Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 06, 1898, Image 3

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    Tin; uvnrwiT
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T 1X1
Editor Roscwater In Washington
In Its Interest.
Nuyn Tlint thn HraiN f Ii'ri im-iit nnil
Ot l-r HM-!it Ih l uir tint I'roJ trt - Kai
iiiovitl of llnxl SattiliiTH l-f)'rrfil till II
Krlrrn.iry for Nmiliury Itinxjni-Ollifr
irli(rhic Nxo'il of liitirrt.
Washington, D.'c. 2. Mr. llo-w-water,
who liui Lt;;ii in Wsisfiitik'ton
thu hint wufli iritci ricw int,' muiittxw's
of tho ciibi net, hi-niLs of liuuurt merits
mid ottuMH in ntlicial 1 i f i ;in to tin) nd
vi (-ability of con tinul till trio ex .o i l ion
next year-, h n met witli l,t it erK-ou--aifeinent
from tho-n interview d.
Evi n I'ri-rii lent MeKinloy, in a talk
had with Mr. K alv , conceded
that there worn inany it reunion la in
favor of contiri'iin' um x po-itio'i, l-ul
thought the limo t;o hod in which
to prepare proper colonial exhibit :m
pruposuil ti Ciko the p lie : of llie yi V
ernmeiit exliihit lo a laryo extent.
The qucjtit urn of nn .i poropria lion lo
Cover the experiso i f a i urtii'eit gov
ernment exhibit, w th ixni'dti from
C j m, Vo lo Kio ik d t ( I'll i . i pniiii-H,
w is iilo dl-cussi d in all its he n i n irs,
but n decision was reached While
Mr Ko-e water is not pr p ired to i li -tile-
v commit him-elf to an.-)-nor ex
position uitil he lias ascert: i i. d
what e in Vie i'o'iii in VVas'iinyton, he
sa vs the propoi' io:i is nt'-ived with
enthusiasm in ni iny tdliciai quarters,
which is decided l.v e n con r;io:i ,)-.
Henry Ilbmplo was down from South
Mend today.
L. C I'ollard of Nehawka was a
I'lattirnouth visitor today.
Mrs George KaulTotiberpor wub the
(fiioit of Miss Km ma Trebham today.
II. 11. Co'.cmau camo io from Green
wood this LQorniQ to attend to some
bu.-i neHH.
Dolph MeCroskey cime down from
Omaha l ist evening to i-pend Sunday
with his folks.
John liuikeof Center precinct was
Missing Cattle Plunger Is Said to
Be Hiding In Mexico.
lrtctlv Are hhadowlufc III Kvvry
Moveiurnt unci It I Thought Ilia Ar
rvkt Will Follow lu a Few l)ay-
hteaiuer Nenaca Arrln at New Turk-
Other News Notes.
I JIK Nicw s a call.
Ezra CraV.ill will return to Sioux
t lty tomorrow, whero he haa a posi
tion with the Northwestern railrotd
torn pany.
Th- family of VV II. Worden wish
to tliMnu their neighbors and friends
for the many iict of kindncbs during
the ro -e ,t fatal tllness and at the fu
neral of their beloved son, Frank.
No' w it hstaridinif the fact that Sena
tor uiect VV. II. Newoll sixty-one
yo iso d todiy he braced the storm
bright and farly this morning' and
started for his Cedar Creek quarries.
Kfiiioval of SixiIut Demi.
W siiinuto.v. Due '2. The war de
partment has iJoeided lo adopt at once
the bUjrgostio'i of (Jenerai Wood, in
command at Santiago, that the re
moval of th remains of American sol
diers from that section of Cuba bo de
ferred until February at the earliest.
While it is" fully realized that this
postponement will brine o-rout disap
pointment to the friends and relatives
of the dead soldier, the officials be
lieve they have no riht to expose to
the horrors of the yellow fever cut
break the larfe population of Santiago
and ueitrliboi ing towns for a mere sen
timental consideration.
The department had advanced very
weli in the preparation of plans for
the removal of the de::d and wis in
position to begin the work of disinter
ment nlmost immediately. It had em
ployed the services of an expert named
Khodes. who Lad thoroughly gone
over the ground at Santiago and ar
ranged the details of Iho pl:n. For
some time past the department has
been granting permits for the removal
of the remains of individual soldier?,
provided the relatives of the soldiers
furnished a metallic casket, which
could bo hoi emetically teiled, thus
preventing the introduction of con
tagious diseases iii to the United Stales.
The Sj)iirlxk-Siint h V eliding.
The News is in receipt of a ccpy of
The Maryviile (Mo.) Tribune which
I contains a length" iici ount of the
Spurlock-Smith weddim.', with u half-
toaecutif the contracting part its.
The following extracts taken trcm
the aruc
''The wddiig wis me of ihc most,
interesting i nd el gaal ocial ev. i ts
that ever took p ace in hi- i ity. J h
bri -e and groom ha. e f iei.d- in a;l
parts of the United Stati s. Mid alto
gether 450 invitau. n- were i.-t-u- ,
most of tnem beii gsant. to pe p'uuv.ay
from Maryviile. Nineiy people wit
nessed the ceremony and sat down to
the wedding supner.
.Miss fcmitn s anno was very
pretty, tasteful and r jii.'tt was of
ivory ?atin over pink .-ilk, t in
point lce and mousselvn iio s-oie, and
was highly becoming. .She wore Mrs
J. Woodson's Smith's wee ding v it
and carried white chiysanthmuui
Tne gro m wore full evening dress.
"Mis. Spuriock was reared in Mary
viile, and no young lady v ho ever
claimed this city as her houie ba
more menus t.t re. ine oriae has :i
good-sized for'.une in htr own right,
and is a h i-hly-. ceompiished young
lady. She ir luated from IeFauw
University, at Oreencastle, Indiana, a
few years ago, a:'ter which she went
ab.oad. After c mploting Ler musi
cal educaliou voider Moscowsky, in
Berlin, ehe trav led extensively in
Europe and the United States, visiting
many of ttie most important places
both in America ard on the continent.
Since the completion of her studies,
she has not allowed her interest in her
music to fla?, and she is unquestion
ably one of the most accomplished
pianists th'tt ever lived in or visited
this city. In addition to her accom
plishments, she is gracious and pretty
and has a charming disposition, which
will mako her friends wherever she
goes. She will prove a very popular
addition to the best society of eastern
Nebraska. Much of her time in the
1.1st few years has been sp. nt in Mar
shall, Mexico, IJoonville, Kansas City
and St. Louis, in all of which the has
relatives and is a social favorite.
"Mr. Spuriock is now serving his
second term as probate judge of Cass
county, which in Nebraska is quite a
responsible position, and is regarded
as one of the most promising young
7 lawyers in eastern Nebraska, Mr.
Spuriock graduated from the law de
partmentof DePauw University, where
he was a room mate of Leon Smith,
brother of the bride, a few years ago
it was while fellow-students there
that ' the young people becamo ac
quaicted and returned to his hom
town to engage in practice. In the
face of the opposition that every
y ung lawyer meets, !ie has succeeded
in making a n.tme fo. himse f, and is
looked upon as a voung m ;n with a
Kansas City, Dec. 4 A dispatch
to the Journal from Chihuahua, Mex.,
Grant G. Gillett, the missing cattle
a I'lattsmout h visitor today and made I plunger, whobe sudden disappearance
po startled the financial world, arrived
in Chihuahua on November 23 and
left on the morning of the 24th for
Durango, where it is stated that be
deposited a large eum of money in the
bank. lie remained only a short time
in Durango, when he bought a return
ticket to Chihuahua.
Two prominent business men of this
city came up from Durango on the
s true train with him and stated that
he bought a first-class ticket and rode
in a second-class coach as far as Tor
reon, where he took the Pullman. The
gentlemen entered into conversation
with him ard he said he bad made
considerable money in Colorado in the
general merchandise business and that
he was in Mexico with the view of in
vesting in ranch and mining proper
ties. He con versed quite freely upon
various topics, referring occasionally
to the cattle business. He was well
dressed and wore several beautiful
At Jiminez he was met by his attor
ney, C. It. Troxel, and the two entered
into a low conversation and remained
togother until thev ret. hed Chihua
hua. They arrived here last Monday
and went to the leading hotel, whore
they registered. The man was un
doubtedly Gillett, as his signature
corresponded with hi? signature in a
document held in this city.
Troxel left Tuesday on the stage for
the west, presumably to the mining
camps in the Sierra Madre mountains.
Gillett is still in the city but his
whereabouts are unknown, except to
the detectives, who are closely shad
owing his every movement. The re
port that Gillett had been arrested and
held in custody here is untrue. The
Jefe Politico says that the Mexican
authorities have not seen him and
know nothing of his whereabouts.
Ho will be arrested immediately up
on the arrival of tne authorities from
the states, who are expected to arrive
soon from El Paso. Their baggage is
all in this city, and on one of the
trunks is a tag with the name C. R.
Throe letters which have arrived
at the hotel for G. G. Gillett hava
mysteriously disappeared.
J. II. V'ick, a niorchant of Gretna,
was in the city yesterday.
The county commissioners will meet
in regular s-t asion tomorrow.
County Superintendent Farley was
out in the precinct visiting schools
Mrs. M. Way bright was able to be
down town today after a few days
J. A. Walker of Murray was in tho
city today and made Tiik News a
friondly call.
Oscar Keil of Avoca was in the city
todav and made The News office an
agreeable call.
G. A. Smith of Murray was a Platts
mouth visitor today and made The
News a pleasant visit.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage on December 14 of George W
Thomas and Miss Alice Mann at St
Luke's church.
Mrs. I.. D. Ilarmer. of Syracuse, is
visiting with horsister, Mrs. Thomas
Wiles. The two ladies were Omaha
visitors today.
Mrs. C. A. Itawles returned from
her visit with her husband at Savan
nah ill and it has since developed into
typhoid fever. Her many friends hope
for her speedy recovery.
Will Carmnck w:nt out to Piatt
Center t his afternoon to visit his sis
ter, Mrs. Dr. Pugh. He expects to
return to his regimeni,, the Third Ne
braska, immediately after Christmas,
having about, recovered from his ill
FOUNP A watch. Own-r can re
cover same by payii'g costs of tdve;
tisio; and proving property.
The Chicago daylight train, which
formerly passed through here at 7:17
a m. , now got s at 7:12.
Andy Ivroehler of the Burlington
shops at Ilavei- ek was an over Sunday
visitor in this city.
I. Ilawksworth, Superintendent of
Motive Power of the B. & M.. was in
the tity yesterday. Alliance Grip.
John and Ed Kroehler, wholefthere
last summer for the northwest, have
woriied in several towns in Wyoming,
Montana and Idaho, John is working
in tiie shops at Great Falls, Mont.,
but Eo1 has gone down into Colorado.
They have worked in various towns in
California and expect to visit the east
hefo- e they come back to Plattsmoutb
to settle down.
Tho pay car is scheduled to arrive
Saturday to gladden the hearts of the
draployes of the Burlington.
The run between Creston and Pa
cific Junction, a distance of eighty
six miles, was made in eighty-six min
utes by the fast mail the other day.
From this it will be seen that the
Burlington will have no trpuble in
making tho required speed for the
new mail service.
C. P. Olsen, superintendent of
bridge?, has a force of men at work at
the east end of the bridge building a
stone riprap to protect the big nil
which is being made.
Engineer Chas. Rutherford brought
engine No. 193 down from Gibson last
Friday. She got the worst of it in a
little smash-uo in the South Omaha
yards and will -be repaired in the
Plattsmouth shoos.
The tracks at Oreapolis are being
rearranged so that a thousand feet
more of double track will be given,
which will be very beneficial in mak
ing switches.
A new system of semiphores are be-
incr piaeeu on the Burlington, the
fit st of whi?h is at Oreopolis and the
next one will be ia the yards at this
place. It is a great improvemot over
the old system. It has two arms one
to signal trains going in one -direction
md the other :or those going in the
opposite. It will signal one train
without interfearing with the opera
tions of those going in the other direction.
lJarklvu'a -Vruic tjaiTe.
The best stive in the world for cuts.
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions.
imd positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect s:itisf iction or mooey refunded.
Price cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke
Back From Cuba.
New York, Dec 4. Among the
passengers who arrived today on the
Ward line steamer Seneca from south
side Cuba ports were Surgeon Byrnes
of the United States steamship Cincin
natti and H. V. Barclay of the United
States steamship Glacier, having in
charge W. W. Seymour, engineer and
yeoman of the Glacier, who is suffer
ing from insanity. He will be taken
to the naval hospital at Washington.
During the voyage he jumped over
board in an attempt to commit suicide
but was rescued. Among the other
passengers were Surgeon II. M. Pat-
ton of the Fourth infantry. Captain
Frost, Colonel Borup and Lieutenant
Clark of thn Third Unitad States in
fantry. The officers of the Merritt &
Chapman Wrecking company, who
have been working on the Span sh
ships sunk at Santiago were also on
board. They express the opinion that
the Cristobal Colon cannot be saved.
Without doubt, there is no disease
so common as the piles, none more
painful or annoying, or that has been
so unsuccessfully treated. The only
permanent cure for piles, either itch
ing or bleeding', yet discovered, is Dr.
sawyer's Arnica ana Witch Hazel
Salve. A. W. Atwood.
Cattle Given a Receiver.
Kansas City, Dec.2. A special to
the Star from Abaline, Kan., says
Suit was today filed in the district
court bv Morton Jourdan asking a re
ceiver for 1,500 of Gillett's cows with
their calves of the "70" brand, now
near Herrington. The petition states
that last July, Gillett gave mortgages
on said cattle to Elmore & Cooper of
Kansas City for $37,000, duo Novem
ber 16; that they were then extended,
additional notes for $S,034 given, and
the notes all endorsed and sold by
Elmore & Cooper to plaintiff; that
Thomas Kinnehan claims to own the
cattle, and the National Bank of Com
merce, Kansas City; Third National
bank, St. Louis; William Thomas and
O. W. Pratt claim interest in the
herd derived under Kinnehan, and
that the cattle are suffering for care
and deteriorating in value. George
Rogers was appointed receiver by
the probate judge in the absence of
the district judge, and went to Her
rington at once to take charge of the
Nothing has been heard here or at
Woodbine of Gillett's capture.
For Sale A Poland China male
hog one and one-half years old, gilt
edge pedigree, a grandson of Wood
burn Medium. A high priced record
breaker. Enquire at NEWS office.
The disposition of children largely
depends upon health. If they are
troub'ed with worms, they-will be ir
ritable cross, feyerisb, and perhaps
seriously 6ick. White's Cream Ver
mifuge is a worm expeller and a tonic
to make them heatthy and cheerful.
Price 25 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Cllppluic truiii County I-: t rlin tii(f ItUhcii
I'p for ivl Ki-nlm. j
from the Union I.rtlcr. I
E. L Hammond has nli his town j
property, lot 3in block 1, to 11. 1). - ,
laney, ai.d will give pomi -ssion on or'
before .M arch 1, 18'.i.. j
James Al ,'s.uti of Keck Blutt'.i pre-,
cinct marketed llfty head of tine po k- J
ers hero last Wednesday, bil,in' to!
Elmer Pritchnrd. That is evidence
that Union is all right as a market
for stock as well as everything else
the farmers have to sell.
Wednesday afternoon Syl Hathaway
met with a singular accident that
causes him to wear a forlorn look. In
driving across a field tho 'fore wheels
of the WHgon dropped iuto a ditch, the
sudden motion throwing Syl forward
against the wagon box with Mich force
as to fracture a rib on his-lcft side. lie
is able to bo out, but is very sore as a
result of the accident.
Uon. II M. I'ollard of Nehawka was
in town Wednesday evening on his
way home from Omaha, where ho at
tended a banquet given by the tho U.
S. Grant republican club of that city.
Mr. Pollard is the leading candidate
for the speakership of "the house, and
we are pleased to learn that his ap
pearance at the banquet udded mater
ially to his strength and makes his
chance for s curing the honor very
M. II. ShoemaKer had the misfort
une to fall from a hay mow oo Tuesday
evening, and when he got to tho end
of his short journey, he taw enough
stars to remind him of the electric
lights on the exposition grounds. Ho
did not think he was seriously injured,
but the pain in his left shoulder nexl
morning caused him to call Dr. Wal
lace, who found the shoulder dislo
cated. The necessary repairs were
made and in a short time "Matt" will
feel none the worse for his acrobatic
From the E-lmwood I.cader-Kcho.
Dan Eells received a card the first
of the week announcing the marr iage
of his son Herbert, to Mrs. Myrtle
Hallie of Denver. Colorado. The
ceremony took place Tuesday. Novem
ber 29, at Denver. Herb's many
friends at this place will unito in ex
tending the usual congratulation.
Charley Ilinman, a young man
about eighteen yea rs of age, residing
about a mile west of Mauley, was out
hunting rabbits with a 32 caliher
revolver Tuesday, and near noon
when cocking the revolver to shoot at
a babbit the weapon was accidentally
discharged, tho bullet entering the
fleshy part of one of his limbs.
Dr. Stockert was summoned
went 'out and dressed the wound,
the young man is doing nicely.
doctor fays eo bad results will ensue
provided blood poisoning does not set
in, which is not probable.
From the Louisville Courier.
Mrs. Ha-es, wif'3 of County Commis
sioner John Hayes, left Tuesday for
Ohio, being c ilied to the oed-si le of
her mother.
Miss Ellen Petersen and Mr. 13enj t
min D. Barker, both well known peo
ple of Louisville, were married in Om
aha on Wtdnesd-.v of lst week. The
bride is the good looking and nccom
pli9hed daughter of Mr. r.nd Mrs. P
Petersen and the groom is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Barker, and is
a sober and industious young man.
Last Saturday evening the flanges
on one cf the drive wheels of tho en
gine drawing the M. P. oassenger
train due here at 6:16 were broken off
between Portal and Springfield but
was not noticed by the engineer until
he reached the latter place. A
freight engine took the train on south
while the crippled engine was taken
back to Omaha for repairs. Tho en
gine came very near leaving the track
just before it reached Springfield. I
was a narrow escape from what might
have been a 6erious wreck.
t iPNN if T r-?. f?k
: i?:ciib3 l': -t'l 1-ecru' tVy I.'.'vc r Vry
ii mi oiv: standard f n cilu ami iu.hly
' I'J c archil fo'.Ki.
cow v.
tni.t y v.t
A !; Mm.
iuniiiy doctor oi j
pat - z .r.i
r-v- r i ' W fir
WW k. k. t V
!u tc..V4!r wt;!y.
Jl Uruj.-fcOt:.
I N i llon iiT Olllri rs.
Star of Nohrasl- a Lo lge J, II.,
elected th'ir oiVcers for th coming
yesr at 1 1 I r- regular meeting D.'cein
her 1. The following we'o uU-ctid:
Past Ciiief of Honor Mrs. Annie
Chief of Honor Mr. Nannie Bur
ke!. Lady of Honor .Mis. .lenni.' .John
son. Chief of ( eretnoni -s - M i's. Maud
Burl -y.
He. order Miss E ma Kuhney.
Usher Miss Mattie Ilig'ey.
r iiiancier .i is. i,cutla
Treasurer Mrs. Maggie KohnU.
Outside Watch Peter Clans.
InsiUe Watch Mrs. Bieiig.
-n :TU
T1 U
i v v i
rZ"Zt H-'? V? 'PILE TUBE
A New Discovery for h Certain Cure cf INTERNAL and
cures where: all othcrl. have failed.
Tufjes, dy Maii, 76 Cents; Dottleu, 50 Cents.
JAVES r. BALUSD, S0I2 Fropnefor, - - 3!0 Ncrth Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
r ease me
Wantkd Dr.
.is at the Ho', el
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption
This is the best medicine in tho
world for all forms of coughs and
colds and for consumption. Every
bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and
not disappoint. It has no equal for
whooping- cougfhi nsthma, hay fever,
pneumonia, bronchitis, la grippe
colds in the head and for consumption.
It is safe for all ages, pleasant lo take,
and above all, a sure cure. It is al
ways well to take Dr. King's new life
pills in connection with Dr. King?s
new discovery, as ihey regulate and
tone the stomach and bowels. We
guarantee perfect satisfaction or re
turn money. Free trial bottles at F.
G. Fricke's drug stoie. Regular siz
50 cents and $1 00. 0
List of Letter.
Remaining uncalled for at the post-
office at Plattsmoutb. Dc. 2, Ib'.ib:
Legal Nafiic.
I n i lie I 'hiric t Court ut Cass (.' mm v i
In tin-niaui-i f tl o i-stair : Iknr) -i
'J lits cause ( ,iaic on tor lien on pit-aimi ol
1 1 en i y M . Nii-iiuic-iieii ;i- in mi i n is 1 1 .i lor it ii will
au'litvcJof e tati- ot i li-m, .-ivasu.l.pravnti;
lor license to sell lot two CJi i n t lie not t Ii -aM
quarter of :e tioii ;'..". in town i'.l, iaii(.re ):l, C;i ,s
county, Nebraska: lot three .;; in the notdi-west
quarter ot section ihirty-hve i:i) town iaii!e
I S, atores.u i; the ii.n h-iast quarter ol the simttt
vest quartet ol said section . . town i:t. ranc !,
afoicsai.l, and ai.-o lots one, two and ifnee. It,'-'
and :s i, i'l block one 1 1 , ou ng and Hay's addi
tion to the of city l'l.utstnontii, Ciss county, .Ne
braska, ior t lie payment ol deois in the suinot
o'J with costs if adiiiinisu-riiifi estate and foi
sale of land. aileiiii; t.'iai Ijji .iiia- nl the nature,
situation and condition of s,,ul real estate, it wdl
be necessary to sell all ol said real estate that
the residue tmjjit not be fcrealiy (! -preriati-d mi
value if eoougli alone was sold to pay said debts,
costs and expen es, there not beititi sullicient per
sonal propel ty to p.iv sa;it Jetts and expenses.
It is tlieretoie oideied b n,e that all peibotts in
terested in said e: t.ite .it.d especially:
l'liliip Moi'. Charles StolJ, Mrs. Charles Stoll.
first name unknown: ho.a.'etii Mc f at land and
tier husband. Mr. f-arland, lust iiiinie unknown;
Ueni'k'i! I.ehr, tieorjie L.ehr. jr.. and wile, A
Cehr, Ii rs t iiiinie utiKtiowii: (.'hai-'es Cehr, .Minnie
I.elir.C'ln i.itmae I.each.J ihn 1 .each. M ai ; ha Lena
IJcery and liu baiut. Mr. IJeny, Hist iiattie tin
known; Mclia 'J hieroll, lleniy J Irerolt, i-'.osaun;i
Maurer, John M.uirer, l ouisa Ki..ple, Josepn I
Kipplo. 1 1 nam Moil, Auyu .-t Moil, Jacob Moo
ami Creil Moil apne.'.r belore me at my clianibi r-,
oilice clerk of tm: di.-tiict court, in the com I
house at i'l..trsmoi:t ii , Ca;.s county, Nel iri.-.s;i,
on the !' tii div ot Januiiiy, A. 1)., 1 a t t he
hour of 'J o'.lock p. in., to show cause win a
license should not be hi anted to said administra
tor with wi.l annexed to si; all ot tin; above de
scribe i real estate. J his older shall bo setved
by publishing same I n four s:ticce-sive weeks
prior to day ol hearing in the etiu-Weekiy
.evs-!iera:d. i.'ali.d .November A. IJ. l.-!l.
I'.Asti. h. h'AMsi.y,
Ju Ifre ol tii I ;str: t Cotut.
.1. J... Kcio r. At toi i.cj lor Adm uostrat r .
Is our constant aim, and with that end
in view, we have laid in a nice,
well-selected line of...
Oil Y GOO OS ! Ilwear.
Special Low Prices on Blankets.
Our Grocery Department...
complete in every del.til, with the Ik-nI the w
market alTonls, ami rices are M)VICR than ever,
is what you may depend upon, if
you trade with
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth
Probate Notice.
In the County Court. Ctt?s county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ol Truman Hail, de
ceased. Knn ih Mail, Norma Mali. Nettie Hail, Waldo
Hall a:id ail other persons interested in said mat
ter are hercbv noticed that on the; day ol , jJn'S, . oriuu i.:a.i hied a petit, oil in
said c urt, aile.iie; atoOnLf other tholes, that
Truman Hail dit ii o.i the otti day ot .ovemticr.
ls'.i?. ii; no last wiil and tesiaii-e:it, and pos
sessed ol leal and personal, and that
ihe abAe named con-titute a ! the persons in-iere.-ted
in the estate ol said decenseU, and pray
ing for tlie adniinir.tratioii thred. V ou are
hereby noniied that it you tail to uppear at SaiiJ
court on the the Soth day of l eceii.ber A. JJ.,
l'Jrt, at o'cioCK p. in. and Contest said petition
the court will appoint i-.ii.;:li i iall, or some other
suitable pels ui. adai :u:r- trat t ix, and proceed to a
sett. eineut of said estate. ,
ltness my hand and tho seal of said court at
I'lattsmouln. Nebraska, this, the Zfnh day ol
Nov. A. JJ. l.jSiH. Cl.iK(,K M. SrURLGCK,
siiAI.J County Jude.
- she
v-' ' (' "rjT'Hj
i1 W
Notice to Creditors.
i r- .- r-,.,.r.
assCountv. S "
In th ; matter of the estate of John Waiter Haines,
Notice is hercbv given that the creditors of
said deceased wnt meet the administrator ot said
estate, beiore me, county- iudije ol Cass county.
Nebraska, at the county court joom in riatts
mouth in said county, on the 31st dny of May A.
U., 1WIU. at 9 o'clock A. M.. lor the ntiroose of
presenting their claims for examination, adjust
ment aiiu allowance. nioti ns are allowed
for the creditors of said deceased to nresent r',,-ir
claims from the :so h day ot I .recent ber, JH.
Witness my hand and seal ol said countv
court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this. 1st dav of
November, A. 1J. Isi'S.
(Sea!) County Jude.
N'i! )v priced, Imt bllief-t gra '..- at f.iir, 1tmi--
'.-.o after )
1 1 1 -c- are tiu
.cd tliciu.
T.'i a k c
Cupboards, Shelves,
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pur
pose, not si, 'p-rl.-r.!. mix
ture f :
'. t. t-now
Vt .ii'll
THE .NEWS does
Legal Notice.
To Laura Ann Mills. I hn F. C. Mil s. V..slev
M. Williams and wife Mrs. Weslev M . William,.
UliveA. Williams ami S.dney . Williams, non
resident defendants: You and each of you are
hereby notified that on tht Mh day of September.
isus, riaiismouin Loa;'e .no. s. Ancient Uraer ot
United Workmen, commenced an action in tti-
district court ot Cass county, Neoraska, against
you, the object au l prayer of which are to ciuiet
title in p auitilt and against you in and to lot one
III in biock torty-two K-iZ). City of i'iatismouth.
Cass County, Nebraska, and to bar and enioin
said defendants from haviajr or asscrtinz anv
titie to. or claiiii in. said i-jt and for cquitaole re
lief. Von are to answer said Detuion on
or before Moiidav, Dccmcr -i. lf.:H,
I'LATTSMOL l'H I.OLii.h No. 8.
Ancient Okdek. of Uniti d W orkmen.
Bates. Humphrey
Cameron, Frank
Davis. Mrs. OsaO
Harley, Alban G
Jones, Aubrn
Lohnas, John
Myers, W E
Ranne, Mrs Sherman
Brant, Miss Cora
Carroll, Mrs. Alice
Guldner, Fred
Hol'iday, Walter
Jackson, Mrs Rachel
Keysor, J G
McCallister, Mrs Mattie
Trackey, Joe
"W&nted A good girl to work in
private family. Enquire at resident
of Samuel Patirsn n.Vii street.
When calling- for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
C. H. Smith, Postmaster.
Relief in Six Houm
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "Tnt
Great South Ameuican Kidxe
Cuke." It is a great eurpt ise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediate! v. if vou
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug
gist, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Superintendent Johns of the Gns acd
E.ectric Light works, is engaged in
putting gas pipes in Mrs. Perry Wal
ker's residence, ana ner. comfortable
home wiil soon bo lighted with gas.
There will be serviceat tho Method
ist church each evening this week.
Probate Notice.
la County Court. Cass county. Nc!rask3 In
the matter of tiie estate of Isabelle limery", de
ceased: All persons interested in said matter are here
by notilied that a petition has been tiled in said
Court, al.eius that said decea ed died leaving
no last wilt and I: tanieut, and prajin? for ad
ministration of said estate, and that if yon fail
to appear at said court on the ."nil day of iJecem-
oer, iw, at v o c ock a m , to contest saia peti
tion, the court may grant the prayer of said pe
tition and grant administration oi .-aid estate to
H. J- Streight, or some other suitable person, and
proceed to a settlement of said e-tate.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court at
riatUmoutii, Nebraska, this 14ih dav of No
vember A- J). li's. (jIlOKuli M IT K LOCK,
i.SKAl.j County lucige.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice i hereby given that by virtue of an
order ol the count y court 1 will on thellkh day
ot December, lstfs, at one o c ock p. in . on said
day, at tie late residence of Isaueoe hmory, de
ceased, in the city ot hiattsmouth. t;ass county,
Nebraska, sed at p ibiic auction all ol the House
hold furniture, carpets, cooking utetiseis, pic
tures, etc., being ail of the personal property of
said deceased.
Terms of sa;c, cash or half cash and balance
on time. Secured notes for s:x months.
Special Admimtiarer.
Legal Notice.
To William T. Eaton in his own rifrht, and as ad"
miuisirator ' f the estate of limerson H . Eaton
deceased, Augusta T. Eaton, h s wife. Sntitun
F. Eatjn. A'juate Eaton, his wife. Fred H.
Eaton. Mrs. Eaton, his w te, tsrst re ii name un
known, Art iL. A.exanaer, non-resiuen; dcieud-.
Vou are each hereby notified t'-at on August
12. 18.. Kll's i". Hartiey. as piaintitt. beican' an
action ag dnst vou and ottier defendants in the
district Court of Ca.-s county, Nebraska, to I3ie
close certain tax sa.e ccruticate-; ai:d thetsxei
pai i thereunder, on lots 2 and 3, in block 15-J m
thecityof Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebrrt-ka.
cum oe red 5.")- aci- hJ issued to the plaiotirt De
cember 6. pur-uant to sale of said land tor
delinquent taxes. Plaintiff p ays fr decree ot
foreclo5'-r and sale of said la::d : to satistv the
liens thereon and tor general relief- Vou are re-
fuired to answer piaiuiili's petition on or before
JecemLer 2(5, 189s.
TLtis T. Hartley.
Ry I. H, Hatfield, Attorney.
They banish pain
and prolong life.
. . "v T
' ' r"rst ipp
& m
- -4 V". - L - I W S Ms
4 Fa v fZv
tr ' a - 2 .
No matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A new rryl paHe p,;'-.(wm R"ms r-nrrxs !n Tir ear-ton (without tr("ur) n now for ml Morni-x.u mcoiH. lu: i.sw-on f t r: .tipu f.-r ti.t i-s r f. ,a .ti, eouuomt.
: . . . . ' ' ' '- - srw it.TK rr a Hil. i on..n fr.
it tnji;ria.' ?vr miia s.dco tn- world wan mia-i.
TxCLXa wij be aa( (ir riv. .-. utx.