Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 13, 1898, Image 2

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    The Scmi-Weckly News-Herald
. . . IIY THE . . .
!.!:. MARSHALL. Iiuitic-s ManaKer.
One Ymr, in advance, . t ... S3 GO
Six Moyths 2 50
One VW'k, 10
biuglu Copies, 5
One Yenr, in mlv:iiico II 00
Six Months, 50
or any Cass County Paper.
TllJ.S is tho hort of weather
makes tlio i:o find coitl men
Onk bad thirty about coal dealers is
that they never yet into a war on
prices during cold weather.
Tlirc American yunnoi s did so good
a job of it that it is impoj-siblo to raise
the Spanish war ships they bunk.
As AN evidenco of tho prosperity
which is upon us it is said that the
applications for chaiitable relief in
Omaha and other places is lighter
than for yea rs.
THE democrats of Utah must have
been pretty hard up when they elected
a Mormon with only three wives to a
seat in congress. They could surely
havo found one who had moro than
The great Cub. in warrior, General
Garcia, died at his hotel in Washing
ton Sunday morning, lie has fought
hai d for Cuban liberty, hut was not
permitted to live and enjoy it when it
was accomplished.
Onk rampant democrat, in mourn
ing over the result of :ho election,
snys that U00 votes would havo given
the democrats the next congress. Re
publican majorities would have been
much larger had the peoplo known
Even if the United States are ship
ping a hundred thousand tons of steel
ship plates to British shipbuilders,
this j'oar, when wo consider that the
output of Hritish shipbuilders is.
likely, this year, to closely approach
two million tons, merchant and war
ship building included, it will be seen
that our contribution is only a email
" Even the newspapers of Omaha
haven't the nerve to boom the 1899
exposition very heard. And thev are
pretty long on nerve, too. The prop
osition to hold another exposition is
the rankest thing ever heard of, be
cause it could not possibly benefi
anyone but Omaha and were it largely
patronized would be very detrimental
to other towns.
In each of the eight years preceding
the war of 1812-15, our tonnage in the
foreign trade, under our own flag, was
greater than it was during the fiscal
year of 1S9S. To think that ninety
years we had cs large a shipping
under our flag on the sea as we have
today ! The value of the nation's for
eign commerce has increased about
twenty-fold during the past ninety
years, but the quantity has increased
tar greater. jNotwitnstanuing, our
shipping in our own foreign trade
today is less than it was ninety years
The assurance given bv President
McKinley that the promise of the
United States that Cuba should have
an indepandent government shall be
carried out has not wholly discouraged
the annexationists, says the Omaha
Bee. One of the organs of this ele
ment, the Philadelphia Inquirer, de
clares that Cuba must be annexed.
".Let congress take the commonsense
view," says that paper. "According
to the president himself, the war was
justified as one of self preservation on
our own part and our interests can
only be preserved by maintaining
control over the island. Cuba will
have far greater freedom and Inde
pendence as a part of the United
States than as a separate nation con
tinually torn by strife and revolution,
Leave her to herself and it cannot be
long before the 6ame old conditions
will prevail and wo shall have to send
our troops there to do the fighting
all over again. Far better end the
matter now. Cuba's destiny is with
the United States and military occu
pation should be followed by annexa
tion and that annexation, with our
hold upon the island, cm very readily
be arranged for without a resort to
Our Philadelphia contemporary
would fiercely resent any reflection
upon the integrity and honor of this
government, yet it counsels a course
which would place the nation in a
most dishonorable position before the
world and justly deprive us of the re
spect and confidence of the world.
.We are glad to believe that a very
large majority of the American people
are in full accord with the position of
President McKinley.
Cases of email pox have broken out
in Omaha and Nebraska City, but are
eald to be of a mild nature. Due care
i being takon to prevent the spread
of the disease.
Orville Willufc, aged 6 years, acci
dentally killed his three-year-old sister
with ft shotgun Friday afternoon at
their homo in Kellyville, III. Tho
top of the child's head wua blown en
trely off. The children were alone In
the house. This is another bad effect of
tho war as the boy stated that they
were playing soldier.
A marriage license was issued to
Samuol Kesnler to wed Mollie Nake
lsky, at Pittsburg recently. After get
ting $o0 f.'om bis intended bride Kes9
ler borrowed an overcoat from Benja
min Cohen, who was to be his best
than and disappeared. When the wed
ding guests arrived at the home of the
bride Kessler was still missing.
Rather than disappoint them Papa
Nakelsky hurriedly procured a license
for his daughter Annie to wed Cohen,
and the couple who were to be brides
maid and groomsman were married.
Mollie turned ever all her weddiog
presents to her sister Annie, and is
now searching for Samuel.
George 13 Hollistor, the well known
lawyer of Cincinnati, who has just
died, was a close friend of President
Hayes. Ho was a native of Plattsburg,
N. Y., and came of the old revolu
tionary stock, hia maternal great
grandfather having been a soldier
under Ethan Allen.
Nathaniel and Albert von Roths
child of Vienna have established a
foundation of $40,000. the income of
which is to be U6ed for the support of
musicians, painteis, sculptors and
draughtsmen of the Jewish faith. Ap
plicants for its benefits aiust be Aus
trian citizens.
The late Dr. Bliss was for many
years General Sherman's physician.
Once when the solder complained,
"Your stuff's doing me no good," he
replied: "Take Shakespeare's advice,
then, and throw it to the dogs."
"There are too many valuable dogs in
our neighborhood," replied Sherman.
Thomas Ileafey, as special adminis
trator of the estate of the late E. Cus-
son, filed his report with the county
court today, in which he aiys he found
$3,521.45 worth of real estate and $45,-
203.20 in personal property belonging
to the estate, thus making the estate
worth, according to this showing. $48,-
824.45. Nebraska City News.
terrible affair occurred in the
Dunkard settlement near Goshen, Ind.,
early in tbe week, which resulted in
the deatn oi v ernon liigier, only son
of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bigler. Young
Bigler was persuaded much against:
his will to unite with the Dunkard
church, and last Monday was taken
from a sick bed and baptized In the
icy waters. The shock was so great
that he died the next day from the
results. His parents, who are promi
nent members of the church, insisted
upon, the baptism, and the feeling
among such oi the neighbors as are
not members of the church is very
bitter toward them, and many threats
are being made. Whether the coroner
will take action is a matter that is
now being discussed, but nothing so
far has been done, and just what action
could be taken is a puzzling problem.
Bitter disappointment awaited Wm.
S. White when he marched into the
marriage license clerk's office the
other day at Lancaster, Pa., and asked
for the necessary papers to wed Emma
Knoudt, his step-mother. The woman,
who is 32 years old, was divorced from
his aged father, and White thought it
the proper thing to keep her in the
familv. He himself is 34. The clerk
refused the license on account of the
relationship of the couple, and White
left in an angry mood, muttering that
there were other counties in the state.
Benjamin S. Lear is first sergeant
of Company C, First Colorado infan
try, now stationed at Manila. His
f.ither, Benjamin E. Lear, is a private
in the same company. Sergeant Lear
is just turned 22 and Private Lear is
close to 50. Ben Lear, the elder, is a
first-class compositor and as such is
well known in various parts of the
Rocky Mountain region. In days gone
by he played good ball with the Pitts
burg and Cincinnati teams.
Colonel W. J. Bryan Will Rcslirn and
Vlfqnaln Will Succeed Him.
Savannah, 6a., Dec. 11. Honors
are coming fast for Lieutenant Colonel
Vifquain of the Third Nebraska in
fantry, United States volunteers.
Colonel William J. Bryan is to resign
next week and he will succeed him.
Added to tms a communication was
received by the leiut enact colonel to
day from the Chinese legation at
Washington stating that he had been
honored by the emperor of China.
He has been made a knight, of the
Order of the Double Dragon, which
carries with it the full title of man
darin. The appointment was made
for services rendered the Chinese
residents of the United States of
Colombia by Colonel Vifquain when
stationed there as United States
consul general.
S WANNah, Ga., Dec 11. General
Keifer, who is in command of tbe re
maining troops of the Seventh army
corps since General Lee s departure
for Cuba, tonight confirmed the rumor
of Colonel W. J. Bryan's resignation
of hi9 command. Both General Lee
and General Keifer endeavored to in
duce Colonel Bryan to go to Cuba,
but were unsuccessful.
Nothing funny in being sick all thel
while, troubled with constipation, dys-1
pepsia or liver complaints, when you
can so easily be cured by taking Dr.
Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills
A. W. Atwood.
Acme Chocolates at Hollow ay's.
Several Mrmbrri of Iloth Couiiulntus
Have Exchanged Krlrnly Call.
Paris, Dec 11. The United States
peaco commissioners rested today after
tbe long strain of daily conferences
and almost daily sessions with the
Spaniards, J,ho intensity of which they
hardly realized until it was oyer.
Warm personal f rieudshiD and mutual
regard havo arisen between the two
commissions as tho result of their ex
tended controversy at close quarters.
Today several members of both com
missions exchanged calls. The Ameri
can commissioners unofficially in
formed the Spaniards that they would
be glad to have the two commissions
dine together. Ihe reply, which like
the invitation was conve3'ed diplomat
ically through a third party, was
that the Spaniards would be most
pleased, but feared it would bo inad
visable, because it might be miscon
strued at Madrid where already much
feeling existed against the Spanish
Several of the United States com-mi-sioners
were inclined to publish the
text of tho treaty, but Senator Fryo
made a strong plea yesterday for the
observance of courtesy towards the
United States senate and his argu
ments prevailed,
Further details, however, have been
learned as to the wording of tbe treaty
which provides that Cuba is to be re
linquished and that Porto Rico and
the Philippines are to bo ceded. The
Americans are to pay for the repatria
tion of the Spanish troops from all
the colonies. Tbe Spaniards are to
return all prisoners held by tbem.
They are to retain possession of all
military stores and munitions of war
in the Philippines and of such ships as
have not been captured. The com
mercial treaties between the two
nations which tho war ruptured are to
be renewed at the convenience of the
two nations.
The protocol makes nearly GOO type
written pages.
The United States commissioners
have been almost overwhelmed with
offers of dinners in England, prompted
by the desire of prominent English
men to emphasize the Anglo-American
entente, but they will remain in Paris
until the dav before 6ailiner for the
United States. They will make for
mal calls upon President Faure and
high officials here and thank them for
official hospitality. Unofficial hospi
tality to the United States commis
6ioners has been ostentatiously lack
ing in Paris.
Explosion of a Lump Is Supposed to Have
Iteen the Cause
Elmwood was visited by a disastrous
fire Saturday evening. The greater
portion of the citizens were at a re
vival at the Methodist church when
the fire broke out, giving it ample
time to get started. The fire depart
ment and citizens did good work, but
owing to low water in the tank and the
headway of theflames,the fire could not
be checked until four heavily stocked
buildings were consumed. A C.
Wright and E. T. Comer were quite
badly burned about the face and hands
while fighting the flames.
The loss is about as follows: Clem
ents & Co., stock $6,500, building $2,'
500, insurance $3,000 on stock and
building; C. Schneider, building $6C0,
k $20Q insuraDCe; D. Saxton,
building and fixtures $1,000, stock $500,
insurance $600; C. A. Riggs, building
$1,500, stock $1,000 all handsome
goods insurance $S0O on stock; Mrs.
II. E. Yoder slight damage to build
ing, fully covered by insurance.
Burlington Route Holiday Rates.
Greatly reduced rates between
stations not more than 200 miles apart
are offered by the Burlington Route,
December 24, 25, 26, and 31, 189S,
and January 1 and 2, 1899. Return
limit January 4, 1899.
In sluggish liver, Herbine, by its
beneficial action upon the biliary
tracts, renders the bile more fluid,
and brinks the liver into a sound.
healthy condition, thereby banishing
the sense of drowsiness, lethargy, and
the general feeling of apathy which
arise from disorders of the liver.
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Pianos! Pianos!
Why go to Omaha to buy pianos
when you can get better ones in
Plattsmouth for one-third less money?
A cat was found on the wreck of the
Maria Teresa at its present resting
place and had to be removed by force.
When Fort Sumpter fell into union
hands, after the evacuation of Charles
ton, in February, 1865, the only occu
pants of the battered pile of masonry
were a cat and a family of kittens.
No Humbug:,
Foley s Honey and Tar does not
claim to perform miracles. It does
not claim to cure all cases of consump
tion or asthma, but it does claim to
give comfort and relief in advanced
stages of these diseases and to usually
cure early stages. It is certainly
worth trying by those afflicted or
threatened with these dread diseases.
Here is a good one from an exchange:
Plunger Gillett, the Westeran cattle
king, had a ranch which he called
Woodbine. "And now he has gone
where it twineth. "
Without doubt, there is no disease
so common as tbe piles, none more
painful or annoying, or that has been
so unsuccessfully treated. The only
permanent cure for piles, either itch
ing or bleeding, yet discovered, is Dr.
Sawyer's Arnica and Witch Ilazel
Salve. A. W. Atwood
Choice ciears for the hoi id a v tradp.
now ready, put up in neat boxes of 12
and 25. Julius Pepperbero.
Over the Hills to the l'oor House
The board of county commissioners
this morning ordered 13on Hart, a
familiar character ou the etroets of
Platt&mouth at frequent intervals
for twenty-five years, to tho
poor farm. Ho had workod as a
farm hand for L-'o Allison and others
and was a good workman when sober,
but this was a condition he never
allowed himself to be in when he had
money. OHlcer Murray picked him
up on the street last night and as he
had no place to go took him to jail.
He said he was unable to work any
longer so the commissioners decided
a9 above stated. '
Dumped Ills Lumber.
As Wills of Eight Mile Grove camo
to Plattsmouth Saturday and pur
chased a load of lumber. On his way
homo he stopped at Mynard where
his team suddenly turned and broke
tho rear axle of his wagon, dumping
the lumberjpff. The team then ran
some distance, but wound up against a
tree, breaking the harness badly, 'i he
horses were uninjured.
During the Battle of
The Packers at the Battle of Santiago de
Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic Kf
forts in netting Ammunition and Rations
to the Front Saved the Hay.
P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3,
writing from Santiago de Cuba, on
July 23, says: "We all had diarrhoea
in more less violent form, and when
we landed vre had no time to see a
doctor, for it was a case of rush and
rush night and day to keep the troops
supplied with amunition and rations,
but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we
were able to keep at work and keep
our health; in fact, I sincerly believe
that at one critical time this medicine
was tbe indirect savior of our army,
for if the packers had been unable to
work there would have been no way
of getting supplies to the front. There
were no roads that a wagon train
could use. My comrade and myself
had the good fortune to lay in a sup
ply of this medicine for our pack-train
before we left Tampa, and I know in
four cases it absolutely saved life."
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des
Moins, Iowa. For sale by all druggists.
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Plattsmouth, Dec. 19, 1898:
Adams, Jonathan
Adams, J Q
Decker, Mrs J A
Henderson, Chas
Osborne, J A
Smith. i G
Thomas, Mrs T L
Adams, R
Butler, Mamty
Downey, P (2)
Lindean, John
Palmer, Mrs Martha C
Snyder, Andrew J
Utterback, A H
Vanhorn.Mrs Elizabeth Wiles, Miss May J
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
C. H. Smith, Postmaster.
Electric Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has
often abated long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing the system from the malar5al
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric
Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at
F. G. Fricke's drug store. 1
President Wright, of the Indiana
Ministerial association, has issued
orders for all ministers to preach
against divorce and agitate immediate
state legislation and announce from
the pulpit they will not marry divorced
Kelief in Six Hoars.
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "The.
Grkat South American Kidnetl
Cuhe." It is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug
gist, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The countv commissioners will be
in session after November 10 until all
delinquent taxes in this county are
disposed of, Everyone who is back is
renuestfid to- call at once and make
arrangements for a settlement or else
the nam p. will be sold. By order of
County Commissioners.
For broken limbs, chilblains, burns,
scalds, bruised shins, 6ore throat, and
sores of every kind, apply Ballard's
Snow Liniment. It will give immedi
ate relief and heal any wound. Price
25 cts and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Coal! Coal!
Hard coal delivered to any part of
the city for $7.50 per ton, and the un
rivaled Mendota coal delivered for
$4.25 per ton. John waterman.
- For Pneumonia.
Dr. J. C. Bishop, of Agnew, Micb.,
says: l nave usea r oiey s noneyanu
Tar in three very severe cases of pneu
monia the past month with good re
St. Luke's Church.
Special advent service at St. Luke's
church with a lecture every Friday
evening at half past seven. Cordial
invitation extended to ail.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All Hrno-crists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
L. B. O. on each tablet.
Jno. T. Coleman, t
fyp?-t&r'r 4 Promote luauriant prnwth.
' Si - V.l Never Fails to Hcatoro Gray
hI?"i1 Youth Jul Color.
COCOA ana jJBi l
Purity of Material and
Go to the Drug Store of
(Successor to Smith & Parmcle)
for Pure Drugs', Patent Medicines,
Stationery and Cigars,
Paints, Oils,' Varnishe-, Dyes,
Paint, Hair and Tootli Brushes,
Toilet Articles, Pei fumery, So;ips,
Sponges, and all Varieties of
Druggists' Sundries.
Window Glass and Wall P.-iper,
Humphrey's, Lutie'a and Mun ion's
Homoeopathic Remedies,
Pure California Wines and Liquors
or Medicinal use?.
In fact, everything usually kept for
Sale in first-clas? Drug fSlores.
Presci iptions
Carefully Compounded.
South Side Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Wheeler & Wilson
iewlng Machine
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings
1X-41A ; CIC9
Offers the very best facilities lor tde
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
TOCKS, bonds, gold, Roverntnent and JocaJ
securities ooueht and sold. Deposits re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certH
cates. Drafts drawn, available io any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
H. N. Dovey, D. Hawksworth. S. Waugh.
F. E. White, G. E. Dovey.
Geo.E. Dovey. Pres., S. Waugh, Cashier.
H. N. Dove v. Asst. Cashier.
i t r .-- r .
" V
Is Twenty-five cents - on - the - dollar
"worth saving?
We have everything that would make
a suitable Christmas Gift.
A Sterling Silver Thimble given FREE
to every lady making a purchase of $1.00
or over.
I I II I t III II ' Mil H" "I I IHi I I I DITl '
2 h
2 Jm a
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Scls Proprietor, - - 310 Wcrth Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
1 XZX-Ji laUXijt. is2ZZl
Special Announcement
The Largest Stock in the City.
We have a largo a-sortmf nt of thr' mot beautiful Lamps
'that money will buy, at half the price paid last, jcar. AIho a
fine line of Jardiniers wo are displaying in our window. We
sell them at very low price.
Flower Pots of all Sizes.
What we consider would make a present moat acceptable
or anybody is one of our finely dr-coratcd Chamber Sets.
Prices range from $3.00 upwards.
Groceries-Don't Forget us When it Coms to Them
We have as fine a line of dried fruits as you ever haw.
Aii?o all the best brands of canned fruits ard vegitablej. A
few specials are: Libby"s Mince Meat, Maple Sj'rup, Sweet
and Sour Ph-kle, Dates, Cakes ami Cookies. We invite
your patronage.
No. 504 Main Stkkkt
eese the
Is our constant aim, and with that end
in view, we have laid in a nice,
well-selected line of...
Special Low Prices on Blankets.
Our Grocery Department...
Is complete in every detail, with the best the wholesale
market affords, and prices are LOWER than ever.
rroiiipt Delivery,
Fair Treatment
and Good Goods
Is what you may depend upon, if
you trade with
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth
1, 1899.
Second door South
of I 'ostoliicc,
IHM 4af3kH5
03 H
II m ' r- ' - . ;. .- r .
1 ' L A T I ' S M ) U T H , X K 1 1 i : A S K A .
Suitable for
u a ui