A BOON TO MANKIND! DR-TABLER'S BUCKEYE tn m -i ?3 in (Oft CO 3 A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 50 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. FRICKE & CO. F. G. Fricke & Co. This Space Belongs to the Firm of NYnBM & CO., Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. To Please the s: Is our constant aim, and with that end in view, we have laid in a nice, well-selected line of... DR Y- GOOUvS j Pffi,ewEAR. Special Low Prices on Blankets. Our Grocery Department... Is complete in every detail, with the best the wholesale market affords, and prices are LOWER than ever. Prompt Delivery, Fair Treatment autl Good Goods Is what you may depend upon, if you trade with Xj. b. Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth THE Vers kjpJt-M., 1. -. i S53r. mvs:;VJ& Not low priced, but highest graio at our reputation. We pny these are the say so too after yc; . : used them. SOLD BY F. G. FRICKE & CO. z ucKweier Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Horner of Sixti and Pearl Streats. - - - Plattsmouth. Neb 2 O m i "Or- t i f w l , rj" jj.-pitE TUBE in PILE i I'n J Saarnji CUR Hero is one of thoae who are either so prej udiced against all ad vertised remedies, or have become discour aged at the failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to the grim desti'oyer without knowing of the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles. ublic SHERlViiJ-WiLLiAMS C MAKE PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tool;, Etc. A special paint for each pun pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. fair, hone bes' r".i".: : You'll p 1 The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAV . . BY THE . . . NKU.s PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. I i'OLK , EDITOR. DAILY KDITION. One V ..i , in ;nl van , (1(1 Six Months. 'i iO Oni' V( t k 10 Single ('opii'S, . . 5 sKMI H'tKKLV KIMTION. Oik Vi'iir, in advance, . . . . fl 00 -m Montis f0 r LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. Till". South Oin.iha stuck yards tiro in iiruity KifY' liaiuld this time, with a. governor and lieutenant governor of thoir own selection holding the fort at Lincoln . K. M. l'dLl-AKU, Cass county's can didate for the t.p 'akei ship, is the best equipped m m for the position that has so fa bjen named. lie is a grad uate of the state university and is well posted on pi rli men tary Urfac:?, and von Id bo ;i credit to the party. Sknwtoi: Ai.i.kx. who vill soon write an ex alter his name, s.iys ho is still H ue to lii-y.m. Tbis is Unfortu nato for the colonel as Allen seemed to be too reat a load for the pooocrats of Nebraska, anil how llryau eau carry the load i.- not clear at this wriliny. l'iiKst ikm' M (. Kin Li:v"s forthcom ing raessar3 is looked forward to with more than usual interest, as it will outline some of the legislation which is to be enact .'d with reference to our new pos-essions. The first Monday in December is when congress meets, a ditto not far awav. As ANOTilizr. conclusivo proof that prosperity is with us, might be cited that enterprising but acquisitive gents have again taken to the bank-robbing business. Only a few yours ago the not results of a midnight raid upon the average rural money depository, was a notarial seal and. some chattel mortgage blanks. Lincoln News. Tiik deruop'p- used to oppose the existence of the State B ard of Trans portal'on, tut the divorcing of a few fat demopop jobs will no doubt contin ue to Keep tiie law on the statute books for two ye irs more, even though the letri-lature repealed the measure, as Governor I 'oy tiler's veto woulu s ve it. AxoTi Ei: bu-ine.-s-slr e gthening re u t f ti , r- c nt eel i. n i- e in the H'..''.id ; ct v 1 of the J ii Ver-b ri- ll.e.ary b .ire. u V!i a s: . tx po is tiii Jing it- w-v ag ii'i into t en Lim. s ' the subs d z -J O'unii v press. This pe iodic tT r vesv:e nee ot the We-'ater laudaiio . mill so notori ously depends uoon pushing '.ho bui. t"U and g easing the whee.s from the Omaha end of the circuit, but such aid-for pull -ry deceives nobody. Bee. Thkke isn't much snow for an open door p;liey in the Philippines after all. McKinh-y is a life-long protec tionist. '1 he freo tr tie theory has no bdauties in its piactical side for him, anil every colonial possession will be held as a vantage ground for the in vestment of American money which will not be crowded out by foreign competition. The open door in the Philippines or at Porto ltica may be S3t down as a mvth. SENATOR ALLEN'S BIG JOB. Senator Allen promptly denies the rumor that he was about to enlist in the service of one of the big corpora tions. On the contrary, he purposes toiemain at home for the next two years and t-y to hold Nebraska and Bryan together. Of ccurse, having his task in view, it will be impossible for him to attend to any outside, busi no s. Ct. Louis Globe-Democrat. Mckinley times. This year the net earnings of eight railway companies in the United S'ates was over a million dollars each in excess of the net earning of 1S97 Can any other country beat this show ing? Nebraska Citv News. INOi:.MATJoN AND OMMOX. The Nebraska bliz.a' d of a few days ago gained in fury as it traveled east ward and when New England was reached it was a hummer that would make North Dakota turn green with envy. Many towns wecj completely snowed und-r and no c ommunication could bo had with outside cities. Such a -tot m in the west woi ld result in gr-.at loss on the st-ick ran hjs. The tsteein.'d weather sharp :.d prophet of the "L U y of the Sno- s," Prof E. Stone Wiggins, h is thrown another lit. lie declai es the Novem ber met o-s are not meteors at all,bu' stones t rown at us by the iuhab t ints of the planet M r-. It is more likely that the Marti . s had hot camp ligri and shied a fe v roc s at an obnoxious candidate. The democratic congressman from Utah is said to bo a polyg imist, living with three wives in that state contrary t the statutes made and provided. President McKinley has been in vited to take Drt in the Masonic cere monies at Mt. Vernon December 14, to mirk the centennial of the death of George Washington. The exercises will consist, as nearly as possible, of a duplication or reproduction of the funeral ceremonies of December IS, 1768. The lodge in which Washinjf- ton was made a Mason und the Wnxh llnyton Alexandria ia3j6, of which ho I wan the lirst m .Btor, will take promi nent purls in the ceremonies. Masons from all parts of the world aru ex pocted to bo present. Two prominent Now Yorkers, Elihu Koot Jind Joseph (Jhoato, are talked of for the vacant ambassadorship to Eng land. Boot is said to b supported by Senator Piatt and Choate by Senator Ilanna. The conto t will determine tho strength of two senatorial pulls. James Gray, tho newly elected mayor of Minneapolis, stai t d life as a newsboy, earsod money sullicieut to keep him while going to tho common schools, graduated from tho Sta o university and became a reporter on and then managing editor of the Min neapolis Times. j Farmer Sibley ot Pennsylvania, re cently elected to congress, is not as enthusiastic for freo coinage of silver as he was two years ago. "Tho silver question," he says, "has been dead since lb'.lG, and I have no timo to busy myself with dead issues." Parmer Sibley dislikes whistling in a grave yard. Blatherskite Smith, who has been ousted as deputy attorney general, was the most abusive and untruthful pub lic speaker who took part in last fall's campaign. Ho has been bounced to give placo to V. D. Oldham of Kear ney. Mr. Oldham laugh, and the de cent people of Nebraska laugh with you. It was a just Nemesis which followed Smith and pushed him over board. . This country's vasi and various food products have made it tho granary of the world. Through the preponder ance of exports over imports during the last two years this country stands today a creditor nation to almost all others. We aro loaning to London, Germany and Franco vast sums of money. Tnstead of our bills of ex chance madfl against our exports go ing to London for discount, as hereto fore, they are taken up on this side and held -for temporary investment. Our present rate of interest is half that of the Bank of England; and one-third if the Bank of Berlin rate, notwithstanding that we have had nearly SMJO.OOOjOOO of our securities re turned to us auring the last several yea -s, all of which have been taken up and obsorbed by our own inve-tors. The money conditions of this country as compared with tho-e of European nat ons, together with the outlook of the future, I do not hesitate to say, make New York City at this moment the great linar.c 1 centre of the 'i-ul. and it wou-d be we I lor the Am r c n i- p e to -o ecotniize it; and, fur nei-M.ore, it. the alliance wi: h tire i Li iiain we h.iVc e. mbination that will dominate the wo 1 . In view of these f cts, I do not hesi'a e to say that the banking business of the city of Jiew York is on a safer an'l bounder ba-i- 'han that of ar.y othe fi i ncial cent e in ' he worli. Hi- NRY Clews. Soiium long to JJfpeiid On. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & S.n, Cowdeu. III., in speak ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter trs wife was attacked with la grippe, and her case grew so serious that pbysicians atCowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into hasty con sumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a botte home, and to the surprise of all she began to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is guaran teed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 5 You have seen many men who stammered and stuttered, but who ever saw or beard of a woman with art impediment in her speech. Try Grain-O! Try Grain-O! Ask your grocer today to show ycu a package of Gkain-o, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocba and Java, but it is made from puro grains, and the most do'icate stomach receives it without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee, loc and 25 cts per package. Sold by all grocers. Major McCiay received yesterday from Omaha a check for $300 contrib uted by the people of Nebraska to the Third Nobraska regirrent for the pur chase of Thanksi.iv.ng tui keys. The money was t ansmittd by the West ern Union Teleg-aph company free of chaige. and a c.-ieck for the amount was sent to Major McCiay by Manager L. J. Maxwell. Tne money will be divided among the compinie, $2-5 going to each, and ever y m in will have a large aod generous s.ice of turKey for his Thanksi; ving dinner. Coal! Coal! Hard coal deliver' d to any part of t':.e city for 87.50 per ton, and the un rivaleii Mendota cai tie lveied for $4.2-5 pt-r ton. JOHN WATEKMAN. If you are Suffering i em drowsiness in tho day time, irritability of temper, slceple-s nights, general debility, headache, and general want of tone of tho system, use Herbine. You will got relief and finally a cure. Price 50 cents. F. G. Frick" & Co. Lost On Thanksgiving day a large ducking overcoat. Leave the same t this office or with Crawford, the gar dener, and be paid for your trouble. i.trt OjBltr! By the the can, or served in any 6tyle at Scbiappaoaise's. I POINTED PARAGRAPHS t Denver Post: A Missouri ma-i was finod $0 for heating his mule, and tho next day was fined $2 for beating his wife. Muh b are mules in old Miss mri. Thegreatist medicine fr the kid nevsthat has ! en discovered 'n mod ern tica is D - S. wye 's Ukatine. XI) best proof is to give it a trial, j A. W. Atwood. WaNTEH-Reliable and experienced salesman to handle a good line of lub ricating oils and greases on commis sion. Address The Clinton Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Tho advertising columns of tho Ni:s show who the live merchants are, and where to go to get ha-gains in every thing needed for the f iinily. It will pay you to read them and trade at homo. Constipation means the accumula tion of wasto matter that should bo discharged d aly, and unless this is done the foul inattor is absorbed and poisons the system. Lo Ilerbino to br ing abont regularity of tho bowels. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke. There's no better Hour inado than ITeisel's "Plansifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it, and thereby' got tho best and sup port a home industry at tho same time, Vvhich builds up the town. Thousands of men and women sutler from piles, especially women with fe male weakness have this suffering to contend with in addition to their other pains. T.ihler's Buckeye Piio Oint ment will qui kly ell' ct a cure. Price 50 cts. in bottles, tubes " c)s. F. G. Fricke & Co. Infant mortality is something fi L'ht ful. Nearly one-quirter d.o before they reach one year, one-third before they aro live, and one-ha'f before they are lifteen! The timely use of White's Cream Vermifuge would save a major ity of these precious lives. Price Ho cents. F. G. Fricke. Washington Star: ' Do you think that tho money question will be per- j mitted to figure much further in poli- tics?" "You can't tell," replied Sen i j tor So'-ghum, "but I hope not. When money figures in a campaign, I . f-tvor of h ivir g no questions I whatsoever." nn in is k od. J. II. Thrasher has 1 '1 ittsmouth homes to sell on monthly payments. Wan'TKI) U liable men who can put in either a 1 or pa' t i f their time, to t ike orders for our Lubricating O.ls and Greases. Our prices are the low- : est. and we have tho ix st facilit ies for h iri'llirg the wes'ern trade. Lib.-ral c mms.s on. Tiik Caxuki.I) Oil Co , eve find. Ohio. In many seee'igiy hoj.ele-s cases, cv nsump ion has been averted in oiling a hiickin .r cough, by the u-e of i)r. Siwyer's Wild Cherry and Tar. A. W. Atwood. -- bJf- J k CCCCft on.l mnrnuiTF.s , TOR EATING. 0RINKING. i! G DRINKING. Srfc',: ' COOKING. BAKING 8? V,' l f Purity of Material and Deliciousness "Flaror Unexcelled. FDR S'.f E AT OUR STORES, aho by Ar.W- ' &ZVJL Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings. ar DR. SAWYER'S UKATINE Cures kidney and liver diseases CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew Building, Plattsmouth, eh. Open frorrJlO a. m. to 5 p. in. andTjto 9 p. m: ervlcen each Sundav. HARD COAL. Missouri Coal, Genuine Canon City Coal FOR CASH Li3ave orderi at F. S. White's Stcre. W. J WHITE. spy 3p.iw. . T t p J ii & BEST (K'raiiNS Y t EVER iki pAU- S9C Special Announcement ON nwnrp ll ml u 0 The Lnrest Stock in the Cify. Wo have a largo assortment of the met leaut i f u ! Lamp that money will buy, at half the price p:iid !a.,t year. Also a fine line of .1 -fil i nier s wi- are d ;sp!it i ng i ti our wimlnv. We sell them at very low prices. Flower Pots of all Sizes. What wo consider would make a present most ai i-. plablo or anybody is ore of our finely ih corated Chamber Sots. Prices range from $;;.)( upwards. Groceries-Don't Forget us When it Coms to Them We have as line a line of diie l fruits as you ever saw. Also all the best brands of canned fruits nrd y i-g i I a I d e . A few specials i re: l.ihby's Miii'-o Meat, 1 loi:n'iuade Money, Maple Syrup, Sweet and Sour Pickles. I'rei.eh Dites, Cikos and Cookies. Wo invite your patronage. BENNETT & TUTT, No 501 Main- stukkt fcr.rw.t : YVORIVIS! VERMIFUGE! rur &u maid ami lcu hh tjuiia titcfiitutt uuaiuuullu SOXjX 3JY JVIjIj I31U Clr TV INTO. Pn-panxi by k JAMPS P. HALLARD. Ct. Louis. F. G. FRICKE & CO. No Cheap Goods No shou 'y wares, which we are marking "Special Low Prices." We h .v; ' i in the mercantile bu-iiioss in Plattsmouth for tho past, twouty-'-ight years and have, established a reputation for. . . . The Best Goods at tne.. ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is on'- m tt on- invariable rule, nnd we do not nr.eio -e to d -pirt f . om ii now O i Sprin.' stock i- larger and moi-i- com plete this year than ever. We are sole agents in Platts mouth for the celebrated "liiaek Cat" brand Triple Knee Stock ings. Come in and see us and we will treat you right. mt Y GOODS A ew Hardware Stor 4? 4? Having returned to 4? H to welcome all mv old customers, as well as new ones, 47 4 . 4? and show them a sekct Tinware and an3'thin" usually carried in a lirst-class fj hard ware store. 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? Be sure and call, as I interest 3'ou. JOHN R. CO 4? 4? 4? Rockwood Block, 4? JBettei- r5iiin JJrCvei' ' oOi;ooo.ooi i. ) . E.HALL&SON ..HAVE THE ONLY.. Stove for Early Autumn, As well as winter, Weather. It's Cheap and dries the work. A full line of all kinds of Stoves and Hardw are. Tin Work and Roofing a Specialty. Our Low Prices have built up a rr00d trade, which we will maintain by continuing the same. Remember the place .... S. E. HALL & SON, ..Practical Tinsmiths.. South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. 0 j I "I. All SMOU 111, Nll'.l.'ASKA. f Tl i. I lfl VtillMi '- XkJ'CKJ Triple Knee "father Stocking Hake WQ4 7J ZCai Platts - niouth, I will be jlad line of Stoves, Hardware, IV I lb have some prices that will j th lb lb lb lb lb V PLATTSMOUTH 00 JU V 6 th !'( V . ii 'I )' !! 'I I 7i ll 1 1- i f t 'I