Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 16, 1898, Image 2

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G Ft k N O
3 u
Never in its history did the Big Store make such preparations for the Holiday trade as it has this year. Never
did we lay in such a magnificent stock as this year. Never did we get prices down to such a low point.
We present the most bewildering array of Toys and Dolls, Books, Games, Wagons,
Desks. Tool Chests. Pianos. Tables, Drums, and everything to please the children. Below
it i i j:nt..
anu inspect our grcinu
I.'AILKOAI) TRAINS -10-. 2-re, 50c
to 1 -J").
' . , . J it 1
I RON TOYS ;", 10c, 2-3e, :) to
1 12.-1.
We show the prettiest
DOLLS, from lc
up to $5.00.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
I.E. MARSHALL, Business Manager.
One Yrear, in advance, $5 00
Six Mouths 2 50
One Week, 10
Single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... $1 00
Six Mouths 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1898.
Eykky town in Iowa of any size is
figuring on :i new r iilroad foi next
COLOXKL Bit VAN will now probably
start on a lecture tour on the subject
of the "horrors of the war" for half
of the gate receipts.
Judge Day speaks liKe the true
Ohio man that he is when he says that
a treaty of peace consists of anything
that the victors want to put in it, says
the Kansas City Star.
With each succeeding day the
1899 Omaha exposition looks more
like a fizzlf. A number of the origi
nal promo. ers have weakened and are
no longer agitating the subject.
Some of the democrats are discour
aged because they think the president
can get anything in congress that he
wants. The l.iet president found it
difficult to get anything he wanted
from his own party in or out of con
gress. Of 7-50 food and drug samples ana
lyzed by the state authorities in New
Jearsey 208 were found to be adulter
ated. The people of the United States
are far behind the English in protect
ing themselves from this dangerous
form of fraud.
THE longer fusionists ponder over
the figures of the late election in Ne
braska the less encouragement for
future fusion they find in them, says
the Omaha Bee. On national issues,
as evidenced by the vote on congress
men, the fusion plurality in the state
is lesp than 2,000. As the light dawns
the evidence increases that the crew
is making preparations to desert the
fusion craft, each hurrying to be the
first to make the lifeboats. With no
prize money in the 6hape of office in
sight the discordant elements cannot
be much longer restrained and the
struggle for the remaing spoils can
notjtend to allay the outbreak.
if ; I
1 I
IU .1 It
Santa Claus Has Arrived
ROYS' AIR UIFLES-beat on the Market Single Shot 9Sc, Repeater $1.2-5
MONEY RANKS 5c, 10c,
15c, 2.r)C.
line of Fan
25c, 50c, 90c.
cy Goods,
i You can find anything
It may be taken as a foregone con
clusion that the new legislature which
convenes January 3 will show a dispo
sition to enconomize whenever it can
be consistently done. The demand of
the republican party and the people,
together with the suggestion of poli
tical shrewdness, guarantee that this
will be done says, the Fremont Trib
une. In seeking ODportunities for a
reduction of public expense the judi
ciary of the 6tate should not be over
looked. Anyone at all familiar with
the institution knows that a number of
superfluous judges might be dispensed
with without the least interference
with the process of justice.
The situation is this, the Sixth dis
trict is a sample of what may be found
in other districts. The court record
will show that there has probably been
an average of about sixty days of court
a year in Dodge county, the largest of
i the district. Many of these have con
sisted of naif hour sessions, wheu the
mere formality of opening and closing
the court have been gone through.
There has not for five years been any
more use for two judges in the Sixth
district than for five wheels on a
wagon. It is not likely that the work
will exceed the easy capacity of a
single judge for the next five rears.
At least a half dozen judges might
easily be dispensed with in the state.
This would save $15,000 a year in their
salaries, and $9,000 for reporters, and
insure largely reduced court expenses.
A saving to the people of at least $35,
0i;0 a year can be made and the legis
lature will act wisely if it does so.
An effort along this line is certain
to meet with opposition. The district
judges are influential men, and in re
ducing their nnmber some of both
parties would be cut off. Thus pres
sure would come from both sides to
have the law stand as at present. But
the legislature, with an eye single to
the interest of taxpayers could afford
to resist the arguments for the con
tinuance of a stuffed judicial pay roll.
In the arts of peace and in the in
tricacies of commerce, the Dutch three
centuries ago stood unrivalled. But
their success attracted the attention
the stagnant Briton9. It was then
that blood told. The British pre
pared themselves to secure the com
mand that their rivals seemed to be
impregnably possessed of. It was not
by the methods of peace, or of com
mercial superiority, but by repressive,
restrictive and warlike procedure that
the English wrested the command of
the sea from the Dutch. It was not
until the middle of the nineteenth
century that the British felt that they
were able to throw off the barriers to
free trade that the Dutch had been
supreme in during the sixteenth cen
tury, hor can it be said that with all
of her glittering success durinc the
last half century Grat Britain is a-
PIKE ENGINES large, showy Toys
50c up to$1.25.
Cuff and Collar Boxes,
nam if-
suitable for young, middle-aged or old people in our BOOK department. It will pay you
j suredly able to disdain the readoption
of the methods and policies that
placed her where she is. Indeed, it is
her adhension tcTher present policies
that gives us our present opportunities
to wrest from her the command of the
President McKinley's trip to the
south is timely and will serve a good
purpose. Having visited the west
and participated in the initial peace
jubilee at Omaha, going thence to
Chicago and subsequently to Phila
delphia to participate in similar cele
brations, it is eminently proper that
he should attend the Jubilee at Atlanta
and give to it the national character
and dignity which it would not other
wise have, says the Omaha Bee. The
people of the south will cordially
appreciate the visit of the chief mag
istrate of the nation, as the reception
accorded him amply attests, while
what he will say to ttie people of that
seotion will tend to strengthen the
sentiment of fraternity and loyalty
which Mr. McKinley has shown a most
earnest desire to promote. The speech
of the president to the Georgia legis
lature may be regarded as fully re
fleeting his feeling and it ought to
make an excellent impression upon
the southern people, particularly his
declaration that the time has come
"when iD the spirit of fraternity we
should share with you the care of the
graves of confederate soldiers." North
ern men would commend all that the
president said on this occasion and
the southern men cannot fail to appre
ciate it.
It is well that the nation's chief
magistrate should occasionally go
away from the seat of government and
mingle with the people. It tends to
stimulate the popular respect for the
great office, while giving the incum
bent of that office opportunity to obtain
a fuller and more accurate knowledge
of the public feeling and Eentiment
than he can get from representatives
of the people at the national capital.
The closer the relations of the presi
dent with the people tie better execu
tive he is likely to be.
Wni is it that there is not, through
out the country, an intense animated,
widespread and sustained demand for
the upbuilding of American shipping
in the foreign trader" What is it we
lack, that holds us back? It is ma
terials out of which to build ships?
No nation can compare with us in our
adbundance of moterials. Is it in
skill? When were American ship
builders ever vanquished by their
foreign rivals? Is it in money? And
our banks are bursting with hoarded
wealth. Is it in commerce to carry?
No, no; not when we consider that our
foreign trade i annually valued at
close to two billions of dollars. It is
nothing but apathy and neglect that
DOLL RUoulES Ve never had
Mich excellent values in this line.
We have them at 25c to $3 50 a
splendid assortment.
Necktie Cases, Albums, Toilet Sets, Cups and Saucers, Vases, Mirrors and Shaving Sets,
holds our maritime development in
check. The time for a change has
arrived. The duty of congress is to
Business men from a number of
towns have filed their objections to the
1S99 exposition with the various rep
resentatives at Washington and it is
pretty certain that none of them
outside of Mercer will favor the pro
Michael O'Donnell of New Y"ork ban
served ten years of a thirty-year sen
tence in Sing Sing prison for a burg
lary which his brother,James, and two
others committed. On his death bed
in the Presbyterian hospital James
confessed the crime for which his
brother is suffericg. Investigation
by the detectives of the district at
torney's office hsB confirmed this con
fession, and today District Attorney
Gardner. sent an official letter to Gov
ernor Black recommending O'Don
nell's pardon.
A race with death is being made
from Riverside, Cal., to Jefferson,
Ohio, by Dr. A. D. Tilden, a promi
nent physician, to see his aged mother,
who is dying. Every means i8 being
used to keep her alive to bid her son
farewell. It is feared he has been de
layed by the storm blockade and may
arrive too late.
At a meeting of the Akron, 0.T
Evangelical alliance recently resolu
tions were passed protesting against
the seating of Brigham H. Roberts, of
Utah, as a United States senator.
The resolutions were forwarded, to
Colonel Charles Dick, with an urgent
appeal that he use all liis efforts to
have Roberts ousted.
Judge William M. K. Olcott of the
republican machine failed to get past
the butler in an attempt to sea Colonel
Roosevelt in his New Y"ork house the
other evening, beLog refused admit
tance on the plea liat the colonel was
not at home. Bourle Cockran, how
ever, who came ur the steps just be
hind Judge OlcotV had no trouble in
getting in to wait- Tantil the governor
elect returned.
A few days ago Iiobert Steed, one of
the pioneers of Jay county, Indiami,
passed away. la rummaging about
the house $3,000- in money was found
hidden in different places, a portion
of it $500 in gold being carefully
stowed awny In an old sock. The find
was totally enexpected.
Last week there was brought to the
home of Mr. . and Mrs. Iaaac u
Bloomer of Indianapol''tfi, Ind., a por
trait of. their dad n, which had
at the Big Store
Sleds, Rocking Horses. Toy Dishes, Toy Furniture. Blackboards
we quote a few prices. The story isn t half told here. Come in
STOVES.tln & iron, 5c, 10c, 25c to ."i.0)
10c and 25c.
been enlarged from a photograph.
The likeness was so natural that the
sorrowing mother swooned away. She
continued to fail, and her death oc
curred today. Mrs. Bloomer was a
daughter of the late Prof. S. K. Ilosh
our, a famous educator in his active
The News in ltrief.
The drouth in California has been
A. M. Palmer, the theatrical mana
ger, who has been seriously ill, is re
covering. The heaviest fall of snow in twenty
years visited San Antonio, Tex , yes
terday. The directors of the Western Union
Telegraph company have declared
the regular dividend of IS per cent.
A mob of women at Grenada, Spain,
stnnpd thfi statue of Columbus. They
hold him responsible for Spain's woes.
The person who disturhed the con
gregation last Sunday by coughing, is
requested to call on F. G. Frieke & Co.
and get a bottle of Foley's Honey and
Tar, which always gives relief.
Frank Morgan, one of the most
widely known minstrels in this coun
try, died yesterday at Philadelphia,
aged seventy-three years.
For broken limbs, chilblains, burns,
scalds, bruised shins, sore throat, and
sores of every kind, apply Bollard's
Snow Liniment.' It will give immedi
ate relief and heal any wound. Price
2o cts and 50 cts. F G. Fricke & Co,
The Dubuque, la., Water company
has given a trust deed for $800,01 0 to
secure bonds issued fcr raising funds
to improve their plant.
Nothing funny in being pick all the
while, troubled with constipation, dys
pepsia or liver complaints, when you
can so easily be cured by taking Dr.
Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills.
A. W. Atwood.
Dr. B. C. Hyde, demonstrator of
anatomy in the university medical
college, Kansas City, w is arrested on
a warrant charging him with grave
For Pneumonia.
Dr. J. C. Bishop, of Agnew, Mich.,
says: 'I have used Foley's Boney and
Taria three very severe cases of pneu
monia the past raoDtn with good re
sults. Coal! Con It
Hard coal delivered to any part of
the city for $7.50 per ton, and the un
rivaled Mendota coal delivered for
$4.25 per ton. John Waterman.
St. Loke't Church.
Special advent service at SL Luke's
church with a lecture every Friday
evening at half past seven. Cordial
invitation extended to ail.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists relund the money if it
failatoeure. 25c. The genuine ha8
k L. B. Q . on each tablet
CHILD'S CHAIRS 15c, 25c, 35c.
& MEN'S POCKET KNIVES 10, 25, 50o
Election of OrHoerH.
At the regular meeting of the M.
W. A. last evening the following offi
cers were elected for the -n-uing
Venerable Consul Joe Lake.
Worthy Ad visor George Hay.
Clerk Will Collidge.
Banker D. li. Smith.
Escort Frank McCarthy.
Watchman E. M. Buttery.
Sentry Edward Mason.
Manager William Hassler.
Physicians E. W. Cook, W. A.
Humphry, E. D. Cummins.
Delegates E. W. Cook, II. II. Ger
ing, D. B. Smith, J, L. Root, S. P.
Holloway .
Alternates William Hassler, II. S.
Barthold, C. A. Marshall, Logan
Brown, James RebaL
StautiB at the Head.
Aug J. Bogel, the leading druggist
of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is the only thin that
cures my cough, and it is the best sel
ler I have. J. F. Cambell, merchant
of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all that is claimed
for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
I cannot say enough for its merits."
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds is not an
experiment It has been tried for a
quarter of a century, and today stands
at the head. It never disappoints.
Free trial bottles at F. J. Fricke's
drugstore. 1
i An esteemed agricultural paper
points out that there is a small fortune
waiting for the man or woman who
begins to raise turkeys in large num
bers. We'll bet an old hat that the
man who wrote the article never had
any experience raising turkeys. We
don't believe that anybody can make
expenses raising this brand of poultry
for the market. Hens are idiots, but
turkeys are doubly so, and the man
who undertakes to monkey with them
must have a patience as long as the
road to Jericho. Every person who
raises turkeys looks old and sad and
careworn, and generally fill an un
timely grave. Beatrice Express.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "The
Great South American Kidnf.-v
Cure." It is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co.. Drug
gist, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Acme Chocolates at Holloway's.
Flood Overshoes and Rubbers.
25 cases saved from the July flood
which are going to be suld at half
price, at Wm. Ilerold & Son's.
For 30 cents you can get a pound of
cigar clippings at H. Spies.
m -
A(JI; LA NTH UN'S, all kI.-n, prli'es mil kinds.
During the Battle of
The I'a-k r at the llattle of Santiago tie
Cuba with all Heroes, Their IleroiaKf--fort
x in ;-! tlfiu A mm u nil ion and Rations
to t lie I rout Saved I he Ia y.
P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3,
writing from Santiago do Cuba, on
July 2-i, says: "We all had diarrhoea
in more les violent form, and when
we landed we had no time to see a
doctor, for it was a cise of rush and
rush night and day to keop the troops
supplied with amunition and rations,
but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we
were able to keep at work and keep
our health; in fact, I sincerly believe
that at ono critical time thin medicine
was tho indirect savior of our army,
for if the packers had been unable to
work there would have been no way
of getting supplies to the front. There
were no roads that a wagon train
could use. My comrade and myself
had the good fortune to lay in a sup
ply of tnis medicine for our puck-train
before we left Tampa, and I know in
fo jr cases it absolutely saved life."
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des
Moinc, Iowa. For sale by all druggists.
It appo irs that three of the direct
ors of the Cher-tnut Street National
bank of Philadel pbia never made a
personal examination of the affairs
of the institution, so perh&ps it is ftot
surprising that they were surprised
when it was found that President Sin
gerly owed the bank over half a mil
lion dollars.
liarklen's Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions
and positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or moDey refunded.
Price 2-5 cents per box. For saie by
F. G. Fricke
There is a large amount of crm be
ing delivered to Plattsmouth by the
farmers of the Iowa bottoms since tho
river has frozen over. They make
4 cents on the bushel by hawling
here, S. A. Davis paying 20 cents
while the price at Pacific Junction
and G'.enwood is but 2'S cents. This
brings a great deal of business to
Plattsmouth that would not come
otherwise and illustrates what a
wagon bridge across the Big Muddy
would do for the merchants of the city.
I i
i f