices on first-class stock. Apple trees, three years, 15 cents; $10 a hundred. Apple trees, two years, 12 cents $8 a hundred. Plum trees, three years, SO cents; $20 a hundred. Che ry trees, three years, 30 cent?; J-'O a hundred Peach trees, three years, lo cent?; $12 a hundred. Grapo vines, 5 cents; $3 a hundred. Rasp berries, 75 cents a hundred and black berries, 75 cents a hundred. J E. Leesley, Prop. The opinion of all smokers is that the "Gut Heil" is the best 5 cent ci gar on the market. Otto Wurl, man- ufacturer. Citizens Bank et al. lo all persons interested, s t ic k li ibli-rs, creditors and depositors: You are hereby untitled that upon the lotli lav f lanuary. IXW. t lie undersigned receiver tiled fits petitions m the aboyeca.se in the district court lor authority to sell and t'omey by deed lot 4. in block 1. in Stiles addition; lots , tne K o( II, ami 7, S, (I, in, 11 and f. in block II, in Inike s addition: and lots '(, t. 5 and . in block -"-'2, all in tliecityol I'lattsinoiitti, in Cass county. eorasKa, upon tne terms and conditions set forth in said petition. And that upon :-aid day it was ordered oy tne lion, liasil Kamsev, dm trict judtfe. that a hearing be had "lion said peti tions upon Saturday, the ".'1st day nt January, ls'.i'.i, at '. o clock a. in., and that all persons inter ested appear and plead on or before said hour: and that at such time such orders will be made in the premises as will appear to said court for the best interests ! all parties. And it was ordered that this notice be published for two successive issues belore said day. Ciiari.I:S 1'AkMiii.k, Receiver. IV Ids attorney, Hyrox Ci.ark. T "X 7-., . l( WHITE'S CREAM ! VV ORMS! VERIV1BFUCE! Most lii Ojinntitv. I!i" t In Ouulily. vi v eais tiaa kcu ail if villi iiwiitcuiwi "i Preparwf by- GUAKAl HOLD BY AZiIi DH.UGGISTS. JAMES F. BALLARD, St. Louis. F. G. FRICKE & CO. Probate Notice. In the County Court of Cass Countv. Nebraska. Notice by publication for final settlement of the administration accounts in the matter of the estate of Samuel A. Holbrook. deceased. Fan nie Appleton Lowell and Julia li. Addition and all other persons interested. You are hereby noti fied that William L. Lowell, executor, January :i, bled herein his final account, together with iiis petition for tmal settlement, alleiring among other things, that the real estate of which deceased died seized in Cass county, Nebraska, and all other property situated in Nebraska, has been sold and converted into cash: that the above named persons are the residuary legatees: that the cash residue now in the hands of the ex ecutor, and due from lnm to this estate is the sum ot $S,ofl'.17; that the estate is insolvent; that it is necessary to transfer the residue ot this es tate from the jurisdiction ot tins court to the jurisdiction of the probate court of Cumberland county, Maine, where administration ol this es tate was first granted; that tfie executor lias ren dered extraordinary services not required in the common course of administration, for which lie asks compensation in the sum ot S'JIK). that the expenses of the ancillary proceedings in the pro bate and district courts of Cass county.N'ebraska, aggregate the sum of J ,5-13. 5. i'etitioner prays that his accounts of administration may be set tled; that he be ordered to pay the residue ot this estate to the executor now acting and appointed Dy the probate court ot Cumberland county. Maine, and tor equitable relief, lake notice. that if you fail to appear before said court ou the sth day ot January, lb.:'.', at Z o clock p. m., and contest the prayer of said petition the court may rant the prayer ol said petition, and make such urther orders, allowances and decrees as to the court mav seem proper, to the end that all mat ters pertaininsr to said estate mav be tiuallv settled and determined. W ituess my hand and the seal of said court at flattsmouth. iMeoraski, this ..d day ot Jan uary, A. J J. IS'lll. OKOI'OK M . brURLOCK, (Sea!) County Judge. R. 1. Windham, attorney for estate. THE NEWS does Job Printing J3ettei rjriiMii Kver oooooooooooooo Notice. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting o! the stockholders ot the liurliugtou ; Missouri Kiver Railroad in Nebraska will be held at the office of the company, in i'lattsmouth, Neb., on lhursday, rcb. '.rd. IsHD. at v.l o clock M. Ihe meeting will be field for the election of nine (9,i directors, to serve during the ensuing year, and tor the transaction ot such other busi ness as may legally come before it. 1 . b. HOWLAND, r-ecretary. S. E.HALL&SON ..HAVE THE ONLY.. Stove for Early Autumn, As well as winter, Weather, the work. A full line of all Hardware. It's Cheap and does kinds of Stoves and Legal Notice. Notice of application for license to sell real es tate by the administrator of the John Boris es tate. To all persons interested in the estate of John Hons, deceased . You are hereby notified that upon the "th dav of Iecember, A. li. lf.'S. the Honorable Basil b. Ramsey. iudge of the district court. issued the fol lowing order: In the District Court ot Lass countv. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John lions, de ceased. Order to show cause whv license should not is sue to Henry lions, administrator, to seil real es tate to pay debts. ISow on this Mh day ol Uecember. A. 1J. Ih'.is, there was presented to the iudge ol the district court the petition of Henry Ions, administrator, of the estate of John Bons, deceased, for license to sell lots seven and eight in block tourteen. the south one-third of lots iour, live and six in block seventeen, all in the city of I'lattsmouth, in Cass countv, Nebraska; and part of lots four, five and six, in block six in Dukes' addition to the citv of I'lattsmouth, in Lass connty, Nebraska, and it appearing to the court from said petition that it may De necessary to sell said real estate to pay the debts, costs and expenses of the estate of'the deceased, John Bons. It is hereby ordered that all persons interested in said estate shall be and appear at the oftice of , the clerk of the district court at the court house in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 13th day of February A. D, lS'.'fl. at 9 o Clock A. M.. then and there to show caue. if any, why said license hould not be issued to the administrator to sell the above described real estate. It is further ordered that notice shall be given by publication in the bEMi-W ekki.v rstw s- Hekalo for a period of four consecutive weeks from the :iU:h day of December A. D. IK'ti In witness whereol 1 have hereunto set my hand at the chambers this J'thday of December. A. D. ls-.H. Basil S. Ramsey. Judge of the District Court. And by virtue of sjd order you are herby not; jd to appear at the otiice of the clerk of the dis trict court ou the loth day of February. A. D. is; S, at H o"clock A. M, then and there to show cause, if any. why said license shouid not be is- ued to the administrator, Henry lions, to sell the real estate above described in said order to pay debts, costs and expenses. 11i:nry ijo.ns. Administrator. Byron Clark, Attorney. Tin Work and Roofing a Specialty. Our Low Prices have built up a food trade, which we will maintain by continuing the same. Remember the place .... S. E. HALL & SON, ..Practical Tinsmiths.. South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. Loral 'otice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship of John G. U Kourse ana Joseph l . u Kourke. L'nder and by virtue of a license to sell the real estate hereinafter described made in the above entitled cause pending in tne district court holden within and for Cass county. Nebraska, by the Hon. Basil S. Ramsey, judge, on the fth day of lu'v. A. D. 1MS. I will, on lanuary 21. W3. at the south door of the court house in the city of plattsmouth. in Cass county, iSebraska, at 10 clock a. m. otter for sale: Lot ten (10), in block ninetv-hve (P"1, in the city of I'lattsmouth. Lots nine ISM and ten MO I, in block twenty-six 2iJ, in Duke"s addition to the city of I'latts- louth. Lots ten 1101. eleven 111 and twelve 1121. in block one 1 1 in btadelman's addition to the city of Hattsmouth, ail in the county of Cass, and state of Nebraska, to the highest bidder for cash. i said minors owning an undivided one-hall of said ' lonrlc qhH li. n nrlr i tiirl anH Anna I O'Kourke owning the remaining undivided one half. One-half ot the realty wi.l be the sale of the guardian, and the remaining one haif the in dividual of the said owners. Nellie M. O Kolkke as Guardian, and for hersell and Anna L. O'Rourke. By Ler tturney, Uyita Clark. P The SHEWViiJ-WiLUAMS 0: MAKE Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest t our reputation. We say these are the bes'. painu -.. say so too after you have used them. SOLD BY F. G. FRICKE & PAINT FOR j Houses, ; Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves, Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tools, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. V' ".i know You'll- CO. njirnnrvri LnJi The Sold bv druffcrists on a tositive euarantee. Price 5Vrents ler box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. v3 THE SR. WHITEHALL K-SmMLNE CO . Sonth bond, Indian Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE, surest and the best. Sold by drugcrists on a positive guarantee. Price 5n,