Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 30, 1898, Image 3

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American Troops Fired or
Rioting Is Feared
A lp..ukh KoUlier ftlurtliliiK With Ilia
Company to the Wharf Attempt to
full Down no Atutrlcan Wing and I
Hred I'pon From the Ifoa.e Top-
Other Telrgrnphlc News.
Ciiicaoo, Dec. 27. A apecial cable
to ih-i Tribune from Havana eayt:
"The American troops wore 11 rod
upon in Iluviina tonight. The whole
city is In an uprcar and eerious riot
luff is threatened.
"A detail of Company M, Tenth
regular United Slato infantry, while
quelling a riot which broke out on
Jiornhay blret.t at u o clock this even
ing wna fired on. The regulars re
turned the, liro and sent volley after
volley into the crowd of rioters as they
(led out of the street. Two Spanish
sailors were wounded and one Spanish
marine was killed by the Americans.
A number of other persons, whose
names could not be secured, were also
wounded in the melee which eiiused
the interference of the American
troops. '1 hreo Cubans wore f.itally
injured. Several Spaniards who wei
carried away by friends were wounded
but it is not known how seriously.
The Cubans who were fatally
injured arc:
Josh Dki-OKHS, a mulatto, shot
through stomach with ritlo bullet.
IIA.mon Dkluauus, shot in hip and
I'edru Mates, shot in groin.
None of the American soldiers were
In other small riots in other parts of
the city today twelve persons wore
wounded, tever il fatally.
A Spanish soldier, marching with
his company to the wharf, attempted
to pull down a Cuban flag and an
American flag waving over the door at
108 San Iazaro street. This started
the fight The Spaniards were fired
upon from the housetops and windows
They returned the fire, riddling the
front of the buildings with bullets
The soldier who attempted to take
down the flags fell on the steps of a
, home bleeding from wounds in the
head and shoulder. The Spanish
soldiers withdrew, carrying their in
jured comrades.
Residents of San Lazaro say the
withdrawl of the Spaniards was duo
to the appearance of an American of
ficer, who persuaded the Spaniards to
retire. The town tonight is practic
ally in the hands of Americans. The
Spaniards touight are supposed to still
hold possession of the strip of ground
between the Prado and the port, but
their soldiers have been withdrawn to
within a few blocks of the port.
Three companies of the Tenth regu
lars, who were hurried into town this
afternoon, are on guard in the streets
tonight. It is expected that the en
tire Tenth regiment will have to be
' brought in, together with the Eighth
United Stales infantry, which has
been encamped at the trocha only two
mies away in anticipation of sued, an
emergency as exists.
Supreme Court Decisions.
The supreme court has just reversed
a couple of cases from Cass county, one
of which, Goos vs. Goes, involves ques
tions of much importance. The
syllabus is as follows:
Goos vs. Goos. Reversed. Appeal
from Ca6s county. Opinion by Com
missioner Irvine.
One A-ho accepts a conveyance of
land, and as part of the consideration
agrees to pay an existing incum
brance thereon, is bound not only to
the promises, but to the incumbrancer
to do so, and estopped from denying
the validity of such incumbrance.
2. A. sold land to li., receiving in
part security for the purchase price, a
mortgage on the land. 13 afterwards
made a mortgage to C. Thereafter li.
reconveyed tne land to A., and gave
A. also his note for an agreed sum,and
A. agreed to pay the mortgage to C.
Held, that the conveyance of the land
and giving of the note constituted a
sufficient consideration for the assump
tion of the mortgage debt, and that,
in the absence of fraud or other
giound of rescission, the contract had
the effect of merging A. 's mortgage in
the legal title, and leaving C.'s mort
gage as a subsisting valid charge upon
the land.
3. The fact that A. was induced to
make the contract by 13. 's threat to
convey or lease the land, 13. having a
right so to do, did not constitute fraud
or duress.
4. Under our system of appeals in
equity case?, after a transcript has
been in due time lodged in this court
by any party, any other may assume
the attitude of an appellant by season
ably filing a brief assailing the decree.
5. Where two persons have made a
contract involving a promise by one
party for the benefit of a third person,
such tnird person may be heard to de
fend such contract against an attack
for fraud.
The judgement in the following case
was modified, reversing it as to
Francis N. Gibson.
First National Dank, Plattsmouth,
vs. Gibson. Appeal from Cass county.
Opinion by Commissioner Ryan.
In an equitable action to subject the
alleged fraduleutly conveyed real
property of a judgment defendant to
thepavmcntof the judgment against
him, there is no sufficient foundation
for an ordinary judgement against his
transfer as a co-defendant if there is a
failure to allege that the title of the
said property by such transferee has
been convc3'ed or subjected to a lien
whereby the equitable relief Bought
has been rendered unavailable.
A Light Case of Varioloid.
There is lij;ht case of varioloid at
the Hotel Plattsmouth. The board of
health is taking everj' precaution to
prevent the spread of the di-ea$e, the
hotel having been placed iu quarantine
nndayuard will watch that no one
passes in or out of the building.
It was reported on the street this
afternoon that there -was another case
in the Hendee building, but this is
emphatically denied by the physicians.
For SO cents you can get a pound of
-igar clippings at H Spies.
Unknown Mu Kan Down Hy l'H.aenger
Train No. 3.
From Wednesday's Dally
This afternco as pMKsenger trai
No. 3, due here at 3:43, was appro ch
luir the Burlington bridgo, on the
T 1
iowa eiue, an uoKnown man was run
over and hla body horribly mangled
The engineer saw tho man and blew
the. whistle repeatedly, but he paid no
attention and remained on tho track
until the train overtook him. He wan
evidently hard of hearing.
He was an elderly man and wore
snort cropped whiskers. 1 ho train
ran into this city, leaving a man to
watch tho body, and tho officials were
notified. Later a switch engine from
the Junction took tho remains to that
placo to await identification.
lie. Wua Identified.
Tho man who was run over and
killed by I'.urlington No. 3 Wednes
day afternoon was found to bo Asa
Howard, an old resident of llethlo-
hern. No further particulars of the
accident could bo ascertained. How
ard was quite an old man and very
deaf. He was quite well known hero
Sergeant Woodruff Writes Enter
tainingly From Georgia.
8.y TliHt With the Aid of Company
Foudi the ltoys Jet Plenty to Kat,
Are Crowing Kat and Knjoying Good
Health Only Two Men In the Hon
pltal I'nder Orders to Move.
Cami' Onwakd, Savannah, Ga.
Dec. 24. Editou News: It is in com
pliance with a request made when
was in your city during my furlough
that I write this letter.
We are now under orders to move
to Havana. Ours is the next regiment
to move, so you see we will soon be on
the water. All supplies at head
Quarters have been packed and sent
to the supply depot. Some of the
headquarters tents were taken down
this morning and baled for shipment.
The tent9 the men now have will be
left standing, and new ones, much
larger furnished over there. Canvas
cots aro to be furnished.
The weather is very nice here. I
am writing in my tent with the flies
tied back, and this is the afternoon be
fore Christmas. The nights are quite
cool. It does not become cold enough
to freeze, however.
We are getting good rations now,
and with our company fund have
plenty to eat. The boys all look well,
and there is not a poor man in the
company. I, myself, am fifteen pounds
heavier than when I enlisted lastsum-
mer, and more than forty pounds heav
ier than when I was north this fall.
There are only two men in hospitals,
one in the regimental and one in the
First division.
A ball game between B and G is in
progress. How do you enjoy sleigh
Captaio Sheldon is in the city this
afternoon. He is one of the hardest
working officers in the regiment. He
is one of the most respected, too, by
both officers and men. We miss our
lieutenants. Lieutenant Rawls is in
Piattsmouth and Lieutenant Allen is
in at. Josepn s innrmry, sick witn
some fever. He is rapidly recovering
now, and is entirely past danger. He
will not be able to move with us.
Sergeant N9wman returned to duty
this week. He looks well and has en
tirely recovered from his sickness.
We now have six sergeants on duty.
Will Guthman came to my tent to
day. He is going to Cuba with us.
Corporal Robine is detailed at divis
ion headquarters, and is now on his
w ay to Cuba.
If you were to come here at this
time, you would think the people were
celebrating July 4th. Christmas is
the great day for fireworks in the
south. All the shop windows are
filled with them, and already the boom
of the cannon firecracker can be j
Well, I must go to see how the score
Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year. Yours truly,
E. G. Woodruff.
J. II. Waterman of the Burlington
supply department at Lincoln is in the
The net earnings of the Burlington
system for the month of November
were 8837,660, an increasa of $237,701
over the same month of last year. The
net earnings for the hve months end
ing November 30 were $3,927,714, a de
crease of $19,8So from the same period
prefeeding the fiscal year.
Contractor Sam Sawtelle was in the
city today, having sufficiently re
covered from an attask of the grip to
leave hi9 home. He will go to Lin
coln tomorrow and expects to make a
contract with the Burlington .officials
to complete the fill on the Iowa side
of the bridge.
A. K. Waldron, the conductor on
the Schuyler run, is taking a lay off
this week, and E. J. Jackson is run
ning in his place.
A. F. Kerr, traveling auditor for the
Burlington, is in tbe city checking up
Agent W. L. Pickett.
The freight rooms of the Burlington
depot at Superior were destroyed by
fire Tuesday night It was with hard
work that the entire building was
prevented from burning.
Spanish Authorities at Havana
Give Up Heavy Canons.
The Delivery 1 Made luder Formal l'iu
tent, Spain Reserving Her Itlftit to
Claim Whatever May He iu Her l'o
nennlon American Patrol Make Many
Arrent In Havana.
HAVANA, Dec. 2 b Four C inch and
two IJ-inch Ivrupp guns, four twtiity
one centimeter S-inch Odontzguns and
four rapid fire Alaxiin-Nordcnfeldts
comprise the extent of Spain's ofl'en
sivo armament in the batteries across
the harbor opposite Hnvana. These
were del i vored over to an American
oflicoi- today with ab.-oleio arms of
various patterns and all tho ammuni
tion remaining. The delivery was
made under foi mal protest, Spain re
serving its right to claim whatever
may be in its possession. Morro castle
and Cabitnas fortress will be retained
until January 1, but their subsidiary
batteries along the coast' will be
handed over on Friday probably.
Lieutenant Colonel 11. I'.irnie of the
United States ordnance department
had been detailed by General Lee to
take charge of the heavy ordnance and
ammunition in the batteries along
Cabanas ridge and to chock tho inven
tory suj plied by the Spanish authori
ties. In Smtiago were found 1,(70
mu.z'e-loauers with a pile of old am
munition. Mattery No. 1, which was
only ha f completed, had four (-inch
Ivrupp and two Maxim-Nordenfeldts,
with twenty-five rounds of ammunition
for each and some shells, not lo ided;
battery No. - hud two 12-inch Ivrupp,
four twenty-one centimeter
and lour Maxim-Nordenfeldts, with
twenty-live round e ich. Two maga
zines at Santa Hirbara and St. Klufo
were found empty. Mirnie took pos
session of thee effects and a company
of engineers under Lieu-tenant Cai-
bonell will occupy the bitteries and
magazines tomorrow. The Velasco
Sol and Hastora IJ ija auxiliary bat
teries will be occupied tomorrow and
Cabanos will bo entered by American
troops on Friday.
Cabanas is almost completely evacu
ated save for a small detachment of
artillery to work the guns for saluting
January 1 and a guard from Leon bat
talion. Sime anxiety is felt regard
ing the success of the salutes from
Morro and Cabanas fiied fiom old
eighteen century muzzle-loaders.
Many Arrests in Havana.
HAVANA, Dec. 28. The patrols of
American ti oops made thirty arrests
for misdemeanors last night and
turned tho culprits over to the civil
authorities. Two cf the men arrested
for the Vegas Bomba cafe affair are
Spanish marines. They were sur
rendered to tho Spanish authorities.
Fifty United States soldiers have
been arrested for being in tho city
without leave. They were sent to the
camps for punishment.
A detachment of 100 Cubans under
the command cf Colonel Jose Es-
trance, has entered Havana. The
men are quartered at tho Dragones.
A deputation of Cuban residents has
called on General Brooke with the in
tention of bringing to his notice cer
tain matters which they would like
done, and to press upon General Lud
low's attention questions relating to
the police and lire departments,
schools, sanitation and street pavino-.
The supply ship Comal has arrived
here. It left (00 tons of rations at
Matanzas and the remainder of its
cargo at Sagua la Grande.
Among the applications for positions
on the po ice force here, Colonel Moul-
ton of the Second Illinois regiment
and Mr. McCullough, lormerly super
intendent of police of New York, who
have charge of the organization of the
police department, have discovered
many thieves and other criminals.
Oae applicant offered indirectly the
sum of 00 centimes for appointment
on the force.
The Spanish transport Munchon
sailed for Cadiz today with 2,400 Span
ish troops on board.
Hay ward-Da vis.
From Thursday's Daily.
The marriage of Miss Cora E. Davis
and Olis J. Hayward was solemnized
by Rev. Baird of the Presbyterian
church at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meek Davis, on
Pearl street, at 2:S0 o'clock this after
noon. Only the immediate relatives of
the contracting parties witnessed the
Tbe groom is a prosperous young
farmer residing near Dysat t, la., and
the happy young couple departed for
that place this evening, where they
will reside. The News extends con
gratulatiooiand best wishes
llg Exports of Bicycles.
While apparently the bottom has
dropped out of the bicycle business in
America the past season the export
business has not been affected to an
equal extent. According to the report
of the English Charge d'Affaires at
Munich, the importation of American
bicycles during the past season in
creased over 850 per cent compared
with the previous year's business.
Washington Star.
There will ba an oyster supper at
the Rock Bluffs Methodist church
New Year's eve, Dec. 31, for the bene
fit of the Sunday school. Everybody
For Sale A Poland China male
hog one and one-half years old, gilt
edge pedigree, a grandson of Wood
burn Medium. A high priced record
breaker. Enquire at new cttice.
Dehorned Cattle Common In Maine
The practice of dehorning "cattle is
largely increasing in Maine and it will
probably not be many years before a
cow with horns will be a curiosity.
John Becker in: do a b isin''ts trip
to Om iha this in rtiit..
L. C. To bl of Uni n is in the city
visiting the family of T. .1. Thomas.
Janu s Iveko of Louisvil e i. tins city
visiting hi- M?U'i Mrs John lienf.-r.
O. V. Fistic r i t Eimwo-id was at
tending to bu-'int'ss in the conrt house
J. A. Leach of We.-ping Wuter wa.s
a business visitor in t i - county seat
visitor to iay.
Mrs. S. II. Atwooil and .Miss Amelia
Vallery went to Liiieoln t h is afternoon
and will attniid the stiio teacher's
meet ing.
Mrs 15. M. Stouteubirpiigh of this
city spoke before the State Teacher's
association yesterday afternoon in tho
interest of libraries. Her subject was
"What Can the Woman's Club Do for
the I .ibrarv ? "
State lltnk Lxaminor I'. II. L:uk
hai t of Norfolk was in tho city today
looking after tho local banks. Mr.
Liukhart was fv lieutenant in Company
t, Third Nobras-ka, but resigned at
the clo-e of the war.
About for ty members of tho Third
regiment, who were homo on furlough
and whoso time was out Christinas,
have been discharged from the service.
V 1 1 1 Carmaek, a member of Company
I!, of this city, was among tlio number.
If. D. Ttavisai.d wife went to Lin
coln this afternoon to attend state
teacher's meeting Mr. Travis is
president of the school board section
of tho association. There will be dis
cussious on proposed bills to oo put be
fore the legislature this winter.
George Lubbin, a farmer from near
Hock Blugs, appeared before the board
of cou ity cotnini.-s'.oners today and
complained cf people driving through
his corn field. The enow blocked .he
ro id which p s.-e.s his farm and in
order to get around it farmers drove
through his field. He wanted pay for
the damage sustained and thought tho
county r light to square it with him.
But the commissioners looked at it
Til I'ttSDA Y.
D. K. IJarr is attending to business
in Greenwood.
Mrs. C. W. Sherman is qui'e ill with
an att'.ck t.f the grip.
Father C.irney is again Very ill with
rheumatism of the heart.
Glen and Howard Dear'. ng of Nor
folk are iu the city vi.-itmg friends.
La, a us Cohen filed a buit against
George Tourtelot today for $103.
A. L V. nDorenof Urtcnwcod was
looking after business in the city to
day. nan and wife
were visitors in O.ualia and Council
Bluii's today.
Mrs. J, I). Stiicklaiid of Eagle is in
the city visiting her daughter, .Mrs.
A. L. Mungcr.
Attorneys John A. Davies a-id S. M.
Chapm 111 were attending to business
matters in Conncil lilull's today.
County Commissioner J. i Falter
went to Lincoln this afternoon and
will temain over to attend the Hryan
banquet tomorrow evening.
Deputy County Cierk Will Coolidge,
accompanied by his wife, departed
this afterdoon for a few days' visit
with the former's mother atColum-i
Judge M. Archer last evening
united in marriage George XV. Farrel
and Miss Elizabeth Statler at the
home of Peter Suter, residing about
four mi es south of town.
Frank J. Blatny and Miss Antonye
Kresek were united in marriage by
County Judge Spurlock this afternoon.
The groom resides at Plain view and
the bride is a resident of this city.
JackLtidli, another of tho feather
renovators, was run in last night by
Policeman Ilassen, being too drunk to
take care of himself. Judare Archer
fined him ?1 and costs this morning,
and upon promising to pay the same
before night he was given his liberty.
Inl You liver
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle
now and eet relief. This medicine
has been found peculiarly adapted to
tho relief and cure of all female com
plaints, exer'.ing a wonderful direct
intluence'in giving strength anil tone
to the organs. If you have loss of ap
petite, constipation, headache, faint
ing spells, or are nervous, sleepless,
excitable. melencholy or troubled
with dizzy spells. Electric Bitters is
the medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use.
Fifty cents an J 1.00 at F. G. Frieke's
drug store. 3
Annual Meeting of Farmers Mutual ln
fturance Company.
The annual meeting of the Farmers
Mutual Insurance company of Cuss
county wilt ba held at tlie lieu pctiooi
house in E;ght Mile Grove precinct,
ou Saturday, January 7, ?!'!). at 1:30
p. in., -for the purpose of electing'
officers for tho cominsr year and
transacting' such other business as may
come before the meeting-.
J. I'. Falter, Sec"v.
No Huuibug-.
- Foley V Honey and Tar does not
claim to perform miracles. It does
not claim to cure all eases c f consump
tion or asthma, but It does claim to
give contort and relief in tidvanced
stages of these disjas s and to usually
cure early stipes. It is certainly
worth trying by those afllicted or
threatened with these dreal diseases.
rjstr.iyed or Stolen A hay horse,
nine years old, weight 1300, had a deep
cut on top of neck. Please leave in
formation at this office.
Ileal l:lat Tratisfrr.
Following aro tho real estate trans
fers of tho county as recorded in tho
office of Recorder of Deeds Bay:
Helen Keeil ft ;il In WiTjiinn Water
Town Co pt li w '4 ne U !l 11 - i J., i I INI
1 1 . F.. I'iilmer ami 1 1 - i am-' Muwi
llk 1. l'dhnei's a d to Flat's I I .Ml (HI
A. II liolisi.ii anil W ile to I'. 1-. Si !i utit-
uu-ii-r t c 'i sw :i II 13 -u.l h.'iO Oil
s ei t 1 I ' N . Si In u lilmcier pt e '. ' .
:; . 1 l-i: d S.'.O an
S.ei.c ti Win ! Stiiluhtuieii-r Dt e!t
mi ' 1 :t ! 1 1 ti! -vsj 17IAI Ul
lit 1 111 .1 11 lifUnidti tu J V Su toil lots 1 1
and IJ. bile 1.,a-h v. J 3To 00
M A liutu-ry. et al . t'j t' K. Vi cott.
M c U. lut 1 and i Uk :i7. 1'latn-
iini'itli $ ) oy
It. . K imii ainl ile t'j I.vilia Sw itci.
w. il h'k Ned aw ka I .MV mi
II W. U ael an.J vvitc tu S. I'. Met, . il.
let I -si. I .,.ui-.M,li- IVIO 00
I. ICs.iuw-r an 1 will- in Anna llaiiiell
.111 1 liti-Ujanil. 11. 1 il lot I, Lik :t.
.-null Ui-ncl I Oil
M arrla k? IVrinitH.
The following marriage license wore
granted by County Judge Spurlock
Name and Keiik'tH c.
( Jet 1 rue W. Fene I, t lett. Ia
) h:iaietli Stcttki, l'lattsniouth
I Hint I.iiin Walton, ( linalia
I I'loieiuu A. Walkei. tiini! Wali-i .
I Allreil V., F.lin, 111
1 Catherine Christie. 'hii a;u
A e.
. . . '..'
. . U'l
Tho latter couple was united in mar
riage by County Judgo Spurlock this
The person who disturbed the con
gregation lat Sunday by coughing, is
requested to call on F. (I. Fricko iV Co.
and get. a bottle of Foley's Honey and
Tar, which always gives relief.
St. l.ukr'rt Church.
Special advent service at St. Luke's
church with a lecture every Friday
evening at half past seven. Cordial
invitation extended to ail.
Legal Motice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nelna.ika.
In the matter ol the guardianship of John ;
( ' K011 i ke and Joseph I . Koin kr .
Under and hy viitue ol a license to sell the real
estate hei eiiiailer ikscnljed made in the above
entitled cause pending in tin district court
holilen within and lor Cass county, Nebraska, by
the lion, basil S. Kamsev, judge, on the'.Uh day
ol Inly. A. I ). IM'S, 1 will, on January Z . is'.m, at
the south iloor ol the court house in the city ol
l'lattsniouth. in ttass county, Nebraska, at 10
o'clock a. in. otter for sale:
I dt ten (IU), in block n i net -live (!"), in the city
of l'lattsniouth.
1 .ots nine i' and ten lit), in Mock tw enty-six
I . in Duke s addition to the city ol l'latts
Lots ten I llll. eleven III and twelve f I 1.
bloc k one I I I in Sladelman's addition to the citv
ol riattsiiiouUi. all m the county of Cass, and
state ol Nebraska, to the highest bidder for cash,
said minors owning an undivided one-half of said
lands, and the undersigned and Anna 1
()' Kourke ow ning the remaining undivided one
hall. One-half ol the realty will be the sale of the
guardian, and the remaining one halt the in
dividual of the said owners. M. O'Koi rke as Guardian,
and for herself and Anna I.. O'Kouike.
l'.y her attorney, IS y run Clark.
Notice to Creditors.
Oass County. f ' "
In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
deceased .
Isabelle Kniery,
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said
deceased will meet the administrator ol said es
tate, before me, county judge ol Cass county, Ne
braska, at the county court room in I lattsmoutii
in sai I county, on the l Uh day of l-ebruarv, A. I .
I !'.', and on the Htlt day of July, Jsli'.i, at '.
o'clock A. M. each day for the purpose of pre
senung their claims lor examination, adjustment
and allowance, hix months are allowed lor the
creditors of said deceased to present their claims,
lrom the llth (lay ot January, Isny.
Witness lny hand and the seal of said county
court at rlaltsinoulh, Nebraska, this l'.Uh day
I leceiiioer. ls'.is.
(Seal I County Judge.
Notice of Administration.
In ( ' unt y 'oin t, (.'ass count y, Nebras k a.
In the matter v' 'he estate ot i- rankiiu Neiinatiii,
l'ledi iu k Vallery. Maxwell Vallery, Josephine
Vallerv. intants, and all other persons interested
in said matter, are hereby notified that a petition
has been tiled in said court, alleging that said de
ceased died leaving no last will, and praying for
administration ol said estate, and that il you tall
to appear at said court on the loth day ol January
A. I., l-;S':i, at l' o'clock A.M.. to contest said
petition, the court may grant the praver of said
petition, and grant administration of said estate
to I). O. Dwyer, or some other suitable person,
and proceed to a settlement ol said estate.
Witness my hand and seal ot said court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this,' the l'.Uh, day of
December. A. I . WJs.
(Seal) County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ol Celicia Smith, de
ceased, Lewis Smith, John '. Smith, Howell Smith
and all other persons interested in said matter,
are hereby notified that on the Hth day ol Decem
ber, Is'.'s, A. J. Graves filed a petition in said
court alleging among other things, that Celicia
Smith died on the 24th day of November, l!i
leaving a last will and testament and possessed
of an estate of about the value of $fiWUK, and that
the above named constitute ail the per
sons interested in the estate of said de
ceased, and praying for the probate of
said will and lor administration of the
said estate. You are hereby notified that if you
fail to anpear before said court on tlie l-th day of
lanuary A. i). ix'.i'.i. at i o'clock p. ni.; to contest
the probate of said will, the court may allow and
probate said will and grant administration of
said estate to A. J. Graves, or some other suitable
person, and proceed to a settlement thereof.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court at
l'lattsniouth, Nebraska, this l'.'tli dav of De
cember A- D. I-!'-1. (Jeoroe M Spurlock,
SEAI.J County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In die District Court of Cass County Nebraska,
In the matter of the estate of Henry Stoll, de
ceased. 1 his cause came on for hearing on petition of
Henry M. Soennicshen as administrator with will
annexedof estate of Henry Stoll, deceased, praying
lor license to sell lot two t-) in the north-east
quarter of section 35, in town I'S, range Vi, Cass
county, Nebraska: lot three (3 in the north-west
quarter of section thirty-hve (3-") town i:l, range
liJ. aforesaid; the north-east quarter of the south
west quarter ol said section town range 13,
aforesaid, and also lots one, two and three, (1.2
and 3), in block one (1 ), Young and Hay's addi
tion to the of city Plattsmouth. Cass county, Ne
braska, for the payment of debts in the sum of
$.432 3i with costs of administering estate and for
sale of land, alleging that because of the nature,
situation and condition of said real estate, it will
be necessary to sell all of said real estate that
the residue might not be greatly depreciated in
value if enough alone was sold to pay said debts,
costs and expen-es, there not being surficient per
sonal property to pay said debts and expenses.
It is therefore ordered by me that all persons in
terested in said estate and especially:
Philip Moll. Charles Stoll. Mrs. Charles Stoll,
first name unknown: Elizabeth Mcfrarlaad and
tier husband, Mr. Farland, first name unknown;
George Lehr. George Lehr. jr.. and wife. A. S
Lelir, first name unknow n; Charles Lehr, Minnie
I.ehr.Christinae Leach, John Leach. Martha Lena
Beery and husband. Mr. Beery, first name un
known; Mena Thierolf, Henry 'l hierolf, Kosanna
Maurer, lohn Maurer, Louisa Kij'ple, Joseph
Kippic, William Stoll. August Stoll, Jacob Stoil
and l-'red Moil appear before me at my chambers,
ottice clerk of the district court, in the court
house at i'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
on the day of January, A. D., ltf. at the
hour of 'i o?ciock p. in., to show cause why a
license should not be granted to said administra
tor with will annexed to sell all of the above de
scribed real estate. This order shall be served
by publishing same for four successive weeks
prior to dav of hearing in the Semi-Weekly
News-Herald". Dated November L'S, A. D. lftlS.
liAsiL S. Kamsev,
Judge oi thj District Court.
J. Lt. Root, Attorney lor Administrator.
Legal Notice.
To William T. Eaton in his own right, and as ad
ministrator of the estate of Emerson H. Eaton,
deceased. Augusta T. Eaton, his wife. Simeon
y. Kaon. Auguate Eaton, his wife, Fred H.
Eaton. Mrs. Eaton, his w.te, first real name un
known. Art E. A icxander, non-resident defend
ants. You are each hereby notified that on August
12. Eilis 1. Hartley, as plaintirf, began an
action ag.iinst you and other defendants in the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska, to fore
close certain tax saie certificates and the taxes
paid thereunder, on lots 2 and 3, in block l."- in
the city of Plattsmouth. Cas county. Nebraska,
numbered n-V and.ry issued to the plaintirf De
cember 6. 1V2, pursuant to sale of said land for
delinquent taxes. Plaintitf prays fur decree of
foreclos-ir and sale of said lands to satisfy the
liens thereon ana lor general relief. You are re
quired to answer plaintiti's petition on or before
December -'5, 1W,
Ellis T. Hartley.
H, Hatisld, Attorney.
By I
We Are Prepared..
...To furnish anything in
the line of Watches, Jewelry, Sil
verware and Novelties for the
Holiday trade. If you aro look
ing for Quality, Style and Finish,
at a Low Price, we invite you to
Oi t Door East of Fetzer's Shoe t-lore
m" Jo"
-tna (" Tn
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Not low priced, but highest graoc at
our reputation. XV c say these are the
say so too after you ! :vr used them.
Z'JT -s
No! it is not claimed that
Foley's Honey and. Tar will cure
Consumption or Asthma in ad
vanced stages, it holds out no such
false hopes, but does truthfully
claim to always give comfort and
relief in the very worst cases and in
the early stages to effect a cure.
To Please the Public
Is our constant aim, and with that end
in view, we have laid in a nice,
. well-selected line of...
Special Low Prices on Blankets.
Our Grocery Department...
Is complete in every detail, with the best the wholesale
market affords, and prices are LOWER than ever.
Prompt' Delivery,
Fair Treatment
and Good Goods
Is what you may depend upon, if
you trade with
" Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth
1M.A 1 TSMOI,"l II
03 I
ISsscE.bJpile TUBE V
m mmm I " I . . . " - - ,- Jt.r
r-, IA
m wt w
i iiimi una 1
Sherivin-Wiluams C
Houses, '
Cupboards, Shelves,
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pu?
pose, not (.ne slap-d.ih mix
ture for all.
f:iir, hone
lies' "paint
Suitable for