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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1898)
t 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 D Tne Ami we are filling our store with a larye and varied assortment of Ueautiftil and Desirable Articles, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Pres ents. We have .... Watches... A i'ino A ssortmrnt, in New ami Kit 'pant Dcs'pu.s and Styles, fur both kulics and pent lenien. Chains... A line line of tli ncwivst de signs in Gold-Idled unl line Kolled I Mat all xtyit-s. Also a large stock of solid silver and silver plated ware of all descriptions, cut glassware, fancy china, bric-a-brac, onyx tables, clocks, and all other arti cles'usually kept in a first-class jewelry store. We carry only the best grades of -oods and everthinj is new and up-to-date. Call and let us show you our line and quote you our prices. We know the' will please you. fioods Purchased of Us Engraved Free of Charge. SIWDER & CO., Fine Jewelers and Opticians, Corner Sixth and Main Sts, Plattsmouth Neb. Til a 0 Is Always in jLoo7v Here ! If You Are Interested in Prices. Fruit of tho Loom muslin - 51c. Lonsdale muslin, 5ic Good i'rints 2Jc. Uest I'rints, short 3!c Di ess Goods 7oc, .r0c and 35c values now on sale at. . .2oc. Outing Flannels, worth 10c, now 5c. Bargains in Collarettes and Muffs. OIti'i?4tiii?5 Goods ...At Very Low Prices. DEPARTMENT STORE, 9 Opposite Bank of Cass County, FOR FINE FOOTWEAR There is no place like Joe FE The best class of goods to be found in Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper per pair. We make a specialty of High Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are glad to have you come in and see our stock WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. An Immense Line of FALL -and WINTER SHOES in, that will suit all classes of purcasers. We paid the CASH and will give you the benefit of heavy DISCOUNT. COME IN AND SEE US... joe: fetzer, 413 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb. New Hardware Store Having- returned to Plattsmouth, I will be glad to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones, and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware and anything- ttsuallj- carried in a first-class hardware store. Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will interest you. JOHN R. COX, Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH 4? 49 49 4? 49 49 19 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 ckweiler & Lutz Continue to do a Ieadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Comer of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - Holiday Season Approaches Silver Novelties... An elegant assortment of Solid Silver and Silver Mounted Toilet Articles and many other Dainty and Useful Novelties. J t t I f t ; J t t J t Dartment Store the Lead. . PLATTSMOUTH, NEB bh b h i b i b b t bh 5 b bh bh bh bh hh b bh ih bh bh - - Plattsmouth, Fleb ZER S Rings... A Heautiful line of choice patterns in Set-ltinRS, Engraved kings and Band-ltings, in all Styles and Sizes. Pins... A choice collection of the latest styles in Solid Gold ami Rolled l'late Brooches, J..:u-c-plns und Stick-pins. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Fie fillings, ready for use, at flollo- Try the "Exquidto" for a pood smoke. Try Acme Chocolates as ;ood as the btst. Oysters served at Holloway's at usual price. Dr.Shipmaa's residence to rent. Call on Beeson & Sons. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. Nice Sandwiches will bo served at the Christmas market. A nice millinery stock for sale. En quire of J. H. Thrasher. Careful attention given to special orders for baking at Holloway's. John T. Coleman has something of interet to tell you. See his "ad." F. T. Davis Co. pay cash for good butter and fresh eggs. Union Block. Holloway's have a fine assortment of candies for the holiday trade. J. II. Thrasher has Plattsmouth homes to sell oo monthly pai'ments. You can get flour from 70 cents up at White's and everything is war ranted. Don't miss seeing tha beautiful dolls in Snyder's window for the Doll Carni val Monday December 19. Foil Sale A No. 1 fresh cow; also good millet hay. Inquire at Tatter eon & Kunsman's meat market. A positive guarantee with every sack of Elk Ham and La Cream flour. F. T. Davis Co., Union Block. Demmie Hiatt is agent for the City Steam laundry of Omaha. Leave orders at Snyder's jewelry store. Henry Gering was the hoider of the lucky ticket that won the beautiful picture painted by Miss Mae Patterson. The meeting cf the Mozart Club will be held at the home of Miss Tillie L.9nhoff, Tuesday evening, December 13. St. Mary's Guild will hold, their Grand Doll Carnival, Monday after noon and evening, December 19. You are all invited to attend. The Exquisito is recognized by all as the leading 5-cent cigar. They are for sale by all up-to-date dealers and are manufactured by Ii Spies. Hot tomallies, chicken, rabbit, wienerwurot and pork chops are kept on band every evening in their tomal lie can by Telfer & Sheppard. Thei e will be a special meeting of Str lodge, No. 4, Degree of Honor, at the home of Mrs. L. B. Egenberger tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. For all kinds of fancy groceries call at F. S. White's. Raisins, currants, cranberries, all kinds of fruits, and in fact everything for your Christmas dinner. Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine never has, and we do not see how it can, fail to cu'e Kidney disorders. It gives nature the aid needed, and nature thus aided, never fails. A. W. Atwool. The Burlington will make rate of one fare for round trip to Lincoln on account of Nebraska State Teachers' association. Tickets sold December 26-27, final return limit December 30. LOST Friday evening, a dark green pocket book containing over twelve dollars in money. The owner's name is written in the pocket book. Re ward offered if returned to this office. Tho Loyal Mystic Legion of Amer ica gave a very pleasant entertain ment at their hall, in the Fitzgerald block, last evening. A good crowd was in attendance and the evening was pleasantly spent. Rev. Dr. Stratton of Portland, Ore., will preach at the Methodist church tomorrow evening. Dr. Stratton is a former chancellor of the Portland uni versity and is a. fine talker. Every body should hear him. People who are at loss what to buy for Christmas presents will get some good ideas by looking through John T. Coleman's stock, two doors south of post office. You don't have to buy, but be sure to look through anyway. He gives 25 per cent discount this month and a Sterling silver thimble to every lady making a purchase of $1.00 or over. FOUND DEAD IN BED. Frank Nelman Takes His Own Life With Chloroform. After Securely Locking the Doom He Sat urates Handkerchief. With Chloro form anil Drawl Theui Over Ilia Face and Kuterg Lpon 111a Lutt Look Sleep Had Attempted Suicide Before. From the ellects of chloroform ad ministered by his own hand Frank Neiman lies dead in the undertaking rooms of Streight & Streight. He was found at his home on North Seventh street at 8:30 last evening and it is be lieved he has been dead since Satur day night. Deceased was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stadelmann and had been in the habit of visiting them at fre quent intervals and regularly on Sun day evt nings, when in the city. Ho did not call at their home last Sunday evening, and Mr. Stadelmann sup posed he hud gone out in the count.-y to vL-it friends as ho frequently did, but to make sure of his whereabouts Mr. Stadelmnn went to tho Knights of fythias hall lust evening where the l dre w is holding a meeting and in quin d about N- iman. None of the members had seen him and D. O. Dwyer and Rhece Walker were up pointed a committee to go to his house and nee if he was at home. Found Dead in Ilia ISed. Neiman lived alone and upon arriv ing at his house they found the doors locked, but finally broke in and were shocked to find him lying on the bed cold in death. He had saturated two or three handkerchiefs with chloro form and placing them in his cap had drawn them over his face. The bed clothes were also placed about his head. Messrs. Dwyer and Walker immediately notified Deputy Sheriff McIJride and Coroner Sattler and the dead man was removed to the under taking rooms. Deceased was past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias lodge of this city and the members of the lodge have watched him closely for a number of years as he was known to bo insane a portion cf the time. He attempted suicide about two years ago by lock ing himself in the K. P. hall and turn ing on the gas, but his plans were frustrated by other members appear ing. After this act he was adjudged insane and was taken to the asylum at Lincoln. After six months he was pronounced cured and sent home. However, his old affliction came back on him. He started a cigar factory at the corner of Fifth and Main streets last spring, but he soon gave it up. nis sister, Mrs. Coon Vallery, com mitted suicide by shooting herself in this city about three years ago and his mother passed away about four months later. He was born in New Orleans, Lt., in 1S-53, and after tho death of his lather in 1865 he removed to this city with his mother and sis ter where he has since resided. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock under the auspi ces of the Knights of Pythias lodge and enterment will be made in Oak Hill cemetery. Owing to the fact that there was no certainty as to how or when the man met death Coroner Sattler decided to hold an inquest, which was done at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The coroner's jury found that Neiman met death by his own hand fmm chlo'-oform. la Without Foundation. The b ard of health has thoroughly investigated the reported case of smallpox and finds the report had no foundation. The man who has been ill is out attending to business, having entirely recovered from his illness. Owing to f..ct that Nebraska City and Omaha are each afflicted with tha dread diseas, however, every precau tion will be taken that it m?y not get a start here. H. C. McMacKeo and son, Guy, are home from a two weeks' hunt up in the Black Hill9. They report having had a fine time but that game was not extra plentiful. Mr. McMaken found an old Evans repeating rifle and sev eral skulls whils out hunting. He brought the rifle home with him and it is a very queer looking gun. The wood portion of it had all rotted off and had been lost many years. Pianos! Piano t Why go to Omaha to buy pianos when you can get better ones in Plattsmouth for one-third less money? W. D. Crawford. The News oE3ce is the best equipped job office in Ca?3 county. First class work done on short notice. ..Just the Thing for ...A BOX OF... " GUT HEIL" CIGARS, Put Up in Boxes of Twelve and Twenty-Five, Can be secured from the leading dealers. .. .This Cigar is fast becoming a favorite with snickers Send a box to your friend It will be appreciate! OTTO A. WURU Manufacturer. RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS There is a rumor among railroad men that tho express businenH on tho entire Hurlington system will into tho hands of tho Wells-Fargo company March 1, next, nt which time thu company's contract with the Adurns express company will expire. The report is genet ally credited among railroad and express men. O-i. Thomas weiii to Omaha this afternoon to do some painting for the Hurlington company. E. W. Fitt was in Omaha on com pany business this afternoon. Tho Burlington has placed a flag man at the crossing leading to tho river on account of tho la. -go number of teams hauling ice. Detective John Flynn of tho Burl ington id in tho city. Line Repairer Cal Thompson nnd Superintendent of Uuiiuiiitr Kivt-tt are in tho city. Tho men have finished putting in the signal at Oreapolis mul began I work on the one at tho loo 1 depot this ' afternoon. j ClilT S. Titld, who is employ d in: the Bur ington ol ek-niith chops, j r-ustained s-evure burns up-n his handj .t n..i.Lr t till Lvill till.-fill I'll-' forced layoff for a couple of weeks. I'OLIl'K COI KI' NKMS. Jim Stewart, who has appeared be fore Police Judge Archer ahout 'rfteen dozen times on the charge of drunk enness, came to town yesterday and soon got too driitikt to navigate and was locked up. In police court this morning he was lined SI and costs and as he h;.d no money will board it out at the Hotel de McBrido. The police are still looking for William Ohm, the fellow who did the mischief in John Schiappacasso's oyster parlor Sunday evening. The other two fellows appeared on sched ule time, but nothing was done about the matter and was continued until Ohm can be found. AS Til KV COMB AM) iO Miss Louise White visited friends in Omaha today. Mr. Weil, the insurance m in was in Omaha today. Mrs. M. Way bright was a victor in Omaha today. A. W. While made a busin.vs trip to Omaha this afternoon. John Mu mm was a pars -tiger for Omaha on the fast mail. Wiley Black was a sightseer at the metropolis this aftoi noon. Mayor J. E. Dougl-is ef Weeping Water was in the city today. Clothier Joe Klein made a business trip to the metropolis this morning. Lee Sharp was down from Omaha shaking hands with old friends today. Mrs. Will Didier of Omaha is in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vermilyea. A Pleasant Surprise. A very pleasant surprise was givn at the home of Uncle Noah Clemtnons, two and one-half miles northeast of Murray, on last Friday December in honor of Mrs. Christena Faucht, it being her s'xty-sevent.h birthd iy. Mrs. Faught is a pioneer s.t ler f Cass county, having come to this county in 1834 with h ir parents, Capt. John Clemmons and wife Site was married to Vincent Faught on March 20, 1855, at the same time her si-ter, Rebecca Ciemmons, was married to Levi Chutchill, this double wedding is supposed to bi the first wedding in the hi-tory of Ca.-s county. Mrs. Fauifht was ltfi a widow after six.earsof happy mirricd life. She has two sons, the elder. P. W., residing at Wood River, Neb., th j yo-mger, J. C, at Phillips Nob , wr.h whom she resides. Those ptesent were: Mrs. Christena Faught, Mrs. Eliza Siebold, i3. B.-uner and wife, J.ime? Riot and wife. Elder Reed and wife, Noah Clemmons, Mac G. Clemmons, L-jvi Churchill and others. A sumptuous feast was spread for the satisfaction of the inner m in, after whicn all wenthome wishing her many more happy birthdays. Klectinn of Officers. At the last regular meeting of Mur ray Lodge, No. 13 of the Royal Tribe of Joseph, the following offi :ers wer e elected for the ensuing tem, begin ning January 1, 1S99. Worthy Patriarch R. V. Swe-ir-ingen. Worthy Vice Patriarch Arthur L Baker. Worthy Priest Wm. E. Dull. Worthy Scribe D. J. Pitman. Worthy Treasurer James Root. Worthy Escort W. H. McRobb Worthy Inner Guard Joseph Elling ton. Worthy Outer Guard. Jacob F. Brendel. Trustees Henry C. Creamer and Alb3rt J. Wert 7. subscribe for The News the best paperin the city. a Christmas Present.. v v 't srs -r V v 5 in c j.v The Oxford i f Yes, really something new, something that yon have never seen before in any other clime or at any other time. Something that is suit able for a Christmas gift to father, brother, sweetheart or husband, something that is practical and prom ised to please, something that you would like to have yourself -the New Oxford Muffler. We buy them direct from the originators. We have them in forty-eight different patterns. We have them put up in single boxes, so they are ready for the mail, the Xmas tree or the stocking. We have them in just two prices $1.00 and $1.50. If you want to see them, come to our store... ?x f -v r 4 c ?lnl Ao Joikcj uitsiness. f XX Vlr Xot low priced, but highest gravlo at fair, hon:;M. ;'-.-. You know o-.;r lepnta.ion. We s v "e are the !:- j .:.' of. You'll a so 'oo aOcr V '" : " :i -d them. " F. G. FRICKE & CO. No! it is not claimed that Foley's Honey and Tar will cure Consumption or Asthma in ad vanced stages, it holds out no such false hopes, but does truthfully claim to always give comfort and relief in the very worst cases and in the early stages to effect a cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. .. THE LEADERS .. NTttE GROCERY TRADE ARE: A. H. WBCKBACH & CO. npiIEY carry the larfrc'-t and most complete line in Cans county. Every- thing fresh ani new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo xors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned poods llways in stoc!:. The only place in the city where you can pet all kinds of 3sh Cheese. Call and see us. L H. WECKBACH & GL Waterman Blk. V ' li T Y.K a y.i x m u Ui M w y,i m ul Ki $ vx & & p a & m m & m m & m m vx vx vx rx & m m m zz vx vx rx XX f lo r. VX vx rx VX VX PX XX It XX XX tr i r is XX XX XX XX ... ii if if fif f XX MAKE PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, . Farm Tooh, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, net one slap-dash mix ture for all. t f f "f xt Son