Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 13, 1898, Image 3

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Famous Canning Company Case
Thrown Out of Court.
Directum Kljnel Note For Money to
Keep the I until lit ton It minim; Ami
When It 'ollu-! Wlll.dOO Ioleltetl
iini Iteiiiitliietl t'npitlil, Wlileh the
Ntixk lioltler Were luyltnl to Help
hroiii Monday's Daily.
Word w;is vvccl vcd Snturdny niht
from I). A. CJittTi tol I. clrrk of the
BuproiDO c:ourt, th'ti tho ntnuof (Jorder
and othi-rH, ajftinst Connor and othorM
had b:ii rcvcfhcd and tins ohm;
disinlsm d. The c iho in loyally known
ri tho Canning company chhc, and has
boon a huhjcct of most vigorous
litiL'alion in this county for hix or
eight yearn pant.
Tho factH wen; that during tho
brief llfo of tho canning company its
director Bim-d note for laryt
amounts Unit money rpijhl bo raised
for tho uso of tho company. As the
directors would change, bo would the
hignerrt on the notes change. Finally,
when tho corporation went tho way of
all lifo, it was diHcovored that about
310,000 indebtedness remained unpaid,
with nothing hut tho plant of the
company mortgaged to seeuro same.
Tho foreclOBuro of this mortgage was
resisted by numerous stockholders,
but eventually tho riht of the direct
ors to foreclose and tell I ho property,
was established. As a result of steady
depreciation in tho property pending
litigation, a small sum was realized
from the sale of the property, then the
directors paying the indebtedness,
called upon the stockholders to stand
an appropriate share of this debt.
About ono half of the stockholders
responded, while the remainder in
sisted that, having paid their stock
in full, they were not liable for, and
would pay no more toward tho debt.
The suit referred to was pros-jcutd to
onforco a contribution, which the
district court awarded, but it seems
tho supremo court took a different
view of tho law, and t-ent the
defendants rejoicing out of court.
Henry Uoeck had sold his stock long
before the litigation, and defended on
that ground. Whether he was let
out on his special defense or on the
general ground under which his co
defeL dants esca ed, is not known at
present. However it may be, the
decision rendered ends a long drawn
out and bitter controvert-y and one
which has witnessed the bankruptcy
and death of many originally engaged
DiMtrict Court Doing.
Tho First National bank vs. J. C.
Peterson, et al. Motion to vacate and
set asido judgement argued and sub
milted. Judge lt.imsoy did not open court at
Nebraska City this morning on ac
count of small pox, all public meetings
etc., being closed there until the dis
ease is 6tamped out.
Prairie lodge No. I. O. O. F. of
Weeping Water vs. Benjamin A. Gib
son. Default of plaintiff called and
entered; trial to court. Court finds is
sues in favor of plaintiff. Decree
quieting title as prayed in petition.
Ernestine Farthing vs. Jerry L.
Farthing. Motion for temporary ali
mony argued and submitted and over
ruled, to which defendant excepts.
Defendant ordered to pay $25 preced
ent to leave to defendant to tile ans
wer and trial eet for December 17, to
all of which defendant excepts.
district court was adjourned last
Saturday until next Saturday.
Police Court News.
William Ohm, Herbert Sharp and
Joe McCarthy went to John Sehiap
Dacasse's place yesterday and ordered
oysters and after they had finished
eating thought to play a little joke on
usuaily good natured caterer by put
ting smoking tobacco in the catsup
bottle and the and pepper wells.
However, John could not see the joke
and filed a com plaint against them in
police court. Sharp and McCarthy
were arrested, but the police have not
found Ohm, whom the former two
givo the credit for doing the mischief.
The case was continued to 7 o'clock
this evening, McCarthy
being allowed to go on
Police Judge Archer's
and Sharp
their own
report for
November shows twelve arrests, fines
collected, $5; six committed to jil and
the sentence of one suspended.
Geerge Sawteli became hilariously
intoxicated yesterday and was run in.
He was given a hearing this morning
ai:d Judge Archer fined him $1 and
costs. Not having the necessary
amount of money and being unable to
get security he is now languishing in
the city bastlle.
A Small Verdict.
Matthew oering ar.d M. O'Donohoe
returned from Central City yesterday
where they tried the case of Samuel
J. Kraynbuhl vs. The Burlington rail
road, mention of which was made in
this paper a few days ago. Plaictiff
was given a verdict for 840 and a mo
tion for a new trial has been filed by
both sides.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
P. G. Fricke
Fou SALE A Poland China male
hog one and one-bslf years old, gilt
edge pedigree, a grandson of Wood
burn Medium. A high priced record
breaker. Enquire at news office.
The many friends of Frank Irirh,
formerly of this city, will l pleased
to learn thut ho has been promoted to
tho position of chief clerk to Master
Mechanic Itoardon at tho Alliance
thope. 1 trick ,? is climbing litfht up.
Harold Stoutenborough, con
tracting f i eight agent of tho Missouri
Pacific at Omaha and non of Agent ('.
r Stoutenborough of this city, will ho
piX(motod on .January 1 to traveling
freight agent for that company in the
territory north and west of Omaha.
Tho Mist-ouri Pacific bridge gang
. t i ? ; .
rom yxicmson is repairing uriues mi t
the compny's lii.ein this vicinity.
Engineer Joe L'oyd, who has been
on the sik list for a month, returned
to work tho latter part of 1 ist week,
but was again unable to woi k today,
lie is atllicted with stomach trouble.
Asa Crane, who his been rxpres
messenger on tho Schuyler run for
years, has been promoted and is run
ning on tho Atchison & Nebraska out
of Lincoln. J. II. McCullongh ha
taken tho Schuyler run.
Switch man Frank Benfer is taking
an enforced layoff from his duties in
the yards, having injured his back by
slipping on tho ice.
The Department Store the Scene of
Great Consternation
tieorne Witstrutk and Charles 1'chh At
tempted to Settle an Old tirtidKe. and
the Latter In Wornted Meiiilicr of
the Firt and Third NebraKkn Kegi
ment Will ChrUtiua Dinner.
From Saturday's Daily.
George Witstruck and Charles Peas
have been holding a grudge against
each other for a number of years and
in a mea-ure settled it this afternoon
in the department store, when Wit-
struck hit Peas on the sirto of the he:.d
with a jug of coal oil and knocked him
sprawling to the llcor.
The two men became involved in a
wrangle and Peas 6truck tho other
fellow, when they wero ordered out of
the store. Witstruck had some goods
in the store and when ho wont in after
them Peas followed him in and struck
him a severe blow in the eye with his
list when Witstruck resented by hit
ting him as above mentioned.
There was great consternation in
the store for a time as there was a
number of ladies in the room who
thought the man was killed. One fel
who was in the store ran out for the
policy, but not seeing one went to the
sheriff's office and informed She i IT
Wheeler that a man had been killed
in the department store and wanted
him to go up and arrest tho assassin.
Upon his arrival at the store he
learned that Peas was not killed, but
had gotten his rig and gone home.
Peas lives down on the river near
the island and claims Witstruck owes
him rent and that is what started the
the scrap.
Tho latter gave himself up to the
police, but as there had been no com
plaint filed he was not held.
Chriatuias Dinner for the Soldiers
Charles Grimes Friday forwarded
to the World-Herald $24 collected in a
few days and to be added to the fund
which that paper has raised for the
purpose of providing a Christmas din
ner for the members of tho First and
Third regiments, Nebraska volun
teers. The World-Herald has raised $2,000
for the purpose and the same was
farwarded today. That this will be
highly appreciated by the brave boys
now at the front serving their country
there is no doubt. Following is a list
of the contributors:
F J Morgan ft C0
J L Root 1 0"
!eo F Hawksworth 1 00
Wallace Carter 50
D O Dwyer 1 00
D K Barr 50
A J Graves 50
Wm Pitzer 50
Cash 25
Donated 1 00
B S Ramsey 1 00
A L Munger 50
Thos Pollock " 50
Wm J Streight 50
J P Falter 50
Geo W Voting 50
C Hayes 50
Cash 25
Geo A Hay 50
Geo L Farley . 50
E W Cook 50
Cash 25
W B Elster 50
Cash L'5
Eli Sampson 25
Broback & Nitka 50
T Frank Wiles 25
Henry R Gering 1 00
Coit & Co., Chicago SO
F (1 Egenberger 1 CO
Cash 25
Thomas Walling 25
Henry Herold 25
R B Windham 50
Cash 30
C C Parmele 50
John Mumni 25
Chas Johnson 50
H E Snyder 50
B C Kerr 50
G E Povey 50
W A Humphrey 50
T P Livingston 1 00
Julius Pepperberg 25
First National Bank ,
l oo i
There are few ailments so uncom
fortable as Dile?. but they can casil3'
be cured by using Tabler's Buckeye
Pile Ointment. Relief follows its use,
and any one suffering from piles can
not afford to neglect to give it a trial.
Price, 50 cents in bottles, tubes 73 cts.
F. F. Fricke & Co.
The News office is the best equipped
job office in Cass county. First class
work done on short notice.
Wanted -Dry cobs at the Hotel
:. 0. II. U Nil HOI
Style of Architecture and Finish a
Credit to the Order.
In I tie 1'roperly of . H him! I im IiuIiiii; I' ur
li 1 1 lire Will font About f ,( Will be
Completed lly .Iitimitry I A Few l.iit
of Interent CmiccriitiiK Ihc Order In
'I h I ity Im In a 1' ro pern ii Condition.
The Ancient order of United Work
men h ill, which in under course of
construction at the corner of S-jventh
street and Chb'ngo avenue, i ex-
peeled to bo completed and ready for
oceuoancv bv January 1. A Ni:ws
reporter was shown over tho building
by Contractor Harvey Holloway today
and was surprised at its magnitude.
The dimensions of the t uibitng aro
.'M.S7 feet Hiid it is two i-tones l.igii.
L'pon the main floor there is a hirgo
hi'll !MxG4 feet, which will bo u-ed fer
enterttinments, etc., with a small
kitchen and a reception room in front.
Leading from tho reception room
there is an artistically constructed
stai rwiiy to tho secondlloor, where there
is a lodro loom in the rear MIJxji) feet
and two p triors in the front, besides
clos -ts for lodge p traphot nalia, etc.
The htructuro is substantially built
throughout, instead of being weath
erboarded the outside is finished with
IJerger's steel siding an imitation of
rock faced brick which sets the
building off b eautifully and which is a
very substantial siding. The window
and door sills are imitation of stone,
the Moor is of two and one-fourth inch
maple flooring and the inside wood
work is of yellow pine, oil finish, while
the roof is galvanized iron. There is
a very pretty design for the front. It
is imitation of stono and brick with
the letters "A. O. U. W." appearing'
very prominently and also the loi'ge
emblem. The building is plastered
with Acme cement, a very hard finish
and which makes nice walls. In the
cell ir is a hot air furnace from which
the building is healed.
The building is the oi opei ty of A.
O. U. W. lodge No. S and was designed
by Frank luyd, Frank Vermilyoa and
George Hawkins, as trustees of the
Older. Harvey Holloway had the
cent-net for the ei cction of the build
ing and his skill as a carpenter is
apparent throughout the structure.
Harry John.-on had the contract to do
the plastering.
The Degree of Honor will turn over
ta No. 8 all of their dishes and uten.-ils
to be Ured in their kitchen when en
tertainments are given. The building
will be nicely furnished throught and
will cost about $4,0!!0 all told.
The diffoient A. O. U. V. lodges
and auxiliaries will meet in the ha 1
and it wiil yroba!'-ly be used by other
orders and as a consequence will b
used about every night in the month.
The A. O. I". W. :x strong Onler
The Ancient Order of United Work
men is the strongest bcticliei ti y oider
in Plattsmouth, having a n:emberhip
of something over iOO. There :tre
four lodges Nos. 8, 84; the German
lodge, No. 81, and tiie Swedish, No.
297, and also two iadis.s' auxiliary
lodges Ivy lodge No. 13, Degree of
Honor, :md Star lodge No. Degree
of Il.)!!t r, all of which are in a pros
peicus condition. No. S, the lo:lge
which erected the new hall, was or
ganized about fifteen years ago and
na :i membership of 2-30. The total
araotitit of insurance carried by the
members of the order is $1,( 00,000, not
including t hat of the D.'gree of Honor
members, which wou'd sweii the
amount considerably. F. J. Morgan
isgr.nJ receiver fjr Nebraska and
takes iu and p tys out an average of
$30,0:10 p:r month.
Horn Under Lucky !rtr.
Indianapolis, Dec. !) Two years
ago Samuel Ileinry was the postmaster
at Moriand, liandolph county, Tndian .
The humdrum life of a village po t
masler becoming distasteful to him,
he left for p-u-ts unknown, taking with
him government funds to the amount
of $41)7. Today Heiney walked into
the ollice of the United States m irshal
and gave himself up. After being
taken into custody investigation
showed that the indictment against
Heiney had recently been nolled at
the instance of the district attorney,
who had given up hope of ferretting
out the recreant postmaster. Heiney
now stands in the position of having
sinned, of being willing to expiate his
crime, hut of being beyond the pale cf
tho law. He freely admits that he
was born under a lucky star.
Will Address the l'lntt smoiit h Club.
At a tetpflt meeting of the Omiha
Woman's club the subject of the lf-09
exposition was discussed at length ar.d
all of the ladies except one were
heartily in favor of it Dr. Lankton
had the temei ity to oppose it and in
no uncertain tones. As her ideas con
form with those of the members of tho
Piattsmr nth club the ladies have
wisely engayed her to addrets the
ciub at the next meeting. Dr. Lank
ton is a ve y interesting talker and
her views upon the proposed exposi
tion will be listened to with interest.
Stands at the Head.
Aug J. Bogel, the leading druggist
of Shreveoort, La., says: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is tho only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best sel-
Ller I have. J. F. Cambell, merchant
of Safford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all that is claimed
for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
I cannot saj-enough for its merits."
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds is not an
experiment. It h is been tried for a
quarter of a century, and today stands
ut the head. It never disappoints.
Free trial bottles at F. J. Fricke's
drugstore. 1
r r.inli (J . t-1 i m-.u . if
Heaver ( ity ' o vi . I i
(Jen ( ' o : - f A
itifig hi- i a ' i -nai
il fo . f- .v . . . .
Fred i r c.s i , lit-' i
t er, w . s ;ii : I. ci : y .
Omaha mi t . f .-U1...1
Tho In 1,1' iti.-p' e 1
ford i n.-ii r.i i.e. - . 1 1 . , . .
City led." . ;.s , ( i .
The 1 .is ' vv 1 , 1 ..el i i
late L V.' . 1 ; I. er-. n
pi oiia to i n t ' . ei 1 1 1 1 v
toil ay.
An i.d hi i '-! rat v. ,
poi 11 1, d b ' the e ! 1 . .f
('l.'Vl! nf A 1 VO. Ulne le
M y :oi rJ i : va t ei 1
busy 1 roil) seven n i .!' I
ing until l i'" a i i 1 1 1 1 t !ii
io iding cm n.
H. K.Ceiin;', f 11 i:, .ny at!' i;.p f,
has now utlii.-, .-how wtiulows mi . hev
will not fr:;st. Ue h scut a bi le in
the ll.ior and also ia the ceilii g atit.
placed a chute whieh will pe' mil the
cold air to p thuc.igh and sour
elegantly dre-sed w ii.-iew.s 11. ay be
looked for.
MoM V.
Mrs. C A. H:iwls was 1 ep tried to be
improving this morn i n Lr.
Attorney (' TelTt of Avoea
was attending to bu-ii.t.s in town to
day. Lew O'Neill of the H iveloek sliops
was in the city yester.l..y visiting
Mrs. Charles Ham. ing and Miss
Stella 15am: ing of Nehawka were
guests of William Morrow and family
vest erday.
Horcn Uainey departed this "morn
ing for a visir which his brothers at
Cireenwoed at.d his sifter at Tecum-ch.
He expects to he al s T.t several day.
L.censo to vt-d "were i-siied by
County Judge Spurlock today to Sid
ney 1. Hanow and Hettio .lalissa
Sands, U. Lee Cro-s ami Myrtle Fdith
IJalfottr, Ha'reR L. Keynold- and
Mablo Fdith Jones.
Clii'pinjJH From County liani; s l)i Im'.I
l"p for "Xrivs" KiMdi'M
From the Union Ledger.
Fied Cl i' l; and Fred diove
up to l'lat tsniont ii Tuesday morning.
Jiitio li.Mv-on, one 1 f the young I atts
iiiou' ii l:i '.v vi I-.-, cani i do 11 on ye.tcr-
J :,y mt-rning's ft eight, going from
here i o lv m wood to tr
nielli eases.
Young arrived heie v -sicdav
evening with his wife and children,
having started from California on
?"onday, and we tire pleased to learn
that they will again become icsidents
of our neighborhood and occupy their
farm near town.
From the hlnnvood I.eader-Iiclni.
John (lot zales' sho'gun was acci
dentally discharged on tho street
Monday, but fortunai ely no ono was
injured. The charge came very close
t' Mrs. Caiiible. who was passing.
These who saw tho ae.eident say that
John was the worst scared of anybody.
John Klliott has been having his
shaie ( f had luck lately. A few days
ago he had two lingers nearly torn off
in his orn sheller, and Tuesday his
traction engine got fri-ky and chased
hira into a barbed wire fence. The
fence gave way and let him fall
through, el-e he would have been seri
ously injured. As it was he escaped
with a few scratches, and had his
clothes nearly trrn olT by the wire.
From the Louisville Courier.
A sled on which a number of school
children were coasting on the school
house hill collided with a bobsled
Thursday and Grover Livingston, son
Jesse Livingston, was quite badly hurt
by being struck in the stomach, one of
John Group's boys received a ga.h in
the c ilf of his leg and John: ie Murphy
received a bump over one of his eyes.
It is a miracle that no lives were lost
or no bnes broken, as the bill is very
steep and tho sled was Hying through
sDaee as if shot from ono of Dewey's
Twenty-five years ago n well was dug
on the Ferdinand ITennings farm, east
of town. At the d-:pth of feet and
while the workmen were eating their
dinner a stream of water broke
through at one side of the well three
feet from the bottom, and when the
wo; kmen teturned l go to work there
was six feet of w iter in thew-ill. A
pielc and a shove! were left in the bot
tom of the well and could not he re
covered. A year or two ago the well
had become fo much filled up it
went dry and this wee'-- when it was
cleaned out the pick and shovel were
taken fiom their lcrg hiding place
and were found to belli a perfect state
of preservation, tho handles being as
sound as the day they were left in the
welt, years ago.
The disposition of children largely
depends upon health. If they .are
troub'ed with worms, they will he ir
ritable cros-, feverish,- and perhaps
seriously sick. White's Cream Ver
mifuge is a worm expeller and a tonic
to m ike them healthy and chce-ful.
Price 25 cts. F G. Fricke & Co.
The annual ice harvest is now on in
earnest r.nd wagon loads of congealed
moisture, are going tip Main street in
rapid succession. Tnis en terprise fur-ni-hes
employment to a large number
of men.
Dr. Siwyer's Wild Cherry and Tar
does not dispg-ee with the str.mach,
but is the safest i nd m-st aflective of
any cough medicine Known. A. W.
At wood.
Livemotoj M
at.v s . 1 . f .Vv ; ft I ,
V ' I' 1,1 ''"-j 0 ' " TAy,
' 1 1 '"I 0 &OLD
I 0 Eocr.uo:i
." I
'V w- h 'ZtZr&t
b 1 I S. , -s ' f.
a-ei-M 1 f tho 5
s a .0 b
j.eige'- 1,1)1 -e P .. i
!. :v,. P, en V-
I tih
I hi
:'"'ii:- months' use
iZJA radical cure.
Send io us
Probate Notice.
Ill tllL-l'.HIIliy (.''Kilt n t'.l-S t "l M! 1 1 1 V . Nl'l.l.l' k.'l.
liitl.i: ni;ilti'i nl tho'- uf J' 1 1 1 ti ' u s .ic k . lie- ''iis intcif-tfil in sniil in;it tor ;ii' Ii'icli
tuitaiiil lliiit mi the lli c 1 . i v t 1 ei em tier, hlh,
..!li;i:ncl li. Mfi-ker. 1:1 .1 a pi-til.oii in sai.i
dull piait) tli. it his tinal a. liitm i-t i at h .11 a. -1
mint I'.- si Itl1.1l anil a ppi . ivo. I ami he he
cii i h.ue.l ti .jni Ins luistas a, tin m i--t rator with
i I i ai. uc -i. a 1 j. I that it lull la 1 1 1 1 appear !..! lie
i-aul 1 mirt mi tho ':7 r h cl .1 v 'I 1 .-ei 1 1 1 1 , 1 A. 1 .
l-;is ;, t inip intk p. in., t'i . lit est s a i.l petit lull,
the tutnt 111. iv grant the.iaei nl saiil pi 1 1 ! 1 1 1
an. I niaice :- a h mi. el ami 1 11 r 1 1 . e 1 nrtleis. aiinw
ar,, r-. aii't .t.;i ivi's P this tmirl may sei'in
proper, t i t he ei.'l t hat all matt. ! . perl. initio !
ai I eMale !i:;,v I.e teiailv hett'e l ami ileti.-riniiieJ.
;n.e-s pi', ham! ai l r-eai ot sai.l c mini y iinirt
at I'll it -in. .11 1 h . Nebiar-ki. this .".th .lay ol I )e
teinia i , A . 1 '. .
( il CiK.,i; M. Si l l;l K,
(Sea' 1 ' ' .unit y tirle.
Legal Notice.
In t lie ( 'omit v 'ourt, Ci- s
I.l the iiiii'tcr ot th.j c-taio
!i:t cased.
unit y, ehr.e-ka .
il Cli.u les lintler.
Aii persons inteieste l in s.ii i matter arc here
by n.. 1 1 tie. I tii lit . .ii l he :h .1 ..hi y ol I e. cm I. er, s!t
M.imarct h. Cutler, :n Im i nisirat : i ot said es'ate,
tileda pet 1 1 ion in said C"Ui't, piajin that her
Inia: ;.d :.i i u .st i e. t ion account he settled and
avowed and that a ttiuher allowance he made lor
the suppoit ol the willow out ol said estate and
that the sai.i ad u in ri ; be disc hailed liom
her t nist . J i you fall to appeal said coin t
on the -7th day id 1 'ecetnle. r. 1:i at In o'clock
;i . in io i.'.iiitcst said pet, lion, the court may
erant lie: pi.tver ol said petition and make such
otTfcr an 1 litithcr ordeis, allowances and del ro s
as to this court may seem proper, to the end that
a. I m.ittei pertaining to this estate may be
1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ' settled ami determined.
i in ess my hit nd and the seal of said com t a I
PiattMiii.titii, IS c io ask a, tins, the :ird day ol I Je
cembi i. IK's. lit uia.t M. M-l' K,
(Seal; Count y j iid'c-.
Legal Nat ic e.
In c I io I listricl Couit of Cas County Ncbiaska,
In tlie m.'itter id the estate o! llenrj Stol!, de
ceased. '1 his cause came 'Ui for he.ri;i;j' on petition of
Henry M. ocniiic-i.en as w imm is: rat or with wiil
an nexed if e date .1 1 i enr y t ji 1 .deceased, pray in
lor license to sell lot t .so t'.'j in the noi th east
quarter ot section ','T, in town Hi, r.ine 1:1, Cass
county, Nebraska, iot three ill) in the not th-west
ijiiai ler o! se.ti.iU lhirtv live 'I-') town rane
1.!, n I. 'I can 1 ; the north-east q u-i iter ol the sou I li
v.ert (ji:. liter i.-l said seit.oii : o. town iil. rane i:i.
atoi e -iii .!. and also lots one, two and t liree, !,:.'
and :!i, in block one M l, ottu and Hay's addi
tion to tne ol city i'lattsmouth. Cass county, Ne
braska, lor the pamcut of debts in the sum ol
$.i:i2.::t with costs of administeriiiK estate and for
sale ol land, alieu'mtr that because ol the nature,
situation and condition ol said real estate, it will
be necessary to sell ail ol sai l real estate thai
the residue mit;ht not be greatly depreciated in
value it enough alone was sold to pay said debts,
costs and expen es, there not being sulhcieiit per
sonal property ti pay said debts and expenses.
It is thcrctore ordeied by ine that ail persons in
terested in said estate and especially:
l'hilip Moll. Chitiies Stoll, Mrs. Charles Stoll,
first name unknown: Mcraiiand and
hei husband, .Mr. l-'ailand, lirst name unknown;
tjeoi;e I.ehi, Cieorpe 1-chr, jr., and wile, A. is.
I.flii, lirst niin.e uiircnown: Charles I.ciir, Minnie
I.ehi,( 'liristiuae I.eacli, John Leach. Martha Lena
lieery and hu-band. Mr. lleery, hrst name un
known: Mcua 'I'lbeioll, Henry J'hieroif, Kosanna
Maurcr, John Maurer, l.oui.ia Hippie, Joseph
Hipp e, William Moll, August Stoll, Jacob Slu.l
anj i red Moll belore me at my chambers,
oltice clerk ol the distiict court, m the court
house at l'iattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
on the l'.th day ot January, A. I)., 1. ', at the
hour of '1 o'clock p. m , to show cause why a
license should be granted to said administra
tor w ith wiil annexed to seil all of the above de
scribed real estate. This older shad be served
by publishing same for four successive weeks
prior to day of hearing in the iemt-Weekly
News Herald. Dated November A, I). lKs.
l!.s;iL S. Ka.Msi.y,
Judge ol th . iJistrict Court.
J. Li. Koot. Attorney lor Adm inistrator .
Probate Notice.
In the County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ol Iruinan
Lnnah Hall. Norma Hall. Nettie Hail. Waldo
Hall and ail other persons interested in said mat
ter are hereby notitied that on the I'.'th day ot
Noven. be. , ii'M, orma Hall tiled a petition in
said coirt, alleging among other things, that
i'ruman 1 lall died on the Kill day of .xoyember.
ls'.is, leaving no last will and testament, and pos
sessed of real and personal estate, and that
the above named constitute ad the persons in
terested in the estate ol said deceased, and pray
ing lor the administration thereof. Vou are
hereby notitied that if you fail to appear at said
court on the the "ith day of December A. 1).,
lsi', at - o'clock p. in. and Contest said petition
the court will appoint Knnah Hall, or some other
suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to a
settlement of said estate.
itness my hand and the seal of said court at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 2th day ol
Nov. A. 1. ls'.. CiKOKOK M. Spuklock,
LsKALJ County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Cass County. ) ss- " County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John Waiter Haines,
Notice is hereby given that the "creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of said
estate, before me, county judge of Cass county,
Nebraska, at the county court room in Hatts
mouth in said count v, on the :ilst day of May A.
D.. 1-y.i. at 'o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of
presenting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six nion'hs are allowed
for the creditors of said deceased to present their
claims Ironi the 3" h day of December, 1-!".
itness my hand and seal ol said county
court at Plattsmouth. Nebra-ka, this, 1st day of
November, A. I. tV;s.
George M. Sm'Cri.ock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notice.
To Laura Ann Mills, I f.n F. C. Mil;,. Wesley
M. Wiliiamsand wife Mrs. Wesiev M. Williams.
Olive A. i'diams and Sidney i. Williams, non
resident defendants: Vou and each of you are
hereby notified that on the Mh day of September.
If!'-. Haiti. nouth bodge No. H, Ancient Order of
L uited W orkmen. Commenced an action in the
distiict court ol Cass county, Nebraska, against
you, the object and prayer of which are to quiet
t-.tie in p.amtiil and against you in and to iot one
tli in biock forty-two Hit, City of Plattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska, and to bar and enjoin
said defendants from having or asserting any
titie to. or ciaim in. said lot and for equitable re
lief. Vou are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, D-cember "JO, lsx,
Plattsmg; tu I ouge No. s.
Legal Notice.
To William T. F.aton in I; is own right, and as ad
ministrator of the estate of Kmerson H . Katoa.
deceased, Augusta T. liaton, his wife. Simeon
F. Katon. Auguate Eaton, his wife, Fred H.
Faton. Mrs. Katou. his w.le, first real name un
known. Art K. Alexander, non-res. dent defend-
mi are each hereby notiiicd that on August
Vi. 1-Ss. Fllis 1 . Hartiey, as plaintiff, began an
action against you and other defendants in the
district court of Cass county. Nebraska, to fore
close certain tax sa.e certincates and the taxes
paid thereunder, on lots 'i and 3, in block Vti in
the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
num tiered "s and.V'j iued to the plaintitl De
cember ti. 1 -UJ, pursuant to sale of said land for
delinquent taxes. Plaintiff p ays for decree of
f oreclos'ire and sale of said lands to satisfy the
liens thereon and lor general relief. Vou are re-
?'itred to answer plaintilf 's petition on ur before
lecember ii. Is'.'?. "
Ellis T. Hartley.
By I. li, Hatfielb, Attorney.
a r-
f ' 1
Vi ek llll- V lt niroi. V 1
? irK
"Warm Milk From tho Cow and
Saved My Life More Than 20 Years Jigo."
This was ihc statcvivnt made in, our office within a few mouths by
a resident of that pari of Boston- called the lirihton district. In
quiring into the reason for the statement, ire learned that the person
who gave the information was 70 years of age, and that at 50 ho
was said to hare that dread, disease, consumption. . Wann new milk
and whiskey teas recommended, and knowing his cow and believing
in our representations that
Taylor WlhinskSes
WJZJiU PURE, he found within a very
what seemed a simple remcdii was real I
of what cannot be set down
for business and professional
m Are Prepared..
...To furnish anything in
the line of Watches, Jewelry, Sil-
verware and Novelties for the
Christmas trade. If you are look
ing for Quality, Style and Finish,
at a Low Price, we invite you to
0.:c D.Mir Hiisl of Fot.ers Shoe store, PLATTSMOUTH
ooLD xi-ar Aiiii
Prepared by s JAFJSES F. BALLARD, St. Louis.
lettei 'XTiixn Jlllveiv
tove for Early Autumn,
As well as winter, Weather. It's Cheap and does
the work. A full line of all kinds of Stoves and
Tin Work and Hoofing a Specialty.
Our Low Prices have built up a jjfood trade, which
we will maintain by continuing the same. Remember
the place ....
..Practical Tinsmiths..
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth. Neb.
They banish pain
and prolong life.
11 Wrmfo)
Ko matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A new Btylr paeket y-ntAto!ne ntf RrrAKfl r Brxn In punrr m rtnn (wlthotit ! now for mm
At somearoy stores r-"a rivk cevt. Tai- low-piit-fc i m.rx i uiteutlwi fir the por and tbo ceonoixil
cal. on rlosea of tho flvKx nt nrU'm ( im Uiit zivt ca?i tiaa iy Ukutl by Betiding fcrty-?irht eent
to ttae Ripa! Chemical Cojipajst, No. 10 Sprum Mruet. Ntw Vork or a iie oartca Vtxm
G. 0. Taylor Whiskey
brief period of time that
a sovereign, one. A few
as a, medicine effected a
rVv-:V dc ice