Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 06, 1898, Image 1
t j HA Tl D) T w v. 1 J in T - Lb. i .L Jj ' ! 1 PLATTSMOUTH, NKI!., DKCKMliKlt (J, vol. viii. no. a Till: llhliAl.lf, i.N!nlhhl.,(J April M. l-. r'JH- J'"n"- " J THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS 14 I? IJ 1 4 TI i in in 7nrn i n 1 xinm 1 1 1 H IV Mil A I 1 A 1 1 1 1 I 1 I Liu JO twi n vnnuiunn rim LETTER FilOAl THIRD NEBRASKA. J t . V ' A J-J .1 T W y Assistant Secretary Melklejohn Denres the Charge. PEOPLE REMEMBER. 77 JO The Peop FRANK, lothiers, Will sell Ovcrcoa'.s, Suits, Underwear, Shirls, Ties, Halo and Caps at Prices that no other house in America can beat. Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 50c All Wool Fleece-Lined Underwear? JOB & FRANK, Waterman block, - Piattsmouth, Neb INTHE .. THE LEADERS .. ' TRAD& A K E A. H. WECKBACH & CO. ""piIEY carry tho l:rijot- an-i niost ron:)' thing 'resh and now. 'i nc. .:ty ca jiors tho ndvHainiro of tpeeial i ; -.-.iu 1 1 -. il ways in mcca. The oi'.v p!.:ee ; vl'.o fit. -sh Choose. Call t:u see u-. lino in Cass county. Every ojp ;.ioc!s and give their custo l conn etc line of oanued goods .vhere j' 'Hi can yet all kinds of . Waterman Blk. DEAR OLD Fl'LLAMOIiK 0( 0 us !.- of the Central Truss cum- ' pany of X ' v York. When e'er I Ro to Ireland to see my native . ti.)ns apo u,., er w at St. I ll seek some old acquaintance and hold Ir.m iy . , i ,t,o,j- Louis for- i .. -olui ition of all street i 1 e jiariu f Returning jays will seizomy he.n t. a? in t!ied,is rt'.ilwsiy m ie. ofote- : Wil.i-.m TI Ifoliaftsnn fnrmsrlr 4 "II l- I .... - I- . T ..... 1 r. ( .... ... ' - - " " VIIU .IV, Illlll. 111. 1H1 ' J ' ' . . i ... ..v dear old Fuliamor.- How happy were the days I ;p.-:t, ho. b..; iKul and bright. As I wand.jied out to Cliar.evil'e, i:pts a v n ' c. h ; The p .ictd ia".e ar.d stately swan, reced-iis i tlie shoro; Was 1 scene quite fine, as the n-'.-oa i'.id ti the lake i f rui.,.more. My thoughts are at in reverting tf the scenes I have seen there, With the ca-tie spire elevated tliree hundred feet in air; can Lri Tis.iian, is critically ill in his hKi'e i;i K.itonrih, N. Y. ' J m Corbett depositei $1,000 with a X :- Yo k n'M-i ing- edit(t- :vs a forfeit for :; with Tom Sharkey. 1 I d bodies re beinsr washed ;.ho'-o tit ICiiirene, Ore. They are sup : p -fdta 1j viciiin. cf tho Atalanta ! The J,-i-w ekly service between Port i T.mipa and K-;y West and Havana was With norses. cows and she.p-n thousand deer in 'tu unrated today by the Plant sys- and more. , to:l1 To graze on the parks that I have seen.iiear dear j , old Fullamore . i r?ErOKT OF THE CONDITION I think I am walking through the wocds, of that , of grand old doni 1:11, 1 TI ' GEIvMAX BANK. Wishing in uy heart each day, that I was back c! ar-f,r x0. 471, at Murdock. in the State of Ne again: j brak;:. at the close i bu iness December n, W'te. I thit.k I sec tho old i-atti-ot. and then the l.ish I KESOUKCES. shore. il.onns and fl'.scou tits $2:5,404.70 And the train to whir! me hotne acain. to der.r j ISa.Hvin j-house. furniture and fix- , : tu res l,r00 00 old hiii. aiiure. Current expenses and taxes paid 419 T6 , . , . i i.c troni t-.Eii-ina!. state and private I hope to goto Ireland and see it once rg.T.n, j banks and bankers 3.700 36 And tind it as free lrntn'anJ as Cubi is from . Casii 2.8o3 60 Spain; j My heart will Nj::t with gladness, when I 'M jump upon the shv re. And board the train, r trht home a;o;a:n, to ce.'ir j Vi.d vided profits old Fullamore. M. O'DoNotr.'E. Total $31,898 81 LIABILITIES. $ 5.000 00 1.4-.9 41 Individual deposits subject to check... 10. 59 40 I temand certificate of deposit 4,nl0 00 Time ceruticates ot deposit : 10,'AlO 00 The New in Itrivf . Kentucky tobacco growers are session at Lexiuton. Total .... $31,898 81 J. in : State of Nkpraska, ? e r- . ( ... f s I, H. K. Neitrel. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state met is true to the best of hit knowledge and be lief. H. K. Xeitzel, Cashier. At'e-t: Arthi r Eiki.t, n:rector. l.Oi. is Nkitzll. Director. Subs' rired and sworn to before me this 5th dav oi December. liV. A. Zabel, sea! Notary Public A hurric ane viitf.d C.ipc May,X but did only minor diimajo. A Paris correspondent siys revolu tion in Spain cannot be avoided. The French stenmer Algferos found ered. Eleven persons wore drowned. ! Probate Notice. Governor Tanner rau?tored OUt In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. seventv members of the sUUo yu trd. I lathe 'matter of the estate oT JohnCusack, de- ! ceased. Gen. Guv V. Henry t'nd bis wifo ! Ad p.-rsms interested in sa"d matter ar- hereby " . . . noxiiii-d hat on the th dav of December. 1898. have arrived at ban J U il, 1 O to li.CO. ; X.-.thauiel H. MeeV-er. hi d a. petit on in said ' ..i...r It. t liic tiinl Q A ; i ti i ct ra t i rtn ar. cvanl be settled and approved and that he be ; ill char jetl Irom nis trust as administrator wun j v. ;!' nni.exed. and that if you fail to appear before S:!'l L"UTl l'IJ IMC IMl LiJ V'l I 'CV.CIII UCI -1 - L-l Isaac B. I'otter will not - in. bd n canuidate for president of toe L.. A. , Ist'S nt two o'clock p. m.. to contest said petition TKq tSi oo m .(pi1 XY.vt ,,.: ! the c urt mav-grant the prayer of said petition Ine tni eemasteU f-3 t,c',lia : aR,i make s-ch other a-d lurther orders, allow Steamel Vamo )s;'. iv j'lt i; j!lore tit New- ances and decrees as to this court may seem ' proper, to me era mat an matters perianing to ; sa:d estat- mav bo rtna'lv sett.ed and determined. port. R. I. The U.iited States transport, y. sippi lias arrived at New York f: o n S hi Th-J '2' 2-id Nee Y r from Siv;iii".:ia tol-'.v Rio. The twenty sixih ijoic V'.tne-s mv hand and seal of said county court ct r'a'isniotith. Nebraska, this fith day of De cember. A. D. lMs. George M. Spurlock. (Sea!) ' County Judge l oeiniout s ill l 'let Legra! Notice, t'-.o County Court, Cas county. Nebraska. ; i ; ria'ter of the estate of Charles Butler. i:-o a-e-!. t All r or-oris ir.toresteH n said matter are here f orn 1 bo bv to Tied ;hit tn tho 3rd day of December, 1898. Portland was C ist ahuro AS C at a,G3, tiled a i:i sa;d court. prayiDg that her fin a! admits :? ration account be settled and Mai-anchuseUs., The Wa'.ton Woolen rr.ui at A " . on Yooi river, R. I., was burn d. Los, S75 000. Simorson, Whitesrn cc Co. failed vt Liitu'svi.l, Ky. As-et.s, i0 '.OO"1; li-i-bilities, $150,000. The Michigan Potland Co:jt.-nt company filed a mot tape for 1,000,- ?. ioweil ;.n i Tht a irrther allowance be made tor he support of the widow out of said estate and that the said sdninistratrix be discharged Irom her 'rus if you fa;l to appear before said court en the -7;h dav of 'ecember. 18is. at 10 o'clock a. tu to c nest sail petition, the 'court mav prant the j r.ocr said petition and mai.e such iiUtr aii ! liirther orders, allowances ai d decre s as to this court mav sem proper, to the end that ;. 1 matt-rs pertaining to this estate may be linally settled and determined W'i'rrss my hand and the seal of said court at Pl.-it'smot'tii. Nebraska, this, the 3rd day of De cember. 189S. George M. Spurlock. (Seaij County Judge. Says He la Not a Candidate tor L'nltt ' Statt-a Hrnator nnd Ihluka the Mouth I'lHtte Territory la Kntltled to a Kep- j rearntaitlTe Nt-cotlatloua at I'arla May ltault lu Two Trt-atl?a. Washington, Dec. 5 Assstant Secretary Meiklejohn is not a candi date for the United States Benate, as in shown by the following letter ad-dret-sed in unswer to a communicaiion from Hon. W. T. Thompson. Central City, Neb , representative in the state legislature, inquiring if lie was a can didate: "Washington, Dec. 1. My Dear Thompson: 1 have the honor to ac knowledge your esteemed favor of re cent date, inquiring if I am or will be a candidate for United States senator, to which I answer no. "Tho .South Platte territory is en titled to a representative in the senate oj the United States and the repub licans should have noditliculty in mak ing a choice from the many excellent candidates who have already an nounced themselves. "Above all things I desire republi can success in Nebraska. "Personal ambition should always be subservient to party interest and a wise selection from this section of the state will redound to the advancement of the party and become a potent fac tor in our politics. 'With renewed assurances of high esteem and consideration. I am yours very sincerely, G. D. Meiklejohn." Two Treaties May He Signed. Washington, Dec. 5. The impres sion prevails here that the resujts of the negotiations at Paris will be em bodied in two or more treaties, instead of one. There will be one actual peace treaty, embodying nothing more than the protocol points relating to the re liquisbment of Spanish sovereignty over Cuba and the Spanish West Indies, Guam and the Philippines, with the single exception of the pro viso for the release of prisoners. All th 3 other matters, those relating to the renewal of the commercial treat ies, the acquisition of cable and coal ing stations and in fact all those ex traneous matters that have been men tioned as likely to bo incorporated in the peace treaty, will form tbe subject of a special treaty. This course is likelv to be adopted in order to hastep the conclusion of pence, for which there is a great necessity, if for no other reason than to secure tho release of prisoners and the restoration of between Spain and the United States. Mast Protect Foreigners. Washington, Dec. 5. The secre tary of elate has received a copy of a decree recently issued by the empress of China, having for its object the bet ter protection of foreign residents in that country. The decree says in part: ' "From the opening of ports to for eign trade to the present time, for eigners and Chinese have been as one family, with undivided interests, and since missionaries from countries are living in the interior we have decreed, not three or four times, but many times, that the local officers must pro tect them and that the gentry and people of all provinces must sympa thize with our desire for mutual be nevolence; that they must treat them truthfully and honestly, with the hope of lasting relations." Nelratka News Notes. 1'iilisade is to have a creamery. It i3 reported that fully half the corn in Perkins county is still in the field. Virden sportsmen indulged in a side hunt, which resulted in the slaughter of 402 rabbits. The people of Pawnee county have subscribed $6,0C0 to lift the debt on Pawnee academy. The St. Paul road has promised to erect new depots in Tekamah and Wakefield in the spring. Central City sports recently organ iz3d a big wolf hunt. They did not even see a wolf, much less get one. Scribner is afflicted with petty thieves, wbo steal anything that is not nailed down and some things that are. J. S."Fuller of Virden was severely burned by the explosion cf a cm of powder, from which he was loading shell1?. Parties supposed to be tra'mps, broke into the barber shop of J. D Drury of Gibbon and stole a quantity of cigars and some razors. . James Chaon of Wayne county fell down a bank with a axe in his hand. Tn some manner during the tumble one of his ears was cut off. A female canvasser, who pretended to represent an eastern publishing house, recently worked the people of Ord for a considerable amount of money. ,In sluggish liver, Herbine, by its beneficial action upoa the biliary tracts, renders the bile more fluid. and brinks the liver into a sound, healthy condition, thereby brtnishinc the sense of drowsiness, lethargy, and the general feeling of apathy which J arise from disorders of the liver. Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. rormer ruttmout h Uoy rlto Enlfr tulnliiK')' From M;i vhiiiih h. Ah everyone is inter cted in tho sol dier loys tho following letter, re ceived by John E. Marshall of Tlliii NEWS, will bo rend with lot r-st: SAVANNAH, G: , Deo. 1. Your let ter arrived O. K., but I f tiU'd to fit 1 any "Kxquiritos" enclosed. Sur. ly you will remember the "coi -por l'1 with a cigar (box) or two. You're right I haven't "done up"' any Spaniards, but I ni ido a French man (Victor Voll.tiro by name) think I was about six of them. IJw rof. aod to obey my rder-t and w :s about to clean mo up when I "gently" wont after him. I also siw Liettcant Webster, who ha ch;iro i f mo. and he immediately 8ent him back to his company. I have been detached from rr.y com pany and am now with the First Bri gade provost guards. I have charge of sixteen men and pine gu trds around tho First Brigade corral at night. This corral contains 1300 government tnules, and as there tiro negroes down in this part of the country who "might" steal, they are thus guarded. In the daytime we keep, tho Fitst Brigade officers' touts in good condi tion and arc also in readiness to help move camp when orders are given. I am kept pretty busy, but like tho j'.b. All the guards tiro good men and I like them all They think Hi ram George (or corporal, 1 should say) about right. My health is excellent lipping the scales at 170 that's not bad, consider ing ihe lood wo get. You ought to see me eat. Undo Sam surely losrs money when I commence to perform at the table. Ij-ast night the Savannah Journal contained an article that tho Seventh Army Corps would be musierecl cut inside of thirty day?. You ought to hear the soldiers (11,000 of them) yell. Did the boys buy pa pets? 10 very body purchased papers. If we are going to be mustered out as everybody s.ia why are they giving in new rill-1-, new tents and buying more mulct? I don't believe the report, but I am the only one who don't believe it. For my p-trt I would jut as soon go to Cuba, as s'.ay here. Just now there is more yelling outside. Another report, I yuess. The Third Nebraska has got its grounds in neater shape than any regiment in the Seventh Army Co h. It is a beautiful camp and is kept, in excellent condition. They have better touts, too. They are of heavy canvass and look very ne st. Our new rill s the Ct asr-.Toi genseu is a fine gun. The uiagtizlne will hold five shells 'uid tbe cha-mber one shell. It can bo tired very rapidly and kills at 1,800 yards, a little over a mile. Company "H" of the Third .Nebraska regiment is up town on provost duty, having taken the place of the Fourth Llinois companies. Well, I will closo :i? it h time to blow out my candle. Your friend, II ik AM Rov.ixi:. For Hoarseness. Benj. Ingeivon, of llutto't, lod., says he had not spoken - above a whis per for months, ard ino bottle of Foley's Honey r.nd Tar restored his voice. It is used very largely by speakers and singers WANTED. Local or traveling ale--man to sell our Oil, Greases and Pe -trolatum on commission exclusively, or as a side line. Goods guaranteed and prices low. PENN PETKOIATCf CO., Coraopolis, Pa. Oil Refiners. TO CUKE A COLD IN OXK DAY Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2-lc. 'ihe genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Oyst-rs! Oysters! By the the can, or served in any style at Schiappacas-e's. TTTT TTYT T?T7T7 TTTT TT TTTf T7YTTTTF rTTT 7TTT TTT7 TTT7TTT7 Icnt JXIni-lzct Where everything is nice and clean and a full line cf Fresh Meats is car ried in stock, is tbe place to do your buying. Such a place is the Excelsior Meat Market hi. L. JOHNSON, Frop. He is a butcher who has had much experience in purchasing meat ai d he buys only the best... Bulk Oysters, Game and Fish In Season Try Him For Holiday Meats. UMAUiUiiUiiUiiiiAAiiiiUiiiiaiiiiiiUiiiiuii i hi it nil' 1 hi U afsnnt I inn At li I n All h Use Ul it W Ul Jill 1 1 1 1 ; II tu NEWEST STYLES IN Wanted Dry iPlattsmoutb. cobs at the Hotel Dress Hats, Street Hats, OstricJi and Coque Feathers, Up-to-Date Ornaments. Special attention is called to our SilKs. Yelvaisana wgw Mlrrar ValB -f Every Shade, and in Plaids and Polka Dot, for Millinery and Dress Trimmings. MRS. 0. F. UTTERBACK, TJadar Bank f Cast Cnunty, Piattsmouth, Neb. r ir. . . . . . ,r o 01 ti Oo IJVWU kA OWll V Cheapest. 3 You cannot o the Omaha Exposition any more, so epenci your time with us. Wo have tho Greatest Ex- position of... SZZ easorsaole Dry uooos EVER DROUGHT TO PLATTSMOUTH. 3 " Special Sale on Dress Goods.. ...15c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 39c. See Cur New Black Crepons, at one-half Omaha Prices. f t New Silks, New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, Sjji'if ioiir fioity irith j .v cu I iii' ircrircd . t 'c cannot a 'on tu mi.s- lc(i our jmtrons. h'rrn- j hod 11 :noirs irluit lind of j . - New Fiannelette Wrappers ,,., m ,sr Mave you seen our Line of... Fur Collarettes, fro 111 $2.75 op. iviuf ui anci rur 1 nmmings, i ....(! t-':'ccl ion in town New Hosiery. Underwear, , ...In Cotton and Wo'-l Union Suit- Cotton Clankets, . . . .I!') -, !, '., T'ao Mid K"e J Cotton Flannel, t ... . I'or inillo lis, 12 o... 17ic Outing Flannels, 5c. Get a new Oilcloth and Binding for your Stoves.. . ...l!e-t .-(ioiTion in town from 1; t.i; Get our Prices on CARPETS... - ....All wool. inc. Jlc-t K:tr:i-.-uper 2-ply nil-wool ';arpct inad.s for '. See our now l; ioe!.-, M quel t- s, Axminster and Velvet Carpets. They tiro b.mttt if till cheaper tioiu ir-t year ro ad vanco on our goods. Gen our Prices on all kinds of Shoes... Tho iSe-t and L-irgt st assortment of Shoos ami warm ...i0-r.- wo have vo- shown. Tiibl.-ts and l'ouoils FlilOE with School Sbo'-s. Don't fail to see our new stock of Lamps fV,,; ,, ,v" 1: & if Agents f r P.utt-o-ick Patterns, Gago l)wt: Cot sot.s ftol JJudo 's liaby Slioor....,! Tiimmmmmiimmmm in m iimmiiimiMiMiiiiitim m --It V (J c. it In.-; Lai P: I I , 4 'oi .'ji : ' '4 jr 8 Largest Assortment In the City... 0,1 'i I CALF, at $3.25, is custom made, full stock and is as good as we could make for $5.00. KF3 at $2.50, is all solid and no shoddy. We also have them for $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. GRAIN LEATHER, at S2.75, is m 0. 0 IfSl 0 0 0 0 m 0, as near vaterproof as can be jygj m i Gil made. FELT Boots and First Quality Overs, at $2.25, can't be beat. Full line KNITTED SOX and OVERS at Prices to Please. Warm Shoes and Slippers. Men's Flannel and Tuft-Lined, at $2.00 and $2.50. 0 0 0 r,: Children's Felt Shoes, 65c. Ladies' Felt Shoes, 85c up. FELT SLIPPERS, 65c up. Our Felt Goods department is overflowing with .WARM ARTICLES and it will pay you to see 'em. They make Appropriate Presents. NO H U M BUGGERY Ic?(3:jiii mid .y'criici2t2i& .... 0, 0. 0. 0 ilSt 0. 0 0 w 0 0 HER WOOD FOOT MILLINER Piattsmouth Coal Yard is THE PLACE to r.r;y HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. FURNITURE UN DERTAKING STOVES, RANGES. I Hay, Corn, O -.ti and Kinds of Food Coc on Iir.nd. Till CD AND MAIN-hTS. U:ir rtock la complete In all iln-s tcl we irvl'.e our friends to look !t over. We w!il :?:iv r to pletiae you. CaJ! aod se" . un. HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor C i::;r;..!s tskea f r tJ..- (.rocli iii of KesicJcnce J ams atid any kit.-! ' f carptater work, in anv I Ht t of the cuiitity. f n'.l on or address HAIJVKY HOLUItTAV, 1'UtHrnooth, eb LHP, PERKINS HOUSE, F. H. GUTHMANK, Prop. r 7tfrUf f. Cf XT! "r J ;itL"i0ll! L tSiillLL-is (i-ticcepsrs to l.ery p.wick. ' i J T , A TTS MOUTH Ml v - ll'.IOJO t 9Pi c npp ni. U.iU il.tJJ UUI UliU Centrally Located and Com- ' fortably FurniBbed. I'LATTSMOUTH, - - NEB - i r i !