Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 10, 1899, Image 2

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    January 10. 1399.
A. H.
& CO.
Wo spire no time and no
money to sucuru tho bot find frosti
est of everything in Fancy ft'-d
Stanlo J rocerien. The season of
Cakes and
is now u pi in ui. Wo liiiVtt the
finest maplu syrup in tli: mar km
1 1 rn aro some other articles y u
hIioii d i nsieel ....
Criiii borrio-.
White House Tomatoes,
imported Sardines1,
Swiis (,
1 lochefort Cheese,
Young Arauricn Cheese,
Hriek Cluese,
Mrs. I lopk ins' Jams,
Queon O.ives.
IUuu Libel Catsup,
I Jul ford's Table S iuce,
Cross &. iJlack well's Chow Chow
Vanjl '-a trip's Tomato Sauce,
I'Yney Seeded Date?,
Fancy Fig's
A full lino of fancy Lamps, China
Cups and Saucers of all descriptions
and at way down prices.
Don't forget to stop and examine
our fetock before purchasing.
A. H.
Up-To Date Grocers.
Best Reached in Through Cars
by Louisville & Nashville R. R.
Write for Information to
C. P. AT MO RE, Gen' I Pass. Agent,
Go to the Drug- Store of
(Successor to Smith & Parmele)
for Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Stationery and Cigars,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dys,
Paint, Hair and Tooth Brushes,
Toilet Articles, Petfumery, Soaps,
Sponges, and all Varieties of
Druggists' Sundries.
Window Glass and Wall Paper,
Humphrey's, Lutie's and Munion's
Homoeopathic Remedies,
Pure California Wines and Liquors
for Medicinal uses.
In fact, everything visually kept for
Sale in first-class Drug Stores.
Carefully Compounded.
South Side Main Street,
'Phone 27. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Macfiin
r ??r
;i -si y ,,
' - ....
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings.
Y-, V i?ir.rwTprri
The News oflico is tho ben equipped
jobolllcoin Cass county. First class
work dono on short notice.
b ball
V 'v.--H3.-tj-'t aJ
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
... BY THE . . .
J. K. MAHfHA Business Manager.
One Year, in advance, 15 00
Six Months 2 50
One Week, 10
Single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance! .... tl 00
Six Months, i
Of any Cass County Paper.
TUESDAY. JAN. 10, 189.
O.v t tho eh nge in the raana;i
i iu3iit o. Tiik News i is dostred thHi
.11 money due on uisc ip'ion or othe
; accounts bo p:ii ms coon us possible,
j AH Hccount a-f payable to eithr C
! S. Poll! or J E. Marshall.
Foil liag f tne Philippine Islands
William Jennings Bryan.
THE manner fn which THE NEWS'
subscribtion list is growing is very
gr; lifying to the publishers, showing
us it does, that the people appreciate
their homo papor.
One of North Dakota's most impor
tant industries that of the divorce
mill has received a black eye at the
hands of the legislature, the residence
provision of the law having been
amended to twelve months instead of
Goveknok Poynteh has evidently
been carrying a little note book and is
now commencing the delightful task
of executing some of Governor
Ilolcomb's appointees. It may be fun
now for Mr. Poynter and fun for the
fellows who grt the jobs, but look out
for the man whoso scalp is taken
he will be heard from later on.
Colonel Bkyn made a serious
mistake when he resigned his position
with the Third Nebraska, as he could
hardly have found a constituency tfhat
would approve his present utterances
any more than the Cuban insurgents.
If the colonel had gone to Cuba and
made the campaign he is now making
against the United States, he would
have been the most popular man the
war has produced in the eyes of the
Cubans and that ought lo have been
glory enough for one war.
The anti expansionists are all at
sea for the reason that they do not
know what they are fighting. The
administration has out-lined no defi
nite policy with reference to the care
or control of the new territory, so
that Mr. Bryan and his class do not
know whether they are fighting repub
licans or democrats, or merely mak
ing a war on "wind mills." Of course
it makes little difference to Mr. Bryan
as he is like the proverbial Irishman,
who is "ferninst" the government, no
matter what the proposition, so long
as hi is not permitted to stand at the
EACn successive turn in the affairs
of the Spanish difficulty confirms the
wisdom of President McKinley when
he sent his message to conerress that
led to a declaration of war. With the
inr-iirbt of a true statesman. President
McKinley saw that the Cuban in
surejits were s unstable as the Spa.i
iards who we e trying to control them.
and im-tijad of favoring the recogni
tion of Cub n independence, his state
ment i hat a sti.b e gore r m nt should
be established in Cuba, meant mu h
more th-tn hi-t closest r iends then
Understood. Ij iter developments show
that a stable governmtnt does Dot
mean a Cuban government, and until
tho Cubar s have learned that they are
to live by honest 1 tbor instead of
pillaging ihcir supposed enemies,
Uncle Sam will have to kt t p a strong
nand on Cuban affairs.
The governor of Indiana declaims
against lynching, but his fevered in
terest in the question will not hare
much effect in changing local condi
tions. The law is now bitterly op
posed to all lynching and could not be
made stronger, but what ihe people of
this country need is enforcement of
law against criminals, and the public
sentiment that will back that enforce-
ment, and there will be no occasion to
ignore it and attempt to mete out pun
ishment under the direction of Judge
Lvnch. It is true Indians has been
disgraced by several lynchings re
centlv. but an education that will
teach respect for her laws and the se
lection of men to enforce them, will
do more to prevent lynching than all
the proclamations that chief execu
tives have ever issued.
Colonel Bkyax has a certiiu faci
lityand felicity of expression which, to
people of literary tastes, is exceedingly
attractive. As an example of making
the best out of a bad cause, his reply
to President McKinley's question,
'Who shall haul down our flag," may
be cited. But unfortunately for him,
he has the proverbial and traditional
facility of his party for blundering. In
an address at a banquet in Cincinnati,
given in his honor last evening, he
took up and emphasized his adherence
to the defunct sixteen to one issue, and
devoted the remainder of his time to
exposing his crude and grotesque
ideas about military affairs, and to
antagonizing the manifest drift of the
national mind, and the obvious de
stiny of the Amerisan people in the
direction of a wide- and more influen
tial national policy. On these issues
"the stars in their courses" will fight
against him.
Thfie is no good reason why the
public treasury in tho 8tat of N -br.-ifka
Fhould bo depleted each year
$2.0)U for tho pur pi 'ho of running a
stato fair, says J. Slotting Mi rtoi.'s
Conserva' i vo.
If the farmers and manufacturers of
Nebraeka deem it advantageous to
have a state fair each year they have
a right to hold one at their own ex
pense. But there is no excuse for a
law which puts the hand of the state
Board of Agriculture into the popular
pocket for the purpose of tking out,
each year, enough tax-levied, tax-
gathered cash to pay tho ex penses of
the board and its officer for running
a state fair.
More than twenty j-ears ago the ed
itor of tne ConservUive served as
lVsido'.t of the Stato Board of Agri
culture. While c ng in thai capacity
he de -lined to i th - -tato appro
priation for lh- li id of Agriculture.
To Hon. Euyeno Mun , ttien a m m
bor of the legi-1 itur,. from otoe
county, he nd Irossi-d a lotto prot-si-ing
against th app opr-iation. It was
not made. Tho st.te f iir was a -uo-cess
financially a id in every de-iranle
way. Bat never s nco that time has
the Stato Board of lur f tiled
t seek and secure an 1 consume fls
annual stipend of $2,000 from the state.
In the last twenty years that stipend
makes an aggregation of more than
$60,000. No tuch appropriation is
needed. No such appropriation should
be made. If tero is not demand for a
sta'e fair in sufficient force to pay the
expenses oi a state fai. Nebraska
ought not to indu'ge in a state fair.
Things undemanded are valueless.
There is among the statutes of Ne
DrasKa one wnicn provides lor an
annual allowance of $o00 by the com
missioners in each county for tho pur
nose of holding a county fair. Tho
ninety-eight organized counties of tne
commonwealth availing themselves of
this lax, unwiso and extravagant leg
islation may squander in horso trots
about $o0,000 annually. In the last
twenty years these expenditures which
are wholly unnecessary have added
about $1,000,000 to the taxntion of Ne
The legislature of NebraKa should
abolish all subsidies to the State
Board of Agriculture and to county
agricultural societies. If these laws
are not repealed it is a duty of tax
payers to sue out injunctions and per
manently, under order of tho courts
put an end to this waste of public
the cost of expansion.
Among the spurious arguments ad
vanced against a colonial system by
the L oiled States is its expense; and
men of slender information or narrow
views will figure out tbe cost of a
large army, the expense of a great
navy, the increased taxation resulting
and then sit baeU and solemnly tell us
that this is the highway lo ruin. Sup
pose Great Britain hnd figured that
waj' during the past century? Or to
come closer home, and bring ourselves
possibly within the comprehension of
these prophets of evil, suppose that
Armour & Co. or Swift & Co. of Chi
cago should figure out the expense of
a Nebraska branch of their business
without taking account of piospec
tive profit? How soon would
others take the place ieft vacant by
their short sightedness or timidity and
the success of these great bouses be
arretted. The truth is, Great Britan's
policy of expansion has not only paid
its way but t nrich d the mothei toon
trv beyond pr cedent. If the United
&'at-s enters on this career, it wt 1 be
in narmony with the diiring of ih
Nicaraugu t ca at, the ere ttion of
merchant marine and the pi. in of
marketing her owa j r. bluets instead
depotu lrg oa t'l.errf. It is but cn-
t - . i ,i-i.t a
iartiiog ui o ijl njoinoti oi me iarm r
possessing ordinary thrift. But hith
er:o we have paid Lui.dredsof millions
of dollars to fcr ia vessels, princi
pa.iy iHiiisn, ior cci tl c:i: g our ex-
charg a. 'I hat monr-y sl.ould be kept
at home hereafter, and in that event
the additional expense ot the army
and navy will be overbalanced many
fold. The policy will not impoverish,
it will enrich the nation.
The right of self government de
pends upon the ability of self govern
ment Even Jefferson did not favor
its extension to our Indian tribes, and
the latest advices from the Filipinos
raise the same question as to them. In
reply to a question as to the ability of
the insurgents there for governing
themselves, Major General Merritt
replied "that it would take time, that
they would have to be educated up to
it. " General Greene said, "no native
government can maintain itself with
out the active support of a strong for
eign government. It is difficult to see
how a foreign government can give
this protection without taking such
active part in the management of af
fairs as is practically equivalent to its
own name." .now could we expect
anything else of a race or races com
posing the population of these islands?
Barely semi-civilized, as most of them
must be, ignorant, wrong headed, fit
tools for any ambitious demagogues,
these natives, and probably those of
Cuba and Porto Rico, for their own
welfare and for many years to ccme.
will have to be treated as wards of tbe
government, and held under military
restraint and tutilage.
YANKEES have a happy and valu
able knack of quickly adapting them
selves to any situation, and as quickly
becoming ready to do tho right thing,
which was never, in bettar evidence
than during our war with Spain, when
we improvised sailors and firemen by
the. hundreds, always successfuly,
while our enemy's efforts were palsied.
imply because they didn't possess
that happy and valuable
Some day. though, we may g-t up
against a different kind of an enornj ,
.ud things will le very different fi r
Tin unpn c ndetited and enormous
balance of trade in favor of tho United
States during the past year, over tix
hundred millions of dollars is telling
in a decisive way on our available
supply of gold. The most recent
statistics place it at $910,000,000, an
increase of $284,000,000 since July 1S96.
Comparing this great sum with the
crnl 1 cmrtnlir rtf nthnr nntinnj urn flrwl
j thflt u exceeds lhttt of Great' 1Muin
by $215,000,000; of Germany by 3285,-
000.000, and of Prance by $00,000,000.
Of late years we have been recalling
our bonds from foreign holders, and
now our debtors aro beginning to ad
just their balance in gold Should
this c ndition of tr .de continue, and
at present there is no tip pa ent reason
wl.y it hou i n t, the U .iled States
A'i.l become what Engl.-ind has been so
long, the en duo - nation of tho wo Id
WITH ihe arge amount of corn
rais d y th f ti mers and the good
prices they are rec iviug for it, money
is more plentiful in Plattsmouth than
it naa been for many years. Bankers
: and olher monied men are buying up
notes in order to invest their idle
We trust and believe that the re
publican legislature will make some
honest efforts in the direction of
penuine economy. We want none of
that sort of economy that imposes upon
the inmates of asylums and soldiers'
homes, but thero are many channels
in which good republican reform may
be useful. A great responsibility
rests upon this legislature. Republi
can representatives should appreciate
that responsibility, and act wisely and
carefully. Lot good measures be
adopted and good laws made, even if
the governor is sure to veto them;that
wili be his lookout. Beatrice Times.
Two children have died at To'edo,
O. ,from the effects of poison contained
in colored candy and they are in a
critical condition. Parents cannot be
too careful about allowing their chil
dren to eat colored candy.
Vice President Robert the other
evening gave a dinner at which the
Chinese minister. Wee Tina Fang,
was guest of honor. Half a dozen re
publican senators decided to test the
oriental dsplomat's drinking capacity.
Drinks came fast and furious and in
an hour or so all the senators became
woozy. One by one they disappeared
and finally only the host and the
minister remained. The latter, still
fresh as a daisy, inquired blandly:
"Where are the senators?" Mr. Ho
bart reluctantly admitted that they
had retired, whereupon Wee Ting
Fang took a nightcap, walked quietly
down stairs and drove homo.
It is announced that Omaha will
buiid a new brewery at once. This is
a legitimate result of the exposition
The big show of last year boomed
nothing more than it did the beer
business. The Midway was a verita
ble vat, from one end to the other.
Those are the interests that are the
most anxious for a repetition of the
show, and they want the people at
large to appropriate money for it and
thn'i and buy their foamine
drin k, instead of staying ai home and
paying their meat and grocery bill.
F t m-int, T ibune
In attend ng the recent banquet of
the New England society at Charles
ton. S. C. , Senator Hoar of Ma-stchu-
setts asked permission to retain his
piate, knife and fork as a souvenir of
the occasioo, desired by Mrs. Hoar
roe senator's request was granted and
a special decorated plate, silver knife
and fork were provided.
Marriage Permits.
The following marriage license were
granted by Countv Judge Spurlock
Monday :
Name and Residence. Age.
George S. Hargus. Union 'Mi
Anna M.itilda Young. Union
Charles Amos Gerloch, Louisville
Mary Ellen Murphy, Louisville 17
I'lattsmoath Nursery.
I quote very low prices on first-class
stock. Apple trees, three years, 15
cents; 310 a hundred. Apple tree?,
two years, 12 cents; $8 a hundred
Plum trees, three years, 30 cents; $20
a hundred. Cherry trees, three years,
30 cents; $20 a hundred. Peach trees,
three years, 15 cents; $12 a hundred.
Grape vines, 5 cents; $3 a hundred
Rasp berries, 75 cents a hundred and
black berries, 75 cents a hundred.
J. E. Leeplet, Prop.
Relief lu Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six nours oy ihe
Great South American Kidney
Cuke." It is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick re'.ief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug
gist. Plnttsmouth. Neo.
Itel Entate Trnuufers.
Following are the real estate trans
fers of the county as recorded in the
office of Recorder of Deeds Hay:
D. M. Ouackenbush and wife to Margaret
S. butler. swU 8-10-9 d $3.flOU 00
Dorothea Keil to Nicholas Odd and wife
lots and 10. blk 2. South Union-wd. 1.500 00
Two Eustis bo3's have quit supply
ing the Omaha market with rabbits.
The leturos on their firt-t and last
shipment stood about like this: Rabbit-,
&7; freight and commission, $7.75;
balance due commission house.
Table Rock proposes to have a tele
phone system.
From Saturday's Daily.
The Burlington pay car is Hchdulcd
to arrive in Plittnnouth m xi Tues
day, J anuary 10, to ilisburse tho regu
lation it mount of wea th among the
A new time card goes into ll'ect to
morrow on the Burlington, but only
effects trains north of Lincoln.
Charles Beach of the railway mail
service was shaking hands with
Plattsmouth friends today.
L. E. Karnes, the efficient night
operator at the Burlington depot, went
to Lincoln this aliernoon to attend the,
installation of officers and banquet of
the I. O O F. iodge tonight. Mr.
Karnes is grand patriarch for Ne
br. sk i.
Bth tho Burlington and Norlh
wosteru fatt mail trains were about
ihree minutes ahead of timo this
morning into Council Bluff-t Yester
day morning the Burlington arrived
sv-r 1 minutes ahead of time, while
ih- NorthwcSt-r arrived on schedule
time. Tomonow finishes the race,and
there is no doubt in the minds of tho
railrotd men but that the Burlington
will come out victorious andcipturo
the contract for carrying the mail.
Superintendent E. Bignell of tho
Burlington was looking after the com
pany's interests at this place today.
J. II. McKernon, route agent for the
Adams Express company, with head
quarters at Lincoln, was in the city to
day checking up Agent W. L. Pickett.
Ed Button returned to Omaha today,
after spending several days at his
home in this city. Ed is now running
a switcn engine in the Hurlington
yards in Omaha.
Dio Smith of the Havelock shops
was shaking hands with old friends in
Plattsmouth today.
From Monday's Dailv.
P. O'Donnell, tho Burlington road
master, was in the city today.
Boston's new passenger depot has
been opened. It took two years to
build it and cost $3,000,000, but for
size the "omniverous west" is still
ahead, as the union depot at St. Louis
is larger both as to train shed and
trackage, though not so costly.
Line Rep lirer Cal Thompson is do
ing some work in the telegraph office
of the Burlington today.
Tom Whalen of the Burlington
round house at Linco n is visiting
friends in the city.
Mike Mauzy, foreman of the black
smith shop, is taking a laj'-off ar.d is
devoting his attention to an attack of
the grip.
During the Battle of
The Packers at the Battle of Santiago de
Cuba Were All Heroes Their Heroic
Efforts In Getting Ammunition and
Rations To the Front Saved the Day
P. E. Butier, of pack-t,ain No. 3
writing from Santiago de Cuba, on
July 23, says: "We all had diarrhoea
in more less violent form; and when
we landed we had no time to see
doctor, for it was a case or rush and
rush night and day to keep the troops
supplied with amunition and rations,
but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we
were able to keep at work and keep
our health; in fact, I sincerly believe
that at one critical time this medicine
was tbe indirect savior of our array,
for if the packers had been unable to
work there would have been no way
of getting supplies to the front. There
were no roads that a wagon train
could use. My comrade and myself
had the good fortune to lay in a sup
ply of tnis medicine for our pack-train
before we left Tampa, and I know in
four cases it absolutely saved life."
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberlain Medicine Co., De6
Moins, Iowa. For sale by all druggists
Tourist Pamphlet,
Descriptive of Yellowstou National
Park and the summer resorts of Colo
rado and containing, besides maps and
illustrations, a great deal of informa
tion of interest to eight-seers and
tourists, can be had by addressing J
Francis, General Passenger Aeent,
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
The northeast Nebraska teachers
meeting, which was to have reen held
at Wayne some time in tho monlh of
January, has been indefinitely post
ooned on account of the diphtheria,
which has not yet been slopped there.
A business session of the association
will be held at the time of the meeting
of the teachers to bo held at Norfolk
about April 1. It is probable that the
program of the Wayne meeting will be
made the work of the second da' at
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet
The Ebinger Hardware company is
offering for sale all of its heating
stoves at cost. Now is your oppor
tunity to get a bargain.
il KA N I MH.
Lill " II mi! tort I'Ycnch in II ipern
Bazir, Dee .', IS:. 8, has an exi t llotit
article ho ided '-To Porii..i Show."
It founii th tt tho pi moto f t n- lit t
p t trail show held in Now V .ri. a l'-w
ye:ir- inc, borrow el tho idea fn in
our English coughs. "In London ju-l
'round the corner from Trafalgar
Square, stands the National Portrait
Gallery, a three story building, iti tbe
Italian palatial styles, donated to lh
nation by Mr. Win 1 1 . Alex imb r, and
HCeopled by the governim-nt in ss.
The collection, which now iin-ludos
over a thousand portraits. anil contains
pictures by Van Dyelc, llolbi in. ll y
nolds, Gainsborough and others, was
originally founded by act of
in r! i i-
ment in lb b
At present tho "Gothutni'.os' are
holding an exhibition i f portraits of
'.-.ocial lo idors" in tho Aculomy of
Dosign on Twenty-third street, for tho
In-uetil of a noted hospital. Mi
Fiench writes of this exhibition,
"Neither American men nor women
eminent in history, literature, science
and art aro largely represented, but
Mrs. Mackay, who was Miss Duer. and
whose wedding lust Juno was uni
versally chronicled. Mrs. Arthur
Kemp, too, is thoie, and the beautiful
Mrs. Burke Roche, whose portrait by
Li G.tndata i-i modeled even to its
satin skirt, and its poso giving the
long lino to tho back and tho turn to
tho head 6een upon his famous por
traits of Sarah Bernhardt and other
European beauties and celebrities.
Tho place of honor in this large col
lection has been given to the portrait
of Mrs. Henry Pay no Whit.iey, about
which ate grouped those by tho f-aiiie
artist (Mr. Benjamin Porter) of Mrs.
Bryce, Mrs. Frelinghnysen, Mi-s
Morton, Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish and of
other distinguished women, noted for
social graces, accomplishments or at
tainments." Tho exhibition promises to be a
great success financially, and will re
main open until the 14'h of January.
Tho members of the Plattsmouth
Woman's club during tho pasi week
havo had a "picturo show." At the
residence of II. J. Streight on New
Year's evening they welcomed their
friends and gave them a ro il treat in
the display of pictures, which tire to
be hung in our public schools. These
pictures cinnot fail to advance the
cause of genuine art education in our
schools by teaching children to love
the beautiful The Madonna of the
Chair in the Pitti al Florence and the
beautiful Sistino Madonna the latter,
it has been said, contains the most
glorious image of the Christ child that
the world htts ever seen copies of
both of these famous pictures art; in
this c Election. Who can tell whit
sweet lessons of tho Christ-chiid will
be gained by the study of lher-e pic
tures alone.
The other pictures (and thero are
twelve) are equally good, in fact there
is not a poor picture in the collection.
A study of one of Landseer's f.tmous
pictures by Winifred Unruh is hung
with the other pictures. Tho little
artist may never realize that her ex
cellent work served as a stimulus to
some hesitating child "lo go and do
In the chapel of tho hospital of the
innocents at Florence there is a fine
painting of the Adoration of the .Magi.
Into the chambers of this hospiltl
little outcast children tire carried
tenderly lo roceive the best c ire a ml
nursing thai the healing art of today
can give. Tbe good m.m who founded
the hospital, the artist painting his
visio n of be iuty botn we-c moved oy
the same impulse of love to the Christ
child. The promoters of the portrait show
in the great metropolis are giving ex
pression in this unique way to the
thought that modern art splendidly
equipped and full of -skill has found
aa insoiration to use its power for
charity's sake.
The members of our home organiza
tion doing ever so little for- the
children in our schools by hanging
these pictures which may open a door
into the room, Beautiful to some of
them are we not all working to
gether actuated essentially by the
same spirit "Love for Humanity."
The Heat and Cheapest.
The New York Independent, the
leading weekly newspaper of the
world, and one whose payes exercise
the widest influence, is entering upon
its fiftieth year of publication. The
Independent emphaiz?s its fiftieth
year by changing its form to that of a
magazine, and by reducing its annual
subscription price from $3 to $2;single
copies from 10 to 5 cents. The Inde
pendent io its new form will print
3,640 pages of reading matter per year
at a cost to subscribers of $2, while
tho prominent magazines, which eell
for $4 a year, print only abou 2.000
pages. The subscriber to the Inde
pendent gets 82 per cent more of
equally good reading matter at one-
half the cost! It is not only the le id-
ing family weekly newspaper but by
far the cheapest and best. A free
specimen copy may be had by address
ing the Independent, 130 Fulton street,
New York.
The gross receipts at the
Wayne postoffice for tbe ear lbl'S
amounted to $4,732.54, an increase of
about 10 per cent over Ib'J. During
the year 3,6So money orders were is
sued, amounting to $10,887.90, the fees
and war tax on the same amounting
$138.88. During the same time 1 ,."65
orders were paid, amounting to '.-
8S7. 10.
The work of filling the Union l'r ci-
fic ice houses at North Platte has
ben completed.
wr. will. ni: vtn: a wi
il i ti will ntnov imr io I ! i Mti'iu tu mum
l (I. mi ' t want Vim t -ll tliriu ;iu Until;.
w.ili h i- ina-li- lv ii wrl: known Ann-Mian ln'it
in tivo Hii-. Iii(i-ii'h iiii'I H'IhIi. iiiiIt! ii
H 'M it.d I, hIiiik i ,i-.r an I In ly kii.imhI.t I
i in I .' ( rut . I I .11 . I II ii l.i I 1 I v i I i, 1 1 ii I, IS I IaV.
, N.-w Y i ' i t ity.
A MAKVI:I.Oi;s 01-lliR! 25c.
n.iitiii.-ipli i w i i.l tin- l nil, , I ,
N ov, t.ik-ii I. v ! ii H ut r s. Nioi I'll, it.,
i' i ii 1 1 In-1 . .in, I t In or iiinii 1 1, - ii I ,m i ipt li hi t , J on
key's llomn Journal. I. . 1 1 ..i only 'S i i-mt,
p. i- -1 1 :t i t . I lir-ir ill,- IIm- liiM-.t (.iituii-s i.IiI.iiii
. 1 1, 1,- i,l I r w ,-v. S.l Ii i i nil. .-i 1 1 1 - , 1 1 il oil, t l.i i It
anil ot l.ri iii'i "t-s. tin l;i 1 1 !,-' li ! ,,, i i u -. -1 'i, nioiii -
l.i! i. li,l linll liniill Hint JlllVlll.llV llill, ,, ,,;
piini Siiani'.li iahi iiips. ami in,' , ty yalu
al,U: ( onkt-y's Home Journal is u,,. ,( i-1, t
,--t .nl l,i--. iiiuiitlily in tin.- i mi ii 1 1 y . I ,,i I, i-mil-
i i nit a ins new up 1 1'. lit ril lio-t m ii it , u . 1 1 tli
m'( ti.l;;il to 411 p.ics inuntli. -n,.! In
il iV. W i want to in, li . i' i: mil i in iii.n n.u Ii,
:.'.M.lilKI anl tin -it-1 1, or in iki- I his itin.ii nll.-i
( onkpy's Home Journal, I n-pt A . ( Ii h ,,r
('til Vliis out ami t'lUc it, to tbe
driiiigir-t ii:ilui l lieloA- ami yon will
it drive a legulnr '.'.' fi.o bottle of
l)r. Sawyer'n I' inn for .re. 1,'k.i
tino positively euros all forms of
K id ni3' (I i liieul 1 ies, I y spop-ii a, ( ,'on
nli pat ion, I load- g y at-ho, Kiioii
1 1 1 :i 1 i -1 ii , Pulling of the Eyes. I'ka
tine cures Piiiipb-i ami Hlotcin-s,
and maUos sallow ami ylln.v skin
whito. Do not. oi-lay, but take ad
vantage of this olTor, (is thou--ands
boar ovidi-m-, to 'lor wonder
ful curative pow,rs of ' k at i tie.
Sin cc'ssni" In ""inilli A I ';i ( nu ll-, OmikkImI,
fm "Tr- - r v-; -si i- rr-wL; 'wr i'ii',i
Leaves Kansas City every Friday
via Coloi a lo Springs and Seonie
Southern Kotitc loaves Kansas City
every Wednesday via Ft. Worth ami
EI Paso to Los Angeles.
These exourr-ion cars are attached
to fast passenger trfrins, and their
popularity is evidence thai wo oiler
tbe best.
Write for handsome itinerary which
gives full infor-matioti and now map,
sent free. For complete information,
rates ai d berl b reservations, hoe your
loeiil ticket :iM-iit or address E. E.
MA( Li:oi, A. (i. P. A., Topeka, Kan.
John Si;i:.s tia n, I'. A., Chicago.
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
point9 East and
No 1. lii'iiver cxiinn.s I!:!" pn,
No ii. t;h iirano ex urusS 7:12 -tin
No 211. locitl ex pri-ss, daily, St Jou,
Kansas, st Louis, ail points
sou I Ii 10. (j i am
No 4. Loe:u exp, dully, llurlliinloii
t-'liiCii.'O, all points oust lOi'A am
No ic'. Local exp. daily except Sun
day i'aclliu Junction M M! pin
Nn :iu. I'ri i-'lit, daily except Sunday
l'acili, Junction 2 I t pin
No '.i Veslibuled exp, daily, liur
linlon, tJhlcit o and all
points i.ast. J tir,uj.'h train lur
M. l.ouis and M s,ue.
.V:.'7 pm
No 1.
Local ex p. daily. M Joe. Sv an
sa Oily. St Louis. Chicago
all points east and sou t h . .
No I'.'. Locaiexp. daily, Urnalia. Llti
coin. len ver and Intern, e
diat e stations
7 an,
lu is am
. o J
.No -
Local frelkrnt, daily. Omit ha.
Local freiirlit. tlaliy, ex run
day, Cedar CreeA. i.ouis
vii,6, trout Ii Jienii
Fast until, ually. On, alio, and
Li ricoi n
Vestibuled exp, dally, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, I tah and Cal iforn ia,
Grand Island, l'.lack Hills.
Montana and I'acilic N. IV
Local exp, uailyexcept Suri
uiiy. Louisville. Ashland,
Walioo, schuyler
Local exp, dally except .Sun
day , Out a ha and Lin col n . .
'41a m
No 7.
No :i.
No 11.
.i ;
.J .V pm
5-UO pm
leepiror, dinln.' and reclinlnir chair citri
'seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and buL'irttk'b checked to any point In the
United .-tii tes or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tlckuts call or write to
W. L. ITCKETT. Airent,
l'iattsmou th. Neb.
J. FKANCI.s. Cen. Pass. Asrt..
Omaha. Neb.
No. i 4: SO a. to
N'o. ! 11.51 a.m
No. 2-1, local 'relifht 4.01 p.m
No. 2 10:4:j p in
No. 1 "i, freizht 7:.'i." a ni
No. lu 4:01 u in
Arrival and I, ptrture of .Mallh.
7:'i0 a. ni. Omaha and North, South on M. 1'
7 Ml
-Wit, Kat an 1 -S ,uli ou li uriingt on.
tlmala. We-ton L.I'.
I.incu.n and local tu Omaha.
Schu , ier. Last on N. W.
1 1 :5S
vt. Lou s, suuth on M . r.
p. ni Last on ii. &.
M .. North
on St. I'au I
7 10 a
1 Omaha. Kat on C. M. St.
k. I., also v est on k. I.
1'aul and
O.-nah.t. West and Soiith on H
& M .
in Omaha. West on R. I. a- J Burlington.
South on Burlington.
Ka'i on Burnngton.
Omaha. North on M. P . West on,rn. North on M. I'. M. ,k O.
MU p. in Omaha. West on IJ. ,t M. and U. I'..
North on St. P. & S C, l-.ast on R.
1.. N. V . and C. M. .t .-t. P.. South
on Wabash.
S Hith on M. P.
He-t on Burlington. South on sub
Lranch M. P. SchuNicr.
Omaha. Kast on Buriingion, West on
k. 1.
South on M. P.. Vet M. P. to Lin
coln. North on M. P. via Loiosviiie.
Omnha, Last and South on Bur-iirij-ten.
West on Buriington west
ol Hastings.
nn'1. JJuildcr.
Contracts taken for the erection ol Residences
Barns and any kind of carpenter work, in any
part of the county. Call on or address....
UAKVKY IIOLLOWAT, I'Uttsmoatb, irt
'.y.r'-- f'jnnn.., km! iMniniiiri th nir.
; . .Tl-,,, l,( it :ni.iriniii nmwth.
-v.ftj , j.T M,.v,.r t'uiln t JO'Kt'i'- Ory
kO'i H'- to on Youthful dolor.
, 1 i, --.'1 .nlfi'" I ':"
Pf .,. mm I -