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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1898)
News HERAia EM TIIK NEVH. KNtablstK'd i TlIK 11 KKALIl, hHtttbliHliiMl April in, l-ui. f VLATTSMOUTH, NEK. DKCKMHEH 10. 1898. Coiibollrtat.uri Juu. 1, lvi5. VOL. VIII. NO. 12. it 1 i cveryimn; g Nothing Carried Over, 2 A. K. FOX has one of the most complete stocks of Holiday Goods 2 ever shown in Plattsmouth. His store is new and you run no chance He of getting last year's goods, has Holiday Goods of every scription, for both young and and... His Are Prices If you cannot be suited here, useless to look elsewhere, as it is the stock is complete, appropriate... is Gifts Here are a few s m OQQ Books, Doll Heads, Doll Bodies, Chinaware, Wagons, Sleds, Dolls and Doll Furniture, Albums, Photograph Kodak Autograph, Medallions, Toys, Fancy Candies, Bibles and Testaments, Prayer Books, Kpiscopal and Catholic. Ladies' and Gents' Pocketbooks, Cyclone Cameras, Magazine Cameras holding- 12 plates, Christmas Cards, Fancy Vases, Picture Frames, Games, There are many other articles not enumerated here. Call and look over the stock. We will treat you fair, both in quality of goods and prices. 3 59 i9 - 3 ZZZ 418 Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH .IMk II ONLY a few wobds. smmmmmmimmmmmnmmmiK mini nmnrn nnnrrnnnmn inn riito ruMurriiEi THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS v PEOPLE REMEMBER. Uncle Sam Handles Mail In Cuba's Capital City. RANK. JOE & F The People's Clothiers, Will sell Overcoa-.s, Suits, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices that no other house in America can beat. Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 50c All Wool Fleece-Lined Underwear? JOE & FftANK, Waterman block, - Plattsmouth, Neb irt '1 wo Out SlHinp Auctioned Off for Two Iollurt-In a Oueer Kxperlence for llitvimu -Twentieth Itegiiuent of kiiix.iH Kculurn to Kelleve Volunteers in the 1'liilippliies at Once. II wan'A, I) -c. 1.1. The first Ameri c.iii poMtutiico in Havana was opened touay hi. No. 71 L impmilla street. It will ho a military mail Btation, but owiiiif to tho breakdown of ordinary i r a : 1 1 horvu'o in tha citv letters for A me i ir::tn and English residents will ho handled. Chief Clerk C. S. Beav ers, formerly in the railway mail eer vieo, and G. S. Hunt, a lin ancial clerk, took charge of the office at noon in tli.j presence of a large numoor of Americans and declared it open tor huines-. Chnmpugne was opened and the o;r i!-ion was duly eelerated. There was spi i-i to. 1 bid ding lor the nrst Z cent t-tamp sold. It was knocked down to L'. C Willi., a postal official, for $2. i i: 1 1 orm ister General Humphreys ha a;ipn:d a tug to the office for incciti',' steamers and several army vv:!(ni for di-tributing purposes. A detail of A merican soldiers has been ihfiined to jruaid tho premises. Dur i tir thf lay a two week's accumulation of iii.iil vai handled. Loiters for the Two Jl it.dred and Second New York wv o Hi 1. 1 to Pinar del llio and mail f ! th.s o i!,"ineeis, the First North Carolina and the Tenth regular in f.mtry was -etit to the camp at Mari an, to, GoiHMal Lee's headquarters. General It iphael Cardenas, with 300 Cuban todiers. took possession today of G nan i b icoa which has now been ev:!C')Lilc 1 by the Spaniards and marched through the town with his band, chteiig loudly for America and for free Cuba. The American anu uuoan ila trs were hoisted. The four companies of tho Eighth infintry, which arrived yesterday on the steaii:"r Whitney, complain bit- Itvly of Ihcir accommodations on the voynge. j hey say they wero packed ike heniiios in barrels and with rough weataer between Tampa and Key West .-'ulTered horrible discom forts. M uiv were unable to obtain space to ue oown, and the condition of the t-hip ;is tho result of manv men beiriir jc-i.-ick as well as nich intoler- ible. Woman's club uud other auxiliary or ganization have excellent programs prepared. Further information will be given on application. Respectfully, Geo. L. Farley. INTERESTING LOUISVILLE NEWS Kumsuus Ordered to Manila. Washington, Dec. 1-5. In accord tice witii th-.? pi'iy of tho adminis tration tj i(jplace the volunteer sul- uiers m tin; I'liiiippines with recular troops as r;mn as possible, orders were issued toJay for the - Twentieth regi ment of regular infantry at Fort .Leavenworth, KaD., to proceed to San Franei.-c arid take passaire on the transport Seandia for the Philippine Islands. Colonel -T. II. Patterson is in command of the regiment, which is the oxy one, to far, actually ordered i) the Philippines of the infantry regiments .-e'udod for service there. I Piur Trust Sclione U Dead MlNNKAroLis, .Dec. 15 The flour trust seh. -me is dead, so far as Minne apolis miU arc concerned. At a meet ing of ! : p resell tat ives of the three local rail I in,- concerns tho Pillsbury WashbuiM Flour Mills company, the Norch w--t-.i n Consolidated company anci the Wa-hburn Crosby company it was unanimously agreed that none of the Minneapolis properties should go into the Mclntyro consolidation scheme and that no further attention should K j;iveii to the matter. The mills at Milwaukee and Duluth will in nil orobability follow the lead of the Minneapolis mills. State Teacher's Agociati m. 1 ne next regular meeting of the Nebra-ka Te.cher's association con venes at Lincoln, December 26, 27, 28 and 2!). Pates, railway: The railroads of the state have granted an open rate of one f u e for the round trip, tickets to be ?old December 2(3 and 27, good to return December 3d. Kates, hotel: To members of the association: I.i'neoln, 1 c(J; Lindell, 1:'j0; Grand, -SI. 50: Windsor, $1.2-5; Capital, -1: Bjyd, $1. These rates are witii tho undorstandipfr that two pisjns (CwUpy the same room. county teachers express them selves as favorable to the Lincoln. Arrangements may be made for room and jimra in private families and boai din ; hous s at rates not to exesr-a i per any, bv writing to Prof. G. E. C otir.i, chairman of local committee, High school, Lincoln, Neb. Evening sessions Monday, High school debate between representatives of leading schools of the state, in auditorium of the new High school; Tuesday, PhilharmonicOrchestr.i con cert; Weinesday, address. 'The Teachers and the Patriots' Rabbi r" n TTir....!. CM, in.. TV.,J lecture, "Wendell rhillip," Supt. A. F. Nightingale, Chicago. Educators from other state3 We are to have ex-state Superintendent Henry Sabin, of Iowa, for supervision; Miss Sarah C. Brooks, St. Paul, Minn., primary work; Prof. D. L. Kiehle, University of Minnesota, p?dpg?gy; Supt. W. E. z, Iowa, child stuly. The sell ol board section was organ ized last year and a groat deal of in-j terest. takei in the meetings. The' Werk'i Uolnga of Our of Cum t'ouuty'a Lively Villages. Louisville, Neb., Dec. 1G. (Spe cial to The News.) A strike occurred last Saturday at Tom Pannele's new brick building which is in course of erection by ono of tho contractors sending to Omaha for a negro to mix mortar. All the other men refused to work with a colored man and things were at a standstill for several hourb. when the colored man was sent back to Omaha and the men returned to work. Tho Cedar Creek quarries have again resumed work after a week'd rest The A. O. U. W. lodge gavo a eocial last Tuesday evening at their hall and if reports aro true they had a real food time. Landlord Speaker became enow blind last Monday evening and fell on the ice in such a way as to render him unconscious for over an nour. Ue is cettiDg along as well as can be ex pected. The young folks are making good use of the snow by coasting both day and night, and as yet there has been no very serious accidents. Koch ford & Ruby are building a large warehouse in the rear of their hardware, furniture and grocery store. Rev. John Calvert, pastor of the M. E. church, who has been sick in bed for ten weeks, is again able to be out. lie made his first venture out last Saturday. F. tl. Nichols & Co. have greatly improved the appearance of their store by having it newly painted this week. B. R. Sawyer had the misfortune to slip and fall on the icy sidewalk last Saturday evening and split the thigh bone. Mr. Sawyer is a very old man and lias a sick daughter who is down with typhoid fever and aa they are poor they need all the help they can get in their hour of need. Tom Parmele has succeeded in get ting his tenament house moved across the railroad tracks afte; trying all the best teams in and around town, Miss Corda Sumner is again able to be out on the street after an illness of several weeiis. No doubt there will be a better sjp ply of ice this winter than ever before as the ice harvest has commenced earlier than usual. A large force of men are kept busy at Lyman's sand pit loading ice and shipping to Omaha. The ice is ten to twelve inches thick. Kicney 5t Uickson are building a large addition to their elevator near the Missouri Pacific depot. Dr. Hassemeir was at Omaha Thurs day buying a large assortment of holi day goods. Our genial fellow citizen. Miles Drake, went to Omaha to see and be seen Thursday. Who Can Guess It? A. Clai k, the grocer, has a jar of beans in his show window and the per son guessing nearest the number of beans contained in tho jar will receive as a prize a fine lamp. The contest will close January 1, 1899. In sluggish liver, Ilerbine, by its beneficial action upon the biliary tracts, renders the bile more fluid, and brinks the liver into a sound, healthy condition, thereby banishing the sense of drowsiness, lethargy, and the general feeling of apathy which arise from disorders of the liver. Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. There's no better flour made than Heisel's "Plansifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer. for it. and thereby get the best and sup port home industry at the same tine, vihieh builds up tho town. For Hoarseness. Benj. Ingerson, of Hutton, Ind. says he had not spoken above a whis per for months, a-id cno bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. It is used very largely by speakers and singers. liarlingtou Itoate Holiday Rates. Greatly reduced r ites between stations not more than 2 JO miles apart are offered by the Burlington Route, December 24, 25, 2G, and 31, 189S. and January 1 and 2, 1899. Return limit January 4, 18yJ- Oysters! Oysters! fcsy tlie tne can, or served in any style at Schiappacasse's. TO CCRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. gummmmmmmmmt m m rammmitmmmmmmmtg E G. DO VB Y & SON Christmas Will Soon I Be Here.... Visit Us to Buy your Sensible Gifts... 3 Cr: Elegant Black Brocaded Crepon Dress Patterns. 22 Beautiful Fur Collarettes, from $2.75 up. 2Z: Muffs from 75c up. 2 Dresden handle and Gold-mounted Parasols. Belts and Belt Buckles. ZZZ Men's Fancy Evening Slippers from 59c. 3 2ZL Large assortment Ladies Felt Slippers very cheap. 2 Beautiful Things in White Lace Pillow Shams, Stand rrS ZZZ Covers, etc. Embroidered Handkerchiefs at all Prices. 5 Initial Handkerchiefs, 5c. 3 2: Kid Gloves, Mittens in S ilk and Kid -all prices. 25 Bissel's Gold Memal Carpet Sweepers, $3.00. IT: Large size Moquette Rugs, 36 in. by 72 in., $3.50. 3 r Grocery Dep't.. 1 2 ....We have everything to tickle your palate in this department. A ZZZ Special line of Candies and Nuts for our Xmas trade. Z2 Fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Shaving Mus, Water Sets, 35 Tumblers a special purchase, in sets, for frjfts. 5 Xlo-ZJS We have the largest assortment and cheapest line of these TZ oods in town. Make your selections at mice, as they are selling r?g very rapidly. E o V Y a SON, 3 Leaders in... High Class Merchandise- 3 Largest Assortment the City... m nl! m m m CALFa at $3.25, is custom made, full stock and is as good as we could make for $5.00. KIP, at $2.50, is all solid and no shoddy. We also have them for $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. GRAIN LEATHER, at $2.75, is as near waterproof as can be made. FELT Boots and First Overs, at $2.25, can't Full line KNITTED SOX and OVERS at Prices to Warm Shoes and Slippers. Men's Flannel and Tuft-Lined, at $2.00 and $2.50. Children's Felt Shoes, 65c. Ladies' Felt Shoes, 85c up. FELT SLIPPERS, 65c up. Our Felt Goods department is overflowing with WARM ARTICLES and it will pay you to see 'em. Don't Forget Us on Fancy Felt Slippers for Xmas. They make Appropriate Presents. NO HUMBUGGERY L orgin and O veiai tors Ill m m m m m m m, m frm daato pn, -t t ; .3 m i. - 5J . . iral ' j m I 1 .... ; m l -( J in j - : 4 M m m u m m Quality be beat. Please. 24 m sal IE 3 (1 Pi iroi 01 REPAIRING. ROBT SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER ..A GREAT.. floliday Millinery Sale To Continue to Jan. 1. IIKS. L I ItKiSALK has inaugurated a spe- "l cial fifiHinery Sale, to continue during the no'idays, and having an excellent new stock from which to select, you can make no mistake by calling upon her. The sale will include all Trimmed Hats And Other Goods Every lady buying eoods to the amount of one dollar will be given a chance on a gold watch. Call and see it MRS. 0. F. UTTERBACK, Vnder Bank of Cass ounty, Plattsmouth, Neb Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY- HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oata and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER S TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-&TS. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING House FubmishingSi STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In all lines and we Invite our frienda to look It over. We will undenvor to please you. Call and see ua. STREIGHT D SATTLER, (Successors to Hecry Boeck.) PLATTSMOUTH NEB J HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor Builder. Contracts taken for the erection ol Residences Barns and any kind of carpenter work, in anv part of the county. Call on or address.... HARVET HOLLO WAT, Plattsmouth. Neb THE PERKINS HOUSE. F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates $1 and $1.50 Der Dab Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB ,1