Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 13, 1898, Image 1

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    Semi weeexy
Vol.. Yill. NO. I!
TMK NRWS. KHtablnhnd Nor.5.1Mt. 'consolidated Jan. 1.1HWS.
TUK II i'Al LI), K.taMiuhed April 10. 161. f -801,aftloa Jan 10OT-
Everything New.,
H Nothing Carried Over, j
W. K. FOX has one of the most 23
S: complete stocks of Holiday Goods -S
ever shown in Plattsmouth. His
store is new and you run no chance 2
5 of getting last year's goods. He 2
has Holiday Goods of every de-
scription, for both young and old
2 and...
His Prices j
Are Reasonable 3
If you cannot be suited here, it is 3
g useless to look elsewhere, as the 3
stock is complete. Here are a few 5
5 appropriate... 5
1 Christmas
g Gifts.
Doll Heads, Doll Bodies, 52
Chinaware, Wagons, Sleds, rrS
Dolls and Doll Furniture, ZZ2
Albums, ZZZ
Photograph Kodak Autograph, ZZZ
Medallions, Toys, Fancy Candies,
Bibles and Testaments,
Prayer Books, 2
Episcopal and Catholic.
Ladies' and Gents' Pocketbooks, 2
Cyclone Cameras, 5
Magazine Cameras holding- 12 plates,
Christmas Cards, Fancy Vases, JJ8
Picture Frames, Games, 2
There are many other articles not 5
enumerated here. Call and look 2
over the stock. We will treat you 3
fair, both in quality of goods and 3
prices. rL
. K. FOX, I
418 Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH rS
The People's Clothiers,
Will sell Overcoats, Suits, .Underwear,
Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices
that no other house in America can
Please step in and take a look at our
Stock and Prices before you buy.
Have you seen our 50c All Wool
Fleece-Lined Underwear?
Waterman block, - Plattsmouth, Neb
Regulars Will Go to Manila for
That Purpose.
Six Krglmeutl Designated to Journey to
Oar Kastern Possessions Twenty-Second
Infantry From Fort Crook Is One
of Them Troops to Oo By Way of
Bars Canal First Nebraska to Ketnrn.
Washington, Dec. 12. Four thous
and of Uncle Sam'a own are to make
the trip- from the east to Manila
throuch the Suez canal, two of the
largest troopship in the service, the
Mohawk and Mohican, having been
decided on to transport regulars to
relieve as many volunteers now in the
Philippines, the Firsi Nebraska being
neluded in the volunteers to come
home. The Mohawk and Mohican
have been ordered to prepare for sea
at once.
Washington, Dec. 12. The war
department has begun in earnest the
relief of the volunteer troops now sta
tioned at Manila by regulars. This
afternoon Secretary A'.ger signed an
order designating for this purpose six
regiments of United States infantry
out of eight held in reserve for service
in sub-tropical countries.
The regiments are the Twentieth,
at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; the Third,
at Fort Snelling, Minn.; the Twelfth,
at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and Fort
Riley, Kan.; the Seventeenth, at
Columbus Barracks, O.; the Fourth,
at Fort Sheridan, and the Twenty
second, at Fort Crook, Neb.
They will go forward to Manila as
soon as transportation can be provided.
It may be that the two regiments 6till
held in reserve, the Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-sixth infantry, will be
joined to the others by the time of
sailing. The regiment were selected
in the adverse ratio to the loss sus
tained by them in the Cuban cam
paign. The voluneers in Manila will
be retired in the order in which they
reached that city.
Want Moriuonlsm Rebuked.
Cleveland, O., Dec. 12. At the
union ministers' meeting held here
today resolutions were adopted de
nouncing the election of Brigham H.
Roberts as a member of the house of
representatives from Utah, because he
belongs to the Mormon faith.
The resolutions, which will be trans
mitted to the house of representa
tives, claim that Roberts is a tool ot
the Mormon priesthood and urges that
body to refuso to recognize him as a
member; that the most stinging reouke
possible should b admistered to
Mormonism, which threatens church,
state and home. If Mr. Roberts is
seated it is claimed that it will be
taken by Mormonism as a great vic
tory over congress and a notice that
Mormon political methods are 9a fe
from interference by congress.
Unconscious and Frozen.
Frank Christian, a young man who
lives on the old Ed Platner farm,
three miles southwest of town, had an
exceedingly narrow escape from death
and it is doubtful if he recovers Sat
urday night he had been in the city
on business and started home on
horseback about 12 o'clock and when
near the race track his horse threw
him. Christian striking on his head
rendering him unconscious. He laid
in the road until about 4:30 o'clock
when he crawled on his hands and
knees to the hoTie of Mr. Herman
Myerhoff, where he succeeded in
awakening the family by tapping on a
window. He was taken in and made
as comfortible as possible and was
afterwards conveyed to his home Dr.
Whitten was called and found that
Christian had a bad bruise on the
back of his head and that both his
feet were badly frozen. He was in
a stuper all day yesterday and could
give no account as to how the accident
happened. Today he was reported
as resting easy. Christian has been a
resident here for some time, is a hard
working young man and is held in
high regard by all who know him.
The horsa was found in the stable
Sunday morniDg, it having returned
home aloae. Nebraska City News.
Will Give a Dance and Banquet.
At the meeting of the Tuxedo Danc
ing club last evening it was decided
to give a grand New Year's ball Fri
day evening, December 30, at Water
man's hall and a banquet In connection
at the Hotel Riley. The proper com
mittees were appointed and from the
present outlook this wil be the swell
event of the season.
Have Your Money Ready.
The News has a consider.ib'e
amount of money standing out on sub
scription. In order to bring the paper
up to the high standard which the
publishers desire, it will be necessary
to collect the out-standing accounts
and the management respectfully aeks
those who are delinquent to have the
money ready for the carrier boy when
he calls for it.
Who Can Guess It?
A. Clark, the grocer, has a jar of
beans in his show window and the per
son guessing nearest the number of
beans contained in the jar will receive
as a prize a fine lamp. The contest
will close January 1, 1899.
The person who disturbed the con
gregation last Sunday by coughiDg, is
requested to call on F. G. Fricke & Co.
and get a bottle of Foley's Honey and
Tar, which always gives relief.
Reorganisation of the Army.
Washington, Dec. 9 The house
committee on military affairs began
consideration today of the importnt
measures for tho reorganization and
increase of tho army to meet tho con
ditions arising out of the war. Such
progress was made that Chairman
Hull said at the closo of the meeting
he not only expected to report the bill
to the house before the holidays, but
also to paFS it by that time. In order
to expedite tho work daily committee
meetings will be held, beginning next
Monday. General Miles and General
Schottelrl, the present and the late
commanding officers of tne army, will
be invited to be present on Monday to
offer fcugestions and rerommenda
tions. Following them, the various
heads of stalf bureaus, the adjutant
general, commissary gt neral, quarter
master general, etc., will be heard.
More than usual interest attached to
the meeting today in view of the
effect of this legislation on tho future
status of the army. The bill under
consideration was the Hull bill, intro
duced by Chairman Hull and having
the approval of Secretary Alger. The
other army bill, dravn by Genernl
Miles was not before the committee,
so that no comparison ot them was
attempted. The Miles bill probably
will be introduced in tho houso Mon
day and referred to tho military com
mittee so as to bo taken up when Gen
eral Miles is heard. For today, how
ever, the committee confined its atten
tion to going over the various provi
sions of the Hull bill.
Mr. Hull explained the plan of the
measure in so shaping the arms ol the
service, as to bring the total effective
forco to 100,000 and this lead to gen
eral discussion. No conclusions were
reached and no votes taken on any
features of the bill, the whole subject
going over.
In biliousness, Herbine, by expell
ing from the body the excess of bile
and acids, improves ihe assimilative
processes, purifies the blood, and tones
up and strengthens tho entire system.
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Iturlington Route Holiday RsiteH.
Greatly reduced rates between
stations not more than 2C0 miles apart
are offered by the Burlington Route,
December 21, 25, 20, and 31, 1898,
and January 1 and 2, 1899. Return
limit January 4, 1899.
In sluggish liver, Herbine, by its
beneficial action upon the biliary
tracts, renders the bile more fluid,
and brinks the liver into a sound,
healthy condition, thereby banishing
the sense of drowsiness, lethargy, and
the general feeling of apathy which
arise from disorders of the liver.
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Clerical Fermita 18UJJ.
Clergymen and others entitled to
clerical permits are respectfully re
quested to call at the Burlington
ticket office and arrange about their
1S99 permits.
For Hoarseness.
Benj. Ingerson, of Hutton, Ind.,
says he had not spoken above a whis
per for months, and one bottle of
Foley's Honey and Tar restored his
voice. It is used very largely by
speakers and singers
There's no better flour made than
Feisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
Have you a cold? A dose of Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup at bed time
will remove it. Price 25 els and 50
cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Oysters! Oysters!
By the the can, or served in any
style at Sehiappacasse's.
Those wishing hair chains or hair
work of any kind done, will plea9e
leave their orders with Miss Adams
at Dovev's store.
Mrs. A. H. Knee.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate of Celicia Smith, de
ceased. Lewis Smith, John C. Smith, Howell Smith
and all other persons interested in said matter,
are hereby notified that on the 9th day of Decem
ber, 1S9H, A. J. Graves riled a petition in said
court alleging among other things- that Celicia
Smith died on the 24th day of November, 1X9S.
leaving a last will and testament and possessed
of an estate of about the value of $5JU.0ti, and that
the above named constitute all the per
sons interested in the estate of said de
ceased, and praying for the probate of
said will and for administration of the
said estate. Vou are hereby notihed that if you
fail to appear before said court on the 12th day of
January A. D. 1'.9. at 3 o'clock p. m.; to contest
the probate of said will, the court may allow and
probate said will and grant administration of
said estate to A. J. Graves, or some other suitable
person, and proceed to a settlement thereof.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 1-th day of De
cember A- D. lf$. George M Spurlock.
seal Csunty Judge.
Holiday Millinery Sale
To Continue to Jan. 1.
MRS. UTTER BACK has inaugurated a Spe
cial Millinery Sale, to continue during the
Holidays, and having an excellent new stock
from which to select, you can make no mistake
by calling'upon her. The Jsale will include all
Trimmed -Hats
And Other Goods
Everylady buying goods to the amount of
one dollar will be given a chance on a gold
watch. Call and see it
Vnder Bank of Cass ounty, Plattsmouth, NebS
mmmmmmmmww m m mimmmmmm mrnmrnn
- e
Christmas Will Soon
Be Here....
Visit Us to Buy your Sensible Gifts...
EE Elegant Black Brocaded Crepon Dress Patterns.
; Beautiful Fur Collarettes, from $2.75 up.
ZZZ Muffs from 75c up.
Dresden handle and Gold-mounted Parasols.
Sz Belts and Belt Buckles.
5r Men's Fancy Evening Slippers from 59c.
EH Large assortment Ladies Felt Slippers very cheap.
E Beautiful Things in White Lace Pillow Shams, Stand
Covers, etc.
Embroidered Handkerchiefs at all Prices.
ZZ: Initial Handkerchiefs, 5c.
SEE Kid Gloves, Mittens in Silk and Kid -all prices.
EE Bissel's Gold Memal Carpet Sweepers, $3.00.
SS Large size Moquette Rugs, 36 in. by 72 in., $3.50.
Grocery Dep't..
....We have everything to tickle your palate in tlii dcp.n 1 ni nt . A
Special line of Candies and Nuts for our Xmas trade.
Fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Shaving Mii'-, W'.ii. i S u.
Tumblers a special purchase, in sets, for gifts.
ZAJJVfS We have the largest assortment and cheapest lim- -l tl). -
jfoods in town. Make vour selections at once, a- tlu-v :nv -."llni;
very rapidly
g E.
Leaders in...
High Class Merchandise.
Largest Assortment M.
In the City...
CALF, at $3.25, is custom made,
full stock and is as good as we
could make for $5.00.
KIP, at $2.50, is all solid and no
shoddy. We also have them for
$1.50, $1.75 and $2.00.
GRAIN LEATHER, at S2.75, is
as near waterproof as can be
Boots and First Quality
Overs, at $2.25, can't be beat.
Full line KNITTED SOX and OVERS at Prices to Please.
Warm Shoes and Slippers.
Men's Flannel and Tuft-Lined, at $2.00 and $2.50.
Children's Felt Shoes, 65c. Ladies' Felt Shoes, 85c up.
Our Felt Goods department is overflowing with
WARM ARTICLES and it will pay you to see 'em.
Don't Forget lis on Fancy Felt Slippers for Xmas.
They make Appropriate Presents. NO H U M BUGGERY
Lerzrinr sxnd Oversjraltcrs, ....
M isl
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed
Constantly on Hand.
House Furnishings,
Our stock Is oomplete In all lines and we
Invite our friends to look It over. We will
endeavor to please joa. Call and see us.
(Successors to He&rjr Boek. )
?".'. Builder.
Contracts taken fur tl.e er-ct:;-ti Kesi-Jcuce
Barns and any kind ol carpt&Ur work, in anv
part ol the county. Ca!! on or aJ iress
HARVEY HOLLO WAV, I lattmouth. SeU
F. R. GUTHM ANN, Prop.
Rates SI and $1.50 -ner Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
' 1